Committee Reports::Report - Appropriation Accounts 1984::15 March, 1988::MIONTUAIRISC NA FINNEACHTA / Minutes of Evidence



25 November, 1986.

The Clerk to the Committee,

Committee of Public Accounts,

Dáil Éireann,

Kildare Street,

Dublin 2.

Appropriation Accounts 1983

Vote: Post-Primary Education, Subhead A2.

Annual Grants to Vocational Education Committees.

A Chara,

I refer to the meeting of the Committee on Public Accounts on 2 May 1985 when the Appropriation Accounts of 1982 and 1983 in respect of the Votes for the Department of Education were examined.

During the course of discussions on the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General on the 1983 Appropriation Accounts (paragraph 43) I undertook to look into the possibility of directing Chief Executive Officers of Vocational Education Committees to make a direct report to the Department following audit of Committees’ accounts by the Local Government auditor.

A Consultative Council was appointed on 31st October 1985 by Order of the Minister for Education under Section 104 of the Vocational Education Act 1930, to examine the procedures for the allocation and control of the expenditure of Vocational Education Committees. The terms of reference of the Council have been extended and include setting up a Working Party to examine and make recommendations on revision of the Vocational Education Regulations (No. 11) 1930, the Vocational Education (Accounts, Audit and Procedure) Regulations, 1931 and the Vocational Education (Contracts) Regulations, 1931, as amended.

Consideration of the question of reporting to the Department of Education following audit of Committees’ Accounts by the Local Government Auditor would fall within the terms of reference of the Consultative Council and accordingly I have referred the matter for consideration by the Council during the course of its deliberations.

Mise, le meas,

D. Ó Braonáin,


An Roinn Oideachais,

(Department of Education).