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APPENDIX 4Fortieth session Agenda item 35 POLICIES OF APARTHEID OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Cameroon, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Yemen, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, German Democratic Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Nicaraqua, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, United Republic of Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zaire, Zambia, and Zimbabwe: draft resolution Comprehensive sanctions against the racist régime of South Africa The General Assembly, Recalling and reaffirming its resolution 39/72 A of 13 December 1984, Recalling its relevant resolutions and those of the Security Council calling for concerted international action to force the racist régime to start eliminating apartheid by putting an immediate and to repressive practices against the black majority, releasing all political prisoners, abrogating all racist laws and regulations, dismantling hantustans and finding a political solution to the crisis in South Africa through the full participation of the black majority in determining their future, Taking note of the declarations of the following conferences, meeting and seminar organized by the Special Committee: (a) The special session on the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre, held at Headquarters on 25 March 1985; (b) The International Conference on women and Children under Apartheid, held at Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from 5 to 7 May 1985; 85-35188 24612 (E) (c) The International Conference on Sports Boycott of South Africa, held in Paris, France from 16 to 19 May 1985; (d) The international Seminar on Racist Ideologies and Organizations Hindering Efforts for the Elimination of Apartheid and Means to Combat Them, held in Siofok, Hungary, from 9 to 11 September 1985; Gravely concerned over the breaches of peace and the threat to international peace and security resulting from the escalation of violence against the oppressed people of South Africa by the apartheid régime, its acts of aggression against neighbouring African independent States and its continued occupation of Namibia, Deeply shocked by the policy of extermination carried out by the racist régime towards the black civilian population of South Africa, Reaffirming that apartheid is a crime against humanity, which should be eliminated without any further delay, and that the United Nations has a primary responsibility to assist in efforts to eliminate this threat to international peace and security, Reaffirming its support to the struggle of the people of South Africa for the exercise of their right to self-determination and for the establishment of a democratic, united and non-racial South Africa where all the people participate freely to determine their destiny, Reaffirming its conviction that comprehensive and mandatory sanctions imposed by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, universally applied, would be the most appropriate and effective and peaceful means by which the international community can assist the legitimate struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa and discharge its responsibilities for the maintenance of international peace and security, Considering that political, economic, military, cultural and other forms of collaboration with the racist régime of South Africa bolster the régime in its attempt to break its international isolation, thus encouraging it to persist in its defiance of the world public opinion and to escalate its repression, aggression and destabilization, Considering also that collaboration with the racist régime of South Africa and in particular in the political, economic, military and cultural fields displays an utter insensitivity towards prolonged suffering of the oppressed people of South Africa as a result of the criminal acts and policies of the racist régime of South Africa, Expressing its grave concern at the continued violation of the arms embargo as well as nuclear collaboration by certain Western States and Israel with the racist régime of South Africa, Deploring the attitude of those Western permanent members of the Security Council that have so far prevented the Council from adopting comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, Commending the Secretary-General for his efforts to ensure concerted action by organizations with the United Nations system against apartheid Taking note with appreciation of the resolution adopted on 27 September 1985 by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency on South Africa’s nuclear capability, 1/ Expressing its appreciation to Governments that have adopted measures and policies against collaboration with the apartheid régime of South Africa, Welcoming action taken by legislators, municipalities and other government institutions as well as universities, churches, labour unions, student and women groups and anti-apartheid movements to divest from corporations and financial institutions that are collaborating with South Africa, Commending decisions of those banks, financial institutions and other corporations that have withdrawn from South Africa and decided not to extend any loans or credits to it, Urging Member States that have not yet done so to adopt legislative and other measures to ensure the total isolation of the racist régime of South Africa in political, military, nuclear, economic, cultural and other fields, Commending athletes, entertainers and others who have demonstrated solidarity with the oppressed people of South Africa by complying with the boycotts of South Africa, 1. Endorses the annual report of the Special Committee against Apartheid; 2/ 2. Commends to the attention of all Governments and organizations the declarations of the conferences and seminars organized or co-sponsored by the Special Committee; 3. Strongly condemns the racist régime of South Africa for its brutal oppression, repression and violence against the people of South Africa, its illegal occupation of Namibia and its repeated acts of aggression, subversion, terrorism and destabilization against independent African States; 4. Condemns the policies of “constructive engagement” and active collaboration with the apartheid régime followed by the Governments of certain Western and other States which give encouragement to the racist régime in its repression of the people’s legitimate struggle, aggression against neighbouring States and defiance of the decisions and resolutions of the United Nations, and appeals to these Governments to abandon such policies and join in the concerted efforts to bring a speedy and to apartheid; 5. Condemns the activities of those transnational corporations and financial institutions that have continued political, economic, military and nuclear collaboration with the racist minority régime of South Africa ignoring repeated appeals by the General Assembly; 6. Again declares that it is the responsibility of the United Nations and the international community as a whole to assist the people of South Africa to eliminate apartheid through cessation of any form of collaboration with the régime; 7. Again calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and, in particular: (a) To review the implementation of and to re-enforce the mandatory arms embargo against South Africa adopted in its resolution 418 (1977); (b) To strengthen the voluntary embargo on the imports of arms from South Africa adopted by its resolution 558 (1984) by rendering it mandatory and cover the imports of related materials in addition to arms and ammunitions; (c) To prohibit all co-operation with South Africa, particularly in the military and nuclear fields, by Governments, corporations, institutions and individuals; (d) To impose a total ban on all forms of nuclear collaboration with South Africa, including effective embargoes on the imports of South African and Namibian uranium and on the export and supply of nuclear material, equipment or technology to South Africa; (e) To impose an effective embargo on the supply of oil and oil products to South Africa and on all assistance to the oil industry in South Africa, particularly to the oil from coal industry; (f) To prohibit financial loans and credits to and investment in South Africa; (g) To ban all trade with South Africa; 8. Requests all States, individually and collectively, to take all appropriate measures to facilitate such action by the Security Council; 9. Requests all States that have not yet done so, pending action by the Security Council, to adopt legislative and/or other comparable measures to ensure the following: (a) Strict implementation of the arms embargo against South Africa, including the prohibition of imports of arms from South Africa and the enactment of appropriate legislation to ensure such a ban; (b) Prohibition of any form of collaboration with South Africa in the military and nuclear fields; (c) Effective implementation of ban on all trade with South Africa and, in particular, the sale of krugerrands and the import of gold, uranium, coal and other minerals; (d) Prohibition of the supply of oil and oil products to South Africa as well as technology to its oil industry; (e) Prohibition of financial loans and investments as well as the withdrawal of investment in South Africa; (f) Speedy accession to or ratification of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid; 3/ (g) Observance of sports, cultural, academic, consumer, tourism and other boycotts of South Africa; 10. Requests all States concerned to take action against corporations and other interests that violate the mandatory arms embargo against South Africa and those that are involved in the illicit supply to South Africa of oil and oil products in spite of the embargo imposed on the supply of oil and oil products to South Africa, as well as those who persist in collaboration with the apartheid régime; 11. Calls upon States and organizations to support United Nations action for total isolation of the apartheid régime of South Africa and to co-operate with the Special Committee against Apartheid for the achievement of this goal; 12. Calls upon all organizations within the United Nations system as well as other international organizations that have not yet done so to exclude forthwith the South African régime from their membership; 13. Calls upon the Economic Commission for Europe to discontinue all contacts with the racist régime of South Africa and to terminate all co-operation with it; 14. Calls once again upon the International Monetary Fund urgently to terminate credit and other assistance to the racist régime of South Africa; 15. Calls upon all organizations within the United Nations system to take all necessary measures: (a) To withhold any facilities from or investments of any funds in banks, financial institutions and corporations that are doing business with South Africa; (b) To refrain from purchasing directly or indirectly products of South African origin; (c) To deny any contracts or facilities to corporations collaborating with South Africa and not to invest any money in them; (d) To prohibit any official travel by South African Airways or South African shipping lines; 16. Strongly supports the movement against conscription into the armed forces of the racist régime of South Africa; 17. Invites all Governments and organizations to assist, in consultations with the liberation movements, persons genuinely compelled to leave South Africa because of their objection on the ground of conscience to serving in the military or police force of the apartheid régime; 18. Further commends anti-apartheid movements, religious bodies, trade unions, student and women organizations and other groups engaged in campaigns for the isolation of the apartheid régime and for assistance to the South African liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity; 19. Requests and authorizes the Special Committee against Apartheid to redouble its efforts and intensify its activities for the total isolation of the apartheid régime, for promoting comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and for mobilizing public opinion and encouraging public action against collaboration with South Africa; 20. Further requests the Special Committee to keep the matter of collaboration between South Africa and Israel and between South Africa and any other State under constant review and to report to the General Assembly and the Security Council as appropriate. 1/ See A/40/576 and Corr. 1. 2/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Fortieth Session, Supplement No. 22 (A/40/22). 3/ Resolution 3068 (XXVIII), annex. |
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