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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture Grants Page 110 (no question) Agriculture Aids to Farmers in Certain Less Favoured Areas 393 Audit of accounts 341-342 par 4 Collection of Monetary Compensatory Amounts 364 Delays in Collection of Monetary Compensatory Amounts 338-340 par 1 “carousel” trade in pigs and barley 338 Disposal of intervention beef 343, 350-356, 358-359 Eradication of bovine turberculosis and brucellosis 372, unauthorised movement of cattle 372-376, par 60 Farm Modernisation Scheme 400 Foreign Agents 347-349 International Co-operation 399 Lime Transport Subsidy 387-388 Open tender 344 Payment to Bovine TB and Brucellosis Eradication Schemes Hardship Fund (Grant-in-Aid) 390 Salaries, Wages and Allowances, overtime 365-366 par 59 Scholarships and Training 385-386 Sheep Headage Grants 391 Storage and transport of intervention beef 360-361 par 40 Subsidies on Milk and Dairy Produce 394-398 Supply of meat 356-357 Suspense Account 380-383 University Colleges 384 VAT on Intervention Transactions 362-363 Army Pensions Reasons for Excess of Expenditure over Grant 55-56 Military Service Pensions 57-58 Attorney General, Office of the Defence of Public Servants 160-161 Fees to Counsel 158 General Law Expenses 159 Law Reform Commission 153-156, par 31 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 157 Central Statistics Office Collection of Statistics 62-63 EEC receipts, surveys 64-68 Charitable Donations and Bequests Allowance to Clerk of Accounts 104 Bequests 106-110 Charitable Organisations 105 Legal Administrative Difficulties 102 Staff 103 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 111 Civil Service Commission Appropriations-in-Aid 181-182 Computerisation 180 Examiners fees 177-178, medical examination 179 Collins, Mr. C Social Welfare 209-269 Comhairle Ealaoin Expenditure 76 Role 77 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture 364, 365, 372, 377, 380 Army Pensions 55 Defence 26, 28 Fisheries 522 Forestry 531 Garda Siochana 506-510 Health 275 Industry, Commerce and Energy 119 Labour 315 Environment 553, 557, 558 Officer of the Minister for Education 435, 436, 444, 447 Office of the Revenue Commissioners 603-607, 613-621 Posts and Telegraphs 640, 641, 643, 659, 660-661, 668 General Report 13 Public Works and Buildings 692, 698, 711 Roinn na Gaeltachta 598 Secondary Education 474 Social Welfare 232, 235, 239, 241, 248, 255, 257, 259 Stationery Office 59 Comptroller and Auditor General Salaries, Wages and Allowances 590-596 par 64 Courts Page 208 (no question) Defence Animals, Forage, etc. 47-49 Assistance to Sail Training 52-53 Barrack Services 39 Certification of Claims 26-27 Civilians attached to units 37-38 Compensation 50 Computer Equipment 28-29 par 53 Defensive Equipment 40-42, maintenance 45-46 Efficiency of Maintaining Barracks 31-35 Lands 51 Loss of Staff 30 Permanent Defence Force: Pay 36 Reserve Defence Force: Pay 43-44 Transportation 54 Doris, Mrs. A. Charitable Donations and Bequests 102-111 Economic Planning and Development Dublin Inner City Group Development Fund 86-88 Economic and Social Research Institute 82 European Space Agency 83-84 Muintir na Tire 89-91 Reports from Consultants 78-81 Special Regional Development Fund 85 Education, Office of the Minister Grant-in-aid Fund for Youth and Sports Organisations 443-445 Development Schemes 454-455 Grants to Colleges providing courses in Irish 450 Grants to Voluntary Organisations towards employment of Development Officers 453 Grant towards clerical assistants 452 Grant for Youth Employment Service 446-448 Higher Education Grants 420-423 par 15 Internal Audit System 424 par 16 International Activities 449 Local Contribution towards capital costs 411-418 Irish-English dictionary, contract 434-441 Reconciliation of outstanding payable orders 432 par 39 Residential Homes and Special Schools, structural defects 430-1 Sites for Community Schools 430-432 Social Welfare Benefits, deductions 424 Thomond College, Building defects 425 Transport Services 451 Employment Guarantee Fund Expenditure 25 Environment Consultancy Services 559 Grants in respect of Environmental Works and Dangerous Places 565-567 Licensing and registration of Motor Vehicles, Drivers 558 Local Improvement Scheme 571-572 Private Housing Grants 553 Par 44 and 63 Recoupment of Expenditure in respect of Register of Electors 568-570 Technical Assistance 573 Water Supply and Sewerage Subsidies 561-564 Finance, Office of the Minister Consultancy Services 17 Management of Government Stocks 19 National Savings Committee — request for recoupment of Salaries 20 Office Machinery — computer programming requirements 18 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara 527-528 Claims for EEC Grants 521 Exploratory Fishing Vessels, construction 526 Fishery School 524 Killala Harbour Works 520 par 7 Killybegs Fishery Harbour, equipment 522-523 Main Fishery Harbour works 525 Foreign Affairs, Office of the Minister Contribution to Bodies in Ireland for the furtherance of International Relations 168 Cross Border Studies 165 Information Services 167 Repatriation and Maintenance of Irish Persons abroad 166, 169 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 162 Scolaireachtai Comalairte, An Bord 170-171 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 162-164 Forestry Forest Development 536 Forestry Education 539 Grants for Afforestation Purposes 537-538 Land acquisition 534-535 Office Machinery and other Supplies 533 Recovery of Monies 529 Sales of Timber 530 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Grants for Community Centre 598 Leithris-i-gCabhair 602 Tithe Gaeltachta 601 Garda Siochana Computer based payroll system 506-511 par 62 Payments for services rendered 514 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 512 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 513 Graham, Mr. P. Comptroller and Auditor General 590-596 Harman, Mr. J. F. Stationery Office 59-61 Health Community Pharmacists 274 par 22 Consultant Services 277-279 Farmers Contribution 271-272 par 10 Grants to Health Boards 275-276, 280, 283 par 57 Grant to VHI Board 284 Health Contributions 270 par 10 ISPCC 281 Leopardstown Park Hospital 285 Payments from Department of Health and Social Security 286-289 Report: rebates and discounts on prescriptions 273 par 21 Vaccine Lymph Supply 282 Healy, Mr. M. J. Houses of the Oireachtas and the European Assembly 578-587 Healy, Mr. M. P. Army Pensions 55-58 Defence 26-54 Hensey, B. Health 270-289 Higher Education Cork Hospitals Board 498 Holloway, Mr. J. C. Industry, Commerce and Energy 112-139 par 37, par 38 Houses of the Oireachtas and the European Assembly Consultancy Services for Joint Committee on State Sponsored Bodies 586-587 Incidental expenses and travelling of Officers and Staff 582 Payment for Secretarial Assistance 579-580 Restaurant expenses 583-585 Salaries of Holders of certain Appointed Offices 577-8 Industry, Commerce and Energy Avoca Mines and NET, connection 120, state support 119 Consultancy Services 122 Credit Financing of certain capital goods exports 125 Energy Conservation, publicity expenditure 136 Export Guarantees, rescheduling arrangements 112-116 par 37 Geological Survey 127 Interest Subsidy to Shipping Finance Corporation Ltd 130 International Organisations 126 Irish Productivity Centre, functions 128 Kilkenny Design Workshops 117-118 par 38 Mianrai Teoranta 132 Minerals Development, GSO 123, compensation 124 National Film Studios of Ireland Ltd. 133-135 Public Service Pensions 121 Rural Electrification 137-139 Shipbuilding 129 Technical Assistance 131 International Cooperation Contribution to Agency for Personal Services Overseas 173 Contribution to International Organisations 172 Disaster Relief 174-175 Payment for the benefit of Developing Countries arising from membership of EEC 176 Payment to Grant-in-Aid Fund for Bilateral and other Aid Contributions 176 Justice, Office of the Minister Compensation for Injuries Criminally inflicted 504 Consultancy Services 502 Grants to Adoption Societies 505 Legal Aid — Criminal 503 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 501 Labour An Chomhairle Oiliuna — Grant to AnCO 326 Claims for EEC Grants, in respect of the Social Fund 308-314 Council for Status of Women 331 Employment Equality Agency 332 Employment Incentive Schemes 327-328 Employment Maintenance Scheme, claims 315-323 par 58 Graduate Conversion Courses Allowances 334 Grants for Advisory Services for Emigrants 330 Irish Management Institute Grant for Training 336 National Hire Agency 337 National Industrial Safety Organisation 335 Resettlement Allowances 324-325 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 329 Lands Control of expenditure 401 par 20 Gratuities to ex-employees 408 Improvement of Estates, etc. 406 Legal Expenses 402 Life Annuities and Premiums, Retirement Scheme 407, 409 Rent and Interest accounts 403, letting 403-405 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Travelling and Incidental Expenses 519 Linehan, Mr. T. P. Central Statistics Office 62-68 Mac Gamhna, Mr. S. Public Service 290-303 Remuneration page 164 (no question) Superannuation and Retired Allowance 304-307 McMahon, Mr. N. Tourism and Transport 92-101 McMahon Mr. P. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 607-639 Meagher, Mr. G. A. Audit of accounts of local authorities 540 par 8 Certification of claims against voted monies 551 Duplicate payments of housing grants 553-556 par 63 Environment 553-576 Grant qualifications 550-551 Abortive calls 552 Housing grants 544-547 par 26 Housing grant inspections 548-549. Housing Subsidy, Dublin and Mayo County Councils, 541-542 par 9, par 14 Minute of the Minister for Finance 540-552 Motor Vehicle duties 558 Minute of the Minister for Finance (Appropriation Accounts 1978) Arrears of Social Welfare contributions 222-224 Audit of Local Authorities accounts 540 Bail moneys, disposal of 500 Children’sowance orders 209-215 Claims for EEC grants 308, 521 Clearance of payable orders by PMG 4-9 Computerised payments system 216-221, 290-294 Export guarantees 112-115 Farmers retirement scheme 401 FEOGA accounts 341-359 Garda Síochána, clearance of advances 459 GMS prescriptions, rebates and discounts 273 Harbour works at Killala 520 Health Boards, employment of full-time pharmacist 274 Health contributions, refunds 231, improvements in system of collection 270-2 Higher Education Grants 420-423 Housing grants 544-7, inspections 548-552 Housing subsidy, overissue 541-2 Internal audit system, secondary education 424 Intervention Beef, storage and transport of 360-1 Irish Board Mills, advances to receiver 529 Kilkenny Design Workshops 117-8 Law Reform Commission 153-156 Local contribution towards Community Schools 3, 411-419 MCAs, delay in collection of 338-340 Registration of title for school sites 426-8 Remedial works at Special School 430-1 Sales of timber 530 Social Assistance refunds, over-payments of 225-230 Subsidisation of rent arrears 543 Thomond College, building defects 425 VAT on intervention transactions 362-3 Miscellaneous Expenses Compensation for damage caused by detonation of torpedo in Kilmore Quay 24 Recoupment to Central Bank of payments to Liquidator of Irish Trust Bank Ltd. 23 National Gallery Conservation of Works of Art 140-142 Extra Remuneration 143-144, 146-148 Purchase and Repair of Pictures 140-142 Purchase of Books and Journals 150 Reproductions 145 O Briain, Mr. D. C. Civil Service Commission 177-182 O Ceallaigh, Mr. S. Posts and Telegraphs 640-691 O Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 308-337 O Cofaigh, Mr. T. F. Agricultural Grants Page 110 (no question) Employment Guarantee Fund 25 Minute of Minister for Finance 1-13, Miscellanieous expenses 23-24 Office of the Minister for Finance 17-20 President’s Establishment 14-16 Secret Service Page 109 (no question) State Laboratory 21-22 O Laidhin, Mr. L. Higher Education 498 Office of the Minister for Education 410-455 Primary Education 456-473 Residential Homes and Special Schools 494-497 Secondary Education 474-481 Vocational Education 482-493 O’Leary, Mr. S. Office of Director of Public Prosecutions 151-152 O’Mahony, Mr. J. Agriculture 338-400 Lands 401-409 O’Rourke, Mr. A. International Cooperation 172-176 Office of Minister for Foreign Affairs 162-171 Posts and Telegraphs Accommodation and occupancy of buildings 643-655 Balancing Statement 640 Collection of Licence Fees 680-682 par 13 Commissions and Special Inquiries 678 Compensation allowance 683 Computerised Payroll System 641-642 Consultancy Services 679 Conveyance of Mails 674 Damage to equipment 666 Engineering Stores and equipment contracts 656-658 par 67 Engineering Works Orders, control procedure 659 Extra Remuneration 672 International Conferences and Conventions 676 International telecommunication circuits 675 Losses Classified Schedule, fraudulent withdrawals 684, robberies 685-686, precautions 687, allegations on staff 688, payment of unemployment assistance 689-690 Losses — savings banks 677 Overtime 670 Post Office Savings Bank accounts 668 Rebate of rental 667 Revenue from services 661-663 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 669, 671 Staff 664 Staff recuritment embargo 673 Stores 660 Telephone accounts 665 Potterton, Mr. H. National Gallery 140-151 Power, Mr. J. Fisheries 520-528 Forestry 529-539 Presidents Establishment Household staff 14 Incidental expenses 15 Post Office Services 16 Primary Education Appointment of temporary teachers 462-463 Building and Furnishing of National Schools, Central Remedial Clinic, Clontarf and Glenmore National School Kilkenny 471 Caretakers in National Schools 465-466 Child Care Assistance in Schools for the handicapped 467-470 Improvements in facilities and buildings 456-457 Special Courses for Teachers 458-461 Special Educational Projects 464 Superannuation of Teachers 472 Prisons Buildings and Equipment, new works 516 Educational Services 517 Extra Remuneration 518 Recruitment of Staff 515 Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director Fees to Counsel 152 Staffing 151 Public Service Civil Service Arbitration Board 297 Computerised Payments System (Central Data Processing Service) 290-294 Consultancy Services 295-296 Ex-gratia payments 299 Extra Remuneration 298 Recruitment of extra staff 302-303 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 300-301 Public Works and Buildings Arterial Drainage, surveys 723, construction works 724 Barretstown Castle Trust 744 Building project — concert hall 737-738 Capital for Building 703 Charges at harbours, parks 730-731 Chubb Alarm 740 Coast Protection 726 Compensation, damage to Property 722 Consultancy Services 714 Cost Benefit Analysis 702 Defence, Department of 709 Drainage of the Shannon 734-735 European Foundation 736 Floor Coverings 697 Fragmentation of Departments 708 Furniture and Fittings, issue of 694-696 Furniture deliveries, control of 692, reports 693 Grange Abbey 713 Holycross Abbey 711-712, 728 par 68 Irish Life Block 701 Leased Accommodation, occupation of 698-700 Maintenance and Supplies 719-720 Maintenance Fund 743 National Mounuments 727 New works, alterations and additions 718 Occupancy of Buildings 704-706 Payments to Suppliers 741-742 President’s Household Staff 715-716 Purchase and Maintenance of Plant and machinery 725 Purchase of Sites and Buildings 717 Recoveries from EEC, arterial drainage operations 733 Rent per square foot 710 Rent, rates 721 Richmond harbour 739 Sales of Property 732 Sporting and fishing rights 729 Standards for furnishing offices 696 Quigley, Mr. D. Office of the Attorney General 153-161 Rates on Government Property Amounts payable, monitoring 195-197 Appropriations-in-Aid 207-208 Rates on premises of External Governments 206 Valuation of premises 198-205 Remuneration Page 164 (no question) Residential Homes and Special Schools Building and Equipment Grants 496 Courses in Child Care 497 Special Schools 494 Transport Services 495 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Agricultural Produce duty 613 par 65 Assessment and Collection of taxes 605, 608-609 Collection and Payover of taxes 616 par 66 Consultancy Services 622 Expenses in connection with International Organisations 624 Extra Remuneration 629-631 Extra Statutory Repayments 606, 611 General Lighthouse Fund 627 Law Charges, Fees and Rewards 623 Net yield of revenue 604, 610 Proceeds of customs sales 626 Remissions and Amounts Irrecoverable 607, 612 Revenue Account 603 Special Attendance of Officers 625 Test bets 628 Travel, Subsistence and Removal Expenses 621 Value-Added Tax 618 par 43 Value-Added Tax Repayments 620 Ryan, Mr. D. Rates on Government Property 195-208 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 183-194 Scanlan, Mr. P. Public Works and Buildings 692-745 Secondary Education Aid towards cost of School Books 481 Courses for Secondary Teachers, cancellations, 479 Miscellaneous 480 Publication of Irish Text Books 477-478 Science and other Equipment Grants 476 Deductions from Salaries in respect of Social Welfare Benefits 474-475 par 6 Secret Service Page 109 (no question) Social Welfare Administration and liabilities after death 229 Central Data Processing Services, functions 216 par 27 Children’s allowance orders, Security and disposal of waste 209-214 par 23 Civil Proceedings for recovery of arrears 257-258 Collection of Health Contributions — refunds 231 par 47 Consultancy Services 263 Computerisation of Social Welfare benefits 215 Continued issue of pension orders following death 248-250 Distribution of payments through St. Vincent De Paul Society 235-238 par 56 Extra Remuneration 268-269 Inmates of institutions — benefits 227-228 Insured Persons’ Medical Certificates 264 Overpayment of benefits from Social Insurance, frauds 251-254 Overpayments on Social Assistance 259-261, 225-226 par 46 Prosecution of employers 255-256 Recovery of arrears of Social Welfare contributions 222-224 par 45 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 262 Social Assistance Allowance 267 Social Assistance and Social Insurance 232-234 par 55 Social Insurance Fund, post-dated cheques 239-241 Unemployment Assistance 265-266 State Laboratory Functions 21-22 Stationery Office Consultancy services 61 Printing company — termination of contracts 59-60 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Appropriations-in-Aid 307 Ex-gratia Pensions for Widows and Children of Civil Servants, Members of Judiciary and Court Officers 305 Payments under Contributory Pensions Schemes for Widows and Children of Civil Servants, members of Judiciary and Court Officers 305 Pension schemes for Widows and Children of Public Servants 304 par 11 Pensions to Resigned and Dismissed Royal Irish Constabulary, including widows 306 Superannuation Allowances, Compensation Allowances, Pensions and certain Children’s Allowances 305 Taoiseach, Department of Information and public Relations Services 69-71 Pearse Commemoration Projects 72-73 Post Office Services 74 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 74-75 Toibin, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 598-602 Tourism and Transport Consultancy Services 92 Flexi-time and Photo Copying equipment 93-95 Grants for Harbours 96-97 Grants to Coras Iompair Éireann 98 Investment Grants for Ships 101 State Airports 99-100 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Appropriations-in-Aid 188 par 54 Computer activity, curtailment 186-187 Staffing 183-185 Vocational Education Annual Grants to Vocational Education Committees 482-487 Audit of Accounts 483-487 Appropriations-in-Aid, contributions from EEC 490, EEC Social Fund 491-493 Grants under Section 109 of the Vocational Education Act 1930 489 Training of Teachers 488 Ward, Mr. A. Courts Page 208 (no question) Garda Siochana 506-514 par 62 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 519 Minute of Minister for Finance 499-500 par 49 Office of Minister for Justice 501-505 Prisons 515-518 Whelan, Dr. N. An Chomhairle Ealaoin 76-77 Department of the Taoiseach 69-75 Economic Planning and Development 78-91 |
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