Committee Reports::Interim and Final Report - Appropriation Accounts 1975::08 December, 1977::Proceedings of the Joint Committee


Proceedings of the Committee

Déardaoin, 8 Nollaig, 1977.

Thursday, 8th December, 1977.

1. The Committee met at 11.30 a.m.

2. Members Present

The following members were present:—

Deputies N. Andrews, Belton, V. Brady, V. de Valera, Kerrigan, Morley, F. O’Brien, O’Toole and Woods.

3. Election of Chairman

Motion made (Deputy Belton):

“That Deputy O’Toole be Chairman of the Committee.”

Question put and agreed to.

Deputy O’Toole took the Chair accordingly.

4. Ordered: That the sittings of the Committee be held in private.

5. The Committee deliberated.

6. Adjournment

The Committee adjourned at 12.50 p.m. until 11 a.m. on Thursday next.