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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Page 55 (no question) Agriculture Bacon and pork exports 569 Bord Bainne, An 538-541, 568 Bord Gráin, An 541 Bovine tuberculosis eradication 564 Brucellosis eradication 565 Cereals 570 Coras Beostoic agus Feola par 9 Errigal Co-Operative Society Ltd., grant-in-aid 560 Federation of Irish Bee-keepers’ Association, grants-in-aid 561 Foras Talúntais, An 548 Gaeltacht glasshouse scheme 571 Insecticides 562 Land Project 566 Livestock, improvement of 563 Meat industry, loans to par 15 Milk and dairy produce subsidies on 542-546 Miscellaneous schemes, details of 567, par 28 Monetary compensatory amounts, collection of 524-532, par 29 Quarantine facilities 549-555 Research and testing, fees 537 Scholarships and training 556-559 Travelling and incidental expenses 547 University College Cork, dairy science building 533-536 Wool trade 572 World Food Programme 573 Appendices, List of Page 161 Appropriation Accounts 1973-74, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts, 1972-73 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on Final Report on 1972-73 Accounts Appendix 2 Army Pensions Funeral grants 73 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 524-573 Fisheries 574-580 Central Statistics Office Machines, inclusion as incidental expenses par 12 Post Office services 137 Staffing 132-136, 139, 156-159 Statistics, collection and accuracy of 138, 140-155 Chairman Election 1 Takes Chair 2 Temporary Chairman elected 623 Charitable Donations and Bequests Activities of office, increase in 273, 275-277 Charitable organisations, control of 278 Staffing 274, 277 Chomhairle Ealaion, An Page 102 (no question) Civil Service Commission Extra remuneration 164 Local Appointments Commission 161, 163 Post Office services 161, 162 Staffing 160 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Staffing 624 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture 524, 525, 533, 537, 538, 542, 543, 545 Defence 46, 51, 53 Education, Office of the Minister 280, 282-286, 295 Finance, Office of the Minister 97 Foreign Affairs 419 Forestry 508 Gaeltachta, Roinn na 399, 410, 417 General Report 75, 83-86, 89, 90, 93 Health 630 Higher Education 365, 367 Industry and Commerce 3, 4, 37 International Co-operation 425, 428, 429, 431 Justice, Office of the Minister 253 Labour 599-601, 609 Lands 478 Local Government 372, 373, 375, 378-380, 382, 391 Miscellaneous Expenses 120 Posts and Telegraphs 200, 208, 217, 234, 242, 243 Prisons 267 Public Works and Buildings 177, 179, 181, 183 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 438, 454, 455 Secondary Education 333, 334 Social Welfare 640, 646, 651 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 165, 168, 169 Transport and Power 613 Vocational Education 349 Courts Staffing 271 Defence Animals, Forage etc. 61 Barrack services 67 Buildings 66 Civil Defence 58, 72 Civilian employees 57 Clothing and equipment 60 Defensive equipment 46-52 Duplicate control of certain activities par 1 Educational courses and visits 68 Helicopters 62-64 Land purchases 69 Losses 70, 71 Naval stores 65 Permanent Defence Forces 55 Provisions 59 Reserve Defence Force 55, 56 United Nations, payments due from 53, 54 Duignan, Mr. J. C. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 438-477 Education, Office of the Minister Archaeological excavations 316, 317 Bord an Choláiste Náisiúnta Ealaíne is Deartha, accounts 280-285 par 16 College of Europe, Bruges 302 Council of Europe conferences 306 Educational research 303 Educational tours for teachers 305 Fellowships 310, 311 Irish Countrywomen’s Association 322 Language Research 304 Muintir na Tire 322 Music Association of Ireland 323 National Council for Educational Awards 296-301 National Library 312-315 Physical Education 286, 287 Post Office services 295 Royal Irish Academy 318 Royal Irish Academy of Music 319 Royal Zoological Society of Ireland 320 Scientific research grants to students 309 Staffing 288-294, 324 University scholarships 307, 308 Youth and Sports Organisations, aid to 312 Estimates Format of Estimates Volume Appendix 10 Farrell, Mr. C. Public Works and Buildings 177-199 Finance, Office of the Minister Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies 123-126, par 4 Computers 98-103 Economic and Social Research Council 112, 113 Extra remuneration 115 Government Stocks, management of 107-111, Appendix 5 Grants-in-aid, 121, 122 pars 2, 3 Institute of Public Administration 112, 113 Post Office Services 106 Science and Technology 114 Special Regional Development Fund 97, par 5 Travel to Europe 104, 105 Fisheries Exploratory fishing vessel, sale of 578 Fishery harbour centres, grants to 575 Fishery limits 580 Harbour development 579 Pollution 576, 577 Training courses 574 Foreign Affairs Irish Council of the European Movement 419 Irish United Nations Association 419 Repatriation 422, 423 Staffing 420, 424 Travelling and incidental expenses 421 Forestry Acquisition of land 510 Damage to property 511 Film documentary 508, 509, par 27 Forest trails 513, 514 Forest fires 517, 518 Miscellaneous, details of heading 515, 516, par 28 Sawmilling 512 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Dingle Harbour scheme expenditure 410-412 Gaeltarra Éireann 417, 418, par 6 Housing grants paid in anticipation of legislation 399-409, par 24 Trainee courses 413-416 Galway Textile Printers Limited Page 57 (no question) Garda Síochána Post Office services 265 Staffing 263, 264 Transport 266 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Accounting principles, breaches of par 7 Central Fund 86-89 EEC Budget, contribution to 90-92 European Communities Act, issues under 93 Exchequer extra receipts 83 Outturn of the year 75-82 Stock and store accounts 85 Surrender of balances 84 Taiscí Stáit Teo., borrowing by in breach of statute par 8 Harman, Mr. J. F. Stationery Office 625-629 Health EEC social security provisions 630-632 General Medical Services (Payments) Board 635, 636 Health contributions, entitlement from 637-639 Microfilming of records 634 Registrars, allowances to 633 Healy, Mr. M. J. Houses of the Orieachtas 369, 370 Hensey, Dr. B. Health 630-639 Higher Education An tUdarás um Ard-Oideachas, cash balances of 365-367, par 23 Dublin Dental Hospital, building grant 368 Hynes, Mr. F. A. Social Welfare 640-658 Industry and Commerce Advertising and publicity 18 Ardmore Studios, purchase of 3-8, par 18 Commissions, committees etc. 33, 34 Extra remuneration 43, 44 Industrial Development Authority 29, 30 Institute for Industrial Research and Standards 28 Minerals development 19-27, 41, Appendix 4 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Ltd. 31 Shipbuilding subsidy 35-38 Staffing 9-16, par 19 Technical assistance 32 Trade marks and patents, fees 42 Travelling expenses 17 Weights and Measures Acts, fees 40 Wool textile industry, aid to 39 International Co-operation Developing countries, disaster relief and aid for 429-433 Interim Agency for Personal Service in Developing Countries 428 Travelling expenses 437 United Nations Emergency Force 425-427 United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa 434-436 Jacob, Mr. M Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) 624 Justice, Office of the Minister Committee on Irish and Comparative Law 255 Compensation for unsaleable chemical substances 256, 257 Free legal advice centres 253, 258 Insurance cards, stamping of par 11 Legal Aid, dispute affecting 259-261 Legal textbooks 254, 262 Keating, Mr. P. Foreign Affairs 419-424 International Co-operation 425-437 Labour Advisory services for emigrants 610 Career information 606-608 European Social Fund 611 ILO 604 Irish Management Institute 600, 609 Post Office services 603 Research 605 Resettlement allowances 599 Staffing 602, 612 Trade union education and advisory services 601 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Staffing 272 Lands Cash payments for land and failure to get possession 478-485 Excess annuities 503 Forestry, transfer of land for 486-490 Land bonds 494 Land, letting of 504 Rehabilitation of land 505 Staffing 492, 493, 506, 507 Untenanted land, income from and delay in division of 491, 495-502, 506, 507 Law Charges Counsel, fees to 520 Defence of public servants 522, 523 General law expenses 521 Travelling expenses 519 Linehan, Mr. T. P. Central Statistics Office 132-159 Local Government Driving tests 385-388 Employment schemes 395 Grants, transfer of administration to local authorities 372-374 Housing grants paid in anticipation of legislation 375-379, par 24 Housing subsidy 389-394 Interest subsidy for building societies 380, 381 Motor tax 382-384, par 13, Appendix 9 Road Fund 396-398 Mac Gearailt, Mr. S. See Comptroller and Auditor General Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 273-279 Meagher, Mr. G. A. Local Government 372-398 Miscellaneous Expenses Dublin Grand Opera Society 120, 121 Theatre, aid to 120, 121 Murray, Mr. C. H. Agricultural Grants Page 55 (no question) Finance, Office of the Minister 97-115, 121-126 Galway Textile printers Limited Page 57 (no question) General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General 75-93 Miscellaneous Expenses 120, 121 President’s Establishment 94-96 Secret Service 119 State Laboratory 116-118 National Gallery Post Office services 127 Purchase of pictures 128-130 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 508-518 Lands 478-507 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 599-612 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. Posts and Telegraphs 200-252 Ó Conaill, Mr. S. Civil Service Commission 160-164 Public Service, Office of the Minister for the 173-176 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 165-172 Ó Laoghaire, Mr. D. Education, Office of the Minister 280-324 Higher Education 365-368 Primary Education 325-332 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Page 100 (no question) Secondary Education 333-348 Vocational Education 349-364 Ó Murchú, Mr. P. Army Pensions 73, 74 Defence 46-72 Ó Ríordáin, Mr. D. Transport and Power 613-622 Ó Slatarra, Mr. P. Industry and Commerce 3-45 Ó Súilleabháin, Mr. D. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 102 (no question) Taoiseach, Department of 371 Oireachtas, Houses of the Travelling expenses 369, 370 Posts and Telegraphs Bank strike, effects of 237, 238 Commercial Accounts 209-216 Conveyance of mails 221-227 Extra remuneration 252 International conferences 228 Losses 229-236, 239-243, 249-251 Post Office Savings Bank 217-219 Radio na Gaeltachta capital equipment 245-248 Radio Telefís Éireann 244 Revenue 208 Stores 200-207 Travelling expenses 220 President’s Establishment Motor cars, replacement of 94-96 Primary Education Examinations 326 Fees for pupils in secondary tops 330 Heating, cleaning and painting of schools 328 School books 329 School requisites 327 Special courses for teachers 325 Special Educational Project 331 Superannuation etc. of teachers 332 Prisons Building programme 268, 269 Training facilities 270 Welfare services 267 Public Service, Office of the Minister for the Area of control 173, 174 PAYE in respect of retired teachers 175, 176 Public Works and Buildings Arterial drainage construction works 181, 182 Asgard, expense of operation of 195 Coast protection 193 Compensation for damage to property of external Governments 179, 180 Extra remuneration 199 Gael-Linn, payment of rent on premises par 14 Holycross Abbey 194 Interest on deposit receipts 198 Merrion Road property, sale of 196 New Works, Alterations and Additions 177, 178, 188-192, Appendix 6 Post Office services 197 Reen Pier, Co. Cork, contribution from County Council 183-185, par 20 Sites and Buildings, purchase of 186, 187 Quigley, Mr. D. Law Charges 519-523 Rates on Government Property Appropriation-in Aid 598 Premises occupied by representatives of external Governments 596, 597 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Page 100 (no question) Revenue Commissioners, Office of the General lighthouse fund 475 Import duties, application of revised rates 476, 477 Interest on tax overdue 455-460 International organisations 469 Machinery etc. 466, 470 Motor vehicles 467, 468 Post Office services 465 Printing 471, 472, 474 Revenue accounts 438, 439 Staffing 461-464 Tax collection, problems in administration of 440-452, par 25 Travelling expenses 473 Value-Added Tax 453, 454, par 26 Ryan, Mr. D. F. Rates on Government Property 596-598 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 581-595 Secondary Education Building grants and loans 333 Choirs and orchestras 338-340, 348 Comprehensive and Community Schools, costs 343, Appendix 7, par 21 Irish and bilingual schools 337 Irish textbooks 342, 344-347 Prefabricated buildings suspense account 334 Preparatory College, Falcarragh, sale of lands par 17 Scholarships and prizes 341 Science and other equipment grants 335, 336 Secret Service Ministers involved 119 Social Welfare Children’s allowances, reciprocity 640-644 Occupational injury benefit 656, 657 Overpayments of assistance and benefits 651-655 Reciprocal insurance arrangements 645, 658 Staffing 649, 650 Unmarried mothers, allowances for 646-648 State Laboratory Post Office services 118 Revenue service 116 Staffing 117 Stationery Office Copying machines 627 Paper costs 626 Sales of publications 628, 629 Staffing 625 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children, anticipation of legislation 165-170, 172, par 24 PAYE in respect of retired teachers 171 Taoiseach, Department of the Government Information Services 371 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 399-418 Transport and Power Airports, constructional works at 618 Bord Fuinnumh Núicléigh, An 613 Coras Iompair Éireann, grants to 614, 615 pars 10, 24 Limerick Inn fire escape 617 Passenger load fee at airports 622 Resort development 616 Rural electrification 620 Ships, investment grants for 621 Transport of staff 619 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Equipment 586, 587 Hydrographic charts 593 Maps 584-587, 591, 592, 594, 595 Staffing 581-585 Valuations 588-590 Vocational Education Accounting procedures re assistance to students at regional technical colleges 349-353, Appendix 8, par 22 Scholarship schemes 354-364 Ward, Mr. A. Courts 271 Garda Síochána 263-266 Justice, Office of the Minister 253-262 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 272 Prisons 267-270 White, Dr. J. National Gallery 127-131 |
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