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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report: references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Page 142 (no question) Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation, assisted loans 588 Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 558, 559 Beef Classification Scheme 581-586 Bord na gCapall, cash surplus 587 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication 519-529 Brucellosis Eradication 530-548 Córas Beostoic agus Feola, delay in submission of accounts 570-580, par 26 Dairy produce allowances 562-565 Export price support for beef, mutton and lamb 566 Land Project 549-557 Schools and Farms 518 Small Farm (Incentive Bonus) Scheme 560, 561 University College, Cork, alteration in plans for dairy science building at 511-517, Appendix 15, par 25 Wheat, disposal of excess 567-569 Appendices List of Page 201 Appropriation Accounts 1971-72, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts, 1970-71 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on Report on 1970-71 Accounts Appendix 2 Army Pensions MacSwiney (Pension) Acts 137 Medals, new applications 138-141 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 511-588 Fisheries 589-593 Central Mental Hospital Post Office services 768 Central Statistics Office Page 139 (no question) Chairman Election of 1 Takes Chair 2 Temporary Chairman elected 444 Charitable Donations and Bequests Staffing 288 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 141 (no question) Civil Service Commission Local authorities, payments by 499 Receipts from Departments 495-498 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Page 161 (no question) Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 558 Beef Classification Scheme 581 Bord na gCapall, cash surplus 587 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication 519, 529 Brucellosis Eradication 530 Córas Beostoic agus Feola, delay in submission of accounts 570, 577, 580 Dairy produce allowances 562, 563 Export price support for beef, mutton and lamb 566 Land Project 549 Schools and Farms 518 Small Farm (Incentive Bonus) Scheme 560 University College, Cork, alteration in plans for dairy science building at 511, 515 Wheat, disposal of excess 567 Defence Corvettes, disposal of 126, 127 Fishery protection vessel 125 United Nations, payments due from 128 Education, Office of the Minister Free Post-Primary Education Scheme 147 Higher Education Authority, ex-gratia payments 167 Higher Education Grants 169 Union of Students in Ireland, grant-in-aid 174 Finance, Office of the Minister Payments to Special Regional Development Fund 480 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara, waiver of liability 592 Fishery school 589 Forestry Lough Key Forest Park, improvement works 646 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Aircraft, grant for replacement 83 Airstrips on Aran Islands 76 Gael Linn, accounts 118, 121 Gaeltarra Éireann, diversion of grant-in-aid money 88, 98, 99 Hotel grant, waiver of interest 74 Oileán Chléire, electricity generating plant 87 Garda Síochána Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children 28-30 General Report See under General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Health Central Mental Hospital, revised arrangements for 763 Health Boards, grants 763 Health contributions, appropriation of 764 Industry and Commerce Córas Tráchtála, grants 238 Kilkenny Design Workshops 238 Rossmore (New) Collieries Ltd., maintenance expenses 243 Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd., housing subsidies 239, 241 Shipping Finance Corporation, interest subsidy 242 State mining lease dispute 244 Justice Salary increases from Vote for Remuneration 3 Lands Experimental group farm project at Grennanstown 594 Land acquired still in possession of vendor 609 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds (Excess Vote) Excess expenditure over the estimate 59, 63 Local Government Motor vehicle duties 65 Miscellaneous Expenses British Special Import Deposit Scheme 508 Racing Board, grant-in-aid 507 Posts and Telegraphs Departmental telephone accounts 279 Post Office Savings Bank 270 Revenue accounts 263 Store accounts 262 Telephone accounts overdue 264 Primary Education Church of Ireland Training College, excess expenditure 218, 219, 223, 224, 227, 228, 230, 231, 235, 669, 677, 683 New curriculum, printing of 691 Salary overpayments 688 Special courses for teachers, charge for liabilities not matured 685, 687 Special Educational Project 689 Public Works and Buildings Arterial drainage construction works 395 Cost Benefit study of drainage schemes 396 Excavators, delays in overhauls 410 New Works, Alterations and Additions, sanction for 413 National School grants 393 Wages, departure from paying procedures 403, 408 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Child-care course paid for out of capitation grant subhead 719 Reconstruction and restoration work paid for out of capitation grant subheads 712, 713, 716 Remand Home and Assessment Centre, Finglas 721 St. Lawrence’s, Finglas, building costs 720 Training School for Boys, Oberstown 721 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Extra-statutory repayments of customs and other duties 361 Income tax owed by firms in liquidation 363 Remissions and amounts irrecoverable 362 Revenue accounts 358, 359 Tax outstanding, analysis of 360 Turnover tax on dances 365 Secondary Education Building grants and loans 693, 694 Comprehensive schools component system, subhead provision for 695, 696 costs 695 Prefabricated building units suspense account 700, 702, 705 Science and other equipment grants, overpayments on 692 Widows, and orphans, pensions suspense account 698 Social Welfare Overpayments of assistance and benefits 283 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children 500 Taoiseach, Department of the Fees for public relations service 477 Transport and Power Bord Fáilte Éireann, grants to 751 Córas Iompair Éireann consultancy firm, fees to 752 failure to repay interest on capital advances 730, 736 free travel services, recoupment for 750 statutory approval for grant, lack of 742, 747, 748 Landing fees at airports 756 Passenger load fee at airports 755 Royal National Lifeboat Institution, grant-in-aid 754 Ships, investment grants for 753 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Limerick Institute of Higher Education 723-725, 727, 728 National College of Physical Education 726, 727 University College, Cork, capital equipment 728 Vocational Education Regional technical colleges, costs 708 Courts Page 62 (no question) Defence Buildings, expenditure on 131 Corvettes, disposal of 126, 127 Defensive equipment, savings on 129 Duplicate control of certain activities par 3 Fishery protection vessel 125 Mechanical transport, savings on 130 Savings on various subheads 132-134 Supplementary estimates, level of 135, 136 United Nations, payments due from 128 Duignan, Mr. J. C. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 358-392 Education, Office of the Minister Academic proficiency, standards of 178 Accounting principles, breaches of par 23 Adult education courses 214 Archaeological research 213 Audio-visual aids 202, 203 Books, purchase of 206 Council of Europe committee meeting 189 Courses in Irish, grants to colleges 201 Educational concepts 159 Educational research 181-184 Educational tours for teachers 188 Fellowships 193 Free post-primary education scheme 147 Free books scheme 148-158, 160 Appendix 6 Higher Education Authority 167, 168, 180 Higher education grants 169-173, 194, 195 Irish-English dictionary 198-200 Language research 185 National Library accommodation 207-211 National Museum accommodation 212 Non-voted funds 216, 217 Physical education 204, 205 Post office services 179 Publications in Irish 196, 197 School transport scheme 161-166 Scientific research grants 191 Student exchange scholarships 192 Union of Students in Ireland 174-177 University scholarships 190 Voluntary youth organisations 215 Fagan, Mr. A. J. (Department of Finance) Transport and Power 749, 762 Farrell, Mr. C. Public Works and Buildings 393-439 Finance, Office of the Minister Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies par 9 County development work 484 Government stocks, management of 481-483 par 17 Grants-in-aid pars 6, 7 Minute of the Minister, Appendix 2 Rationalisation in relation to State funds par 8 Recruitment of civil service staff par 2 Science and technology, university industry co-operation 485, Appendix 12 Special Regional Development Fund 480, 486-491, Appendix 13 par 10 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara, waiver of liability 592, 593 Fishery school 589 Recruitment of fishermen 590, 591 Foreign Affairs Information booklets and films, receipts from 349-351 Repatriation 345-348 Forestry Game development and management, savings on 648 Lough Key Forest Park, improvement works 646 Wages for sawmill operators 647 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Aran Islands aircraft and airstrips 76-81, 83-86 Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, grant-in-aid 112 Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge 123 Conradh na Gaeilge 123 Gael-Linn 106-109, 113-122 Gaeltarra Éireann, diversion of grant-in-aid money 88-104, 124 Appendix 5 pars 20, 23 Hotel grant, waiver of interest 74, 75 Housing grants 105 Oileán Chléire, electricity generating plant 87 Sailings to Inis Mór and Inis Meáin 81, 82 Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe, grant 110, 111 Garda Síochána Accidents involving Garda personnel 50-52 Clothing and Equipment 36-39 Ex-gratia pension payments for women and children 28-30 par 19 Insurance for State cars 45-49, 53, 54 Post office services 34, 35 Recruitment 31 Station services 40, 41 Transport 42-44 Wireless equipment 32, 33 par 18 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Accounting principles, breaches of 451-464 Appendix 11 par 23 Appropriation accounts, delay in submission of 445-447 British and Irish Steam Packet Company, financial arrangements 470 Central Fund 465 Exchequer extra receipts 450 Industrial Credit Company, special interest terms 469 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, loan agreement 471 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, overspending of Vote 449 Outturn of the year 448 Programme budgeting 452-454 Appendix 11 Stock and Store accounts 450 Surrender of Balances 450 Taiscí Stáit Teo., borrowing by in breach of statute 466-468 par 24 Health Bord Altranais, An, grants to 766 Central Mental Hospital, revised arrangements for 763 Fluoridation equipment 767 Health boards, grants 763 Health contributions, appropriation of 764 Microfilming of records 765 Voluntary hospitals, deficits of par 4 Hensey, Dr. B. J. Central Mental Hospital 768 Health 763-767 Industry and Commerce Ballingarry colliery royalties 247 Buy Irish Campaign 255, 256 Córas Tráchtála, grants 238 Ex-gratia payments for minor accidents 257 Export guarantee arrangements 249 Friendly Societies, advertising expenses re 246 Industrial Development Authority, budget procedure 254 Kilkenny Design Workshops 238 Post Office services 245 Rossmore (New) Collieries, maintenance expenses 243 Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd. grants to industrialists 248 housing subsidies 239-241 Shipping Finance Corporation, interest subsidy 242 State mining lease dispute 244 State-sponsored bodies, supervision of expenditure of 250-253, 261 Weights and measures, control of 258-260 International Co-operation Overseas Trainee Fund Account 356, 357 United Nations contributions 352, 353 refugee fund 354 special fund 355 Jacob, Mr. M. Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Page 161 (no question) Also for Comptroller and Auditor General 16th May 1974 Justice, Office of the Minister Commissions and Special Inquiries 24 Committee on Irish and Comparative Law 22, 23 EEC, impact of entry to 4 Legal aid 25-27 Post Office services, accounting methods 5-8 Salary increases from Vote for Remuneration 3 Textbooks, provisions of legal 9-21 Keating, Mr. P. Foreign Affairs 345-351 International Co-operation 352-357 Labour An Chomhairle Oiliúna 441 Research projects 440 Secondment of staff 442 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Page 65 (no question) Land Registry and Registry of Deeds (Excess Vote) Excess expenditure 59, 60, 63, Interim Report Salary increases 64 Appendix 4 Staffing difficulties 61, 62 Lands Experimental group farm projects 594-608 Houses on land acquired, condition of 625-628 Land acquired, still in possession of vendor 609-613 division, delays in 627, 630, 639 letting policy 617-619 prices, purchase and re-sale, of lands allotted in 1973-74 631-643 Appendix 16 par 27 re-sale policy 614-616, 620-624, 629-639 Land Bonds, sale of 645 Office equipment 644 Law Charges Defence of public servants 505, 506 Fees to counsel 504 Local Government Employment schemes 67 Housing grants and subsidies 66 Local Improvements Scheme 68, 69 Motor vehicle duties 65 Technical assistance 70-72 Mac Gearailt, Mr. S. See Comptroller and Auditor General Mac Guill, Mr. P. Stationery Office 289-321 McNicholl, Mr. J. M. Rates on Government Property 341-344 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 322-339 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 288 Miscellaneous Expenses British Special Import Deposit Scheme 508 Racing Board, grant-in-aid 507 Murray, Mr. C. H. Agricultural Grants page 142 (no question) Central Statistics Office page 139 (no question) Comhairle Ealaíon, An page 141 (no question) Civil Service Commission 495-499 Finance, Office of the Minister 480-491 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General 445-471 Law Charges 504-506 Miscellaneous Expenses 507, 508 Oireachtas, Houses of the 472-476 Pension Increases and Allowances page 143 (no question) President’s Establishment page 138 (no question) Remuneration 509, 510 Secret Service page 142 (no question) State Laboratory 492-494 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 500-503 Taoiseach, Department of the 477-479 National Gallery Bequests, audit of 146 Entrance to from Kildare Street 145 Grant-in-aid accounts 144 Purchase of pictures 142, 143 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 646-648 Lands 594-645 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 440-443 Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions 137-141 Defence 125-136 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. L. Posts and Telegraphs 262-282 Ó Conchobhair, Mr. S. Education, Office of the Minister 147-217 Primary Education 218-237, 649-691 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 712-722 Secondary Education 692-707 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 723-729 Vocational Education 708-711 Ó hEidhin, Mr. P. A. Social Welfare 283-287 Ó Riordáin, Mr. D. Transport and Power 730-762 Ó Slatarra, Mr. P. Industry and Commerce 238-261 Oireachtas, Houses of the Former Members, ex-gratia payments to 473-475 Savings on subheads 472 Witnesses’ expenses 476 Pension Increases and Allowances Page 143 (no question) Posts and Telegraphs Building costs 273 Departmental telephone accounts 276-279 Losses 274 Post Office Savings Bank 270, 271 Revenue 263 Staffing 272 Stores 262, 280 Telephone accounts outstanding 264-269 Telephone booths, damage to 275 Telephone cables, laying of 281, 282 President’s Establishment Page 138 (no question) Primary Education Accommodation requirements, changes in par 13 Church of Ireland Training College, excess expenditure on 218-237, 649-684 par 28 Finance, Department of, control of expenditure by 652-684 Appendix 17 New curriculum, printing of 691 Salary overpayments 688 Special courses for teachers, charge for liabilities not matured 685-687 par 29 Special Educational Project 689, 690 Prisons Farm profits 55-58 Public Works and Buildings Accommodation for Departments location of 422, 423 renting of 416-420 sites for 421 Ancient monuments, preservation of 414 Arterial drainage construction works 395 cost/benefit 396-400 par 14 county councils, recoveries from 437 maintenance 401, 402 Barrow Drainage Scheme, repayment of advances on 424, 425 Coast protection 426-429 Excavators, delays in overhauling of 410, 411 Fees for professional services par 1 Fire insurance 439 Heating of State buildings, use of native fuel for par 16 Holycross Abbey 432 Maintenance and Supplies 415 Marine works 430 National Schools 393, 394, 438 New Works, Alterations and Ad-ditions 393, 394, 413, 414 Appendix 10 Provincial Museums etc. 431 Recoveries from Departments 433-436 Sites and buildings, purchase of 412 University College Dublin, liability for electrical and heating costs par 15 Wages, irregularities in payment of 403-409 Rates on Government Property Rates and contributions in lieu of 341-344 Appendix 9 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Child care course paid for out of capitation grant subhead 719 par 32 Conveyance expenses 722 Reconstruction etc. work paid for out of capitation grant subheads 712-718 par 31 Remand Home and Assessment Centre, Finglas 721 St. Lawrence’s, Finglas preventive centre 720 Training School for Boys, Oberstown 721 Remuneration Salary increases not forecast 509, 510 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Appropriations-in-aid 385 Collection of revenue, simplification of systems of 374-381, 390-392 Computers 370-373, 387, 388 Copying machines 386 Correspondence 389 Extra-statutory repayments of Customs and other Duties 361 Income Tax, Sur-tax and Corporation Profits Tax, amounts outstanding 360 Motor vehicles 383 PAYE tax, delays in collection of 363, 364 Post office services 382 Remissions and amounts irrecoverable 362 Revenue account 358, 359 Rewards 384 Solicitors’ Office, staffing of 390-392 Turnover tax on dances 365-369 Secondary Education Bilingual schools 707 Building grants and loans 693, 694 Charging of expenditure to subhead which did not make provision for it par 11 Comprehensive Schools component system, subhead provision for 695-697 costs 695 par 5 Moneys used for purposes other than those voted 700-706 par 30 Prefabricated buildings suspense account 700-706 par 30 Science and other equipment grants, overpayments on 692 Widows and orphans pensions suspense account 698, 699 Secret Service Page 142 (no question) Social Welfare Overpayments of assistance and benefits 283-285 Post office services 286 State Laboratory Staffing 492-494 Stationery Office Appropriations-in-aid 306 Carriage costs, increase in 289, 290 Copying machines 298-304 Appendix 7 par 21 Free issues of publications 319-321 Overtime payments 307-318 Paper and publications 293-297 Printing and binding 291, 292 Staffing 305 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Compensation under Treaty of 6 December 1921 501, 502 Appendix 14 Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children 500 Injury grants and medical fees 503 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 74-124 Taoiseach, Department of the Fees for public relations service 477-479 Transport and Power Bord Fáilte Éireann, grants to 751 Córas Iompair Éireann consultancy firm, fees to 752 failure to pay interest on capital advances 730-741 par 34 free transport services, recoupment for 750 statutory approval for grant, lack of 742-749, 761, 762, par 35 Electricity Supply Board, efficiency in 760 Equipment, stores and maintenance 757 Landing fees at airports 756 Overtime payments 758, 759 Passenger load fee at airports 755 Royal National Lifeboat Institution, grants-in-aid 754 Ships, investment grants for 753 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Limerick Institute of Higher Education 723-725, 727, 728 par 33 National College of Physical Education 726, 727 par 33 University College, Cork, capital equipment 728 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Maps, supply and preparation of 338, 339 Pay claims, arrears on 322 Post office services 325, 326 Appendix 8 Travelling and incidental expenses 323, 324 Valuations 1874 Act, review of 332 par 22 farmers’ houses 333-337 local authorities, fees paid by 329-331 revision of 327-328 Vocational Education Choirs and orchestras, grants for 711 Regional Technical Colleges accounting for costs par 12 capital expenditure 708 Scholarships 709, 710 Surrender of unspent balances par 12 Ward, Mr. A. Courts page 62 (no question) Garda Síochána 28-54 Justice, Office of the Minister 3-27 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds page 65 (no question) Land Registry and Registry of Deeds (Excess Vote) 59-64 Prisons 55-58 White, Dr. J. National Gallery 142-146 Whitty, Mr. J. R. (Department of Finance) Primary Education 220, 221, 231, 232, 235, 651, 652, 662, 664-671, 681 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 718 Secondary Education 703 |
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