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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Page 55 (no question) Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation, payments to 945 Agricultural Production Council 1021 Agricultural Schools and Farms 1002, 1003 Agricultural Wages 1035 Artificial Insemination of Livestock 1025 Bacon Factory Grants 1028, 1029 Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 986-988, 1031, 1032 Beef, Mutton and Lamb Export Guarantee Schemes 981, 982 Botanic Gardens 1015, 1016 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme 963-970 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme 971-975 Co-operative Projects 1027 Creamery Industry 1018 Córas Beostoic agus Feola 983 Experimental Farm 1033 Farm Apprenticeship Scheme 1007-1011 Farm Buildings Scheme 1022-1024 Flax growing 1034 Forage harvesting equipment grants 1026 Foras Talúntais, consultation by veterinary surgeons with Department and universities 1014 Heifers, Calved 976, 977 Land Project; reversion of reclaimed land 946-958, par 21 Appendix 41 Lime and Fertilisers Subsidies; effects of liming 959-962 Appendix 42 Livestock, improvement of 1012 Lyons Estate, capital works on 932, par 11 Milk Coolers Scheme 1030 Milk Production, marketing 989-992 National Agricultural Council 1019 National Stud 1037, 1038 Oats, marketing of 984, 985 Pigs and Bacon Commission 978, 979 Poultry and Egg Production 1013 Reports on Agricultural Conditions 1017 Seed Testing, propagation and certification 995 Small Farm Scheme 933-944 Staffing 993, 994 Technical Assistance 1036 Tolka River, pollution at Botanic Gardens 1015, 1016 Trinity College Dublin 1004 University Colleges, grants to 932, 1005, 1006, par 11 Veterinary Research 996-1001, Appendix 43 Western Agricultural Consultative Council 1020 Wheat, losses on disposal of 980 World Food Programme 931 Appendices, List of Page 186 Appropriation Accounts 1969-70, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparisons of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstracts of accounts, 1968-69 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on 1968-69 Accounts, Appendix 2 Army Pensions Compensation to UN Forces 620 Connaught Rangers 607 Funeral Grants 621 Military Service Pensions 617, 618 Special Allowances 608-619 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 931-1038 Fisheries 1039-1048 Central Mental Hospital Extra Remuneration 759 Farm and Garden Accounts 758 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 757 Victualling Patients and Rations for Staff 754-756 Central Statistics Office Supply of Information 51, 52 Chairman Election of 497, 1118 Takes Chair 497, 1118 Charitable Donations and Bequests Page 114 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 55 (no question) Civil Service Commission Excess Expenditure 62 Recruitment procedures par 8 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Post Office Services 1117 Staffing 1112-1116 Comptroller and Auditor General (Mr. E. F. Suttle) Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation 945 Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 986 Beef, Mutton and Lamb Export Guarantee Schemes 981 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradicacation Scheme 963 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme 971 calved heifer grants 976, 977 Coras Beostoic agus Feola 983 creamery industry 1018 Land Project 946, 953 Lime and Fertilisers Subsidy 959, 960 milk production 989 oats, marketing of 984 Pigs and Bacon Commission 978 Small Farm (Incentive Bonus) Scheme 933, 934 University Colleges, grants to 932 wheat, losses on 980 World Food Programme 931 Comptroller and Auditor General Staffing 1114 Defence compensation 573 helicopter 553 Post Office services 595 provisions 547 travelling and incidental expenses 556 Education, Office of the Minister Adult Education 441 Chester Beatty Library 423 Free Post-Primary Education Scheme 407 Higher Education Authority, ex-gratia payments to 409, 410 Higher Education grants 411 Irish Countrywomen’s Association 425 Physical Education 413, 428 Union of Students of Ireland 427 Voluntary Youth Organisations 415, 420, 421 Finance, Office of the Minister Special Regional Development Fund 54, 55, 57, par 17 Fisheries sea fisheries, training, exploratory vessels 1043, 1045 Forestry accounting procedure 386 Kennedy Memorial Park 339, 344 Staff remuneration 367 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Gaeltarra Éireann accounts 698 housing 658 improvement schemes 650 General Report air companies, issues to 8-12 audit of accounts of State and semi-State companies 34-47, par 5, 16, Appendix 5 B. and I. Steampacket Company Ltd, temporary finance for 28, 29 Bretton Woods Agreement 13 Bord na Móna, advances to 30-33 Capital Fund advances 14-20, par 15, Appendix 4 Central Fund 6, 7 Exchequer extra receipts 3 Industrial Engineering Company Ltd. 21-27 outturn of the year 1, 2 stock and store accounts 5 surrender of balances 4 temporary investment of foreign borrowings outside the State 1-30 (Interim Report), par 14, Appendix 48 Health grants to health authorities 734-736 Industry and Commerce Córas Tráchtála 837 Foras Tionscal 838 geological survey 877-879 International organisations 883 National Productivity Year 848, 849 Shannon Free Airport Development Company 844, 845, 884 shipbuilding subsidy 850, 853 Shipping Finance Corporation, interest subsidy 862 International Co-operation UNICEF, contributions to 721 Labour emigration bureaux 1049 Lands game and wildlife development 274 Land Bonds 284-286 rents 324 staffing 309, 310 Local Government Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Planning 96 motor taxation, collection of 98, 101, 103-105 Nelson Pillar Act, 1969 93, 94 Miscellaneous Expenses Northern Ireland relief expenditure 68 Pensions, Increases in etc. ex-gratia payments to widows and orphans 72 Posts and Telegraphs accounting procedures 88 appropriations-in-aid 86 commissions and special enquiries 76, 77 Post Office Savings Bank 81 revenue 80 stores 78 Suspense Accounts 83 Primary Education special educational project 449 Public Works and Buildings arterial drainage 780 furniture stores 777 maintenance and supplies 773-775 marine works 836 National Gallery 766, 768 new works, alterations and additions 812, 814 provincial museums, great gardens and historical houses 791 school grants 760, 763, 765 staff, loaning of 834 Rates on Government Property Post Office property, receipts in respect of, 913 Record of property, Department of Defence 906-911 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Industrial Schools 487, 488 Secondary Education building loan repayments 456 building grants 458 Comprehensive Schools, costs 461 examination fees, collection of 466 Social Welfare outstanding orders 929, 930 Social Insurance Fund 914 Social Assistance and Social Insurance benefits, overpayments of 915 Stationery Office appropriations-in-aid 634 Superannuation and Retired Allowances widows and children of civil servants, pensions 64 Transport and Power airports, constructional works at 127, 128 CIE, redundancy compensation 113 holiday accommodation, development of 125 shipping grants 135 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, advance payments 491-494 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey maps 903-905 Vocational Education Regional Technical Colleges 469, 470, 476, 484, 486 Courts Appropriations-in-aid 542 Evidence, recording of 543 Appendix 18 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 541 Appendix 17 Death of Member Vote of sympathy 498 Defence Animals, Forage etc 585, 586 Car Loans 604, 605 Civil Defence, grants to local authorities 574-576 Compensation 573b, 596 Discharge by purchase 599-603 Duplicate control of certain activities par 9 Equipment, purchase of 577-581 Equitation Teams 592 Extra remuneration 606 Fuel 589, 590 General stores 587 Helicopters 553-555 Hides and offals, sale of 597 Mechanical Transport 584 Medicines and Instruments 582, 583 Military Educational Courses and Visits 573a Military patients, refunds in respect of 598 Naval stores 588 Post Office services 594, 595 Promotions 568-573 Appendix 19 Provisions 547-552 Transportation 591 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 556, 593 University education for cadets 557-567 Duignan, Mr. J. C. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 1106-1111 Education, Office of the Minister Adult Education courses 439-441 Carlisle and Blake premium 446 Chester Beatty Library 423-425 Comprehensive schools, income and expenditure par 13 Free Post Primary Education Scheme 407 Fellowships 434 Higher Education Authority, ex-gratia payments 408-410 Higher Education grants 411, 435 Irish Countrywomen’s Association 425 Irish Dictionary 444 Murphy Bequest 447 National College of Art fees 443, 445 Overseas Club 442 Physical education courses 412-414 Scientific Research grants 431 Scholarships 430, 432, 433, 436-438 School transport, payments to CIE 407, par 12 Technical Assistance in Education 429 Union of Students in Ireland 426-427 Voluntary Youth Organisations and Sporting and Recreational facilities 415-422, 428 Appendix 16 External Affairs Repatriation and Maintenance of Destitute Irish Persons Abroad 715-718 Gifts 719, 720 Farrel, Mr. C. Public Works and Buildings 760-836 Finance Minute Text, Appendix 2 Finance, Office of the Minister County Development Work, grants for 60 IDA liaison with bodies granting Industrial Aids 54-59 Special Regional Development Fund 53-59 par 17 Fisheries Fish farms 1047, 1048 Appendix 45 Inland Fisheries Development 1046 Sea Fisheries training, exploratory vessels 1039-1045 Appendix 44 Forestry Accounting procedure 382-386 Afforestation grants 372-379 Claim of £211 outstanding for ten years, par 3 Forestry Education 380-381 Forest fires 388-398, 405, 406 Kennedy Memorial Park 339-344 Land, acquisition of 368-371, 399 Staffing 345-367, 381 Scenic sites 403, 404 Timber sales 387, 400-402 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Cultural and Social Schemes 655, 694 Films 687 Gaeltarra Éireann accounts 696-701 Glasshouse Scheme 702-714, Appendix 22, Appendix 23 Holiday Schemes 673, 681-684, 689 Housing grants 657-669 Improvement schemes 650, 670, 671, 679, 680, 690-693, par 19 Irish Language organisations 695 Irish speaking children, £10 grant 664, 685 Marine Works 672, 678 Miscellaneous services 688 Publications 686 Salaries, wages and allowances 651, 652 Secondary Schools 674, 675 Travel and incidental expenses 653, 654 Uniforms 656 Water and sewerage 676, 677 Gárda Síochána Losses due to damage 537, 538 Medical Aid Society 535 Station services 534 Witnesses’ expenses 536 Good, Mr. J. Rates on Government property 906-913 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 896-905 Health Advisory and Consultative Bodies 742 County Homes 743, 744 Health Authorities Grants to 734-736 Expenditure Appendix 26 Minor Receipts Appendix 28 Health Inspectors, training schemes for 748-753 Hospitals Trust Fund 746, 747 par 10 Appendix 25 International Congresses 740, 741 Medical Cards Appendix 27 Medicines, expenditure on Appendix 30 Patients, payments by for institutional services Appendix 29 Staffing 737-739 Voluntary agencies, payments to 745 Honohan, Mr. W. A. Social Welfare 914-930 Industry and Commerce Advertising and Publicity 875, 876 Buy Irish Campaign 892-895 Córas Tráchtála 837 Export Guarantee Arrangements and Premiums 888-890 Foras Tionscal, transfer of functions etc. to IDA 838-843 Geological Survey, budgeting for purchase of equipment for 877-880 International Organisations 882, 883 Appendix 37 Minerals Development 881 National Productivity Year 848, 849 Shannon Free Airport Development Company 844-847, 884-887 Shipbuilding Subsidies 850-861 Shipping Finance Corporation, interest subsidy 862-865 Appendix 36 Staffing 866-874 Technical Assistance 891 International Co-operation Grants, general 726 Inter-governmental Legal Bodies 729 Overseas Training Fund 731, 732 Technical Assistance, Expanded Programme of 722 United Nations Bond Issue 730 Children’s Fund 721 Cyprus contingent, reimbursement for 727, 728, 733 Appendix 24 Relief and Works Agency 723 South Africa, Trust Fund for 725 Special Fund 724 Justice, Office of the Minister Conroy Report 524 Film Censorship 532 Historical Documents 531 Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland 522-523 Legal Aid 525-530 Post Office Services 521 Staffing 500-520 Labour Advertising and publicity 1058-1061 An Chomhairle Oiliúna 1075-1084 Appendix 47 Career information 1070-1074 Emigration Bureaux 1049 Employment and Manpower Services 1050-1055 Industrial safety 1085-1089 Losses 1103, 1104 Post office services 1057 Redundancy payments 1105 Research 1062, 1063 Resettlement allowances 1064-1069 Appendix 46 Technical assistance, grants to CERT and IMI 1090-1102 Travelling and incidental expenses 1056 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Staffing 544-546 Lands Auctioneers’ fees 289-291 Compensation for cattle loss 316-323 Estate improvements 338 Extra remuneration 328-337 Game and wildlife development 273-282 Gratuities to ex-employees 296, 297 Land bonds, deficiencies from sales of to Government Departments 283-288 Rents of land 324-327 Staffing 298-315 Travelling and incidental expenses 292-295 Law Charges Page 56 (no question) Lawless, Mr. M. Local Government 92-111 Local Government Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Planning 95, 96 Motor taxation 97-101 Nelson Pillar Act, 1969, 92-94 Road Fund accounts 103-111 Appendix 9 Rural Employment Schemes 102 McCann, Mr. H. J. External Affairs 715-720 International cooperation 721-733 MacGearailt, Mr. S. (Secretary, Department of Education) Education, Office of the Minister 407-447 Primary Education 448-455 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 487-489 Secondary Education 456-467 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 490-496 Vocational Education 468-486 MacGearailt, Mr. S. (Office of Comptroller and Auditor General) Comptroller and Auditor General 1112-1117 Martin, Mr. S. J. Charitable Donations and Bequests page 114 (no question) Miscellaneous Expenses British Special Import Deposit Scheme 67, 68 Grants-in-Aid 69, 70 par 1 Northern Ireland relief expenditure 67, 68 Racing Board 67, 68 Murray, Mr. C. H. Agricultural Grants, page 55 (no question) Central Statistics Office 51, 52 Chomhairle Ealaíonn, An, page 55 (no question) Civil Service Commission 62 Comptroller and Auditor General, General Report 1-47 Finance, Office of the Minister 53-60 Increases in Pensions and Ex-gratia Pensions for Widows and Children 71, 72 Law Charges, page 56 (no question) Miscellaneous Expenses 67-70 Oireachtas, Houses of the 48-50 President’s Establishment, page 50 (no question) Remuneration 73, 74 Secret Service, page 55 (no question) State Laboratory 61 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 63-66 Taoiseach, Department of, page 51 (no question) National Gallery Bequests, Shaw and Sir Hugh Lane 646 Catalogue of paintings 649 Extra remuneration 647 Opening hours, extension of 648 Purchase and Repair of Pictures 643-645 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 639-642 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 339-406 Lands 273-338 O Brolchain, Mr. B. Stationery Office 623-638 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 1049-1105 Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions 607-621 Defence 547-606 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. L. Posts and Telegraphs 75-91 Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S. Central Mental Hospital 754-759 Health 734-753 Ó Riordáin, Mr. D. Transport and Power 112-272 Ó Slatarra, Mr. P. Industry and Commerce 837-895 Oireachtas, Houses of the Seanad appeal, fee in respect of 50 Appendix 6 Witnesses’ Expenses 48, 49 Pensions, Increases in etc. Ex-gratia payments to Widows and Orphans 71, 72 Posts and Telegraphs Accounting Procedure 88-90 Commissions and Special Inquiries 75-77 Factory Balancing Statement 91 Appendix 8 Post Office Savings Bank 81 Postal delivery, motorisation of 87 Revenue 79, 80 Stores 78 Suspense Accounts 82-84 Telephone Capital, Recovery of Expenditure on 85, 86 President’s Establisment Page 50 (no question) Primary Education Courses for teachers 451 Free books 452, 453 Special Educational Project 448, 449, 454, 455 Training course for untrained female teachers 450 Prisons Fish Boxes 540 Manufacturing Department and Farm 539 Public Works and Buildings Arterial Drainage 780-790, 823-826 Appendix 31, Appendix 33 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park Account Appendix 34 Centralised Maintenance Workshop 773-774 Coast Protection 827-829 Extra Remuneration 832 Fuel, Light, Water Cleaning, etc. 822 Furniture stores 777-779 Insurance 833 Marine Schemes 830, 835, 836 National Gallery—extension 766-772 par 20 National Monuments 831 New Works, Alterations and Additions 760-765, 792-816 Appendix 32 Professional fees for large building contracts par 6 Properties owned and rented, list of 817-821 Appendix 35 Provincial Museums, Great Gardens and Historical Houses 791 School grants 760-765 Staff, Loaning of 834 Surplus materials, sale of 775, 776 Rates on Government Property Post Office property receipts in respect of 913 Record of property, Department of Defence 906-912 Water supplies, duplicate payments for, par 2 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Industrial Schools, sundry expenses 487-489 Remuneration Staffing 73, 74 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Customs and other Duties, Extra-statutory repayments of 1108 Income tax, monthly returns for PAYE par 7 Motor Vehicles 1110 Remissions and Amounts Irrecoverable 1109 Returns of turnover and value-added tax par 4 Revenue Account 1106 Rewards 1111 Tax outstanding 1107 Secondary Education Audio-visual aids 462, 463 Building loan repayments 456 Building grants 457-459 Comprehensive Schools, costs 460, 461 Examination fees, collection of 464-467 Secret Service Page 55 (no question) Social Welfare Outstanding orders 928-930 Occupational Injuries Fund 927 Appendix 38 School meals 919-926 Social Assistance and Social Insurance benefits, overpayments of 915 Social Insurance Fund, 914, 927 Appendix 39 Staffing 916-918 Supplementary Unemployment Fund 927, Appendix 40 State Laboratory Institute for Research and Standards, overlapping with functions of 61 Appendix 7 Stationery Office Appropriations-in-aid 633, 634 Extra remuneration 638 Government Publications Sale Office accounts 635-637 Appendix 21 Office machinery and supplies 630-632 Appendix 20 Ordnance Survey maps 629 Printing and binding 625-628 Salaries, wages and allowances 623, 624 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Royal Irish Constabulary pensions 66 Widows and children of civil servants, pensions 63-65 Taoiseach, Department of the Page 51 (no question) Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 650-714 Transport and Power Air companies, accounts systems 259-270 Appendix 14 Aircraft, Dove EI-ARV 256-259 Airports airport lands 175-177, 193-208 Appendix 12 Appropriations-in-aid 180-188 constructional works 126-134, 167 Appendix 10 concession fees 254 Cork Airport, weather radar at 151-153 extra remuneration 210-246 par 18 Appendix 13 landing fees 247-253 operating surplus at Shannon 255 Bord Fáilte, grants to 114 CIE redundancy compensation 112, 113 Foreshore rents 191, 192 Harbour grants 154-159, 271, 272 Appendix 15 Holiday accommodation, development of 116-128, 166 International organisations 169-172 Post Office services 141-150 Appendix 11 Radio equipment 168 Resort development 115, 160-165 Rural electrification 173, 174, 189 Shanwick communications charges 190 Shipping, investment grants for 135-139, 178, 179 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies College of Pharmacy 496 Dublin Dental Hospital, grant to 495 Institute for Higher Education, Limerick, advance payment 490-494 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey Maps 901-905 Staffing 896-899 Stores 900 Vocational Education Regional Technical Colleges Costs 468-485 Staffing and furnishing 486 Ward, Mr. A. Courts 541-543 Gárda Síochána 533-538 Justice, Office of the Minister 500-532 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 544-546 Prisons 539, 540 White, Dr. James National Gallery 639-649 |
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