APPENDIX 10.TERMINAL BUILDINGS AT DUBLIN AND SHANNON AIRPORTS— ESTIMATES OF COSTSAn Cléireach, An Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí. During the proceedings of the Committee of Public Accounts on 22nd July, 1971, I undertook to furnish a memo on how the present estimates for the new terminal buildings at Dublin and Shannon Airports compare with the original estimates. A memo giving the required information is attached. D. Ó RIORDÁIN, Accounting Officer, Department of Transport and Power. 3 Feabhra, 1972. SHANNON AIRPORT1. The original estimate and final estimated cost of the new Terminal at Shannon including associated works such as airbridges, baggage handling equipment, fittings and furnishings and professional fees are as follows:
The difference is largely explained by increased labour and material costs recoverable by the contractors under the Price Variation Clause which are now estimated to amount to £294,000 and to an under-estimation of approximately £166,000. DUBLIN AIRPORT2. The original estimate and final estimated cost of the new Terminal at Dublin including associated works, such as carpark, elevated roadway, boiler house extension, baggage handling equipment, airbridges, furniture fittings and floor coverings, professional fees and contingencies are as follows:
The difference is explained by increases in labour and material costs recoverable by contractors under the Price Variation Clause which are now estimated at £631,000 and to over-estimation of approximately £208,000 plus £250,000 for contingencies (total £458,000). 3. At this stage of the contracts and pending measurement of certain works and finalisation of accounts the foregoing estimates of final costs should be taken as approximate. |