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1. BAGGOT ST. MAIN ACCOUNT. (a) LEDGER CARD.Final Report. WHITE, JOHN. LOUGHRAN, JOHN. MURPHY, ROGER. Relief Committee of Belfast Fund for the Relief of Distress.
(b) LODGMENT DOCKET FOR $12,000.2. BAGGOT ST. BANK ACCOUNTS—DETAILS OF CHEQUES DRAWN ON*.Baggot St. Main Account (Belfast Fund for the Relief of Distress)(Note: Photocopies of these cheques are reproduced under—see paragraph 35 of Final Report)
4. DIXON, GEORGE: ACCOUNT LEDGER CARD.DIXON, GEORGE BUSINESS MAN. Proceedings 21/1/71. Pars. 46,72 Final Report.
5. DIXON, GEORGE: SIGNATURE CARD.Pars. 46,72 Final Report. 6. FAGAN, MR. A. J., LETTER OF 29 OCTOBER 1968 FROM, TO GENERAL SECRETARY, IRISH RED CROSS SOCIETY.(Original Manuscripted) OIFIG AN AIRE AIRGEADAIS (Office of the Minister for Finance) BAILE ATHA CLIATH 2. (Dublin 2). 29th Oct. 1969. Dear Miss Murphy, I have arranged for the transfer of another £5,000. to your No. 2 a/c in the Bank of Ireland. I would be grateful if you would arrange in turn to pay this amount to the Bank of Ireland, Clones for credit of the a/c of the three names you have already. Perhaps you would sign receipt and return in due course. Many thanks, Yours sincerely, A. J. Fagan. 7. FAGAN, MR. A. J.: LETTER OF 20 NOVEMBER 1969 FROM, TO MR. H. T. DEACON.OIFIG AN AIRE AIRGEADAIS (Office of the Minister for Finance) BAILE ATHA CLIATH 2. (Dublin 2). 20 November 1969 Pars. 62, 72 Final Report. Appendix 3 (5). H T Deacon Esq Manager Munster & Leinster Bank 2 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 Dear Bertie, I have arranged with the Irish Red Cross to-day to transfer a sum of £2,000 to the a/c in the bank for the Belfast Refugee Aid Fund.* The Red Cross cheque will be made payable to the Bank. Many thanks, Yours sincerely, A J Fagan. 8. FAGAN, MR. A. J.: LETTER OF 5 JANUARY 1970 FROM, TO MR. H. T. DEACON.
(Original Manuscripted) 5th January 1970 Personal Dear Bertie, I would be obliged if you would have the attached cheque lodged to the A/C of the Belfast Fund for Relief of Distress and let me have a receipt for the sterling equivalent in due course. With many thanks. All good wishes to you for the New Year. Yours sincerely, Tony Fagan. P.S. Receipt should be made out to “Irish Institute Inc. New York.” 9. FAGAN, MR. A. J.: LETTER OF 3 FEBRUARY 1970 FROM, TO MR. H. T. DEACON.
(Original Manuscripted) Dear Bertie, Pars. 62, 72 Final Report. I have arranged with the Irish Red Cross to transfer £3,000 to the Belfast Fund for the Relief of Distress. A cheque for this amount will reach you in a day or two. Kind regards, Yours sincerely, Tony Fagan. Bertie Deacon Esq. Manager M & L Bank, Lr. Baggot St. 10. FGH: LETTER OF 17 OCTOBER 1969 FROM, TO AGENT, BANK OF IRELAND, CLONES.17th October, 1969. The Agent, Bank of Ireland, Clones, Co. Monaghan. Dear Sir, We hereby request you to open a current account in the following Names: Messrs. F, G and H and you are hereby requested to honour all cheques drawn against such account when signed by any two of us and to designate the account “The Belfast Committee for the relief of distressed.” You will be at liberty to disclose the State of our account and to deliver the usual statements of said account, together with all paid cheques and other vouchers, to any one of us. Signed.
11. FGH: UNDERTAKING RE CLONES ACCOUNT.Undertaking to be severally as well as jointly liable. 17th October 1969 To THE GOVERNOR & COMPANY, of the Bank of Ireland, Clones. Account:—“The Belfast Committee for the Relief of distressed.” We, the undersigned Messrs F, G and H do hereby agree to hold ourselves severally as well as jointly liable for all moneys now due and which shall hereafter become due by us to you on foot of our current account or accounts with your Bank. Dated this 17th day of October, 1969.
12. INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS HANDBOOK: EXTRACT FROM CHAPTER IV.VII. RELATIONS OF NATIONAL SOCIETIES WITH ONE ANOTHER AND WITH THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS AGENCIES1. EXCHANGE OF DELEGATES AND WORK ABROAD(1) No Red Cross Society shall set up a Section, Delegation, Committee or organisation, or have any activity in a foreign country without the consent of the Central Committee of the National Society of that country and of its own Central Committee, especially as far as the use of the name and emblem of the Red Cross is concerned. Central Committees are requested to give such approval generously when it is clear that the foreign Section is working exclusively on behalf of own countrymen. In case of disagreement, the Central Committees may refer the question to the supreme authority of the International Red Cross. It goes without saying that foreign Sections should, in the same way as the national Red Cross, respect the legislation and administrative measures of the country in which they are working, and operate always in agreement with the National Red Cross. Where it is desired to set up foreign Sections in countries which have no National Red Cross or Red Crescent, prior approval of the International Committee of the Red Cross must first be obtained. Such Sections, once constituted, are invited, in the highest interest of the Red Cross, to encourage, by their example and influence, the formation of a National Society at the earliest date. (2) Such undertakings must be exclusively humanitarian, and, (3) must be recognised and approved by the foreign Red Cross Society. It is desirable that the sending of a Red Cross mission, or the constitution of the Section on foreign territory, should be notified to the International Committee, with the names of the responsible directors, and that the International Committee should be kept informed of the activities of such missions or Sections. (Xth International Red Cross Conference, Geneva, 1921, Resolution No. XI) 13. IRISH RED CROSS SOCIETY.(i) Extracts from Accounts for year ended 31st March, 1970IRISH RED CROSS SOCIETY Balance Sheet Proceedings 17/12/70.
(ii) Six County Relief: grants paid from public donations
(iii) Statement of Chairman of Irish Red Cross Society re distribution of Relief in Six CountiesCUMANN CROISE DEIRGE NA hÉIREANN The Irish Red Cross Society
Mrs. Tom Barry, Chairman of the Irish Red Cross Society, wishes to make the following statement in reply to numerous press enquiries. During its lifetime the Irish Red Cross has been the organisation through which Irish Governments have distributed aid to people in distress at home and abroad. When the 1969 disorders occurred in the Six Counties a difficulty arose as the British Red Cross objected to any teams of the Irish Red Cross entering the Six County area to carry out relief. Nevertheless, the Irish Red Cross, which opened its own fund, did succeed in sending supplies and cash to the relief committees in the affected cities and towns and to the Heads of the three principal religious groups. Part of this relief was paid for out of the Government grant-in-aid as publicly announced, but the Irish Red Cross was heavily hampered in giving the fullest possible aid as it had no Branches nor personnel within the Six Counties. Accordingly, the Society received written instructions from the Department of Finance to transfer moneys, as publicly announced, to Bank Accounts in Clones and Baggot Street, Dublin, in the names of three persons with whom the Red Cross had no previous connection whatever. This the Society did and had no further knowledge or control of the funds at issue. During the Garda investigations all questions asked by Chief Superintendent Fleming and Inspector Doocey were answered in writing by the Chairman and General Secretary of the Society with the consent of the Executive and the Irish Red Cross will make no further comment on this matter to the press. 14. KELLY, CAPTAIN JAMES J.: DOCUMENT HANDED IN BY ON 9 NOVEMBER, 1971.A plot to bring in arms from Germany worth £80,000 for the North under the guise of the Dept of Defence has been discovered. Those involved are— Captain James Kelly, I.O, Col Hefferon X Director of Intelligence (both held over the weekend in the Bridewell) Gibbons, Haughey, Blaney, and the Jones Brothers of Rathmines Road and Rosapena Hotel, Donegal. SEE THAT THIS SCANDAL IS NOT HUSHED UP. GARDA. 15. KELLY, CAPTAIN JAMES J.: LETTER OF 12 JANUARY 1971 FROM, TO MR. C. H. MURRAY.
Dear Mr. Murray, Par. 80 Final Report. Yours of January 8 refers. The £500 received by me in October was received for Intelligence duties—expenses etc. and was used for this purpose. Questions 347 462-3, 4434-5.
Est. total outstanding £120.12.9. Re: recovery from Dixon and O’Brien A/Cs no recovery as yet. James J. Kelly (Captain) Questions 11832-41, 12086-9. 16. MAC DONALD, DET. SGT. D.: CHEQUES HANDED IN BY IN COURSE OF EVIDENCE ON 3 NOVEMBER 1971.Proceedings 26/1/71, 2/2/71. Pars. 35, 46, 72 Final Report. 17. MANDATE IN NAMES OF JOHN WHITE, JOHN LOUGHRAN AND ROGER MURPHY.18. MURRAY, MR. C. H.: LETTER OF 19 NOVEMBER 1970 FROM, TO COLONEL M. J. HEFFERON.19 November 1970 Questions 260. 61,347. Personal Colonel M J Hefferon 67 Ballytore Road Dublin 14 A Chara, On 16 August, 1969, the Government decided that a sum of money should be made available from the Exchequer to provide aid for the victims of unrest in the Six Counties. Of this money, three payments totalling £1,100 were made to you, while you were Director of Intelligence of the Defence Forces. The first payment (£100) was made to you on 9 September, 1969. The second payment (£500) was made before 3 October, 1969. The third payment (£500) was made to you on 15 October, 1969. As Accounting Officer for the Department of Finance it is my duty to account for all public funds expended by the Department, including the £1,100 paid to you. I would, therefore, be obliged if you could let me have particulars of the purposes for which the £1,100 was expended. It might be best if we had a preliminary discussion on the matter and perhaps you would be good enough to come to my office as soon as convenient. I would be obliged if you would phone me or my Private Secretary (‘phone number 67571 Extension 79) to arrange a date and time for your visit. Mise le meas, C. H. MURRAY, An Roinn Airgeadais. 19. MURRAY, MR. C. H.: LETTER OF 19 NOVEMBER FROM, TO CAPTAIN JAMES J. KELLY.Questions 347, 462-63. 8 January 1971 Captain James J Kelly 98 Wainsfort Road Terenure Dublin 6 Dear Captain Kelly, When I met you recently, I intended to ask you to let me have an account of the purposes for which the £500 you received in October, 1969, from the Northern Ireland Grant-in-Aid Fund for the meeting of Northern Ireland Defence Committees at Bailieboro was used. I would be grateful if you would give me details of the expenditure involved and, if there is an unspent balance, I would be glad to have a cheque for the amount at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, C. H. MURRAY. An Roinn Airgeadais. P.S. Have you been able to make any progress regarding the recovery of the balances in the Dixon and O’Brien accounts? 20. MURRAY, MR. C. H.: LETTER OF 12 JANUARY 1971 FROM, TO MR. R. MURNANE.12 January 1971 Mr Richard J Murnane, Simla Lodge Strandville Avenue Clontarf Dublin 3 Dear Sir, With further reference to your letter of 4 January, * I have been asked by the Committee of Public Accounts to obtain for them particulars of the group which travelled to Britain in September, 1969. I would be glad, therefore, if you would let me have the names and addresses of the seven people in question. If the group included any people with addresses outside the State, I propose to convey the information to the Committee of Public Accounts in a way which will not identify the people in question. I expect that if the Committee decide to include this material in the published documentation relating to their inquiry, they will follow the practice which they have adopted in regard to other material supplied to them involving the names of people living outside the State, i.e. to refer to the people in question as “Mr A”, “Mr B”, etc. In accordance with the procedure already established in such cases, I would, of course, propose to tell the Committee for their private information the names of the people concerned. Yours sincerely, C. H. MURRAY, An Roinn Airgeadais. 21. O’BRIEN, ANN: ACCOUNT LEDGER CARD.
22. O’BRIEN ANN: SIGNATURE CARD.*Since all cheques drawn were not available to the Committee this list is incomplete. *The correct title may be “The Belfast Fund for Relief of Distress” |
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