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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Rates relief payments 99, 101, 102 Valuation, purpose of 100 Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation 997, 998, 1,002 American Grant Counterpart Fund 1,004 Bacon factories closure of firm 947, 948, 956-960 par 23 grants 947-955, Par 23 Beef Export Guarantee Scheme 967-969 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication expenditure 935, 936 Southern counties, 937 veterinary fees and numbers employed 938-940, Appendix 36 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme expenditure 941, 942 progress 943, 944 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme 945, 946 County Committees of Agriculture 993 Dairy Produce Bord Bainne 981 Dairy Disposal Company 1,006, 1,007, Appendix 41 milk allowances and prices 981-984, Appendix 37 National Dairy Publicity Council 981 Dungarvan Cooperative Fruit Growers 1,002, 1,003 Foot and Mouth Disease expenditure 978-980 Foras Talúntais, Veterinary Research coordination of activities with Department and Universities 912-920, Par 22 report 1,006, Appendix 40 Glasshouse Industry grants scheme applications 975 duration 971 E.E.C. membership effect 976 expenditure 970 Gaeltacht areas 972, 974 produce 977 Grain storage loans 1,001 Irish Meat Association, contributions to 988, 989 Lamb Export Guarantee Scheme 967-969 Land Project acreage complete 930, Appendix 35 applications 999 contractors, payments to 928, 929 expenditure 924, 925 fertiliser credit scheme 926, 927 Lime and fertiliser subsidies 931-934 Miscellaneous investigations 987, Appendix 38 Mutton Export Guarantee Scheme 967-969 Pigs and Bacon Commission report 1,006, Appendix 39 special export payments 961-964, 1,000 Rye River drainage works, Par 9 Seed testing, etc. 985 Special Agricultural Schemes 994-996 Staff vacancies 992, Appendix 39 University Colleges, grants to 990, 991 Veterinary research 912-920, Par 22 Warble fly eradication 1,005 Wheat production 965, 966 World Food Programme countries benefitting 986 grants 921, 922 payment 923 Appendices, List of, Page 154 Appropriation Accounts 1967-68, special subheads, Appendix 3 Audited expenditure, Exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts 1966-67 Appendix, 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on 1966-67 Accounts, Appendix 2 Army Pensions Army Pensions Board 364 Connaught Rangers (Pensions) Acts, persons still benefitting 358 Special Allowances certification methods 359, 360, 365-367 officers engaged 361-363 U.N. Service, death and disability payments 368-370 Berry, Mr. P. Courts 710-715 Garda Síochána 672-706 Justice, Office of the Minister 664-671 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 716, 717 Prisons 707-709 Central Mental Hospital Page 108 (no question) Central Statistics Office Clerical recruitment difficulties 8-20, Par 25 Chairman Election of 1 Takes chair 1 Charitable Donations and Bequests Staff numbers 448, 449 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 12 (no question) Civil Service Commission Career brochures 82-87 Posts and Telegraphs, receipts from 88, 89 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture bacon factories grants 948 beef export guarantee scheme 968 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme 936 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme 942 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme 946 Dairy Disposal Company 1,007 dairy produce expenditure 982 foot and mouth disease 979 Foras Talúntais coordination of research 913, 917, 918 report 1,007 glasshouse industry 971 Lamb Export Guarantee Scheme 968 Land Project 925 lime and fertiliser subsidies 932 Mutton Export Guarantee Scheme 968 Pigs and Bacon Commission report 1,007 special export payments 962 universities, grants to 991 veterinary research 913, 917, 918 World Food Programme 922 Army Pensions U.N. service 368 Central Statistics Office clerical recruitment 19 Defence compensation 303, 315, 318 equipment use and disposal 291, 303 land lettings and sales 309 provisions 294 Zambian cadets 320 Education Office of the Minister books 733 post primary education 719, 721, 727, 731 post primary transport 738 External Affairs John F. Kennedy Centre, chandelier 539, 540 1916 Cuimhneacháin 1966 542 Finance, Office of the Minister Special Development Fund 22, 35 Garda Síochána audit, provision of files 673-676, 678 embezzlement, 678 medical aid fund 676 General Report balances on 1966-67 votes 3 capital fund advances 3, 6 central fund 3-5 Exchequer extra receipts 3 National Development Fund 3 outturn 3 stock and store accounts 3 Health health authorities and services 857, 859 medicine costs 889 Industry and Commerce Buy Irish Campaign 441 Córas Tráchtála 405 Foras Tionscal grants 409, 415, 416, 419-421, 429, 430 Industrial Credit Company investment 409, 415, 416 Verolme Dockyard subsidy 434, 435 International Cooperation Overseas Trainee Fund 587 Labour Chomhairle Oiliúna, An 138 Redundancy Payments Fund 136 Lands cooperative societies 833 Game and Wildlife Committee 814, 815 land annuities 816-821, 824-826, 828 land bonds 835, 840 land purchase and allotment schemes 803 Local Government motor vehicle duties 625, 629 road fund improvement grants 659 road safety 660 Rural Improvement Schemes 637 Posts and Telegraphs departments, repayment services receipts 618 Post Office Savings Bank 601, 603 Telephones reverse call charges 619 trade directory 594, 595, 597 Trustee Savings Banks 603 Primary Education Church of Ireland Training College 768 St. Patrick’s Training College 766 Public Works and Buildings arterial drainage works 231 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park sheep 285, 287, 288 Four Courts stonework repairs audit delays 199, 201, 204, 205, 208-211 delays 189 Land Commission computer installation 266, 268-271 National Building Agency houses 173, 177, 181-183 school grants expenditure 171 school maintenance expenditure 185 trucks, hireage and allocation 217, 220, 224, 227, 228 Rates on Government Property U.S.A. embassy rates 401, 402 Revenue Commissioners estate duties, delays 522 extra statutory repayments 516 income tax outstanding assessments 515 irrecoverable amounts 520 revenue account and yield 512, 514 staff vacancies, recruitment difficulties 534, 536, 537 wholesale tax checking procedures 527 Secondary Education comprehensive schools 788 school building grants 784 Social Welfare social assistance, recovery of overpayments 453 social insurance fund, State contribution 451 Superannuation and Retired Allowances established officers, recognition of temporary service 91 Transport and Power airport landing fees 510 Bórd Fáilte accounting difficulties 487, 491-494 festivals joint finance 496 reports 498 CIE redundancy compensation 485 Cork Airport defects and maintenance 500 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Ltd. 504 Vocational Education regional technical colleges 793 Courts Courthouses, provision and maintenance of buildings 711-713 Fines, receipts 714, 715 Salaries 710 Defence Anti-aircraft equipment, disposal of 291-293 Civilians, number attached to units 323 Clerical vacancies, recruitment difficulties 336, 337, Par 27 Compensation, property and personal injury 315-318 Engineering equipment, use and disposal of 302-307 Equitation teams, horse-show expenses 330-332 Film work amounts due 347 out-of-pocket expenses 343 pay rates 344, 345 personnel selection 346 FCA uniforms 324-326 Helicopters cost of 357 hire receipts 355, 356, Appendix 16 Irish Red Cross Society grant 333-335 Losses aircraft 348 buildings fire 349, 350 insurance cover, adequacy of 351-354 Military camps land lettings and sales 308-312, 314 number of 313 Military education courses 327 Pilot training 328, 329 Provisions cattle buying arrangements 296-301 cost trends 294, 295 United Nations, finance for overseas service 338-342 Zambian Cadets training 319-322 Education, Office of the Minister Adult education courses 758 Books, free scheme assessment of need 734, 735 cost 732 distribution 736 scope 733 Buntús Cainte and Buntús in Úsáid 755-757 Carlisle and Blake Fund 764 Commission on Higher Education 750 Educational research 751, 752 Language research 753 Muintir na Tíre 761 Overseas Club 760 Post Primary Education, Free scheme cost comparisons between various schools 728, 729 introduction and scope of 718, 719 schools participating in 744-747 secondary schools 720-725, 747 secondary tops 726, 727 vocational schools 730, 731 Post Primary Transport, free scheme charges, where made 743 primary pupils carried 742 scope of application 737-741 Rose Exhibition expenses 749 Royal Zoological Society of Ireland 759 Scientific research grants 754 Student Exchange scheme 762, 763 Training Colleges, degree course 748 External Affairs Brussels Embassy, fire damage 566,567 Consular Services, fee stamps 563 Destitute Irish Persons Abroad, assistance to increased expenditure 552 Irish Centre, London 551 methods used 555, 556 persons involved 549, 554, 555 societies in receipt of funds 550, 551, 553 Facts about Ireland, demand for 543 Information services emigrants 558 films 559 methods 557 John F. Kennedy Centre, gift of chandelier 538-540 Official Entertainments, special receptions 560, 561 Passports 563, 564 President Johnson, gift 565 Prime Minister of Denmark, gift 565 Prime Minister of Italy, gift 565 Travelling expenses, increase in 548 Yeats Country film 562 1916 Cuimhneacháin, 1966 costs 541, 542 demand for 544, 545, 547 distribution 541, 542, 546 usefulness 545, 547 Finance Minute Text, Appendix 2 Finance, Office of the Minister Comhlacht Comhairleach na Gaeilge 55 County Development Teams 56-66 Economic and Social Research Institute 47-49 Government Stocks management 43, 44 Institute of Public Administration 45, 46 Public Services Organisation Review Grants 70, 71, 73-75 Savings Committee 51-54, Appendix 5 Special Regional Development Fund Bord Fáilte 36-38 criteria for aid 41, 42, 72 firms benefiting 27 Galway textile factory 32, 34, 35 payments 33, 38 Portumna Packers Cooperative 30, Appendix 4 Potez Galway factory 21-26 publicity 40 purpose of 21, 24, 25, 31 Slievebawn Cooperative 27-29 start of 39 West, Special Aid to Projects in 68, 69 Fisheries Rainbow Trout project 1,008-1,011 Salmon disease research 1,012-1,017 Forestry Chipboard factories, sales to 854 Education, numbers of trainees 855 Fire losses 846-849 John F. Kennedy Memorial Park 856 Land acquisition 841, 842 Paper mills, sales to 853 Planting targets and achievements 843, 845 Sawmills, sales to 850-852 Fowler, Mr. K. M. Comptroller and Auditor General, page 124, (no questions) Deputises for Comptroller and Auditor General Industry and Commerce 404-447 Social Welfare 450-484 See under Comptroller and Auditor General Gaeltachta, Roinn na Houses completed 371 Kilronan Pier 380 Minor Road Improvement Schemes administration 372, 375 applications, 378, 379, Appendix 17 inspection and recommendation 376, 377 progress 373, 374 Secondary Schools grant applications 381, 382 grants, size of 383-385 Mayo and Galway 386 Water and Sewerage Schemes 387-390 Gárda Síochána Accident reports 700, 701 Audit, provision of files 672-678 Clothing and equipment 691 Embezzlement 677, 678 Insurance premiums collection 702 Medical Aid Fund, 675, 676 Mortality rates 697 Motor vehicles accidents 703-705 insurance 706 numbers and mileage 685, 686, 693-695 Post Office services 690 Recruitment 679, 680 Road fines 696, 697, Appendix 25 Road Fund 696 Station services 692 Travelling and Incidental Expenses demonstrations 683, 684 increase 681-683 separation allowances 687-689 Unclaimed articles, sale of 698, 699 Health Asian flu 883, 884 Cork Polio General Aftercare Association 867 Diabetics 881, 882 Diphtheria immunisation 876-880 Disabling diseases, provision of treatment 882 Farms attached to hospitals 910 Fluoridation 869-872 Health Authorities expenditure 885, Appendix 28 lay administration costs 911, Appendix 33 medicines, comparative costs 858, 859 minor receipts 911, Appendix 34 State contributions 857, 861-865, Appendix 26 Hospitals Trust Fund grants from 867 Report 868, Appendix 27 Incapacitated, homes for 873 Information services 875 Medical Cards criteria for giving 896 duration of 897 population covered by 893-895, 898, 899, Par 21, Appendices 2 and 30 Medicines, increasing costs of 889-892, Par 20, Appendices 28, 29 Patients receipts from 900, Appendix 31 social welfare recipients, monies withheld 901-909, Appendix 32 Polio vaccine scheme 874 Statutory inquiries 860 Tuberculosis 886-888 Voluntary agencies 866, 867 Industry and Commerce British Surcharge, exporters’ assistance 446 Buy Irish Campaign industry, contributions from 438-440 National Development Association 437 progress 441 Castlecomer Collieries 442, 443 Córas Tráchtála accounts audit 405 financial control over 406 grants to 404, 407 Export guarantee, insurance arrangements 444 Flour millers’ losses 447 Foras Tionscal financial control of 424 grants from, when given 425-427 grants to 408, 445 Precision Alloys, Ballyfermot age of firm 413-415 assets disposed without consent 409, 410, 421 data regarding 421 instalments paid to 428-432, Par 14 investment safeguards 412, 418, 422, 423, Par 14 Irish directors 411 numbers employed 420 State/Private investment proportion 415-417 turnover 419, 420, 424 Sligo Spinning Company 432 Industrial Credit Company Precision Alloys, Ballyfermot investment losses and safeguards 409, 410, 412, 418, Par 14 Irish directors 411 State investment 415-417, Par 14 Irish National Productivity Committee Par 4 Verolme Dockyard Subsidies 433-436 International Co-operation Overseas Trainee Fund operation 584, 586, 587 Zambian students 585 United Nations, contributions to amount of 574, 575, 578 assessment of 579-583 countries not making 576, 577 Middle East Emergency Force 571-573 technical assistance programme 568-570 Justice, Office of the Minister Commissions and Special Inquiries expenditure 665 Landlord and Tenant 671 O’Mahony Tribunal 665, 670, 671 sitting at present 607 Free Legal Aid Scheme administration 666 applications, numbers of 667, 668 legal panel 669 Travelling expenses 664 Labour Career Information Service 148-150 Chomhairle Oiliúna, An activities 137-142 expenditure 154, 155 Clerical recruitment difficulties 161-168, Par 26 Employment exchanges, overtime 157-160 Leaving Certificate holders, job opportunities 169, 170 Manpower surveys 143-147 National Industrial Safety Organisation 150-154 Rawsons, redundancy compensation 135 Redundancy Payments Fund 136 Social Insurance Fund, receipts from 156 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Staffing difficulties 716, 717 Lands Church Temporalities Fund 829 Co-operative farming societies, interest on loans 833, 834 Game and Wildlife Committee 813-815 Land Annuities collection costs 816, 817, 820, Par 19 increase of amounts 825, 826, Par 19 lump sum payments trend 817, 818, 827, Par 19 numbers bought out 822, 823 numbers involved 821, Par 19 numbers on 10/- rates 826 postage rates 824 time for repayment 819 tenants, advantages of 828 Land Bonds fund contributions 829, 834, 835 interest and sinking fund 830-832 stock exchange position 839, 840 Land Purchase and Allotment advances scheme 801, 803-808 Cash and bond payments method 836-838 details 810, 811 life annuities scheme 802, 803, 806-809, 811, 812 Local Loans Fund 829 Law Charges Counsel choice of 105 fees 104, 106 Witnesses’ expenses 103 Lawless, Mr. M. B. Local Government 621-663 Local Government Building Inspector vacancies 645, 646 Driving Tests foreign licences, 650, 651, 653 licence conditions 652 testers 644, 647-649 Employment Schemes minor 633, 634 rural improvement 635-637 local contributions 654, 655, Appendix 23 Special Employment Schemes Office 632 Foras Forbartha 630, 631 Itinerants rehabilitation 638-643 Miscellaneous services 638 Motor Vehicle Duties Exchequer receipts 629 fines 624, 625 local administration 626-628 retention 622, 623 revenue 621 untaxed vehicles 624 National Building Advisory Council 630, 631 Road Fund Account Appendix 24 improvement grants 657-659 notification of grants 663 Road safety expenditure 656 research 660-662 McCann, Mr. H. J. External Affairs 538-567 International Co-operation 568-587 McCarthy, Mr. J. C. B. Industry and Commerce 404-447 MacGearailt, Mr. S. Education, Office of the Minister 718-764 Primary Education 765-782 Reformatory and Industrial Schools page 95 (no question) Secondary Education 783-791 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 799, 800 Vocational Education 792-798 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 448, 449 Miscellaneous Expenses Easter Rising 1916 Commemoration 111-113 Cork Opera House 122 Dublin Grand Opera Society 117, 118 Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 109, 110 National Theatre Society, Limited 119-121, Appendix 6 Nelson Pillar damage claims 114-116 Property values arbitrations 107, 108 Mooney, Mr. J. Rates on Government Property 397-403 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 391-396 Mundow, Mr. H. J. Public Works and Buildings 171-289 Nagle, Mr. J. C. Agriculture 912-1,007 Fisheries 1,008-1,017 National Gallery Catalogue 1,022 Extension and Restaurant 1,020 Fire precautions 1,018 Loans 1,023, 1,024 Purchases 1,021 Value 1,019 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 841-856 Lands 801-840 O’Brolcháin, Mr. Brian Stationery Office 290 O Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 135-170 O Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions 358-370 Defence 291-357 Oireachtas, Houses of the Page 4 (no question) O Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S. Central Mental Hospital, page 108 (no question) Health 857-911 O Riordan, Mr. D. Transport and Power 485-510 O hUanacháin, Mr. L. Social Welfare 450-484 Pensions, Increases in Twelve per cent increase, application 123-130 Posts and Telegraphs Broadcasting licence fees checks 614 “spongers” campaign 606, Appendix 22 Commercial Accounts, Appendix 20 Cross-channel cables 615 Engineering stores 588-590 Losses 613 Mails C.I.E. use of 611 contract conveyance 610 details 609 postmen 608 receipts 612 Postal Service revenue 591, 592 Post Office Savings Bank accounts 600, 603 Bank of Nova Scotia, deposit with 604 increased deposits 601, 602 repayment services receipts 616- 618 Sites awaiting development 607 Telegraph revenue 591, 592 Telephones revenue 591 reverse call charges 619 telex 620 trade directory 593-599, Appendix 20 Travelling expenses 605 Trustee Savings Bank Accounts 603, Appendix 21 President’s Establishment Page 4 (no question) Primary Education Handicapped, courses for teachers of expenditure 774, 775 need for 775, 776, 778 numbers participating 773, 774 selection of teachers 777 Heating, cleaning and painting grants 781 Model schools 779, 780 Schoolbooks, free scheme 782 Training Colleges Church of Ireland 767, 768, 770 fees, repayable advances 771, 772 future role 769 St. Patrick’s 765, 766, 770 Prisons Overtime payments 707 Manufactured goods sales 708, 709 Public Works and Buildings Architectural and engineering works expenditure 171 Architectural fees 284 Arterial Drainage Works estimates and expenditure 230-236, Appendices 8 and 9 surveys recruitment difficulties 275-277 Athlone site 237 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park 285-288, Appendix 13 Castlebar site 238, 239 Compilation of property rental 289, Appendix 14 Dunlaoghaire Car Ferry Terminal and Harbour 254-256, Par 8 Embassies Canberra 274 Lagos 278-282 Fire losses 283 Four Courts stonework repairs Audit delays 199, 201, 202, 204-215, Par 12 completion date 198 contractors, availability 200 estimates revised 188, 196, 197, 203, Par 12 quantity surveyor difficulties 189-195, Par 12 Furniture, transfers to new buildings 272, 273 Galway Fisheries Research Station site Par 6 Land Commission computer 264-271 Leinster House, heating system 240 National Building Agency Houses expenditure 172 sites 182, 183 1968 targets 173-181 National Education Office, Library Centre 263 President John F. Kennedy memorial 241-247, Appendix 11 Professional fees, Par 5 Rye River drainage works, Par 9 School grants expenditure 171 School maintenance expenditure 184-187 Templemore Gárda Training Centre 257-262, Par 7 Appendix 12, Thomas Davis memorial 251-254 Trucks Dunmore East hireage 216-222, Par 13 Moy Drainage scheme allocation 223-229, Par 13, Appendix 7 Wolfe Tone memorial 248-250 Rates on Government Property USA Embassy Rates 397-403 Réamonn, Mr. S. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 511-537 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Page 95 (no question) Remuneration Contingency Fund Deposit Account 134 Tenth Round Increases, grades involved 131-133 Revenue Commissioners Estate Duties, delays and staffing problems 521-525, Par 16 Extra-statutory repayments amounts 516 customs duties cases 516 excise cases 516-519 Income tax outstanding assessments 515 PAYE monthly returns Par 11 Irrecoverable amounts 520 Revenue account 511, 512 yield 513, 514 Staff recruitment difficulties 530-537, Par 28 Turnover Tax returns 528, Par 18 Wholesale Tax, checking procedures 526-529, Par 17 Scannell, Mr. J. Posts and Telegraphs 588-620 Secondary Education Comprehensive schools 787-790 School building grants 783-786 Transport, free scheme 791 Secret Service Increased expenditure 98 Social Welfare Agents, performance of higher duties 471 Clerical vacancies 458-461, Par 27 Extra-statutory grants 467-469 Labour, transfer of staff to 462 Old Age Pensions, late claims 469, 470 Social Assistance overpayments 453-457 Social Insurance Fund accounts 472, Appendix 19 Britain, reciprocal arrangements with 474-484 persons not claiming benefit 473 State contribution 450-452 Unemployment Assistance, expenditure 463-466 State Laboratory Analysis, type of 76, 78 Delays in analysis of imported goods 79-81 Drugs 77 Stationery Office Government Publications Sale Office Accounts 290, Appendix 15 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Children’s Allowances 92 Established Officers, part recognition of temporary service 90, 91 Retired tax inspector reemployed 95-97 Royal Irish Constabulary pensions 93, 94 Taoiseach, Department of Officer on loan 7 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 371-390 Transport and Power Airport landing fees 510 Bord Fáilte accounting difficulties 486-495, Par 15 local festivals, joint finance 496, 497 reports 498 CIE redundancy compensation 485 Cork Airport, defects and maintenance 499-502 Dublin Airport building costs Par 10 Harbours, expenditure less than estimate 507 Rural electrification progress 508, 509 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Limited accounts 504 borrowing powers 505 grants 503, 506 housing subsidies and grants 503, 506 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Cork Dental Hospital 799 Maynooth College 800 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Constituency maps 395 Map sales 393, 394, 396 Vacancies, filling of 391, 392 Vocational Education Regional Technical Colleges consortium fees 792-794 personnel 795 Vocational Education Committees, local contributions 796-798 Whitaker, Mr. T. K. Agricultural Grants 99-102 Central Statistics Office 8-20 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 12 (no question) Civil Service Commission 82-89 Finance, Office of the Minister 21-75 General Report 2-6 Law Charges 103-106 Miscellaneous Expenses 107-122 Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 4 (no question) Pensions, Increases in 123-130 Presidents’ Establishment, page 4 (no question) Remuneration 131-134 Secret Service 98 State Laboratory 76-81 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 90-97 Taoiseach, Department of 7 White, Mr. J. National Gallery 1,018-1,024 |
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