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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Page 9 (no question) Agriculture Agricultural Production Council 765 Agricultural Wages Board 773 Bacon Factories Grants 767, 768, 770, Appendix 21 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme compensation, number of cattle involved 722 expenditure 716, 717 intensive stocking, risk in 728 observation services, annual cost 729 progress 725 reactor sales increased receipts 717, 718, purchases 719 tests, frequency of 726, 727 veterinary surgeons fees as proportion of total cost 724, Appendix 18 basis of 721 extent of 720 practices, type of 720 total number paid 723 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme cattle sales purchasers 719 receipts 718, 731 expenditure 730 progress 730, 731 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme expenditure 732 fraud cases money involved 736, Appendix 19 number of 735 prevention 737 grants, decrease in number 733 progress 734 scrub bulls 738 Charolais Cattle importation fodder precautions 685, 687 number in country 686 quarantine charges 683, 684, 685 County Committees of Agriculture Grants amount 762, Appendix 20 amount not expended, reason for 763 Dairy Produce Bord Bainne 752, 753 creamery milk price allowances 752, 753, 754 Dairy Disposal Company accounts 774, Appendix 23. Dungarvan bulk collection scheme 761 milk collection pilot scheme 752, 753 milk testing 760 National Dairy Publicity Scheme 752, 753 separated milk grants 766 Fat Cattle exports claims alteration of 749-751 identification confusion 746-748 payments 747, 748 classification consistency 742, 744 details of scheme 739, 741 Northern Ireland, purchases from 742-745 progress 740 Foras Talúntais Accounts 774, Appendix 22 Irish Meat Association 757, 758 Land Project contractors 692 expenditure 688, 689 Leitrim 691 schemes 688, 690 Landrace Pig Scheme 769 Lime and Fertilisers dumping allegations 707, 711 expenditure 704 ground limestone deliveries 710, Appendix 17 subsidies audit 709 basis 704 development 706-708 payments recovered 712-715 review 705 Mountain Sheep Scheme 771, 772 National Stud 764 Pigs and Bacon Commission 774, Appendix 24 Research organisations 755 Rye River drainage complaints 703, par 11 date of work 696, par 11 deterioration 700, 701, par 11 history 695, par 11 maintenance 693, 694, par, 11 National Development Fund 699 Office of Public Works action 698, 699, par 11 original cost 702 Appendix 16, par 11 undertaking not repeated 697, par 11 University Colleges, grants to 759 World Food Programme contributions to 678, 679 countries contributing 681 future commitments 682 milk powder 756 payment, control over 680 Appendices, List of, Page 174 Appropriation Accounts 1966-67, special subheads opened, Appendix III Comparisons of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstracts of accounts, 1965-66, Appendix I Army Pensions page 43 (no question) Audit, Papers Required for Accounting officer’s statement 91-107, 223-251 Comptroller and Auditor General’s statement 5, 6, 80-90 Dispute 79-127, 222-267 Finance view 6-10, 121-125, 249, Appendix page 27 Interim report of Committee, page 5 Berry, Mr. P. Audit, papers required for audit query 267 communication, lack of 265 Comptroller and Auditor General’s statement 108-111, 113-118, 120 Department of Finance consultation 112 Interim report of Committee page 5 Minister’s attitude 127, 222, 254, 255 nature of papers 256-258 security risk 252-253 statement of position 91-107, 223-248, 251 transcript of evidence 125, 126 withholding of 5, 6, 10, 262-265 Courts 913 Garda Síochána 896-912 Justice, Office of the Minister, page 89 (no question) Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 914, 915 Prisons page 92 (no question) Central Mental Hospital Accommodation 975, 976 Garden produce 972 Staff rations 973, 974 Central Statistics Office page 6 (no question) Chairman Election of 1, 3 Takes chair 2, 4 Charitable Donations and Bequests page 14 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaion, An Autonomy in giving grants 39 Civil Service Commission page 8 (no question) Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme 717, 722 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme 731 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme 733 Charolais cattle 684 Dairy Produce Bord Bainne 753 creamery milk allowances 753 Dairy Disposal Company 774 milk collection 753 National Dairy Publicity Scheme 753 Fat Cattle Export Scheme 740, 743, 747, 754 Foras Talúntais accounts 774 Land Project expenditure 689 lime and fertilisers 705, 706, 709, 713 Pigs and Bacon Commission accounts 774 Rye River drainage 694, 699, 700 World Food Programme 679 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An grants 39 Defence civil defence 388, 389 Hawlbowline and Spike Island 364, 366, 384 provisions 363 show prizes 404 United Nations, overseas service 413 Education, Office of the Minister National College of Art 545 External Affairs New York World’s Fair 337 Finance, Office of the Minister county development teams 33 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara 777 Forestry road works 800 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Gaeltarra Éireann, grant-in-aid 51, 53, 55-58, 60-62 Garda Síochána station fuel allowances 896 General Report administrative efficiency 5 audit, papers required for access to 259, 260 accounting officer, communication with 266 finance sanction 251 interim report of Committee, page 5 report, preparation of 267 statement of position 6, 80-90, 119, 250 withholding of 5, 6, 261 balances on 1965-66 notes 11 capital fund advances to Bord na Móna 16-18 amount 19 central fund 13 Exchequer extra receipts 11 National Development Fund 13 outturn 11 papers, production of 5 public debt services 14 stock and store accounts 11, 12 Health health authorities expenditure 917, 932 Hospitals Trust Fund 937 mental hospitals supervision 940 patients’ contributions 964 Industry and Commerce American grant counterpart fund 325 British surcharge, incentives to exporters 305, 306, 310 Buy Irish Campaign 317, 318 Córas Tráchtála, Ireland House 269, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279. Foras Tionscal grants 281 industrial estates 281, 285-288 Verolme dockyard subsidy 291, 294, 298, 301, 302 International Cooperation United Nations Bonds repayments 362 Lands Game Resources Improvement Committee 783 housing defects 779 land annuities redemption 787, 791 Local Government driving testers 664 motor vehicle duties 658 Office of Comptroller and Auditor General accountants 979 audit fees 980 staff vacancies 977-979. Posts and Telegraphs commercial accounts 468 Post Office Savings Bank 476 stores 464 telephone expenditure 505 Primary Education St. Patricks Training College 564, 569 schoolbooks 588 Public Works and Buildings dredgers 137, 140 Dún Laoghaire harbour mailboat pier concrete mixer 160, 163-165 productivity measuring system 155 expenditure 128 Kilronan fishery harbour 209 National Building Agency houses rent 135 Reformatory and Industrial Schools girls detained 626 Revenue Commissioners extra statutory repayments 861 income tax 859, 864 irrecoverable amounts 862 motor vehicles 884, 885 revenue account 856, 858 wholesale tax 877 Secondary Education building grant scheme 590 comprehensive schools expenditure 594 Social Welfare pensions overpayments 450, 451 Social Insurance Fund 448 Stationery Office paper stocks 511, 523 telephone directory 526, 527. Transport and Power Córas Iompair Éireann redundancy compensation 811 retirement pensions 813 Dublin Airport Buildings professional fees 835 tendering and subcontracting 815, 817, 818, 820, 822, 824, 826, 828 Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited 837 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 644 Galway University College 636 university sporting facilities 637 Vocational Education Church Temporalities Fund 621-623 Contingency Fund Deposit Account British Military Attache, incident at residence 49 Courts Fees received 913, Appendix 26 Defence Aircraft, types in use 397 Army Equitation School 395 Barracks Galway, expenditure on 402, Appendix 8 houses in vicinity 403 Civil Defence equipment location of 390 regular inspection 388, 391 security 387 value of 389, Appendix 8 Compensation 385, 386 Film payment 414 FCA uniforms 392-394 Hawlbowline and Spike Islands boat service cost 364, 373, 380, par 10 hiring arrangement 372, par 10 necessity for 371, par 10 passenger service 382, par 10 bridge agreement for use of 379, par 10 co-operation in building 374, par 10 finance for 376, par 10 goods, transport of 366-367, par 10 personnel, use by 368, 369, 370, 375, 377, 380, 381, par 10 problem foreseen 378, par 10 stores, trouble in delivering 365, par 10 water supply 383, 384 Heating oil fired 401 solid fuel 400 Helicopters life of 396 local use 405 private use 406-409 Naval vessels 398, 399 Provisions, cost trends 363 Show prizes 404 United Nations, finance for overseas service 410-413 Education, Office of the Minister Archaeological excavations 541 Commission on Higher Education 534, 535 Council of Education 540 Grants-in-Aid 563 International Bureau of Education 537 Irish language colleges, grants to 545, 547 dictionary consultants 553 Dineen, use of 555 English-Irish dictionary 557 progress 551 staff engaged on 552, 554 typescript 556 publications grant 546 Scoil Lorcáin 547 Language Research Laboratory 560 Muintir na Tíre 561 National College of Art 542-545 National Film Institute 543, 544, 550 National Museum 536 Overseas Club 559 Royal Irish Academy 549 Royal Zoological Society 558 Senior visiting fellowships 562 UNESCO benefits from 539 contribution to 538 Employment and Emergency Schemes Administration costs 441, 442 Staff reduction 440 Transfer of Schemes backlog 443, 444 effects 445 scope 446 External Affairs British Military Attaché, compensation 348 Canadian Universal Exhibition 334-336 Destitute Persons Abroad accounting change 338 extension of services 338 future expenditure on 340, 341, 342 knowledge of service 343 number of cases 339 Embassy funds compensation 351 embezzlement 349 security precautions 350 Films distribution 354, 355 Rhapsody of a River 353 total number sponsored 352 New York World’s Fair 337 Official Entertainment expenditure, reason for 344 other countries, similar functions 345 receptions 346, 347 Finance Minute Text, Appendix 2 Finance, Office of the Minister Comhlacht Comhairle na Gaeilge 29, 30 County development teams 33, 34 Economic and Social Research Institute 31 Institute of Public Administration 26-28 National Building Agency 35, 36 Salaries 24, 25 Special aid to the West 32 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara 777 Fishery claim 775, 776 Forestry Foresters applicants 804 education of 803 John F. Kennedy Memorial Park 805, 806 Land acquisition 802 National Development Fund 810 Road works 799-801 Sawmilling 807, 808 Timber demand 809 Fowler, Mr. K. M. Comptroller and Auditor General 977-980 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Cultural and social schemes 73, 74 Entertainment halls 73, 74 Gaeltarra Éireann grant-in-aid capital and current expenditure 50-54, 58-61, par 6 Dáil control 55-57, 62-64, par 6 details 50-53, 65, par 6 production grants 66 staff 78 Glasshouses 69 Hotel grants 70-72 Houses, demand for 67, 68 Loans, repayment of 77 Newspapers and films 73 Taidhbhearc na Gaillimhe 75, 76 Garda Síochána Citizens reward for assistance 899, 900 Festivals and functions work 906-910 Motor vehicles 911-912 Station fuel allowances 896-898 Road Fund payments amount of 901, 902 increase warranted 903 services provided 903, 905 traffic wardens 904 Hargadon, Mr. O. P. Central Mental Hospital 972-976 Health 916-971 Hawe, Mr. M. Employment and Emergency Schemes 440-446 Health Accommodation, contributions from staff for 956-961, par 20 Ambulance expenditure 948, 951 County Homes and small institutions 923-925 Dental services 949 Fluoridation 929-932 Health Authorities administrative costs 948, 950, Appendix 31, par 18 grants 917, 922 local contributions frozen 918, 922 total 932, Appendix 29 minor receipts, Appendix 33 superannuation 948, 951 Health Cards, county variations 952, 953, Appendix 32, par 19 Helicopter charges 954 Hospitals Trust Fund accounts 935-937 contributions from 933, 934, Appendices 28 and 29 International Congresses, persons attending 919-921 Medicines, expenditure on 971, Appendix 35 Mental Hospitals expenditure 944-946 privately owned 938-940 National Drug Formulary 955 Patients, receipts from 962-970, Appendix 34, par 21 Private homes grants 927, 928 Rehabilitation services 947 Specialist outpatient services 948 Tuberculosis hospitals expenditure 941-943, Appendix 30 Voluntary agencies 926 Voluntary Health Insurance patients 969-971, Appendix 34, par 21 Industry and Commerce American Grant Counterpart Fund 325 British surcharge, incentive to exporters claims outstanding 307 details 304-306, 308, 309, 312-315 firms involved 310, 311 Buy Irish Campaign 316-319, 327 Castlecomer collieries assistance to 320, 322, 323 future 321 workers employed 321, 323 Córas Tráchtála Buy Irish promotions 328 grants to 268 Ireland House 269-280 Kilkenny Design Workshops 269 Foras Tionscal, An British surcharge, aid to exporters 312, 313, 315 grants to 281 industrial estates factory premises purchasing option 286 rents 285, 287, 289, 290 Government operated 283 grants 281, 282, 288 private promoters 283, 284 Friendly Societies 330, 331 New York World’s Fair exhibits 329 expenditure 326 Patents Office 332, 333 Technical assistance 324 Verolme Dockyard borrowings 301 subsidy committee to examine 294-296 concealment of 300 details 291-293 loss of orders 302-303 rate of 292, 297-299 International Co-operation Overseas Trainee Fund contribution 359 new schemes 358 Zambia 356, 357 United Nations bonds 362 Cyprus fund 361 General Assembly 360 Justice, Office of the Minister Page 89 (no question) Labour Bord na Móna dispute 649 Labour Court 649, 650 Manpower Advisory Committee 648 Staff transfers 646 Travelling expenses 647 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Fees 914, 915 Lands Ex-employees, gratuities to 797 Game Resources Improvement Committee 783-785 Housing defects 779-781, par 12 Land Annuities arrears 792, par 13 details 788, 794, 795, par 13 redemption cost 796, par 13 Donegal experiment 790, 791, 793, par 13 encouragement of 786, 787, 789, par 13 progress 789-791, par 13 Law Charges Defence of public servants 42,43 Fees to counsel 41 Remuneration 44 Salaries 40 Lawless, Mr. M. B. Local Government 652-677 Local Government Driving testers 659-664 Housing fees 677 local authority 669-671, Appendix 14 private 672, Appendix 15 Motor Vehicle Duties amount 653 extra receipts 657, 658 on-the-spot fines 655, 656 Post Office services 666, 667 Road Fund accounts 654 amount to Local Authorities 653 Rural improvements schemes 665 Staff 662 Statutory enquiries 668 Water and sewerage schemes expenditure 672, Appendix 15 grant exceeded 676 plastic piping 673-675 McCann, Mr. H. J. External Affairs 334-355 International Co-operation 356-362 McCarthy, Mr. J. C. B. Industry and Commerce 268-333 MacGearailt, Mr. S. Education, Office of the Minister for 534-563 Primary Education 564-589 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 624-634 Secondary Education 590-609 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 635-645 Vocational Education 610-623 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests page 14 (no question) Miscellaneous Expenses Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children grant 46 National Theatre Society Limited 45 Nelson Pillar damage claims 47, 48 Mooney, Mr. J. Rates on Government Property 423 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 415-422 Mundow, Mr. H. J. Public Works and Buildings 128-220 Nagle, Mr. J. C. Agriculture 678-774 Fisheries 775-777 National Gallery Art works conservation 424 Cataloguing 430, 431 Extension to 425 Fire hazard insurance 428, 429 precautions 427 Paintings bequests 436 disposal of 438 exhibited 432, 435 historical 433 reference works 434 storage numbers 432 preservation 439 requests for 437 Restaurant 426 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 799-810 Lands 778-798 Ó Brolcháin, Mr. Brian Stationery Office 510-532 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 646-651 Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions, page 43 (no question) Defence 363-414 Oireachtas, Houses of the Restaurant Losses future extent of 22 subsidy to cover 21 Staff salaries, less than estimate 20 Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S. Absence of 916 O’Riordan, Mr. D. Transport and Power 811-855 Ó hUanacháin, Mr. L. Social Welfare 447-463 Posts and Telegraphs Accounts Central Bank 469-470 working balance 470-474 Broadcasting licence fees 484-486 Building programme 479 Commercial accounts 467, 468, Appendix 10 Engineering stores 489, 490 Finance accounts 467, 468, Appendix 10 Mail bags 481-483 Overtime payments increase 501, 503 staffing difficulties 502 Postal Service losses 504 revenue 466 Post Office Savings Bank accounts 475, 509, Appendix 11 depreciation 477, 478 misappropriation amount 491 detection 494 losses borne 495 percentage 493 savings books left in Post Office 496-500 surety bonds 492 publicity, effect on deposits 476, 509 Post Office vehicles 507, 508 Revenue Commissioners, receipts from 489 Stores manufacturing work 465 value of 464 Telegraph losses 504 revenue 466 Telephones capital expenditure 487, 505 directory 466 equipment 480 installation 488 losses 504 profit 506 revenue 466, Appendix 10 Trustee Savings Bank Accounts 509, Appendix 11 President’s Establishment Page 6 (no question) Primary Education Handicapped schools, number of 572 teachers numbers 573, Appendix 13 recruitment 574 special training 571 Schoolbooks grant basis 577 claims 578, 580 expenditure 579 necessity, decision as to 584, 586-589 numbers benefiting 576, 582, 583, 585 special increase 581 Training Colleges Carysfort 566, 570 Church of Ireland 566, 570 De La Salle 566, 570 Limerick 566, 570 Marino Christian Brothers 566, 570 St. Patricks accounts audit 569 architect 565 expenditure 564, 570 final estimate 567 loan 568 Prisons Page 92 (no question) Public Works and Buildings Advertisements 187 Architectural and engineering works expenditure 128, Appendix 4 Arterial drainage works, estimates and expenditure 168, 169 Ballyhaise Agricultural School 204 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park accounts 220, Appendix 6 Carlow post office and telephone exchange 211 Castlebar Government Offices 218 Cloughjordan, site for garda station 171 Compilation of property rental 220, Appendix 7 Contractors, selection of 188-190 Courts of Justice stonework 197 Decentralisation, purchase of sites 170 Dredgers capacity 148 Fág an Bealach future 151-153, par 7 hireage 141, 142, 147, 152, par 7 losses 143, 144 maintenance 140 sale 151 work done by 139, 145 Local Authorities, co-operation 147, 150 number 138, 146 Sisyphus manning 137 work done by 136 Dublin Castle 177, 178 Dublin Preventive Centre 199 Dún Laoghaire Pier concrete preparation, uneconomic methods 159-167, par 9 overtime payments 154-158, par 8 Dún Laoghaire Post Office 210 Embassies Lagos 213 maintenance 215 suitability 214, 215 Washington 212 Galway fishery station site 174-176 Holycross, site for Garda station 171 Killarney telephone exchange 211 Knowth, 173 Liberty Hall 200 Major Fishery Harbours Castletownbere 208 Dunmore East 207, 208 Galway 206, 208 Howth 208 Killybegs 207, 208 Kilronan 209 National Building Agency Houses expenditure 133 number complete December 1967, 134 March 1967, 133 rent 135 O’Connell Bridge House 198 President John F. Kennedy memorial planning 179 site 180 Productivity measurement 154, 159, par 8 Property sales 219 St. Enda’s, Rathfarnham 172 St. Stephen’s Green 216, 217 Schools expenditure 128, 129 managers 129, 130 planning 132 sites 131 Templemore Garda Training Centre additional works 184, 186 architect 191-194 contractors, selection of 188 original tender 183 professional fees 195, Appendix 5 swimming pool cost 186, Appendix 5 defects 181, 182 Appendix 5 Tenders, acceptance of 196 Veterinary and dairy laboratories 203 Veterinary College, Ballsbridge 201 Waterford BTE offices 205 Rates on Government Property USA, agreement with 423 Réamonn, Mr. S. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 856-895 Reformatory and Industrial Schools After-care 634 Distinction between two types of school 624 Girls detained 626 Industrial Schools building grants 630 general assistance 629 maintenance grants 628, 631 number 632 type of offender 624 Reformatory Schools brothers in charge 633 change in name 627 location 625 type of offender 624 Remuneration Page 9 (no question) Revenue Commissioners Betting duties 891, 893 Computers Honeywell 868, 874, 875 ICT 875 Dance tax 863, 873 Extra statutory repayments 861 Income Tax arrears 860 outstanding assessments 859 International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs 886, 887 Irrecoverable amounts 862 Merchants overcharging 895 Motor vehicles 879-885, 892 Overtime payments 892, 894 PAYE enforcement 863, 864, par 16 legislative difficulties 870, par 16 procedure 866-870, pars 15 and 16 staff 865, 872, par 16 Revenue account 856 yield 857, 858 Smuggling 888-890 Turnover Tax enforcement 863, 864, 871, par 17 staff 865, 872, par 17 United Kingdom double taxation relief 878 Wholesale tax returns 876, 877 staff 863, 869 874 Scannell, Mr. J. Posts and Telegraphs 464-509 Secondary Education Building grants basis 590-593 future expenditure 607, 609 priority 606 starting date, retrospection 592, 608 Choirs and orchestras 602 Comprehensive Schools expenditure 594-595 maintenance 599 opening dates 594, 600 pupils 596 residential 598 teachers 597 Educational Television Service 605 Laboratory grants 601 Secondary Teachers’ courses 603, 604 Secret Service Page 8 (no question) Social Welfare Miscellaneous grants 460 Old Age Pensions decrease 458, 459 overpayments 450, 451 Overpayments amount 449 hardship, allowance for 453, 454 recoverability assessment 452, 453 recovery costs 457 Social Insurance Fund accounts Appendix 9 contributions increase 463 contributors not using 462 investment account 461 payments 447, 448 State Laboratory Delays in analysis of imported goods 37, 38 Stationery Office Computers 529 Dáil debates 531, 532 Government Publications Sale Office Accounts, Appendix 27 Paper stocks amount 510, 511, 516 assurance from printer 512, 513, Appendix 12 checks 518-525 user 514-516 value 517 Supplies and services on repayment 530 Telephone directory 526-528 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Page 8 (no question) Taoiseach, Department of Officer on loan 23 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 50-78 Transport and Power Airports closure due to weather 854 Bord Fáilte grants 814, par 14 Córas Iompair Éireann pensions 812, 813 redundancy compensation 811 Cork Airport equipment 855 Dublin Airport building planning 817-829, par 14 professional fees 834-836 tendering and sub contracting 814-829, par 14 Harbour Works finance 846 harbours 847, 849 hydraulic models 847, 848 progress 845 Incidental expenses 844 Professional staff 853 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Limited airport benefit 840 community services 837, 850 grants 837 housing economic rents 842, 843 grants 837, 850, 852, Appendix 25 residents 839 persons employed 838 policy 841 Tenders, local 830-833 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Cork Dental Hospital 635 Cork University College 640, 645 Dublin Dental Hospital 641 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 642-644 Galway, University College 636 Royal College of Surgeons 638, 639 Trinity College grants 638 Universities audit 636 basis of grants 638 sporting facilities 637 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Dublin City mapping aerial survey 419 progress 417 Machine, sale of obsolete 422 Map sales 420, 421 Staff vacancies 416, 418 Stationery Office agency charges 415 Vocational Education Church Temporalities Fund 620-623. Colleges grants 615 Examination fees 618 Irish Nautical College 616 Macra na Tuaithe 617 Teachers course fees 619 qualifications 614 recruitment 613 Vocational Education Committees 610-612 Whitaker, Mr. T. K. Agricultural grants, page 9 (no question) Central Statistics Office, page 6 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaíon, An 39 Civil Service Commission, page 8 (no question) Contingency Fund Deposit Account 49 Finance, Office of the Minister 24-36 General Report 11-19 Justice audit, papers required for, observations 6-10, 121-125, 249, Appendix page 27 Law Charges 40-44 Miscellaneous Expenses 45-48 Oireachtas, Houses of the 20-22 President’s Establishment, page 6 (no question) Remuneration, page 9 (no question) Secret Service, page 8 (no question) State Laboratory 37, 38 Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 8 (no question) Taoiseach, Department of 23 White, Mr. J. National Gallery 424-439 |
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