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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence Agricultural Grants Page 6 (no question) Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation 649, 650 Agricultural Production Council 651 Animal Remedies Consultative Committee 660 Bacon factory grants 657 Bord Gráin bank strike, interest loss 653, 655, par 28 bankers, choice of 654 banks, censure of 656, par 28 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme annual cost 579 expenditure 578 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme affected cattle, disposal of 583, 584 detection 586, 587 estimated cost 585 expenditure 581 progress 582 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme abuse 590, par 26 details 588, par 26 discrepancy of £2m 589 payments, test check 595-599 progress 594, par 26 prosecutions 600 substandard animals 592, 593 type of cattle 591 Cattle, use of antibiotics 580 Cooperative horticultural projects expenditure 601 progress 602 station, cost of 603 Dairy produce Bord Bainne accounts 605, par 27 Agricultural Credit Corporation loan 608-610 exports support 606, 607 powers general manager 611, 612 limit on expenditure 608 responsibility for decisions 610 scope of 609 report 613, par 27 Dairy Disposal Company accounts 665 cooperative management 666 marketing 604 milk bulk collection 622, 623 cooler grants 617 quality bonus 616, 618-621 National Dairy Publicity Council cheese sales 615 finance and targets 614 Fertiliser Subsidies Scheme consumption 652 expenditure 576 target 577 Foras Talúntais accounts 664, Appendix XLIII potato research 659 Gorta 648 Irish Meat Association, research unit 646 Land project expenditure 575 Meat export, expenditure on legal action 661 National Development Fund 662 Pigs and Bacon Commission 663, Appendix XLII Pigs, progeny testing of imported 644, 645, Appendix XL Potatoes, experimental farm 658, 659 Suspense accounts 642, 643 Veterinary College completion and cost 647, Appendix XLI Warble Fly Eradication Scheme compensation claims fund 624, 625 injury, period of diagnosis 663, Appendix XXXIX late application 631 percentage upheld 627 operation of 628-630 progress 626 side effects 632 World Food Programme areas benefiting 637 contributions to 634, 635 distribution control 638, 639 Gorta, relationship with 636 labelling 640 ordering system 641 Appendices, List of, Page 125. Appropriation Accounts 1965-66, special subheads opened, Appendix III Comparisons of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstracts of accounts, 1964-65, Appendix I Army Pensions Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 provision under 409 Berry, Mr. P. Courts 573, 574 Garda Síochána 563-569 Justice, Office of the Minister 557-562 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds page 96 (no question) Prisons 570-572 Central Mental Hospital Patients, number of 71 Central Statistics Office Page 5 (no question) Charitable Donations and Bequests Travelling and incidental expenses 120 Chomhairle Ealaion, An Page 5 (no question) Civil Service Commission Interview board sittings 12 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture Bord Gráin bankers, choice of 654 bank strike, interest loss 653, 655 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme 578 Brucellosis Eradication Scheme 581 Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme grants issued, discrepancy 589 increased members, grading 591 test check 596, 597, 599 cooperative horticultural projects 601 dairy produce Bord Bainne 605, 607, 609-612 Dairy Disposal Company 665 marketing 604 milk 619, 622 Fertilizer Subsidy Scheme 576 Land Project 575 Pigs and Bacon Commission 663 suspense accounts 642 Warble Fly Eradication Scheme 625 World Food Programme 635 Charitable Donations and Bequests 120 Defence compensation 378 film 381 provisions 373 Spike Island 376 Education, Office of the Minister archaeological excavations 689 trust funds 695 Fisheries boats and gear 668, 672, 673 Garda Síochána subsistence rates 564 General Report balances on 1964-5 votes 3 capital fund advances 8 central fund receipts and issues 7 Exchequer extra receipts 2 National Development Fund 6 outturn for the year 1 stock and store accounts 5 suspense accounts 4 Health drugs national formulary 46 store account 56, 57 stores audit 40 Industry and Commerce British surcharge 244 Buy Irish Campaign 249 Castlecomer Collieries Ltd. 254 Coras Tráchtála 225, 228 Foras Tionscal 234, 235 Institute for Industrial Research and Standards 266 Kilkenny Design Workshops 230, 232 overlapping of various bodies 273 overtime rate 284 salaries increase 258, 260 Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts County Canneries Limited 242 repayments 241 Verolme Dockyard subsidy 236, 237 Justice legal aid expenditure 559 Local Government motor vehicle duties 411 overtime payment 435 Road Fund Grant 428 salaries and staff increase 414 Miscellaneous Expenses Abbey Theatre 15 National Gallery art works conservation 113, 114 salaries and wages 108 Office of the pay rates 745 recruitment losses 747 method 746 qualified accountants 748, 749 staff numbers 744 Posts and Telegraphs freight expenditure, charge to suspense amount charged 338 payments 339 reason 340 postal, telegraph and telephone accounts 332 Post Office Savings Bank accounts 334 deposits decline 345 depreciation provision 336, 337 stores current use 370 payments by other Departments 344 telephones apparatus, recovery of expenditure 362 installation receipts, 363-366 Primary Education St. Patrick’s Training College 697 Public Works and Buildings arterial drainage works 161 Costello Bay Coastguard Station 170 Galway fisheries station 121, 122, 124, 128, 129, 131, 182 National Building Agency 151 Office of Public Works passenger lift 154 photographer 202 prototype schools 138 schools expenditure 134-136 travelling expenses 165 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the customs duty deposits 545 extra statutory repayments 532 income tax outstanding amounts, interest waived 536 outstanding assessments 530 Schedule E, balancing statements 538 irrecoverable amounts 534 motor tax receipts 529 Revenue Account 525 Secondary Education capitation grant, check on claims 716-719 comprehensive schools building 721 secondary teachers pension fund 733 Social Welfare overpayments general 309 old age pension 288, 300, 304 overtime 313 Social Insurance Fund contributions 287 Stationery Office address card machines, hireage excess charges 455, 456 sanction 450 general machine hireage 470 urgent printing contractors, allocation to panel 437 urgency 444, 446 Transport and Power Bord Fáilte audit 492 Cork Airport construction estimate and expenditure 493, 496 window defects 497, 498, 501, 504 Cork Harbour tenders 512 Shannon Airport hostels 519 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Ltd. 505 suspense account balance 523 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Dublin dental hospital 740 universities audit 738 Contingency Fund Deposit Account Repayment, Vote unnecessary 20 Courts Post Office Services 573, 574, Appendix XXXVII Defence Barrack services 403 Chaplains and officiating clergymen 393 Compensation accidents 379, 406 expenditure 378 injured party 380 Essential Undertakers Grants 394-396 Film, receipts for use of personnel amount 381, par 19 disagreement 383 equipment 390 payments policy 387-389, par 19 personnel, direct allowance 386 reduction, reason for 385 revised claim 382 roles 384 Helicopters ambulance service 398 expenditure 397 fishery protective service 401, 402 mercy service 399 other uses 400 Horse show teams 404 Irish Red Cross Society 405 Married quarters electricity supply par 3 Provisions cattle, purchasing method 375 costs trend 373 labour costs 374 Spike Island bridge, access to 377 transport service 376 State properties register of 407 vesting delays par 8 Surplus stores, sales 408 United Nations allowances recoupment 391, 392 Education, Office of the Minister Adult courses 690 Archaeological excavations 688, 689 European schools day 692 National College of Art, money stolen 694 National Library, sale of photographs 693 National Museum, loan of exhibits 684-687 Student exchange scholarships 691 Trust funds 695 Employment and Emergency Schemes Bog development schemes 221 Labour force 222 Minor employment schemes Connemara expenditure 219 grants 218 saving 217, 220 Miscellaneous schemes 224 Rural improvement schemes 223 Salaries 215 Urban employment schemes 216 External Affairs Cultural relations projects 315 Information services Bord Fáilte, liaison with 318 bulletin 319-321 details 316 tourist value 317 Official entertainment functions, cost of 323 various types 322 Return of Remains of Roger Casement 324 Salaries 314 Finance minute Availability of 21 Text, Appendix II Finance, Office of the Minister County Development Teams 10 Fisheries Boats and gear, loans unrepaid amount due 670 future repayment prospects 671 monies written off 667 payments, method of collection 668, 672-674 reason for losses 669 Exploratory boat 676 Sea fisheries training scheme 675 Forestry Fires losses 681 patrols 683 watchtowers 682 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Park 680 Weed control 679 Fowler, Mr. K. M. Comptroller and Auditor General 744-749 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Agriculture agricultural schemes expenditure 84 supervision 85 cooperative society grants 91 glasshouses Connemara 82 economic value 81 fuel costs 80, 83 numbers 76 tomatoes price 78 profit 79 quantity 77 Education Colaistí Gaeilge 90 Gaeltacht students applications 95, 96 grants 95, 99 secondary education building grants 88, 89 capital expenditure 86, 87 Gaeltacht areas 107 Group water schemes 73 Hotel building grants 103-105 Houses expenditure 72 grant for Waterford 101 Improvement schemes expenditure 74 grants 102 Information booklet, English version 106 Irish Language organisations 92 periodicals grants 97 Sairseal agus Dill 98 scholarship scheme 99, 100 schools and home inspection 93, 94 Road types 75 Garda Síochana Clothing and equipment, 566 Post Office services 565 Receipts 567 Reward fund 569 Station services 566 Subsistence rates 563, 564 Traffic duties 568 Hawe, Mr. M. Employment and Emergency Schemes 215-224 Health Drugs bulk buying 43, par 11 central pharmacy 58, par 11 costs 35, 36, 47, par 11 economy measures 39, par 11 hardship cases, 50-52, par 11 issue, control of 45, 53, 54, 55 national formulary 46 store account, hospitals 56, 57 stores audit 40 stores, regular inspection 48 supply 41, 42 surplus stocks 49, par 11 waste 38, 44, par 11 Fluoridation completion date 22 group water schemes 23 local authority participation 24 Health authorities accounts, early presentation par 10 Cork hospitals expenditure 37 tuberculosis expenditure 59 Donegal general medical services 34 Kerry Mental Hospital 60 rates 31, 63, 64, 65 Waterford hospitals 61, Appendix IX Health grants audit 26 capital expenditure 29 expenditure account 25, Appendix V, par 10 issue 27 maintenance expenditure 30 scope 28 Hospitals Trust Fund grant in aid 66 disbursements 67 Information services expenditure 68 leaflets distribution 69 Minor receipts 62, Appendix X Property, account of sale 70 Rehabilitation Cork 33 expenditure 32, Appendix VI Honahan, Mr. W. A. Social Welfare 287-313 Industry and Commerce British surcharge 244-248 Buy Irish Campaign accounting errors 249 financial support 250 prospects 253 public funds, continuity of support 251 success 252 Committee on Industrial Reorganisation 285 Córas Tráchtála grants 225 Ireland House finance of 226 rents charged 227 shop profits 228 Foras Tionscal, An British surcharge grants 248 employment given 268 grants to 234 industrial estates 235 investment distribution 267, 268 technical assistance 260 Industrial Development Authority technical advice 260 travelling expenses 265 Institute for Industrial Research and Standards 266 Kilkenny Design Workshops commercialism, degree of 231 industrial sponsors 230 national design council 233 premises 229 special commissions 232, Appendix XVIII Mining Castlecomer Collieries Ltd. loan contingency fund, use of 255 State guarantee, method 254 progress 256 Cork Mining 257 St. Patrick’s Copper Mines 280 National Building Advisory Council 281 Overlapping of various Bodies 272, 273 Overtime Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office 282 rate 284 typing staff 283 Salaries 258-264, Appendix XX Technical Assistance fees, 274, 277 firms engaged in 270 firms using 276, Appendix XXI Gaeltarra Eireann 279 qualifications for 271 success 275 unreliable firm 278 variety of assistance given 269 Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts Cavan firm 243 County Canneries Limited 242 repayments 241 Tailteann Sports Products Limited 242 Travelling expenses 265 Verolme Dockyard subsidy 236-240 International Co-Operation Travelling expenses 325 United Nations Special Fund 326-328 Justice, Office of the Minister Film censor, search charges 562 Legal Aid 559 Salaries 561 Templemore Garda Training Centre consultants 557 original design 558 Travelling expenses 560 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Page 96 (no question) Lands Migrant, grant for house 647 Unallotted lands 648 Law Charges Page 6 (no question) Lawless, Mr. Local Government 410-435 Local Government Administrative expenses increase 431 Dangerous quarries 421 Derelict sites 420 Inquiries recovery of expenditure 430, 432 and Appendix XXXII statutory inquiries 417 Local Authority Housing 418, 419 and Appendix XXX Motor Vehicle Duties amounts 411, 412 local office administration 411, par 20 Overtime payment 435 Register of Electors claim forms 425, 426 expenses 423 personnel compiling 424, 425 Road fund expenses 433, 428 Road safety campaign 427-429 Salaries and staff building consultant 413 geographer 416 increase in 414 planning 415 Swimming pools 422, Appendix XXXI Water safety film 434 McCann, Mr. H. J. External Affairs 314-324 International Cooperation 325-328 McCarthy, Mr. J. C. B. Industry and Commerce 225-286 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 120 Miscellaneous Expenses Abbey Theatre 15-17, Appendix IV par 9 Cork Opera House 15 Easter Rising, 1916, commemoration 19 Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 18 Mooney, Mr. J. Rates on Government Property 212-214 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 206-211 Mundow, Mr. H. J. Public Works and Buildings 121-205 Nagle, Mr. J. C. Agriculture 575-666 Fisheries 667-676 National Gallery Art Works conservation 111, 113, 114, par 12 inventory 118 Extension 116 Photographer, employment of 199-203 Photographic reproductions 119 Pictures on exhibition alternation 117 percentage of 115, 116 Repair of pictures 109-111 Salaries and wages, increase 108 Shaw bequest, income from 112 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 679-683 Lands 677, 678 O’Broin, Mr. L. Posts and Telegraphs 330-372 Ó Brolcháin, Mr. Brian Stationery Office 436-483 O Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions 409 Defence 373-408 Oireachtas, Houses of the Page 4 (no question) O Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S. Central Mental Hospital 71 Health 22-70 O Raifeartaigh, Dr. T. Education, Office of the Minister 684-695 Primary Education 696-714 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 736, 737 Secondary Education 715-734 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 738-743 Vocational Education 735 O’Riordan, Mr. Transport and Power 484-524 Overtime Examination by Dept. of Finance par 6 Total payments, record of, Appendix XXIII, par 7 Pensions, Increases in Page 7 (no question) Posts and Telegraphs Broadcasting licence fees 367, Appendix XXVII Commercial accounts 376, Appendix XXVIII, par 18 Contributory pension, payment in lieu of 360, 361 Freight expenditure amount 338, par 17 arrears 341, par 17 charging of 338, 340 payments 339 staff 342, 343 and Appendix XXV Petrol and oil rebate 359 Postal, telegraph and telephone services 332, 333 Post Office Savings Bank accounts 334, Appendix XXIV confidence 350 deposits 345 depreciation 336, 337 interest 347-349 national loan, effect of 346 securities 335, 337 Satellite communications future 353 progress 351 telephone charges 352 transatlantic calls 354 Stores accounts 331 advance purchases 368 appreciation 369 current use 370 payment by other departments 344 Telephones apparatus, recovery of expenditure 362 installations accounting of receipts 363-365 capital cost 366 Telex system 355-358, Appendices XXVI and XXVII President’s Establishment Page 4 (no question) Primary Education Handicapped, teachers of numbers availing of courses 701 recruitment of 702 Heating, cleaning and painting grants adequacy 708, 709 amount 707 claimant 705-706 Libraries scheme 712 Necessitous children, free school-books 713, 714 Primary certificate examination, cost 703 St. Patrick’s Training College architects’ and professional fees 699, Appendix XLV and par 9 architects, number employed 700 current estimate 698 expenditure 696 progress to date 697 Transport services 704 Prisons Manufacturing department and farm decreased expenditure 570 farm, size and receipts 571 products, price and quality 572 Public Works and Buildings Agriculture, purchase of site 166 Arterial Drainage Barrow 192 construction works, cost 161 Corrib-Mask survey 190 economy measures 191 Inny scheme 162 Moy scheme 163 surveys, restriction of 188 Assistant architects, remuneration 204 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park 205, Appendix XVI Central heating station 174 Clifden site 171 Compilation of property rental, Appendix XVII Costello Bay coastguard station 170, Appendix XII Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 180 Dublin motor tax office 169 Dublin preventive centre 180 Dun Laoghaire car ferry terminal 177 mpty boxes, receipts from 198 Engineering plant purchases 193 Fishery harbours, labour force 181 Galway fisheries research station site alternative plots purchasers 127 sale 124, 128 area purchased 126, 131 compulsory purchase powers 133 erection 182 former owner 129 other departments, consultation 122 price 123, 130, par 13 property, valuation 132 purchase of 121, 173, par 13 suitable site, availability Galway major fishery harbour site 172, Appendix XII Leinster House 176 Limerick Custom House cost 154, 159, par 15 estimates reliability of 158 Georgian factor 159, 160 surveys 155 Munster Institute 183 National Building Agency houses maintenance 152 progress 151 National Monuments, expenditure 194, Appendix XIV Northumberland Road houses 168 Office of Public Works, passenger lift 154, 155, par 15 Photographer, employment of 199-203 Planning permission, necessity for 153 Property sales 195-197 Regional technical colleges 142 Rents and rates expenditure 187 receipts 196, Appendix XV, par. 5 Royal Hospital, Kilmainham cost 154, par. 15 inspection, type of 156-157 progress and charges, par. 4 survey 155 Schools expenditure 134 grants 135-137 prototype experiment 139-142 Sites, decreased expenditure 167 Social Welfare headquarters 186 Sorting office, Dublin 184 Stamping branch new premises 175 State laboratory lift 178 Stationery Office new building 179 Templemore Garda training centre defective design, liability 146 expenditure to date 143 final cost, delay 144, par 14 original estimate and tender 150 payments withheld 149 supervision clerk of works 148 responsibility for 147 swimming pool, cause of defect 144, 145, par 14 Travelling expenses 165 Warehousing accommodation 185 Rates on Government Property Beneficial rates 212 Non-beneficial rates 212 U.S.A., agreement with 213, 214 Water supply, payment for, par 2 Réamonn, Mr. S. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 525-556 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Industrial schools, maintenance rate 736 St. Patrick’s Reformatory 737 Remuneration Page 7 (no question) Revenue Commissioners Address card machines, hireage cost 548 methods 547 sanction 548-550, Appendix XXXV Computers alternative types 544 hire costs 541 purchase cost 542 savings 541, 543, Appendix XXXIV staff replaced 541 type 540 Customs Duty deposits 545, 546 Extra remuneration assistant secretary, special duties 554 detection rewards 553 other special gratuities 555 overtime 556 Extra statutory repayments amount of 532 definition 533 Income tax arrears 531 non-payment 537 outstanding amounts, interest waived 535, 536 outstanding assessments 530 Schedule E balancing statement 538, 539 Irrecoverable amounts 534 Motor tax receipts 529 Revenue account examination 525 excise increase 527 motor fuel 526 Turnover tax evasion cases, amount recovered 552, Appendix XXXVI, par 25 outstanding amounts, interest waived 535, 536 various checks 551, par 25 Secondary Education Capitation grants check, precision of 717 errors, detection rate 719 internal audit 718 overpayments 715, 716 Comprehensive schools building inspector, qualification 722 building stages 723 expenditure 720 Office of Public Works inspection 724 running costs 725 supervision and contracts 721 teachers qualifications 726 Modern language teaching aids 734 Secondary teachers courses charges 728 degrees, possibility of financing 729 details 727 further study, loans for 730 Secondary Teachers Pensions Fund actuarial valuation 732 contribution to 731 investments position 733 Secret Service Expenditure, decrease in 14 Social Welfare Old age pensions overpayments amount 288, par 16 cases outstanding 299, 300 disciplinary action 297 interim action 308 investigation 298 punch card operators, competency 302, 303 reason for 289 recovery of 290-295, 308, par 16 statistics, accuracy of 304-307 weekly deductions 301 writing off 296 Overpayments, general amount of 309 amount outstanding 310 cases 311 Overtime 313, Appendix XXIII, and par 7 Social Insurance Fund contributions ratio 312, Appendix XXII payments to 287 State Laboratory Receipts, increase in 11 Stationery Office Contract forms number usually ordered 448 stock control 445 urgency of printing 444, 446 variety stocked 447 Dáil debate sales 481 Government Publications Sale Office 483, Appendix XXXIII Iris Oifigiúil distribution 482 Revenue Commissioners address-card machine hireage claims overdue 453, 464-467, par 22 excess charges 451, 455, 456, 468, par. 22 possible purchase 452, par 22 procedure 449, 456-463, par 22 sanction 450, 454, 464, par 22 other machine hireage claims overdue 469, 471, par 22 extent of 474 payments 477-480 procedure 470, 475, 476 sanction delays 472, 479 hiring without 473 Urgent printing contractors, allocation to panel for 436, 437, par 21 contracts procedure 441-443 rates level 439 system, reason for 438 time saved 441, par 21 urgency, decision as to degree 440 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Non-pensionable persons, gratuities13 Taoiseach, Department of Page 4 (no question) Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 72-107 Transport and Power Córas Iompair Éireann redundancy compensation amount issued 484 cases still in hand 485 current redundancy 488 decrease 524 period covered 487 total cost 486 Cork Airport construction estimate precision 496, par 23 increased expenditure 493, par 23 principal increases 495 project, urgency of 494 control tower, defects 503 window defects altitude effect 500 architects 502 contractors 501 expenditure 497, par 24 responsibility 504, par 24 weather conditions 498, 499 Cork Harbour tenders present service 517 second tender, need for 515 sale of 512, 513 tourist use 516 traffic variations 514 Shannon Airport hostels 518-521 Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Ltd. development progress 506 grants 505 housing costs 507-508 purchase 511 rents 509-510 Suspense account balance 522, 523 Tourism Bord Fáilte proposals 490-492 grants 489 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Cork decrease in expenditure 739 dental hospital 742, 743 Dublin dental hospital 740, 741 Universities audit 738 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Equipment, increased expenditure 209-211 Map sales 207 Printing machines 208 Staff 206 Vocational Education Macra na Tuaithe accounts 735 Whitaker, Mr. T. K. Agricultural grants, page 6 (no question) Central Statistics Office, page 5 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 5 (no question) Civil Service Commission 12 Contingency Fund Deposit Account 20, 21 Finance, Office of the Minister 10 General Report 1-9 Law Charges, page 6 (no question) Miscellaneous Expenses 15-19 Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 4 (no question) Pensions, increases in, page 7 (no question) President’s Establishment, page 4 (no question) Remuneration, page 7 (no question) Secret Service 14 State Laboratory 11 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 13 Taoiseach, Department of, page 4 (no question) White, Mr. J. National Gallery 108-119 |
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