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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants: Page 31 (no question) Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Corporation: loan to Co-operative Fruit-growers Society Limited, 375, 376. Bacon curers, fees to veterinarians, 397. Beef Export Payments Scheme, temporary, 392, 393, Appendix XXX. Bord Gráin, loss on disposal of wheat, 391. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: compensation claims, 383, Appendix XXVII. reactors, disposal of, par. 7. report, 382. veterinarians, number of, 383. Brucellosis Eradication Scheme: equipment and survey, 384. expense, 386. scope, 385. veterinarians fees, 387, Appendix XXVIII. Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme, 388. Cattle, Importation of: breeding, 372. insurance against losses, 370. insurance, scope of, 371. losses entailed, 369. purbright test, 373. report, 368, par. 31. Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, repayment by, 410. Dairy Disposal Board, 411, Appendix XXXII. Dairy Produce: butter marketing, 395. marketing, 394. milk products, subsidies, 396. price stabilisation fund, 399. Diseases in livestock, prevention of, 408. Farm Apprenticeship Scheme, 403. Farm buildings, 378. Fertiliser subsidies, 380, 381, par. 11. Forage harvesting equipment, 389. Foras Talúntais, 374, Appendix XXVI. Fresh meat exporters, fees to veterinarians, 397. Land Project: expenditure per county, 407, Appendix XXXI. report, 379. Parish agents, 404. Pigs and Bacon Commission, 390, Appendix XXIX. Presentations, cost of silver, 406. Property sales, 398. Scholarships, 402. Sheep, Importation of: breeding, use for, 372. insurance against losses, 370. insurance scope of, 371. losses entailed, 369. purbright test, 373. report, 368, par. 31. Special Agricultural Schemes, 405. Technical Assistance grants, 409. Veterinary College equipment, 401. World Food Programme, 400. Appropriation Accounts: Appendices I and III. Army Pensions: Children’s allowances, 217. Military service pensions, 216. Beere, Dr. T. J.: Transport and Power, 167-203. Berry, Mr. P.: Courts of Justice, 432-434. Garda Síochána, 417-423. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 412-416. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 435-437. Prisons, 424-431. Central Mental Hospital: Page 60 (no question). Central Statistics Office: Household Budget Inquiry, 100. Remuneration, 101. Chairman: Election of, 1, 2. Election of temporary, 3. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Charities, number of, 6. Commission, work of ,4. Funds, extent of, 5, 6. Publicity, 7. Remuneration, increase in, 8. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Grant in aid, 114. Civil Service Commission: Examiners, 110. Fees, 113. Post Office, recruitment staff, 111. Remuneration of officer, 112. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Corporation loan, 375. bacon curers, fees to veterinarians, 397. Beef Export Payments Scheme, temporary, 392. Bord Grain, wheat losses, 391. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, 382. Brucellosis Eradication Scheme, 384. Calved Heifer Subsidy Scheme, 388. cattle, importation of for breeding, 368. dairy produce: marketing, 394. price stabilisation fund, 399. farm buildings, 378. fertiliser subsidies, 380. forage harvesting equipment, 389. fresh meat exporters, fees to veterinarians, 397. Pigs and Bacon Commission, 390. property sales, 398. sheep, importation of for breeding, 368. Charitable Donations and Bequests: increase in remuneration, 8. Courts of Justice: parking fines, 434. Defence: State properties register of, 206. Forestry: sawmills, change in accounting period, 451. tractors, 450. General Report: balances of 1963-64 Votes, 81. Central Fund, receipts and issues, 84. Excess Votes, 80. Exchequer extra receipts, 90. National Development Fund, 83. other borrowings, 88. outturn of the year, 79. repayments of issues under certain Acts, 85. servicing during bank strike, 89. State sponsored bodies, accountability, par. 3. stock and store accounts, 82. ways and means advances: composition of, 86. increase in, 87. Industry and Commerce: Córas Tráchtála, 287. Foras Tionscáil, Grant-in-Aid, 294. Irish National Productivity Committee, 305. Kilkenny Design Workshops: contributions from industry, 291. renovations, 293. mineral development, Saint Patrick’s copper mines, 312. technical assistance, tourism, 296. Verolme Dockyard Ltd., 307. International Co-operation: overseas training fund, 248. Lands: auctioneers: commission certification of, 439, 441. estates improvement of, 443. fees, 438, 440. Local Government: Foras Forbartha Teoranta, 131. motor vehicle duties, 135. Miscellaneous Expenses: Bord na gCon (Grant-in-Aid), 127. insurance compensation fund, 126. National Gallery (Excess Vote): centenary exhibition, 9. Office of Public Works: Shannon navigation account, 38. Posts and Telegraphs: accounts: outstanding, 157. system of, 152. overtime: payments, 148, 149. technicians Grade I, 150. Post Office Savings Bank, 158. revenue, statistics of, 153. President’s Establishment: motor cars, 92. Public Works and Buildings: Ballyboghill prototype school, 44. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, 76. dredger, accident caused by, 69. Galway Custom House, 75. Inishere Pier, 54, 55. lease of premises, 58. Leinster House, furniture and fittings, 58. National Building Agency, 49. new works, alterations and additions, 40. Phoenix Park glasshouse, 62. Royal Hospital Kilmainham, 50, 51. Templemore Garda Training Headquarters, 46. Rates on Government Property: Post Office receipts, non-realisation of, 37. Rates on Government Property (Excess Vote): reasons for, 35. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Customs and Excise, extra statutory repayments, 263. remissions and amounts irrecoverable, 264. revenue, nett yield in, 256. tax outstanding, 261, 262. State Laboratory: apparatus and equipment, 109. Stationery Office: Irish Manuscripts Commission, reprinting, 218. Transport and Power: airports: accounts, 187. cleaning tenders, 175. deficits, 189. Cork Airport: stocktaking, 185. Shannon: revenue from landing fees, etc., 188. Córas Iompair Éireann: redundancy compensation, 169. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited, 180, 181. tourism: grants, 170. inland waterways, 173. resort development, 172. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: burglary, 27. officer on loan, remuneration, 34. Vocational Education: grants, 363. Courts of Justice: Fines: account, 433. parking, 434. Judges’ pensions, 432. Defence: Accidents, compensation for, 205. Civil Defence: county controls, 209. use of equipment, par. 8. Cyprus operation, 215. Helicopters: ambulance service, 212. hire, 210. rescues and mercy missions, 211. L.E. Cliona fire damage, 214. Provisions, bread and meat, 204. State properties: register of, 206, 207, par. 27. Education, Office of the Minister for: Adult education courses, 344. Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, 341. Commission on Higher Education, Report, 336. European Schools Day, 348. Gael-Linn, short news films, 340. Historical Sciences, Irish Committee of, 346. Language research, 349. Muintir na Tíre, 350. National Museum, purchase of specimens, 339. OECD survey, 338. Overseas Club, 347. Photographic reproduction sales, 351. Publications in Irish, sales, 352. Royal Zoological Society, 345. UNESCO, 337. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Delays, 78. External Affairs: Consular fees, increase, 246. Fee stamps, 247. Films, income from, 245. Information services, 244. Travelling expenses, 243. Finance minute: Availability of, 342. Text, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Civil Service arbitration fees, 106. Institute of Public Administration, 104. Savings Committee expenses, 105, 108. Staff, secondment of, 107. Travel scholarships, 102, 103. Finance, Office of the Minister for (Excess Vote): Details, 90. Fisheries: Projects deferred, 458. Sea fisheries, 457. Trainee skippers, 458. Forestry: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Park, 452. Land, acquisition of large tracts, 456. Sawmills: accounting period, 451. payment for error in tender, 454. Thefts, 450. Tractors, purchase of, 455. Working week, change in, 453. Fowler, Mr. K. M.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 459. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Agriculture: farm building, 275. glasshouses, 274, pars. 14 and 15. pig scheme, 271. tomato growing, 284, Appendix XVI. Cultural Services: drama, 282. entertainment halls, 278. prizes and grants, 281. Education: apprenticeship schemes, 283. secondary education, 277. Gas explosion, 285. Grants, explanatory booklet, 276. Houses, provision of 270. Marine Works, 279, 280. Roads, 272. Special Employment Schemes, 273. Teacher’s house, sale of, 286. Garda Síochána: Band, travelling expenses of, 417. Garda cars: compensation for accidents, 418. mercedes, necessity for, 420. mercedes, use of by Members of the Government, 421. strength of fleet, 419. Repayment of advances, interest on, 423. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 131-147. Hawe, Mr. M.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 78. Health: County Homes: Castlebar, 234. development, 235. improvement, 233. Loughrea, 236. Health Authorities: expenditure, 241, Appendix XIII. grants to, 230. Home assistance officers, 232. Hospitals Trust Fund, 237. Local authorities, audit, 231. Medicines expenditure, 242, Appendix XIV. Patients receipts from, 240, par. 10, Appendix XII. Staff on loan, recovery of salaries, 238. Honahan, Mr. W. A.: Social Welfare, Office of the Minister, 330-335. Industry and Commerce: Adaptation Councils, 323. Adaptation Grants, 324. Bodies receiving grants, audit of, 306. British surcharge, temporary assistance, 314-316. Buy Irish Campaign, 317, 327. Committees, actuarial expenses, 326. Córas Tráchtála, 287. Foras Tionscal: grant in Aid, 294, 328. grants for industrial development, 320, Appendix XIX. Industries, size of, 302, par. 30. International organisations, 319. Irish Management Institute, 300. Irish National Productivity Committee: accounts, 304, 305. comparison with Irish Management Institute, 300. contributions from clients, 299. grant in aid, par. 30. staff, 297, Appendix XVIII. use of by industries, 298, 301, Appendix XVIII. Kilkenny Design Workshops: contributions from industry, 290, 291, Appendix XVII. design type of, 289. functions, 288. renovations, 293. subsidy, 292. Mineral Development: advertising, 318. St. Patrick’s Copper Mines, 312, 313. New York World’s Fair, 325. Overlapping of various bodies, par. 30. Technical Assistance: allocation of assistance, 321. consultancy grants, 303, 322, par. 30, Appendix XX. scope of assistance, 295, par. 30. tourism, 296, par. 30. Trade Loans (Guarantees) Acts: report, 311. Tailteann Sports Products Ltd., 310. Verolme Dockyard Limited, subsidy, 307-309. International Co-Operation: Overseas Training Fund, 248. Technical Assistance Programme, 251. Travelling Expenses decrease in, 249. United Nations: children’s fund, 250. Congo operation, 254. special fund, 252, 253. Justice, Office of the Minister: Commissions and Special Enquiries, 414. Committee on Irish and Comparative Law, 413. Nationality and citizenship certificates and fees, 415. Overtime, payment for, 416. Travelling expenses, 412. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Extra remuneration, 435. Fees, increase in, 437. Work, volume of, 436. Lands: Auctioneers: entitlement to fees, 442. fees to, 438. service, certificate of, 441. service provided by, 439. situations where fees are paid, 440. Improvement of estates, grants, 443. Land Act 1965, payments under, 446. Land Bond Fund, 445. Legal Expenses, 444. Local Loans Fund, 445. Losses, 447. National Development Fund, 449. Rent and interest accounts, 448. Law Charges: Fees to counsel 120. Public servants, defence of, 121. Witnesses’ expenses, 119. Local Government: Advertising, 138. Comhairle Leabharlanna, 146, 147. Derelict sites, 143. Fire Protection Association of Ireland, 145. Foras Forbartha Teoranta: aid from UN, 133. composition, 131, par. 24. reports, 134. shareholders, 132, par. 24. Housing: local authority, 139. private, 140. Miscellaneous expenses, 146. Motor vehicle duties, 135. Register of elections, 144. Road Fund, grant to, 142. Study courses, 136, 137. Testing of samples for purchasing, 138. Water supply and sewerage, 141. Local Loans Fund: Page 33 (no question). McCann, Mr. H. J.: External Affairs, 243-247. International Co-operation, 248-254. McCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Industry and Commerce, 287-328. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 4-8. Miscellaneous Expenses: Bord na gCon, 127. Bounties, 123. Equitable Insurance Company 126. March’s Library, 124. National anthem, copyright, 128. Olympic Council of Ireland, 125. Property values, arbitration, 122. Mooney, Mr. J.: Rates on Government Property, 36, 37. Rates on Government Property (Excess Vote) 35. Valuation and Ordnance Survey, 22-34. Mundow, Mr. H. J.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 78. Public Works and Buildings, 40-77. Nagle Mr, J. C.: Agriculture, 368-411. National Gallery: Cafeteria, provision of, 13. Catalogue of art works, 15, par. 16. Extension, completion of 13. Income, sources of, 20. Insurance, 14, 16, par. 17. Losses, reasons for, 18, 19, par. 16. Pictures: loan of, 16, 17, par. 17. purchase of, 10. Reproductions, sales of, 12. Shaw bequest, 21. Staffing, 19. Tourists, visits from, 11. National Gallery (Excess Vote): Exhibition ,expenses of, 9. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 457, 458. Forestry, 450-456. Lands, 438-449. O’Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 148-166. Ó Brolchain, Mr. B.: Stationery Office, 218-229. Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S.: Army Pensions, 216-217. Defence, 204-215. Office of Public Works: Shannon navigation fund, 38. Vacancies, 39. Oireachtas, Houses of: Members: allowances, 93. hardship cases, 96. travelling expenses, 94. Remuneration increase, 97, 98. Restaurant, 95. Oireachtas, Houses of the (Excess Vote): Details, 90. Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S.: Central Mental Hospital, page 60 (no question). Health, 230-242. Ó Raifeartaigh, Dr. T.: Education, Office of the Minister for, 336-352. Primary Education, 353-358. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, page 89 (no question). Secondary Education, 359-362. Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 365-367. Vocational Education, 363, 364. Pensions, Increase in: Details, 130. Posts and Telegraphs: Accommodation: acquisition of, 160. lease of, 159, Appendix IX. Accounts: commercial, Appendix XI. outstanding, 157. queries, 156, Appendix VIII. system of, 152. Debts, irrecoverable, 155. Engineering stores and equipment, 162. International conferences and conventions, 163. Losses: details, 164. liquidation of firms, 165. Mails, conveyance of, 161. Overtime: staff, 148, 149. technician Grade I, 150. Post Office, Savings Bank 158, par. 2. Appendix X. Revenue, statistics of, 153, 154. Stores, 151. Telegraph system, 166. Trustee Savings Banks, Appendix X. President’s Establishment: Motor cars, 92. Visit to USA and Canada, 91. President’s Establishment (Excess Vote): Details, 90. Primary Education: Handicapped, courses for teachers, 354. Heating, cleaning and painting of schools, 355, 356 Appendices XXII and XXIII. School books for necessitous children, 357, Appendix XXIV. Training Colleges: entrance fees, 358. increased accommodation, 353. Prisons: Architect, employment of, 424. Maintenance of prisoners, cost of, 430. Manufacture of food and clothing, 426. Payments made to prisoners, 427. Rehabilitation: female prisoners, 429. general system, 431. outside employment scheme, 428. Visits by members of the Oireachtas, 425. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage: construction works, 53. contract and direct labour methods, par. 12. incentive bonus scheme, par. 13. Ballyboghill prototype school, 44. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, 76, Appendix VI. Compilation of property rental, 77, Appendix VII. Cork-Douglas, new school, 43, Appendix IV. Dáil Chamber, acoustics, 70. Diesel oil loss, 73. Dredger, accident caused by, 72. Dún Laoghaire carferry, 63. Embassy to Nigeria, 68. Fishery harbours, 65. Furniture, tenders for, 71. Galway Custom House, 89. Garden of Remembrance, 61. Innishere pier, 75. Kennedy Memorial Concert Hall, 60. Large contracts, specialists fees, 5. Lease of premises, 54-55, par. 23. Leinster House: extension, 57, Appendix V. furniture, 58, 71. Meteorological stations, 66. National Building Agency houses, 49, par. 18. National Library, alarm system, 64. New works alterations and additions, 40. Phoenix Park glasshouse, 62. Republican Plot, Glasnevin, 56. Royal Hospital, Kilmainham: plant hire, 50, par. 20. restoration costs, 50-52, pars. 19, 21, 22. Schools: grants, 41. local contributions, 42. planning 43. prefabrication, 44. Sorting Office, 67. Stores, loss of, 74. Templemore Training Centre: expenditure, 45, 48. pars. 4, 5. swimming pool, 46. par. 6. Thomas Davis Statue, 59. Rates on Government Property: American Embassy, rates, 36. Post Office Savings Bank, 37. Rates on Government Property (Excess Vote): Excess, reason for, 35. Reamonn, Mr. S.: Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 255-269. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Page 89 (No question). Remuneration: Reference to in Appropriation Accounts, 129. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Customs Co-operation Council, 268. Duties, Extra statutory repayments, 263. Estate Duty: administrative costs, 259. increase in yield, 257. Income tax office, privacy in, 269. Motor vehicles, 266. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, 264. Revenue: account, 255. estimated and realised, 260, Appendix XV. increase in yield, 258. nett yield, 256. Rewards to officers, 267. Tax outstanding, 261, 262. Turnover tax, 265, par. 29. Secondary Education: Laboratory grants, 359. Latin, number of students of, 362. Modern language teaching, equipment for, 361. Science, television classes in, 360. Secret Service: Information not given, 118. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Social Assistance: fuel and footwear schemes, 333. fuel, delivery of, 334. overpayments, recovery of, 331, 332. Social Insurance Fund: administration of, 335, Appendix XXI. payments to, 330. State Laboratory: Apparatus and equipment, 109. State Sponsored Bodies: Accountability, par. 3. Stationery Office: Balance Sheet, 227. Confidential Waste, destruction of, 229. Dáil Debates, sales, 226. Fire outbreak, 228. Investment in Education Commission, sales of report, 226. Irish Manuscripts Commission, printing, 218, 220, par. 28. NIEC Report, sales, 226. Overtime expenditure, 221. Publications: accounts of sale office, Appendix XXXIII. ordering, 223. price, 224. receipts, 222. sale to public, 225. Second Programme for Economic Expansion, sales, 226. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Compensation: death or personal injuries, 116. under 1921 Treaty, 117. Re-employment of officer, 117. Taoiseach, Department of: Incidental expenses, 99. Taoiseach, Department of (Excess Vote): Details, 90. Toibin Mr. L.: Roinn na Gaeltachta, 270-286 Transport and Power: Accounting officer, retirement of, 203. Aer Lingus accounts, 184, par. 25. Airports: accounts, 187. cleaning: costs, 178. period of contract, 176. tenders, 175-177, 179. deficits, 189. service charge, 183, par. 25. Cork: catering, 200. stocktaking, 185. value of stocks, 186. Dublin: landing fees, 201. Shannon: catering and sales service, 199. control tower, 192. crops, sale of, 198. hostels, 197. revenue from landing fees, etc. 188. stocktaking, 185. value of stocks, 186. Commissioners and special enquiries, 196. Córas Iompair Eireann: redundancy compensation, 169. savings, 168. subsidy, 167. Eurocontrol, 193. Fuel efficiency tests, 194. Harbours, grants for, 190. Night-duty allowances, 202, par. 26. Pilot training, 195. Shannon Free Airport Development Co. Ltd.: grants, 179-182, par. 30. Tourism: grants, 170. hotel grants, 191. inland waterways, 173. loans guaranteed, 174. resort development, 171, 172. Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Dental Hospital, Dublin, 366. Pharmacy, College of, 367. U.C.D. new science building, 365, Appendix XXV. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Aerial surveys, 28. Burglary, 27. Copper plates, sales of, 25. Equipment, composition and value of, 23. Garda Síochána maps, 33. Maps: currency of, 36. prices, 31. sales, 30. value, 32. National Ordnance map, 34. Officer on loan, remuneration of, 29. Receipts, underestimation of, 24. Stores and equipment, 22. Vocational Education: International apprentice competition, par. 9. Macra na Tuaithe, miscellaneous vocational services, 364. Youth training centres, grant for, 363. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Agricultural grants page 31 (no question). Central Statistics Office, 100, 101. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, 114. Civil Service Commission, 110-113. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 102-108. Finance, Office of the Minister for (Excess Vote), 90. General Report, 79. Houses of the Oireachtas, 93-98. Houses of the Oireachtas (Excess Vote), 90. Law charges, 119-121. Local Loans Fund, page 33 (no question). Miscellaneous expenses, 122-128. Pensions, increases in, 130. President’s establishment, 91, 92. President’s establishment (Excess Vote), 90. Remuneration, 129. Secret Service, 118. State laboratory, 109. Superannuation and retired allowances, 115-117. Taoiseach, Department of, 99. Taoiseach, Department of (Excess Vote), 90. White, Mr. J.: National Gallery, 10-21. National Gallery (Excess Vote), 9. |
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