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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants: Page 10 (no question) Agriculture: Agricultural Institute accounts, 343, Appendix XVII. Agricultural Production Council, 356. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects, 342. Bacon factories grants: basis, 359. list of, 358, Appendix XIX. purpose, 357. Bord Gráin: recoupment to, 336. unmillable wheat, 337, 338. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: canning firm accounts, 332, 333, pars. 10-11. expenditure, 332. Cheese factory: grants, 328. losses, 326. viability, 327. Dairy Disposal Company and subsidiaries: accounts, 362, 364-366, par. 23 Appendix XXI. subsidiaries, 363. Dairy produce: creamery butter cold storage, 347. marketing payments, 341. price stabilisation fund, 347. Farm apprenticeship scheme, 353. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, 329. Fertiliser subsidies, 330, par. 21. IAOS accounts, 354. Irish Countrywomen’s Association accounts, 355. Land Project payments, 330. Macra na Feirme accounts, 355. Millers, fines on, 366, par. 22. National Farmers Association accounts, 355. Pigs and Bacon Commission: accounts, 335, Appendix XVI payments, 334. Staff on loan, 360, Appendix XX. Veterinary Research: facilities, 350. underexpenditure, 348. Veterinary Schools: common facilities, 350. cost, 351. details, 349. students, 352, Appendix XVIII Wheat losses: general, 336. recoupment from customs duties 340. recoupment from millers, 339, 340. World Food Programme: contributions, 344. skim milk, 346. stocks, 345. Army Pensions: Non payment of pensions, addresses unknown, 109. Recoupment of pensions by U.N., 108 United Nations Force in Congo, pensions, 107. Beere, Dr. T.: Transport and Power, 197-247. Berry, Mr. P.: Courts of Justice, 288. Garda Síochána, 253-274. Justice, 248-252. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds (no question). Prisons, 275-287. Central Mental Hospital: Sheep on farm, 196. Central Statistics Office: Cattle Marts, returns for, 25. Refund of salary of officer on loan, 26. Saving of £17,000, 24. Unfilled vacancies, 23. Chairman: Election of, 1. Election of temporary, 182, 308, 325 Charitable Donations and Bequests: Donegal flooding, 183. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Page 8 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Examinations, extra expenditure, 32, Appendix V. Refunds from County Councils for services, 33. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Agricultural Institute accounts, 343. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, 342. Bord Gráin, 338. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, canning firm accounts, 332. cheese factory losses, 326. Dairy Disposal Company, 362, 364. dairy produce marketing, 341. fertiliser subsidies, 331. Pigs and Bacon Commission, accounts 334, 335. wheat, savings, 339. World Food Programme, 344. Defence: accidents in use of Army transport during bus strike, 54. civil defence stores, stocktaking 46. compensation paid for injury, 68. helicopters and spares, cost of, 88. surplus land: sale of, 93. system of accountancy, 94. Education, Office of the Minister for: Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, grant in aid to, 150. Royal Irish Academy of Music, audit of accounts, 152. university and secondary school scholarships, State grants. 134-135. Fisheries: Salmon Conservancy Fund, 488. Forestry: seeds, relative merits of 468, 469. transfer of lands at Shelton Forest to St. Patrick’s Copper Mines Ltd., 462. transfer of Shelton Abbey to Nitrigín Éireann Teo., 467. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Gaeltarra Éireann, 535. glasshouses, profit from, 512. improvement schemes, 505. Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe, 537. General Report of: Central Fund, 12. Exchequer extra receipts, 7. National Development Fund, 11. postponed payments, 9. savings on gross estimate, 6. stock and store accounts, 10. surrender of balances, 8. Lands: suspense account for legal damages incurred, 444. trust fund, recovery from in respect of expenditure charged to Vote, 441. Local Government: acquisition of land, delay in payment, 111. housing grants, delay in payment of until new financial year, 110. Road Fund, refunds, 118. Public Works and Buildings: new works, alterations and additions, 375. Templemore Military Barracks, 385. Rates on Government Property: American property arrears, 368, 369. Revenue Commissioners, Office of: balancing statements, Schedule E tax, 556. irrecoverable tax, 550. revenue: account, 544. yield, 545. tax collection centralisation, 542. tax outstanding, 547. turnover tax returns, 551. Secondary Education: science classes grant, 170. Social Assistance: details of overpayments, 126-127 Social Insurance: accounts of, 121. disability benefit payments, internal audit, 125. Transport and Power: airports, construction work at, 209. Bord Fáilte, audit of accounts, 207. redundancy compensation by C.I.E., 197, 228. Shannon Airport, sums due for services at, 223. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited, grants, 218. tourism: grants paid, 200. loans guaranteed, 201. Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: University College Dublin, grants for new science buildings, 180. Vocational Education: apprentice competition, expenditure and equipment, 171. Courts of Justice: Petroleum dealers licence regulations, 288, par. 19. Defence: Armoured cars: claim for depreciation or damage in Cyprus, 82, 84. number and cost, 80. purchase of, 79. U.N. contribution, 81. use of in Cyprus, 83. Army transport during bus strike: expenditure on, 86. special allowances to personnel, basis of, 56. Blizzard 1963, cost of Army operations, 103. Civil Defence: discrepancy between grant and expenditure, 78. officers seconded to Dublin Corporation, pay and allowances, 102. Civil Defence equipment: amount of in store, 49, 51, par. 12. clothing in store, 52. disposal of, 50. radiac equipment, delay in buying of, 89, par. 12. radiac instruments in store, 53. stocktaking, 46-47. Clothing and Equipment: difference between grant and expenditure, 85. outfitting of troops for foreign service, 100. type of, 48. Compensation for injuries, etc.: accidents occurring in Ireland, 69. compensation for loss of bullocks, 105, details, 67-68. Curragh Bakery: cost of production of bread at, 57. fall in costs, 58. Dublin and Curragh Abattoirs: buying of smaller cattle, 59. cost of production of meat at, 87. Equitation team, inclusion of civilian rider, 104. Foodstuffs, issued on repayment, 96. General stores: inclusion of saddles in purchase of, 88. radiac equipment, delay in buying of, 88, par 12. Helicopters: available for private purposes, 62, 64. charge for hiring by private persons, 63. cost of, 88. payment for, 66. training, cost of and personnel involved, 65. Horses: need for, 87. sum for provision of not spent in full, 86. Land: disposal of, 92. purchase of, not proceeded with, 91. revenue from sale of, moneys outstanding, 95, Appendix VI. Losses statement, 101. Officers’ cars, advances for, 99. Petrol, fuel oils, etc., items included in subhead, 90. Receipts on discharge by purchase, 97. Surrender on Vote, amount of, 106. Training of boys as fishermen: boys taking courses: number of, 72. unfilled places, 73. courses, details of, 71-72. expenditure recouped from Fisheries Vote, 70. practical training in craft owned by Department, 74. Treatment in military hospitals, agreements with local authorities for refunds, 98. United Nations Force: Congo, claims met, 76. Cyprus: food and accommodation for, 77. recovery of allowances from U.N., 75. recovery of cost of clothing and equipment from U.N., 100. Education, Office of the Minister for: Catholic Workers College, basis of grant to, 153. Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge; accounts, audit of, 148, 150, par. 14. census of opinion, cost of, 141. sources of revenue, 149. supplementary grant, purpose of, 146. Commission on Higher Education, work of, 138. Council of Education, 139. dramatic productions in Irish, grant for, 151. Foreign travel, expenditure on, 137. Gaeltacht scholarships, universities to which they apply, 142. Irish courses, grants to colleges providing, 143, Appendix IX. OECD Survey, availability of, 140. Overseas Club, grant for, 155. Periodicals and newspapers published in Irish: basis of grants, 145. names of those receiving grants, 144. Royal Irish Academy of Music, audit of accounts, 152. Royal Zoological Society of Ireland, details of grant, 154. Salaries wages and allowances, under expenditure because of vacancies, 133. Scientific research grants to students, 156. Student exchange scholarships, 157. University and secondary school scholarships, State grants, 134-135. University scholarships, non-renewal of, 141. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Expenditure by Special Employment Schemes Office, details of, 291. Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes, 290. Local authorities’ failure to submit suitable schemes queried, 293, 294, 295. Miscellaneous receipts, details of, 296. Vacancies in inspectorate, 292. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 10 (no question). External Affairs: Expenditure on entertainment, par. 4. Forgery of cheque, details of, 298. Information Services, savings on unfinished films, 297. Repatriation advances, 299, 300. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Gratuity of £500 to principal officer: description of duties, 27. overtime work, 28. size of gratuity, 29. Fisheries: Compensation paid for fish accidentally killed, 492. Compensation paid for Homberger Fishery, 491. Compensation paid to fishery owner in Waterville, 488. Salmon Conservancy Fund Report audited, 498. Travelling and Incidental Expenses, payment to officer for cross-Border travel, 490. Forestry: Acquisition of land, 462. Decrease in expenditure for, 486. Forest development and management: annual imports of seed, 473. comparison of seed prices, 474. compensation paid for land ploughed in error, 479. disputed ownership claim settled, 480. home collection of seed, 476. machinery, saving on purchase of, 478. purchase of seed by Government Contracts Committee, 468. seed bought by British forestry, 475. seed companies abroad, names of, 471. seeds, relative merits of, 469. take over for forestry, amount, 487. yield of seed per lb., 472. Forestry education: recruitment of trainees, 483. Grazing and shooting, rents for, 485. Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, payment to, 484. Sawmilling: comparison of mills in Cong and Dundrum, 482. sales at Cong and Dundrum, 481. trading accounts, 477. Shelton Forest: land valueless because of waste, 466. outcome of rates and water supply claims, 464, par. 25. transfer of land: to Nitrigín Éireann Teo, completed, 467. to St. Patrick’s Coppermines Ltd., 462, 463. Fowler, Mr. K. M.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 558. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Accounting officer welcomed, 504. Apprenticeship grants: conditions, 538. scheme, 539. Booklet explaining grants, 522. Cultural services, 525. Drama grants, 536. Farm Buildings Scheme, Irish speaking test, 516-519, 534. Gaeltarra Éireann, grant in aid, 535. Glasshouses: expenditure, 507. heating plants, 509, 510. income from tomatoes, 512, Appendix XXIX. salvage of damaged houses, 508, par. 26. success of scheme, 511, par. 27. Holiday schools: details, 540. numbers of children, 541. Housing grants, 523. Improvement schemes in Gaeltacht: details, 505, 524. roads, 506. Irish speaking grants: administration, 533. delay in payment, 532. grants to, 531. not confined to Gaeltacht, 534. Land Project Scheme, 521. Minor agricultural projects, 520. School transport services: details, 526. grants, 527. pupils carried, 529, Appendix XXX. pupils’ contributions, 528. schools involved, 529, 530. Sow distribution scheme: applicants, 513. publicity, 514. stiurthóirí, 515. Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe grant, 537. Garda Síochána: Accidents involving Garda Síochána vehicles, 272. Advances for purchase of cars: amount unchanged, 271. repayments queried, 270, Appendix XV. Clothing and Equipment: uniforms for Ministers’ drivers, purchase and make, 257, 259. expenditure on Scotchlite belts and on drivers’ suits queried, 258. scotchlite belts, method of purchase and price, 260. Furniture for Garda Training Centre at Templemore, 261, 265, 266. Furniture in Depot in Phoenix Park sold and written off, 262, 263. Garda Pensions, savings on, 269. On the spot fines: increase in charge and extension to areas outside Dublin, 254. receipts from, 253. Sales of old stores, cast uniforms and forfeited and unclaimed property, 268, 274. Services rendered by Garda Síochána payment for, 273. Suspense Account: balance kept in suspense account queried, 255. Templemore Training Depot, extent of accommodation, 264. Transport and Carriage, large saving on, 266, 267, Travelling and Incidental Expenses: cost of transfer of Garda Training Centre, 256. cost of visit of President Kennedy, 256. reasons for expenditure exceeding grant, 256. subsistence allowances and expenses allowances — expenditure on, queried, 256 Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 110-119. Hawe, Mr. M. Employment and Emergency Schemes, 289-296. Health: Advisory and Consultative Bodies, underspending, 188. Bord Altranais, grant, 194. Health Authorities: expenditure by, 190, 192, Appendix X. medicines, expenditure on, 191 par. 16, Appendix XI. other services, expenditure on 192, Appendix XII. recoupments to, 189. Vaccine lymph, supply to health authorities, 195. Voluntary agencies, grants to, 193. World Health Organisation: advantages of membership, 186. expense of membership of, and of other organisations, 184. length of membership, 185. reports on infectious diseases, 187. Honahan, Mr. W. A. Social Assistance, 126-133. Social Insurance, 121-125. Social Welfare, Office of Minister for, 120. Increases in Pensions: Connaught Rangers, Local Authorities etc: balances, method of dealing with, 44. estimation greater than expenditure, 43. Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, 317. Córas Tráchtála, grants to, 309. Foras Tionscal, grants to, 310. Laboratories and Equipment, 318. Re-equipment grants, 319. Shipbuilding subsidies, 322. Staff on loan: posts held by, 324. salaries of, 323. State Mining Lease, waiving of Minister’s claim, 315, 316. Technical Assistance: consultancy grants, 320. consultants, 321. Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, Advances: guarantees, amounts of, 312. Kilkenny Woollen Mills (1929), Ltd. 311. Sessions, Marine, Limited, 313. West Park Estates Limited, 313. Verolme Dockyard, subsidy to, 314. International Co-operation: Expenditure on OECD Projects, recovery of, 302. Overseas Trainee Fund, 301. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Awards for Acts of Bravery, 250. Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland: Change in system of payments to, 251. Sale of legal textbooks, refunds of proceeds of to Dept. of Justice, 252. Salaries, Wages and Allowances— subhead A: expansion in law reform division, 248. increase in number of clerk-typists, 249, Appendix XIV. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 8 (no question). Lands: Adjustment advances for defaulters’ annuity, 456. Auctioneers fees, 452. Employment and Emergency Schemes, 457. Examiners Branch: delays in finalising puchase agreements, 448. priority claims by vendors in financial difficulty, 449. General improvements expenditure on, 455. Gratuities to ex employees, 453. Improvement of estates: difficulties and delays, 454. formation of trust fund, 441. Land Bond Fund, 450. Legal expenses, 447. Local Loans Fund, 450, 451. Losses: amount, 444. death of two animals, 459. expenses, costs, 446. timber, unpaid for, 460. Roads, making and upkeep of, 456. Shannon Development Relief Fund, expenditure, 464. Trabolgan, water supply for Irish school, 443. Trust Fund, details of, 442. Law Charges: Page 10 (no question). Local Government: Allotments, postponement of grants for, 111. Housing grants, postponement of payment of, 110, par. 13. Motor Vehicle duties: details, 116. payment to Road Fund, 117. refunds, 118. Road Fund grants: expenditure, 119. total paid, 115. Water supplies: inspectorate, 113. provision of, in farms, 112. scheme taken over by Department, 112. source of supply, 114. McCann, Mr. H. J.: External Affairs, 297-300 International Co-operation 301-302. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Industry and Commerce, 309-325. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 183. Miscellaneous Expenses: Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, grant, 42. Mooney, Mr. J.: Rates on Government Property, 368-369. Valuations and Ordnance Survey, 367. Mundow, Mr. H. J.: Public Works and Buildings, 375-439. Public Works, Office of, 370-374. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 326-366. National Gallery: Catalogue of art works, details of, 305. Extension of building, 307. Inventory of art works, 306, par. 20. Pictures, purchase and repair of, 303. Salaries and Wages, savings due to unfilled vacancies, 304. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 488-492. Forestry, 462-487. Lands, 441-461. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 493-503. Ó Brolchain, Mr. B. Stationery Office, 440-442. Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S.: Army Pensions, 107-109. Defence, 46-106. Office of Public Works: Agency Services, administration expenses for, 373. Fees under Local Loans Fund, increase in amount received, 374. Penal interest on overdue loan repayments, 372. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, unfilled vacancies, 370. Travelling and Incidental Expenses, increase in, 371. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Postal expenses of Members, 20. Refund of £100 to Senior Clerk, 21. Restaurant Staff Pension Scheme, 22, Appendix IV. Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S. Central Mental Hospital, 196. Health, 184-195. Ó Raifeartaigh, Dr. T.: Education, Office of the Minister for, 134-157. Primary Education, 158-168. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 178-179. Secondary Education, 169-170. Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 180-181. Vocational Education, 171-177. Posts and Telegraphs: Commercial standing of Post Office, 499. Engineering stores not paid for, 493. International telecommunications: accounts, 498. losses, 501. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts, 496, Appendix XXVIII. mechanised accounting, 496. trend of savings, 497. Radio Éireann premises, rent of, 500. Revenue Accounts, 495. Stores: awaiting repair or condemnation 503. details, 494. Vehicles: action against drivers, 502. damage to, 502. insurance, 502. President’s Establishment: Remuneration, 19. Primary Education: Handicapped children, courses for teachers of, 158. Heating of schools: grants for, 164. local contribution, 168. minimum standard for, 165. schools covered by, 167. vouching of expenses on, 166. Transport services for schoolchildren: application to secondary schools or vocational schools, 161. details, 159. local contribution, 160. maximum distance, 162. onus of operation and role of parents, 163. Prisons: Building: provision of boiler for Portlaoise prison, 276. Evaluation of work by prisoners, 284. Increase in daily average in custody 279. Mail bag manufacture, increase in purchase of material for due to late contract, 281. Manufacturing Department and Farm, greater productivity queried, 280. Payment made to prisoners, amounts and form of, 282, 283. Rehabilitation schemes for prisoners: difficulties, 285. farm work and gardening, breakdown of figures, 287. occupational therapy and corrective training in Mountjoy, 286. Staff vacancies—difficulties in filling, 275. travelling and Incidental Expenses, difficulty in estimating, 278. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage: Broadmeadow scheme completed, 395. construction works, 392. Corrib-Clare scheme completed, 393. embankments, 398. incentive bonus scheme introduced, 396. Matt drainage scheme, extra expenditure on, 400. Moy drainage scheme, 397. river drainage, contract versus direct labour, schemes, 399, par. 24. surveys, 433. Swilly scheme, details of, 394. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, losses on, 438, Appendix XXVI. Compilation of Property Rental, 1963-64, 439, Appendix, XXVII Grange Farm, improvement and repair of, 378. Johnstown Castle improvement and repair of, 378. Maintenance and Supplies, increased expenditure on, 430. Mesne rates defined, 436. Minor balances of Expenditure, details of, 429. New works alterations and additions: Athenry Agricultural School, 426. Clare Island, 423. coast protection, 390. expenditure under new Coast Protection Act, queried, 391. Department of Social Welfare, new headquarters, 428. Dublin Preventive Centre, erection planned, 418. Dún Laoghaire car ferry terminal, expenditure on, 409-412. Dún Laoghaire mail boat pier, 408. electronic computer, adaptations for, 407. embassy in Nigeria, purchase of residences, 427. fishery harbours project, 421. Galway 422, Appendix XXIV. Galway Fisheries Research Station 424. Garda Barracks, sale of, 415. Garda Síochána: Clondalkin station expenditure, 414. Crumlin station, renting of, 416. Depot workshop, 413. general report on, 375. Land Registry, overexpenditure, 420. Leinster House Extensions, 405, Appendix XXIII. list of, 404, Appendix XXII. National Building Agency: administration of Garda housing programme by, 386. cost per house, 387. non payment of full claim by, 389. numbers built, 388. National Gallery, fire prevention in, 419. Posts and Telegraphs, expenditure on furniture and fittings, 432, Appendix XXV. Purchase of Sites and Buildings: embassy in Madrid, purchase and repair of, 403. premises at Pembroke Road, 401. variation in prices paid for, 402. Recoveries from Departments for services carried out on repayment terms, 434. Rents and rates, queried, 431. Sales of property not completed, 435. School building in urban areas, procedure, 376. School grants, variation according to local conditions, 377. Stamping Branch, Revenue Commissioners, premises for, deferred 406. Templemore Military Barracks: architects fees etc., 417. pars. 6-9. finalisation of, 384. increase in estimate for, 379, 380. original estimate, 381. plan for, additions made to, 383. tenders for, particulars of procedure, 382, 383, 385. Veterinary Field Station, 425. Yacht tonnage dues, 437. Rates on Government Property: American property: rates arrears, 369. Reamonn, Mr. S.: Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 542-557. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Grants, 178. Industrial Schools, committals and contributions from parents, 178. Remuneration: Page 11 (no question). Repayments to Contingency Fund: Funeral of former Seanascal, 45. Revenue Commissioners: Collectors and Assessors of Taxes, remuneration, 542. Computer, general work performed by, 557, par. 30, appendix XXXI. Customs and other duties, repayments: diplomatic privilege, 549. totals, 548. P.A.Y.E.: balancing of returns and repayments, 552. computer, errors by, 553. renting of larger computer, 554-555. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable: details, 549. non-inclusion of £866, 550, par. 28. Revenue: balance, 546. details of account, 544. yield, 545. Tax: balancing statements, 556, par. 29. collection centralisation, 542-543. details of tax outstanding, 547. Turnover tax returns, 551. Secondary Education: Laboratory grants, applications for and extent of, 170. Publishers of text books, payments to, 169. Science classes grant, 170. Secret Service: Page 10 (no question). Social Assistance: Blind, expenditure on, less than granted, 131. Footwear grants, regulations and extent of scheme, 133. Fuel grants, extent of scheme, 132. number of cases of, 127. Overpayments, prosecutions and amount written off, 126. School Meals: amount of grant estimated for Galway, 129, Appendix VIII. grant, underspending by local authorities, 128. hot meals, description of, 130. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund: contributions by employers, 122. disability benefit payments, internal audit, 125. payments to and accounts, 121, Appendix VII. proportion paid by Exchequer, 123-124. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Vacancies, unfilled in, 120. State Laboratory: savings, items which balance out, 31. Unfilled vacancies, 30. Stationery Office: Paper, purchase of, 440 a. Printing and Binding, contracts for, 440. Publications, sales of, 440 b. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Age limit for retirement: county managers, 37. extension of, 36. general, 35. Higher expenditure, abatement of, in final quarter, 34. Injury grants: breakdown of figures, 39. cover, 38. R.I.C. pensions, 40. Taoiseach, Department of: Page 6 (no question). Temporary Chairman: Appointment of, 308, 325. Toibin, Mr. L.: Roinn na Gaeltachta, 504-541. Transport and Power: Airports: construction work delay, 238. employment of architects, 239. expenditure, 209. Cork: acquisition of land at, 237. catering service, 217. cleaning of, 240. meteorological equipment, 224. Cost of land for, 212. Dublin: building works at, 211. catering fees, 216. expenditure on, 210. operation of, 214. rents for buildings at, 213. Shannon: car park, waiving of fees, 246. passenger hostels, 244. receipts, 215. sums due for services at, 223. working capital, interest on, 241. Bord Fáilte: audit of accounts, 207. grants, 202, 204, 205. guarantees, 202, 206. lack of information, 208, par. 17 Córas Iompair Éireann: accounts, 225, par. 18. commutation of pensions, 199. pensions and lump sums, 198, Appendix XIII. redundancy compensation: categories involved, 228, 229. payments, 197, 230. Harbours: Galway, 232. general details, 233. underexpenditure, 231. International Organisations, expenses, 243. Lisdoonvarna and Rooska Spa Wells Trust, loan, 245. Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 242. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited: grants, 218. housing: costs, 221. grants, 219. rents, 222. subsidies, 220. Tourism: grants, 200. holiday accommodation, 236. hotel grants, 235. loans, 201, 206, 247. loan to Breaffy House Hotel, 203. resort development, 235, 236. Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: University College, Dublin, grants for new science buildings, 180. University grants, basis of, 181. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Map sales, 367. Vocational Education: Apprentice Competition: accounts, position of, 174. contributions by all vocational committees, 176. equipment, disposal of, 171, 173, 175, par. 15. expenditure, responsibility for, 171, par. 15. organising committee, representation on, 172. Scholarships, 177. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Agricultural Grants, page 10 (no question). Central Statistics Office, 23-26. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 8 (no question). Civil Service Commission, 32-33. Expenses under the Electoral Acts and the Juries Acts, page 10 (no question.) Finance, Office of the Minister for, 27-31. General Report, 5-12. Houses of the Oireachtas, 20-22. Increases in Pensions, 43-44. Law Charges, page 10 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 41-42. President’s Establishment, 19. Remuneration, page 11 (no question). Repayments to Contingency Fund, 45. Secret Service, page 10 (no question). State Laboratory, 30-31. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 34-40. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 6 (no question). White, Mr. J.: National Gallery, 303-307. |
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