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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants: Page 10 (no question) Agriculture: AFD processed carcase beef—grants to firms not covered by guarantee payments scheme, 371. Agricultural Credit Corporation, loans to, underwritten by Department and storm damage loans, 359. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects financed from, 355. Bacon Factories, grants, expenditure on, 361. Ballyhaise Agricultural School, savings at, 359. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: comparison of joint venture bid by meat processing factories with previous prices paid, 347. contract for purchase of reactor cattle not confined, 348. contract for purchase of reactor cattle shared by meat processing factories, 345. disposal of reactors, increase in losses incurred, 343. expenditure on, receipts from cattle slaughtered under scheme, joint venture bids by Southern canning firms for reactor cows, gross and nett cost of scheme since its inception, 342, par. 30. guarantee payments in respect of export of fat cattle and carcase beef, irregularities not yet cleared up, 360. joint venture bids from canning firms for purchase of reactor cows, acceptance of, 344, par. 30. price per lb. for reactor cattle negotiated, 346. receipts from sale of slaughtered cattle, decrease in, 364. Canned Meats, inspection of, 365. Can washing equipment in creameries, 349, Appendix XXXIII. Cattle Diseases Fund wound up, 356. Co-operative Fruit Growers Society, Dungarvan, possibility of early repayment of loan instalments, 363. Culverts, ex-gratia payment for replacement of, 366. Dairy Disposal Company Limited, Balance Sheet, 373, Appendix XXXVI. Dairy Produce: Bord Bainne, delay in presentation of accounts, par. 32. Bord Bainne, marketing by, Departmental control queried, 368. creamery milk price allowance increased, 353. expenditure on subsidies, 353. survey of continental food markets, 369. transfer of butter stocks of the Butter Marketing Committee, 354. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, winding up of account, 372. Exporters, irregularities in claims, par. 12. FAO, non-representation on joint organisation, 328. Farm Buildings Schemes and Water Supplies: construction and improvement of farm buildings, designs for, 334. expenditure on, and breakdown of expenditure, 332. grants for replacement of hay barns, 336. grants, relaxation of restrictions on award of, 335. unestablished officers on staff, 333. Foras Talúntais, accounts, 358, Appendix XXXV. Land Project: average grant per acre, increase in, 338. breakdown of expenditure, grants for reclamation works, 337, par. 29. drainage surveys by Office of Public Works, payment for, 340, Appendix XXXII. grant unaffected by employment of contractors to undertake work, 339. outdoor staff, numbers engaged on, par. 11. Rye River Drainage, 340, Appendix XXXII. Lime and Fertilizer Subsidies: expenditure on, 341. superphosphate, cost of production examined by Department of Industry and Commerce, 341. Pasteurising plant, grants for, 349. Pigs and Bacon Commission: accounts, 350, Appendix XXXIV, par. 31. development of export markets for pigmeat and pigmeat products, 351. Seed potatoes, failure of merchant to fulfil contract, additional expenditure necessary to secure substitute supplies, 367, par. 33. Tuberculin, decline in sales of, for private testing, 362. Turkey Publicity Campaign, expenditure on, 370. Wheat, losses on disposal of, 352. World Food Programme: countries benefitting from contribution to, 329. details of cash and food contributions to, 327, 329-331. requests of governing council met, irrespective of country requiring aid, 331. Appendices, List of, page 107. Army Pensions: Compensation paid for loss of life or injury in Congo, 184. Beere, Miss T. J.: Transport and Power, 197-235. Berry, Mr. P.: Courts of Justice, 51-53. Garda Síochána, 37-42. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 33-36. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 54. Prisons, 43-50. Central Mental Hospital: Miscellaneous receipts particularly swill, 63. Produce of farm and garden, causes of reduction in estimated receipts, from, 64. Staff living in official quarters, number drawing rations, 61. Uniforms for patients, excess, 62. Central Statistics Office: Appropriations in Aid, subhead D. 14. Extra remuneration for Assistant Principal Officer, 15, Appendix V. Household Budget Inquiry, postponement of, 13. Chairman: Election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Costs awarded on behalf of Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests, written off, 32. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Page 9 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Page 9 (no question). Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXXIX. Report, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Farm Building grants, 332. Land Project, State assistance, 337. Pasteurisation of milk, grants for, 349. Pigs and Bacon Commission, payments to, 351. Wheat, losses on disposal of, 352. World Food Programme, contribution to, 327, 330. Defence: Provisions and allowances, 156. Trainee pilot scheme, 159. Education, Office of the Minister for: Advance of expenses by OECD, 430. Carlisle and Blake Fund, change in administration of, 426. Educational survey, 425. Fisheries: Compensation under 1939 Fisheries Act, 415. Pond Fish culture, 416. Garda Síochána: Interest free loans to officers for car purchase, 40. General Report of, 3-8. Increases in Pensions, 30. Industry and Commerce: Grants to an Foras Tionscal, 236. Nitrigín Éireann Teo., repayable advances to, 237. Repayment of Advances under the Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, 238-39, 242-43. International Co-operation, repayable advances to the United Nations, 58. Introduction of, 2. Lands: Faulty dwelling erected by Land Commission, legal costs, 378. River Shannon, repair of embankments, 374. Local Government: Motor Tax, collection of, 302. Office of the Revenue Commissioners, revenue account, 112. Posts and Telegraphs: Broadcasting licence fees, 95. Engineering stores and equipment, 91-93. Losses, 94. Post Office Savings Bank, 101. Revenue, 98. State Accounts, 96. Primary Education: Heating, cleaning and painting of schools, grant towards, 434. Model schools, maintenance of 439. Training college, renovation of and grant towards, 434. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage construction works, 269, 271. Coast Protection, expenditure on, 268. Garda Síochána building programme, 267. Johnstown Castle and Grange Farm, expenditure on, 259. Legal expenses of school manager paid, 266. Stores, 273. Swimming pool, change in estimate for, 264. Templemore Barracks, report on, 260. Roinn na Gaeltachta: Improvement scheme introduced, 130. Secondary Education: Publication of Irish Text Books, failure of company to repay grants, 444. Social Assistance, overpayments, 319. Social Insurance, accounts of, 317. Transport and Power: Córas Iompair Éireann, redundancy compensation, 197. Shannon, Dublin and Cork Airports: constructional work at, 218. operating costs of, 203. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Burglary, details of, 185. Vote, page 106 (no question). Courts of Justice: Extra remuneration paid to Higher Executive Officer, 53. Fees paid in connection with bankruptcy proceedings, 52. Fees paid in connection with publicans licences, execution of Court Orders, Land Commission warrants, etc., method of payment, 51. Registers—compilation of, duty of local authorities in future, 53. Surrender of receipts obtained by County Registrars—transferred in future to Local Government, 53. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Central Mental Hospital, 61-64. Defence: Accidents, claims for loss of services, 182. Aer Lingus pilot training scheme, cost and duration, 159. Civil Defence, contracts not completed, grants, co-operation with local authorities, 168. Clothing and Equipment: deliveries from contractors, 164. receipts from clothing issued on repayment, 173. Curragh Bakery, cost of production of bread at, 156. Defensive equipment: savings on, 166. supply of, 168. Dublin and Curragh Abattoirs: accounts of production costs of beef at, 156. comparison with contract prices, 157. reduction in labour costs, 158. Enlistment awards, basis of payment, 162. Equitation Teams at Horse Shows: saving on expenses, 161. selection of officers, 162. General Stores, savings on, 166. Haulbowline, causeway at, 170. Horses, expenditure on, 165. Losses: buildings not covered by insurance 183. court proceedings regarding theft of Army property, 181, 182, par. 14. reproduction of 1916 and other medals, 180. Marine Transport Service, cost, 169. Military lands, purchase of sites not proceeded with, 171. Officers cars, purchase of, details of advances, 40, 177. Pay, deductions from estimate, increases in pay, actual expenditure, 160. Receipts: discharge by purchase, 175. stores hired to public authorities and others, 174. Recruiting efforts, 160. Red Cross Society Grant, 172. United Nations: payment for equipment used in Congo, 167. procedure for dealing with payments from, 178, 179. X-ray and aerial photographs, receipts from, 176. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: No question (page 106). Education, Office of the Minister for: Carlisle and Blake Fund, change in awards, 426. Commission on Higher Education, report, 429. Council of Education, 428. Educational facilities, survey to assess future demand for, 425. Investments, review of, 431. OECD contribution, 425, 430. Salaries, wages and allowances, under expenditure, 427. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Appropriations in aid, breakdown of receipts, 154. Minor Employment Schemes and Bog Development Works, expenditure on and arrangement with county engineers in respect of, 143. Miscellaneous receipts, details, 155. Miscellaneous Schemes, projects included under, 145. Rural Improvements Scheme: appropriations in aid from, 154. crediting of farmers contribution, 149. schemes awaiting sanction or inspection, schemes sanctioned but work not completed, 148. surplus surrendered from Vote, 147. works carried out under, and gross expenditure, 144. Salaries, increase in expenditure, 146. Urban and rural employment schemes, grants to local authorities under, 142. Urban Employment Schemes: division of expenses between various urban areas, 152. local authorities late in submitting proposals, 150. saving under, 147. schemes awaiting sanction or inspection, 148. schemes which qualify for grants, 151. South Tipperary, allocations for, 153. Expenses under Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Expenditure in future to be provided on vote for Local Government, 28. External Affairs: Entertainment, expenditure on, par. 3. Lectures held in Iveagh House, expenditure written off, 57. Recruitment of Third Secretaries, 55. Repatriation and Maintenance of destitute Irish Persons abroad, claims irrecoverable, 56. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Committee for Industrial Organisation surveys, payment of fees for economists, 16. Economic Research Institute, contribution towards expenses, 18. Executive Officers in Civil Service, university training scheme, 20. par. 15. Government Stocks, management of by Central Bank, 17. Savings Committee: composition of, 21. publicity expenses of, 19. Fisheries: Compensation payments, 415. Exploratory Fishing Vessel, savings on, functions of, personnel, 418. Inland Fisheries Trust State contribution, 420. Miscellaneous receipts, 423. Pond Fish Culture, demonstration units, profits from, private enterprise, 416. Prosecutions, proceeds of, 421. Salmon Conservancy Fund: Cong station, 417. cost of administration, 424. Salmon research trust station at Treanlour, 417. Technical assistance, curtailment of projects, 422. Training scheme for fishermen, under expenditure, details of trainees, 419. Forestry: Acquisition of land, 413. Forestry development, planting programme, 404. Forests, value of and income from, 414. Game rights, retention of, 405. Machinery and stores transferred to Department of Defence, 414. Planting, grant applications, extent of progress, 406. Sawmills: Cong and Dundrum accounts, 407, 408. employment at Cong and Dundrum, 410. furniture making, 411. future of Dundrum, 409. Timber sales, 412. Fowler, Mr. K. M.: Comptroller and Auditor General, Page 106 (no question). Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Colleges, details of, amount of grants, 136. Gaeltarra Éireann: allowances to personnel of, 140. amount of grant to meet current expenses, 137. details of repayments in regard to advances made from Exchequer, 137, Appendix XV. loss by, 137. Glasshouses, details of expenditure, replacement of those damaged by storm, 131, par. 21. Grasslands Improvement Scheme, operation of, 133. Improvement Schemes in Gaeltacht: expenditure on, 130. miscellaneous amenities, details, 132. Marine works, details of, expenditure on, 135. Scholarships: organisation of local groups 138, Appendix XVI. under expenditure on, details of schemes, 138. Teachers residences, sale of, 139. Tennis court for Irish College at Teelin, 134, Appendix XIV. Garda Síochána: Forfeited and unclaimed property, 42. Furniture, non-delivery of, 38. Interest free loans for car purchases by officers in Departments of Defence and Social Welfare, 40. Payments for Services rendered by the Garda Síochána, 41, par. 16. Repayment of sums advanced to officers and Inspectors for purchase of cars, 39. Reward Fund, par. 17. Subsistence Allowances, new arrangements, 37, par. 9. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 302-310. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Balances of 1961-62 votes surrendered, amount of, 4. Central Fund, receipts into and issues from, 8. Exchequer Extra Receipts, 4. National Development Fund: expenditure on projects under, and projects still active, 7. issues from during year, and winding up account, 6. Outturn of year, 4. Stock and Store Accounts, 5. Health: Advisory and Consultative Bodies, number, duration and cost of, 74. Booklet on health services, reason for non publication of, 86. Compensation payable to certain retiring dispensary doctors, 89. Expenditure on tuberculosis services and mental hospitals, prospects of reduction in, 80, par. 19. General Hospitals: prospects of reduction in cost of, 80, par. 19. variation in expenditure, 79. Health Authorities: amalgamation, economies from, pars. 4-5. audit of accounts of, 75. drugs and medicines, increase in cost of, par. 6. expenditure by under subhead G, 77, Appendix X. Health inspectors training scheme, number of trainees, 90. Medicines: expenditure on, 82, Appendix XI. publication of national formulary, 87. Mental Handicap and Mental Illness, Commissions on, frequency of meetings, cost of secretarial assistance, 74. Nursing course, postponement of, 85. Rehabilitation, Cork and Dublin services and expenditure, 81. Technical Assistance, projects provided under, 88. Tuberculosis accommodation, expenditure on, 78. Unmarried mothers, accommodation for, 76. Voluntary Hospitals: cost of patients in, 84. sweepstake subvention to, 83. Wages, increase in costs due to, 80. Honohan, Mr. W. A.: Social Assistance, 319-326. Social Insurance, 317-318. Social Welfare, 311-316. Increases in Pensions: Public Service pensions, increase of, Bill before Dáil, 30. Industry and Commerce: Advertising and publicity, increased costs, caused by mining discoveries, 246. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects sponsored by Department, 244, 245. Córas Tráchtála: expenditure to date, 247. grants, to 236. Export Guarantee premiums, increase in, 250. Foras Tionscal, functions of and grants issued by, 236. Frankfurt Pavilion, subletting of, 251. Industrial Grants, payments not made, 248. Mine shafts abandoned, 252. Nítrigin Éireann, advances to, terms of repayment, stage of construction reached, 237. St. Patrick’s Copper Mines, Limited, grants issued, advances paid to and present position re, 243. Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, Advances: companies involved, nett losses and amounts recovered, 239, 240, 242, 243. guarantees granted, overall number of, 249, Appendix XX. insurance risks, carried by mining companies, 241. repayment of, 238, par. 23. strike difficulties in company, 241. workmens’ compensation claims against company queried, 241. International Co-operation: Recovery of expenditure on OECD productivities projects, 60. United Nations: repayable advance to, 58. liabilities to, paid in full, reduction of 80% received in respect of contributions for the Congo, 59. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Appropriations-in-Aid subhead F, deficiency of, 34. Commissions and Special Inquiries, expenditure on, 33, Appendix VI. Fees paid to Department for various services, 35. Film censorship fees, 36. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Clearance Premium Scheme, explanation of and cost of, 54. Lands: Auctioneers: amount of commission, 397. appointment of, 396. basis of commission, 395. Church Temporalities Fund, details, 399. Defective dwellings: claim for damages, 378. contractor’s experience, 382. costs involved, 389, par. 34. effect on rent of migrant, 392. future use of, 386, 392. legal action against contractor, 381, 394, par. 34. legal expenses, 387. location of houses, 385. losses, extent of, 393. nature of defects, 379. nature of inspection, 383. number of complaints, 384. price of contract, 391. proceedings against sureties, 390. settlements, 388. supervision of work, 380. Improvement of estates, contributions, 401. Incentive bonus scheme, experimental application, par. 10. Land Bonds over issued, adjustment, 398. Lettings of land, receipts, 400. Miscellaneous receipts, 402. Recoupment of expenditure in event of hazard or disaster, 377. Shannon estuary embankments: ESB and other properties, 376. expenditure on repair of, 374. responsibility for, transferred to Commissioners of Public Works, 375. Shannon flooding relief scheme, completion of, 403. Law Charges: Costs awarded, written off, 29. Local Government: Derelict site clearance, grants for acquisition, clearance and improvement, increase in application for, 306. Economic Commission for Europe, 304. Local Authorities, drop in receipts from, under combined purchasing legislation, 308. Motor vehicle duties, etc., revenue and refunds, 302. National Development Fund, expenditure completed on, 310. Road Fund, special grant to, 305. Seeds and Fertilisers Supply Schemes, delay in claims for payment, 307. Temporary messenger, overpayment written off, 309, Appendix XXVII. Travelling and incidental expenses, attendance of officers at special courses, 303. Mac Brádaigh, Mr. Aodh: Army Pensions, 184. Defence, 156-183. McCann, Mr. H. J.: External Affairs, 55-57. International co-operation, 58-60. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Industry and Commerce, 236-252. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 32. Miscellaneous Expenses: Page 10 (no question). Mooney, Mr. J.: Rates on Government Property, 195-196. Valuation and Ordnance Survey, 185-194. Mundow, Mr. H. J. Public Works and Buildings, 258-300. Public Works, Office of, 253-257. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 327-373. National Gallery: Pictures, purchase and restoration of, 301. Shaw Bequest, 301. Ó Braonáin, Mr. Seán: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 130-141. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 415-434. Forestry, 404-414. Lands, 374-403. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 91-111. Ó Brolcháin, Mr. B.: Stationery Office, 65-73. Ó hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 142-155. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Extra remuneration to reporter for special duties, 11, Appendix IV. Restaurant losses, 9. Witnesses expenses, 10. Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S.: Health, 74-90. Ó Raifeartaigh, Dr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Page 106, (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 425-431. Primary Education, 432-443. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 457. Science and Art, 450-456. Secondary Education, 444-447. Technical Instruction, 448-449. Universities and Colleges, 458. Posts and Telegraphs: Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960, payment of grant under section 22 (1) (b) of, 104. Broadcasting licence fees, over-payment to Broadcasting Authority, 95. Carriage of newspapers by Departmental vans, 107. Claims for loss of service of postal sorter not pursued, details, 109. Commemoration stamps, 111. Contract payments, postponement of and resultant saving, 103. Engineering stores: delay in payment for, 91, 93, par. 20. financial control queried, par. 13. increase in stock of, 96. sale of as scrap, 105. Losses, details, 94. Losses, theft of copper wire, 97. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts, 101-102, Appendix XIII. interest rate, report of Departmental Committee, 102. Radio Éireann premises, rent of, 107. Revenue Accounts, 98. Staff temporarily lent to other Departments and Offices, expenditure in respect of, 110. Stores accounts, details, 96. Stores purchased on behalf of other Government Departments, change in accounting procedure, 106. Telephone accounts mechanised system: effects on staffing, 100, Appendix XII. savings with, 99. Telephone capital expenditure, recovery in respect of, 108. Telephone equipment: delay in payment for, 93. manufacture abroad, value of imports, countries of origin of imports, 92. President’s Establishment: Page 7 (no question). Primary Education: Educational aids, grants for, 440. Handicapped Children, Course for teachers of: employment of trained teachers, 436. extra salary allowance, 437. shortage of teachers, 438. underspending on, 435. Miscellaneous receipts, details, 443. Model Schools, management and maintenance of, 439. School books for necessitous children, basis for supplying, 442. Schools, grants for decoration of, 434, 441. St. Patrick’s Training College: approval of plans, 433. grant for, amount and terms, 432. Prisons: Buildings and Equipment maintenance and renovations, Mountjoy and Portlaoise, 45. Medical Supplies, increase in cost of, 44. Portlaoise Farm, produce of, 50. Prisoners in District Mental Hospitals, 47, par. 18. Prisoners in mental institutions, 48, Appendix VII. Rehabilitation of prisoners, 49. St. Patrick’s Institution, expansion of, 46. Victualling, 43. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage: delay in recovery from County Council, 295. drainage schemes, contract versus direct labour system, 272, par. 27. expenditure and progress, 269-270. experimental drainage scheme in Ouvane area, contractor employed, 271. staff shortage for survey work, 290. Boats stored at Dun Laoghaire and Howth Harbours: charge for, 297. liability in the event of injury caused by, 298, Appendix XXIII. liability in respect of damage to, 299. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park: accounts of, 300, Appendix XXV. number of sheep, 300, Appendix XXVI. Coast protection at Rosslare Strand, 268. Department of Education: use of certain buildings by, 292. Dun Laoghaire Boatyard, indemnity against accidents, 298, Appendix XXIII. Furniture, inventories of, par. 8. Garda Station, misspelling of Kilsheelan, 293. Maintenance and Supplies: External Affairs, increase in estimate for furniture, etc., 289. increase in certain estimates queried, 288. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Abbotstown Farm, 287. Aras an Uachtarán, glasshouse, 278. Central Heating Station, renewal of plant, 279. Dublin Castle, rebuilding of Cross Block, 280. expenditure, tabulated breakdown of, 277, Appendix XXII. Garda Síochána, details of building programme for, 267, 283. Grange Farm, further expenditure incurred after transfer to An Foras Talúntais, 259. Johnstown Castel, further expenditure incurred after transfer to An Foras Talúntais, 259. Major Fishery Harbours, system of work projects, 286. National Building Agency, administration of Garda Síochána building programme by, 267. National Schools: expenditure on, and system of carrying out work, 258. numbers of, erected, 284. prefabricated schools, details and cost of, 285. Phoenix Park, improvement of water supply, 281. Premises at 26-27 Pembroke Street, use of, 294. Recovery of rent arrears from CIE, 296. River Shannon, cost and erection of Bailey Bridge on, 282. School Manager, legal costs of, grant paid, 266. Site purchased for Garda Station, 276. State Lands and Buildings, Registers and Rentals, 300, Appendix XXIV. Stores: disparity between book value of and amount realised, queried, 274. reorganisation scheme, 275. stock unpaid for, 291. surplus stocks, disposal of, 273, par. 7. Templemore Military Barracks: additions to contract queried, 263. contractor, system of payment of, 260. conversion works, details of cost of, 261. estimate on conversion works revised, 260. estimate, request for original, with subsequent additions, 265, Appendix XXI, par. 24. fees paid to professional employees, amount queried, 265. financial control, divided responsibility, par. 26. possible reduction of, by negotiation with professional bodies involved, 262, par. 25. swimming pool, cost of, 264. Public Works, Office of: Agency services, review of rate charged, 254. Extra Remuneration, assistant architects, 256. Gaeltacht improvement schemes, administrative expenses not credited, 255. Shannon Navigation, statement of receipts and payments, 257. Staff, unfilled vacancies for, 253. Rates on Government Property: Payment by local authorities for premises occupied, 196. Premises occupied by representatives of external governments, definition of, rates, 195. Réamonn, Mr. S.: Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 112-129. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Statistics queried, 457. Repayments to Contingency Fund: Details of Account, reference to, 31. Revenue Commissioners: Collectors and Assessors of Taxes etc., remuneration increase, 119, Commemoration postage stamps, saving on issue of, 120. Composition settlements, details, 118. Contract collectors, terms of employment, 125. Electronic computer: cost of renting, advantage of renting, 121. saving resulting from, arrangements for persons displaced, 122-126. Extra-statutory Repayments of Customs and other duties, details, 116. Frontier Patrols, 127. Income Tax: centralised collection, 122. cost of collection, 123. receipts, increase, 114. Law charges, increase in costs, 128. Overtime working, amount of and necessity for, 129. P.A.Y.E.: electronic computer for work on, 126. receipts, increase, 114. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, details, 117. Revenue account, details, 112-113. Tax assessments outstanding, reasons for reduction in arrears, 115. Science and Art: Catholic Workers College, Grant in aid, 456. Colleges providing courses in Irish, basis of grants, accounts, 453. National Museum and National Library, vacancies on staff, 450. Periodicals published in Irish and certain newspapers, grants to, 454, Appendix XXXVII. Short Films in Irish, grant towards cost of, 455. Travelling Expenses, 451. University Scholarships, withdrawal from, 452. Secondary Education: Choirs and orchestras, nature of bonus for, 446. Irish Text books: delay in publication, 447. recovery of payments from publishing company, 444. Laboratory Grants, demand for, 445. Secret Service: Page 10 (no question). Social Assistance: Footwear and Fuel Schemes, refunds from local authorities, 326. Appendix XXXI. Footwear for necessitous children.: decrease in grants for, 323. refunds from Local Authorities in respect of, 326. Appendix XXXI. total grant not availed of, 324. Appendix XXX. Old Age Pensions: civil proceedings taken in lieu of prosecution proceedings, 320. cost of, 321. grant allocated and total payments made, 321. Overpayments, details of amounts involved, prosecutions taken and total written off, 319, par. 28. School Meals: grant, breakdown of payments made, 322, Appendix XXIX. Qualifications for entitlement to, and where available, 322. Unemployment Benefit, grant allocated and total payments made, 321. Widows and Orphans Pension: estimated recovery of overpayments exceeded, 325. grant allocated and total payments made, 321. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund: accounts, 317-318, Appendix XXVIII. amount of State Contribution to, 318. Social Welfare: British exservice personnel, general practitioner treatment of, handled by Department, 315. Cars, advances for purchase of, 40. Departmental vehicles, repair of, 316. Impressed stamp fees and sales of motor cars and parts, 313. Impressing stamping, appropriate heading for, 314. Vacancies: particulars re grades involved, 312. saving arising from delay or non-filling of, 311. State Laboratory: Page 9 (no question). State-sponsored Bodies: Possible review of accounts by Committee, par. 35. Stationery Office: Electoral and Juries Acts: commission on printing and paper required under, cost of and arrangements for printing, 70. local authorities who availed themselves of printing from stationery Office, 71. Government Publications Sale Office, Trading and Profit and Loss Account, 69, Appendix VIII. Housing plans, demand for from general public, 67. Losses on unpublished manuscripts, 66. Oireachtas papers, printing of and delay in deliveries to Sale Office, 73. Publications, increase in receipts from sales of, 65. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Appropriations in Aid, relationship between, 69, Appendix IX. Transport arrangements for urgent deliveries of stationery, 72. Waste paper, disposal of ordinary and confidential waste, nature of confidential waste, market for, 68. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Injury Grants, incidence of claims, 25. Officers on loan, pension liability in respect of, 26. Redundancies, additional provision for, 24. Repayment by the British Government, sanction of, 27. Retirements, number of and average amount of awards, 22. Subheads A and B, Shortfall of expenditure on, 23. Taoiseach, Department of: Commission on Itinerancy, 12. Technical Instruction: Scholarships, revised arrangements not proceeded with, 448. Woodwork teachers, training course, 449. Transport and Power: Acquisition of land for airports, provision for, 216. Aircraft accident at Shannon, expenditure in connection with, 210. Airports: comparison of revenue of, 206. construction work at, 218, Appendix XIX. Aviation services provided and Miscellaneous receipts, 233. Bord Fáilte Éireann: development of Holiday Accommodation, grants for, 200, 215. grants paid to, 198. resort development, difficulty in promotion of, 199. Bottled Gas Installations, applications for grants in respect of, 227. Communications, traffic, system of, 229. Concession fees, details of, 230. Constructional Works abandoned at airports, 217. Córas Iompair Éireann, redundancy payments, grants for, basis of and staff involved, 197. Cork Airport: catering services supplied by CIE, 207. constructional works, 219. maintenance expenditure, 203, 208, 222. Dublin Airport: catering service, drop in sales, 204. constructional works, postponement of, 217. maintenance expenditure, 203. passenger service charge, introduction of, 203. radar equipment, installation of, 223. Estimate, query re consistent over estimation on Vote, 235. Foreshore rents and licence fees, details of, 232. Harbour Grants, details of expenditure, 212. International organisations, expenses in connection with, 226. Overtime, increase in amount of, 209, par. 22, Appendix XVIII. Redundancy compensation, amount paid, 197, 211. Resort Development: responsibility for, 214. saving on supplementary estimate, 213. Shannon Airport: catering service, drop in sales, 204. ex-gratia payments to contractors, 234. landings, details of fees, etc., 205. maintenance expenditure, 203, 220. passenger service charge, receipts from, 203. postponement of plan for jet runway, 217. total expenditure on, query re expenditure figures dropped from Report, 218, Appendix XIX. travelling expenses in lieu of bus tickets to workers, 220, 221. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited: grants, details, 201, 224. passenger hostels, decline in demand for, 228, 231. shares purchased by Minister for Finance, 201. workers’ dwellings, advances, 201, 202. Ships and protective equipment, 225. Travelling and incidental expenses, details of, 210. Universities and Colleges: Construction of new Science buildings at Stillorgan, 458. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Aerial surveying, 190. Burglary, investigation of, 185. Department of External Affairs, special services for, 194. Equipment, payment for, details of goods received but not paid for by March, 1963, 188, Appendix XVII. Maps, sales of, price, advertising, 192. Officer on loan without repayment, 193. Primary Triangulation, present position, 191. Receipts, procedure for dealing with, 185. Resignations, details of personnel, 187. Retriangulation equipment, 189. Vacancies, delay in filling, type of people required, 186. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Agricultural Grants, page 10 (no question). Central Statistics Office, 13-15. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 9 (no question). Civil Service Commission, page 9 (no question). Expenses under the Electoral Act and Juries Act, 28. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 16-21. General Report, 3-8. Houses of the Oireachtas, 9-11. Increases in Pensions, 30. Law Charges, 29. Miscellaneous Expenses, page 10 (no question). President’s Establishment, page 7 (no question). Repayments to Contingency Fund, 31. Secret Service, page 10 (no question). State Laboratory, page 9 (no question). Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 22-27. Taoiseach, Department of the,12. White, Mr. J.: National Gallery, 301. Witnesses, List of: Page xxxviii. |
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