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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Agricultural instructors, educational tours, 421. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects financed from and method of financing, 414. Bacon Factories, grants, beneficiaries, 427. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, expenditure on, loss per reactor and average loss per cow reactor, method of assessment of value of reactors, receipts from sale of cattle slaughtered under the scheme, fees paid to veterinary surgeons, tagging of calves, gross cost of scheme since its inception, unvouched expenditure in respect of headage grant scheme, 385-395. Cereals, tests carried out at home, 429. Co-operative Fruit Growers, Society, Ltd., Dungarvan, repayment of loan instalments, 432. Dairy Produce: An Bord Bainne, grant to, 410, 414. expenditure on subsidies, 409. milk products, nature of and subsidy, 412-413. Price Stabilisation Fund, income of and payments from, 414. Educational Tours for Instructors in Agriculture, token provision for, 421. Eggs, code marking of, 430. Eelworm, Scheme for elimination of, 422. Farm Buildings Schemes and Water Supplies: byre grants, 377. expenditure on and break down of expenditure, 374-375. housing of mink, grants, 376. Fencing materials, receipts from, 433. Gift to distinguished visitor, 435. Guarantee payments in respect of export of fat cattle and carcase beef, limit on guarantee payment, overpayments arising from irregular claims, application of guarantee payments to processed meat industry, 396-403. Heifer replacement scheme, discontinuance of, 417. Horse Breeding Act, 1934, increased provision, 428 Horticultural crops, temporary schemes for growing of, progress with, 422. Land Project: advertising and publicity, increase in expenditure on and break down of expenditure, 380, Appendix XXIV. fall in expenditure on, reason for, 423-424. machinery grants, token provision, 425. payments made under, 378. salaries, wages, allowances and travelling expenses in relation to total payments, 379. Lime and Fertiliser Subsidies: amalgamated rate of phosphate subsidy, amount of, 426. expenditure on, 381. increased use of fertilisers due to subsidy, 383. method of application of subsidy on delivery cost of ground limestone and average cost of subsidy per ton, 382. profit margin in industry, effect of subsidy, 384. Livestock Progeny Testing, progress and completion of second pig progeny testing station, 418. National Development Fund, receipts and payments, 436. Overtime and Sunday duty payments, 434. Pasteurisation of separated milk, grants for, 404. Pigs and Bacon Commission, payments to and explanation of revision of estimate for, 405-406. Reclamation work, grants for, 381. Seed Testing, Propagation and Certification, saving under, 415. Turkey poults at Athenry, reduced production, 431. University College, Cork, expansion of Dairy Science faculty, 420. Veterinary Research, filling of staff vacancies in, 416 Wheat, losses on disposal of, 407-408. Appendices, List of, page 144. Army Pensions: Travelling expenses of applicants for, 573. Beere, Miss T. J.: Transport and Power, 438-473. Berry, Mr. P.: Courts of Justice, 186-187. Garda Síochána, 162-181. Justice, Office of the Minister for: 154-161. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 188. Prisons, 182-185. Central Statistics Office: Census of population, publication, 12. Collection of Statistics, reduction in expenditure, 13. Remuneration, payment of extra, circumstances, 14. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on and reason therefor, 11. Statisticians, difficulty in recruiting suitably qualified, 11. Chairman: Election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Accounts, audit of, 35. Charities Act, 1961, effect on organisation, 33. Investments, schedule of, 33, Appendix VI. Investments, selection of, 34. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Page 10 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Examinations not held, 21. Fees, payments and accounts, 23. Interview board competitions, increase, 22. Civil Service Remuneration: Page 12 (no question). Commissions and Special Enquiries: Income Tax, Commission on, 21. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XLI. Comptroller and Auditor General: Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account, Audit fees, 634. Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, An, officer on loan to, 635. Transport and Power: Coras Iompair Eireann, redundancy compensation, 438. Shannon, Dublin and Cork Airports: constructional works at, 439. operating costs of, 440-441. Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Limited, grants to, 443. Universities and Colleges: Exchange scholarship scheme, 277. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund Deposit Account: Payments from, 31-32. Vote for, 31. Courts of Justice: Area exemptions, fees for, 186. Bankruptcy fees and percentages, 187, Appendix XIX. Fees in connection with grant and renewal of publicans licenses, nature of, 186. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 50-52. Death of Member: Expression of sympathy, 279. Defence: Animals, Forage, etc., saving on subhead, 558. Asgard, purchase of and present state of, 559. Bands, revenue from, 571. Barrack Maintenance and New Works, defective fitting of roof of workshop, 526-531. Bounties, Rewards and Gratuities 552. Clothing and Equipment: civilian clothing on discharge, options for allowances in lieu, 557. clothing account, deficiencies in, 521-525. equipment, explanation of non-delivery, 554. uniforms, provision of new, 554-556. Compensation, payments of, 532-535. Curragh, railing of portion of commonage at, transfer to department of and grazing rights at, 560-562. Curragh Bakery, cost of production of bread at, 515-516. Dublin and Curragh Abattoirs, accounts of production costs, cost of production of beef at, 515-516, Appendix XXXVII. method of payment of purchasing agent for, 518. purchasing of meat by contract for, 517, Appendix XXXVII. Expenses of Equitation Teams at Horse Shows, saving on, 549. Foodstuffs, revision of standard form of contract for supply of, 547. Horses, sale of, 569. Losses, statement of, 545. Mechanical Transport: saving on subhead, 563. saving partly offset by excess on maintenance, 551. Military hospitals, default by health authorities in payment of daily capitation rate for patients in, 536-544. Offences against the State Acts, expenses in connection with, 566. Ration allowance, increase in, 553. Recruitment, position re, 548. Reserve, functions of An Cór Breathnadóirí, 564. Surplus stores, sale of, 568. United Nations Organisation: officers on loan to, 572. paying of claims by, 567. X-ray and aerial photographs, receipts from, 570. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 64 (no question) Dundrum Asylum: Farm and garden produce, receipts from, 52. Official quarters, rents of, 51. Uniforms for patients, type of, 50. Education, Office of the Minister for: Commission on Higher Education, query re report of, 219. Inspectors, method of recruiting of, 217. Irish vocabularies, preparation of, 218. UNESCO, expenses involved in membership of, 220. Vacancies, filling of, 216. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Appropriations-in-Aid, breakdown of contributions under, 72. County Engineers, payment of commission to, 59. Minor Employment Schemes and Bog Development Works: expenditure on and arrangement with county engineers in respect of, 59. number of counties covered by, 60. types of and basis of allocation of employment schemes, 61. Miscellaneous Schemes: expenditure on accommodation roads on islands, 71. projects included under, 64. Rural Employment Schemes, basis of selection of towns for, 68. Rural Improvements Schemes: basis of calculation of grant under, 63. breakdown of contributions under, 72. improvement in contribution terms, 70. works carried out under and gross expenditure on, 64. Salaries, Wages and Allowances: circumstances of crediting of money from Civil Service Remuneration Vote to, 65. Urban and rural employment schemes, grants to local authorities under, 58. Vacancies in the inspection grade, delay in work caused by and difficulty in filling of, 66. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 10 (no question). External Affairs: Córas Tráchtála, staff seconded to, 583. Cultural relations with other countries, expenditure, 577. Diplomatic corps, recruitment of suitable officers, 574. Miscellaneous receipts, items, 584. Official entertainment, increased expenditure, 578-582. Repatriation and Maintenance of destitute Irish persons abroad, breakdown and recovery of expenditure and number of cases, 575-576, Appendix XXXVIII. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Civil Service Arbitration Board, arrears, 16. Commission on Income Taxation, completion of work, 17. Government Stocks, management of, remuneration of banks, basis, 15. Local Loans Fund, function of Department, 18. Fisheries: Advances to former Sea Fisheries Association, deficit in repayments written off, 346. Boards of conservators and local authorities, basis of calculation of payments to, 351-352. Compensation payments, 345. Córas Tráchtála and Salmon Research Fund, officers seconded to, 358. Fishermen, training schemes for, 350. International Council for the study of the sea, information in regard to, 349. Pond fish culture; number of experimental fish pond units, 353. Salmon Conservancy Fund: contributions to, delay in paying, 354. income of and expenditure from, 347. Technical assistance, nature of, 356. Forestry: Damage to machines and deficiencies in tools and equipment, sums written off in respect of, 341-343. Forestry development, price paid for land for, 344. Forestry education, reconstruction of Avondale House, 339-340. Private planting, grants and expenditure, 338. Sawmills at Cong and Dundrum, trading accounts of, rates of pay of workers at, 334-337, Appendix XXII. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Gaeltacht houses: chalets, building of, 370. delay in completion of, explanation, 369. Glasshouses: damage to, insurance cover by contractor for storm damage, liability of contractor vis-á-vis Office of Public Works and form of contract used by Department, 361-367. loans, repayment, 372. Improvement Schemes in Gaeltacht: expenditure on, 359. Heat and Light Scheme, fall in expenditure, 359. Secondary schools in the Gaeltacht, expenditure on travelling grants to pupils in, 368. Teachers residences, sale of, 373. Garda Síochána: Clothing and equipment, saving on Subhead, 167. Cootehall Garda Station, expenditure on renovations, 172. Fees for accident reports, 180. Furniture, bedding, etc., supply and delay in delivery, 168. Local Security Force, compensation payments, recurrence, 175. Payment from Road Fund in respect of expenses of Garda Síochána in the execution of Road Acts, 1920 and Road Traffic Acts, 1933 and 1961, 178. Recruitment, decline in rate, 176. Road Fund, payments from in respect of expenses of Gardaí, 178. Subsistence allowances, payment for periods which recipients spent in their own homes, 162-165. Templemore, proposed new Garda Depot at: contractors and architects, employment of outside, 169. fees, expenditure, 170. selection of site, 171. Transport and Carriage: cars used, type and purchase, 179. prisoners, transport, hiring of cars, 177. Travelling and incidental expenses, 166. Uniforms, 181. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 189-215. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Balances of 1960-61 votes surrendered, amount of, 3. Central Fund, receipts into and issues from, 4. Contracts, legal enforcement, 5. Exchequer Extra Receipts, 3. National Development Fund: expenditure on projects under, 4. issues from during year, 3. liabilities and commitments, 3. votes under which expenditure from fund incurred, 3. Outturn of year, 2. Stock and Store Accounts, 3. Health: Combined Purchasing Scheme, cost of drugs and dressings purchased under, 44, Appendix X. County Homes, grants for and basis of, 45-46. District Medical Officers, supplements to pensions of and compensation on vacating official dispensary residences of, 49. Information, dissemination of, delay in publication of booklet on, 48. Health Authorities: accounts, audit of, 36. amalgamation of health areas, economy resulting from, 37, Appendix VIII. drugs and dressings, method of purchase and cost, 44, Appendix X. homes for chronic sick and mentally defective, increased expenditure, 40. hospitals cost, increase, 38. Mother and Child Scheme, position regarding, 41. “other services,” nature, 43. Rehabilitation, Cork services and expenditure, 42. Tuberculosis, increase in expenditure in Cork, 39. Voluntary agencies, grants, bodies eligible, 47. Honohan, Mr. W. A.: Social Assistance, 607-633. Social Insurance, 603-606. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 593-602. Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart: Special Account, projects sponsored by Department, 466. An Foras Tionscal, functions of and grants issued by, 463. Córas Tráchtála, grants to, 462. Dundalk Engineering Works, completion of staff redundancy scheme at, 470. Frankfurt Pavilion, subletting of, 473. Industrial grants, percentage of applications refused, 469. International Institute for Labour Studies, contribution to, authorities for, 467. Nítrigin Éireann, advances to, interest on, 471. Officers on loan to outside bodies, repayments to vote, 472. Tourist Resort development, explanation of slow progress, 468. Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, Advances: companies involved and amounts recovered, 465. repayment of, 464. Whiskey exports, promotion of, abandonment of scheme and expenditure on, 462. International Co-Operation: European Productivity Agency, function of, 592. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, reduction in contribution, 585. United Nations Organisation: Children’s Fund, contribution to, 587. Congo operation, basis of contributions to, 591. Contribution to, 586. Emergency Force, activities outside Congo, 588. Relief and Work Agency, contribution to and work of, 589. Special Fund, functions of, 590. Justice, Office of the Minister for: An Bord Uchtála, number of applications received, 155. Army Reserve, staff officer remunerated for service in, 161. Film Censorship, contribution by film companies and renters towards cost, 154. Nationality and Citizenship Certificates: applications, number, 158. fees and procedure for granting, 157. Stateless persons, number and treatment of, 159. Travel document, use of, 160. Travelling expenses, amount spent on travel abroad, 156. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Staff, position, 188. Lands: Compensation for damage to crops caused by trespassing cattle, 329. Estates: costs, responsibilities of allottees, 319-320. fencing, Land Commission’s responsibility, 322. rearrangements, estimating of costs, 321. road improvements, 318. Ex-employees, maximum gratuities, 317. Game resources, leasing of and grants paid to regional game councils and machinery for leasing rights of Land Commission and Forestry Division, 332. Housing: contract and direct labour, comparative cost and factors determining choice, 296-301. dwelling houses and outoffices erected by direct labour instead of on contract, circumstances involving additional expenditure, 285-291, 295. nurses cottages, 323. plans for houses, revision, 293. serviced house cost, 294. Land Bonds: Land Commission’s liability in respect of, 310. number issued during year, 309. Land Purchase: auctions, procedure at, 315-316. payments in bonds or cash, area and price, 311-313. resumed holdings, cash purchases, 314. Legal expenses, default in payment of, 308. Lettings, bonding arrangements, 326 -328. Losses by default, accident, etc., 324. Machinery, hiring of, type, annual charge and new form of hiring agreement, 302-307. Nurses cottages, 323. Rent, refund, circumstances, 325. Sale of holdings by allottee migrants, refunds to Land Commission, 333. Law Charges: Defence of public servants, officers involved, 25. Estimate, determination of amount, 26. Local Government: Burial grounds, upkeep, 195. Derelict Sites, grants for acquisition, clearance and improvement, procedure for, delay in considering applications, 208-209, 211. Housing and building inspectors, staffing position in regard to, 196-198. Housing grant, instalment, failure of applicant to occupy house, 215. Housing grants: fees payable by applicants for, 212-213. payments to public utility societies, 201-202. supplementary, 200. Housing inspectors, incentive bonuses, need and nature, 191-193. Local Authorities: accounts, audit of, fee, 210. sanitary services, contributions towards loans charges, 204-207. Motor vehicle duties, etc., revenue and refunds, 189-191. National Building Agency Limited: activities of, 203. expenses repayable by county and county borough councils, nature, 214. shares of, 199. Payment of supplementary housing grants to public utility societies, 200-202. Statutory inquiries, number and type, apportionment of expenses between local authority and department, 194, 211. Mac Brádaigh, Mr. Aodh: Army Pensions, 573. Defence, 515-572. McCann, Mr. H. C.: External Affairs, 574-584. International Co-operation, 585-592. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Industry and Commerce, 462-473. McGreevy, Dr. T.: National Gallery, 280-284. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 33-35. Miscellaneous Expenses: Bounties, payments and amounts thereof, 29-30. Marsh’s Library, reconstruction, 27. Property Arbitrator, whole-time nature of post, 28. Mooney, Mr. J.: Rates on Government Property, 152-153. Valuation and Ordnance Survey, 145-151. Mundow, Mr. H. J. Public Works and Buildings, 82-121. Public Works, Office of, 73-81. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 374-437. National Gallery: Pictures, purchases and funds available, 280-281. Shaw Bequest, 280, 282-283. Travelling and incidental expenses, savings, 283-284. Ó Braonáin, Mr. Seán: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 359-373. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 345-358. Forestry, 334-344. Lands, 285-333. Ó Broin, Mr. Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 474-514. Ó Brolcháin, Mr. B.: Stationery Office, 53-57. Ó hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 58-72. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Allowances to certain former members, numbers benefiting, 6. Ó Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S.: Health, 36-49. Ó Raifeartaigh, Dr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Page 64 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 216-220. Primary Education, 221-256. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 275. Science and Art, 265-274. Secondary Education, 256-260. Technical Instruction, 261-264. Universities and Colleges, 276-278. Posts and Telegraphs: Accommodation and Building Charges, analysis of expenditure for rents and rates, etc., 491. Broadcasting licence fees, net receipts, 498. Commemoration stamps, change in accounts, 478. Compensation for loss of or damage to parcels and insured letters, 474. Conveyance of Mails: analysis of expenditure, comparative costs of conveyance by road and by rail and tenders, 492-493, Appendix XXX. Engineering materials, payment for, 481, Appendix XXVIII. Engineering stores and equipment, delays in contract works, savings, expenditure, 483, 496-497. Engineering stores, sale of, 505. Letters, loss or damage to registered or insured, 477. Letters of credit, payment by irrevocable, 512-513. Losses, apparatus destroyed, 507. Losses, details, 474-475. Mechanised Accounting System, working of, 488-489. Money Orders, fraud and writing off, 476. Postal and general stores, analysis of expenditure, 494. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts, 486. investments, 487, Appendix XXIX. Property, damage to, 509, Appendix XXXV. Radio valves, deficiency in supply and specification, 512. Receipts, miscellaneous, details, 503. Repayment services, abandonment of claims for, 510. Revenue accounts, 484-485. Salaries, Wages and Allowances: staff covered under subhead, 499. staff increase, explanation and breakdown, 500, Appendix XXXI. Social Insurance Fund, receipts, 502, Appendix XXXII. Social Welfare, Department of, work done for, 479. Staff loaned to and receipts from works performed for outside bodies, 506. Stationery, stamped, nature and expenditure, explanation of, 495. Superannuation and other non-effective payments, excess on estimate, 514. Stores accounts, details, 480. Telephone capital expenditure, recovery in respect of, 501. Telephones, delay in installation and accumulation of stocks, 482. Telephone kiosks, damage to, 511. Travelling and incidental expenses, variation in, 490. Vehicles, damage, drivers’ negligence, 508. Wireless transmitting and examination, fees, 504. President’s Establishment: Page 7 (no question). Primary Education: Bequests and Trusts, accounts, 256. Coláiste Bríde, Falcarragh, disposal of, 222. Examinations, conducting of, 236. Handicapped children, schools and grants for school requisites, 247-249. Incidental expenses, items included in, 243. Model schools, grants, maintenance and type of schools, 238-242. National Schools, grants for heating of, 250-252. Preparatory Colleges: compensation payments to former members of staff of, 224. disposal of, 221-222, 226-227. employees, provision for former, 235. school fees of former pupils, 223. teachers, alternative employment for former, 228. Reid Bequest, cost of advertising, 255. Salaries of teachers and Capitation Grants, breakdown of figure for, 237. School books for necessitous children, recommendations for free, 253. Teachers, amendment of superannuation scheme, 229-230. Teachers, ex gratia payment to former, 231. Teachers, responsibility for salary of while on courses, 244. Training Colleges: fee, annual, for male and female students, 234. fee, repayable advances, number of students, 233, Appendix XX. fees, repayable advances, 232, 254. Junior Assistant Mistress, fee, payment, 235. Transport Services for School children, details of scheme, 245-246. Prisons: Clothing, bedding, furniture, etc. saving on subhead, 184. Mountjoy and Portlaoise prisons, grading of, 182. Portlaoise prison, structural work at, 185. Prisoners, average numbers and maintenance cost, 183, Appendix, XVIII. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage: expenditure and progress, 92-94. Swilly project, estimated expenditure, 92-93, Appendix XIII. Birr (Crinkle) former military barracks, head rent, 100, Appendix XIII. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts of, 120, Appendix XV. Coast protection, experimental works at Rosslare Strand, 91. Contractor, compensation paid to for loss of profits, etc., 115. Contractors, ex gratia payments, 114. Crankshaft purchased and written off, 116. Fees paid to architects and quantity surveyors, 85-88. Furniture in embassies abroad, inventory, 98. Implementation of consultant’s recommendations for effective control of stores, 96 Johnstown Castle and Grange Farm, expenditure on, 84. Losses by fire not covered by insurance, 119. Major Fishery Harbours, expenditure on, 108. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Abbotstown Farm, expenditure, 110. Áras an Uachtaráin, improvement of plant house accommodation, delay, 101. Bridgend and Cloghore Customs Posts, improvements, 104. Cootehall Garda Station, alterations, 107. Crumlin Garda Station, alterations and additions, 106. Dublin Castle, rebuilding of Cross Block, 102. Fishery harbours, progress of work, 108. Government Departments, work for, difficulties in carrying out, 82. Haulbowline, new water main, credit arising from work on, 112. Johnstown Castle water supply, 111. Leinster House, contract date for completion of extension, 103. Phoenix Park, improvement of water supply, 105. School of Civil Defence, improved accommodation, 113. Veterinary College, Ballsbridge, improvements, 109. National Schools, expenditure on and system of carrying out work, 82-83. New National Library, purchased site, 100. Premises at 21 Parliament Street, purchase price of and purpose for which acquired, 99, Appendix XIII. Property Rental and Perambulation, 121, Appendix XVI. Road accidents, payment made in respect of, 118. Stores, control, consultants’ recommendations, 96-97. Stores, problem of redundant, 95. Templemore Military Barracks, expenditure on conversion works and amount paid in respect of fees for architects and quantity surveyors, 85-90. Public Works, Office of: Agency services, rate charged for, 77. Drainage schemes not commenced, 80. Galway Harbour Works, 78. Marine Works, maintenance of, annual contribution by county councils in respect of, 81. Officer on loan, amount brought to account in respect of, 79. Staff, unfilled vacancies, 73. Travelling and incidental expenses, excess due to increased subsistence rates, 74-76. Rates on Government Property: Payments for water supplies, negotiations with local authorities re, 153. Rates arrears, 152. Réamonn, Mr. Seán: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 122-144. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Parental Moneys, nature of payments and saving in collection expenses of, 275. Revenue Commissioners: Electronic computer, acquisition, operation and cost, 123-125, Appendix XVII. Extra-statutory Repayments of Customs and other Duties, particulars, 134-135. Fees for special attendance of Customs Officers, 143. Fines, forfeitures, law costs and proceeds of customs sales, increases in receipts from, 142. General Lighthouse Fund, explanation of, 144. Income Tax: arrears, collection of, 128-129. receipts, increase, 127. receipts, new assessments, 130. Law Charges, expenses of prosecutions, fees, rewards, etc.: explanation of excess on subhead, 139. Losses by default, fraud and accident: writing off of sums lost through embezzlement, 140-141. Motor vehicles for frontier patrols, excess on estimate for, 138. Overtime worked and overtime earnings, 122-123, 126. P.A.Y.E. system of tax collection, information in regard to, 122-123, 127. Postage Stamps, saving on issues of, 137. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, statement of and composition settlements, 136. Revenue Account, details, 131. Seized goods, general nature and procedure of selling, 142. Tax assessments outstanding, particulars and accuracy of description on, 132-133. Science and Art: Colleges providing courses in Irish, grants and increase in numbers, 267. Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, income and report of, 266. ‘Inniu’, clarification in regard to grant to, 270-271. Irish Folklore Commission: function of, 273. publications of, 272. National College of Art, fees for tuition in, 274. Periodicals and newspapers in receipt of grants, 269. Publications in Irish, sales and standard, 265. Ring College for juveniles, 268. Secondary Education: Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, grants to, 257. Choirs and orchestras, bonus for, basis, 259. Irish Text Books, financing of and delay in publication, 257-258. Oral Irish, special grants for excellence in, 260. Secretary and Director of Audit: Agriculture: Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: guarantee payments, irregularities, 398, 402, headage grants, payment of in respect of untraced cattle, 393. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Audit fees, 634. Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, An, officer on loan to, 635. Contingency Fund Deposit Account Items charged to, 31-32. Defence: Barrack Maintenance and New Works, defective fitting of roof of workshop, 526. Clothing and Equipment, deficiencies in clothing account, 521. Compensation, payments of, 532, 535. Military hospitals, default by health authorities in payment of daily capitation rate for patients, 536. Provisions and Allowances in lieu, cost of production of bread at Curragh bakery and of meat at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, 515, 519. Statement of losses, 545. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Urban and rural employment schemes, grants, 58. External Affairs: Entertainment expenses, Presidential expenditure, 582. Fisheries: Advances to former Sea Fisheries Association, deficit in repayments written off, 346. Compensation, payments of and cases outstanding, 345. Salmon Conservancy Fund, 347. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Glasshouses, statement in regard to storm damage to and expenditure on erection of, 361-362, 366. Travelling expenses of day pupils attending secondary schools, 368. Garda Síochána: Subsistence allowances, payment to members for periods spent in their own homes, 162. General Report, 2. Industry and Commerce: Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, repayment of advances, 464. Lands: Housing, erection of by direct labour instead of on contract, 285, 290. Improvement of estates, costs payable by allottees, 319. Machinery, hiring of, adoption of formal procedure, 302, 305. Local Government: Motor Vehicle Duties, revenue from, 189. Primary Education: Preparatory Colleges, closing of, 221. Teachers, ex-gratia payments, 231. Teachers’ superannuation, 229. Posts and Telegraphs: Losses, statement of, 474. Mechanised accounting system, survey of, 488. Post Office Savings Bank, accounts of and indebtedness of, 486-487. Revenue, test examination of accounts and net yield of, 484. Stores, test examination of accounts, 480. Public Works and Buildings: Templemore Military Barracks: Expenditure on conversion works and information on contract, 85-86. Revenue Commissioners: Overtime payments, 122. Secondary Education: Irish Text Books, publication, 257. Social Assistance: Overpayments and irregularities in payment of social assistance benefits, 607. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund, accounts and payments, 603. Secret Service: Page 10 (no question). Social Assistance: Assistance paid in error and irrecoverable, amount written off under, 629. Blind, Welfare of the: agencies operating scheme, 616. grants, basis of, 617. local authority schemes, 619. number of blind persons and numbers benefiting from schemes, 618. Footwear for necessitous children, grants for, operation of scheme, and local authority expenditure, 624-629. Fuel for necessitous persons: towns and cities participating in and operation of scheme, 620-623. Old Age Pensions: contributory pensions, applications, interim payments of assistance, 631-632. expenditure on contributory and non-contributory pensions, 612. overpayments and irregularities, details, prospects of recovery, increase in and prosecutions, 607-611. recoveries under Section 9 (2) of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1908, 633. School meals: grants, basis, 614. local authorities operating, 615. standard of, 613. Social Assistance, administrative costs, 630. Social Insurance Fund, reason for introduction of supplementary estimate for repayments from, 631. Social Insurance: Investment return, explanation of, 606. Social Insurance Fund: accounts, 605. cost of administration, 604. payments to, 603. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: British Ministry of Pensions, services performed on behalf of, 602. Cars, maintenance of official and expenditure, 595. Cash shortages, 599. Insured persons medical certificates, payments, 597. Postal expenses, savings, 594. Posts and Telegraphs, Department of, overclaim, 596. Social Insurance Fund, receipts from, 600-601. Vacancies, savings arising from non-filling or delay in filling, 593. Workmen’s compensation, publication of report of Commission of enquiry on, 598. State Laboratory: Analyses, examinations, tests, etc., charges, 20. Receipts from analysis of samples, charges, 20. Staff vacancies, 19. Stationery Office: Government Publications Sale Office, accounts, 57, Appendix XII. Office machinery, method of purchase of, 55. Paper, stock on hands and purchases of foreign and Irish, 53-54 Appendix XI. Publications, sale of, 56. Typewriters, sale of old, 57. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Gratuities for unestablished officers, legislative authority, 24. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Page 10 (no question). Suttle, Mr. E. F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 634-635. Taoiseach, Department of the: Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge: progress, 8. travelling and subsistence expenditure, 9. Commission on Itinerancy, 10. Government Information Bureau, additional staff, 7. Technical Instruction: Vocational Education Committees: grants, income, reports and percentage contributions, 261-264. Transport and Power: Airports, constructional works, expenditure, 439. Airports, operating costs, 440-441. Architectural maintenance, nature of work, 452. Bord Fáilte Éireann, Grants paid to, 445. Córas Iompair Éireann, redundancy payments, grants for, basis of, and staff involved, 438,446. Córas Iompair Éireann, research unit, grant from American Grant Counterpart Special Account, 445. Dublin and Shannon Airports, comparative costs of management, 442. Dublin Airport, maintenance, expenditure, 451-453. Dublin Airport, management expenses including interest payments to B.E.A., 445. Dublin Airport, works not proceeded with and provisions exceeded, 450. Harbours, grants, beneficiaries, 447. Shannon Airport, concession fees, increased receipts, 459. Shannon Airport, hostels, use of, 458. Shannon Airport, increase in receipts of catering and sales service, 460. Shannon Airport, landing fees increased receipts, 441. Shannon Airport, maintenance, expenditure, 451-453. Shannon Airport, stores, writing off, 461. Shannon Airport, works not proceeded with and provisions exceeded, 448-449. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited (Grant-in-Aid) expenditure, 443, 454. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited, workers’ dwellings, advances, 444. Ships, protective equipment, 455. Seamen, pensioners and dependants, 456. Universities and Colleges: Exchange Scholarship Scheme, 277. National University and University College, Dublin, separate grants, 276. University College, Dublin, grants to foreign students and fees, 277-278. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Maps, sale of and increase therein, reason for increase in, 147-150. Primary Triangulation; progress and nature of work, 146. Staff, recruitment from technical schools, 145. Staff temporarily lent, type, 151. Whitaker, T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 11-14. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 10 (no question). Civil Service Commission, 21-23. Civil Service Remuneration, page 12 (no question). Contingency Fund Deposit Account, 31-32. Expenses under the Electoral Act and Juries Act, page 10 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 15-18. General Report, 2-5. Law Charges, 25-26. Miscellaneous Expenses, 27-30. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 6. President’s Establishment, page 7 (no question). Secret Service, page 10 (no question). State Laboratory, 19-20. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 24. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, page 10 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the, 7-10. Witnesses, List of: Page xli. |
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