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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects financed from and method of financing, 267. Appropriations in Aid, receipts from semen supplied in previous year, 277. Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, total cost of keeping, 276. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, expenditure on, gross cost of scheme since its inception, receipts from disposal of cattle by slaughter and net cost of scheme; method of compensation for reactors in southern counties, loss per reactor disposed of, arrangements for disposal of reactors outside the six southern counties to canning firms and transport costs in relation to same, uniformity of valuation of reactors, 246-254. Dairy Disposal Company Limited, accounts of, 279, Appendix XIX. Dairy Produce: expenditure on subsidies, 264. average loss per cwt. of butter exported, 266. Price Stabilisation Fund, use of moneys to cancel part of losses of Butter Marketing Committee, 267. Educational Tours for Instructors in Agriculture, provision for, 271. Eelworm, scheme for elimination of, 273. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, expenditure on, 240. Land Project: cost per acre of work carried out under Section B, 243. grant per acre under Section A and amount of total grant, 241-242. payments made under, 241. Lime and Fertiliser subsidies, expenditure on and basic rate, 244. Livestock Progeny Testing, extent of, 270. Marketing of Agricultural Produce Account, cost of turkey publicity campaign in Britain, 278. Miscellaneous Investigations, Inquiries and Reports, 269. Pasteurising plant, grants for and examination of irregularities appertaining to, 255-257. Pigs and Bacon Commission, basis of computation of subsidy for, system for collection of levies, 258-259. Poultry and Egg Production, purchase of equipment for improvement of, 272. Rural Organisations, grants to, names of organisations concerned and extent of grant in each case, 275. Special Agricultural Schemes, transfer of glasshouse units to cooperative societies, 274. Veterinary Research, effect of saving on, 268. Wheat, losses on disposal of crop, 260-263. Appendices, List of, page 99. Appropriation Accounts: Appropriation Accounts, 1960-61; special subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Comparison of audited expenditure with Exchequer issues and general abstracts of Appropriation Accounts, 1959-60, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Special Compensation — United Nations Force in the Congo— Rates of, etc., 194, 198-199. Surgical and Medical Appliances, supply of to disabled persons, 197. Wound and Disability Pensions, eligibility for, 196. Beere, Miss T. J.: Transport and Power, 205-227. Berry, Mr. P.: Circuit Court, page 93 (no question). District Court, 444. Garda Síochána, 423-434. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 417-422. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 93 (no question). Prisons, 435-443. Public Record Office, page 93 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, page 93 (no question). Brady, Mr. H. C.: Army Pensions, 194-199. Defence, 159-193. Central Statistics Office: Civil Enumerators, recruitment of, 19. Appendix V, Collection of Statistics, enumeration of certain areas in connection with Census of Agriculture, 1960, 18. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on and reason therefor, 16. Statisticians, difficulty in recruiting suitably qualified, 16-17. Chairman: Election of, 1. Election of temporary chairman, 200. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Law costs, extent of, 124. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Page 10 (no question). Circuit Court: Page 93 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Page 10 (no question). Commissions and Special Enquiries: Income Tax, Commission on, 21. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXVI. Report, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, expenditure on and gross cost of scheme since its inception, 246-247. Dairy Produce, expenditure on subsidies and average loss per cwt. of butter exported, 264, 266. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, expenditure on, 240. Land Project, payments made under, 241. Lime and Fertiliser subsidies, expenditure on and basic rate of, 244. Pasteurising Plant, grants for and examination of irregularities appertaining to, 255-257. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: officer on loan to An Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 470. saving on salaries, 469. Defence: mechanical transport, purchase and repair of, 159. Naval Service, replacement of steel perch at Haulbowline, 165. Provisions and Allowances in lieu, cost of production of bread at Curragh bakery and of meat at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, 162. Service outside the State, troops serving with United Nations Forces in the Congo, 169. Special Compensation, United Nations Forces in the Congo, 194. Statement of Losses, reduction in, 168. Local Government: Motor Vehicles Duties, revenue from, 201. Posts and Telegraphs: compensation for loss or damage to parcels and insured letters, 445. Post Office Savings Bank, total deposits during year, and total liability to depositors, 456. stores, control of, 453. Public Works and Buildings: Stores at Central Engineering Workshop, Inchicore, 81. Secondary Education: publication of Irish Text Books, 393. Social Assistance: overpayments of, 296. Social Insurance: payments made to Fund, 294. Transport and Power: Córas Iompair Éireann, Redundancy Compensation, total amount of grants made to meet cost of, 205. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund Deposit Account: Explanation of uses of, 29. Repayments to, reason for no vote for, 29. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 119-123. Cremin, Mr. C. C.: External Affairs, 40-48. International Co-operation, 49-51. Defence: Advertising, expenses of, 185. Armed Forces, strength of, 171. Barrack services, installation of electric meters in barrack quarters, 184. Bounties, Rewards and Gratuities, payment of, 174. Civilians attached to units, pay of, 175. Clothing and Equipment, saving on subhead, 178. Clothing losses, desertion of members from Forces, 191. Compensation, payment of, 167. Curragh Bakery, cost of production of bread at, 162. Defensive Equipment, nature of, 182. Dublin and Curragh Abattoirs, cost of production of meat at, 162-164. Expenses of Equitation Teams at Horse Shows, 173. Fire protection, regulations regarding in barracks, 181. Forage and Animals, policy regarding horse transport, 177. Fuel, Light and Water in kind and Fuel Oils, saving on, 183. Losses, statement of, 168. Haulbowline, replacement of steel perch at, 165-166. Mechanical Transport: economy of overhaul of, 159-160. expenditure on, 161. purchase of cars for officers of An Forsa Cosanta Áitiúil, 176. Medals, saving on, 187-188. Military Educational Courses, expenses on abroad, 172, Appendix XVII. Offences against the State Acts, expenses in connection with, 187. Officers serving abroad, 193. Seconded officers, services of, 189. Service in the Congo, legislation for compulsory service, 192. Soldiers’ Dependants, hospital treatment of, 186. District Court: Fees, payment of and accounting system in relation thereto, 444. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Annual Grants, allocation of, 414. Dundrum Asylum: Attendants’ coats, 120. Patients, provision of suitable accommodation for additional, 119. Rations, purchase of by attendants, 123. Travelling and Incidental Expenses, cost of, 121. Education, Office of the Minister for: Appropriations in Aid, explanation of receipts, 384. Commission on Higher Education, travelling and incidental expenses of, 383. Council of Education, availability of report of, 382. Irish Vocabularies, preparation of, 381. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Counties in which county engineers act for Special Employment Schemes Office, 53-54. County Engineers, payment of commission to, 62. Grants towards expenditure on local authorities on road and amenity schemes, payment of and audited accounts, 52. Local Authorities: allocation of grants to, 65. contributions paid by, 64. grants to be determined by number of unemployment assistance recipients in areas, 65-66. refund of moneys not expended, 67. Minor employment scheme grants, expenditure on, 52. Miscellaneous schemes, nature of expenditure on, 60. Rural employment schemes, nature of work carried out under, 63. Rural Improvements Schemes: contribution towards, 55-57, Appendix VIII. nature of, 52. provision for dividing particular scheme into parts, 58. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on and reason attributed, 61. Schemes administered by Special Employment Schemes Office and under supervision of county engineers, 53. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 10 (no question). External Affairs: Córas Tráchtála, staff seconded to, 46. Gifts presented to foreign dignatories, 48. Miscellaneous receipts, reasons for increase over estimate, 47. Official entertainment, expenditure on, 43. Repatriation and maintenance of destitute Irish persons abroad, expenditure on, 41. Representatives Abroad, Salaries, Wages and Allowances, introduction of supplementary estimate for, notwithstanding saving on subhead, 40. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Civil Service Arbitration Board—Fees, etc., delay in arbitration, 20, Appendix VI. Commission on Income Taxation, issue of reports by, 21. University Training for Executive Officers: method of selecting officers for, 22. reasons for State expenditure on, 22. Fisheries: An Bord Iascaigh Mhara, payment to in recoupment of expenditure incurred on purchase of fish meal and oil factory at Killybegs, County Donegal, 363. Artificial propagation of fish, 375. Atlantic Fish Industries Limited, purchase of factory by An Bord Iascaigh Mhara, 366-368. Compensation paid to owners of fishing rights for restriction of use of nets in fresh water, 363-364. Exploratory fishing vessel, provision and equipment of, 370. Fishermen, training schemes for, 372-374. Fish meal factory at Killybegs, sale of, 365. Local Taxation (Customs and Excise Duties) Grant, nature of and basis of computation of, 378. Pond fish culture, establishment of units for and cost of, 376-377. Salmon Conservancy Fund: cost of administration of, 380. income of and payments from, 371. Sporting rights, lettings of, increase in amount realised, 379. Forestry: Afforestation, grants for and rate of grants, 352. Agency, Advisory and Special Services, contract with industrial consultants, 361. Forest Development and Management, mobile workshop transferred from Department of Agriculture, repair and maintenance to field machinery, expenditure on, 346-347. Forestry Education: purchase of vehicles for transport of students, 359. system by which students are recruited, 360. Land, acquisition of, and payment for, 353. drop in expenditure on, 354. Machinery plan, examination by industrial consultant, 349. Maintenance and inspection of machinery, cost of, 348. Plants, sale of surplus, 362. Road construction, effect of adverse weather conditions on programme of, 351. Rockingham Estate, purchase of, interest of both Forestry Division and Land Commission in, 356. Sawmills, wages of employees in, 350. Standing timber, sale of before allotment of land in certain circumstances, 355. Tree plantings, payment per acre for, smallest parcel of land for which allowance is payable, 357. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Cultural services, grant for, 322. Gaeltacht housing, saving on and reason attributed for, 314. Gaeltarra Éireann, Civil Service staff with, 326-327. Glasshouses, damage to, 319-320. Irish Colleges in Gaeltacht, grants for the construction, repair and extension of, 323. Improvement schemes in Gaeltacht: accommodation roads scheme, recoupment of expenditure on, 311. bottled gas, areas covered by scheme and rate of installation, 312. expenditure on, 311. glasshouse scheme, amount and nature of expenditure on, 311. marine works scheme, minor improvement works carried out under, 311. pig scheme, nature of, 313. recreation hall scheme, 313. roads scheme, nature of, 311. saving on, 315-317. secondary schools grants, nature of, 311. water and sewerage scheme, grants payable under, 311. School and Holiday Scholarships, grant-in-aid for, 324-325. Slipways, repairs to, 321. Garda Síochána: Accidents, attributable to Garda drivers’ negligence, 433. Cars, loans to officers for purchase of, 431. Clothing and equipment, supply of, 424. Locomotion expenses, claims for, 423. Payments for services rendered by Gardaí, 428. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, co-operation with Gardaí in disposal of animals, 425. Stamping of bottles, fees collected for same by Gardaí, and method of collection, 426. Wireless equipment, purchase of, 434. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 201-204. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Balances of 1959-60 votes surrendered, amount of, 5. Central Fund, receipts into and issues from, 9. Exchequer Extra Receipts, 4. National Development Fund: expenditure on projects under, 8. issues from during year, 7. votes under which expenditure from fund incurred, 7. Outturn of year, 3. Stock and Store Accounts, 6. Government Property, Rates on—seeRates on Government Property. Health: An Bórd Altranais, grants to, 153. Health and Health Services: cost of publication and distribution of proposed booklet on, 154. scope of proposed booklet, 154. Health Authorities, audit of accounts of, 151. Health Services, statements of expenditure on, 156, Appendices XV and XVI. Hospitals for chronically ill and mental defectives, increase in expenditure on, 158. Hospitals for Tuberculosis, decrease in costs of, 156-157. International Congresses, expenses in connection with, 150. Technical Assistance, provision for covering cost of sending people abroad in connection with the establishment and development of a rehabilitation centre, 155. Voluntary agencies, grants to, 152. Honohan, Mr. W. A.: Social Assistance, 296-310. Social Insurance, 294-295. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 284-293. Industry and Commerce: An Foras Tionscail, functions of and grants issued, 228-230. Córas Tráchtála, grants to, 228. Export Guarantee arrangements, circumstances under which guarantees are given, 237. Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, progress on construction of, 235. Minerals Development, expenditure on, 232-234. National Development Fund, An Óige, 239. Technical Assistance, industrial consultancy schemes, 238. Whiskey exports, promotion of, 236. International Co-operation: United Nations Congo operation, expenditure in connection with, 49-51. Justice, Office of the Minister for: An Bórd Uchtála, functions of, 421. Censorship of films supplied to Telefís Éireann, 417. Censorship of Publications, board of censors, 419. Films, assessment of fees for censorship of, 418. Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee, reasons for no expenditure in recent years, 420. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 93 (no question). Lands: Estates: improvement of, 341. nature of improvement works, 342. Ex-employees, gratuities to, 337-339. Farm building, contribution towards replacement of, 343. Interests, purchase of for cash, 333. Land Bonds, deficiencies from sales of, 330. Land on estates, provision of for employees, 340. Land, purchase of and method of transaction, 331. Legal expenses, recovery of costs and fees for warrants issued by county registrars, 329. Materials, transferred to Office of Public Works, 344. Purchase of Castlemacgarrett Estate, 335. Purchase procedure, 334. Salaries, Wages, Allowances, extent and nature of staff vacancies, 328. Staff on loan to other Departments, 345. Untenanted lands, deficiency of income from, surplus of income over expenditure, 332. Law Charges: Page 11 (no question). Local Government: Ex-gratia payments, 203. Housing charges of local authorities, contribution towards, 202. Housing grants, refund of, 204. Motor vehicle duties, etc., revenue from, 201. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Industry and Commerce, 228-239. McGreevy, Dr. T.: National Gallery, 280-283. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 124. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 22nd February, 1961 of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses: Marsh’s Library, trustees of, history of, situation of, State aid to and grant by statute to Under Librarian of, 28. Olympic Council (Grant-in-Aid), purpose and amount of grant, 27. Mooney, Mr. J.: Rates on Government Property, page 38 (no question). Valuation and Ordnance Survey, 137-149. Mundow, Mr. H. J.: Public Works and Buildings, 75-118. Public Works, Office of, 68-74. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 240-279. National Gallery: Incidental expenses, saving on, 283. Pictures, cataloguing of, 281. Salaries and Wages, saving on, 280. Works of art, gifts of, 282. O Braonáin, Mr. Seán: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 311-327. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 363-380. Forestry, 346-362. Lands, 328-345. O Broin, Mr. Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 445-468. Wireless Broadcasting, 469. O Brolchain, Mr. B.: Stationery Office, 125-136. O Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General. O hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 52-67. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Expenses for travelling by bus, question as to whether payable to Comhaltaí, 12. Appendix IV. Inter-Parliamentary Union, provision for travelling expenses in connection with, 11, 13. Joint Restaurant Committee, grant-in-aid to cover losses, 14-15. Travelling expenses of Comhaltaí, nature of expenses covered, 10. O Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S.: Health, 150-158. O Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 414. Education, Office of the Minister for, 381-384. Primary Education, 385-392. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 412-413. Science and Art, 402-411. Secondary Education, 393-399. Technical Instruction, 400-401. Universities and Colleges, 415-416. Pensions, Increases in: Page 11 (no question). Posts and Telegraphs: British and foreign packet services, settlement of accounts of, 460. Coast radio stations, deferment of renewal works at, 463. Compensation for loss or damage to parcels and insured letters, 445. Cross-Channel cable maintenance, 462. Default, Accident, etc., losses by, amount of and recovery of same, 445-446. Engineering materials, increase in purchase of, 461, Appendix XXI. Engineering stores, details regarding, 467. Mail, contract for conveyance of by rail, 459. Non-engineering stores, explanation of, 467. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone services, revenue from, 455. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts of and indebtedness of, 456. mechanical accounting, introduction of, 457. Rent and Rates on Wires, Light, etc., payments for, 464, Appendix XXII. Savings Bank moneys, misappropriation of, detection of and safeguarding against, 446-448. Sites, provided for but not acquired, explanation in regard to, 458. Stamps: losses on, 450. repurchase of, 468. Stores: test examination of, 452. control of, location of, 453-454. stores held on behalf of other government departments, 452. value of engineering and other stores and work done by factory, 452. Works for railway companies and others, payment in respect of, 466. Works provided for but not undertaken, explanation for, 465. President’s Establishment: Page 7 (no question). Primary Education: Donations and bequests, responsibility for ensuring that terms of are carried out, 392. Funds, possibility of combining details regarding, 391. Kilury or Nelan Fund, accumulation of income of, 392. National school teachers in receipt of pensions, making of ex-gratia payments to, 389. Preparatory Colleges: average cost and average fee paid by students for maintenance and tuition, 385. disposal of, 386. employees of, payment of compensation to, 388. farms and gardens attached to, accounts of, 387. Training Colleges, particulars of numbers of students in, 390. Prisons: Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, etc., supplies of, 436. Female prisoners, numbers of, 443. Fines, imposition of, and awards, payment of, to prison warders and officers, 439. Gratuities to prisoners, payment of, 441. Injuries to prisoners, payment of claim for, 440. Maintenance of buildings and equipment, responsibility for, 437. Manufacturing Department and Farm, products of, 442. Sligo Prison, maintenance of portion of, 438. Victualling, cost of, 435. Public Record Office: Page 93 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Arterial drainage construction works, expenditure on, 78. Arterial drainage programme, 79. Arterial drainage maintenance, recoveries of costs of from local authorities, 113. Acquisition of site for television transmitter and construction of approach road, 84. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, acreage of and accounts of, 117, Appendix XI. Coast protection, experimental works at Rosslare Strand for prevention of coast erosion, 77, 108. Corrib-Clare Catchment, question of inclusion of Corrib-Mask catchment scheme, 80. Disposal of further stocks of surplus spare parts, 83. Engineering plant and parts, receipts from sale of, 111. Engineering plant, machinery and stores, purchase and maintenance of, saving on, 109. Implementation of consultants recommendations for effective control of stores, 82. Johnstown Castle and Grange Farm, expenditure on, 76. Kilmainham Jail, supply of painting materials to Restoration Committee, 116. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Árus an Uachtaráin, improvement of plant house accommodation, 86. Carrickarnon Customs Frontier Post, expenditure on, 97-98. Central Engineering Workshops and Stores, expenditure on, 92. Central Furniture Stores and Workshops, removal of to new premises, 92. Coláiste Brighde, fire precaution works, 102. Cork Government Buildings, lift, 107. Custom House, demolition of annexe and expenditure on same, 105. Bridgend Customs Frontier Post, nature of proposal for improvement of, 94. Dublin Castle: rebuilding of Cross Block, 93. Special Branch, provision of drying room for, 99. Dublin Custom House, expenditure on improvement of heating, 100. Dún Laoghaire Harbour, mail boat pier, improvement of, 95. Government Offices, Kildare Street, expenditure on Ministerial suite, 106. Leinster House, alterations and additions, 87-89. National Library and National Museum, renewal of defective stone work, estimated cost of, 103. National Schools, grants for building, enlarging and enclosing of, 101. New Central Sorting Office, progress on, 104. Property, sale of and receipts therefrom, 110. Rotunda Gardens, Garden of Remembrance, estimated expenditure on, 96. State apartments, restoration of burnt out drawing-rooms, 90. National Schools, replacement of ineffective drainage system, 115. Parks and Piers, receipts from admission fees, 112. Property Rental, compilation of 118. Property, sales of treated as Exchequer Extra Receipts, and also as Appropriations-in-Aid, 114, Appendix X. Surplus spare parts at Central Engineering Workshops, Inchicore, disposal of, 81. Public Works, Office of: Arterial drainage maintenance, recovery of costs from local authorities, 72. Drawing machines, purchase of, 69. Fees on loans, schedule of, 71. National Development Fund, amounts recoverable from less than estimated, 73. Penal interest, explanation of term, 70. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on, 68. Shannon Navigation Fund, income of, 74. Rates on Government Property: Page 38 (no question). Reamonn, Mr. Seán: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 30-39. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Industrial Schools: drop in number of children in, 412. grants payable for children, increase in, 413. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Appropriations-in-Aid, fines, forfeitures, law costs recovered, etc., substantial increase in, 39. Carriage of parcels, advertisements, etc., cost of, and analysis of expenditure on, 37. Excise Duties and Stamp Duties, extra-statutory repayments of, 34. Income Tax, Conjoint Office, contribution to cost of common staff in, and arrangements for staffing of, 36. Increase in income tax revenue, PAYE, and trade profits responsible for, 32. Levy on vehicles crossing border, receipts from, 34. Law Charges, expenses of prosecutions, fees, rewards, etc., nature of expenditure on, 38. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, schedule of, 35. Revenue Account, net yield of revenue as compared with previous year, 30. Tax assessments outstanding, statement of, 33. Whitegate Oil Refinery, decrease in customs duties and increase in excise duties attributable to, 31. Science and Art: Accessories, models, and materials, nature of models employed, 402. Arts and Crafts Exhibitions, aid to, 408-409. Coiste na bPáistí, grants for sending children to Gaeltacht, 405-406. Films in Irish, grants towards cost of, 407. Grants to colleges, subsidisation of courses, 404. Murphy Bequest, receipts from sale of postcards and publications shown under, reason for, 411. National Museum, purchase of specimens for, 410. Publications in Irish, sales of, 403. Secondary Education: An Club Leabhar, 394. Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, grants to, 394. Courses for secondary teachers, nature of, 396. Erasmus Smith Endowment, sum transferred towards cost of Abbey School, Tipperary, 399. Irish Text Books, publication of, financing of and delay in publication of, 393, 395. Mac Suibhne Fund, purpose and administration of, 398. Payment of large sum to teacher, circumstances which gave rise to, 397. Secret Service: Page 10 (no question). Secretary and Director of Audit: Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: officer on loan to An Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 470. saving on salaries, 469. Contingency Fund Deposit Account, reason for no vote for repayments to, 29. Revenue Commissioners, Office of, regulations for proper control of revenue, 30. Social Assistance: Children’s Allowances: period of validity of pay order, 310. year to year variation in amount of, 302. Footwear: grants towards supply of and method of distributing money for, 306-307. refunds of grants for, 309. Old Age Pensions Act, 1908, recoveries under section 9 (2) of, 308. Overpayments of Old Age Pensions, 296. Prosecution of individuals for irregularly obtaining social assistance, 297-301. Supply of fuel grant, saving on, 305. Welfare of the blind, number of inmates in blind institutions, 304. Widows and Orphans Non-contributory Pension, reason for excess in, 303. Social Insurance: Investment return, explanation of, 295. Social Insurance Fund, payments made to, 294. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: British Ministry of Pensions, services performed on behalf of, 291. Cash losses, 288-290. Commission on Workmen’s Compensation, work of, 293. Impressed stamping fees, procedure for assessment of, 292. Insured persons’ medical certificates, excess on subhead for, 287. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on, 284. Telegrams, Telephones, Postal Expenses, increased charges for, 286. State Laboratory: Apparatus and chemical equipment, saving on subhead and reason therefor, 23. Appropriations-in-Aid, receipts from analysis of samples, 24. Stationery Office: Carriage and transport, replacements and maintenance, 127. Department of Agriculture leaflets, withdrawal of from sale, 132. Electoral and Juries Acts, recoupment from local authorities of proportion of cost of printing and paper required under, 135. Government Publications Sale Office, accounts of, 136, Appendix XIII. Office Machinery and other Office supplies, explanation why items provided for but not purchased, 130. Oireachtas Debates, number of subscribers to, 133. Photocopying machines, number of, 129. Printing and Binding, issue of telephone directory, 125-126. Printing work, payment for unforeseen additional, 134. Protective clothing, nature of, 128. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Article 10 of the Treaty, number of pensioners who retired under, 26, Appendix VII. Civil service pensioners, increases in payments to, 25. Post Office pensioners carried separately on Post Office Vote, 25. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Page 10 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Page 93 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 8 (no question). Technical Instruction: Church Temporalities Fund, history and nature of, 400. Mary A. Hardiman Bequest, investment of income of, 401. Temporary Chairman: Election of, 200. Transport and Power: Constructional works at Dublin and Cork Airports, 206. Costs of operating Shannon and Dublin Airports, 208. Dublin Airport, accounts of management of, 211. Electricity Supply Board charges at Shannon Airport, 217. Grant from American Grant Counterpart Special Account, 210, 223. Grants for Harbours, 214. Protective equipment for Irish ships, 220-221. Redundancy compensation, total amount of grants made to meet cost of, 205. Shannon Airport, transport of staff to and from, 218. Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited (Grant-in-Aid), 209. Shannon Aeronautical Radio Station, communications with transatlantic aircraft and system for recovery of charges, 224. Works financed from sources other than the Exchequer, 207. Universities and Colleges: University College, Dublin, grants to, 415. University College, Galway, normal grants to and grants under statutory instruments, 416. Valuation and Ordnance Survey: Aerial photography for surveys, 140. Cycle of revision of maps, 143. Local authorities, contribution of towards cost of annual revision of valuations, 145. Ordnance Survey Office, desirability of stressing that there is no connection with Valuation Office, 140. Presentations of maps, 148. Purpose of survey, revision of existing ordnance maps, 143. Rateable Property (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1860, collection of fees for certified copies of maps etc., 144. Reciprocal presentation of maps, 149, Appendix XIV. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on and reasons therefor, 137. Sales of maps, reason for increase in sales, 147. Technical staff, difficulty in recruitment of, 137. Travelling expenses and system of retriangulating the country, 138-139. Triangulation system, 139, 142. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 16-19. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 10 (no question). Civil Service Commission, page 10 (no question). Contingency Fund Deposit Account, 29. Expenses under the Electoral Act and Juries Act, page 10 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 20-22. General Report, 3-9. Law Charges, page 11 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 27-28. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 10-15. Pensions, Increases in, page 11 (no question). President’s Establishment, page 7 (no question). Secret Service, page 10 (no question). State Laboratory, 23-24. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 25-26. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, page 10 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the, page 8 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Short Wave Transmitter and Stores transferred to Radio Éireann, value of, 469. Witnesses, List of: Page xxv. |
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