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IIMEACHTAÍ AN CHOMHCHOISTEPROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEEDé Céadaoin, 17 Bealtaine, 1961.Wednesday, 17th May, 1961.1. Chruinnigh an Comhchoiste ar 5 p.m. 2. Comhaltaí i Láthair. Bhí na comhaltaí seo a leanas i láthair:— Na Teachtaí Booth, Mac Cosgair, Mac Seoin, Loughman, Mac Coilín, Ó Maoldhomhnaigh agus Ruiséil, na Seanadóirí Mac Giolla Chomhghaill, Ó Murchadha, Ó Maoláin, Ó Coigligh agus Ó Riain. 3. Cathaoirleach Sealadach a Thoghadh. Rinneadh tairiscint (An Teachta Ruiséil): “That Senator Ryan be Chairman of this meeting.” Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist. Chuaigh an Seanadóir Ó Riain i gCeannas dá réir sin. 4. An Dréacht-Tuarascáil Dheiridhón gComhchoiste. D’athchrom an Comhchoiste ar bhreithniú a dhéanamh ar an Dréacht-Tuarascáil Dheiridh. (i) Aontaíodh míreanna 7 go 11 go huile. (ii) Mír nua. Tairgeadh leasú (An Teachta Loughman): “Before paragraph 12 to insert a new paragraph as follows:— ‘Copies of the electors lists and of the register of electors may be bought for 1/- plus 1d. for each 100 or part of 100 names after the first 100. As part of the publication of the register one copy is supplied on request, free of charge, to any Dáil Deputy in respect of the part of the registration area which the Deputy represents, and to each duly nominated candidate at a Dáil election. The Joint Committee recommends that, in addition, a copy should be supplied as follows to: (a) each Senator—the part of the register for the constituency in which he lives, and (b) each county and county borough councillor—the part of the register for the electoral area he represents. This additional circulation should help to achieve greater interest and accuracy in the register’.” Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist:— “Go gcuirfear an mhír nua isteach ansin”. (iii) Aontaíodh míreanna 12, 13 agus 14. (iv) Míreanna nua. Tairgeadh leasú (An Teachta Loughman): “Before paragraph 15 to insert a new paragraph as follows:— ‘If the Joint Committee’s proposal at paragraph 8 of its second Interim report for the abolition of the business premises qualification for registration as a Dáil elector is implemented, a person will be entitled to be registered as a Dáil elector at one place only, that is, where he is ordinarily resident. It will, therefore, be unnecessary to deal in this proposal with the registration of Dáil electors’.” Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist:— “Go gcuirfear an mhír nua isteach ansin”. Tairgeadh leasú (An Teachta Loughman): “Before paragraph 15 to insert a new paragraph as follows:— ‘Subject to the observations in the preceding paragraph the Joint Committee recommends this proposal’.” Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist:— “Go gcuirfear an mhír nua isteach ansin”. (v) Scriosadh míreanna 15 agus 16. (vi) Aontaíodh mír 17. (vii) Mír nua. Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Maoláin): “Before paragraph 18 to insert a new paragraph as follows:— ‘If the proposal in paragraph 12 for the transfer of registration duties to local authorities is implemented it will not be necessary to proceed with this proposal’.” Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist:— “Go gcuirfear an mhír nua isteach ansin”. (viii) Scriosadh mír 18. 5. Athlá. Chuaigh an Comhchoiste ar athló ar 6 p.m. go dtí 5.30 p.m. Dé Céadaoin seo chugainn. |
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