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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Acquisition of Land (Allotments) (Amendment) Act, 1934, administration of, 326. Agricultural Schools, grants to private, savings on and schools which qualify for, 323. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: control over animals entering clearance areas, 309. financing of, 308. reactors slaughtered, number of, 308. supplementary byre and water supply grants, basis of issue, 310. Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society, Ltd., Dungarvan, financial arrangements in regard to, 299. Dairy Disposal Company, Ltd.: balance sheet and reconcilement statement of, 330, 333, Appendix XX. financing of, 333. nterest paid by, amount of and basis on which fixed, 329, 334-335. Dairy Produce, expenditure on subsidies and effect of dry weather thereon, details of Price Stabilisation Fund and use of money in, period covered by export subsidy and absence of any charge on levy for advertising or sales organisation, 316-319. Farm Buildings and Water Supplies: expenditure on, 299. grants for improvement of existing buildings, basis of, 325. Fertilisers subsidy, details of and effect on use of fertilisers of, 307. Fines incurred by holders of milling licences, amount and enforcement of, 331. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, 1951, loans advanced under and number of applications covered by expenditure in year of account, 315. Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects financed from, 320. Land Project, expenditure on and basis on which grants paid; increase in number of applications and delay in dealing with; suspension of section B, effect on applications and employment of direct labour on, 300-305. Marketing of Agricultural Produce, Grant-in-Aid, explanation of small expenditure, 332. Pasteurising plants, grants for, amount and financing of, 311. Pigs and Bacon Commission, scheme to subsidise grade A bacon exports administered by, quantity exported in 1958/59 and percentage thereof which went to Britain, 311. Pig Progeny Testing Station, erection of a second, 322. Poultry keepers, grants to, explanation of savings on and future prospects of industry, 324. Seed testing, propagation and certification, saving on expenditure on, 321. Superphosphate subsidy, expenditure on and checking of claims for, 306. Technical Assistance, expenditure on, nature of, 327-328. Wheat, expenditure on subsidy and arrangements for disposal of crops; average moisture content of and total loss in respect of 1958 crop, 312-314. Appendices, List of, page 95. Appropriation Accounts: Appropriation Accounts, 1958-59: special subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of Appropriation Accounts, 1957-58, Appendix I. Explanatory notes appended to, necessity for clearness, precision and consistency in, Par. 12. Army Pensions: Connaught Rangers, eligibility of for special allowances, 115. Military Service Pensions, nature of, 114. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Rianta, Teoranta, surplus on management of Dublin Airport, treatment of, 410. Cork Airport, expenditure on site and commencement of work on runway, 404. Dublin Airport: catering receipts, profit element in, 406. constructional works, including furnishings, expenditure on, 404. management surplus, 410. operating expenses and receipts, 405. parking fees, 411-412. Shannon Airport: admission fees, amount of, circumstances in which charged and proposed alteration of arrangement in regard to 411-412. air traffic communication receipts, fall in, explanation of, 408. building programme for, 409. catering receipts, 407. constructional works, including furnishings, expenditure on, 404. jet runway, opening of, 404. operating expenses and receipts, 405. Brady, Mr. H. C.: Army Pensions, 114-115. Defence, 85-113. Central Statistics Office: Agricultural statistics, use of and treatment of expenses of Garda Síochána in connection with, 23-24. National Farm Survey, scope of, 22. Officers sent abroad, 18. Special statistical enquiries, nature of, 20. Statistics issued by, 19. Statistics obtained from abroad, 19-21. Chairman: Election of, 1, 3. Election of temporary chairman, 144. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Appropriations in Aid, surplus on, explanation of, 61. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Grant to, accounting for expenditure of, 34. Circuit Court: County Registrars, provision for salaries of, 80. Civil Service Commission: Examiners, compilation of panels of, 33, Appendix V. Local authorities, charges on, assessment of, 32, Appendix IV. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Atomic Energy Committee, completion of work of, 35. Capital Investment Advisory Committee, progress of, 36. Commissions, review of work of, 39. Income Tax, Commission on, 37. Metric System and Decimal Coinage Committee, expenditure on and report of, 38. Savings Committee, expenditure on, items covered by, 40. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXIV. Functions of, 4. Report, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Appropriation Accounts, printing of, 2. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Staff of office, qualifications and travelling required to be done by, 415-416. General Report: Exchequer extra receipts, 6. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Tax assessments outstanding, furnishing of information in regard to, 49. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund, Repayments to: Page 13 (no question). Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 80. District Court, 78-79. Garda Síochána, 69-75. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 66-68. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 23 (no question). Prisons, 76-77. Public Record Office, 84. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 81-83. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 62-65. Cremin, Mr. C. C.: External Affairs, 291-296. International Co-operation, 297-298. Defence: Bread, cost of production of at Army bakeries, 85. Cattle, average price and fluctuations in price paid for, 85. Compensation: excess charge arising from an accident, 106, Par. 18. particulars of payment of, 105. Defensive equipment purchased, 112. Engineer Stores: concrete mixers, compressors and plant, out of use for period, position in regard to, 100, Par. 16. fire extinguishers in general use, nature of and type of to be purchased in future, 101-103, Par. 17. Equitation Teams: expenses of, fall in, 107. horses: purchase of, procedure regarding, 108-110. strength of team of, 111. Houses erected by direct labour, expenditure on, 104. Losses, statement of, 106. Meat, cost of production of at Army abattoirs, 85. Naval Service: Haulbowline jetty and installations, history in regard to leasing of and contract work on, 88-93, Par. 14. S.S. “ Wyndham,” repair work carried out on, expenses involved and delay in; duties performed by and hiring of vessels to replace, 94-99, Par. 15. Truncheons obtained from Garda Síochána, use for, 113. United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon: expenditure in connection with and recovery thereof from the United Nations, 86. officers sent on, return of, 87. District Court: Our Lady’s Home, Henrietta St., Dublin, increase in grant for, 79. Salaries, wages and allowances, 78. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 58 (no question). Dundrum Asylum: Farm and garden, produce of used in Asylum and assessment of receipts from, 64. Patients treated in outside institutions: applicability of Health Act to, 65, Appendix VII. arrangements regarding, 63. Uniforms, decision in regard to type of, 62. Education, Office of the Minister for: Council of Education, position regarding work of, 245. Irish vocabularies, reason why token estimate only provided for, 246. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Appropriations in Aid, work in respect of which receipts received, period during which carried out, 290. Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes, payment of and audit of accounts, 285. Marine works on hand, nature of, 289. Rural Improvements Scheme: effect of work carried out for Department of the Gaeltacht on, 288. qualifications and conditions necessary for grant, 286. Schemes administered by Special Employment Schemes Office: audit of accounts, 285. financing of and method by which carried out, 287. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 12 (no question). External Affairs: Booklets, publication of on recommendation of Cultural Relations Committee and cost thereof, sales of and proposals for disposal of balance, 291-292. Exchequer extra receipts in respect of addresses given in U.S.A. and magazine article, nature of talks given, 296. Irish News Agency: advances to, writing off of, 293. liquidation of, 291. Newspapers and periodicals, purchase of, excess of expenditure over estimate, 294-295. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Chief Medical Officer, duties of and remuneration for post, 25-27. Fisheries: Compensation, payments in respect of and cases outstanding, 374. Exploratory Fishing Vessel, launching of, 377. Fish Handling and Processing Station at Galway, cost and operation of, 382. Inland Fisheries Trust, functions and income of, 379. Ova: low output of and reason therefor, 378. receipts from sale of, accounting of, 380. Salmon Conservancy Fund, increase in and reason therefor, 375. Salmon exports, static nature of, reason for, 376. Sea Fisheries Association, writing off of advances, position in regard to, 381, Appendix II, Par. I. Forestry: Forest Development and Management: acreage planted, 365. reserve of land available for planting, 366. staff for land newly acquired, circumstances in which transferred from old centre, 367. Forestry plantation in honour of Mayor Daley of Chicago, location of and accounting for money received for, 372. Forestry trainees, training and qualification of and work on which employed when trained, 368-370. Labour: permanent and casual employment, 371. transfer of serving staff to land newly acquired, circumstances in which effected, 367. Land acquisition: average price per acre paid for, 363. transfer of agricultural land acquired to Land Commission, arrangements for, 364. Timber, receipts from sale of, fall in, 373. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Cultural Services, nature of, 135. Dramatic Productions in Irish, grants for, basis of payment, 136. Gaeltarra Éireann: accounts of, furnishing of, 116. assets transferred to, valuation of, 118-119. debt due by to Exchequer, Appendix II, Par. 11. establishment of and transfer of functions, etc., to, 116. grants to, amount and basis of, 116-117. trading stocks transferred to, valuation of, Appendix II, Par. 11. Improvement Schemes in Gaeltacht: accommodation roads, recoupment of S.E.S.O. expenditure on, 123. estimate for, absence of details in, 125, Par. 19. expenditure on, details of, 120. glasshouse scheme: expenditure on, 126. number of glasshouses heated, 130. heat and light scheme, facilities granted under, areas in which given, equipment supplied and placing of contracts for, 132-134. initiation of, 127. marine works scheme, improvements carried out under, 124. miscellaneous schemes, need for more detail of estimated expenditure on, Par. 19. pig scheme, scope of and extent to which availed of, 129, 135. planning of, 126. recoupment of local authorities, 127. roads scheme, nature of and selection of roads under, 121. sanctioning of, delay in, 128. secondary schools, grants for, number of grants paid and number and source of applications received, 131. water and sewerage scheme, grants payable under and connection of Department of Local Government with, 122. Scholarships to Gaeltacht, number and nature of, 138. Stores at Dublin depot, control exercised over, Par. 6. Technical Assistance, nature of expenditure on, 137. Garda Síochána: Leas-Cheann Comhairle, provision of car for, 73. Reward Fund, financing of, 75. Services rendered by on repayment basis, nature of, 74. Special duties necessitating increased subsistence expenditure, nature of, 72. Transport maintenance costs, comparison of with private enterprise costs, 70. Transport Stores: adequacy of storage arrangements and accounting control, 69. procedure, 71. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 383-389. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Balances on 1957-58 votes surrendered, amount of, 7. Central Fund, receipts into and issues out of, 16. Exchequer extra receipts, 6. Foreign exchange account, winding up of and disposal of money in, 9-10. National Development Fund: expenditure on projects under, 15. issues from, during year, 11. schemes under, completion of, 11. total amount of, 14. votes under which expenditure from fund incurred, 13. winding up of, reason for, 12. Outturn of year, 5. Government Property, Rates on: Page 93 (no question). Government Stocks, Management of: Discontinuance of vote, 28. Haslam, Mr. E. P. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 48-60. Health: Bord Altranais, Grant to An, inaccuracy of estimate, 219. Compensation and legal costs arising from offices of superintendent registrars being declared vacant in error, delay in settling and need for protracted discussions, no likelihood of future cases and determination and payment of legal costs, 203-206. Consultative Health Councils, expenses in connection with, 211. District Nursing Associations, transfer of responsibility for to local authorities, 216-217. Health Authorities: accounts of, audit of, Appendix II, Par. 5. grants to, saving on due to reduced expenditure on T.B. services, nature of, 214-215, Par. 22. services administered by, variations in cost of as between different authorities, 213, Appendix XVII, Par. 22. Information and advice on health, dissemination of, non-use of additional money provided for, 212. Lady Dudley Nurses, transfer of responsibility for to local authorities, 216-217. Licence Duties Grant, fall in receipts in respect of, 222. Salaries, wages and allowances, absence of allocation from vote for remuneration, explanation of, 207. Travelling Expenses: increase in, explanation of, 208. inspection of dispensaries, cost of, 221. inspection work, provision for, 220. Voluntary agencies, grants to, savings on, 216-218. Voluntary Health Insurance Board, repayments by, including interest; amount of original advances, 223-224. World Health Organisation: additional contribution to, 209. Chief Medical Officer of, appointment of, 210. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 92 (no question). Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, allocations and recoupments from and projects covered by, 391. Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd., payments in recoupment of losses of, winding up of, disposal of staff of and of stock on hands, 390. Grain Importers (Éire) Ltd., refund as result of adjustment of payments made to and winding up of, 392. Industrial grants, inaccuracy of estimates for and possibility of including provision for in single subhead, 394-395. Labour Court, composition of, 393. Shares (Dundalk Engineering Works, Ltd.), acquisition of, explanation of absence of expenditure on, 397. Technical Assistance: projects financed from American Grant Counterpart Special Account, 391. saving on, circumstances giving rise to and outlook in regard to, 396. International Co-operation: United Nations Emergency Force, contribution towards and extent of state’s liability, 297-298. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Legal and Technical Assistance, work entailed on, 67. Salaries subhead, application of moneys from Vote 67 to, 66. Saving on salary of clerical officer, explanation regarding, 68. Keady, Mr. P. J.: Social Assistance, 233-241. Social Insurance, 231-232. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 225-230. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 23 (no question). Lands: Drains on lands no longer in possession of Land Commission, responsibility for cleaning, Appendix II, Par. 3. Ex gratia payments to contractors, circumstances of, 361. Holdings allotted, average size of, 360. Houses built by Land Commission, average cost and size of; non-qualification for state grant; exemption from provisions of Town Planning Acts; servicing of; comparison with local authorities costs, 354-359. Land purchase, comparison of state contribution with that of tenants, 353. Land purchased for cash, acreage, 362. Public Trustee, land trusts deal with by and value of trust funds held by, 351-352. Law Charges: Defence of public servants, 46. Local Government: Annuities due to Land Commission in respect of advances to local authorities for provision of cottages and allotments, cessation of subsidy on and writing off of compensatory portion of, 383. Exchequer extra receipts, refund of grants paid under Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932, circumstances of, 384. Housing grants, excess of expenditure over estimate, explanation of, 387. Labourers’ Cottages Fund, income of, payments from and winding up of, 383. Local Authorities (Works) Act, 1949, grants for works under, explanation of savings on and suspension of scheme, 388. Motor Tax Account, details of, 385. Road Fund Account, function of, 386. Sanitary Services, contributions towards loan charges of local authorities in respect of, deferring of payments, circumstances of, 389. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 404-412. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 92 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 390-397. Tourism, page 92 (no question). Transport and Marine Services, 398-403. Trade Loan Advances, Repayment of, 413. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 281-284. Malone, Mr. T. J. Stationery Office, 242-244. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 61. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 2nd July, 1959, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses: Derrynane Trust Limited (Grant-in-Aid), position in regard to, 47. Mooney, Mr. J.: Government Property, Rates on, page 93 (no question). Ordnance Survey, 414. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 93 (no question). Mundow, Mr. H. J.: Public Works and Buildings, 151-202. Public Works, Office of, 139-150. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 299-334. National Gallery: Accommodation, provision of additional, 283. Pictures, inventory of, Appendix II, Par. 1. Pictures purchased during year and exhibition thereof, 281-282. Reproductions, sale of, level of and possibility of expanding, 284. O Braonain, Mr. S.: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 116-138. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 374-382. Forestry, 363-373. Lands, 351-362. O Broin, Mr. Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 336-348. Wireless Broadcasting, 349-350. O Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General. O hEigeartuigh, Mr. R: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 285-290. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Restaurant, expenses of the, 17. O Muireadaigh, Mr. P.: Health, 203-224. O Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page 58 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 245-246. Primary Education, 247-259. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 278-279. Science and Art, 269-277. Secondary Education, 260-266. Technical Instruction, 267-268. Universities and Colleges, 280. Ordnance Survey: Office of, location of, 414. Posts and Telegraphs: Dublin Parcels Office, control over dutiable parcels to prevent fraud, Appendix II, Par. 10. Engineering expenditure, excess of estimate on wayleaves over expenditure, 346. Losses by default, accident, etc., particulars of, 336. Packet services, reason why use of direct shipping resulted in increased expenditure, 344. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone services, accounts, particulars of, and increase in amount written off in respect of telephones, 338. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts of, particulars of and adjustment in respect of estimated amounts of interest credited to, 339, Par. 23. fraudulent conversion of deposits: case resulting in acquittal due to defect in prosecution procedure, particulars of and remedying of procedural defect, 340. case resulting in conviction, detection of further defalcations and action taken in that regard, 341. Salaries, wages and allowances on Civil Aviation and Meteorological Services, savings on attributed to additional staff not being required, explanation of, 345. Stores: engineering stores account, valuation of stock for purposes of, 347-348, Appendix XXII. particulars of stores held as revealed by test examination, and of work done by factory, 337. Stores Branch, excess of expenditure over estimate and reason why additional expenditure not charged to telephone capital, 342-343. Appendix XXI. volume of engineering stores held, and necessity for, 337. President’s Establishment: Page 8 (no question). Primary Education: Employees’ contributions paid to Department of Social Welfare, absence of provision for in estimate, 249. Funds administered by Department: Carlisle and Blake Fund, prizes paid from, nature of, 257. Investments, review of, 253. Killury Fund, investments, sale of securities and use of income, 254-256. Leamy Endowment, payment to trustees of, 248. Reid Bequest, application of funds of, 258-259, Appendix XIX. Preparatory Colleges, average cost per student for maintenance and tuition and accounts in respect of farms and gardens attached to, 247. Teachers, loss of services of as result of disability caused by third parties, practice in regard to recovery of costs, 247. Training College fees advanced to necessitous students, practice in regard to recovery of, 251-252. Transport services, reason for increased provision for, 250. Prisons: Cork prison, date on which valuation of fixed, 77, Appendix VIII. Manufacturing Department and Farms, excess of grant over expenditure, explanation of, 76. Public Record Office: Deputy Keeper, reason why salary compares unfavourably of that of Assistant Keeper, 84. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage, expenditure on, 154. Barrow Drainage, note in estimate regarding, 190. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park Account, 202, Appendix XVI. Coast protection, Rosslare, expenditure on, 152, 184. Dun Laoghaire Harbour, tonnage rates and fees, 193-194, Appendix XIV. Electricity Supply Board, refund of capital grants by, 158. Extra-contractual payments: employees’ holidays, payment in respect of, 198. practice in regard to, 197, Appendix II, Par. 7. Shelton Abbey, ex-gratia payment to contractor employed on adaptation works, Appendix II, Par. 8. Howth Harbour, damage to pier by private vessel, liability of owner, 153. Maintenance and supplies, excess of expenditure over estimate, 185. National Library and Museum, source of stone used in restoration work on, 196. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, need for work on, 182. Coláiste Iosagáin, cost of work on, 174, Appendix XI. estimates for, 169, Appendix X. expenditure on, 151, Appendix X. expenditure on in particular counties, 172. Gaeltacht, Department of, absence of details of expenditure on work for, 178. Garda Station, Pallaskenry, improvements, 171. Garda Station, Raphoe, number of bathrooms installed, 173. Hague legation, additional expenditure on, need for and work covered by, 176-177, Appendix XIII. harbours, survey of, particulars of, 175, Appendix XII. loggias at Leinster House, work on, 170. National Library and Museum, adequacy of estimate, 181. National Schools, financing of erection of, 151. Oireachtas, heating, control of, 180. Staff restaurants and lunch clubs, 183. U.N.O., Residence of Permanent Representative, expenditure on, 179, Appendix XIII. Property, sale of, items included in, 195. Register and Rentals of State Lands and Buildings, 202, Appendix XV. Rental paid by Department of Local Government, 189. Rock-breaking equipment, sale of, circumstances of, 199. School assembly halls, refund of grants in respect of, 155-157, Par. 20. Sites and buildings, purchase of, low expenditure on, explanation of, 168. Shelton Abbey, ex-gratia payment to contractor employed on adaptation works, Appendix II, Par. 8. Stores: building, plumbing and electrical materials in stock, use of, 162. engineering stores, valuation of, 191. furniture, etc., supplied to embassies and legations abroad, inventories of and delay in preparation of, 159-161, Par. 21. furniture stores, expenditure on and value of, 186-188. lighting sets for excavators, disposal of, 167. oil burners and storage tanks, disposal of, 163-164. River Feale Drainage Scheme stores, writing off of, 200. stocktaking at Central Engineering Workshop, progress of, 166. vehicles for disposal, storage of, 165. Tractors sold, type of, 201. Workmen’s Compensation Insurance, 192. Public Works, Office of: Consulting engineers employed on coast protection and arterial drainage work, recovery of fees of from Vote 9, excess of receipts over estimate, 143, 145. Drainage surveys and works, amount recoverable from Vote 26, discrepancy between estimate and that of Department of Agriculture, 142, 145-146, Appendix IX. Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, winding up of, 150. Engineering staff, shortage of, 139. Equipment, purchase of, increase in expenditure on, 140. Local Loans Fund: fees received under, fall in, 141. management of, sums offset against cost of, 147. total amount received in respect of, 148. Marine Works Act Maintenance Fund, realisation of stock, 149. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: St. Anne’s Reformatory for Girls, Kilmacud, grant for, basis of payment, 278-279. Remuneration: Page 13 (no question). Report of the Committee: Page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Collectors and Assessors of Taxes, remuneration and conditions of service of, 58-59. Customs and Excise duties, extra-statutory repayments of, amount and nature of, 55. Estate Duty Branch, reduction of arrears of work in, Appendix II, Par. 4. Income tax, sur-tax and super tax, fall in yield from, explanation of, 48. Protective assessments, nature and purpose of, 51-52. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, details of and revival of claims in regard to, 56-57. Revenue Account, details of, 48. Rewards for detection of smuggling, payment of, 60. Tax assessments outstanding: details of, 49. nature of and form in which information regarding should be furnished, 49-54, Par. 13. Science and Art: Dramatic productions in Irish, grants for, bodies to which paid, saving on and amount paid to Abbey Theatre, 272-273. Dunlaoi Teoranta, objects of, 275. Films in Irish, grants for, payments to Gael Linn, 274. Irish Manuscripts Commission: establishment of and work of, 271. excess of estimate over expenditure, explanation of, 270. National Film Institute, grant for, question of increasing, 276. Post cards and publications for sale under terms of Murphy Bequest, maximum stock held and demand for, 277. Postage, absence of provision for in estimate, 269. Secondary Education: Irish and Bilingual Schools, grants for, administration of, 263-265. Irish Text Books, grants towards publication of, repayments: books involved, sale of and reason why fewer published than anticipated, 260-262. Rent, allowances in aid of, persons to whom paid, 266. Secretary and Director of Audit: Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: staff of office, qualifications and travelling required to be done by, 415-416. Defence: Haulbowline jetty, contracts placed for work on, 91-92. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Grants towards expenditure by local authorities, audit of accounts, 285. External Affairs: Booklet published on recommendation of Cultural Advisory Committee, cost and disposal of, 291. Fisheries: Compensation payments, outstanding cases, 374. Garda Síochána: Transport stores, defect in system of accounting for, 69. Local Government: Road Fund Account, operation of, 386. Posts and Telegraphs: Post Office Savings Bank: accounts, adjustment in respect of estimated interest credited to, 339. fraudulent conversion of funds, remedying of defect in prosecution procedure and action proposed in case of further defalcations detected after conviction, 340-341. Primary Education: Teachers, loss of services of, as a result of disability caused by third parties, action proposed in regard to recovery of costs of, 247. Public Works and Buildings: Electricity Supply Board, refund of capital grants by, 158. Howth pier, damage caused to by private vessel, liability of owner, 153. Stores: building, plumbing and electrical material in stock, 162. oil burners and storage tanks, disposal of, 163. stocktaking at Central Engineering Workshop, progress of, 166. vehicles, disposal of, 165. See also Comptroller and Auditor General. Secret Service: Disbursements from Vote, 42-43. Social Assistance: Appropriations in Aid: miscellaneous, excess of receipts over estimate, 240. old age pensions, recoveries in cash, reason for substantial amount of, 241. Social Insurance Fund, repayments from, reason why earlier closing of appropriation account effected increase in, 239. Footwear for necessitous children, grants for, 237-238. Old age pensions, excess of estimate over expenditure, explanation of, 235-236. Overpayments: prosecutions arising from, number of, 234. recovery of, 233. Social Insurance: Coras Iompair Éireann, lease to,232. Social Insurance Fund, amount of contribution to from Vote and proportion of total expenditure represented thereby, 231. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Blind Persons medical certificates, drop in number of, 228. Losses due to fraud, steps taken to recover, 229-230. Salaries, wages and allowances: savings on, explanation of, 225. Vote for Remuneration, need for recourse to in view of savings on subhead, 226. Travelling expenses, reason for increased travelling and increased mileage rates, 227. State Laboratory: Analyses of road making materials: fee for, reduction of, 31. number performed, 30. Work of, scope of, 29. Stationery Office: Advertising in Government publications, revision of contractual arrangements, 244. Government Publications Sale Office, accounts of and reduction of loss, 243, Appendix XVIII. Printing and binding, excess of estimate over expenditure, 242. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Pensions to resigned and dismissed Royal Irish Constabulary, including widows, persons to whom payable, 41. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Employment allowance, saving on, explanation of, 44-45, Appendix VI. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Expenses of High Court, nature of, 81. Judges, lodgings of while on circuit, 82-83. Suttle, Mr. E F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 415-416. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 8 (no question). Technical Instruction: Domestic Science Training College, payment of salaries of staff, responsibility for, 267. Teachers, training of, services covered by provision for, 268. Temporary Chairman: Election of, 144. Tourism: Page 92 (no question). Trade Loans Advances, Repayment of: Trade Loans (Guarantee) Acts, extent to which availed of, 413. Transport and Marine Services: Coras Iompair Éireann, grants to and adjustment thereof in respect of interest on advances, 398. Great Northern Railway Board, payments to, interest received from, dissolution of and transfer of undertaking to Coras Iompair Éireann, 399. Harbours: Dun Laoghaire harbour, control of, 400. grants to, harbours which benefited and amounts paid in respect of individual harbours, 401. Protective equipment for Irish ships, supply of and nature of 403, Shipping casualties, inquiries into, type of, 402. Universities and Colleges: College of Surgeons, grant-in-aid, only medical school other than Universities in receipt of, 280. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Page 93 (no question). Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 18-24. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, 34. Civil Service Commission, 32-33. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 35-40. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 13 (no question). Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 12 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 25-27. General Report, 5-16. Government Stocks, management of, 28. Law Charges, 46. Miscellaneous Expenses, 47. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 17. President’s Establishment, page 8 (no question). Remuneration, page 13 (no question). Secret Service, 42-43. State Laboratory, 29-31. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 41. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 44-45. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 8 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Music, sheet, irregular payment in respect of missing, action taken in regard to, 350. Radio Éireann, number of staff and provision for their remuneration, 349. Short wave transmitter and associated stores, failure to dispose of, Appendix II, Par. 2. Witnesses, List of: Page xxvi. |
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