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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report; references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture Allotments Schemes, instructional and supervisory duties of officers of County Committees of Agriculture, Appendix IV. American Grant Counterpart Special Account, projects financed from and method of financing, 261. Artificial insemination stations, employment of recorders at, 266. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, expenditure on, loss per reactor disposed of and method of disposal of reactors in south; number of veterinary surgeons engaged, their fees and basis for payment of fees, 248-253. Cheques, circumstances in which bank paid for special, 264. County Committees of Agriculture, nature of saving on grants to and service provided by, 272-273. Cow testing associations, number of, explanation of decline in and new proposals envisaged for, 270. Dairy Disposal Company Limited, accounts of, 278, Appendix XIX. Dairy Produce: expenditure on subsidies, subsidy per cwt. of butter exported, 258. Price Stabilisation Fund, details of; use of money in and functions of Butter Information Council, 262. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, expenditure on and explanation of increase in same, 241, 276. Foras Talúntais, An, establishment of, financing of, functions of, auditing of accounts, property transferred to and value of same, 240. Land Project: contract, legal proceedings arising from rescission of, 279. cost per acre of work carried out under Section B, 244. grant per acre under Section A and amount of total grant, 246. machinery, implements etc., purchase of, 243. Office of Public Works, nature of work carried out by, 245. payments made under and average grant per acre, 242. surplus machinery, spare parts and equipment, disposal of, 246. Lime and fertilizer subsidies, expenditure on, 247. Livestock, purchase of, 271. Mobile workshops unit on loan by Department, method of charging for, 280. National Stud Farm, rent from, 260. Pasteurising plant, grants for and examination of irregularities appertaining to, 254-255. Pigs and Bacon Commission, subsidy for and fall in exports of grade A bacon, 256. Private Agricultural schools, grants to, 267. Research work by Department and by Agricultural Institute, danger of overlapping, 263. Rural Groups Advisory Service, non-replacement of parish agents and subhead from which salaries paid, 269. Rural organisations, disappearance of subhead for, 274. Secondment, use of term, 277. Superphosphate subsidy, losses on, 259. Trade officers, filling and regrading of posts, 275. Veterinary College, operation of new teaching arrangements and explanation of savings, 237, 268. Veterinary staff, present strength of, 265. Veterinary surgeon, change in title of degree and effect on demand on Exchequer, 238-239. Wheat, expenditure on subsidy and disposal of crop, 257. Appendices, List of, page 87. Appropriation Accounts: Appropriation Accounts, 1959-60, special subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstracts of Appropriation Accounts, 1958-59, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Page 21 (no question). Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Rianta, Teoranta, surplus on management of Dublin Airport, 204. British European Airways, interest payable to, 210. Cork Airport, constructional works including furnishing, cost of, 204. Dublin Airport: constructional works including furnishing, cost of, 204. operating expenses and receipts, 204. surplus on management of, 204. Shannon Airport: constructional works including furnishing, cost of, 204. lettings of offices and stores, increase in receipts from, 211. loss on, explanation of increase in, 205. management of, increase in cost of, 206-207. operating expenses and receipts, 204. Shannon Free Airport Development Company, grants to: amount of and purpose of, 204. expenditure of, 208. Weather instruments on Leinster Lawn, 209. Beere, Miss T. J.: Transport and Power, 121. Brady, Mr. H. C.: Army Pensions, page 21 (no question). Defence, 54-70. Central Statistics Office: National Farm Survey, additional assistance for, 11. Subscriptions to International Organisations, 12. Chairman: Election of, 1. Election of temporary chairman, 47. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Law costs, date of payment of, 40. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Page 8 (no question). Circuit Court: Areas, revision of, 343. Equity account, payment made to offset error, 344. Supreme Court and High Court, delays in hearing cases, 345. Civil Service Commission: Appropriations in Aid, reasons for increase in, 16. Executive Officer grade: examination centres, 18. qualifications for, 17. Commissions and Special Enquiries: Commissions sitting, particulars of, 20. Income Tax, Commission on, 19. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXVII. Final Report, page vii. Interim Report, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: pasteurising plant, irregularities appertaining to grants for, 254. Comptroller and Auditor Gereral’s Account: officer on loan to An Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 348. vacancies in staff, filling of, 347. External Affairs (Excess Vote), 29. Garda Síochána: cars, defects in, 332. Health: Health authorities, adjustment of grants to in respect of receipts for hospital maintenance, 48-49. Posts and Telegraphs: default, accidents, etc., losses by, 296. mail, contract for conveyance of by rail, 292. money orders, irregular payments of, 301. Post Office moneys, prevention and detection of misappropriations, 311. Savings Bank and Savings Certificate moneys, detection of misappropriations, 305. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund, amount overdrawn from Vote, 222. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund, Repayments to: Amount of, 28. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 32-34. Cremin, Mr. C. C.: External Affairs, page 11 (no question). External Affairs (Excess Vote), 29-30. International Co-operation, 31. Defence: Aircraft, losses arising out of damage to, 69. Barrack damage: payment for, 68. receipts in respect of, 67. Beast unfit for consumption, loss to State, 70. Bread, cost of production of at Army bakeries, 54. Cattle, average price and fluctuations in price paid for, 54. Compensation payments, particulars of, 54. Electricity, increase in consumption of in military barracks, 54-55, par. 12. Fire protection, revision of regulations relating to, Appendix II, par. 6. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, An: annual training, fall in numbers on, 66. uniforms, delay in supplying, 62-63, 65. Haulbowline jetty and installation, compensation for outlay on, Appendix II, par. 5. Locomotive, use of, 54, 56. Losses: aircraft, 69. statement of, 54. Meat, cost of production of at Army abattoirs, 54. Military lands proposed to be acquired in Dublin, 64. Premises for An Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, deterioration in, arising from dry rot and woodworm and sale of, 54, 57-58. Stores, reason for increase in cost of conveyance of, 61. Supplementary Estimate, expenditure covered by, 59. Transport, reason for increase in cost of, 60. District Court: Areas, revision of, 342. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 45 (no question). Dundrum Asylum: Salaries, wages and allowances, increases in, 32. Attendants’ coats, 34. Patients’ food, expenditure on, 33. Education, Office of the Minister for: Boards of visitors to the Universities, purpose and constitution of, 142. Council of Education, work of, 144. Inspection staff, vacancies on and the filling thereof, 143. Travelling by administrative staff, 141. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Appropriations in Aid, increase in miscellaneous receipts, 82. Foreshore and flood relief works: costs of and location of, 72-74. liability for foreshore protection, 73-74. Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes, payment of and audit of accounts, 71. Minor employment scheme grants, allocation of, 77-81. Miscellaneous receipts, 82. Schemes administered by the Special Employment Schemes Office: counties in which county engineers act for Office, 75. financing of and method by which carried out, 71. Urban employment schemes, nature of, 76. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 9 (no question). External Affairs: Page 11 (no question). External Affairs (Excess Vote): Reasons for, 29-30, par. 11. Travelling expenses, increases in, 29-30. Extra Exchequer Receipts: Receipts of a trivial and recurring nature, par. 9. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Institute of Public Administration, work of, 13. Subheads, amalgamation of, 14. Fisheries: An Bord Iascaigh Mhara, expenditure of and Grant-in-Aid to, 191. Compensation, etc., payment of and amount of, 188. Exploratory fishing vessel, expenditure on and nature of work of, 188. Fishermen, training scheme for, nature of and number of applicants under, 190. Pond fish culture, establishment of units for and cost of, 188-189. Salmon Conservancy Fund, income of and payments from, 188. Sea Fisheries Association, writing-off of advances to, Appendix II, par. 1. Forestry: Private planting, increase in, 186. Sales, method of, 187. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Expenditure, difference between grant and, 131, 134. Gaeltarra Eireann: Civil Service staff with, 137. responsibility of Minister for, 127. technicians, provision for and training of, 130. Grant, difference between expenditure and, 131, 134. Houses for teachers, position in regard to, 138. Housing grant, basis on which given, 134-135. Improvement Schemes in Gaeltacht: accommodation roads scheme, recoupment of expenditure on, 126, 129. bottled gas: areas covered by scheme and rate of installation, 133. cost of, 135. provision for, 126, 133. co-operation on, 131, 135. expenditure: amount of, 126. variation between grant and 128. glasshouse scheme, amount and nature of expenditure on, 126. marine works scheme, minor improvement works carried out under, 126. pig scheme, nature of, 126. roads scheme, nature of, 126. secondary schools grants, nature of, 126. water and sewerage scheme, grants payable under, 126, 135, Appendix XIV. Marine products, sale of, fall in receipts from, 136. Seaweed, transfer of buying of to Arramara Teoranta, 136. Tomatoes, market for, 132. Garda Síochána: Accidents attributable to Garda drivers’ negligence, 338. Cars: defects in new, 331-332. repairs to and where carried out, 335. Forfeited and unclaimed property, sale of, 337. Old stores, sale of, 336. Remuneration paid to Garda from Wireless Broadcasting vote, 339. Subsistence, variation between grant and expenditure, 333. Transport stores, stocktaking and value of, 331. Wireless equipment, use of, 334. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 122-125. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Balances on 1958-59 votes surrendered, amount of, 5. Central Fund, receipts into and issues out of, 9. Excess Vote, External Affairs, 3. Exchequer extra receipts, 4. National Development Fund: expenditure on projects under, 8. issues from during year, 7. schemes under, progress and completion of, 7. votes under which expenditure from fund incurred, 7. Stock and Store Accounts, 6. Outturn of year, 2. Government Property, Rates on—seeRates on Government Property: Government Stocks, Management of: Page 7 (no question). Health: County Homes, progress on scheme for improvement of, 52. Estimate, accuracy of, 53. Health Authorities: accounts of, audit of, Appendix II. charges by, for hospital naintenance, 50. expenditure by, control of, Appendix II, par. 8. grants to, adjustment of in respect of receipts for hospital maintenance, 48-49. Voluntary Health Insurance Board, repayment of loan to, 51. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 55 (no question). Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, allocations and recoupments from and projects covered by, 197. Córas Tráchtála, establishment of, functions of and grant to, 195. Foras Tionscal, An, grants to and transfer of functions to, 193. Fuel Importers (Eire) Limited, liquidation of, total losses of, payment towards final losses of, and pension provisions for staff, 192. Grants paid in respect of industries outside under-developed areas, particulars of, 194. Housing, grants to Bord na Móna for, 202. Industrial Development Authority: excess of grant over expenditure, 200. grants to and transfer of functions from, 193. International organisations, subscriptions to, 199. Irish Steel Holdings, Limited, financing of, and development plans of, 196. Laboratories and equipment, progress in provision of, 198. Technical Assistance, projects in existence, 201. Whiskey exports, promotion of, 195. International Co-operation: Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, incidental expenses, 31. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee, work of, 328. Legal and Technical Assistance, payment of fees for, 327. Nationality and Citizenship Certificates, number issued and cost of, 329. Travel documents, nature of, 330. Keady, Mr. P. J.: Social Assistance, 225-236. Social Insurance, 222-224. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 215-221. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 85 (no question). Lands: Embankments, maintenance of, expenditure and nature of work on, 183. Houses and outoffices built by Land Commission, particulars in regard to, 177-179. Land, allotment of: average acreage of, adequacy and productivity of and nature of farming on allotments, 180-182. Land, purchase of for cash, particulars of and circumstances in which purchased, 184-185. Law Charges: Defence of Public Servants, expenditure on, 23. Gratuity to a Senior Assistant Solicitor, 24. Local Government: Housing Grants, increased expenditure on, 124-125. Irish Housing Fund, income of and termination of, 122. Motor vehicle duties, proceeds from, 123. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 204-211. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 55 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 192-202. Tourism, 212. Transport and Marine Services, 203. Trade Loans Advances, Repayment of, 213-214. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 139-140. Malone, Mr. T. J.: Stationery Office, 35-39. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 40. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 6th April, 1960, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses: National Theatre Society Limited, Grant-in-Aid to, 25. Derrynane Trust Limited (Grant-in Aid), position in regard to, 26. Mooney, Mr. J.: Ordnance Survey, 42-44. Rates on Government Property, 45-46. Valuation and Boundary Survey, 41. Mundow, Mr. H. J.: Public Works and Buildings, 85-119. Public Works, Office of, 83-84. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 237-280. National Development Fund: History of and winding up of, par. 10. see also General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General. National Gallery: Pictures: gifts of, 140. inventory of, position regarding, Appendix II, par. 2. purchase of, 139. O Braonáin, Mr. Seán: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 126-138. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 188-191. Forestry, 186-187. Lands, 177-185. O Broin, Mr. Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 292-321. Wireless Broadcasting, 322-326. O Cadhla Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General.: O hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 71-82. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Page 6 (no question). O Muireadhaigh, Mr. P. S.: Health, 48-53. O Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page 45 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 141-144. Primary Education, 145-156. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 171-173. Science and Art, 165-170. Secondary Education, 157-161. Technical Instruction, 162-164. Universities and Colleges, 174-176. Ordnance Survey: Field section, number at work, 43. Maps, sales of, 41, Appendix VII. Staff vacancies, filling of, 42. Pensions, Increases in: Cost of, 27. Posts and Telegraphs: Civil Aviation and Meteorological Wireless Services, explanation of savings, 317. Commemorative Stamps, nominal value of, 320. Contract work, delay in, 316. Counter losses, 319. Default, accidents, etc., losses by, 296. Mail, contract for conveyance of by rail, 292-295, Appendix XXI, par. 16. Money orders, irregular payment of, 301-302, par. 18. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services, accounts and particulars of, 298. Post Office moneys, prevention and detection of misappropriations, 311, par. 20. Post Office Savings Bank: accounts of, and particulars of depreciation in securities, 303, Appendix XXII. mechanical accounting, introduction of, 304. recovery of erroneous payment by, Appendix II, par. 4. Savings Bank and Savings Certificate moneys, misappropriation of, detection of and safeguarding against, 305-310, par. 19. Sites, provided for but not acquired, explanation in regard to, 312. Stamps, manufacture of, 314, Appendix XXIII. Stocktaking adjustment, explanation of, 321, Appendix XXV. Stores: amount received from other Departments in respect of, 315. saving on subhead, 313. value of engineering and other stores and work done by factory, 298. Telegraph receipts, misappropriation of and system of checking, 296-297, par. 17. Telex system, position regarding, 299. Telephone Revenue, explanation of increase in, 300. Void money and postal orders, exactness of estimates for amounts of, 318, Appendix XXIV. President’s Establishment: Travelling, etc., expenses in connection with visit to United States of America by the President, 10. Primary Education: Appropriations in Aid: Church Temporalities Fund, payments from, 155. farms attached to preparatory colleges, explanation of increased receipts from, 154. fees, increase in receipts from, 149. 153. Ex-gratia payments to certain retired national school teachers, 147, par. 15. Heating, etc., of schools and cleaning of out-offices, grants towards cost of, excess of grant over expenditure, 152. Investment Funds, review of, 156, Appendix XV. Preparatory Colleges: excess of expenditure over grant, explanation of, 150. farms and gardens attached to, profit and loss on and receipts from, 146, 154. fees payable by students and cost of maintenance and tuition per student, 145. Training Colleges: fees, increase in, receipts from, 149-153. special grant to, reason for non-inclusion in supplementary estimate, 148. Transport services, areas covered by, 151. Prisons: Ex-gratia payment in respect of medical expenses incurred as a result of accident, 341. Prisoners, increase in number of and supplementary estimate for, 340. Public Record Office: Historical documents, purchase of, 346. Public Works and Buildings: Appropriations in Aid, harbour tolls, dues, etc., 117. Agricultural Institutions transferred to An Foras Talúntais, progress of structural repairs, 85, 87. Arterial Drainage, expenditure on, 92. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts, 118, Appendix XII. Coast Protection, Rosslare: expenditure on, 88. nature of works, 89-90. progress of works, 88-89. visit of engineering staff abroad, 91. Furniture at embassies and legations abroad, desirability of proper inventory of, Appendix II, par. 7. Harbour tolls and dues, charges in respect of, 117. National Schools, financing of and erection of, 85-86. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Arbour Hill Detention Prison, Memorial to 1916 Leaders, position regarding, 111. Catholic Church, Curragh Camp, design of, 109. Central Sorting Offices, Dublin, progress in construction of, 110. Courts of Justice, defects in stonework, 106. Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Mailboat Pier, progress of improvement works, 104. Expenditure, statement of, 102, Appendix IX. Fishery Harbours, nature of expenditure on, 108. Football Pavilions, Phoenix Park, 115. Garda Station, Carna, payment to contractor, 112. Garda Station, Pallaskenry, ownership of premises and nature of work carried out at, 107, Appendix X. Garden of Remembrance, issue of tender for, 104. Inauguration of President, expenditure in connection with, 113. Oireachtas, Houses of the, progress on reconstruction of loggias, 103. Ordnance Survey Office, use for refrigeration cabinets, 114, Appendix XI. Post Offices, design of, 109. Transformer Station, erection of, 116. Variations between estimate and expenditure, explanation of, 105, 119. Register and Rentals of State Lands and Buildings, 118, Appendix XIII. Sites and Buildings, purchase of sites for Garda Stations, 101. Stores: stocktaking of, 92, 99, par. 14. surplus spare parts, circumstances in which purchased, value of and disposal of, 92, 94-98, par. 14. Suspense account, nature and clearing of, 92, 100. Television transmitter, expenditure on acquisition of site for and on construction of approach road to, 92, 100. Tenders for engineering plant and machinery: cancellation of, 92, par. 13. improvement of system to ensure enforcement of contracts, 93, par 13. Public Works, Office of: Appropriations in Aid, reason for decrease in, 83-84. Rates on Government Property: Premises occupied by British Departments, repayment in respect of, 46, Appendix VIII. Rates on Premises occupied by Representatives of External Governments, practice in regard to, 45. Water Supplies, duplication of payments for, Appendix II, par. 3. Réamonn, Mr. Seán: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 281-291. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Detention, Places of, explanation of term, 173. Income of, sources of, 172. Reformatory schools, number of, 171. Remuneration: Page 10 (no question). Reports of the Committee: Final, page vii. Interim, page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Boats, procedure in regard to hire of by customs staff, 285. Customs and Excise Duties, extra statutory payments of, amount of, 281. Customs Co-operation ‘Council representation on, 291. Customs officers, payment of seizure rewards to, 288, Appendix XX. Ex-gratia payments, cost of investigating claims by officers, 289. Liqueur bottles, circumstances of loss of, 290. Motor Cars for Frontier Patrols, explanation of saving on, 286. Postage Stamps, printing of special issues of, 284. Prosecutions, expenses of, 287. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, details of and circumstances leading to, 281-283. Revenue Account, details of, 281. Tax assessments outstanding, details of, 281, Appendix II. Science and Art: Colleges providing courses in Irish, type and number of, 167. Films of Irish Historical interest, survey of, 165. Films in Irish for which grants paid, nature and exhibition of, 170. Irish Folklore Commission, amount of Grant-in-Aid paid to and number of publications by, 169, Appendix XVI. Newspapers publishing current news in Irish, number qualifying for grant, 168. University Scholarships, explanation of saving on, 166. Secondary Education: Charleville Endowment, investment of, 160. Ciste Shéamuis A. Mhic Shuibhne, award of, 161. Publication of Irish Text books: financing of, 157. publication and adequacy of supply, 158. saving on, explanation of, 158. Secondary Teachers, nature of courses for, 159. Secretary and Director of Audit: Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: officer on loan to An Coimisiún um Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 348. vacancies in staff, filling of, 347. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Pig Scheme, expenditure on seeds and fertilisers under, 126. Public Works and Buildings: Surplus spare parts, disposal of, nature of and circumstances in which purchased, 94, 96-97. See also Comptroller and Auditor General, and Suttle, Mr. E. F. Secret Service: Page 8 (no question). Social Assistance: Footwear for necessitous children, grant towards supply of: basis of allocation for, 231, 233, Appendix XVIII. Cork local authorities, allocation to and reason why allocation below average, 230, 232, Appendix XVIII. difficulty of getting supplies, 234. local authorities, allocations to, 299. Overpayments: circumstances of, 226. recoveries of and increase therein, 225. prosecutions arising from, number of and justification of, 225, 227. Unemployment Assistance: effect of Employment Period Order on provision for, 236. reduction in numbers of recipients of, 228, 235. Social Insurance: Investment Return, determination of interest rates, 224. Social Insurance Fund: amount paid to and amount overdrawn from Vote, 222. explanation of excess of expenditure over income, 223. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Agency services performed on behalf of the British Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, nature of, 220. Civil Servants’ children’s allowances, bogus claim for, 221. Losses recovered, 218-219. Telegrams, Telephones, Postal Expenses, etc., adjustments in respect of, 215-216. Transport and compensation, extent of savings on, 217. State Laboratory: Samples submitted for analysis, number of, 15. Stationery Office: Appropriations in Aid: maps, amount realised from sale of, 36, Appendices V and VI. old stores, sale of by tender, 35. Commission charged on supplies and services, 37. Ex-gratia payment to contractor 38. Loss written off, 39. Services rendered for Department of Social Welfare, 37. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Extra Exchequer Receipts, increase in, 21. Pensions, increase in, provision for, 22. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Page 9 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Page 85 (no question). Suttle, Mr. E. F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 347-348. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 6 (no question). Technical Instruction: Accommodation for training of domestic science teachers, adequacy of, 163. Domestic science teachers, adequacy of accommodation for training and of numbers trained, 163. Scholarships, award of, 162. Schools of domestic training, payment of grants to, 164. Temporary Chairman: Election of, 47. Tourism: Resort development, excess of estimate over expenditure, 212. Trade Loans Advances, Repayment of: Moulded Products Limited, history of, and possibility of having liquidation handled by official assignee, 213, Appendix XVII. Repayments from Vote to Central Fund, details of and possibility of further receipts, 213-214. Transport and Marine Services: Redundancy compensation payable by Córas Iompair Eireann, grants for and excess of estimate over expenditure, 203. Transport and Power: Page 33 (no question). Ua Buachalla, Mr. Seán: Circuit Court, 343-345. District Court, 342. Garda Síochána, 331-339. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 327-330. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, Page 85 (no question). Prisons, 340-341. Public Record Office, 346. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, page 85 (no question). Universities and Colleges: University College Cork, excess of estimate over expenditure, 175. University College Dublin, purpose of Supplementary Estimate, 174. Maynooth College, basis of grant for, 176. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Staff vacancies, filling of, 41. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 11-12. Chomhairle Ealaion, An, page 8 (no question). Civil Service Commission, 16-18. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 19-20. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, 28. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 9 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 13-14. General Report, 2-9. Government Stocks, Management of, page 7 (no question). Law Charges, 23-24. Miscellaneous Expenses, 25-26. Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 6 (no question). Pensions, Increases in, 27. President’s Establishment, 10. Remuneration, page 10 (no question). Secret Service, page 8 (no question). State Laboratory, 15. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 21-22. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, page 9 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the, page 6 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Announcers, recruitment and conditions of service of, 322. News broadcasts, reason why copies not supplied, form of and copyright of, 323-326. Witnesses, List of: Page xxix. |
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