Committee Reports::Report - Consolidation Bills on the Fisheries (Consolidation) Bill, 1958::08 April, 1959::Proceedings of the Joint Committee



Dé Céadaoin, 8 Aibreán, 1959.

Wednesday, 8th April, 1959.

1. Chruinnigh an Coiste ar 4 p.m.

2. Comhaltaí i Láthair.

Bhí na comhaltaí seo a leanas i láthair:

An Teachta Seán Ó Flannagáin (i gCeannas) agus an Teachta Ó hEochaidh, na Seanadóirí Ó Coigligh agus Ó Riain.

3. An Bille Iascaigh (Comhdhlúthú), 1958.

Rinne an Coiste breithniú ar an mBille.

(i) Aontaíodh alt 1.

(ii) Alt 2.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 18, subsection (1), line 14, to delete ‘1st day of December, 1958’ and substitute ‘1st day of October, 1959’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 18, subsection (2), line 16, to delete ‘1st day of December, 1958’ and substitute ‘1st day of October, 1959’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Aontaíodh an t-alt, mar a leasaíodh.

(iii) Alt 3.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 19, subsection (1), line 5, to delete ‘or 119’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 20, subsection (1), lines 49 and 50, to delete ‘1st day of December, 1958’ and substitute ‘1st day of October, 1959’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 22, between lines 39 and 40, to insert in the section the following new subsection:—

‘(3) In this Act references to any enactment shall be construed as references to that enactment as amended by any subsequent enactment.”’

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Aontaíodh an t-alt, mar a leasaíodh.

(iv) Aontaíodh ailt 4 go 10 go huile.

(v) Alt 11.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 25, subsection (2) (d), line 34, to delete ‘256’ and substitute ‘251, 256, 266’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Aontaíodh an t-alt, mar a leasaíodh.

(vi) Aontaíodh ailt 12 go 63 go huile.

(vii) Alt 64.

Tairgeadh leasú (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“In page 49, line 6, to delete ‘an engine’ and substitute ‘a fishing engine’.”

Aontaíodh an leasú.

Aontaíodh an t-alt, mar a leasaíodh.

(viii) Aontaíodh ailt 65 go 335 go huile.

(ix) Aontaíodh an Chéad, an Dara, an Tríú, an Ceathrú, an Cúigiú, an Séú agus an Seachtú Sceideal.

(x) Aontaíodh an Teideal.

4. Tuarascáil an Choiste.

Chuir an Cathaoirleach Dréacht-Thuarascáil faoi bhráid an Choiste agus léadh í mar leanas:—

“The Committee has considered the Bill and has made amendments thereto which appear to it to be necessary to the improvement of the form of the Bill.

The Committee is of the opinion that the Bill, as amended, represents the existing law.”

Rinneadh tairiscint (An Seanadóir Ó Riain):

“That the Chairman’s Draft Report be the Report of the Committee.”

Cuireadh agus aontaíodh an Cheist.

5. Athla.

Chuaigh an Coiste ar athló ar 4.15 p.m.