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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Abbotstown farm, 245. Accounts for March, 1958, omission of from accounts for 1957-58, reason for, 238. Advertising: desirability of showing estimate for separately, 255. expenditure on, amount of, 254. Agricultural Production Council, activities of, 259. American Grant Counterpart Fund, recoupment of expenditure under, 236. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: details of expenditure on, 224. veterinary surgeons fees for, 225-228, Appendix XVI. Butter, subsidy on, 235. Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann Teo., hold-up in writing off of losses incurred by on superphosphate scheme, explanation of, 266. Cutaway bogs, rearing of cattle on, expenditure on, 246. Dairy Disposal Co. Ltd., financial position of, 266, Appendix XVII. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, income of and payments from, 237. Dungarvan Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society, Ltd., financial position of, 218-219. Ex gratia payments to contractors, justification for, 267-268. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, expenditure on, 220. Fees, description of as “honoraria”, 258. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, 1951: loans under, 234, 265. Land Project and Subsidy on Home Produced Superphosphate, details of and expenditure on, 221-223. Marketing of Agricultural Produce, activities of Committee on 231-232, 263-264. National Stud: expenditure on land held by, 212, 217. land held by, description of, 215. terms of tenancy of company operating, 213, 214, 216. Parish Agents, incidental expenses of, 252. Pasteurisation of Separated Milk, grants for: amount of, 229. extent of, 260-261. Pig Progeny Testing, progress with, 247-248, 269. Pigs and Bacon Commission, supplementary estimate for, explanation of, 230, 262. Rural Organisations, grants for, difference between expenditure on and estimate of, explanation of, 253. Seed Testing: detail of proposed expenditure on, 211. transfer to Backweston of, 239. Staff Recruitment, difficulties in, 249-251. Swine Fever, expenditure on, 233. Trade Inspectors: adequacy of pay of, 257. duties of, 256. Veterinary Research, shortage of staff on, effect of and reason for, 240-244. Wheat, Surplus from 1956-57: avoidance of loss on disposal of, possibility of, 492. carry forward from 1956 cereal year, effect of, 498. disposal of, manner of, 435, 437, 489-490. extraction rate, varying of, 491. failure of 1957-58 wheat harvest, effect on, 482-484. millability of, 477-8, 494, Par. 19. millability standard, fixing of, 493-495. price per ton received on disposal of, 496-497. responsibility of Department of Agriculture for, 477. See also Industry and Commerce. Storage of, problems arising in, 485-488. storage space, effect of lack of, 479-481. stores, cost of erection, 499. Appendices, List of, page 139. Appropriation Accounts (1957-58): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General abstract of, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Military Service Pensions, difference between expenditure on and estimate for, explanation of, 162. Retired Officers, payments to in compensation for loss of concession, 161. Special Allowances, re-investigation of, 163-164. Widows of deceased Mayors of Limerick, pensions to, 165. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Rianta Teoranta, treatment of surplus earned by, 475. Dublin Airport: constructional works and furnishing, expenditure on, 472. operation costs of, 473. Shannon Airport: admission to, charges for, 476. catering, receipts for, 474. constructional works and furnishing, expenditure on, 472. operation costs of, 473. Barry, Mr. M. J.: Agriculture, 477-499. Brady, Mr. H. C.: Army Pensions, 161-165. Defence, 133-160. Central Statistics Office: National Form Survey, reduction of staff engaged on, 3. Post Office Clerks, employment of in Central Statistics Office, 4. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, difference between expenditure on and grant for, explanation of, 3. Special Statistical Enquiries, difference between expenditure on and grant for, explanation of, 3. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Appropriations in Aid, difference between estimate and receipts of, explanation of, 52. Fund for recovery of embezzled charities, explanation of, 56. Stocks held by Commissioners: particulars of transactions in, 54-55. responsibilities for changes in, 53. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Page 3 (no question). Circuit Court: Sheriffs, position of, 208. Civil Service Commission: Page 3 (no question). Commissions and Special Inquiries: Civil Service (Compensation) Board, functions of, 10. Commission on Income Tax, Report of, 12. Commissions, review of activities of, 16. Committee on Accommodation Needs of National University, Report of, 13. Company Law Reform Committee, honorarium for secretarial duties for, reason for, 8-9. Irish Manuscript Commission, relation of work of to work of other Commissions, Appendix II, Par. 3. Metric System and Decimal Coinage Committee, functions of, 14-15, Appendix V. Place Names Commission, progress of, disappointment of Committee with, Appendix II, Par. 3. Savings Committee, duties of, relating to advertising, 11. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXXI. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Aviation and Meteorological Services: Constructional works and furnishing of buildings at Dublin and Shannon Airports, 472. Operation of Dublin and Shannon Airports, cost of, 473. Surplus surrendered by Aer Rianta, Teo., 475. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Honorarium to Secretary to Committee of Inquiry, 8. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Schemes administered under, details of, 313-315. External Affairs: Cultural Relations with other countries, 409. Irish News Agency, winding up of, 410, 412-3. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Certification of accounts of trading operations of the Department, 521. Examination of trading figures for rural industries, 522, 532-7, 541, 543, 550-2, 558, 561-2. General Report: Appropriation Accounts, earlier presentation of report on, 20. Exchequer Extra Receipts, amount of, 23. Foreign Exchange Account, operations of and winding up of, 26-27. National Development Fund: Total expenditure on projects financed by, 28. Winding-up Account, 28-30. Outturn of the year, 1957-58, 21-22. Stock and Store Accounts, 25. Surrender of Balances on Votes, 24. Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, expenditure on agreed projects met from, 446. Bord na Móna, grants to, for experimental and research work, 444. Flour and wheaten meal subsidies, 416, 419, 421-2, 424. Fuel subsidy, 438. Mianraí Teoranta, liabilities of to Exchequer, written off, 442. Wheat, losses on sale of, 433. Local Government: Motor tax account, 342. Posts and Telegraphs: Customs Duties on Parcels, irregularities in collection of, 387. Losses by default, accident, etc., 376. Revenue Account, 379. Savings Bank: Accounts of, 381. Deposit Repaid in error, 383. Store Accounts, 378. Rates on Government Property: Water rates, contributions in lieu of rates in re, 363, 366, 368-9. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Extra-statutory Repayments of Customs and Excise Duties, 42. Outstanding taxes, amounts of, 36, 40. Remissions and Amounts Irrecoverable, details of, 43. Revenue Account, examination of, 31. Yield of Revenue, details of, 32. Social Assistance: Overpayments of: assistance, 508. old age pensions, 510. Welfare of the Blind, 507. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund: Investment Return, 504. Payments to, 502. Stationery Office: Type rent and composition charges, 325-6. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Éireann, payments to or on behalf of, 460. Great Northern Railway Board, payments to, 462, 464. Greenore Hotel and golf course, expenditure in connection with, 464. Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway Company, payments to, 466. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund, Repayments to: Stamp Duty on Deeds for Public Departments, discontinuance of, 19. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 208. District Court, 206-207. Garda Síochána, 201-203. Justice, Office of the Minister for, page 49 (no question). Prisons, 204-205. Public Record Office, 209-210. Supreme and High Court of Justice, page 51 (no question). Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 57-59. Cremin, Mr. C. C.: External Affairs, 409-415. International Co-operation, page 102 (no question). Defence: Animal transport, description of, 146. Bread, production of at Curragh bakery, cost of and reason for increase in, 135. Civil Defence, storage of equipment for, 136-138. Compensation, details of, 139-140. Conveyance of stores, excess of expenditure on over estimate, reason for, 145. Courses abroad, attendance at, arrangements for, 142. Equitation teams, expenses of, 143. Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil, An: basis of grant for, 153. nature of curtailment of training of, 152. Fuel, Light, Water and Barracks services: difference between estimate and receipts for, 155. source of receipts for, 157. Fuel, Light, Water and Fuel oil, excess of expenditure over estimate, reason for, 147. Horses, amount received for, 156. Hungarian refugees, provision of accommodation for, 133-134. Insurance, commission on premiums, treatment of, 158. Land, sale of surplus, 154. Losses written off, 141. Marriage allowance, excess of expenditure over estimate, reason for, 144. Meat, production of at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, cost of and reason for increase in, 135. Medical stores, examination of, 159 Par. 12. Military cycles, legal proceedings regarding sale of, 160 Par. 13. Military lands, decrease in cost of maintenance of, 148. North Chinese refugees, 151. Noxious weeds, presence of on military lands, 149. Telegrams and Telephones, high cost of, reason for, 150. District Court: Our Lady’s Home, Henrietta St., grant for, amount of and adequacy of, 206-207. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 49 (no question). Dundrum Asylum: Hospitalisation of patients, details of expenses incurred on, 57. Pig feeding, reason for discontinuance of, 59. Recovery of hospitalisation expenses, details of, 58. Education, Office of the Minister for: Appropriations in Aid, details of, 167. Irish Vocabularies, description of work in connection with, 166. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Grants to Local Authorities, basis of calculation of amount of, 318. Grants towards expenditure by Local Authorities on road and amenity schemes etc., amount of, method of accounting for, 313. Labour content in schemes, necessity for, 316-317, Par. 14. National Development Fund: allocation of moneys from, method of, 320-323. debit balance on subhead of, explanation of, 324, Appendix XIX. Rural Improvement Schemes, description of, expenditure on, 315. Schemes administered by Special Employment Schemes Office, expenditure on, method of supervision of, 314-315. Surrender on Vote, amount of, 319. Urban Employment Schemes, difference between expenditure and estimate for, explanation of, 316. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 5 (no question). External Affairs: Bank charges on sums remitted abroad, nature of, 415. Compensation for damage to pictures, circumstances of, 409. Irish News Agency: advances and grants to, 410. liquidation of, 410-411. losses, nature of and writing off of, 412-414, Appendix XXVI. Fagan, Mr. G. P.: Office of Public Works, 73-79. Public Works and Buildings, 80-132. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Local Loans Fund, expenses of management of, how met, 6. Travelling Expenses, excess of expenditure over grant, explanation of, 5. Fisheries: Agriculture, transfer of responsibility for fisheries from Minister for, 291. Boards of Conservators, grants to, 296, 303. Boats, outlay on and earnings of, 302, 310, Appendix XVIII. Compensation, amount of and reason for, 292-294. Ex gratia payments, details of, 292. Exploratory Fishing Vessels, provision of, 297. Foyle Fisheries, token vote for, reason for, 307. Iontaobhas Iascaigh Intíre, functions of, 304. Nets, use of on fresh water, 294. Salmon Conservancy Fund: basis of grants from, 296. description of, 295. Salmon Research Trust, basis of grant to, 308. Scientific and Technical Investigations, reduction in, reason for, 306. Sea Fisheries Association, writing off of money due from, 309, Appendix II, Par. 1. State Fisheries, location of, 305. Training Scheme for Fishermen: length of courses under, 301. works on vessels for, 298-300. Forestry: Acquisition of land, details of funds for, 284. Employment: consideration of in policy formation, 290. details of, 289. Industrial Consultants, reason for employment of and method of payment of, 288. Labour Costs, reason for reduction in, 285. Machinery: expenditure on maintenance of, 279. transport to repair depots, method of, 281. wear and tear of, reason for, 280, 282. Shows, description of exhibits at, 287. Thinnings, economy in disposal of, description of, 286. Vacancies in staff, reason for, 283. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Board established under Gaeltacht Industries Act, 1957: examination by Committee of settlement with, 561, Par. 21. transfer of industries to, 552. transfer of stocks to, 553-560. Children sent to Gaeltacht, details of, 569. Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann, responsibility for, 570. Development and Marketing accounts, explanation of delay in presenting of to Committee, 562, Appendix XXIX. Discrepancies in stocks, description of examination of, 522. Gaeltacht Housing, difference in estimate for and expenditure on, explanation of, 564-565. Improvement Grants for the Gaeltacht, nature of and explanation of difference between estimate for and expenditure on, 566-567. Irish, presentation of estimate and appropriation account in, 563, Par. 22. Knitwear, deficiency in: amount of, 532, Appendix XXVII, Par. 20. check on, details of, 534. organisation of industry, 532. records, nature of, 535. Linen, Lace and Embroidery Goods, deficiency in: amount of, 536, Appendix XXVII, Par. 20. check on, details of, 536. explanation of, 536-538. organisation of industry, 536. production, amount of, 539. transfer of industry to new Board, 540. Pig Scheme, provision of, 568. Ring, Co. Waterford, availability of Gaeltacht Housing grants in, 564. Staff in Gaeltacht Industries, description of, 531, 548-549. Stock, explanation of discrepancies in, 550-551, Appendix XXVII. Toys, deficiency in: amount of 542, Appendix XXVII, Par. 20. disposal of seconds in job lots, 542-547, Appendix XXVIII. organisation of toy industry, 541. Trading, accounts for since 1956, certification of, 521. Tweed, deficiency in: allowance for fraying and patterns, 523-526, 528, Appendix XXVII, Par. 20. check on, details of, 534. Comptroller and Auditor General’s opinion of explanation for, 533. invoicing of sales, 527. patterns, giving of, 529-530. records, nature of, 535. transfer of stocks of tweed to new Board, 552-561. Garda Siochána: Transport fleet: bringing of car to Dublin for repairs, 202. stores held for repair of, control of, 201. system for repairs to, 203. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 342-362. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Appropriation Accounts, earlier presentation of report on, 20. Balances on 1956-57 Votes surrendered, amount of, 24. Exchequer Extra Receipts, amount of, method of accounting for, 23. Foreign Exchange Account, examination of, presentation of winding up account to the Houses of the Oireachtas, 26-27. Forestry Vote, explanation of saving on, 22. National Development Fund, issues from since establishment of, 28. National Development Fund (Winding up) Account, issues from, treatment of balance in, further reports on, 28-30. Outturn of year, details of, 21. Saving Certificates Reserve Fund, placing of surplus in Foreign Exchange Account to credit of, 26. Stock and Store Accounts, result of examination of, 25. Government Property, Rates on: Foreign Governments, contribution towards rates of premises of, 370. Water Rates: demands by local authorities for, 365-366. duplication in payment of, possibility of, 363. legal position regarding payment of, 364, Appendix XXI. precautions to be taken against duplication in payment of, 367-369, Par. 16. Government Stocks, Management of: Page 3, (no question). Health: Accounts, audit of, and certification of by health authorities, Appendix II, Par. 6. Bord Altranais, An, composition of, 70. Grants to Health Authorities, saving on estimate for, explanation of, 68. Grants to Voluntary Agencies, description of, 69. Information and Advice on Health, economies in dissemination of, explanation of, 67. International Congresses, expenses incurred on, explanation of, 66. Local Taxation Accounts, receipts from, explanation of, 71. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, savings on provision for, explanation of, 63-64. Travelling, effect on services of curtailment of, 65. Travelling expenses, payment for unvouched, explanation of, 72. Voluntary Health Insurance Board: loans to, detail of repayments of, 60-62. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 117 (no question). Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, description of, 447-448. Bakers’ wages, payment in respect of increases in, 421. Biscuits and confectionery, payment to exporters of, 419-420. Bord na Móna, payments to for research work, 444-445. Factory extensions, grants for, 455. Fair Trade Commission, position of, 457. Food Subsidies: amount of, basis of, 416. financial arrangements with millers for, 417. interest on payments of, 418. termination of subsidies and final payments to millers, 424-432. Fuel Subsidy: coal in Phoenix Park, disposal of, 440. Fuel Importers (Éire) Limited, losses of, payments to, stock held by, 439. Phoenix Park, restoration of surfaces of, affected by coal, 441. Industrial consultants, number of available, 458. Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, recoupment of expenditure on, 446, 454. Mianrai Teoranta: losses of, 442. present position of, 443. Millers, fines on for over milling, 430, 438. Mineral exploration, licences for: benefits conferred by, 452. bonds, desirability of in connection with, 453. obligations of holders of, 449. precautions taken before granting of, 451. Mining Board, functions of, 450. Prices Advisory Body, cessation of activities of, 456. Tea Importers Limited, liability of for Indian sales tax, 459. Technical assistance, recoupment of expenditure on and saving on provision for, 446, 454, 458. Wheat, surplus from 1956-57: export of, 435, 437. losses on disposal of, 453, Par. 19. millability of portion sold as animal feed, 434. responsibility of Department of Agriculture for, 436—See also Agriculture. Wheaten meal, payments of subsidy on, 422-423. International Co-operation: Page 102 (no question). Justice, Office of the Minister for: Page 49 (no question). Keady, Mr. P. J.: Social Assistance, 506-520. Social Insurance, 502-505. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 500-501. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 51 (no question). Lands: Cleaning of drains, liability of Land Commission for, 278, Appendix II, Par. 1. Default in payments, recovery of expenses caused by, 276. Land Bonds, excess of cost of service of over estimate for, explanation of, 275. Land Purchase Account, details of transaction on, 270-273. Purchases in open market, description of, 277. Travelling claims, alteration in treatment of in accounts, 274. Law Charges: Page 5 (no question). Local Government: Audit, payment by local authorities for, basis of, 350. Audit staff, adequacy of and filling of vacancies in, 348-349. Driving licences: dating of, 346-347. responsibility for issue of, 345. Fees of appointed officers in connection with housing grants, repayments of to Exchequer, 362. Grants for Houses: delay in dealing with applications for, 357. fall in number of applications for, 355-356. provision for, 355. time for completion of works covered by, 358. Labourers’ cottages, contributions towards annuities for, 352. Local Authorities: grants to under Housing (Ireland) Act, 1919, provision for, 353. loan charges paid by, system of recoupment of, 354. sanitary services works of, payment of loan charges for, 361. Local Authorities (Works) Act, 1949, expenditure under, 359-360. Motor Tax Account, test examination of, details of, receipts of, 342. Motor vehicle duties, explanation of increase in receipts for, 343-344. Uniforms, use of, 351. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 472-476. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 117 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 416-459. Tourism, page 117 (no question). Transport and Marine Services, 460-471. McGrath, Mr. J. N.: Ordnance Survey, 371-375. Rates on Government Property, 363-370. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 91 (no question). McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 311-312. Malone, Mr. T. J.: Stationery Office, 325-341. Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests, 52-56. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 17th July, 1958 of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses: Cultural Institutions (Grants-in-Aid), Institutions aided by, 17. Derrynane Trust, State contributions to, 18. Nagle, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture, 211-269. National Gallery: Pictures, progress with inventory of, 311, Appendix II, Par 1. Post card reproductions, sale of, 312. Ó Braonáin, Mr. S.: Roinn na Gaeltachta, 521-570. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Fisheries, 291-310. Forestry, 279-290. Lands, 270-278. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 376-406. Wireless Broadcasting, 407-408. Ó Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General: Ó Cinnéide, Mr. P.: Health, 60-72. Ó hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 313-324. Ó Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page 49 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 166-167. Primary Education, 168-180. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 199. Science and Art, 193-198. Secondary Education, 181-192. Technical Instruction, page 47 (no question). Universities and Colleges, 200. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Expenses of the Restaurant, excess of expenditure over grant, explanation of, 2. Salaries of Holders of certain appointed Offices and Allowances of Comhaltaí, excess of expenditure over grant, explanation of, 1, Appendix IV. Ordnance Survey: Maps, calculation of value of, 371. Place Names Commission: members of, 373. work of, 372, 374. Pressure press, transfer of to Department of Defence, 375. Posts and Telegraphs: Air Mail: conveyance by, 402, Appendix XXV. development of, 400-401. Compensation under Article X of Treaty, payment of, 405. Contract work, nature of, 404. Customs Duty on Parcels, fraud in collection of: description of, 387-390. supervisory aspect of, 391-393, Appendix XXIII, Par. 18. Economy in expenditure, 406. Engineering Materials, allocation of expenditure on, 403. Form of Estimate, criticism of, 399. Losses by Default, Accident etc., particulars of, 376-377. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services: fraud in, 380. test examination of accounts and details of revenue from, 379. Savings Bank: error in payment from, 383-386, 394, Par. 17. securities held by, treatment of appreciation in, 382, Appendix XXII. test examination and details of accounts of, 381, 395. Sites awaiting development, details of, 398, Appendix XXIV. Staff, description of reduction in, 396-397. Stores, test examination and value of, 378. President’s Establishment: Page 1 (no question). Primary Education: Free school books, administration of scheme for, 177. Killury or Nelan fund, absence of expenditure from, reason for, 178. Liss Endowment, re-assignment of proceeds of, 179-180. Preparatory Colleges: cost of maintaining students at, 171. fees payable by students at, 172, Appendix XIII. Teachers, allowing of to teach after 65 years of age, 176. Training Colleges: College of Mary Immaculate, expenditure on, 169. excess of expenditure on over grant for, 168. liability for rates of, 170. Virement, justification for use of, 173-175. Prisons: Insane prisoners, overpayment for maintenance of, 204. Pay and allowances, excess of expenditure on over grant for, explanation of, 205. Public Record Office: Accounting Officer, appointment of, 209-210. Public Works, Office of: Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Ltd., claims of Commissioners against, outcome of, 73-74. Marine Works Act, 1902, Maintenance Fund, receipts of, explanation of, 79, Appendix VII. Marine Works Maintenance Funds, receipts from, treatment of, 78. Special Employment Schemes Office, savings on schemes, 77. Telegrams and Telephones, excess of expenditure on over grant for, explanation of, 76. Travelling Expenses, excess of expenditure on over grant for, explanation of, 75. Public Works and Buildings: Accounting Officers, authority of to speak on matters the subject of correspondence between the Committee and Department of Finance, 95. Arterial Drainage Construction Works, expenditure on, details of, 100. Baldonnel Airport, hangar gates at, cost of, 126. Ballyvourney Preparatory College, expenditure on to remedy damp penetration, Appendix II, Par. 5. Bench marks, cost of, explanation of, 127, Appendix X. Botanic Gardens, improvement of gates at, 117. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts in respect of, 130, Appendix XI. Cathal Brugha Barracks, dining hall and cookhouse at, estimate for, 125. Central Sorting Office, planning of, 124. Dún Laoghaire Harbour, works at, progress with, 123. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer, difference between estimate and amount obtained, explanation of, 129. Extra work on foundations, ex gratia payments to contractors for, explanation of, 96-97. Lighting sets for excavators, efforts to dispose of, result of, 115, Appendix II, Par. 1. National Schools, expenditure on, 120-121. New works, alterations and additions, expenditure on, details of, 80, Appendix IX. Party rooms, provision of silence cabinets for telephones in, 122. Petrol Rationing, accommodation for staff, 128. Phoenix Park, pavilions, progress with, 118. Property, perambulation of, 132. Registers and rentals of State lands and buildings, necessity for, 131, Appendix XII. River Fergus, repairs to fish pass at, description of, 101-102. Rosslare Strand, expenditure on coast protection works at, explanation of, 98-99. Shelton Abbey: checking of contractors accounts, 94. ex gratia payment to contractor for, 90, Par. 10. history of contract for renovation of, 91-93. Stock, amalgamation of records of held by engineering and accounting branches, advisability of, 116. Stocktaking of stores: description of method of, 104-110. expert advice on, obtaining of, 111-113. reason for discrepancies in result of, 103, Par. 11. relation of to ordering of new stocks, 114. Unnecessary expenditure, avoidance of, Appendix II, Par. 4. United Nations Organisation, residence of representative at, particulars of cost of, 119. Waterford Telephone Exchange, ex gratia payment to contractor reason for, 81-89, Appendix VIII, Par. 9. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Places of detention, proposals for, 199. Report of the Committee: Page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Arrears of income tax and surtax, explanation of decrease in, 37. Balance of Revenue not paid into Exchequer, explanation of, 34-35. Capital Fund, continuance of, 33. Customs and excise duties, extra-statutory repayments of, amounts of, 42. Customs Co-operation Council: activities of, 51, Appendix VI. composition of, 48-49. expenses incurred in connection with, 50. functions of, 46-47. Estate Duty Branch, clearing of arrears of work in, progress with, Appendix II, Par. 2. Motor Cars for Frontier Posts, difference between expenditure on and grant for, explanation of, 44. Protective assessments, explanation of, 38-41, Par. 8. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, test examination and particulars of, 43. Revenue account, test examination of, 31. Revenue, yield for 1956-57 and 1957-58, particulars of, 32. Sacks, use of, 45. Special Import Levies, treatment of revenue from, 32. Tax assessments outstanding, particulars of, 36. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 31-51. Science and Art: Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, nature of grants to, 195. Gúm, An, books published by, 194, Appendix XIV. National Library, acquisition of family papers by, 193. Newspapers and Periodicals, grants to for use of Irish, 197, Appendix XV. Teachers, grants to for attending Irish courses, procedure for, 198. University Scholarships, explanation of saving on, 196. Secondary Education: Irish text books, grants for publication of: details of allocation of, 183-190. effect of on selling price, 182. nature of, 181. necessity for, 192. placing of grant aided books on secondary school list, 191. Secretary and Director of Audit: Agriculture: American grant Counterpart Special Account, payments from, 236. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, 224. Co-operative Fruit growers Society, Limited, 218. Dairy Produce: Price Stabilisation Fund, 237. Subsidies and allowances for, 235. Diseases of Animals Acts, swine fever, compensation for animals affected by, 233. Farm Buildings Scheme, 220. Grain Storage Loans Act, operations under, 234. Land Project, 221-3. Marketing of Agricultural Produce, Grant-in-aid to committee on, 231. National Stud, acquisition of lands appurtenant to, 212. Pasteurisation of separated milk, grants for, 229. Pigs and Bacon Commission, payments to, 230. Seed testing, propagation and certification, 211. Superphosphate, subsidy on home produced, 221, 224. Water Supplies Scheme, 220. Army Pensions: Additional payments to certain officers on retirement, 161. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Incidental expenses, accuracy of forecast of, 571. Defence: Barrack Maintenance and New Works, 133. Civil Defence, storage of air raid precautions equipment, 136. Compensation paid for injuries and damage to persons and property, 139. Insurance premiums, commission on collection of, 158-159. Losses, written off, 141. Pay of Civilians attached to Army Units, 133. Provisions, cost of production, 135. Fisheries: Compensation to persons affected by restrictions on certain fishing rights, 292-3. Salmon Conservancy Fund, 295. Transfer of functions in re to Minister for Lands, 291. Forestry: Overhaul of machinery, expenditure on, 279. Health: Voluntary Health Insurance Board, repayable loan to, 60. Lands: Land Purchase Account, 270. Office of Public Works: Insurance of workmen, winding up of claims in re, 73. Primary Education: Preparatory Colleges: Maintenance of buildings, 171. Students in, costs of maintenance and tuition, 171. Training Colleges: Payments of capitation grants to, 168. Prisons: Maintenance of prisoners confined in district mental hospitals, 204. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage: Construction works, expenditure on, 100. Fergus River, repairs to fish pass, 101. Coast protection, expenditure on, 98. Contracts, claims for extra payments for foundation works, 96. New Works, Alterations and Additions, details of, 80. Shelton Abbey: Ex-gratia payment to contractor, 90. Stores, position re stocktaking of, 103-104, 116. Waterford Telephone Exchange: Ex-gratia payment to contractor, 81. See also Comptroller and Auditor General. Secret Service: Page 5 (no question). Social Assistance: Blind persons, scheme to encourage employment of, 507, 509. Children’s Allowances, recovery of overpayments of, 506. Footwear for necessitous children: quality of, 518-519. scheme for supply of, operation of, 520. Fuel for necessitous families, scheme for supply of, details of, 512-513, 516. Old age pensions, revised procedure to avoid overpayments of, 510. Overpayments, amounts recovered, written off and outstanding and details of prosecutions in cases of fraud, 508. School Meals Schemes: responsibility for operation of, 514. supervision by Department of, 515, 517. type of meals supplied under, 511. Social Insurance: Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, delay in reaching agreement with Córas Iompair Éireann on rent for: explanation of, 505, Appendix II, Par. 7. Social Insurance Fund: payments to from vote, operation of system for, 502-503. receipts from investment in Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, 504. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Blind Pensions, system for dealing with applications for, 501. Cars, sale of, 501. Insurance stamps, accuracy of estimate of cost of manufacture of, explanation of, 500. State Laboratory: Analysis of road-making materials, recovery from Road Fund in respect of, explanation of reduction in, 7. Stationery Office: Advertisers, revised arrangements with, 337. American Loan Counterpart Fund, receipts from, treatment of, 338. Books, Periodicals and Maps, excess of expenditure on over estimate for, explanation of, 329. Council of Europe, availability of publications of, 340-341. Irish Manuscripts Commission: difficulties of printing for, 325-327, Par. 15. payment to editors, advisability of, 328. Irish translations, stock of held, 333. Losses on hired machinery, explanation of, 336. Machinery, payment of special import levy on, 330. Office equipment, disposal of, 334. Paper, stock of held, 335. Rent of type, expenditure on for long periods, 325, Par. 15. Sales Office: accounts of, 339. advertising, effect of on sales, 331. prices, effects of reduction in on sales, 332. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Page 5 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Page 5 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Page 51 (no question). Suttle, Mr. E. F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 571. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 2 (no question). Technical Instruction: Page 47 (no question). Tourism: Page 117 (no question). Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Éireann: effect of Transport Act, 1958, on, 461. payments to and receipts from, details of, 460. Great Northern Railway Board: payments to and receipts from, 462. winding up of, 463. Greenore Hotel, loss on acquisition and resale of, 464-465. Harbours, machinery for fixing of grants for, 467. Ships, degaussing equipment on, 468-471. Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway Company, payments to and winding up of, 466. Universities and Colleges: Galway, University College, provision of additional accommodation at, position of, 200. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Page 91 (no question). Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 3-4. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 3 (no question). Civil Service Commission, page 3 (no question). Commissions and Special E nquiries 8-16. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, 19. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 5 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 5-6. General Report, 20-30. Law Charges, page 5 (no question). Management of Government Stocks, page 3 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 17-18. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 1-2. President’s Establishment, page 1 (no question). Secret Service, page 5 (no question). State Laboratory, 7. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 5 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants, page 5 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the, page 2 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Licence fees, 407. Music pieces, absence of from library, explanation of, Appendix II, Par. 1. Sponsored Programmes, position of, 408. Witnesses, List of: Page xxvi. |
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