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APPENDIX XXVIII.GAELTACHT INDUSTRIES: DISPOSAL OF JOB LOTS.Cléireach an Choiste, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí, Dáil Éireann. When before the Public Accounts Committee on 23rd ult., I undertook to furnish (1) the names of the purchasers of job lots of toys during the two-year period from 1st April, 1956 to 31st March, 1958; (2) the amount of the sale on each invoice and (3) particulars as to the types of toys sold. I have since examined the available documents relating to these sales and append a list of the invoices prepared in regard to them. Each invoice with one exception covers a series of sales (in some cases the number of transactions was as high as 40) to members of the staff in accordance with a long-standing arrangement under which each worker employed in the toy-making section was permitted to purchase not more than two toys about Christmas time and summer holiday time. The exceptional case was the sale of 20 dolls (seconds) valued at £10 to a clergyman in Dublin who wanted some cheap goods for a fund-raising effort on behalf of a local charity. The great majority of the goods sold to the staff were “seconds” or “rejects” and the prices charged in all cases were at least equal to what would have been realised had the goods been sold to the public. The sales were made principally to the factory workers at Crolly, Co. Donegal, and I am assured by the manager there that the regulation limiting purchases to not more than two toys at a time was strictly adhered to. Only a few purchases amounting to £13 19s. 1d. in all in the two-year period were made by workers at Elly Bay and at Headquarters in Dublin. The procedure followed was that when the factory manager (or in the case of sales in Dublin the Head of the Toy Section) had collected in full the amounts due by the various members of the staff he remitted the amount collected to the Counting House in Head Office together with an inventory showing the number of each type of toy disposed of and the selling price. For book-keeping purposes an invoice was made out in Head Office covering the total amount of the remittance and bearing the statement “Miscellaneous Toys sold to Staff”. The relative inventories are still available in respect of only 19 of the 22 invoices. Insofar as the inventories are available the information desired by the Committee in regard to each invoice is as follows:—
The quantity of toys, etc., specified in the above list is 39½ dozen, which reduces the total deficiency as shown in the Reconciliation Accounts furnished in my statement of 28th October, 1958, to 135½ dozen, which is 0.27 per cent. of opening stock plus production in the two-year period, i.e., 50,324 dozen. (Sínithe) SEÁN Ó BRAONÁIN, Oifigeach Cuntasaíochta, Roinn na Gaeltachta. 29 Bealtaine, 1959. |
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