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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualifications are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation, annual report of, availability of to members, 266. Appropriations in Aid, recoupment of salaries of staff seconded to various bodies, 277. Artificial Insemination Services: services transferred to co-operative societies, 274. veterinary surgeons, vacancies for, effect of on scheme and action taken in regard to, 273. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: financing of, expenditure on and receipts from, 239. intensive measures under, extension of, 240. saving on, explanation of, 275. veterinary surgeons’ fees, basis and justification of, total amount paid in and number of veterinary surgeons involved, 241-246. Bulls, provision of premium bulls and demand for dairy and beef bulls, 264-265. Butter Marketing Committee: administrative expenses of, repayment of, 262. deficit of: amount of, reasons for and recoupment of, 255-256. cold storage charges, inclusion of in, 258. export of butter, amount of deficit on per lb., 257. Butter Subsidy, payment of, details in regard to the, 255. Contagious abortion in cattle, serum for, fall in demand for, reasons for price, production and stocking of, 267-272. Co-operative Fruit Growers Society, Ltd.: Advances to by Agricultural Credit Corporation, payments from vote of capital and interest: agreement in regard to repayments by society, 223, 229. arrangement in regard to, nature of and circumstances in which undertaken, 225-226. payments from Vote, amount of, 223. purposes for which money used, 227. repayments by society, amount of, 223. Export trade of, 228. Progress made by, 224. Dairy Disposal Company, accounts of, 277. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, income of, payments from and balance in, 262. Estimate, format of, proposed change in, 216. Farm buildings scheme and water supplies, expenditure on, details of, 230. Grain storage: loans for, conditions and terms of, amounts issued by way of, applications for and repayments of, 247, 251, 254, 276. storage and drying facilities, adequacy, availability and use of, 248-250, 252. wheat dealers’ licence, entitlement of co-operative groups to, 253. Land Project: administrative expenses of scheme, 230. average cost per acre of scheme, 235-236, Appendix XVI. expenditure on, details of, 230. financing and scope of scheme, 231-232. variations between original and later estimate for certain works, reason for, 237-238. work carried out under supplementary contract, need for, 233-234. Milk production, improvement of, nature of expenditure on, 264. Oedema in pigs, result of inquiry into and discovery of serum for, 263. Pasteurisation plants, installation of, 276. Peatland Experimental Station, Glenamoy, financing of and details of scheme, 219-220. Seed production and propagation farm at Blackweston, Co. Dublin: financing of, 217. progress of work at, 217a. seed testing at, proposals in regard to, 218. Superphosphate, importation and distribution of by Comhlucht Siúicre Eireann, financing of, amount involved and loss on, 259-261, Appendix XVII. Par. 16. Trade exhibition in England, expenses in connection with, location of and success of representation at, 221-222. Veterinary Research, outcome of inquiry into oedema in pigs and discovery of serum, 263. Appendices, List of, page 98. Appropriation Accounts (1954-55): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Expenses of applicants attending for examination etc., circumstances in which payable, 141. Medals, verification of claims for, new arrangements for, Par. 2. Military Service Pensions, circumstances in which awards may be reviewed, 138-140. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Lingus and Aer Rianta, accounts of, audit of by Comptroller and Auditor General, circulation of to Members and function of Committee in regard to, 197-199. Airports (Dublin and Shannon): Construction work, including furnishing of buildings, and acquisition of land, 195. Operation of: Aer Rianta, function of, in regard to Dublin Airport, 202, 204. catering services, profits on, receipts from and accounting thereof, 196, 210, 211. cost of, 200, 202, 203, 205. expenses and receipts, details of, 196. management of Dublin Airport, receipts from and accounting thereof, 201-202. Approach lights at Shannon Airport, purpose of, 207. Appropriations-in-Aid, constitution of, 208-210. Boathouse and slip at Rineanna, necessity for, 206. Concession fees, description of, 212. Central Statistics Office: Special Statistical Inquiries, saving on, reason for, 3. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Page 10 (no question). Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Grant to, full amount of not drawn, 11. Circuit Court: Page 55 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Local authority appointments, amount of expenses recoverable from local authorities, 10. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Commission on Place Names, progress made by and reports furnished by, 12-13, Appendix V. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXVIII Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor-General: Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Corporation, report of, 266. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, 239, 242, 245. Butter Marketing Committee, 262. Butter Subsidy, 255. Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society, Ltd., 233. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 262. Estimate, format of, change in, 216. Grain Storage Loans, 247, 254. Land Project, 231, 233-234. Peatland Experimental Station, 219. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Lingus and Aer Rianta, accounts of, 199. Airports (Dublin and Shannon), construction work at, including furnishing of buildings and land acquisition, 195. Airports (Dublin and Shannon), operation of, cost of, 200, 203. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account, page 91 (no question). Defence: Aircraft equipment and manuals, purchase of, 105. Houses, erection of for married soldiers, 106. Losses written off, 109. Provisions, production of, 104. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts of, 342. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Schemes administered under, expenditure on, 91. Vote for, peculiar nature of, 93. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Actuary, provision for, 5. Fisheries: Compensation cases, number outstanding, 279. Ex gratia payment cases, number outstanding, 280. Sea Fisheries Association, repayment of advances to, arrears of, 280, 282, 286. Forestry: Bog-land taken over from Min Fhéir Teo., planting on, 434. Plant and Machinery, 441, 444. Timber sales, on credit, inadequacy of records, 435-437. Gaeltacht Services: Stocktaking of raw materials and finished goods, 450-457, 473-475, 480-481, 485-488. Stores discrepancies, 449. General Report, 48. Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna, operations of, 167-171. Flour subsidy, 153-154. Fuel Subsidy, 162. Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., examination of accounts, 154. Mianraí Teoranta, payments to, 164. Min Fhéir Teoranta, grants to and winding up of, 172. International Co-operation: Travelling expenses of delegates to OEEC, 57. Local Government: Housing loan charges of local authorities, 402. Housing reconstruction grant, 403, 407-408. Motor Tax Account, 417. Newly married couples, houses for, grants for, 409. Sewerage scheme for which private contribution received, grant for, 410-411. National Development Fund: Payments into and issues from, 31. National Gallery: Receipts, system of checking on, 390-391. Posts and Telegraphs: Copper wire, theft of, 299. Losses by default, accident, etc., 296-297. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services, revenue from, 300. Post Office Factory, value of work done in, 298. Savings Bank accounts, 301. Store accounts, 298. Primary Education: Farms and gardens attached to Preparatory Colleges, accounts of, 313, 315. Preparatory Colleges, average cost per student for maintenance and tuition, 317. Training College, grant paid to a, 311. Prisons: Ex gratia payment to a fuel contractor, 293. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage, expenditure on and transfer of Brosna scheme to maintenance, 350-351. Brussels legation, recovery of deposit on termination of lease, 349. Excavator buckets, cost of manufacture and costing method employed, 353-354, 358. Machines unused for long periods, 365, 367-368, 372. New works, alterations and additions, 343. Paris Embassy, expenditure on, 344. Posts and Telegraphs, Department of, premises for, financing of, 348. Spare parts, purchase of, 352. Stores records, duplication of, 362. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Revenue Account, 33, 35. Science and Art: Irish books unsold, disposal of as waste paper and manuscripts paid for but not published, 319, 321. Secondary Education: Irish text books published by independent publishers, grants for, 318. Social Insurance: Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, rent payable by C.I.E., 67. Social Insurance Fund, account, of and payments into, 64-65. Stationery Office: Paper, purchase of when stocks seemed adequate, 145, 148. Telephone Directory, additional expenditure, 143. Tourism: Grant for encouragement and development of tourist traffic, 213. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Eireann, repayment of advances to meet interest on transport stock, 180. Great Northern Railway Board, financing of operations of, 181-182. Wireless Broadcasting: Music pieces absence of from library, 309. Contingency Fund, Repayments to: Page 6 (no question). Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, page 55 (no question). District Court, page 55 (no question). Garda Síochána, page 54 (no question). Justice, Office of the Minister for, 290. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 56 (no question). Prisons, 291-293. Public Record Office, page 56 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 294-295. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, page 28 (no question). Defence: Aircraft, equipment and manuals, purchase of, expenditure on, 105. Allowances to army officers acting as Aides-de-Camp to the President, nature of and votes to which charged, 135-137. Bread, cost of production of at Curragh bakery, 104. Clothing, saving on, explanation of, home manufacture of, non-delivery of, explanation of, and type of uniforms included in subhead, 114-119. Commission on insurance premiums collected from officers, reasons why treated as Exchequer Extra Receipt and why not refunded to officers, history of and comparison with practice in case of Civil Servants and Gardaí, 129-134. Compensation, particulars of cases involved, 126, Appendix XIII. Error, which resulted in additional expenditure of £8, nature of, 110-111. Fuel oil, use of in Army and reason why Estimate increased and money not spent, 123-124. Appendix XII. Houses, erection of for married soldiers, expenditure on and on linoleum and curtains, type of, average cost of and comparison thereof with houses erected by local authorities, 106-108, Appendix X. Irish Red Cross Society, grant to, reason why not drawn in full, 125. Land, proposed sale of not effected, subsequent disposal of and purpose for which originally purchased, 127-128. Losses written off, details of, 109. Meat, production of at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, cost of and average price of cattle purchased, 104. Medical corps, necessity for employment of civilian practitioners and for increase in strength of, 112-113. Payment made for goods received in unserviceable condition, reason for, 120, Appendix XI. Stores ordered but not delivered, amounts shown in accounts additional to amount provided for in estimate, 122. Vehicles, stores and equipment not purchased to extent proposed, reason for decision, 121. Dempsey, Mr. J.: Agriculture, 216-277. Fisheries, 278-289. District Court: Page 55 (no question). Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts of, audit of up to date, 342. Dundrum Asylum: Page 28 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for: Conferences, representation at, travelling expenses in connection with, phraseology used to describe, 310. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Appropriations in Aid, surrender of surplus of, necessity for, and possibility of utilising under another subhead for relief of unemployment, 103. Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes, etc., amount of and examination of accounts of, 91. Minor employment schemes, areas to which confined, assessment of extent of unemployment for purpose of and basis of allocation of sums for, 100-102. National Development Fund, utilisation of moneys from to supplement expenditure on certain schemes, 91. Services rendered by other Department, nature of: repayment for, procedure in regard to, history and economics of, 92-99, Appendix IX. Schemes administered by Special Employment Schemes Office either directly or through agency of county engineers, expenditure on and type of work carried out under, 91. Work carried out by Office of Public Works on behalf of Special Employment Schemes Office, nature of, 91. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 4 (no question). External Affairs: Irish News Agency, total amount paid to by way of repayable advances and position in regard to repayment, 53-54. Fagan, Mr. G. P.: Office of Public Works, page 66 (no question). Public Works and Buildings, 343-387. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Actuary, provision for, necessity for, 4-6. Fisheries: Bord Iascaigh Mhara, An, transfer of functions and liabilities of Sea Fisheries Association to, 278, 281. Compensation cases, number outstanding, amount paid and the recipients, 278-279. Ex gratia payment cases, amount paid and number outstanding, 278, 280. River Erne (Tidal Waters), ex gratia payment of balance of compensation and interest, 289. Sea Fisheries Association, arrears of repayment of advances to, their accumulation, collection and settlement, 278, 280-287, Appendix XIX, Par. 17. Sea Fisheries Protection, functions of Gardaí in matter of, 288. Forestry: Bog-land taken over from Min Fhéir, Teo., planting on, 434. Forestry Education, saving on, explanation of, 447. Land acquisition, grant-in-aid for, accumulation of, 446. Losses, nature of, and particulars of legal costs included in, 448. Plant and Machinery: electric motor starter, parts missing from, purchase, 441-443. woodworking machines, not in use, particulars regarding, 444-445. Timber, sale of on credit, inadequacy of records, 435-440. Gaeltacht Services: Agents’ Commission: amount paid to foreign agents, 470. basis of payments, 468. nationality and location of agents, 469, 472. number of agents, 469. rate paid in Ireland, 471. Appropriations in Aid, excess of estimate over receipts, explanation of, 466-467. Customers, bona fides of, check on, 463. Marine Products Industries: loss on, explanation of, 465. saving on, source of, 464. Mona Jet heating system, use of in rural centres, 462. Stocktaking of materials and finished goods: discrepancies, nature of and furnishing information on to Comptroller and Auditor General, details and explanations of, 450-457, 473-474, 483, Appendix XXVII, Par. 23. ordering and delivery of raw materials, responsibility for, 490-491. tweeds, absence of adequate stores records and discrepancy in stocks, 474-482, 484-489, Par. 23. Stores of yarn and knitwear, discrepancies disclosed on stocktaking and review of system of store control, 449. Technical posts vacant, nature of, 458. Technical staff, lack of, effect on production, 461. Toy factory manager, filling of post by an established paper keeper, 459. Travelling expenses, to whom paid and for what purpose, 460. Garda Síochána: Page 54 (no question). Transport maintenance, cost control of, Par. 3. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 402-430. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Disallowances on Appropriation Accounts, 1952-53, adoption of recommendations of Committee of Public Accounts and alternative provision made in regard to, 48. Exchequer extra receipts, amount of, 48. Foreign Exchange Account, examination of, balance in, proposed payments from, bank in which held etc., 48-51. Out-turn of year, details of, 48. Quit Rent Office, revenue collected by, transfer of to another account and dispersal of functions of, 48, 52. Stock and Store Accounts, examination of, 48. Surrender of balances on 1954-55 Votes, 48. Government Property, Rates on: Appropriations in Aid: nature of, 44. repayments in respect of premises occupied by British Departments and agency services performed for British Government, excess of receipts over estimate, explanation of, 45. Government Stocks, Management of: Page 2 (no question). Health: National Blood Transfusion Service, financing of, 214. Voluntary Health Insurance, Advisory Body on, loan of staff to, conditions in regard to payment for, 215. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 41 (no question). Industry and Commerce: Appropriations in Aid, excess of estimate over receipts, 177. Bord na Móna, Operations of: bog development, repayment of advances made to Turf Development Board for, 170. experiment and research, issues for, 167-168. houses, building of by Board, grants for, amount and basis of and termination of scheme, 167, 169. machine won turf schemes, repayment of balance of grants for on winding up of, 171. Coal, disposal of stocks of American coal held by Fuel Importers (Eire), Ltd., proposals for, 163. Flour Subsidy: confectionery and biscuits, rebate paid to exporters of, payments to Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., in recoupment of, 159. expenditure on, amount of, 153. Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., payments to in respect of, analysis of, 154. importer-distributors, remuneration and functions of, 159-161, Appendix XV. millers, payments to by Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., basis of, examination of accounts of and adjustments of payments, 154-158, Par. 15. termination of, 156. wheaten meal, subsidy on, basis of and payments in respect of, 162. Foras Tionscal, An: grant to, nature of, 178. persons to whom grants paid by, publication of names of, 179. Fuel Subsidy, payments to Fuel Importers (Ltd.), amount of, 162. Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd., payments to and by in respect of flour subsidy, particulars of, 154. Importer-distributors, remuneration and functions of, 159-161, Appendix XV. Industrial Credit Company, acquisition of premises by, 173. Mineral Development: Canadian company, arrangement with for recoupment of money spent on exploration and development, 166. Mianraí Teoranta, further payments due to, position in regard to, 164-165. Min Fhéir Teoranta, grants to, amount of; winding up of and transfer of functions of, 172. Technical Assistance, expenditure on less than anticipated, reason for and recoupment from Marshall Aid Fund in respect of, 176. Trade Pavilion at Frankfurt, expenditure on, nature of, 174. Verbatim Reporting, excess expenditure attributed to, reason for, 175-176. International Co-operation: Travelling expenses of delegates to OEEC, portion of borne on another Vote and reason therefor, 55-59, Appendix VIII. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Film Censorship Equipment, excess of estimate for over cost of, 290. Keady, Mr. P. J.: Social Assistance, 72-90. Social Insurance, 64-71. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 60-63. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 56 (no question). Lands: Central Purchasing, principle of, Par. 8. Drains on lands no longer in possession of Land Commission, responsibility for cleaning, Par. 9. Extra remuneration paid to solicitor and assistant solicitor, circumstances in which paid and possibility of making other arrangements, 431-433. Law Charges: Costs and fees received by Chief State Solicitor, etc., nature of and reason for excess of actual receipts over estimate, 19-20. Defence of Public Servants, excess of expenditure over estimate, reason for, 18. Fees for copies of judgment, circumstances in which received, 17, Appendix VI. Local Government: Audit fees payable by local authorities, basis of, 430. Combined Purchasing Section, size of annual transactions of and rules prescribed for functioning of, 419-420. Housing loan charges of local authorities, contributions towards: particulars of, 402. statutory authority for, Par. 5. Housing reconstruction grant, refund of old grant to secure entitlement to larger grant, circumstances of case and number of similar cases, 403-408. Loans advanced to housing authorities by Land Commission, repayment of and accuracy of estimate for, 421-423. Local Government Law, textbook on and revision and codification of, nature of provision for, 429. Motor Tax Account: audits in arrears, completion of and delay in regard to, 417-418. receipts of, details of, 417. test examination of, 417. Newly Married Couples, houses for, non payment of grant for and recovery of portion of earlier grant not used: circumstances in which grant not required by Dublin Corporation, 409, 424-425. Sanitary Services: State contributions towards, change in basis of, 426-428. Sewerage scheme towards cost of which private contributions were received, basis of State grant and nature of contributions received, 410-416. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 195-212. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 41 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 153-179. Tourism, 213. Transport and Marine Services, 180-194. McGrath, Mr. J. N.: Ordnance Survey, 46-47. Rates on Government Property, 44-45. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 10 (no question). McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 388-401. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions, 138-142. Defence, 104-137. Malone, Mr. T. J.: Stationery Office, 143-152. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XXVIII. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 13th June, 1957 of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II, Pars. 1-9. Miscellaneous Expenses: Derrynane Trust, grant to, basis of and reason why not paid, 27. Irish Plate, meaning of term and circumstances in which Government endowment came to be paid, 25-26. Murphy, Mr. S.: External Affairs, 53-54. International Co-operation, 55-59. National Development Fund: Payments into and issues from, 31. National Gallery: Guide book for visitors, absence of, 397. Pictures: acquisitions during year, 388. change of pictures in Leinster House, 394. grant-in-aid for acquisition of, non utilisation of full amount of, reason for, 401. loaning of to provincial galleries, possibility of, 399. record of pictures in Gallery and on loan, 392-393, 395, Par. 22. Reproductions: receipts from, check on, 390-391. sale of, fall in, 389, Par. 21. stocktaking, 392. Receipts from cloakroom and sale of reproductions, system of checking, 390-391. Space, additional, need for, 396, 398, 400. Ó Baoighealláin, Mr. A.: Gaeltacht Services: Raw Materials and Finished Goods, records of: absence of adequate records for tweed, 477-480. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 434-448. Gaeltacht Services, 449-476, 482-484. Lands, 431-433. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 296-308. Wireless Broadcasting, 309. Ó Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Ó Cinnéide, Mr. P.: Health, 214-215. Ó hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 91-103. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng: Accounting Officer for, determination of, 28. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Restaurant, expenses of the, inclusion of provision for “other expenses,” reason for, 2. Ó Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 342. Education, Office of the Minister for, 310. Primary Education, 311-317. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 341. Science and Art, 319-340. Secondary Education, 318. Technical Instruction, page 62 (no question). Ordnance Survey: Motor van, purchase of necessitating excess on subhead, authority for, 46-47. Posts and Telegraphs: Contract work on telegraph services, saving on, explanation of, 308. Copper wire, theft of, circumstances of and action taken in regard to, 299. Cycles, use of hired, explanation of, 302. Engineering materials, use, 307. Law charges incurred, explanation of, 304. Losses by default, accident, etc., particulars of, 296-297. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services, test examination of accounts and details of revenue from, 300. Post Office Factory, value of work done in, 298. Savings Bank, test examination and details of accounts of, 301. Stores, test examination and value of, 298. Supplementary estimates, inaccuracy of estimate and difficulty of forecasting amount to be charged against maintenance and capital expenditure, 305-306. Uniform clothing, credits in respect of, less than anticipated, reason for, 303. President’s Establishment: Page 1 (no question). Primary Education: Preparatory Colleges: average cost per student for maintenance and tuition and average fee paid, 317. farms and gardens attached to: accounts of, 313. deficits on, nature of, 315. drainage schemes for, 316. purpose of, 314. Training College, payment of a grant to for period in excess of that sanctioned by Finance and failure to adjust grants in respect of absence of students, 311-312. Prisons: Ex gratia payment to fuel contractor, circumstances of, 293, Appendix XX. Gratuities to prisoners, particulars of scheme, 291-292. Public Record Office: Page 56 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Aras an Uachtaráin, improvements and furnishing, total expenditure on and change in estimate for, 346-347. Arterial Drainage: Brosna scheme, cost of, transfer of to maintenance, and maintenance charge for, 351. Expenditure on, details of, 350. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts of, 387a, Appendix XXV. Brussels Embassy, recovery of deposit on termination of lease, 349. Costing of parts manufactured in workshop, 354-359. Par. 19. Excavator buckets, manufacture of at workshops, cost of compared with cost of purchase and method of assessing cost of manufacture, 353-359, Appendix XXII. Par. 19. Fuel, reserve stocks of, 385. Garda stations, high cost of two new, 379. Johnstown Castle, adaptations and renovations, work outstanding on and inclusion of new laboratory in, 345. Lighting sets, sale of, Par. 7. Machines: unused for long periods, explanation of, 365-372. use of specialised machines on work for other Departments, 360-361. Minor balances of expenditure, type of work included under, 382-384. National Schools, itemised statement of expenditure on, absence of, 376-377. New works, alterations and additions, details of, 343, 378, Appendix XXIII. Paris Embassy, adaptations and furnishing, total expenditure on, 344. Post Office, Rathluirc, acquisition of premises for and subsequent demolition thereof, reason for, 380-381, Appendix XXIV. Posts and Telegraphs, Department of, premises for, financing of, 348. Rentals and Registers of State Lands and Buildings, compilation of, progress of, 387a, Appendix XXVI. Solicitors’ Buildings, Courts of Justice, use of expression “ unappropriated ” in reference to and function of Commissioners of Public Works in regard to, 373-375. Shelton Abbey, contract for and supervision over work on, Par. 6. Spare parts, purchase of items similar to one held in stock, reason for, 352. Staff, recruitment of, difficulties in regard to, 386-387. Stocktaking, position in regard to, 364. Stores records in central workshop, reason for keeping two sets of, 362-363. Par. 20. Time and material contracts, use of, Par. 6. Public Works, Office of: Page 66 (no question). Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Child psychiatrist, attendance of at Marlborough House, absence of provision for, 341. Remuneration: Form of Vote, explanation of, 29-30. Report of Committee: Page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Disburser of stamps, holder of position and his remuneration, 41-42. Estate duty, failure to carry out review of certain cases and remedial steps taken, 33-34, Par. 10. Extra-statutory repayments of customs and excise duties, 33. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, test examination and particulars of, 33. Revenue account, test examination of, purpose and result of, 33, 35. Revenue, net yield of for 1954-55 and 1955-56, particulars of, 33. Staff on loan whose salaries were recovered, bodies to which lent, 43. Staff salaries, saving on, explanation of and conclusions to be drawn from, 36-40. Tax assessments outstanding, particulars of, 33. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 33-43. Science and Art: Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, activities of, 338. Dramatic Productions in Irish, grant-in-aid for, bodies to which and basis on which paid, 335-336. Irish Committee of Historical Studies, constitution and work of, 337. Irish Historical Records in domestic collections, reproduction of, provision for, 334. Irish Historical Records in foreign collections, survey and re-production, basis of grant-in-aid for, 330-333. National Film Institute of Ireland, The, production of films by in Irish and proportion of grant-in-aid allotted therefor, 339. Place Names Commission, Vote in which provision for included, 340. Publications in Irish: books unsold, disposal of as waste paper, list of, possibility of situation recurring, publication of and question of disposing of them to schools or libraries, 319-329, Appendix XXI. Par. 18. manuscripts, paid for and not published, 319, 322. Secondary Education: Irish text books, publication of by independent publishers, reasons for the arrangements: grants for and their repayment, amounts of, 318. Secret Service: Certificate of Comptroller and Auditor General on Account, form and adequacy of, 16. Disbursements from Vote, nature of check on, 14-15. Social Assistance: Contributions of local authorities under Unemployment Assistance Acts, basis of and explanation of excess of receipts over estimate, 86-89. Equipment purchased for emergency food centres, completion of sale of, 90. Extra-statutory grants, type of cases in which paid, 85. Fuel, supply of for necessitous families, grants for, areas in which paid, their determination and relationship of local authorities with scheme, 80-84, Par. 13. National Council for the Blind, absence of provision in vote for grant to, 79. School Meals (Gaeltacht) scheme, no proposal to amend regulations in regard to, 78. School Meals scheme, new legislation in regard to, 77, Par. 1. Surpluses on subheads, 72. Unemployment assistance, saving on and explanation thereof, 73-75. Widows’ and Orphans’ pensions, saving on and possible explanations of, 76. Social Insurance: Investment Return: Aras Mhic Dhiarmada: rent payable by C.I.E., progress made in matter of settling, 66-69. Par. 12. Social Insurance Fund: Accounts of, delay in submitting for audit and position in regard to future audits of, 64-65, Par. 11. Payments from Vote to: amount of, 64. saving on and how it arose, 70-71. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Blind pensions, reduction in delay in examining applicants for, 62. Losses, recovery of in two cases, 63. Savings due to vacancies remaining unfilled and to retrenchments, nature of and method by which achieved, 60-61. State Laboratory: Analysis of road-making materials, recovery from Road Fund of half of salary of officer engaged on, justification for, 7-9, Appendix IV. Stationery Office: Paper, purchases of when stocks seemed adequate: circumstances of, 145-146. error in stock recording resulting in, 145-146, 148, 150, Par. 14. Printing and binding requirements, fall in, 151. Telephone directory: change in format of, additional expenditure resulting from and its recovery by savings in cost of printing and paper, 143-144. paper used in, additional expenditure arising from, 143. Stocktaking, extent, accuracy and dependability of system of, 147-149, 152, Par. 14. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Page 4 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Page 4 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Law books, purchase of, nature of provision for, 295. Stenography, accuracy of estimate for, explanation of, 294. Suttle, Mr. E. F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, page 91 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 1 (no question). Tourism: Issues from grant for encouragement and development of tourist traffic following the enactment of Tourist Traffic Act, 1955, 213. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Eireann: advances to, basis of computation, 183. advances to from Central Fund to meet payment of interest on transport stock, repayment of, 180. Galway-Aran Steamer Service: Dun Aengus: acquisition of and handing over of to C.I.E., 185. repair and disposal of, 189-190. Galway Bay Steam Boat Co., relationship with Government, compensation paid to and winding up of, 185-187. Supplementary Estimate for and expenditure on, necessity for, 184, 188, 191. Great Northern Railway Board: advances to, basis of computation, 183. financing of operations of, details of, 181-182. Harbours, Grants for, saving on due to delays by Harbour Boards, details of, 192. Protective Equipment for Irish Ships, nature of and expenditure on, 193-194. Universities and Colleges: Grants to, nature and basis of, 22. Grant to University College, Dublin, reason why full grant was not paid, 21, 23-24, Appendix VII. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Page 10 (no question). Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 3. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, 11. Civil Service Commission, 10. Commission and Special Inquiries, 12-13. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 6 (no question). Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 4 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 4-6. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General, 48-52. Law Charges, 17-20. Management of Government Stocks, page 2 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 25-27. National Development Fund, 31. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng, 28. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 2. President’s Establishment, page 1 (no question). Remuneration, 29-30. Secret Service, 14-16. State Laboratory, 7-9. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 4 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants, page 4 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the, page 1 (no question). Universities and Colleges, 21-24. Wireless Broadcasting: Music pieces, absence of from library, explanation of, 309. Stores surplus to requirements, alternative use for, Par. 4. Witnesses, List of, page xxii. |
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