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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualifications are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Artificial insemination of livestock, complaints regarding premature birth of calves, 187. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, experimental plot of vines at, position in regard to, 189. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, scope of, expenditure on, receipts from disposal of cattle and financing of in Sligo and Bansha, 182. Butter Marketing Committee, payments to from voted moneys and from Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund and trading losses of, 184. Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society Ltd., payment from Vote of instalments due by to Agricultural Credit Corporation, agreement in regard to the repayment thereof by Society and improvement in financial position of Society, 176-177. Dairy Disposal Co. Ltd., financial position of, 184. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, income of and payments from, 184. Dairy Produce Subsidies, expenditure on, 184. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, expenditure on: particulars of, 178. reduction in, explanation of, 186. Flax Act, 1936, functions of Department under, 188. Grain storage loans, terms of, amounts issued by way of and repayment of, 183. Johnstown Castle, lily garden at, progress of, 190. Land Project: expenditure on, 179. section A of project, scope of and amount of grants issued under 180. section B of project, scope of and amount of grants issued under, 181. Mounding plough, explanation of term, 191. Pasteurisation of separated milk, grants for installation of plant, amount of and recoupment of from Grant Counterpart Special Account, 182. Pigs and Bacon Commission, payments to in respect of subsidy on Grade A bacon, 182. Rural Organisations to which grants paid, 185.” Superphosphate: loss on importation and distribution of, writing off of, par. 5. subsidy on home produced, expenditure on, 182. Swine fever, steps taken to counteract and compensation paid in connection therewith, 183. Appendices, List of, page 88. Appropriation Accounts (1955-56): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Special Allowances, removal of obligation on recipients to notify improvement in means and regularising of overpayments made because of failure to do so, 132. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Admission charges at Airports, particulars of, 113. Aer Rianta, accumulated deficit of, recoupment of from surplus earned on management of Dublin Airport, 106-107. Catering service at Shannon Airport, excess of estimate over actual receipts, explanation of, 110. Catering staff at Shannon Airport, transport for provision of, 108. Constructional work, including furnishing of buildings, and acquisition of land, expenditure on, 105. Crash launch, cost of purchase of and subhead under which accounted for, 112. Ex gratia payments, circumstances in which made, 111. Grass meal, manufacture of from grass grown at Airports, 109. Operation of Dublin and Shannon Airports, particulars of receipts and expenses, 105. Central Statistics Office: Passenger card inquiry, continuance of, 5. Chairman: Election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Funds under control of Commissioners, increase in, 133, Trustees, absence of nomination of in bequest, position of Commissioners in the event of, 134. Chomhairle Ealaion, An: Page 3 (no question). Circuit Court: Interest on bank accounts, nature of, 59. Civil Service Commission: Recruitment by, delay in procedure of, 7. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Civil Service (Compensation) Board, conclusion of work of, 9. Commissions and Inquiries not specifically provided for, 10. Irish Manuscripts Commission, progress of work of, Par. 8. Place Names Commission, progress of work of, 8, 12, Appendix IV., Par. 8. Total expenditure on, details of, 11, Appendix V., Par. 8. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXIII. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, 182. Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society Ltd., 176-177. Farm Buildings Scheme and Water Supplies, 178. Land Project, 179-181. Pasteurisation of Separated Milk, Grants for, 182. Pigs and Bacon Commission, Payments to, 182. Superphosphate, subsidy on home-produced and removal of Customs duty on foreign, 179, 182. Army Pensions: Special allowances, overpayments, regularising of position in regard to, 132. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Transport of Catering Staff, Shannon Airport, 108. Comptroller and Auditor-General’s Account: Appropriations-in-Aid, items included in, other than audit fees, 342. Auditor, employment of outside, 341. Defence: Losses, written off, 122. Military Lands, compilation of register of, 121. Provisions, production of, 120. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Schemes administered under, details of, 173. Fisheries: Compensation and ex gratia payments, 192. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Establishment of and transfer of services to, 311. Gaeltacht Services: Gaeltarra Éireann: knitwear yarn, stocks of, defects in stores accounting procedure, 275A, 278-279, 282, 291, 295. trading accounts, preparation and furnishing of, 307-309. General Report: Surrender of balances on Votes, 21. Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna, grants to for, experiment and research work, 74. Flour and wheaten meal subsidy, 62-64, 66-67. Mianrai Teoranta, payments by, 74. Min Fhéir, Teoranta, liquidation of, 76. National Development Fund, nature of, 93. Lands: Embankment on River Fergus, delay in effecting repair of, necessitating extra expenditure, 312, 315. Local Government: Motor tax account, 198-199. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial Drainage, expenditure on, 153. Garda station, provision of excessive accommodation for single men in, 137-138. New works, alterations and additions, 136. Preparatory College, additional expenditure on, necessitated by damp penetration, 141. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Estate Duty Office, review of staffing of, 35. Social Assistance: Overpayments, 218. Social Insurance: Investment return to Social Insurance Fund, 216-217. Payments to Social Insurance Fund, 214. Tourism: Auditor’s certificate on Vote, form of, 118. Irish Tourist Board, advances to and repayment thereof and disposal of property of, 114-116. Transport and Marine Services: Coras Iompair Éireann, payments to or on behalf of, 94. Great Northern Railway Board, payments to, 95, 97. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund, Repayments to: Contingency Fund, functions and purposes of, 19. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 59. District Court, 58. Garda Síochána, 36-51, 343-344. Justice, Office of the Minister for, page 11 (no question). Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 16 (no question). Prisons, 52-57. Public Record Office, page 16 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 60-61. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 224. Cremin, Mr. C. C.: External Affairs, 263-273. International Co-operation, 274-275. Defence: Animals and Forage, saving on provision of forage due to non-replacement of horses, 123. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh bakery, 120. Bureau of Military History, winding up of, 129. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, provision for, basis of assessment of and issue of boots for, 128. Insurance, practice in regard to, 124, 126, 131. Irish Red Cross Society, grant for, basis on which paid, 127. Land, sale of surplus, advertising for sale of and explanation of excess of estimate over receipts, 130. Losses written off, particulars in regard to, 122. Meat, production of at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, cost of and average price of cattle purchased, 120. Military Lands, compilation of register of, position in regard to 121, Par. 9. Wet Time Insurance, persons in Department’s service covered by and result of application for exemption, 125, Appendix VIII. Dempsey, Mr. J.: Agriculture, 176-191. Fisheries, 192-195. District Court: Our Lady’s Home, Henrietta St., Dublin, grant for, basis and purpose of, 58. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 66 (no question). Dundrum Asylum: Farms and gardens, increased receipts from, cessation of pig feeding at and sale of swill, 224. Education, Office of the Minister for: Irish vocabularies, preparation of, nature of work on, 225. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes etc., amount of, method of accounting for payments, 173. Improvement works carried out by Office of Public Works on behalf of Special Employment Schemes Office, nature of, 173. National Development Fund, utilisation of moneys from to supplement expenditure on certain schemes, 173. Schemes administered by Special Employment Schemes Office either directly or through agency of county engineers, expenditure on, type of work carried out and comparison between the two methods from economy viewpoint, 173-175. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 4 (no question). External Affairs: Gift to Pope, supplementary estimate for, 266. Incidental Expenses: bank charges, expenditure on, absence of provision for, basis of, and circumstances in which incurred, 270-271. excess of expenditure over estimate, explanation of, 268. newspapers, excess of expenditure over estimate, postage of and likely trend of future expenditure on, 268-269, 273. Irish News Agency, provision of additional money for by means of virement, 265. Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on, explanation of and effect of delay in filling United Nations posts on, 263. Travelling Expenses, excess of expenditure over estimate, explanation of, 264, 267, 272. Fagan, Mr. G. P.: Office of Public Works, 135. Public Works and Buildings, 136-172. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Page 2 (no question). Fisheries: Compensation, amount paid by way of, and in interest thereon, 192. Ex gratia payments, amount paid by way of, 192. Fish farms, progress made in establishing, 195. Scientific Investigations, restriction of, reason for, 193. Whale fisheries, functions of Department in connection with, 194. Forestry: Forest development and maintenance, nature of work comprising, 334. Foresters, vacancies for and difficulties in recruiting, 338. Oil drums, loss of, circumstances of, 339. Starter, carriage and packing costs of returning to manufacturer, and starter switch, value of, writing off of, 340. Thinning: policy in regard to if sale of thinnings insufficient to cover cost of work, 335, Appendix XXI. sale of thinnings standing, savings resulting from and procedure followed in regard to, 336-337. Travelling expenses, apportionment of as between public and private transport, 333, Appendix XXI. Gaeltachta, Roinn na: Establishment of and transfer of services to, 311. Gaeltacht Services: Gaeltacht housing, delays in certifying work, 310. Gaeltarra Éireann: accounts due to, amount of in relation to turnover and number of overdue, 293-294. advertising, apportionment of expenditure on as between home and foreign trade and saving on due to fall in volume of foreign trade, 305-306. cost accounting system, installation of a revised, delay in proceeding with, 298. exported goods, quotations at c.i.f. prices, 304. freight costs, nature of, 303. fuel oil, use of, 299. knitwear yarn stocks, adjustment of records to agree with stocks: discrepancies, nature, investigation and explanation of: errors in records, responsibility for and extent of: method of accounting and invoicing, adequacy of and position as at 1st April, 1958, report on, 275A-292, 295, Par. 16. trading accounts, preparation and furnishing of, position in regard to the, 307-309. turf-burning system, installation of at Kilcar, progress in regard to and responsibility for, 300-301. turf, use of, 302. Travelling Expenses, excess of expenditure over estimate explanation of, and apportionment of as between public transport and private cars, 296-297, Appendix XIX. Garda Síochána: Barrack maintenance, fuel, light and water, high cost of in view of reduction in number of stations, 36. Fees for stamping of bottles, increase in receipts from, explanation of, 45. Garda Station, Thurles, provision of accommodation for single men at in excess of apparent requirements, explanation of, 343-344, Par. 10.—see also Public Works and Buildings. Garda Síochána Reward Fund, payments from, basis of and conditions under which payable and income of, source of, 49-51. Local Security Force: compensation claims, continuance and basis of and number of new, 41-43. funds, unexpended balance of credited as Extra Exchequer Receipt, source of, 47. Locomotion expenses, items covered by, 44. Motor park attendants’ fees, persons by whom paid, 46. Sign, purchase of interior sign for Garda cars which was not used, explanation of, 48. Transport and Carriage: matters covered by, 44. use of cars in Northern Ireland and resultant expenses on driving licences and insurance, necessity for, 37-40, Appendix VII. Transport maintenance service, system of cost control of, Par. 2. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 198-202. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Accounts of the Public Services, earlier presentation of, 20. Balances on 1955-56 Votes surrendered, amount of, 21. Exchequer extra receipts, amount of, 21. Foreign Exchange Account, exam ination of, 23. National Development Fund, payments into, issues from, winding up of and surrender of balance in, 23. Outturn of year, details of, 21. Stock and Store Accounts, result of examination of, 22. Government Property, Rates on: Aras Mhic Dhiarmuda, letting of, question of not relevant to Vote, 203. Contributions in lieu of rates on premises occupied by British Government Department, delay in paying, 204. Government Stocks, Management of: Page 2 (no question). Health: Accounts, audit of, and certification of by health authorities, position in regard tom 196, Par. 12. Voluntary Health Insurance Board, loan to, token provision for, explanation of, 197. Honohan, Mr. W. A.: Social Assistance, 218-223. Social Insurance, 214-217. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 210-213. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 28 (no question). Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna, experiment and research work of, payments for, future financing of and nature of grant for, 72-73. Food (Flour and Wheaten Meal) Subsidies: Bank accommodation, increase in cost of, and ocean freight rates, increase in, affect of on, 78. Expenditure on, 62. Payments to and by Grain Importers in respect of: basis of flour subsidy, 64-65. basis of wheaten meal subsidy, 67. examination of millers’ accounts, completion of, 64. particulars of payments to, 63. recoupment of rebates allowed to exporters of confectionery and biscuits, 66. Foras Tionscal, An, nature of grant paid to, 83. Fuel Subsidy: Coal held by Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd.: amount held in stock, 70. price at which sold, 69. purpose for which ultimately used, 71. Payments to Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd., in respect of losses, amount and basis of, 68. Industrial consultants, function of Department in regard to, 90-91. Institute for Industrial Research and Standards: Grant for additional laboraties and equipment, nature of and conditions under which payable, 81-82. Grant for administration of, nature of and reason why not drawn in full, 80-82. Mianraí Teoranta, liability of for advances and interest thereon, payments made in respect of, postponement of payment of instalments and writing off of, balances outstanding, 74-75. Mineral rights acquired, legal difficulties in connection with, 79. Min Fhéir, Teoranta, winding up of and financial position of at liquidation, 76-77. National Development Fund, reason why certain projects financed from and general nature of, 92-93. Technical Assistance Projects, recoupment of expenditure on from Grant Counterpart Fund: expenditure incurred in expectation of recoupment which did not materialise, explanation of, 85. projects not proceeded with or deferred, explanation of, 88. qualifications necessary for recoupment, 86, 89. treatment of as Appropriations-in-Aid, 87. Trade Pavilion at Frankfurt, saving on, explanation of, 84. International Co-operation: Contributions towards United Nations Children’s Fund, Technical Assistance Programme, and United Nations Emergency Force, trend of expenditure on and non-recurrent nature of, 274-275. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Page 11 (no question). Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Page 16 (no question). Lands: Building contract, increased cost of wages under, payment made in respect of, circumstances of, 319. Coast Erosion: annuities written off following damage by, details of, 329. protection from, responsibility for, 330. vested and non-vested lands, difference between in matter of claims for extinction of annuities, 332, Appendix XX. Compulsory saving, nature of, 318. Embankment on River Fergus, repair of break in: delay in proceeding with resulting in increased costs, circumstances surrounding, 312-315, Par. 17. future maintenance of and of chain of other embankments, 313, 316. maintenance of embankments subhead, reason why recourse was not had to, 322. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer: Miscellaneous, excess of receipts over estimate, explanation of, 328. Rent and Interest Account, source of income of and amount and explanation of surplus income of, 326-327. Extra remuneration paid to solicitor and assistant solicitor, continuance of, 332A. Land Act, 1950, gratuity under section 9, 323. Land Bonds, deficiencies on realisation of by Revenue Commissioners, obligation of Land Commission in regard to, 320-321. Repayable Exchequer advance, repayment of, 331. Statutes appertaining to Vote, 317. Sheep and lambs of tenant, ex gratia payment made following death of, 325. Stolen materials, writing off of value of, 324. Law Charges: Page 5 (no question). Local Government: Audits, reduction in staff and delays in, explanation of, 201. Local Government Law, revision and codification of, progress of work, on, 200. Local Loans Fund, audit of, responsibility for, 202. Motor Tax Account, test examination of, details of, receipts of, and delay in completing certain audits, 198-199. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 105-113. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 28 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 62-93. Tourism, 114-118. Transport and Marine Services, 94-104. McGrath, Mr. J. N.: Ordnance Survey, 205-206. Rates on Government Property, 203-204. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 53 (no question). MacMahon, Lieutenant General P.: Army Pensions, 132. Defence, 119-131. MacNamara, Mr. Brinsley: National Gallery, page 59 (no question). Malone, Mr. T. J.: Stationery Office, 207-209. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 133-134. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 19th February, 1958 of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses: Page 5 (no question). National Gallery: Page 59 (no question). Post card reproductions, arrangements for display and sale of, Par. 7. Ó Braonáin, Mr. S.: Gaeltachta, Roinn na, 311. Gaeltacht Services, 275A-310. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 333-340. Lands, 312-332A. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 256-261. Wireless Broadcasting, 262. Ó Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General: Ó Cinnéide, Mr. P.: Health, 196-197. Ó hEigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 173-175. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng: Transfer of, 17. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Members, use of term instead of Deputies, 3. Overpayment, refund of, circumstances of, 4. O Raifeartaigh, Mr. T.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page 66 (no question). Education, Office of the Minister for, 225. Primary Education, 226-232. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 252-255. Science and Art, 236-251. Secondary Education, 233-235. Technical Instruction, page 62 (no question). Ordnance Survey: Cloths purchased, nature of and use for, 205. Place Names Survey, transfer of to Vote, 206. Pensions, Increase in: Temporary nature of Vote, 18. Posts and Telegraphs: Contract work not undertaken, particulars of, 260. Losses by default, accident, etc., particulars of, 256. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services, test examination of accounts and details of revenue from, 258. Post Office Factory, value of work done in, 257. Savings Bank, test examination and details of accounts of, 259. Stores, test examination and value of, 257. Telegrams, continued fall in number of, 258. Telephones, average delay in providing, 261. President’s Establishment: Salaries, Wages and Allowances, expenditure on less than grant for, 2. Primary Education: Ex gratia payments to certain retired teachers, number of claims for outstanding, 232. Free school books for necessitous children, grants towards cost of, merits of scheme, 231. Irish Language Grant, provision for, 230. National Schools, grants authorised for, information in regard to in respect of each County, 226, Appendix XVII. School requisites, free grants for, schools to which scheme applies, 227. Vested and unvested schools: distinction between, 228. Model Schools, category in which included, 229. Prisons: Farms and gardens, produce of used in prisons, fall in value of, explanation of, 52-54. Incidental expenses, explanation of decrease in, clarification of, 57. Manufacturing Departments and Farms, margin of profit on, 56. Victualling: average cost per prisoner, 53. saving on, explanation, 55. Public Record Office: Page 16 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Abbotstown Farm, Foundation Stock Farm, re-invitation of tenders for, necessity for, 158. Arterial Drainage Construction Works, expenditure on, details of, 153. Boring survey at Ballycotton, Co, Cork, outcome of, 163, Appendix XIII. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park. accounts in respect of and purchase of lambs, 172, Appendix XV. Buncrana Harbour, payment of grant for and carrying out of work at, 160. Castlebar Inland Revenue Office, estimate for additional accommodation at, expenditure on compared with, 157. Central Furniture Stores, fall in value of stocks at, 167. Commodore Barry Memorial: delay in completing payment for, 156. estimate for, expenditure on compared with, 157. Customs Stations, erection of notice boards at, 159, Appendix XII. Fishery, dredging and works of economic development, estimate for, inaccuracy of, 161. Forestry School, Shelton Abbey, completion of work at, 166. Fuel, Light, Water, Cleaning etc., excess expenditure on, 168. Garda Síochána Stations: Kinsale, revised scheme for, nature of, 165. Swanlinbar, cost of and of Customs Station, 164. Thurles, provision of excessive accommodation for single men at, circumstances of and responsibility of Office of Public Works in matter of, 137-140, Par. 10.—see also Garda Siochána. Kilmore Quay, dredging operations at, success of, 162. Leinster House, reconstruction of loggias at, estimate for, 155. Manufacturing Costs, method of determining, Par. 6. National schools, local contribution toward cost of works at, 169. New works, alterations and additions, expenditure on, details of, 136, Appendix X. Ordnance Survey Office, estimate for improvement of heating at, expenditure on compared with, 157. Owenogarney Embankment Scheme, nature of 170. Pavilions at Phoenix Park, erection of, progress in regard to, 154, Appendix XI. Preparatory College Ballyvourney, Co. Cork, damp penetration in at early stage of its existence necessitating additional expenditure: history of erection of, and labour difficulties associated with: efficacy of design: cause of dampness and adequacy of supervision, 141-152, Appendix IX, Par. 11. Registers and rentals of State lands and buildings, 171, Appendix XIV. Swanlinbar Garda Station and Customs Station, cost of, 164. Time and material contracts, checking of, Par. 3. Public Works, Office of: Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Ltd., claims of Commissioners against, settlement of and basis thereof, 135. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Marlborough House: average population of, 255. psychiatric examination, absence of provision for, 254. staffing of, 253. Misappropriation of funds, action taken in regard to, recovery of portion of and writing off of balance, 252. Report of the Committee: Page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Collectors and Assessors of Taxes, remuneration of: basis of, 29. increase in and provision therefor, 28. Customs and excise duties, extra-statutory repayments of, amounts of, 27. Customs Co-operation Council, description of, 31. Customs sales, proceeds from, explanation of low return from, 32. Estate Duty Office: accounting procedure in, revision of, Par. 4. review of staffing of, 35. Estate etc., duties, explanation of, fall in revenue from and particulars of duties included in, 24. Forfeitures and seizures, disposal of, 34, Appendix VI. Protective assessment, definition of, 26. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, test examination and particulars of, 27. Remission without statutory authority, circumstances in which made, 27. Revenue account, text examination of, 24. Revenue instrument, definition of, 30. Revenue yield for 1955-56 and 1956-57, particulars of, 24. Rewards for detection of smuggling, effect of remission to smuggler on, 33. Special Import Levy, payment of into Capital Fund, 25. Tax assessments outstanding, particulars of, 25. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 24-35. Science and Art: Irish colleges in Gaeltacht, reason why no grants paid to, 251. National Gallery, grant to, disposal of any portion of not spent, 241. National Library: catalogue of books in, availability of, 239. grant for, surrender of savings on, 237. storage space, adequacy of and effect of on work of library, 238, 240. National Museum: director of, holder of office, 236. grant for, disposal of any portion of not spent, 241. Newspapers and Periodicals publishing in Irish: Efficiency of production of and circulation of, Par. 15. Grants for: amounts paid in 1956-57 to certain periodicals and papers published entirely in Irish, 250, Appendix XIX. conditions which determine eligibility for, 247. Newspapers that use Irish in part, number of, 249. Papers and periodicals published entirely in Irish and subsidised from vote, details of, 248. Publications in Irish by An Gúm, sales of: extent of, 242. prices at which sold, 243. Stationery Office, function of in regard to, 244. trend of, 245. Scholarships, saving on, circumstances in which effected, 246, Secondary Education: Allowances in aid of rent, circumstances in which payable to teachers, 234. Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Duties, sum payable out of, statutory nature of and accuracy of estimate, 235. Registration Council, receipts and payments account of, 233. Secretary and Director of Audit: Posts and Telegraphs: Losses by default, accident etc. 256. Post Office Factory, value of work done in, 257. Savings Bank, accounts of, 259. Store accounts, 257. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Misappropriation of funds, 252. Secondary Education: Registration Council, accounts of, 233. See also Comptroller and Auditor General and Suttle, Mr. E. F. Secret Service: Page 4 (no question). Social Assistance: Footwear for necessitous children, grants towards supply of, basis of assessment, 222. Fuel for necessitous families, grants towards supply of, increase in numbers participating in scheme, reason for, 221. Overpayments, amounts recovered, written off and outstanding and number of prosecutions in respect of fradulent claims, 218. Unemployment Assistance, fradulent claims for: extent of and efficacy of system for dealing with, 219-220. overpayments made as result of, recovery of, 223. Social Insurance: Social Insurance Fund: Investment return from moneys invested in Aras Mhic Dhiarmuda: assessment and computation of, 216-217, Appendix XVI, Par. 14. rent due by C.I.E., progress made in settling and payments made on account, 215, Par. 14. Payments to from voted moneys, amount of, adjustment of on completion of audit and progress made in clearing audits outstanding, 214. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Blind Pensions: average annual number of applicants, 212. Blind Pensions Medical Certificates, nature of, 211. delay in dealing with applications for, 213. Rooms for Official Purposes, provision for, circumstances in which need for arises, 210. State Laboratory: Analysis of road-making material, recovery from Road Fund in respect of, review of, 6. Stationery Office: Advertising of publications, steps taken in regard to, 208. Printing error necessitating additional expenditure, circumstances of, 209. Sales Office: trading account of, suggested appending of to appropriation account, Par. 13. turnover in, 207. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Page 4 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Saving on Additional Grant, proportion of due to lower rates and to fewer claims for employment allowance, 13. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Bankruptcy Court fees and Lunacy Percentages, estimates for, 60. Fees (stamps), excess of receipts over estimate, explanation of, 61. Suttle, Mr. E. F.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 341-342. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Taoiseach, Department of the: Page 2 (no question). Technical Instruction: Page 62 (no question). Tourism: Certificate of Comptroller and Auditor General on Vote, form of, 118. Irish Tourist Board, advances to, position in regard to repayment thereof and of interest thereon and disposal of property acquired by the Board, 114-116. Liability of Accounting Officer in connection with grant for, 117. Transport and Marine Services: Coras Iompair Éireann, payments to or on behalf of, details of, 94, Great Northern Railway Board, payments to, amounts of and basis of computation, 95-97. Harbours, delays in proceeding with work, explanation of, effect of on preliminary expenditure and overcoming of, 98-99. Inquiry into shipping casualty, travelling expenses in connection with, subhead under which shown, 101. Protective equipment for Irish ships, nature of and future plans in regard to provision of, 102-103. Rocket equipment, deferring of purchase of, explanation of, 104. Travelling expenses, overspending on, explanation of, 100. Universities and Colleges: National University, nature of grant for, 14. Responsibility for Vote, change in, 15. University College Galway, saving on provision for, reason for, 16. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Page 53 (no question). Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 5. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, page 3 (no question). Civil Service Commission, 7. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 8-12. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, 19. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 4 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, page 2 (no question). General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General, 20-23. Law Charges, page 5 (no question). Management of Government Stocks, page 2 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, page 5 (no question). Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng, 17. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 3-4. Pensions, Increases in, 18. President’s Establishment, 2. Secret Service, page 4 (no question). State Laboratory, 6. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 4 (no question). Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 13. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 2 (no question). Universities and Colleges, 14-16. Wireless Broadcasting: Music pieces, disappearance of from library, criminal proceedings in regard to, 262. Witnesses, List of: Page xxii. |
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