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APPENDIX II.MINUTE OF THE MINISTER FOR FINANCE ON REPORT DATED 19 FEBRUARY, 1958, OF THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTSParagraphs 1, 2, 5, 11 and 18.These paragraphs do not appear to call for comment. GARDA SIOCHANAParagraph 3.—Cost control of the transport maintenance service.The Minister is informed that the information derived from operating the system of cost control of the transport maintenance service recommended by the firm of management consultants is being studied but that it is still too early to come to definite conclusions. The Committee will be informed of these in due course. WIRELESS BROADCASTINGParagraph 4.—Emergency reserve stores for the maintenance of wireless transmitting stations.The efforts to dispose as a working unit of the shortwave transmitter and associated stores have not so far proved successful. PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGSParagraph 6.—Adaptation of Shelton Abbey buildings.As already indicated “time and material” contracts are exceptional and usually of a kind that do not involve substantial expenditure. Where, exceptionally, a major contract is placed on a time and material basis, supervision is exercised through the following arrangements, viz., (1) the architect in charge is responsible for the general supervision of the work which he inspects frequently during its progress; (2) a full-time resident clerk of works, directly responsible to the architect, is employed for supervising the quality and rate of the work, the quality and quantity of materials used, and for checking the contractor’s time sheets; (3) a quantity surveyor is retained for checking accounts for labour and materials, for measuring work to be paid for at quantity rates, for preparing certificates and for examining the contractor’s records, including invoices, order books, etc. In the altogether exceptional circumstances of Shelton Abbey, a quantity surveyor was not retained as it was found impracticable to prepare bills of quantities for certain parts of the works and the extent of the work required to eradicate dry rot, originally estimated to be quite small, was not discovered until work was in progress. Paragraph 7.—Lighting sets for excavators.The response to advertisements for sale of the lighting sets was disappointing. Efforts to dispose of them are being pursued and the Committee will be advised in due course of the result. LANDSParagraph 8.—Instructions regarding central purchasing.Copies of the instructions governing central purchasing are being made available for the information of the Committee.* Paragraph 9.—Cleaning of drains.The Committee will be informed when a final decision on the issues involved has been reached. OFFICE OF THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERSParagraph 10.—Cases subject to review in the Estate Duty Branch.The Revenue Commissioners recently completed a comprehensive inspection of the organisation of their Estate Duty Branch. They are at present preparing proposals for a re-organisation of the work and staffing of the Branch. These proposals include a revision of accounting procedures which the Commissioners hope will meet fully the requirements of the Comptroller and Auditor General. The Commissioners expect that the proposed measures will reduce considerably the number of cases coming up for automatic review in the Estate Duty Branch and that, in addition, the arrears of cases already accumulated will be cleared off within a relatively short period of time. SOCIAL INSURANCEParagraph 12.—Rent of premises occupied by Córas Iompair Eireann.The leasing of part of Áras Mhic Dhiarmada as a bus station has given rise to certain legal problems in settling the terms of the lease. Pending the solution of these problems, Córas Iompair Éireann has made a further substantial payment on account of the rent proposed by the Minister for Social Welfare. The Minister understands that this matter is being dealt with as expeditiously as possible. SOCIAL ASSISTANCEParagraph 13.—Scheme for the supply of fuel for necessitous families.The views of the Committee have been conveyed to and are under consideration by the Department of Social Welfare. The Committee will be informed of the outcome in due course. STATIONERY OFFICEParagraph 14.—Stocktaking of paper.The Minister agrees with the views of the Committee. INDUSTRY AND COMMERCEParagraph 15.—Adjustment of subsidy payments on termination of flour and wheatenmeal subsidy.The Minister is informed by the Department of Industry and Commerce that it is expected that this matter will be disposed of within the current year. AGRICULTUREParagraph 16.—Importation and distribution of superphosphate by Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teo.The Minister is informed by the Department of Agriculture that certain insurance claims which arose in connection with the operation of the scheme still remain to be settled. When these claims have been disposed of, the authority of Dáil Éireann will be sought to write-off the total loss incurred on the scheme. FISHERIESParagraph 17.—Arrears of annuities in respect of repayable advances to the Irish Sea Fisheries Association for boats and gear.The matter is receiving attention and every effort will be made to expedite a decision. PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGSParagraph 19.—Overheads at the Central Engineering Workshop.The Commissioners of Public Works consider, and the Minister agrees, that while it is desirable to make the greatest possible use of the plant available in the Central Engineering Workshop, manufacture must always be subsidiary to the repair and maintenance works which are the primary purpose of the workshop. The Commissioners agree that, in determining manufacture costs for purposes of comparison with commercial prices, overhead charges should be excluded to the extent that these would be incurred whether or not manufacture took place. No practical difficulty is expected in excluding such charges. Paragraph 20.—Store records at the Central Engineering Workshop.The investigation is proceeding and the result will be communicated to the Committee in due course. NATIONAL GALLERYParagraph 21.—Sales of Reproductions.No representations about the inadequacy of the present arrangements for display and sale of reproductions have been made to the Minister. He is, however, enquiring into the matter. The Minister understands that the system of accounting for cash has been reviewed and that a new system of records is now being operated. Paragraph 22.—Inventories of Pictures.The Minister is informed that the main difficulty in making a full inventory of the pictures in the Gallery is the lack of space. The matter is under consideration at present. GAELTACHT SERVICESParagraph 23.—Store accounting for stocks of finished goods at Dublin Depot.The situation adverted to in the Report under reference, together with the Committee’s observations thereon, is under examination, and a further communication in the matter will be addressed to the Committee as soon as possible.
* Note: These instructions have been furnished to the Committee. |
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