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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualifications are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Abbotstown farm, adaptation of building at, for use as a veterinary college, position in regard to work on and cost of, 643-644. Agents employed on special agricultural, etc. schemes, number and location of, 659. Agricultural conditions, reports on: Harvest conditions in County Donegal: inaccuracy of report on, 669. sources of, 667. use of, 668. Agricultural societies and shows grants to, bodies to which grants are paid, 666. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme: Grant Counterpart Funds agreement, effective date of, 613. loss on animals slaughtered, variations in, reason for, 608. number of cattle tested, 609. reactors, sale of, prohibition on, 611-612. salaries, wages and allowances, saving on, explanation of in view of high expenditure on scheme, 672. scope and financing of, 607. slaughter of animals under, procedure regarding, 610. veterinarians’ fees, 614. Bryce Bequest (Garnish Island, Glengariff): expenditure on and receipts from property, 579. fees, payment of by visitors, continuance of and delay in putting system of in train, 582-584. period during which property was under control of Department, 585. property included in, 581. transfer of to Office of Public Works and reason therefor, 580. Butter Marketing Committee: deficit of, sources from which recouped, 622. payments to, 619, 631. Butter Subsidy: expenditure on, 619. production allowance, payment of in addition to subsidy, 620. Co-Operative Fruit Growers’ Society Ltd.: Advances by Agricultural Credit Corporation to, guarantee as to capital and interest: agreement with society in regard to, 586, 591. payments under, 586. Area and extent of society’s activities, 589-590. Financial position of, 587. Progress being made by, 588. County committees of agriculture, grants to, saving on, explanation of, 657. Cow-testing associations, reduction in number of, 656. Dairy bulls, purchase of, organisation for and reason for failure to obtain required number of, 650-653. Dairy Disposal Company: Distribution of reconstituted milk during milk strike in Dublin and Cork: milk powder, price of to distributors, reason for variation in, 634. recoupment of losses on, from Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 631. scheme for, details of, 631. stocks of milk powder on hands at end of strike, disposal of, 633. Goodwill, provision of in balance sheet, justification of, 635. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund: balance in, available for payment of production allowance, 632. income of, 631. payments from, 621-622, 631. Educational tours for instructors in agriculture, financing of, 646. Eggsport Ltd., winding up of: compensation to employees, basis of 575. deficit on, explanation and certification of, 568-574. liquidators’ fees and expenses, period covered by and nature of, 576-578. Exhibits of agricultural products in Great Britain, impracticability of arranging for at as many centres as possible, 670. Farm buildings scheme and water supplies: arrears of applications, 594. expenditure on, 592. grants under, amount of, reason for increase in, 593. Fencing, erection of in congested districts, loans for, nature of scheme and absence of applications under, 678. Fertiliser credits (wheat) scheme, position in regard to, 673. Fines incurred by holders of milling licences, remission of, circumstances of, 680-681. Food and Agricultural Organisation: meetings of and attendance at, 675-676. overpayment to and refund of, 674. Glasshouses, heating of, suspension of experiments in regard to and reason therefor, type used and purpose of, 660-665. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, 1951, loans under: conditions and terms of and amounts issued by way of, 615. demand for, 616. rate of interest on, 617. repayment of, basis of, 618. Horticultural crops in Athlone area, temporary scheme for growing, duration of, 658. Land Reclamation Scheme: applications under, increase in, 600. bog reclamation, absence of grants for, 606. contractors, contact of Department with, 602. direct labour, counties in which used, 599. disposal of machinery: loss on including depreciation, 596-597. sale of, 595. units undisposed of, 598. expenditure on, 595. Galway, nature of scheme operated in, 599. labour costs, explanation of increase in, in view of saving on other payments, 671. maximum permissible cost, 601, 603-605. scope of, changes in, 595. Motor van, depreciation as a result of an accident, unusual use of term, 679. O.E.E.C., recommendations of in regard to liberalisation of trade, 677. Overpayments, explanation of refund of, 674. Poultry and egg production, improvement of, grants for and administration of scheme for, 654-655. Private agricultural schools, course of teaching prescribed, 645. Salaries, wages and allowances, provision for in vote, staff covered by, 636-637. Scholarships in agriculture, reason why not availed of to full extent and action taken in event of interruption of course, 648-649. Seed testing and propagation: extent of activities for, 641. location of stations for, 640. pedigree seed wheat, certification and sale of, 642. Shannon flooding, alleviation of distress caused by, grant-in-aid for, expenditure on and administration of, 623-624. Students attending agricultural courses, subsequent careers of, 647. Superphosphate, importation and distribution of by Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann Teoranta: advances for, amount and repayment of, 625. foreign produced superphosphate, duty on and issue of duty free licences for, 626. insurance claim in respect of, 627. loss on and calculation thereof, 625, 630. stocks of, deterioration of and effect on price, 628-629. Telegrams and telephones, saving on, 639. Travelling expenses, staff covered by, provision for in vote, 638. Appendices, List of, page 119. Appropriation Accounts (1953-54): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Army Pensions: Expenses of applicants and witnesses attending for examination, etc., investigation of position in regard to, 262. Medals, arrangements for verification of claims for, review of, Par. 2. Military service pensions, decrease in expenditure on, reason for, 260-261. Special allowances: estimate for, inaccuracy of, reason for, 263. recovery of allowances awarded to ineligible persons, impractibility of, Par. 2. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aircraft accident investigation, cost of, 391. Airports (Dublin and Shannon), operation of: cost of, 376, 382. landing fees, possibility of increasing, 385. losses on, amount and trend of, 383-384. Catering services (Dublin and Shannon): profits from, 376-377. sales of duty-free and other goods by, details of 378-379. Constructional works: expenditure on, amount of, 376. nature of, 380. Duty-free goods, receipts from sales of, 378-379. Equipment, saving on, 397. Furnishings of buildings, frequency of replacement of, 394. Hostel at Foynes, sale of, delay in completing, 386. Hotel premises at Foynes, low selling price and condition of at time of sale, 387. Land acquisition, small expenditure on, explanation of, 381. Landing fees, possibility of increasing, 385. Maintenance works, possibility of deterioration of buildings due to non-completion of, 395. Meteorological Stations, non-completion of proposed, 396. Rent and rates on land, expenditure on: non-inclusion of in Vote for Rates on Government Property, reason for, 393. proportion of, represented by rates, and valuation of property involved, 392. Telegrams, telephones and teleprinters: cost of, reason for amount of, 389. saving due to non-completion of meteorological stations, 396. saving due to non-provision of a private wire, 388. service provided, nature of, 390. Valuation of properties at Shannon Airport, 392. Breathnach, Mr. M.: Public Works and Buildings: Stocktaking at Central Engineering Stores, report on outcome of, 482. Central Statistics Office: National Farm Survey, nature, basis and probable duration of and salaries and allowances of farm surveyor, 13-16. Staff, increase in, reason for, 12. Chairman: Election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Accounts, audit of by Local Government auditors, 65. Appropriations in Aid, nature of, 61. Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer, over-estimate of additional cost of salaries, 62. Par. 4 Funds: increase in, 63. trust fund for erection of library at Kilkee, 63-64. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Abstract of accounts, Tabling of with Report of Comptroller and Auditor General thereon, 21. Circuit Court: Advertising, nature of and reason for, 101-102. Reorganisation scheme, particulars of, 100. Civil Service Commission: Examinations not held, reason for, 20. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Civil Service (Compensation) Board, activities of, 22. Company Law Reform Committee, completion of work of, 23-25. Rents and Leaseholds Commission, progress of work of, 23. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XVIII. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Charitable Donations and Bequests: Accounts, audit of by Local Government auditors, 65. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Account, presentation of to the Houses of the Oireachtas, 21. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Staff: qualifications of, 862. retrenchment of and effect of on work, 859-860. training of, 861. Defence: A.R.P. equipment and medical stores, inspection of, and condemnation of certain medical equipment and drugs as unfit for further use, 215. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh bakery, 212. Defensive equipment, purchases deferred and stores ordered but not delivered, subsequent delivery of, 207. Legislation, enactment of permanent, 207. Meat, production of at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, cost of and average price of cattle purchased, 212. Motor cycles purchased in 1945, sale of reserve of, default by contracting purchaser and recovery of loss from him, 226. Tunics, accumulation of stock of, 233. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts, publication of, 206. Garda Síochána: Transport Fleet stores, storage and stocktaking, adequacy of arrangements for, 76. General Report: Foreign exchange account, receipts into, nature of, 4. National Development Fund: Account of Fund, audit of, 43. Issues from, 42. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Restaurant, expenses of the, payments made to former contractor, 9. Ordnance Survey: Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer, treatment of for accountancy purposes, 137. Posts and Telegraphs: Losses by default etc., 105. Primary Education: Average cost per student for maintenance and tuition in Preparatory Colleges, 157. Bequests and funds, rounding up of amounts to nearest pound, accounting of odd shillings accumulated thereby, 173. Farms and gardens attached to Preparatory Colleges, account of receipts from and expenditure on, 156. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Exchequer extra receipts, 60. Science and Art: Grants to colleges providing courses in Irish to persons other than teachers, payments made in respect of persons described as teachers and in respect of two courses (instead of one), 192. Secondary Education: Irish text books, grant towards publication of, 174. Wireless Broadcasting: Obsolete stores, purchase and disposal of, 128. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Contingency Fund, repayments to: Stamp duty remitted or refunded on deeds and other instruments for representatives of external Governments, reciprocity for Irish representatives abroad, 41. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 10 -102. District Court, page 20 (no question). Garda Síochána, 76-91. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 66-75. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 104. Prisons, 92-99. Public Record Office, page 21 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 103. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 564-567. Defence: Advertisements, saving on due to limited recruiting campaign, 252. Army: average strength of, 237. married strength of and tendency of married men to remain in service, 241. A.R.P. equipment and medical stores: drugs and surgical equipment condemned as unfit for use, 215. Par. 7. efficacy of arrangements for dealing with drugs and perishable stocks, 215-223. Par. 7. inspection of, 215. Books and manuals, reason for saving on, 253. Bread: cost of production of at Curragh bakery, 212. issue of rations, 214. Bureau of Military History, reason for excess expenditure on, 254. Clothing: Tunic stocks: accumulation of, reason for and period of, 233. quality of, 234. Uniform clothing: difficulty in obtaining cloth and reason for, 245. home manufacture of, 247. stocks of, 246. Compensation, reason for increase in payments for, 251. Defensive Equipment: equipment in service or on reserve, 209. purchases deferred and stores ordered but not delivered, subsequent delivery of, 207. purchases, planning of programme of, 208. servicability of, 210. standard of, 211. Engineer services, receipts in respect of repayment services: increase in, reason for, 257. source of, 258. Equitation teams at horse shows, reason for non-attendance at American shows, 239. Flooding of River Shannon, services of Army in alleviation of distress, recoupment of cost of, 225. Harvest, saving of in 1954, assistance rendered by Army, recovery of charges for, 224. Hides and offals, sale of, number and cost of cattle purchased, 259, Appendix XI. Legislation, enactment of permanent, 207. Losses on clothing and equipment unrecovered from members of An Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil: improvement in regard to, 235. nature of, 236. Meat, production of, at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs: cost of, and average price of cattle purchased, 212. high cost of meat, reason for, 212. issue of rations at week-ends, 214. percentage of, consumed in homes of serving personnel, 213, Appendix XI. Medals, issue of, state of work on. 255-256. Medical Corps, high strength of compared with Army as a whole, reason for, 242. Military educational courses abroad, location of, 238. Motor cycles, reserve of: circumstances of sale of, 226. Par. 8. condition of those unsold, 230. default by contracting purchaser, recovery of loss on sale, 226, 232. Par. 8. make of, 227. retention of, for spare parts, possibility of, 228. replacement of all motor cycles as alternative to sale of reserve, 229. servicing of, 231. Naval Service: examination of vessels, 249. number of vessels in, 248. patrol service by, 250. Petrol, increased consumption of, reason for in view of reduced transport of troops and stores, 244. Service bounty, average amount of, 240. X-ray equipment purchased, cost of, 243. Dempsey, Mr. J.: Agriculture, 568-681. Fisheries, 682-686. District Court: Page 20 (no question). Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts, delay in publication of, 206. Dundrum Asylum: Farm and garden: farm produce, increase in quantities available for sale, 565. pigs, trade in, profitable nature of, 564. Farm equipment, surplus of, reason for, 567. Leather-work, rug and mat-making, receipts from, fall in, reason for and difficulty in procuring market for, 566. Education, Office of the Minister for: Council of Education, fewer meetings of, 154. Irish vocabularies, preparation of: absence of expenditure on, 151. co-ordination of activities of bodies working on similar lines, 153. technical nature of, 152. Miscellaneous receipts, reason for increase in, 155. Staff reductions: amount of savings on, 150. permanent nature of, 149. subheads taken in groups, 147. Travelling expenses, increase in, 148. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes etc. to provide employment, amount of and audit of accounts of, 539. Minor employment works, difference in cost of when carried out by Department’s own engineers instead of by county council engineers, 543-544. Swimming pool in Sligo, construction of, sanction of grants for on basis of certain labour content which did not materialise, history and explanation of, 539-542. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Page 6 (no question). External Affairs: Celtic Congress, nature of, 555. Cultural Relations Committee: Booklets published under auspices of: contractual arrangements, 545-546. profit on, 549. sale of, 548. weekly bulletin, non-inclusion of, in, 547. Exchange compensation scheme: countries in which paid, 551. saving on, 550. Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer, inclusion of accumulated balances on dead accounts in, reason for, 556. Fees for consular services: Profits accruing to Irish bene-beneficiaries: form of, 559-560. percentage charged on, 558. type of service provided, 557. Irish News Agency: supplementary estimate for, obviation of need for, 552. total amount advanced to, 553. Official entertainment, charge for, Departments involved, 554. Salaries, wages and allowances, savings on, nature of, 550. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Commission on purchase of securities by Government stockbroker, absence of receipts from, reason for, 18. Salaries, wages and allowances, saving on, amount of due to staff retrenchment, 17. Fisheries: Boards of conservators and local authorities, grants to, excess expenditure on, explanation of and effect of discontinuance of salmon conservancy fund on, 684. Compensation claims: checks on, 685. number of outstanding, 683. overpayment in respect of, detection of, 685. Fish farm, location of, 686. Sea Fisheries Association, dissolution of, amount of advances to and arrears in repayment of annuities, 682. Forestry: Contracts for road metal, placing of without competition explanation of: approval of contracts committee, necessity for, 759-761. Forest development and maintenance, nature of work on, 774. Forester posts, creation of additional, 772. Land acquisition, average price paid, 773. Machinery: repairs of, saving on, explanation of, 776. type used, 775. Poles, accumulation of stocks of as a result of thinning, increase in, sales of, method employed therefor and receipts therefrom, export of and receipts therefrom, 763-771. Private planting grants, acreage planted under, 781. Quarries, operation of by Forestry Division, 762. Right of way: granting of without conditions as to maintenance, 756-757. powers of Land Commission generally in regard to, 758. Timber conversion, receipts from, expenditure on and nature of work on, 777-780. Timber sales receipts from, change in estimate of, reason for, 781A. Gaeltacht Services: Advertising and publicity, increased expenditure on, objects of, 792. Machinery: maintenance of, staff for, 791. postponement of purchase of, effect of on development of tweed industry, 786. Marine Product Industries: carageen, purchases of, curtailment of due to high prices, explanation of and deciding authority in regard to, 801-802. Searods: outlets for, possibility of developing and action taken in that regard, 796-800. processing of, 796. purchase of, marketing difficulties in regard to, nature of, 793-795. Production manager, difficulties of recruiting, reasons for, action taken in regard to, effect of on knitwear industry, 783-785. Progress made by service generally, 803-805. Technical posts, vacancies in, position in regard to, 782. Tweed Industry: development of, effect on caused by postponement of purchase of machinery, 786. ranges of tweed produced, number of and suitability of for export market, 787-789. weights and types of tweed produced, number of, 790. Garda Síochána: Advertising, nature of and necessity for, 87. Appropriations in aid, nature of, 89. Car park attendants’ licences, 90. Clothing and equipment, excess expenditure on, reason for, 80. Compensation, reason for increase in, 86. Driving licences in Northern Ireland, payment for, 91. Furniture, bedding, etc. reason for delay in deliveries, 81-82. Local Security Force, reason for provision for, 88. Medical expenses, reason for increase in, 85. Petrol, storage of, and arrangements for accounting for, 78-79. Transport fleet: depots operated, number of, 77. purchase of fewer vehicles, reason for, 83-84. storage and stocktaking stores, adequacy of arrangements for, 76. Par. 5. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 265-303. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Foreign Exchange Account, 4-5. Out-turn of year, 2. Savings on capital side, 3. Surrender, amount of higher than previous year, 2. Government Property, Rates on: Agency services performed by Government, nature of, 131. Government Stocks, Management of: Page 4 (no question). Health: Certificates (birth, marriage and death): cheaper form of, 697. demand for, 697, 699. price of, increase in, 696, 698. County Homes, improvement of, grants to local authorities for, basis of, 693. Health authorities grants to, basis and audit of, 687-689. Hospital Trust Fund (Grant-in-aid): basis of, 695. saving on, effect on capital budget only, 694. Information and advice on health, dissemination of, nature of expenditure on, 692. Local Health Inspectors, provision for salary of, 691. Staff vacancies, filling of, 690. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Page 60 (no question). Industry and Commerce: Avoca mines: capital invested in, 329. machinery and stocks, disposal of, 330. payments to Mianrai Teoranta, in respect of, 326-328. Bord na Mona: Equipment, disposal of: amount of and computation of loss on, 338-339. loss on and explanation therefor, 333-335. ownership and use of, 341-342. tenders, invitation of, for, 340, 343. unused equipment sold, reason for purchase of, 336-337. Experiment and Research: grants for, 332. liaison with Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, 344. mona wax, experiments on production of, 346-347. progress of work on, 345. Fuel, price of, basis of, 350. Houses, building of by: advances from Central Fund towards expenses of, 351. grants for, 332-333, 348. occupation of, 349. persons for whom built, 352. position of work on, 348. receipts from, 353-354. Factories, in undeveloped areas, saving on grants for, reason for, 361. Fishmeal production, cost and outcome of survey carried out in regard to, 364. Flour and wheaten meal subsidy: Analysis of payments, 304. Special payments to millers who had to purchase wheat at enhanced prices: amount of, computation of, 310-321. enhanced prices, reason for, 305-308. number of millers concerned, 304. quantity of wheat involved, 309. recurrence, likelihood of a, 316. Wheaten meal subsidy, method of calculation of, 317-321. Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd.: losses of, reason for, 323. losses of, recoupment of, 322. stocks of, possibility of disposal of at economic price, 324-325. Fuel subsidy, recoupment of losses of Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd., 322. Industrial Development Authority, increase in staff of and reason therefor, 360. Mianraí Teoranta: advances to, postponement of payment of interest on and instalments of, 331. payments to, for purchases of land and mineral rights, legislative authority for and purpose of, 326-330. Mineral rights acquired, legal diffities in regard to, nature of, 359. Min Fhéir, Teoranta, amount of grants issued to, winding up of and disposal of assets of, 357-358. Nitrogenous fertilisers, examination of production of, amount spent on and result of, 362-363. Rural electrification, advances for, repayment of by Electricity Supply Board, 355-356. International Co-operation: Council of Europe, contribution towards expenses of, basis of, 561. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, contribution towards expenses of, basis of, 561. Travelling and incidental expenses, saving on, reason for, 562. United Nations Childrens’ Fund, contribution to, nature of, 563, Justice, Office of the Minister for: An Bord Uchtála, employment of additional staff, reason for, 75. Censorship of Publications: increase in volume of publications examined, 68. reading of publications, practice of Board and staff, 69-71. Film Censorship: appointment of deputy for Censor, 67. increase on sub-head, salary of adviser, 68. Headquarters staff, saving on, explanation of, 66. Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee, total cost and travelling expenses of, 72-73. Nationality Fees, increase in receipts, 74. Keady, Mr. P. J.: Social Assistance, 820-835. Social Insurance, 812-819. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 806-811. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Compensation for losses payable under Registration of Title Act, 1942, absence of claims for, 104. Lands: Advance for re-roofing of house, failure to recover by way of excess annuity, detection of, 724-725. Embankments: breach in embankments protecting vested lands in Co. Clare: development of, expenditure and work on and delay in dealing effectively with 700-704. Par. 14. repair and reconstruction of: maintenance fund for, 706-707. responsibility and powers of Land Commission in regard to, 705-706. Fencing stakes, purchase of, regulations in regard to, purchase of from Post Office Stores instead of from Forestry Division, reason for and ability of Forestry Division to compete with outside firms in sale of, 708-716. Par. 15. Flooding caused by failure to maintain drains, legal proceedings against Land Commission in respect of, precedents for and and circumstances of, 717-723. Par. 16. Houses, re-roofing of, on Inishbofin island, adjacent islands and mainland, failure to recover advance for by way of excess annuity and criticism of work on, 724-730. Improvement of estates, nature of assistance given towards, 746. Land Purchase: land. purchase of, under Land Act, 1950, by public auction or private treaty, particulars of and policy in regard to, 732-734. price, fixing of, rights of Land Commission and seller in matter of, 735-737. State contributions towards: payments under Land Act, 1923, number of new transactions involving, 744. payments under Land Act, 1933, amount of for issue of additional bonds, 744. provision for in estimate, 745. purchase of interest for cash, provision for, 751. Legal proceedings against Land Commission for damages caused by flooding, circumstances surrounding, 717-723. Migration, determination of amount to be spent on, 747-749. Rent and income accounts, details of and reason why estimated surplus was not realised, 752-754. Staff posts, suppression of, nature of, 742. Travelling expenses, curtailment in, explanation of, 743. Untenanted land: acreage of held by Land Commission, 751. land in respect of which deficiency written off, period during which in possession of Land Commission, 755. receipts and payments in respect of, 731. resale of, capital losses on: nature of, 731. halving of annuities, effect on determination of, 738. improvement expenditure, recovery of, 739. reason for, 740-741. Work carried out by direct labour or under contract, relative costing of, 750. Law Charges: Defence of public servants, type of case covered by, 32. Local Government: Flooding, alleviation of distress caused by: claims, payment of, position in regard to, 294-296. total issues for, 293. Houses for newly married people: delay in housing successful applicants, 300. provision of fewer houses, reason for, 299. Housing grant, payment of a, in excess of normal reconstruction grant to person who had carried out an extensive house reconstruction, circumstances and explanation of, 274-280. Housing loan charges of local authorities contributions towards: Amount and breakdown of, 265. Non-statutory subsidy: approval of by Dáil, 273. average amount of, 269. legislative authority for, 266. Par. 9. meaning of term, 271-272. non-continuing nature of, 270. proportion of total represented by, 268. Statutory subsidy, percentage of loan charges covered by, 267. Housing schemes, grants to local authorities towards cost of: saving on, and amount unexpended in Dublin area, 301-307. Motor tax account, test examination of and receipts into, 297. Road Fund, amount of payments into accruing from fines, 298. Roads in Gaeltacht and congested areas, grants to local authorities for improvement of: expenditure on, transferring of to Road Fund, 281. Gaeltacht area, definition of, 290-291. information regarding, difficulty in obtaining, 287-289. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng, function of in relation to and assignment of to Minister for Local Government, 282-286. Ring area, allocation to, 291-292. Water rate charged by Dublin Corporation, statutory limit to, 303. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services 376-397. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 60 (no question). Industry and Commerce, 304-364. Tourism, 398. Trade Loan Advances, Repayments of, 399-404. Transport and Marine Services, 365-375. McGrath, Mr. J. N.: Ordnance Survey, 134-137. Rates on Government Property, 131. Valuation and Boundary Survey, 132. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 138-146. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions 260-264. Defence, 207-259. Thirtieth appearance before Committee, 264. Malone, Mr. T. J.: Stationery Office, 836-857. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 61-65. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XVIII. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 20th June, 1956, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Pars. 1-3. Miscellaneous Expenses: An Chomhairle Ealaíon, reason why provision for, not included in this Vote, 35. Compensation and other payments in connection with injuries to property, persons entitled to, 36. Derrynane Trust, Limited, condition attaching to payment of Grant-in-Aid for, 37. Irish Plate, meaning of, 34. Mooney, Mr. J.: Lands: fencing stakes, purchase of, 715. rent and income accounts, transfer of investment of capital sum, explanation of, 754. Murphy, Mr. S.: External Affairs, 545-560. International Co-operation, 561-563. National Development Fund: Account of Fund, presentation of latest account available to the Houses of the Oireachtas, 43. Issues from, 42. National Gallery: Cataloguing work, progress of, 140. Pictures: purchases, cost and particulars of, 139. repairs, cost of, 139. Postcards, payment for, 138. Postcard reproductions, sales of: copyright of reproductions, 145-146. cost of cards, 141. receipts from, 143-144. standard of reproductions, 142. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 756-781A. Gaeltacht Services, 782-805. Lands, 700-755. Ó Broin, Mr. L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 105-127. Wireless Broadcasting, 128-130. Ó Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Ó Cinnéide, Mr. P.: Health, 687-699. Ó hÉigceartuigh, Mr. D.: Office of Public Works, 405-412. Public Works and Buildings, 413-538. Ó hÉigeartuigh, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 539-544. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng: Absorption in new Department, 39. Savings on salaries due to vacancies, number of vacancies involved, 38. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Inter-parliamentary activities, nonexpenditure of portion of grant-in-aid for, reason for, 8. Refund of payments, circumstances of, 10. Restaurant, expenses of, nature of, 9. Salaries of holders of certain appointed offices and allowances of Teachtaí, saving on, explanation of, 6. Travelling expenses, saving on Deputies’ expenses and increase in Senators’ expenses, reason for, 7. Ó Muirthe, Mr. L.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 206. Education, Office of the Minister for, 147-155. Primary Education, 156-173. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 204. Science and Art, 192-203. Secondary Education, 174-185. Technical Instruction, 186-191. O’Neill, Mr. C.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 859-861. See also Secretary and Director of Audit. Ordnance Survey: Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer, treatment of for accountancy purposes, 136-137. Par. 4. Maps, sale of, 134. Miscellaneous receipts, nature of, 135, Appendix IX. Posts and Telegraphs: Advertising, nature and cost of, 117-119. Contract works, particulars of, 120, Appendix VII. Equipment, provision of, savings on, 121-124. Losses by default, accident, etc., 105-106. Mails, conveyance of, savings on, 114-115. Parcels, registration of, figures o receipts from fees on, 127. Petrol, rebate on, 126. Post Office Factory, test examination of accounts, 105. Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Services: payments into Exchequer, 110. profit or loss on, 108-109. test examination of accounts, 105. Premises sublet, refund of property tax, 125, Appendix VIII. Savings Bank: management expenses, 111. test examination of accounts, 105. Stores: held for other Departments, reason for increase in value of, 107. test examination of accounts, 105. Telegraph traffic, decline in and future prospects of, 112-113. Uniform clothing, reduction in stocks, 116. President’s Establishment: Page 2 (no question). Primary Education: Bequests and Funds, rounding up of amounts to nearest pound, accounting of odd shillings accumulated thereby, 173. Bonus to parents or guardians of certain pupils in the Gaeltacht and Breac-Ghaeltacht, variation of total figure for, 170. Farms and gardens attached to Preparatory Colleges, accounts of receipts from and expenditure on, 156. Fees for students attending Preparatory Colleges, revision of scale of, Par. 3. Free school books for necessitous children, application of means test, 172. Holiday scholarships in Gaeltacht, reason for smaller number of, 171. Preparatory Colleges: average cost per student for maintenance and tuition, average fee paid, their relationship, variation in fees over the years and basis of fees, 157-160. Schools and teachers, average cost per pupil in respect of the provision of, 167. School requisites, free grants of, decrease in number of claims and general nature of requisites, 168-169. Training colleges, basis of grants and their recovery, 161. Transport of Dublin school children: increased cost of, cause of, 162. subsidising of fares for, 163. Van Services: average and maximum cost per head, 166. basis of payment for, 164. minimum number which must be conveyed to qualify for payment, 165. Prisons: Bread baked in prisons, cost compared with that of commercially produced bread, 94, Appendix VI. Closing of two prisons, 92. Fine Fund, receipts and payments, 95-96. Mailbags, manufacture of for Post Office, 98-99. Maintenance of prisoner, average cost of, 93. Prisoners in District Mental Hospitals, liability for maintenance of, 97. Public Record Office: Page 21 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Abbotstown farm, provision for adaptation of, inclusion of in estimate for Agriculture, reason for, 497. Aras Brugha, adaptation of, inclusion of cost of furniture in cost of, 527. Arterial drainage: Brosna scheme: certificate of completion, issue of, 454. maintenance of, provision for, 453. Expenditure on, details of, 452. Baldonnel runways, construction of, expenditure on and interdepartmental responsibility for, 450-452. Par. 11. Deficit and shortage written off, calculation and explanation of, 536-537. Dredgers, hire of, bodies to whom hired and receipts from, 533. Drumshambo Garda Station, provision of a bath at, nature of expenditure on, 516. Falcarragh knitting centre: expenditure on in previous years, non-inclusion of, reason for, 522. septic tank, provision of at, high cost of, explanation of, 521. Fishing rights on lakes in Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, rights of Office of Public Works in regard to, 534. Grange stud and dairy farm, adaptations, expenditure on, explanation of amount of, 499. Johnstown Castle and Demesne, adaptation of for use as an agricultural school: area of land involved, 423. dry rot: cost of eradiction of, 413-414. discovery of, history of and reasons for delay in dealing with, 415, 421. effect of on earlier adaptation works, 416. expenditure on, details of, 413. original estimate for, variations in, reason for, 417-421. work in progress on or contemplated, 422. Kildare Place premises: evacuation of, 519. thermal storage heaters, installation of, details of expenditure on, 515. Land Commission Dining Club: additional cooking equipment for: estimate for, explanation of amount of, 507. nature of, 510. facilities provided by the State, nature of, 509. income of, 508. Lands, Department of, number of storage heaters installed in, 524. Lighting sets for use on excavators, purchase and subsequent non-use of, circumstances of and reason for: type of: storage of: maintenance of and possibility of disposal of, 468-481. Par. 13. Machinery (pumping units, centrifugal pumps and Broomwade compressors) held in stores and unused, history records of: use of pumps, circumstances and frequency of: damage suffered in stores, circumstances of and adequacy of protective measures taken, 455-462. Par. 12. Minor balances of expenditure, reason for inclusion of certain items in, 526. Munster Institute: electric lighting and equipment: maintenance expenses for, incorrectly charged to subhead, reconciliation of accounts in regard to, 502-503. improved accommodation, adjustment of figure for expenditure on, 504. National Library, reconstruction work on, nature of and estimated cost of, 500-501. New works, alterations and additions, expenditure on, 490-491, Appendix XII Nurses’ quarters at Curragh Camp, sanction for, delay in obtaining, 514. Office of Public Works, St. Stephen’s Green, alterations in progress at, nature of, 523. Papal Nunciature, adaptation works on, nature of and responsibility for, 525. Paris Embassy, purchase price and condition of premises, estimate of cost of adaptation and surrender of old premises, 528-531. Petrol and oil storage provided at certain State-owned farms, extent of, reason for, 498. Post Office, contract for erection of a, variations from, reason for and nature and circumstances of: employment of quantity surveyor for measurement of, necessity for and possibility of avoiding, 439-449. Premises occupied by University College, Dublin (College of Science): cost of heating: assessment of, method of, 465-467. repayment of, 463. terms of lease in regard to, 464. President’s Establishment, furnishings of: curtains and drapes used, source of manufacture and cost of, 494-496. purchase of, method of, 491A-493. Publications Branch, Department of Education, improvement of lighting, nature of, 518. Rents received, increase in amount of, reason for, 532. Shelton Abbey, adaptation of as a forestry school: concrete blocks, manufacture of by and purchase of from contractor, price charged and comparison thereof with prices of blocks generally, 433-436. contract, expansion of expenditure proposed under, explanation and circumstances of, 424. Par. 10. contractors accounts: checking of, extent and adequacy of, 429-431. duplication of wages charges, absence of in, 432. overcharges and discrepancies disclosed by examination of, particulars and adjustment of, 428. dry not, eradication of: expenditure on, 424. variation between original estimate for and ultimate cost of, explanation of, 425-427. Par. 10. ex-gratia claim of contractors, nature of and action being taken on, 437-438. works performed under contract and under time and material clause thereof, nature of and expenditure on, 424. Par. 10. Stocktaking, progress of, report on: discrepancies revealed by and explanation thereof, and staff employed on, 482-488. Tara excavations, nature of purchases and position of, 489. Theft of articles, nature of, 538. Works described as in progress or completed and for which no money was specifically voted, financing of and accounting thereof, 505-506. Public Works, Office of: Engineering staff, shortage of and difficulty of recruiting and retaining, 406-407. Professional staff, vacancies on, reason for, 405. Recoupment of salaries and travelling expenses of staff from other votes, 409-412. Technical equipment: increased expenditure on, 408. type of, 409. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Family allowance, loss of by parent in respect of child sent to reformatory and recording of in account, 205. Parental moneys, nature of, 204. Remuneration: Temporary nature of Vote, 40. Report of Committee, page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Betting tax, accounting, collection and enforcement of, 45-47. Customs Co-operation Council, aims of, 57. Estate duty, remission of, circumstances of, 54. Exchequer extra receipts, misleading use of term, 60. Extra-statutory repayments of customs and excise duties: amounts of, 44. basis of, 53. General Lighthouse Fund, functions of Commissioners in relation to, 58. Income tax and surtax, arrears of: amount of, and its accumulation, 48-50. collection of, Commissioners’ statutory powers in regard to and their administration, 51. new cases, detection of, 52. Law charges, cost of court action, 55. Remissions and amounts irrecoverable, particulars of, 44. Revenue account, test examination of, 44. Rooms, hire of for income tax appeals, reason for lower expenditure on, 56. Vote refunds, meaning of term, 59. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 44-60. Science and Art: Films, production of, on behalf of Government Departments: method followed in, 200. no productions for some years, 199. Grants to colleges providing courses in Irish for persons other than teachers, payments made in respect of persons described as teachers and in respect of two courses (instead of one), 192. Grants to Irish colleges in Gaeltacht, absence of Finance sanction for payment, 193. Inspection of manuscripts and editing of publications, fees and expenses in connection with, work done in Ireland, 195. Irish historical records in foreign collections, survey and reproduction of, by whom surveys carried out and probable duration of work, 194. Music, loss of three pieces of Irish music, 201, 203. Photostats and reproductions, income from, accounting of and increased sales of microfilms, 202. Publications in Irish, increase in and market for, 196. University scholarships: nature of, 198. number not renewed, 197. Secondary Education: Examination fees: average rate of fees, explanation of term, 184. receipts from, reason for increase in, 183. Irish text books: Grants towards publication of: number of books published under scheme, 179. payments and repayments of, arrangements for, 174-175. regulations governing, 177. repayments, position in regard to, 176. script, type (Roman or Gaelic) used, 175, 178, 180. Sales of, apparent discrepancy in figure for, 182. New secondary schools, minimum average attendance required for recognition of, 181. Registration accounts, reason for form of, 185. Secretary and Director of Audit: Agriculture: Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme, scope and financing of, 607. Bryce Bequest, receipts from property, control of, 579. Butter Marketing Committee, payments to and purpose thereof, 619. Co-operative Fruit Growers’ Society, Ltd., advances by Agricultural Credit Corporation to, guarantee as to capital and interest and payments thereunder, 586. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, charges on arising out of provision of additional profit margins and out of milk strike in Dublin and Cork, 631. Eggsport Ltd., winding up of: deficit on and certification of accounts, 568, 572. liquidator’s fees, 578. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, issue of loans under, 615. Land Reclamation Scheme, expenditure on and scope of, 595. Shannon flooding, alleviation of distress caused by, grant-in-aid for, 623. Superphosphate, importation and distribution of by Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann Teoranta, loss on, 625. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Shannon Airport, profit from catering and passenger services, 327. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Grants towards expenditure by local authorities on road and amenity schemes, etc., to provide employment, 539. Swimming pool in Sligo, construction of, sanction of grants for on basis of certain labour content which did not materialise, 539. External Affairs: Booklets published under auspices of Cultural Relations Committee, contractual arrangements, 545. Fisheries: Sea Fisheries Association, dissolution, arrears of annuities on advances, 682. Forestry: Contracts for road metal, placing of without competition, 759. Poles, accumulation of stocks of and their disposal, 763. Right of way, granting of without conditions as to maintenance, 756. Health: Grants to health authorities, auditors’ certificates in respect of, 687. Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna: advances from Central Fund towards housing schemes of, 351. grants to for experiments and research and for housing, 332-333. receipts from, 354. Flour and wheaten meal subsidy, analysis of payments, 304. Fuel subsidy, recoupment of losses of Fuel Importers (Éire) Ltd., 322. Mianraí Teoranta: advances to, 331. payments to for purchases of land and mineral rights, legislative authority for, 326. Min Fhéir Teo., amount of grants issued to and winding up of, 357. Rural electrification, advances for, repayment of by E.S.B., 355. Lands: Advances for re-roofing of houses, failure to recover by way of of excess annuity, 724. Embankments: breach in embankments in Co. Clare, 700. responsibility of Land Commission for, 705. Fencing stakes, method of purchase of, 708, 714. Rent and income accounts, details of, 731. Local Government: Housing grant, payment of a, in excess of normal reconstruction grant in a case of extensive house reconstruction, 274. Housing loan charges of local authorities, contributions towards: amount and breakdown of, 265. non-statutory subsidy: average amount of, 269. legislative authority for, 266. meaning of term, 271. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial drainage, expenditure on, 452. Baldonnel runways, construction, inter-departmental responsibility for, 450. Johnstown Castle and Demesne, adaptation of for use as an agricultural school, expenditure on and eradication of dry rot therein, 413. Lighting sets held in stores, purchase, purpose and disposal of, 468. Machinery (pumps and compressors), held in stores unused, history records of, 452. Post Office, contract for erection of, variations in, and employment of quantity surveyor for measurement of, 439, 441. Premises leased by University College Dublin, claim for cost of heating, 463. Shelton Abbey, adaptation of, for use as a forestry school: concrete blocks supplied by contractor, price of, 434. expansion of expenditure under contract for, circumstances of, 424. stocktaking, progress of and discrepancies revealed, 482. Social Assistance: Old age pensions, overpayment of, detection of on death of pensioner and failure to recover from estate within statutory period, 820-821. Unemployment assistance and benefit paid through Post Office, check on and discrepancy revealed thereby, 829. Social Insurance: Investment return payments in connection with Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, 814. Social Insurance Fund, amount and basis, of, 812. Stationery Office: Advertisements in Government publications, contractual arrangements, 836. Stocktaking, deficiencies revealed by, 841. See also Comptroller and Auditor General and O’Neill, Mr. C. Secret Service: Page 6 (no question). Social Assistance: Extra statutory grants, nature of, 835. Old age pensions, overpayment of, detection of on death of pensioner: failure to recover from estate within statutory period, reasons for: ascertaining of nature of assets: fraudulent concealment, evidence of, 820-829. Par. 17. Overpayments, nature of: unrecovered balances, amount of: recovery of, method of and amounts recovered, 830-833. School meals scheme, intention to introduce legislative proposals in regard to overissue of State grants for, and standardisation of meals, Par. 1. Unemployment assistance and benefit paid through Post Office, check on and discrepancy revealed thereby, 829. Unemployment assistance, over-estimation, explanation of, 834. Social Insurance: Aras Mhic Dhiarmada: construction and equipment of: expenditure from Social Insurance Fund on and investment return in respect of, 814. works and services for which C.I.E. and other Government Departments were responsible, payment for, position in regard to, 814-815, 818-819. ownership of, 816. rent payable by C.I.E., negotiations regarding and outcome of, 814-816. Investment return payments, position in regard to, 814-815, 818-819. Social Insurance Fund: accounts of, delay in furnishing, explanation of, 813. payments into, amount and basis of and saving on, 812. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Insurance stamps, manufacture of, estimate for, accuracy of, 807. Insured person’s medical certificates payments by Department in respect of, 807A-809. Motor cars owned by Department, use of, 810. Social Insurance Fund, recoupment from, nature of, 811. Staff re-organisation, permanent economy resulting from, 806. State Laboratory: Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer, reason for inclusion of certain items in, instead of under Appropriations in Aid, 19. Par. 4. Stationery Office: Advertisements in Government publications etc.: contractual arrangements for, lack of clarity in regard to and review of, 836. Par. 18. method of handling, 839-840. publications carrying advertisements and other forms of advertising, 838. remittances from agents, delay in and number of cases of, 836-837. Dáil Debates, sales of, 850. Ex-gratia payments: increase in, explanation of, 854. paper bags and parchment skins, ex-gratia payment to contractors for, amount of and circumstances of, 855-857. Fork lift trucks, purchase and purpose of, 846-847. Overtime, amounts of paid to individual officers and total cost of, 844-845. Paper, supplies of to public services and stocks of, reduction in, extent of, 848-849. Sick leave of staff, extent of, 843. Stocks, value of, reflection of reduced purchases on, 853. Stocktaking: surpluses and deficiencies revealed by, 841. system of stock accounting, revision of, progress made as result of, 842-843. Treatise on Local Government Law, sales of and demand for, 851-852. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Contribution by local authorities toward aggregate pensions, accuracy of estimate for, and object of, 28, Appendix V. Garda pensions, transfer of provision for to Vote 30, effect of, 26. Marriage gratuities, refund of, circumstances of and number of widows re-instated during the year, 27, Appendix V. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Acts, 1946 and 1953, basis of distribution of additional grant under, 29-31. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Expenses recoverable from income of estates controlled by the Court, 103. Taoiseach, Department of the: Salaries, Wages and Allowances, saving on, proportion of due to suppression of posts, 11. Technical Instruction: Grants to vocational education committees, basis of and reason for under-expenditure, 186. Miscellaneous teaching courses, type of, 189. Payments under section 51 (6) of Vocational Education Act, 1930: basis of contributions, 190. reason why building programme did not proceed as rapidly as expected, 191. Tickets for qualified skippers of fishing boats: average annual issue of, 188, Appendix X. responsibility of Departments of Education and Industry and Commerce for, 187. Tourism: Circumstances outside control of An Bord Fáilte resulting in savings, nature of, 398. Trade Loan Advances, Repayment of: Guarantee of loan to company which went into voluntary liquidation: advance from Central Fund on foot of, repayment of from voted moneys, 399-400. assets of company, realisation of, 403. duration of company’s existence, 401. loan, expenditure of, control exercised by Department on, 402. loss to Exchequer, amount of, 404. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Éireann: advances to meet payment of interest on transport stock, repayment of, 365. outstanding advances, liability of company for payment of interest on, 366. subsidy overpaid, refund of, 365. Great Northern Railway Board: anticipated losses, means of calculating and adjusting payments towards and efficacy of system of meeting, 370-373. capital programme, powers of Board in regard to, 368. gross loss of, 367. payments towards losses and capital purposes, liability of board for repayment of, 369. Harbours, grants for, reason for saving on, 374. Rocket equipment for life-saving service, necessity for, 375. Universities and Colleges: Statutory authority for grants, 33. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Fees, scale of, extent of increase in, 132. Miscellaneous receipts, nature and break-down of, 133, Appendix IX. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Central Statistics Office, 12-16. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, 21. Civil Service Commission, 20. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 22-25. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 6 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 17-18. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General, 2-5. Law Charges, 32. Management of Government Stocks, page 4 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 34-37. National Development Fund, 42-43. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng, 38-39. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 6-10. President’s Establishment, page 2 (no question). Remuneration, 40. Repayments to Contingency Fund, 41. Secret Service, page 6 (no question). State Laboratory, 19. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 26-28. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 29-31. Taoiseach, Department of the, 11. Universities and Colleges, 33. Wireless Broadcasting: Musical instruments, control of stock of, 130. Obsolete stores, purchase and disposal of, 128-129. Par. 6. Witnesses, List of, page XX. |
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