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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualifications are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agriculture: Abbotstown veterinary research laboratory, progress in work, supervision of work, 663-665. Advertising, arrangements for, 684. Agricultural Production Consultative Council, reason for token provision only, 694-696. Agricultural schools and farms, preparation of accounts, 667. Artificial insemination of livestock, location of stations, 707-710. Black scab in potatoes, nature and extent of disease, 711-715. Bovine tuberculosis scheme, operation of, 727-732. Butter Marketing Committee: functions of, 654. losses on sale of imported butter, amount of, payment in recoupment of, 653-655. Contagious abortion, in cattle, operation of scheme for the prevention of, reason for non-expenditure of full grant, 701-706. Dairy Disposals Company Ltd., and Associated Companies, accounts of, Appendix XI. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, cold storage facilities, amount of levy, 659-662. Egg Production, extent of inspection work, trend in production, 668-671. Ex-gratia payments to officers of the committees of agriculture, reason for, 671. Farm buildings scheme and water supplies, expenditure on, proposed extension of scheme, qualifying conditions for grants, 629-633. Fertiliser credit vouchers, amount issued, amount outstanding, 651-652. Form of Estimate, postponement of question of revision of, 733. Glasshouse scheme, heating of houses, success of scheme, system of inspection, 674-677. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, 1951, reason for delay in the issue of loans, 716. Grants towards agricultural shows, nature of, 681. Grass meal, experimental scheme by Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teoranta, 648-650. Ground limestone schemes, payment of delivery costs, 699-700. Irish Countrywomen’s Association, contribution to, basis of, 682-683. Land Rehabilitation Project: cost of, 640. drainage of ornamental lake at Johnstown Castle, reason for treatment under, 722. periodical inspection of work, arrangements for, 697-698. sale of machinery and employment of contractors, 641-647. State grants under, changes in amounts of, conditions of, 634-639. supply of lime etc., 647. Loans and grants for agricultural purposes, conditions of repayment of loans, 689-691. Loans for the purchase of cattle and sheep, special temporary scheme, nature of, 692-693. Loans, securities and amounts repayable to the Department, special schemes for congested districts, bad debts, 723-726. National stud, purpose of provision in Vote, 678-680. Printing of special departmental publications, arrangements for, 688. Reclamation of bogland, scheme by Comhlucht Siuicre Eireann, Teoranta, 648-650. Reports on agricultural conditions, fees for, nature of reports 685-687. Scheme for encouraging use of fertilisers, success of, 673. Semi-State bodies, nature of control by Department of Agriculture over expenditure and activities of certain bodies, 717-721. Subscriptions to international organisations, names of organisations subscribed to, 666. Superphosphate, importation and distribution by Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teoranta, loss on, 656-658. Temporary scheme for the growing of horticultural crops in the Athlone area, nature of, 672. Trichomoniasis, steps in the treatment of, 703. Appendices, List of, page 168. Appropriation Accounts (1952-53): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1953-54): Special Subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army Pensions: Allowances and gratuities to dependants, explanation as to arrears, 904. Referee and Advisory Committee, likely duration of work of, 901. Refund of overpayments on pension, cases of, circumstances relating to, 905-906. Special allowances under the Army Pensions Acts, cases of suspended payments, circumstances relating to, 899-900. Wound and disability pensions and gratuities, numbers of, 902-903. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Rianta, Teoranta, staff management, nature of Departmental control over, 1137-1141. Contracts for works at Dublin and Shannon Airports, preference for particular type, 1135-1136. Damage to runway lights, responsibility for, 1156-1157. Dublin Airport, expenditure on compulsory acquisition of land, 1132-1134. Equipment, saving on, adequacy of explanation as to, 1159-1160. Shannon Airport: abandonment of scheme for the establishment of a village settlement in the vicinity of, reason for delay in reconveyance of lands, 1129-1131. concession fees, nature of, 1163. landing fees, basis of charge, 1162 and 1166-1171. revenue from airport shop, amount of, system of accounts, 1145-1155. road transport of staff, extent of cost, 1158. Shannon Aeronautical Radio Station, receipts from en route communications with Transatlantic Aircraft, a new provision, 1164-1165. World Meteorological Organisation, expenses in connection with, 1161. Breathnach, Micheál: Agriculture: Contagious abortion in cattle, scheme for the prevention of, reason for non-expenditure of full grant, 706. Carr, Mr. J. B.: Stationery Office, 907-997. Central Statistics Office: Appropriations in Aid, nature of, 20-21. National Farm Survey, 18. Passenger Card Enquiry, 19, Appendix IV. Refund of salaries of loaned officers, 22. Telegrams and Telephones, delay in presentation of accounts, 16-17. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Embezzled Charity Recovery Fund, origin and uses of, 108-110. Law costs, nature of, 107. Travelling and incidental expenses, nature of, 111-112. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Accounts of An Chomhairle, audit of, 31-33. Premises, proposed purchase of, 34. Circuit Court: Circuit Court fees, nature of, 180. County registrars, fees in respect of compilation of voters’ lists, interest on banking accounts, 176-179. Sheriffs and under-sheriffs, appointment and remuneration of, fees payable to, 173-175. Civil Service Commission: Services rendered by local authorities, nature of, 30. Clarke, Mr. P. M.: Defence: Erection of houses for soldiers, treatment of provision as a minor work, reason for, 854. Coffey, Mr. Diarmuid: Public Record Office, 82-86. Commissions and Special Enquiries: Civil Service (Compensation Board), total expenditure on, 35. Commission on Place Names, position of work, 37, Appendix V. Irish Manuscripts Commission, position of work, 36. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XVIII. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Form of Estimate, postponement of question of revision of, 733. Army Pensions: Special allowances under the Army Pensions Acts, cases of suspended payments, circumstances relating to, 899. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Dublin and Shannon Airports, nett cost of running, 1142-1144. Shannon Airport, revenue from shop, system of accounts, 1147-1155. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An: Accounts of An Chomhairle, Audit of, 32. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Appropriation Accounts, reason for delay in submission of, 998-1000. Auditing of accounts of local authorities, responsibility for, 1001-1006. Fees for auditing, system of estimating, 1007. Defence: Liability of the Department of Defence under the Defence Force Regulations for hospital treatment for soldiers’ dependants, cases of liability where third party compensation was paid, proposed amendment of regulations, 860-863. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Audit of accounts, reason for delay in, 564. Forestry: House on State forest land, repair and improvement of, reason for large excess expenditure on, 241. Lettings of shooting rights, arrears of rent in certain cases, reason for delay in collection of, 266. Rejection of sawmill products, reason for, 254. Sales of forest timber at Kilsheelan, County Tipperary, reason for disposal of locally, 243. Sales of timber, delay in issuing invoices, 252. Stores of building materials, failure to record certain issues, reason for, statement by Accounting Officer regarding improved stocktaking arrangements, 272-273. Tractors, rate of motor tax on, 234. Unauthorised tree fellings in 1952, loss involved, statement by Accounting Officer as to control exercised over felling and disposal of timber, 259. Houses of the Oireachtas: Inter-Parliamentary Activities, audit of expenditure, 6. Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna, discontinuance of local turf production schemes, loss incurred in disposal of machines, 1023-1026. Flour subsidy, revision of system of assessment, 1008-1009. Min Fhéir, Teoranta, audit of accounts, winding up of company, 1032. Lands: Bog lettings in County Roscommon, cases of delay in collecting arrears of rent, 208. Lands held by Irish Land Commission pending disposal by allotment or otherwise, claim for relief from rates by way of employment allowance, 201. Local Government: Fees in connection with public service vehicles, nature of, 585. Loan charges of local authorities, contributions towards, discontinuance of, 567. Motor Tax Account, completion of audit of, 581. Posts and Telegraphs: Post office savings bank accounts, reserve against depreciation, amount of, 779. Primary Education: Cóláiste Brighde, Donegal, deficit in connection with farm and garden, 484. Conveyance of children to national schools, provision of van and boat services, failure to comply with required conditions in certain cases, 491. Fees payable in respect of pupils attending preparatory colleges, proposed revision of scale, 504. Superintendents of examinations, excess payments of fees and expenses, 487. Public Works and Buildings: Central Engineering Workshop and Stores, breakdown of two excavators and three caterpillar tractors, reason for, 406 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Embezzlement of income-tax receipts, case of, 66. Remission of claims for duty under the Revenue Acts, paragraph confined to certain cases, 77. Revenue, main heads of, purpose of new paragraph on, 69. Treasury, meaning of, 70. Rural Employment Schemes, expenditure on, 115. Science and Art: Grants to colleges providing courses in Irish for persons other than teachers, case of, circumstances relating to, 548. Social Assistance: Unemployment assistance, sums subsequently treated as unemployment benefit, necessity for adjustment of accounts, 364. Unemployment benefit and unemployment assistance, payments made through Post Office, need for separate certified figures, 365-368. Social Insurance: Arus Mhic Dhiarmada, negotiations with Coras IompairÉireann on terms of letting, 360. Stationery Office: Paper, surrender by contractors of unused balances of depot stocks, reason for delay in certain cases, 930. Stocktaking: discrepancies in stock, reason for, 907. delay in, reason for, 911. Typewriting machines: result of census of, 915. precautions against loss of, responsibility for, 918-920. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Agricultural Land (Relief) Acts 1946 and 1953, regularising of position regarding additional grant, 45. Transport and Marine Services: Great Northern Railway Company: Contribution by State towards operating losses of, refund of excess payment, 1080. Overpayment of subsidy to, amount of, repayment to Exchequer, 1075. Terms and conditions of advance to company in year 1949-50, 1079. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 173-180. District Court, 171-172. Garda Síochána, 153-165. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 145-152. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 184. Prisons, 166-170. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 181-183. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 752-763. Defence: Acquisition of land for providing hard-surface runways at a military aerodrome, proposals for disposal of surplus property, 857-859. Advertising, arrangements for, 891. Air Corps, nature of capital expenditure on, 879. Aircraft accidents, circumstances of, 898. Canteen lettings, rent from, 896-897. Civil Defence, reason for drop in expenditure, 882-883. Civilians attached to units, reason for increase in numbers of 874. Clothing and equipment, amount of reserve stocks carried, 875-877. Curragh bakery, cost of production of bread, employment of labour, 840-843. Defensive equipment, reason for drop in expenditure, 880-881. Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, cost of meat, source of supply, 840— 847. Equitation teams at horse shows, saving in provision made for, reason for, 873. Erection of houses for soldiers, non-inclusion of specific provision in estimate and treatment as a minor work, explanation of, 848-856. Par. 18. Gormanston, acquisition of lands at, special circumstances in which distinct provision was not made in the estimates, 887. Horses, arrangements for purchase of, 878. Liability of the Department of Defence under the Defence Force Regulations for hospital treatment for soldiers’ dependants, cases of liability where third party compensation was paid, proposed amendment of regulations, 860-863. Losses on clothing and equipment unrecovered from members of the Defence Forces, extent of, 864-866. Military educational courses abroad, nature and location of, 871-872. Military History Bureau, progress of work, 895. Motor accidents, extent of, 888-890. Naval cadets, policy with regard to the numbers recruited, 884-886. Personnel, recruitment of, average strength of Defence Forces, 867-870. The Reserve, increase in numbers reporting, reason for, 892-894. Dempsey, Mr. J.: Agriculture, 629-733. Fisheries, 734-751. District Court: Fines and fees, amount of, 171-172. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Institute, payment of grants to, audit of accounts of, 563-564. Premises, expenditure on, 566. Senior professor, filling of vacant office of, 565. Dundrum Asylum: Attendants, number of, 752-753. Farm and garden, development of, value of produce, importance of in connection with treatment, 757-761. Female patients, number of, 754. Leather work, rug and mat-making etc., progress of work, 762-763. Rations, supply of to attendants, payment for, 755-756. Education, Office of the Minister for: Preparation of Irish Vocabularies, Inter-Departmental Committee on, 478-480. Registration Council, functions of, 481-482. Salaries, reason for separate provision in subheads, 477. Travelling expenses, need for accurate estimation of, 476. Employment and Emergency Schemes: County Engineers, cost of the remuneration of, 118-120. Delivery of materials, transport for, use of public service vehicles, scarcity of horse-drawn transport, 140-142. Emergency scheme, meaning of term, 125-126. Labour, recruitment of, stamping of cards, 123. Minor employment scheme, failure to complete road, 143. National Development Fund, provision in for Special Employment Schemes Office, non-surrender of balances, 135-137. Roads, necessity for adequate width, 144. Rural Employment Schemes, distinction from other schemes, expenditure on, 113-115. Rural Improvement Scheme, expenditure on, additional provision in National Development Fund, contributions by beneficiaries, 127-130. Salaries, wages and allowances, composition of, 138-139. Special Employment Schemes Office, agency services, use of, comparative cost of, 116-121. Travelling expenses, composition of, 138-139. Urban Employment Schemes, provision in National Development Fund for, use of the term “loan,” provision additional to that in Vote, 131-134. Works, liaison with other authorities, need for, 122. Works, purpose of, 124. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Nature of the expenses, 44. External Affairs: Application fees for passports etc., suspense account for, 194. Commencement Address given at Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, fee collected in respect of, 198. Cultural Relations Committee, expenditure on, nature of activity, 188-190. Embassies, recruitment of staff for, 186. Information material, nature of, 192. International Council for Non-Intervention in Spain (1937-39), refund by, nature of, expense to State, 195-197. Irish News Agency, conditions for repayment of advances made to, 191. Official entertainment, estimation of expenses, 193. Repatriation and maintenance of destitute Irish persons abroad, 187. Travelling expenses, reason for reduction in, 185. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Actuary, necessity for employment of, 24. Paymaster General, the office of, 26-27. Salaries, wages and allowances, results of economy campaign, 23. Telegrams and telephones, saving on, 25. Fisheries: An Bord Iascaigh Mhara, appointment of manager, 750. Artificial propagation of fish, contributions to privately-owned hatcheries, calculation of, 748. Restriction on use of fishing nets in fresh water, compensation to owners, cases outstanding. ex-gratia payments in certain cases, 734-739. Salmon levy, discontinuance of, 751. Sea Fisheries Association, audit of accounts, amount of advances from Central Fund, arrears in repayment of annuities, 740-744. State fisheries, location of, 749. Whale fishing, expenditure on membership of international organisation, 745-747. Forestry: Acquisition of land, grant towards, reason for treatment as a Grant in Aid, 285. Athy Wallboard Company, supply of thinnings to, nature of contract, 302. Crossarms, supply to Electricity Supply Board, sale price of, type of sale contract, 255-257. Employment of university students on research work in State forests, 298. Exhibits at Shows, 297. Expansion in afforestation, importance of adequate organisation and planning, 300-301. Felling licenses, replanting conditions, nature of control exercised by Forestry Division, 296. Forest fires, extent of losses, 299. Fuel, diesel oils etc., stores of, system of checking, 281-282. Grants for afforestation purposes, Forestry Division Scheme, progress in, desirability of liaison in regard to schemes operated by county committees of agriculture, 293-295. House on State forest land, repair and improvement of, reason for large excess expenditure on, 241-242. Labour recruitment, difficulties connected with, 289-290. Land, general position in regard to acquisition of, 286. Lettings of shooting rights, amount of revenue from, employment of gamekeepers, 269-270. Lettings of shooting rights, reason for delay in collecting arrears of rent in certain cases, 266-271. Par. 11. Loss of files, question of duplication of documents as a precaution against, 268. Rejection of sawmill products, reason for, frequency of, 254-255. Salaries subhead, reason for saving in, 284. Sales of forest timber at Kilsheelan, Co. Tipperary, reason for disposal locally, general question of disposing of timber locally, 243-251. Par. 10. Sales of timber, delay in issuing invoices, general security for payment, 252-253. Par. 11. Sawmills, number of, location of, 292. Stocktaking, improved arrangements in regard to, statement by Accounting Officer, 272-273. Par. 13. Stores of building materials, failure to record certain issues, reason for, statement by Accounting Officer regarding improved stocktaking arrangements, location, and adequacy of storage space, 272-282. System of control over felling and disposal of timber, statement by Accounting Officer, 259-265. Par. 12. Taxes on state vehicles, accounting procedure between one State Department and another, 236-240. Thinnings, necessity for, 291. Tractors, rate of motor tax on, 234-235. Unauthorised tree fellings, loss involved in a case in 1952, average annual loss, system of control over felling and disposal of timber, 258-265. Unplantable land, acquisition of 287-288. Wire netting, stockpiling of, 274-283. Gaeltacht Services: Agents commission, sum paid pursuant to legal proceedings arising out of termination of an agent’s services in 1942, 311-313. Appointment of commission agents, right of dispensing with services of, 314. Bad debts of Central Marketing Depot, amounts written off, 336. Delivery of goods by air, necessity for in certain cases, 320. Foreign markets, visits abroad, employment of resident agents, 317-318. Fuel, oil and light, reason for saving in, 319. Gorumna Knitting Centre, destruction by fire, transfer of activities, 303-310. Marine products industries, operations of Alginate Industries Ltd., need for research work on processing methods, 327-332. Rural industries, reason for overall trading loss, social aspect of, 333-335. Tweed and knitwear, curtailment of advertising, reason for trade improvement, 321-326. Vacancies in technical posts, difficulties in recruitment, 315-316. Garda Síochána: Cars, use of, choice of models, servicing of, 157-159. Clothing and equipment, reserve stocks of, 155. Gardaí, recruitment of, 154. Garda Síochána Reward Fund, sources of revenue, 165. Garda stations: furnishing of, 156. water supplies, delay in installation of, 160. Local Security Force, compensation for death or personal injuries, cases of, 161-162. Salaries, wages and pay, saving in subhead, reason for, 153. Stamping of bottles, fees for, reason for reduction in fees, collection of, 163-164. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 567-605. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Exchequer Extra Receipts, 4. Foreign Exchange Account, 5. Out-turn of the Year, 2. Stock and Store Accounts, 5. Surrender of balances on 1952-53 Votes, 5. Surrender percentage about average, 3. Government Stocks, Management of: —see Management of Government Stocks. Health: Contracts for hospital building, types of, 617-619. Dissemination of information and advice on health, films on health, charges for, 607-609. Grants for hospital construction from the Hospitals’ Trust Fund, Departmental control of expenditure, nature of, 615. Grants to health authorities, reason for savings in, basis of calculation of, 610-613. Hospital building programme, present position of, 620. Hospitals’ Trust Fund, effect of increased receipts on future Estimates, 621-623. Hospitals’ Trust Fund, grant in aid, large excess of estimate over expenditure, reason for, 616. Improvement of County Homes, State contributions to local authorities for, number of schemes in operation, 614. Officers on loan, information regarding, 627. Training of native Irish speakers in hospital nursing, employment of trainees, 624-626. Travelling expenses, economies in, 606. Increases in Remuneration: Provision additional to remuneration in the various Votes, following Arbitration Board award, 54. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Patents, life of, 1175-1176. Registration of patents, reciprocal arrangements for citizens of countries who are members of the European Union, 1172-1174. Industry and Commerce: American Grant Counterpart Special Account, purpose of certain transfers from, 1071-1072. Avoca, mining operations of Míanraí, Teoranta at, present position of, 1035. Bord na Móna: annuity repayments in respect of advances to, amount of, 1030. experiments and research work, nature of, 1016-1017. extraction of mona wax, position in regard to work, 1018. houses for servants of, number being erected, average cost of, 1019-1022. local turf production schemes, discontinuance of, disposal of machines, loss incurred in, circumstances of, 1023-1029. Certifying surgeon, fees to, increase in rate of, 1043-1044. Compensation for mineral rights, method of determination of, 1047. Electricity Supply Board, repayment to Central Fund of subsidy moiety of advances to, amount of, 1031. Flour subsidy, revision of system of assessment, time within which payment is made, 1008-1012. Foras Tionscail, An, basis on which advances are made from Central Fund, 1054-1055. Frankfurt Fair, arrangements for allocation of space in pavilion, charges for space, 1056-1063. Fuel subsidy, recoupment of losses of Fuel Importers (Eire) Ltd., 1013-1015. Gaeltarra Eireann, publicity at Frankfurt Fair, 1063. Gas Regulation Acts, functions of Department of Industry and Commerce under, 1069. Geological Survey Office, nature of surveys, functions distinct from those of Míanraí, Teoranta, 1048-1050. Industrial Development Authority, audit of accounts, 1053. Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, use of its services by industrialists, extent of, 1051-1052. International Wheat Council, amount of subscription to, 1045. Mianraí, Teoranta: Mining operations in progress, 1034-1037. Provision from Central Fund for prospecting purposes, basis on which payments are made, 1046. Min Fhéir, Teoranta: Amount of grants to, winding up of company, disposal of assets, 1032-1033. Flotation expenses, 1068. Press advertising, Radio Eireann news items, arrangements made for, 1040-1042. Slieveardagh coal mines, excess expenditure incurred by Mianraí, Teoranta on, necessity for authorisation of, 1036. Staff, retrenchment in, nature and extent of, 1038-1039. Sugar (Control of Import) Act, 1936, fees payable under, reason for increase in, provision for surrender of to Exchequer, 1072-1074. Technical assistance schemes, progress of certain schemes, reason for provision for peat gasification in this subhead in addition to provision in subhead M— Bord na Móna, 1064-1067. Trade Loans (Guarantee) Act, 1939, fees payable under Section 5, reason for increase in, 1070. International Co-operation: International organisations, fixing of contributions by States, 199. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, contribution to, 200. Justice, Office of the Minister for: An Bórd Uchtála, work in hand, cost of staff, 147-149. Documents of Identity, purpose of, 150-151, Appendix VI. Headquarters Staff, retrenchment of, 145. Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee, provision in subhead, purpose of, 146. Legal and Technical Assistance, provision in subhead, purpose of, 146. Nationality and citizenship certi ficates, conditions for the grant of, statutory authority for the collection of fees, 150-152. Keady, P. J.: Social Assistance, 364-378. Social Assistance, subhead E— Grants under the Education (Provision of Meals) Acts, 1914-1930, 1179-1238. Social Insurance, 358-363. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 337-357. Keily, Miss M. A.: Social Assistance: School meals scheme, economy in operation of, 1212-1214; 1225. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Land Registry, compensation fund, absence of expenditure on, 184. Lands: Bad debts, amounts written off, 226. Bog lettings in County Roscommon, cases of delay in collecting arrears of rent, 207-208. Collection of annuities, economy of present system, 209. Excess annuity, origin of, meaning of term, 231. Holdings, dispossession of tenants for default, cases of, 219. Houses, erection of, amount of grants by Land Commission, 232. Land annuities, halving of, creation of new annuities, 215-216. Land Bond Fund, deficiencies in, under Section 37 of the Land Act, 1933, nature of, 217. Landlords, advances to by Land Commission, system of calculation of purchase price, 220-225. Land purchase, contribution to price, meaning of term, 214. Lands held by Irish Land Commission pending disposal by allotment or otherwise, claim for relief from rates by way of employment allowances, extent of such lands, 201-206. Legal proceedings, recovery of fees payable in respect of, 213. Local Loans Fund, deficiencies in, under Section 37 of the Land Act, 1933, nature of, 217. Maintenance of embankments, advances to provide funds for, 227-229. Public Trustee, Office of, functions of, 212. Staff economy, type of posts concerned, 210. Surplus income of Rent and Interest Account, reason for separate accounts, 233. Surveys, increased expenditure on, nature of, 211. Untenanted Land: Deficiency in income, reason for, 218. Redemption of annuities, origin of deficiencies in, 230. Law Charges: Chief State Solicitor, business of, 47. Local Government: Acquisition of Land (Allotments) (Amendment) Act, 1934, nature of loans under, 596. Audit of local authority accounts, recovery of fees for, 602. Bog development work, activities of local authorities on, 600-601. Competitions for designs for housing schemes, discontinuance of, 594. Contributions towards housing loan charges of local authorities, delay by Dublin Corporation in discharging subsidy, reason for, 588. Fees in connection with public service vehicles, nature of, 584-585. Housing grants, deductions in respect of defective workmanship, number of cases, 589-590. Housing (Ireland) Act, 1919, nature of grants to local authorities under, 587. Housing subsidies, amount of, 569. Labourers cottages, progress in vesting of, 570. Loan charges of local authorities, contributions towards, amount of, discontinuance of, 567-568. Local government law, text-book on, progress of work on revision and codification of, 599. Motor tax account, contribution in respect of State-owned vehicles, decision to make, method of calculation, 581-583. National Development Fund, administration of, 603. Piped water supply in private-dwellings, administration of scheme of grants, relationship to similar scheme operated by the Department of Agriculture for farmers’ houses, 571-576. Roads in Gaeltacht and congested areas, grants to local authorities for improvement of, administration of scheme, effect on amount of road fund grants, 577-580. Savings on salaries, nature of, 586. Standard plans for houses, provision of, 595. Superannuation of officers, payments under Section 5 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1933, nature of, 598. Supplementary housing grants, administration of, 591-593. Surcharges, method of treatment in accounts, 604-605. Local Loans Fund: Recoupment to the Fund, nature of, 53. MacCarthy, Mr. J. C. B.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 1129-1171. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 1172-1176. Industry and Commerce, 1008-1074. Tourism, 1177-1178. Transport and Marine Services, 1075-1128. McGrath, Mr. J. N.: Ordnance Survey, 104-106. Valuation and Boundary Survey, 95-103. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 87-94. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions, 899-906. Defence, 840-898. Management of Government Stocks: Banks, remuneration for management of government stocks, determination of, 28. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 107-112. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XVIII. Minute of the Minister for Finance: On Report dated 30th March, 1955, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II, Pars. 2-9. Miscellaneous Expenses: Compensation for death or personal injuries, number of cases concerned, 52. Royal Irish Academy, connection between work of and Irish Manuscripts Commission, 51. Mooney, Mr. J.: Local Government: Motor Tax Account, decision to make contribution in respect of State-owned vehicles, issue of White Paper on, 582-583. Murphy, Mr. S.: External Affairs, 185-198. International Co-operation, 199-200. National Development Fund: Balances in Fund, investment of, 55-56. Gaeltacht Development Fund, sum allocated for tourist roads, 57-58. National Gallery: Cataloguing and stocktaking of pictures, 89. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, association with, 90-91. Loans of pictures, 93-94. New pictures acquired, 88. Sales of reproductions, 87. Staff, inadequacy of, 92. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 234-302. Gaeltacht Services, 303-336. Lands, 201-233. O’Broin, L.: Posts and Telegraphs, 764-830. Wireless Broadcasting, 831-839. O Cadhla, Liam—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Ó Cínnéide, Mr. P.: Health, 606-627. Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora, 628. Ó hÉigceartuigh, Diarmuid: Office of Public Works, 379-397. Public Works and Buildings, 398-475. Ó hÉigceartuigh, Risteárd: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 113-144. Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora: Introduction of short birth certificate, effect on numbers issued, 628. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng: Page 8 (no question). Oireachtas, Houses of the: Inter-Parliamentary Activities, audit of expenditure, 6. Restaurant, expenses of the, 7-13. Ó Muirthe, L.: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 563-566. Education, Office of the Minister for, 476-482. Primary Education, 483-528. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 562. Science and Art, 548-561. Secondary Education, 529-538. Technical Instruction, 539-547. O’Neill, Mr. C.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 998-1007. Ordnance Survey: Maps, donation of to Department of State, U.S.A., 106. Maps, sales of, 104. Survey work, organisation of, 105. Posts and Telegraphs: Advertising and printing, arrangements for, 798. Agency payments in respect of compensation allowances, 805. Agency services performed on behalf of other governments, nature of receipts from, 815. Awards for suggestions by the engineering staff, amount of, 800-801. British Admiralty navigational warnings broadcast by Valentia and Malin Head coast stations, dispatch of information subsequent to decision to discontinue service, explanation of, 822, Appendix XIV. Commission on repurchase of stamps, nature of receipts from, 816-819. Conveyance of mails by contract in respect of Packet Services at home, conveyance by contract as a proportion of the total conveyance, 791-793. Destruction of poles by fire, amount of loss, precautions against recurrence, 768-770. Dublin City mail service, change in incidence of payments, reason for, 790. Engineering stores, drop in the total value of, reason for, 818-820. Appendix XIII. Excess parcels traffic, receipts from British Government for, reason for variation in, 810-813. Law charges, reason for increases in, 797. New premises, reason for excess expenditure on, 786. Packet Services at home, conveyance of mails, proportion done by contract, 791-793. Payment to other administrations in respect of services rendered by Agency, nature of, 785. Post office factory, nature of manufacture and repair work, use of office of Public Works engineering workshop, 780-784. Post office savings bank accounts, reserve against depreciation, amount of, 776-779. Post office savings bank deposits, misappropriations of, extent and nature of, precautions against, 764-767. Purchase of sites for post offices, policy in regard to, 787-789. Rates on wires, nature of, 802. Sending of money in post, steps taken to advise public against, case of loss of a registered letter in transit to Glengariff suboffice, Bantry, 825-830. Social Insurance Fund, reason for increase in receipts from, 814. Statement showing Receipts and Issues of Engineering Stores, meaning of entry “Loss on Rate Book prices,” 823. Stores, purchase of for other Government Departments, emergency reserve stocks, 771-772. Stores, reduction in prices of new vehicles, nature of, 796. Telegraph construction services, explanation of a credit in respect of, 824, Appendix XV. Telephone and telegraph services, bad debts, amount written off, 773-775. Telephone capital account: Determination of works chargeable to, 799. Determination of repayment annuities to, 803-804. Thefts from telephone kiosks, extent of, 821. Uniform clothing, use of reserve stocks for current requirements, reason for, 794-795. Wireless communication with the islands, operation of new system, 806-809, Appendix XII. President’s Establishment: Page 2 (no question). Primary Education: Bonus to parents or guardians of certain pupils in the Gaeltacht and Breac-Ghaeltacht, requisite qualifications for payment of, 518-519. Coláiste Brighde, Donegal, deficit in connection with farm and garden, reason for, 483-486. Comhaltas Uladh, scholarship scheme in Gaeltacht, 524. Conveyance of children to national schools, provision of van and boat services, conditions relating to, 490-501. Par. 16. Free school books for necessitous children, grants towards cost of, operation of means test, areas of application, arrangements for publicising of scheme, 521-523. Grants to colleges providing courses in Irish for primary teachers, 515. Heating and cleaning of schools, calculation of manager’s contribution towards cost of, supervision of arrangements for, 516-517. Holiday scholarships in the Gaeltacht, reasons for smaller numbers availing of, 520. Pupils attending preparatory colleges, proposed new scale of fees, reductions in certain cases, 504-510. Par. 17. Retired teachers, ex-gratia payments to, substantial underestimation of cost, reason for, 525-527. Superannuation of teachers, revised basis of calculation in certain cases, 502-503. Superintendents of examinations, steps for recovery of excess payments of fees and expenses made to, method of selection of superintendents, 487-489. Training colleges for teachers, advances of fees to students, application of a means test, method of recovery of, 511-514; 528. Prisons: Cork and Sligo prisons, necessity for continued utilisation of, 169-170. Fine Fund, purpose of provision, 168, Appendix VII. Maintenance of prisoner, average cost of, 166-167. Proposed Changes in Form of Estimates, Appendix XVII. Public Record Office: Records and state papers, amount of, custody of, amount and nature of acquisitions, 82-86. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial drainage construction works, Brosna scheme, estimated total cost of, reason for continuing need for expenditure on, 400-405. Par. 14. Arterial drainage surveys, works in hand, 459-460. Baldonnel Camp, construction of hard surface runways, Department responsible for, nature of contract, 451-453. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts of, Appendix IX. Buncrana Harbour, present position of work on scheme of improvements, 441. Central Engineering Workshop and Stores: Additions and alterations to, estimated cost of, annual rent of, 438. Breakdown of two excavators and three caterpillar tractors, reason for, cost of excavators, 405-407. Excavators, adequate and efficient use of, need for examination of log sheets, organisational arrangements, 424-433. Excavators and tractors, certain type—parts for, repairs to; machine operative—adequacy of experience of, system of remuneration of; machines— overhaul of, working life of, place of purchase of, responsibility for maintenance of, 408-423. Operatives for excavators, employment of during periods of idleness of machines, 434. Plant and machinery, necessity for system of checking and recording items of, 467—470. Par. 15. Public works and buildings, system of estimating cost of, 442. Stocktaking, position in regard to, 466. Compilation of property rentals, progress in, 473, Appendix X. Cork survey, present position of, 446. Crumlin Gárda barracks, reason for high cost of, 435. Dredging operations, Dingle, hire of plant for, 444-445; 471. Dún Laoghaire Harbour, expenditure on additional customs and sanitary accommodation, 439-440. Embassy and ambassador’s residence in London, cost of acquisition, adaptation etc., 399. Embassy at Paris, purchase of premises for use as, 398. Fuel, system of purchasing, 458. Gárda Síochána Barracks, new works, alterations and additions, expenditure less than estimate, 447. Gárda Síochána Dublin Head-quarters, transfer to Depot, 456. Haulbowline Dockyard, new jetty, total cost of, construction difficulties, 454-455. Johnstown Castle, adaptations and renovations, cause of increase in cost of, 443-444. Killarney New Telephone Exchange and Garage, position of work, 450. Land Rehabilitation Project, equipment taken over from, 475. Lettings of sporting, fishing rights etc., number of items concerned 472, Appendix IX. Luncheon clubs and restaurants, facilities provided by State, 436. National Schools, grants for building, enlarging etc., reason for large excess of expenditure over estimate, 448. New works, alterations and additions, statement of expenditure on, Appendix VIII. Post Offices, cost of new buildings, proportion charged to Telephone Capital Account, 449. Registers and Rentals of State Lands and Buildings, compilation of Property Rental: year 1953/54, Appendix X. Waterford Government Offices and New Employment Exchange, services to be accommodated in, 437. Workshops, location of, 457. Public Works, Office of: Liquidation proceedings of the Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, present position of, 394. Local Loans Fund, fees under, nature of, 393. Marine Works Act, 1902, Maintenance Fund, works in hand, 396-397. Shannon Navigation Board, functions of, 395. Temporary mechanical engineers, qualifications for, recruitment of, 379-392. Rates on Government Property: Premises occupied by British services, repayments in respect of rates on, 43. Valuation lists, non-inclusion of certain properties in, reason for, 41-42. Redmond, Mr. O. J.: Central Statistics Office, 16. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An, 31-34. Civil Service Commission, 30. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 35-37. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, 44. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 23-29. General Report of Comptroller and Auditor General, 2-5. Increases in Remuneration, 54. Law Charges, 47. Local Loans Fund, 53. Management of Government Stocks, 28. Miscellaneous Expenses, 51-52. National Development Fund, 55-58. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCúng, page 8 (no question). Oireachtas, Houses of the, 6-15. President’s Establishment, page 2 (no question). Rates on Government Property, 41-43. Repayments to Contingency Fund, 59-65. Secret Service, page 6 (no question). State Laboratory, 29. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 38-40. Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 45-46. Taoiseach, Department of the, 14-15. Universities and Colleges, 48-50. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Industrial schools, amount of capitation grant payable to, 562. Repayments to Contingency Fund: Flood relief, provision of assistance from Fund, 63-64. Fund: Adequacy of capital in, 62-64. General purposes of, 65. Remission of stamp duty to foreign diplomatic representatives, reciprocal basis of, 59. Secondary Teachers Pension Fund, advances made to, 60-61. Report of Committee, page V. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Assessors of taxes, functions of, 81. Embezzlement of income-tax receipts, case of, 66-67. Extra-statutory repayments of customs and excise duties, nature of, 74. Machinery and Repairs in the Stamping Branch etc., change in heading in Appropriations in Aid, reason for, 78. Remission of claims for duty under the Revenue Acts, test examination of cases by the Comptroller and Auditor General, 75-77. Remuneration etc., to Collectors and Assessors of Taxes, 79-80. Revenue, particulars of principal items concerned, 72-73. Revenue Account: Purpose of having a balance not paid into Exchequer, 71. Test examination of, 68-69. Treasury, meaning of term, 70. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 66-81. Science and Art: Centenary Commemoration of Thomas Davis and the Young Ireland Movement, nature of expenditure on, 555-556. Fees for genealogical researches, nature of, 561. Grants to Colleges providing courses in Irish for persons other than teachers, exceptional case of grant, 548-549. Grants to Irish colleges in the Gaeltacht, conduct of courses, 550-551. Grants to periodicals published in Irish and newspapers publishing current news in Irish, determination of, 557-559. History of the Famine, delay in publication of, 554. Photographic reproductions, sale of, 560. Publications in Irish, excess of expenditure over grant, 552. University scholarships, reason for non-renewal in certain cases, 553. Secondary Education: Abbey school, Tipperary, position of work, expenditure on, 537-538. Allowances in aid of rent for teachers, conditions of eligibility for, 534-535. Bonus for choirs and orchestras, basis of calculating, 529. Incremental salary grant to teachers, basis of calculating, 530-533. Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Duties, nature of provision made from, 536. Secret Service: Page 6 (no question). Social Assistance: Contributions by local authorities towards cost of unemployment assistance, fixing of, 374. Education (Provision of Meals) Acts, 1914 to 1930, Grants under, Subhead E, 1179-1238; Appendix XVI. Par. 1. Fuel: State contribution towards cost of, 372. Summer scheme, 371. Supply to necessitous families. qualifying conditions for, 370, System of check on quality of, 373. Old age pensions, cases of overpayment, circumstances of, 377-378. Recoveries of unemployment assistance overpaid, operation of new system, reason for differing treatment of receipts, 375-376. School Meals Scheme: Economy in operation of, 1197-1238, Appendix XVI. Par. 1. Non-operation of a means test under, 1179-1185. Non-passing of resolutions by local authorities for purposes of, 1186-1196. Unemployment assistance, sums subsequently treated as unemployment benefit, necessity for adjustment of accounts, 364. Unemployment benefit and unemployment assistance, payments made through Post Office, need for separate certified figures for benefit and for assistance, 365-368. Widows’ and orphans’ pensions, separate certified figures for contributory and non-contributory pensions, 369. Social Insurance: Arus Mhic Dhiarmada, construction and equipment of, expenditure from Social Insurance Fund on, investment return, 360-363. Social Insurance Fund, provision for deficit in, necessity for supplementary estimate, 358-361. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Administration expenses, 355. Advertising, arrangements for, 349. Agency services for British Ministry of Pensions, nature of, 356. Insured persons medical certificates, length of accounting period, 350. Investigation staff, duty to ensure compliance with collection of contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 347. Losses, absence of provision in subhead, reason for, 354. Losses to Unemployment Fund, cases of misappropriation of moneys, number of prosecutions, 337-346. Manufacture of insurance stamps, estimate of cost, 348. National Health Insurance Society, status of transferred employees, 353. Private car, ex-gratia payment to official for use of, 357. Purchase of cars, reason for excess expenditure on, 351-352. State Laboratory: Extra Exchequer Receipts, items covered in, 29. Stationery Office: Accounts, prompt payment of, 958-963. Advertising and publicity for Government departments, responsibility for, economy in regard to, 943-946. Booklet on social services, revision of, 969-970. Books, periodicals and maps, supply of to Government departments, 967-968. Contracts, ex-gratia payments to contractors in certain cases, circumstances of, 989-991. Contracts for printing and binding, policy in regard to placing of, 953-957. Dáil Debates, printing of, charging of cost of, 974-978. Loose leaf binders, change in price tendered, circumstances of, 988. Motor vehicles, arrangements for maintenance of, 950-951. Office machinery, charges for hiring of, 971-972. Packing equipment, nature of, reason for excess expenditure on, 952. Paper: Extent of saving due to reduction in price of, 964-965. Source of supply of, 966. Surrender by contractors of unused balances of depot stocks, cases of delay in, number of, reasons for, proposed new arrangement, 930-942; 947-948. Par. 21. Varieties stocked, 910. Sales Office: Administration of, 973. Improvement in sales, amount of sales on the basis of firm orders, types of sale contracts to larger firms, 979-982. Stationery, supply of to semi-State bodies, commission charged for, 987. Stocktaking, discrepancies in stock, reason for delay in stocktaking, accounting unit, 907-914. Par. 19. Telephone Directory: Charges for advertisements, 986. Ex-gratia payment to printing contractor, circumstances of, 992-994. Printing of, question of alternative arrangements for, 995-997. Typewriting machines: Census of, results of, 915-917. Par. 20. Maintenance of, 924-929. System of arrangements against loss of, 918-923. Vacant posts, particulars in regard to, 949. Waste paper, disposal of, price obtained for, 983-985. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Agency Payments in respect of Compensation Allowances, variation of expenditure from receipts in the subhead, reason for, 38. Garda pensions, 39. Pension liability in respect of officers on loan, calculation of, 40. Supplementary Agricultural Grants: Agricultural Land (Relief) Acts, 1946 and 1953, Additional Grant under, position regularised by passing of 1953 Act, 45. Basis of distribution of Grants, alteration in, 46. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Land Judge’s Office, duty on estates, nature of, 183. Registrar of Wards, duties of, 182. Travelling and incidental expenses, nature of items covered, 181. Taoiseach, Department of the: Telegrams and Telephones, delay in presentation of accounts, 14-15. Technical Instruction: Drawing and manual instruction, small demand for grants, 545-546. Enrolment of pupils in technical schools, requirements for, 541. Grants to vocational education committees, basis of calculation, 542. Mary A. Hardiman Bequest, administration of, 539. Pensions, reason for delay in assessing, 547. Scholarships, nature of expenditure on, 540. Training centres, location of, grants to private centres, 543-544. Tourism: An Bord Fáilte, contributions from local authorities, absence of control by Minister, 1177-1178. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Eireann: Overpayment of subsidy to, amount of, repayment to Exchequer, 1075. Present position of grants to, 1076-1078. Terms and conditions of advance to company in year 1949-50, 1079. Cork Tramways (Employees’ Compensation) Act, 1933, nature of repayments under, 1128. Dun Aengus, settlement of action against Galway Bay Steamship Company for ownership of, 1091-1095. Dún Laoghaire Harbour, responsibility for dredging of, 1099. Grants for harbours: Difficulties in connection with work, reason for excess expenditure on, 1100-1104. Expenditure on Wexford harbour, 1125-1126. Great Northern Railway Company: Contribution by State towards operating losses of, refund of excess payment, basis of determining contribution, 1080-1082. Audited accounts of, availability to public, 1083-1086 and 1089-1090. Improvement of passenger facilities at Cobh, reason for delay in work, 1087-1090. Lifeboat service, administration of, 1115-1124. Masters, mates and engineers, fees for examinations of, correspondence of estimate provision and expenditure, explanation of, 1127. Protective equipment for ships, reason for State provision for, 1105-1110. Relief of distressed seamen, nature of, 1111-1114. Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway Company, subsidisation of, 1098. Transport Tribunal, expenses of witnesses, 1096-1097. Universities and Colleges: University College, Dublin, acquisition of Stillorgan properties for building purposes, 48-49. University Colleges, Dublin, Cork, saving on subheads, reason for, 50. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Revision of valuation, items covered in, proportioning cost of between local authorities, 95. Valuation of property, factors involved in, rateable value and capital value, 96-103. Valuation, rights of disputants, 102. Wireless Broadcasting: Comhairle Radio Éireann, establishment of, functions of, 831. Estimate for wireless broadcasting, change in form of, 831. Radio licence fees, increase in, reason for, 833-834. Television sets, legal position regarding licensing of, 835-839. Wireless transmitters, customs duty not charged on, reason for, 832. Witnesses, List of, page xxvi. |
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