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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualifications are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants, Supplementary: Page 8 (no question). Agriculture: Accounting, system of, for machinery and stores purchased for the land rehabilitation project, 773. Bank interest allowed on sub-accountants’ balances, 813. Butter, creamery, allowances on production of, 791. Butter Marketing Committee, payment in respect of deficiency in trading account, 791-794. Butter, wrapping for creamery, disposal of surplus, 795-804. Cold storage of creamery butter, expenditure on, 791-792. Creameries, sale of, 820-821. Creamery butter, allowances on production of, 791. Dairy Disposals Company Ltd., profits, 808-810. Dairy produce (price stabilisation) fund, receipts from issue of permits applied as appropriations in aid, 805-807. Excavators, purchased for river improvement works, delay in delivery, 763-772. Farm buildings scheme, expenditure on, 757. Fertilisers: Import of, arrangement with Sugar Company, 815-819. Scheme for provision of, on credit, availed of to less extent than anticipated, 822. Flour and wheatmeal subsidies, transfer of functions to Minister for Industry and Commerce, 790. Ground limestone, delivery costs subsidy, 782. Imported butter, losses on sales of, 791-792. Land reclamation project, cost of two sections, of 759-761, Appendix XVI. Land rehabilitation project and water supplies, 758. Lime, question of obviating long hauls, 783-784. Machinery and stores purchased for land rehabilitation project, system of accounting for, 773. Machinery purchased for land rehabilitation project, sale of, 773-781. Milk powder products, settlement of a claim by a co-operative creamery for subsidy on sales, 747-756. River improvement works, delay in delivery of excavators needed for, 763-772. Sale of machinery purchased for land rehabilitation project, 773-781. Sub-accountants’ balances, bank interest allowed on, 813. Subsidy on sales of milk powder products, settlement of claim by a co-operative creamery, 747-756. Sugar Company, arrangement with, for import of fertilisers, 815-819. Sugar factory lime, delivery costs subsidy, 782. Vaccines for cattle, decline in demand for, 811-812. Vegetable parchment, disposal of surplus of, 795-804. Water supplies to farm dwellings, grants for installation of, 762. Wheat, fertiliser credit vouchers for growers of, 785-789. Wrappers for creamery butter, disposal of surplus, 795-804. An Chomhairle Ealaoin: Grant-in-Aid, 75. Appendices, List of, page 99. Appropriation Accounts (1950-51): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1951-52): Special Subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army Pensions: Disability pension, reversal by Army Pensions Board of decision in a certain case, 719-724. Gratuities, in respect of lodging, fuel and light allowance, for officers on retirement, 725. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Lingus, Teoranta, recoupment of losses, 343-348, Appendix IX. Aer Rianta, Teoranta, recoupment of losses, 343-348, Appendix IX. Constructional works at Shannon and Dublin Airports, expenditure on, 337. Damages to aircraft, settlement of claim for, 338-339. Dublin Airport: Constructional works, expenditure on, 337. Inventories of furniture and equipment, 350. Surplus on management of, 349. Extra receipts, difficult to frame estimate, 356. Foynes, sale of head rent interest in property at, 357. Holdings acquired in connection with scheme for village settlement near Shannon Airport, re-sale, 335-336. Radio telephony service at Shannon Airport, charges made to air companies for, 340-342. Shannon Airport: Catering service, inventories of furniture and equipment, 351-354. Constructional works, expenditure on, 337. Holdings acquired in connection with scheme for village settlement near, 335-336. Landing fees, close estimate of, 355. Radio telephony service, charges made to air companies for, 340-342. Subsidy in respect of air services, 343-348. Appendix IX. Breathnach, Micheál: Agriculture: Dairy produce (price stabilisation) fund, receipts from issue of permits applied as appropriations in aid, 807. External Affairs: Increases in remuneration, additional expenditure due to, 133. Overpayment made to an officer prior to retirement, cannot be deducted from pension, 130. Seconded officer, question of recovery of charge in respect of superannuation, 136. Supplementary Estimate, determination of amount of, 134. Industry and Commerce: Interest rate charged for over-drafts to millers, 281-283. Local Government: Contributions towards housing loan charges of local authorities, calculation of, 256-257. Public Works and Buildings: Efficiency experts, expenditure in connection with, 537-538. Carr, Mr. J. B.: Stationery and Printing, 80-93. Central Statistics Office: National farm survey, delay in commencing, 26-30. Telegrams and telephones, expenditure on, 24-25. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Charitable Bequests: Increase in, 240. Nature of, change in, 240. Commissioners, no judicial functions, 242. Total sum under control of Commissioners, 241. Children’s Allowances: Over-issues to claimants arising from incorrect awards, 729-731. Voluntary refunds by persons entitled to allowances, 729-733, Appendix XV. Circuit Court, page 15 (no question). Civil Service Commission: Travelling expenses, increase in, 37-38. Vacancies in staff, 35-36. Clarke, Mr. P. M.: Defence: Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil, difficulty in recovering articles of clothing, etc., from ex-members, 676. Register of state properties administered by Department of Defence, proposal, 682-683. State Property Bill, pending, 684. Coffey, Mr. Diarmuid: Public Record Office, 243-246. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Commissions, progress of, 42. Emigration and other population problems, commission on, 43-44. Expenditure on commissions, total not provided for in this Vote, 45a. Financial control over commissions, 44-45. Rents and Leaseholds Commission, 43. Youth Unemployment Commission, 46. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXII. Chairman, election of, 1. Functions of, 1. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Accounting, system of, for machinery and stores, purchased for the land rehabilitation project, 773. Creamery butter, allowances on production of, 791. Dairy produce (price stabilisation fund), 805. Excavators, purchased for river improvement works, delay in delivery of, 763. Milk powder products, settlement of a claim by a co-operative creamery for subsidy on sales, 751, 754. Surplus vegetable parchment and wrappers, disposal of, 795. Army Pensions: Disability pension, reversal by Army Pensions Board of decision in a certain case, 719. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Damages to aircraft, settlement of claim for, 338. Dublin Airport, inventories of furniture and equipment, 350. Shannon Airport, catering service, inventories of furniture and equipment, 351. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Audit, actual cost plus percentage for overheads recovered, 839. Defence: Horse sold in Continent, recovery of purchase money, 685. Losses, statement of, 688. Meat, cost of production at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, 658. Register of state properties administered by the Department of Defence, proposal, 680. Turf for defence forces, cost of, 669. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts, audit of, 227-230. External Affairs: Irish News Agency, determination of terms and conditions of repayment of advances, audit of accounts, 120-121. Photographic exhibitions, under-estimation of cost of, 113. Fisheries: Inland Fisheries Trust, information with regard to, 826. Gaeltacht Services: Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, grants under, 587. Loan, industrial, realisation of security for, 588. Commercial Accounts, 1951-52, under audit, 591. General Report: Reserve Stocks, 12. Increases in Remuneration: Method of providing for, 60. Industry and Commerce: Advances made to Irish Tourist Board and Fógra Fáilte, question as to regularity of, 39. Comhlucht Siúicre Eireann, Teo., repayments consequent on certain adjustment of subsidy, 290-291. Córas Tráchtála, Teo., accounts, 302-303, 306. Ration Books not used, expenditure on, 274. Irish Tourist Board: Advances made to the Irish Tourist Board and Fógra Fáilte question as to regularity of, 39. Local Government: Contributions towards housing loan charges of local authorities, calculation of, 252-253. Motor tax account, audit of, 258. National Health Insurance: Investment return of assets of National Health Insurance Fund, 738. Old Age Pensions: Increased rates of old age and blind pensions, 728. Posts and Telegraphs: Losses by default, accident, etc., 622. Mails, conveyance of, by rail, 609. Savings Bank accounts, provision for depreciation, 629. Store accounts, test examination of, 627. Subsidy payable to British Post Office for the conveyance of mails between Dunlaoghaire and Holyhead, 616. Telephone service, irrecoverable amounts, 628. Primary Education: Farms and gardens attached to preparatory colleges, accounts and receipts of expenditure of, 159. Preparatory Colleges, increase in boarding costs, 159. Superannuation, recovery of overpayment of pension to a certain person, 160. Public Works and Buildings: Machinery, for considerable periods under repair, 456. Public Works, Office of: Travelling expenses, audit of, 403. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Parental contributions, apportionment between Minister for Education and local authorities, 225. Science and Art: Irish historical records, interest accrued on purchase money, 198. National Museum, grant-in-aid for purchase of specimens, 219. Publications in Irish, sale of surplus stocks of, 203. Unpublished works in Irish for which fees to authors and translators already paid, 203. Secondary Education: Incremental salary grant, arrears in a certain case, 190. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Temporary service, reckoning of, when officer subsequently becomes established, 47. Technical Assistance: Technical assistance, other than E.C.A., projects, particulars of, 59. Transport and Marine Services: Greenore Hotel, purchased by Great Northern Railway Company, 332. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance: Unemployment Assistance, introduction of punched card system of control of payments, 737. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 11 (no question). Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, page 15 (no question). District Court, page 15 (no question). Garda Síochána, 98-109. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 94-97. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 15 (no question). Prisons, 110-112. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, page 15 (no question). Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 247-251. Cullinane, Mr. J. C.: Agriculture: Excavators, purchased for river improvement works, delay in delivery, 765-772. Defence: Advertisements for recruiting campaign, unforeseen expenditure, 700. Apprentice training depot in barracks at Naas, 655-657. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh, 658. British Air Ministry, nugatory payment to, explanation of, 712-713. Cast horses, sale of, 706-707. Civil defence, training of instructors in, expenditure, 659-668. Clothing and equipment, reason for excess expenditure, 695. Cost of production of bread and meat, 658. Emergency Service Medals: Applicants for, less than anticipated, 704. Ribbon, colour of, 705. Equitation teams at horse shows, expenses of, 690. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil: Officers, number less than anticipated, 694. Recovery of articles of clothing, etc., from ex-members, difficulty in, 674-679. French aircraft, expenditure in connection with crashing of in Co. Wicklow, not recovered, 714. Grants to local authorities in connection with training of instructors in civil defence, 661-668, 711. Gratuity to man wounded in 1924, amount of, 716-718. Horse sold in Continent, recovery of purchase money, 685-687. Insurance, effect of short-term enlistments on, 699. Losses, statement of, 688. Lubricating oils, expenditure less than anticipated, 696-697. Meat, cost of production of, at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, 658. Military educational courses abroad, number of, 689. Miscellaneous receipts, amount of, 708-710. Naas, barracks to be used as apprentice training depot, 655-657. Nugatory payment to British Air Ministry, explanation of, 712-713. Provisions and allowances in lieu reason for excess expenditure 695. Register of state properties administered by Department of Defence, proposal, 680-684. Regulations in connection with recovery of articles of clothing, etc., from ex-members of An Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, difficulty in framing of, 674-703. Reserve, number for training less than anticipated, 701-703. Short-term enlistment scheme, 691-692. State Property Bill, pending, 682-684. Training, number of reserve reporting for, less than anticipated, 701-703. Transport of troops, saving on, 693. Turf for defence forces, cost of, 669-673. Warlike stores, position with regard to supply of, 698. District Court, page 15 (no question). Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts: Audited by Comptroller and Auditor General, 227. Delay in presentation of, 228-230. Dundrum Asylum: Farm Work: Decline in amount done, 248. Prices used in accounting for produce of, 247. Patients: Freedom of choice with regard to work, 249. Number of, decline in, 251. Strict custody over, 250. Education, Office of the Minister for: Inspectors, number and distribution of, 157-158. Travelling and incidental expenses, separation of, 156. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Miscellaneous receipts, details of, 558. Rural improvements scheme, alteration in system of accounting for cash contributions, 557. European Co-Operation: Travelling expenses, less than anticipated, 143. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act: Register of Electors, bigger sales of, 54. External Affairs : Auriol, Madame, presentation to, 124-125. Cultural Relations Committee, future administration of grant-in-aid, 116-119. Increases in remuneration, additional expenditure due to, 132-133. Irish News Agency: Advances to, determination of terms and conditions of repayment of, 120-123. Auditing of accounts, 121. Overpayment of subsistence allowance to a particular officer, recovery of, 126-130. Pension, overpayment made prior to retirement cannot be deducted from, 128-130. Photographic exhibitions, underestimation of cost of, 113-115. Repatriation and maintenance, repayments on foot of expenditure on, 137-142, Appendix VI. Seconded officer, question of recovery of charge in respect of superannuation, 135-136, Appendix V. Supplementary estimate, determination of amount of, 134. Finance Accounts, 1951-52: Balances in the hands of the revenue departments at the commencement of the financial year, desirability of having, 76-79. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Comission on purchases of securities by the Government Stock-broker, difficulty in estimation of, 31-32. Fisheries: Advances, repayable, for boats and gear, increase in arrears, 827828. Appropriations in aid, close estimate of, 838. Compensation payable to owners of nets, 823-825. Ex-gratia grants to owners of nets and employees in case where compensation not payable, 823-824. Fishery loans, repayment of, 830. Fish meal factory, establishment of, 837. Garda Síochána, services rendered in connection with sea fisheries protection, 831-834. General development, repayable advances to the Sea Fisheries Association for, 829. Inland Fisheries Trust, information with regard to, 826. Interest paid to owners of nets on the amount of compensation awarded, 823. Loans, repayment of fishery, 830. Repayable advances for boats and gear, increase in arrears, 827-828. Scientific and technical investigations, on a smaller scale than anticipated, 835-836. Sea Fisheries Association, repayable advances to, 829. Sea fisheries protection, services rendered by Garda Síochána, 831-834. Forestry: Cong sawmill, out of operation, 579-581. Dundrum sawmill, delay in operating at full capacity, 580-581. Forest fires, losses incurred as a result of, 585. Prefabricated houses, plans for, 584. Sawmill receipts, reasons for deficiency in, 578-581. Shelton Abbey, position with regard to, 586. Supplementary estimate, framing of, 576. Timber, reasons for increased receipts from sale of, 582-583. Wire, purchase of consignment of, 576-577. Gaeltacht Services: Commercial Accounts: Audit, of, 591. Trading loss for year, 590. Domestic instruction, position with regard to, 596. Extra receipts to Exchequer, paid only when surplus realised, 592. Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, grants under, 587. Knitwear, almost entirely for home market, 594. Loan, industrial, realisation of security for, 588. Textile Trade: Improvement in position recently, 593. Loss during year, 589-591. Tweeds, export trade in, 594-595. Garda Síochána: Chimney sweepers’ certificates, necessity for, 99-103. Garden implements, purchases less than contemplated, 98. Hackney-car and carriage licences, solely for horse drawn vehicles, 104. Installation of E. S. B. current in Garda stations, cost of charged to Office of Public Works, 106. Motor hackney fees, paid to Road Fund, 105. Motor Park attendants’ licences: Cost of, 108. Legality of collection of, 107, 109. Number of, 109. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 252-273. General Register Office: Certificates issued, income from, 607-608. General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Foreign Exchange Account, 17. Out-turn of year, 2-8. Reserve Stocks, provision of, 12-16. Stock and Store Accounts, 10-11. Supplementary estimates, amount of, 5-7. Surrender of balances on 1950-51 votes, 9. Government Stocks, Management of, page 5 (no question). Health: Bord Altranais, grant to, 603. Grants to health authorities, 597-599. Increases in remuneration, excess on sub-head due to, 600. Loan, staff on, 605-606. Regional sanatoria work, recovery of salaries of officers engaged on, 604. Staff on loan, 605-606. Training of native Irish speakers in hospital nursing etc., position with regard to, 602. Vaccine lymph supply, expenditure on, recoverable, 601. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.: Industry and Commerce: Advances made to Irish Tourist Board and Fógra Fáilte, question as to regularity of, 320. Increases in Remuneration: Expenditure involved, 62-73, Appendix IV. Method of providing for, 60-61. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Extra receipts, amount of, 358. Industry and Commerce: Advances made to Irish Tourist Board and Fógra Fáilte, question as to regularity of, 308-320. Bord na Móna, operations of, 300. Comhlucht Siúicre Éireann, Teoranta, repayments consequent on certain adjustment of subsidy, 290-291. Córas Tráchtála, Teoranta: Audit of accounts, 302-304. Non-statutory body, 303. Presentation of report and accounts to Dáil, 305. Work, amount of, done, 306. Flour and wheaten meal subsidies, transfer of functions from Minister for Agriculture to Minister for Industry and Commerce, 275-279. Fógra Fáilte, question as to regularity of a certain payment made to, 308-320. Foras Tionscal, grant to, 307. Fuel Importers (Éire), Limited, recoupment of losses incurred by, 292-297. Grain Importers (Éire) Limited, final adjustment of subsidy, 275-280. Inspectors, reduction in number of, 324. Interest, rate of, charged for over-drafts to millers, 281-287, Appendix VIII. Irish Tourist Board, question as to regularity of a certain payment made to, 308-320. Mianraí, Teoranta, postponement of the payment of interest on advances, 298-299. Millers, rate of interest charged for overdrafts, 281-287. Milling industry, provision of additional capital, 276-278. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, subscription to, 321. Penalties on millers exceeding quota of wheat to be milled, position with regard to, 322-323. Ration books not used, expenditure on, 274. Rural electrification, repayment of advances for, 301. Subsidy to Grain Importers (Éire), Limited, final adjustment of, 275-280. Tea Importers (Éire), Limited, position with regard to subsidy to, 288-289. Irish Tourist Board: Advances made to the Irish Tourist Board and Fógra Fáilte, question as to regularity of, 39-41. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Displaced persons seeking Irish citizenship, 95-96. Documents of identity, under-estimation of fees for, 94. Irish citizenship, increase in applications for, 96. Irish Legal Terms Advisory Committee, personnel, functions and expenses of, 97. Kiely, Mr. Wm. J.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 839. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, page 15 (no question). Lands: Bank strike, increase in warrant fees paid, due to, 561-570, Appendix XIII. Damages, costs and expenses awarded to tenant on the estate of Doneraile, 571. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer to appear on face of Estimate 575. Hollerith machinery, removal of, 559-560. Miscellaneous receipts, amount of, 573-574. Quarry in Co. Donegal, compensation to owner for unauthorised removal of materials, 572. Warrant fees, increase in, due to bank strike, 561-570, Appendix XIII. Law Charges: Appropriations in Aid, closeness of estimate, 55-56. Leydon, Mr. J.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 335-357. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 358-359. Industry and Commerce, 274-324. Transport and Marine Services, 325-334. Local Government: Committee on road-surfacing in relation to horsedrawn traffic, report of, 262. Competition for designs for housing schemes, abandoned, 273. Contributions towards housing loan charges of local authorities, calculation of, 252-257. Housing: Grants, devolution of work on initial stages of, 272. Grants, reduction or disallowance of, 268. Grants, under Housing Acts, 1932-1948, estimation of balance of, 265-267. Loan charges of local authorities, calculation of contribution towards, 252-257. Schemes, abandonment of competition for designs for, 273. Inspectors, general position with regard to, 269-271. Motor Tax Account: Arrears in auditing of, 258-260. Receipts, 261. Public utility society, question of capitalising subsidy to, 263-264. McElligott, Mr. C. C.: Ordnance Survey, 235-239. Valuation and Boundary Survey, 234. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 231-233. Maclnerney, Mr. J. F.: Aviation and Meteorological Services: Shannon Airport, catering service, inventories of furniture and equipment, 352. Science and Art: National Museum, grant-in-aid for purchase of specimens, 221-223. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions, 718-724. Defence, 655-717. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 240-242. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XXII. Miscellaneous Expenses, page 8 (no question). Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services: School Meals Scheme: Areas in which provided, 744-746. Legal position regarding, 742-743. National Gallery: Cloakroom receipts, paid to Exchequer, 233. Pictures: Acquisition of, 231. Expenditure on purchase and storage of, 232. National Health Insurance: Investment return of assets of National Health Insurance Fund, 738-741. Store Street Building, investment in premises and their equipment, 739. Nunan, Mr. S.: European Co-operation, 143. External Affairs, 113-142. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 576-586. Gaeltacht Services, 587-596. Lands, 559-575. Ó Broin, Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 609-649. Wireless Broadcasting, 650-654. Ó Broin, Seán: Agriculture, 747-822. Fisheries, 823-838. Ó Cinneide, Mr. P.: General Register Office, 607-608. Health, 597-606. O’Donovan, Mr. D. J.: Children’s Allowances, 729-733. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services, 742-746. National Health Insurance, 738-741. Old Age Pensions, 728. Social Welfare, Office of Minister for, 725-727. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 734-737. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, page 85 (no question). Ó hEigceartuigh, Diarmuid: Office of Public Works, 360-403. Public Works and Buildings, 404-556. Ó hEigceartuigh, Risteard: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 557-558. Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCung: Supplementary Estimate in respect of, 74. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Restaurant, subvention from the Exchequer, 19-21. Old Age Pensions: Social Welfare Act, 1951, increased rates of old age and blind pensions under, 728. Ó Muirithe, Labhrás: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 227-230. Education, Office of the Minister for, 156-158. Primary Education, 159-188. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 225-226. Science and Art, 198-224. Secondary Education, 190-195. Technical Instruction, 196-197. Ordnance Survey: Co-operation with other ordnance survey authorities, 235-237. Fines imposed for loss of instruments, 239. Zeiss level, officer fined for loss of, 239. Zinc plates, sales of surplus of, 238. Posts and Telegraphs: Accounts, test examination of, 627-628. Air mail service to Great Britain, 616-620. Compensation for cancellation of appointment of Sub-Postmaster, 624. Consultants to assist organisation and methods officers, payment for services of, 645-646. Contractors, for conveyance of mails by motor vehicle, 639-643. Córas Iompair Éireann: Contract, no formal, with, 609-611. Penalty clause, in contract with, suggestion to have, 609-611. Strike, no deduction made from annual payment to, for period of, 609, 613-615. Departmental motor vehicle services, 639-643. Ex gratia payments to certain retired officers, recovery of, 647-649. Factory, post office, test examination of accounts, 634. Great Britain, night air mail service to, 616-620. Losses by default, accident, etc., 622-623. Mails: Conveyance of, by air, 616-620. Conveyance of, by rail, 609-615. Misappropriation of registered letters, case of, 644. Parcel traffic, savings effected due to decline in, 637-638. Post Office Factory, test examination of accounts, 634. Post Office savings bank accounts, test examination of, 629-633. Savings Bank Accounts: Depreciation of securities, provision for, 629-633. Test examination of, 629. Store accounts, test examination of, 627. Sub-office, expenditure incurred on transfer and retransfer of, 624-626. Subsidy payable to British Post Office for conveyance of mails between Dunlaoghaire and Holyhead, 616-621. Telephone service, irrecoverable amounts, 628. Transfer of offices between metropolitan and provincial areas, 635-636. President’s Establishment: Increases in remuneration, method of providing for, 18. Primary Education: Farms and gardens attached to preparatory colleges, accounts and receipts of expenditure of, 159. Heating and cleaning of schools, grant-in-aid for: Method of computing, 180-183. Proportion of cost of heating and cleaning covered by, 169. Reduced or stopped in certain cases, 174-177. Supervision with regard to use of, 167-168. Unsatisfactory position with regard to, 165-186. Holiday scholarship scheme to enable children to go to Gaeltacht, 187. Preparatory Colleges, increase in boarding costs, 159. Salaries, etc., of teachers, saving, 161-162. Superannuation, recovery of over-payment of pension to certain person, 160. Temporary school premises: Grant-in-aid payable for defraying costs of, 164. Necessity for in certain emergencies, 164. Training as teachers, increase in number of candidates for, 188. Van and boat services, difficulty in estimating cost of, 163. Prisons: Manufacturing and farm accounts examination of, 110. Prisoners: Number, decline in, 111. Feeding, decline in cost of, 111-112. Public Record Office: Cloyne, Diocese of, documents relating to, 245. Staff, position regarding, 243-246. Public Works and Buildings: Agriculture, Department of, facilities for serving morning tea, 504-510. Arterial drainage, construction works, expenditure on, 422-423. Arus an Uachtaráin, provision of meat safe, 503. Brosna catchment drainage scheme, expenditure on, 422-423. Central engineering workshop and stores, introduction of new system of store accounting for, 426-455. Chairs, importation of, 512-523. Clondalkin, new premises, adaptations abandoned, 490-491. Colaiste Muire, Tourmakeady, fencing of, 492. Cork, Collins Barracks, married quarters in, 499-502. 526-528. Cork district architectural workshops, alleged improper use of materials in, 446-452. Corrib catchment drainage scheme, exhibition of, 425. Custom House, Dublin, expenditure on staff restaurant for, 489. Deer, disposal of when shot, 552. Deer-keeper, employment of, 551. Dublin Castle, renovations, 511. Dundalk, sale of dredging plant at, 531-533. Efficiency Experts: Advice on maintenance of plant 535. Expenditure in connection with, 536-538, Appendix XIV. Emergency fuel stores expenditure on, 414-421. Engineering plant, maintenance of, 534-535. Engineer in charge of workshops, responsible to Commissioners, 546. Engineers, number of, 539-544, Appendix XII. External Affairs, Department of, furnishing of legations, 524. Feale catchment drainage scheme, progress of, 424. Fines on leasing of Government property, receipts not anticipated, 549-550. Furniture, importation of, 512-523. Hire of plant to other Government Departments, proposed review of hireage charges, 476-478. Lands, Department of, luncheon club, 529-530. Letterkenny Railway, sale of, 556. London Embassy, adaptation of, 493-496. Low loaders, supply of, 471-472. Machinery: Deterioration in, steps taken to prevent, while in store, 460-461 Repair, held for considerable periods awaiting, 456-475. Spare parts for, feasibility of manufacture in workshop, 468-471. United States of America, difficulty in obtaining delivery of, from firms in, 458-459. Use of, for only part of year, 465-466. Materials, system for ensuring proper use of, 442-455. Mesne rates, explanation of, 553-554. New Works, Alterations and Additions: Changes of plan, 483-486. Details of, 479. Estimate for, 487-489. Oireachtas, Houses of the, erection of new door in restaurant, 480-482. Outside firms, few repairs done by, 545. Port Kinnegoe, Co. Donegal, site of former coastguard station, sale of, 555. Rathluirc, new post office and telephone exchange, 497-498. Repairs, few, done by outside firms 545. Reserve stores, purchased in case of an emergency, 404-413. Revenue Commissioners, construction of customs posts, 525. Technical staff, shortage of, 467, 475. Timber, special reserve stock purchased, 404-413. Turf, use of, for heating purposes, 420-421. Public Works, Office of: Advertising in connection with staff recruitment, 360. Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Limited, claim of Commissioners against, 364-367. Letterkenny Railway, sale of, 368-400, Appendix X. Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Company, purchase of Letterkenny Railway, 368-400, Appendix X. Mechanical Engineers: Recruitment of, 360-362. Remuneration of, 363. Technical staff, shortage of, 360-362. Travelling expenses, amount of, 401-403. Rates on Government Property: Contributions towards rates on premised occupied by representatives of external governments, certain claims not received, 53. Redmond, Mr. O.J.: Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, page 8 (no question). An Chomhairle Ealaíon, 75. Central Statistics Office, 24-30. Civil Service Commission, 35-38. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 42-46. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 11 (no question). Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, 54. Finance Accounts, 1951-52, 76-79. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 31-32. General Report of Comptroller and Auditor General, 2-17. Government Stocks, Management of, page 5 (no question). Increases in Remuneration, 60-73. Irish Tourist Board. 39-41. Law Charges, 55-56. Miscellaneous Expenses, page 8 (no question) Oifig na Gaeltachta agus na gCeantar gCung, 74. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 19-21. President’s Establishment, 18. Rates on Government Property, 53. Secret Service, page 8, (no question). State Laboratory, 33-34. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 47-52. Taoiseach, Department of the, 22-23. Technical Assistance, 58-59. Universities and Colleges, 57. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Parental contributions, apportionment between Minister for Education and local authorities, 225-226. Report of Committee, page iv. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Fines, forfeitures, law cost recovered, etc., increase in, 146-148. Frontier patrols, cost of purchase, maintenance etc., of motor cars for, 145. Law charges, expenses of prosecutions, fees, rewards, etc., decrease in expenditure, 146-148. Losses by default, fraud and accident, 149-151. Miscellaneous items, appropriations in aid, details of, 154-155. Motor cars for frontier patrols, cost of purchase, maintenance, etc., 145. Officers on loan outside the service, recovery of salaries of, 152-153. Remissions and irrecoverable amounts, 144. Revenue account, test examination of, 144. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 144-155. Science and Art: Gúm, number of books published and number held in stocks by, 224. Irish historical records, interest accrued on purchase money for, 198-202, Appendix VII. Irish volunteer, etc., medals, purchase of a collection of, 219-220. Manuscripts in Irish, still being purchased, 208-209. National Museum, undesirability of exhausting balance of grant-in-aid, 219-223. Ormonde Manuscripts, delay in completion of purchase of, 198-202, Appendix VII. Publications in Irish, sale of surplus stocks of, 203-206. Thomas Davis and Young Ireland Movement Centenary Film: Ireland, demand for film in, 214-215. Production of, cost of, 210. Receipts from distribution, 210. Size of film, 217-218. United States of America, showing of film in, 210-214. Unpublished works in Irish for which fees to authors and translators already paid, 203, 207. Secondary Education: Incremental salary grant: Arrears, as from 1927, in a certain case, 190. Sub-head, net figure provided for, 191. Registration Council, investments converted into Government stock, 192-195. Secret Service, page 8 (no question). Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Health embarkation certificates, 725-726. Mansion House Anti-Partition Conference, secondment of officer to, 727. Miscellaneous receipts, details of, 727. National Bank, contribution from, towards cost of printing cheques used for National Health Insurance benefits, 727. State Laboratory: Fees for analyses, testing of instruments, etc., excess of income over estimate, 33. Recovery from Road Fund of salary of officer, reason for variation in, 34. Stationery and Printing: Binding of registers of births, marriages and deaths, 81-86. Oireachtas Debates, account for, not paid within financial year, 87. Paper for public departments, saving on subhead for, 80. Publications, issued to Government Departments free of charge, 93. Punctuation marks, excessive number of, in various Government publications, 88-90. Registers of births, marriages and deaths, binding of, 81-86. Stationery and publications destroyed, replacement of, 92. Waste paper, arrangements for sale of, 91. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Agency payments in respect of compensation allowances, 50. Cost of decision concerning reckoning of tempory service, 49. Extra receipts payable to the Exchequer, increase in, 51-52. Temporary service, reckoning of, for superannuation purposes, 47-49. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, page 15 (no question). Taoiseach, Department of the: Recovery of salary plus superannuation charge in respect of an officer on loan to a body outside the Government, 22-23. Technical Assistance: Counterpart of dollar outlay by E.C.A., on technical assistance projects, no expenditure from, 58. Expenses arising out of E.C.A., technical assistance projects, no payments made, 58. Technical assistance other than E.C.A. projects, particulars-of, 59. Technical Instruction: Scholarships awarded to students attending Coláiste Muire leTíos, number of, 196-197. Transport and Marine Services: Aran Islands, shipping service between Galway and, 325-326. Cobh, improvement of accommodation at railway premises, 327. Córas Iompair Éireann, payment towards operating losses of, 328. Great Northern Railway Company, payment towards operating losses, 329-330. Greenore Hotel, purchased by Great Northern Railway Company, 331-333. Rentals, paid to Córas Iompair Éireann for two colliery railways, 334. Repayment to Central Fund of certain Advances to Córas Iompair Éireann, 328. Steamer services between Galway and the Aran Islands, 325-326. Twamley, Mr. J. E.: Posts and Telegraphs: Consultants to assist organisation and methods officers, payment for service, of, 645. Córas Iompair Éireann strike, no deduction made from annual payment for period of 614-615. Savings Bank accounts, provision for depreciation, 633. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance: Unemployment Assistance, introduction of punched card system of control of payments, 734-737. Universities and Colleges: University College Dublin, saving in grant to, 57. Valuation and Boundary Survey: Miscellaneous Receipts, Amount and details of, 234. Wann, Mr. W. E.—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, page 85 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Pianos, receipts from sale of, 653-654. Radio Journal, position with regard to, 651-652. Telegrams and telephones, expenditure on, 650. Witnesses, List of, page xxv. |
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