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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants, Supplementary: Payments under Rates for Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1946 lower than anticipated, 53. Agriculture: Abbotstown, Castleknock, County Dublin, purchase of farm, etc. at, for use as veterinary research laboratory, 707-710. Accounting, system of, for machinery and stores, purchased for the land rehabilitation project, 790-804, para. 18. Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd., payment to, for administering special temporary scheme of loans for the purchase of cattle and sheep, 739-742. Allotments, number of and expenditure on, 831-833. Brownsbarn farm, Clondalkin, sale of, 707-708. Butter, creamery, allowances on production of, 821-825. Butter Marketing Committee, payment in respect of deficiency in trading account, 821-825. Capital services, savings on, 834-840. Cattle and sheep, temporary scheme of loans for purchase of, 739-742. Contracts for the erection of central buildings and glass-houses in Counties Donegal and Galway, completion of, 721-722. County committees of agriculture, grants to, 829. Creamery butter, allowances on production of, 821-825. Creamery industry, improvement of, 743-747, Appendix XXII. Dairy Disposals Company Ltd., balance sheet of, 743-747, Appendix XXII. Dairy produce (price stabilisation) fund, 827. Day-old chicks, subsidies on, 712-716. Egg production, improvement of, 711. Extra remuneration paid for performance of higher duties, 841-842. Farm buildings scheme, administration expenses, 772-775. Fertilisers, scheme for supply of artificial, under land rehabilitation project, 777-786. Fines, remission of, imposed on millers, 843-844. Flour and wheatenmeal subsidies, expenditure on, 815-820. Gaeltacht areas, scheme for subsidies on day-old chicks supplied to, 712-716. Glasshouse crops in Gaeltacht areas, commercial production of, 721-738. Grain Importers (Eire), Limited, subsidies paid to, in respect of flour and wheatenmeal, 815-820. Irish Potato Marketing Company, Limited, audit of accounts and balance sheet of, 748-771, Appendix XXIII. Land rehabilitation project and water supplies, 776. Lime, scheme for supply of, under land rehabilitation project, 777-786. Limestone subsidy scheme under County committees of agriculture, 829. Loans, special temporary scheme of, for purchase of cattle and sheep, 739-742. Machinery and stores purchased for land rehabilitation project, system of accounting for, 790-804, para. 18. Parish agricultural advisory services, scheme for, 830. Potato reserve scheme, payment made in recoupment of losses incurred by the Irish Potato Marketing Company, Limited, 748-771, Appendix XXIII. Poultry and egg production, improvement of, 711-720. Research, veterinary, purchase of farm for purposes of, 707-710. Rhode Island Reds, suitability of breed of, 717-720. Scheme for supply of artificial fertilisers, publicity for, 780-786. Sheep, special temporary scheme of loans for purchase of, 739-742. Subsidies, expenditure on flour and wheatenmeal, 815-820. Subsidy scheme for day-old chicks supplied to Gaeltacht areas, 713-716. Tomatoes, financial details of scheme for production of, in Gaeltacht areas, 724-738. Tractor, replacement of, loaned by supplier to contractor engaged in land project work, 805-810, Appendix XXIV. Veterinary college, functions of 828. Veterinary research, purchase of farm, etc. at Abbotstown, Castleknock, County Dublin for use as laboratory for, 707-710. Water supplies to farm dwellings, grants for installation of, 787-789. Wheat, fertiliser credit vouchers for growers of, 811-814. Wrappers, sale of, to creameries, for off-ration butter, 826. Alleviation of Distress, page 13 (no question). Appendices, List of, page 102. Appropriation Accounts (1949-50): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1950-51): Special Subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army Pensions: Connaught Rangers (Pensions) Acts, amount provided not spent, 276. Gratuities, ex-gratia, paid to married officers, 263-264, para. 10. Military service pensions, number falling for payment less than anticipated, 272-275. Refunds of overpayments of pensions, 277. Special allowances, delay in payment of, 265-271. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Air services, subsidy in respect of, 442-444. Catering service, payment to, for cleaning of lounges, 446-447. Constructional works at Shannon airport and Dublin airport, 430. Dublin Airport: Constructional work at, 430. Erection of hangar at, 438-439, Appendix XVII. Management of, 440-441. Foynes, hostel at, disposal of, and delay in proving title of, 431437, Appendix XVI. Hangars, renting of two, by Aer Lingus, 438-439, Appendix XVII. Lease of sites, compensation for, 448-449. Losses of small items at Shannon airport, Foynes, 445. Maintenance of voice-recording machines, 454-456. Shannon airport, constructional works at, 430. Staff hostels, receipts from, 450-451, Appendix XVIII. Subsidy in respect of air services, 442-444. Voice-recording machines, use of, 452-456. Bhreathnach, Máire: Industry and Commerce: Unvouched expenditure transferred from Vote for Technical Assistance, 419. Breathnach, Micheál: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 352-356. Education, Office of the Minister for, 282-287. Primary Education, 288-330 Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 344-351. Science and Art, 331-343. Secondary Education, page 40. Technical Instruction, page 41. Breathnach, Micheál (An Roinn Airgeadais): Agriculture: Savings on capital services, 835-839. Fines, remission of, imposed on millers, 843-844. Gaeltacht Services: Delay in proceeding with new State Lands Act, 635-637. Local Government: Loan charges of local authorities, calculation of contribution towards, 665-684. Public Works and Buildings: Change in form of Estimates, saving resulting from, 478-480, Appendix IV. Carr, Mr. J. B.: Stationery and Printing, 357-372. Central Statistics Office, page 6 (no question). Charitable Donations and Bequests: Total sum under control of Commissioners, 89. Children’s Allowances, page 100 (no question). Circuit Court: Cork bankruptcy court, receipts from, 659. Court orders and Land Commission warrants, fees received in connection with, 660. National health insurance contributions, refund of, 661. Civil Service Commission, page 7 (no question). Coffey, Mr. Diarmuid: Public Record Office, 87-88. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Emigration and other population problems, commission on, 26. Expenditure on certain commissions, total of, 31-35, Appendix V. Irish Manuscripts Commission, 27. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXVI. Chairman, election of, 1. Functions of, 1. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Accounting, system of, for machinery and stores purchased for land rehabilitation project, 790-791. Creamery butter, allowances on production of, 821. Farm improvements scheme, cost of administration of, 773. Grain Importers (Eire) Limited, subsidy paid to, 815. Potato reserve scheme, check of accounts of, 748. Poultry and egg production, improvement of, 711. Production of glasshouse crops in Gaeltacht areas, scheme to encourage commercial, 724. Sale of Brownsbarn, Clondalkin, 707-708. Tractor, replacement of, loaned by supplier to contractor engaged in land project work, 805-810, Appendix XXIV. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Constructional works at Dublin and Shannon airports, 430. Losses incurred by Aer Rianta Teo., 444. Losses of airport equipment at Shannon, 445. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Vacancies in staff, 870-871. Defence: Acquisition of premises for An Forsa Cosanta Aitiúil, 219. Purchase of dwelling house, 214. Suspense account, amount charged to, 226. Warlike stores, delay in delivery of, 212. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Delay in presentation of accounts of, 352. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Method of accounting for grants for provision of employment, 567. Miscellaneous schemes, cost of, 577. Reconditioning and repair of public roads, 575. Rural improvement schemes, improvement of, 576. Forestry: Contract procedure not followed, 619. Stores, method of control of, 621. Gaeltacht Services: Losses due to fire in toy factory, 631. Health: Grants to health authorities, 579. Industry and Commerce: Miscellaneous Turf Production Schemes, 384. Lands: Fraudulent claim for travelling expenses, 585. Local Government: Housing loan charges of local authorities, calculation of contribution towards, 665-684, para. 17. Office of Public Works: Insurance of workman, 459. Telephone capital works, 463. Primary Education: Farms and gardens, surplus and deficits on, 288. Prisons: Manufacturing and farm accounts, examination of, 649. Public Works and Buildings: Erection of central engineering workshop and stores, 481. Tender for reconstruction of a national school, 499. Works, construction — arterial drainage, 505. Technical Assistance: Expenses arising out of E.C.A. Technical Assistance Projects, 65. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 13 (no question). Corish, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 568-578. Coyne, Dr. W. J. Dundrum Asylum, 84-86. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 659-661. District Court, 656-658. Garda Síochána, 646-648. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 643-645. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 663-664. Prisons, 649-655. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 662. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation: Compensation from external Governments, 59-62. Defence: Advances paid for warlike stores, method of accounting for, if refunded, 213, para. 9. Appropriations in aid, overestimation of item in, 258-261. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh, 208-211. Bureau of military history, transfer of additional officer to, 247. Chaplains, reduction in number of, 229-230. Cost of production of bread and meat, 208-211. Curragh bakery, cost of production at, 208-211. Deductions from pay in respect of accommodation and for fuel, gas and electricity, 196-207. Estimation, closeness of, 262. Forsa Cosanta Aitiúil: Expenses of, in connection with inauguration of Republic of Ireland, 226-228. Premises purchased for, found un-sound, 219-224. Increase in cost of bread and meat, 211. Inspection of buildings about to be purchased, future procedure, 220. Insurance, 246. Lands, letting of, by public auction, 252-257. Losses, statement of, 225. Married quarters, deductions in respect of, 196-207. Meat, cost of production of, at Dublin and Curragh abattoirs, 208. Medals, manufacture and issue of, 248-251. Military lands, purchase of, 214-218. National health and unemployment insurance, 246. Pay of officers, cadets, n.c.o.’s and men, deductions from, 196-207. Site for married quarters, purchase of, 214-217. Subsistence and other allowances, overestimation of, 231-232. Suspense Account, items charged to, 226-228. Warlike stores, non-delivery of, 212-213, 233-245. District Court: Fines, estimation of amount of, conjectural, 656-658. Tendency towards reduction in fines, 656. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Accounts, delay in presentation of accounts of, 352-356. Dundrum Asylum: Incidental expenses, curtailment of expenditure, 85. Lunatics, criminal, number of in Asylum, 84. Misprint in Appropriation Accounts, 84. Rations for attendants, saving under subhead for, 86. Victualling patients, saving under subhead for, 86. Education, Office of the Miníster for: Council of education, expenses in connection with, 282-287. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Bogs used by landholders and private producers, development work in, 568-574. County engineers carrying out schemes, 568-574. Minor Employment schemes, 568-574. Miscellaneous schemes, expenditure on, 577. Public roads, reconditioning and repair of, 575. Rural employment schemes, accounts of expenditure on, 567. Rural improvement schemes, expenditure on, 576. Sanitary service works, savings effected in, 578. Special Employment Schemes Office, schemes administered by, 568-574. Urban employment schemes, accounts of expenditure on, 567. European Co-operation, page 36 (no question). Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 10 (no question). External Affairs: Advances, repayable, to Irish News Agency, 279-281. Irish News Agency, repayable advances to, 279-281. Postage, excess expenditure on, 278. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Commission charged on purchase of securities, 22-23. Incidental expenses, increase in, 20. Telephonists’ services, excess on subhead attributable to charges for, in respect of previous year, 21. Fisheries: Advances, repayable for boats and gear, 851. Compensation payable to owners of nets, 845-850. Fishery loans, repayment of, 853-854. General development, repayable advances to the Sea Fisheries Association for, 852. Loans, repayment of fishery, 853-854. Nets, payment of compensation to owners of certain, 845-850. Repayable advances for boats and gear, 851. Sea Fisheries Association, repayable advances to, 852. Shannon fisheries, letting of rights in, 850. Forestry: Contracts, approval not sought for placing of certain, 619-621. Education, forestry, special course in, abandoned, 626. Procedure for placing of contracts not followed, 619-621. Savings, estimated less than anticipated, 627-629. Stores, records of, incomplete, 621-622. Timber conversion, keeping of commercial account for, 623-625. Gaeltacht Services: Exchequer receipt, not shown in Appropriation Accounts, 642. Fior-Gaeltacht, maintenance of teachers’ residences in, 639-641. Goods presented to Irish Club, London, 639. Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, grants under, 630. Loan, industrial, realisation of security for, 633-637. Losses, due to fire in toy factory, 631-632. Publicity, presentation of products for, 639. Searods, non-availability of dry, 638. State Lands Act, delay in proceeding with new, 633-637. Teachers’ residences, maintenance of, 640. Garda Síochána: Auction of old stores and cast uniforms, 648. Local elections, expenditure arising out of, less than anticipated, 646-647. Supplementary Estimate, actual savings greater than amount sought in, 646-647. Tenders, invited for auction of old stores and cast uniforms, 648. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 665-706. General Register Office, page 69 (no question). General Report: Estimate for Public Works and Buildings, change in format of, 14-15, Appendix IV, para. 7. Estimation, accuracy of, 2-6. Extra remuneration, alteration of minimum amount of, appearing in estimates, 10-13, para. 7. Foreign Exchange Account, 9. Out-turn of year, 2-6. Stock and Store Accounts, 7. Surrender of balances in 1949-50 votes, 8. Government Stocks, Management of, page 7 (no question). Health: Fees under Dangerous Drugs Act 1934, treatment of, 582-584. Grants to health authorities, 579-581, para. 15. Standard expenditure of health authorities, 579-581. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Applications for registration of patents, number of, 457-458. Industry and Commerce: Advances to Mianrai Teoranta, 391-397. Advertising and publicity, saving on, 408. Aran Islands, losses on fuel supplied to, 379-383. Bord na Móna, operations of, 398-402, Appendix XIV. Expenditure, unvouched, transferred from Vote for Technical Assistance, 416-420, Appendix XV. Fuel supplied to Aran Islands, loss on, 379-383. Local authorities, recoupment of losses incurred by, on turf-production schemes, 384-390. Millers exceeding quota of wheat to be milled, penalties on, remitted, 376-378, Appendix XIII. Mianrai Teoranta: Advances to, for prospecting, 409-411. Compensation for mineral rights acquired, 412-415. Postponement of repayment of advances and of interest on advances to, 391-397. Penalties on millers exceeding quota of wheat to be milled, remitted, 376-378, Appendix XIII. Rural electrification, repayment of advances for, 403-405. Tea Importers (Eire) Ltd. and amount of subsidy, 373-375. Tea subsidy, amount of recovered, 373-375. Telephonists, amount due for services of, 406-407. Transport of fuel to Aran Islands, cost of, 379-383. Turf production schemes, losses incurred by local authorities on, 384-390. Wheat milled in excess of quotas, penalties remitted, 376-378, Appendix XIII. Irish Tourist Board, page 7 (no question). Justice, Office of the Minister for: Dangerous Drugs Act, 1934, fees payable under, 643-644. Documents of identity, fees for, 645. Fees, method of presenting accounts of receipts of, 643-644. Kennedy, Mr. P.: General Register Office, page 69 (no question). Health, 579-584. Kiely, Mr. Wm. J.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 870-871. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Estimation, accuracy of, 664. Vacancies in staff, filled and to be filled, 663. Lands: Annuities written off, 597. Contractor, failure by, to complete work, 601. Deficiencies in land bond fund and local loans fund, 596. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer, method of estimating, 602-614. Fence, payment for erection of, 615-616. Gaeltacht, transfer of allottees from, 595. Griffith estate, Co. Tipperary, amount paid for erection of dwelling house which was not completed, written off, 617-618. Improvement of estates, recovery of advances, 595. Irregularities in claims for travelling expenses, 585-594, para. 16. Land bond fund, deficiences in, 576. Land bonds, deficiences in realisation by Government Departments of, 598-599. Local loans fund, deficiences in, 596. Plot of land, dispute concerning, for school, 600. Rent and interest accounts, form of presentation, 602-614. School, plot of land for, dispute concerning, 600. Travelling expenses irregularly claimed, amount of, written off, 585-594, para. 16. Work, failure of contractor to complete, loss involved, 601. Law Charges: Chief State Solicitor, etc., increase in amount of costs and fees recovered by, 54-55. Leydon, Mr. J.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 430-456. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 457-458. Industry and Commerce, 373-420. Transport and Marine Services, 421-429. Local Government: Audit of accounts, arrears in, 685-690. Committee on road-surfacing in relation to horse drawn traffic, expenses of, 694. Competition for designs for housing schemes, 696-700. Consolidation of local government law, progress, 702. Contributions towards housing loan charges, of local authorities, calculation of, 665-684, para. 17. Grants letting, under Housing Acts not availed of to extent anticipated, 695. Horse drawn traffic, committee on road surfacing in relation to, 694. Housing: Grants, refund of arising out of final review of a scheme, 705-706. Loan charges of local authorities, non-statutory contribution towards, 665-684, para. 17. Schemes, competition for designs for, 696-700. Local authorities, housing loan charges of, 665-684, para. 17. Local government law, text-book on and revision and codification of, 701-703. Miscellaneous receipts, greater than anticipated, 704. Motor tax account, arrears in auditing of, 685-690. Personnel, shortage of audit, 687-690. Refund of housing grants arising out of review of final position of a scheme, 705-706. Text-book on local government law, 701-703. Travelling expenses, increase in amount of, 691-693. McElligott, Mr. C. C.: Ordnance Survey, 82-83. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 15 (no question). McElligott, Mr. J. J.: Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, 53. Alleviation of Distress, page 13 (no question). Central Statistics Office, page 6 (no question). Civil Service Commission, page 7 (no question). Commissions and Special Inquiries, 26-35. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 13 (no question). Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation, 59-62. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 10 (no question). Finance, Office of the Minister for, 20-23. General Report, 2-15. Government Stocks, Management of, page 7 (no question). Irish Tourist Board, page 7 (no question). Law Charges, 54-55. Local Appointments Commission, page 7 (no question). Miscellaneous Expenses, 58. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 19. President’s Establishment, 16-18. Rates on Government Property, 52. Secret Service, page 10 (no question). State Laboratory, 24-25. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 36-51. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 6 (no question). Technical Assistance, 65-68. Transition Development Fund, 63-64. Universities and Colleges, 56-57. McGreevy, Mr. T. National Gallery, 90-96. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions, 263-277. Defence, 196-262. Maguire, Mr. W.: Children’s Allowances, page 100 (no question). Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services, page 101 (no question). National Health Insurance, 862-869. Old Age Pensions, 859-861. Social Welfare, Office of Minister for, 855-858. Unemployment Insurance and Un-employment assistance, page 100 (no question). Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, page 100 (no question). Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 89. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XXVI. Miscellaneous Expenses: Royal Irish Academy, grant to, in respect of dictionary of Early Irish, 27-30, 58. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services, page 101 (no question). National Gallery: Cataloguing of pictures, 93-96. Pictures: Acquisition of, 90-92. In store, 96. National Health Insurance: Investment return of assets of National Health Insurance Fund, 862-869. Store Street Building, expenditure on, 862-869. Nunan, Mr. S.: European Co-operation, page 36 (no question). External Affairs, 278-281. O’Brien, Mr. T.: Forestry, 619-629. Gaeltacht Services, 630-642. Lands, 585-618. Ó Broin, Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 97-192. Wireless Broadcasting, 193-195. Ó Broin, Seán: Agriculture, 707-844. Fisheries, 845-854. Ó hEigceartuigh, Diarmuid: Office of Public Works, 459-474. Public Works and Buildings, 475-567. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Restaurant, contribution in respect of, 19. Old Age Pensions: Estimation of number of pensioners, conjectural, 859-860. Subheads, order of, 861. Ó Muireadhaigh, S. P.: Industry and Commerce: Unvouched expenditure transferred from, vote for Technical Assistance, 419. Ordnance Survey: Maps, face value of, presented to libraries, etc., 83. Photographic equipment, purchase of, 82. Posts and Telegraphs: Accounts, test examination of, 101, 103-104. Apparatus, non delivery of, used in connection with civil aviation and meteorological services, 164-165. Appropriations in aid, 98. Auction, sale of certain stores by, 169-173, Appendix IX. Capital invested in telephone system, 188-192. Conferences and conventions, attendance at, 128-131. Contractors, and losses, 184. Contracts, terms of and distribution of, 139-144. Cross channel cable maintenance, cost of, 162-163. Default, amount lost due to, 183. Delays in delivery under contract, 153-160. Factory, post office, test examination of accounts of, 106. Lease of premises at Roche’s Point, Cork, 180-182. Losses by default, accident, etc., 97, 174-176, 178, Appendix X. Mechanical transport stores, delivery of, 133-135. Misappropriation of postal orders: reason for not prosecuting, 177. Miscellaneous receipts, under estimation of, 166-168, Appendix VIII. Portumna sub-office, shortage in accounts discovered after resignation of sub-postmistress, 179. Post office factory, test examination of accounts of, 106. Post Office savings bank accounts, test examination of, 105. Rent, rates on wires, water, light, etc., 161. Repairs to mechanical transport, 107-113. Savings bank accounts, test examination of, 105. Savings publicity, treatment of expenses of, 145-152, Appendix VII. Sites, purchase of, 132. Store accounts, test examination of, 101. Stores, availability of, 101-102. Suspense accounts, use of, in connection with movements of stores, 136-140. Telephonic system, capital invested in, 188-192, Appendix XI. Transport, use of mechanical and horse, 114-123. Uniform clothing, saving under subhead for, 136-140. Virement, use of, on vote, 124-126, Appendix VI. Voice recording machines, acquisition of, 185-187. Wireless stations at Malin Head and Valentia, disposal of sums received on transfer of control of, 98-100. President’s Establishment: Motor cars, replacement grant, 16-18. Primary Education: Bonus payable to parents or guardians of certain pupils in Gaeltacht and breac-Gaeltacht, 308-309. Candidates for training as teachers, number of, 324-325. Farms and gardens attached to preparatory colleges, accounts of receipts and expenditure of, 288-291. Gaeltacht: Close estimation of bonus payable to parents or guardians of children in, 308-309. Holiday scholarships in, 310. Heating and cleaning of schools, grants for, 295-300. Holiday scholarships in Gaeltacht, 310. Income from securities formerly part of the national teachers’ pension fund, 326. Killury or Nelan fund, amount and use of, 327-330. Preparatory Colleges, costs of students in, 288-291. Residences, teachers’, payment of moieties on, 301-307. Scholarships, holiday, in Gaeltacht, 310. School, building of; use of Killury or Nelan fund for, 328-330. School books for necessitous children, grants for, 311-312. Superannuation of teachers, excess on provision for, 313-316. Trained teachers, not a sufficient number of, 325. Training College: Number of candidates coming forward, 324. Recovery of fees, 317-323. Setting up of new, 292-294. Prisons: Action by prisoner against prison officials, 654-655. Cost of feeding prisoners, increase in, 650. Fines’ fund, method of administering, 651-653. Incidental expenses, action by prisoner against prison officials, 654-655. Manufacturing and farm accounts, examination of, 649. Prisoners, fewer than anticipated, 650. Public Record Office: Saving on wages, 87-88. Public Works and Buildings: Arterial drainage: Construction works, expenditure on, 505. Stocktaking of machinery used for, 506-517, para. 14. Surveys, staffing of, 538-544. Balances, minor, unexpended, 534-535. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, control of deer in, 555-558, Appendix XIX. Capital services, savings on, 525-526. Carpenters, system of checking work of, 548-554. Central engineering workshop and store, erection of, 481-490, para. 12. Change in form of Estimates, to be reported to Committee, 475-480, Appendix IV, para. 7. Clondalkin, utilisation of site at, 481-498, para 12. Contractor granted extension of time for reconstruction of national school, 499-504, para. 13. Cork district architectural workshops, 512-517, Appendix XXI. Deer in Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, control of, 555-559. Electric storage batteries, loss of, written off, 564-566. Estimates, change in format of, 14-15, 475-480, Appendix IV, para. 7. Garda barracks, work on new, not being proceeded with temporarily, 522-524. Heating of government buildings, equipment for, 528-533. Hume Street Hospital, fine received on sale of property to, 546. Kingstown Harbour Act, 1876, sale of plot of ground under, 547. Log books, not available for certain vehicles, 506-508. London, purchase of building in, for embassy, 518-520. Machinery for arterial drainage, supply of, 544-545. Mechanical engineers, recruitment of, 539-543. National school, reconstruction of, extension of time for, 499-504. New works, alterations and additions, 14-15, 475-480, 521-527, Appendix IV, para. 7. Notes dealing with expenses, form of, 559-561. Plot of ground sold pursuant to Kingstown Harbour Act, 1876, 547. Premises at Inchicore, rent of, 491-492. para, 12. Purchase of building in London for embassy, 518-520. Rents, arrears of, written off as irrecoverable, 563. Rent of premises at Inchicore, 491-492, para. 12. Rents, rates, etc., closer estimation of, 536-537. Roscommon Garda Station, provision of new, 527. Roundwood Garda station, sale of plot of ground at, 562. Saving resulting from new form of estimates, 477-480, Appendix IV, para. 7. School, contractor after number of delays, withdraws tender for erection of, 499-504. Site at Clondalkin, utilisation of, 493-498, para. 12. Spinning mill at Kilcar, expenditure on, 559-561. Steel for erection of central engineering workshop, disposal of, 481-490, para. 12. Stocktaking at central engineering workshop and stores, 506-517, para. 14. System of checking work done by carpenters, 548-554. Technical staff, shortage of, 539-542. Work-shop plant, saving due to non-delivery of, 545. Public Works, Office of: Insurance of workman, 459-462. Shannon navigation, debit balance in accounts of, 473-474. Technical staffs, equipment and supplies for, 467-472. Telephone capital works, assessing cost of, including overhead charges, 463-466. Rates on Government Property: Rates lower than anticipated, 52. Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Certified school, apportionment of contributions for maintenance of a youthful offender or child detained in, 344. Children Act, 1908, contribution by parents, etc., under, 344. Parental moneys, collection expenses, 345-351. Report of Committee, page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Conjoint office, cost of, 77-78. Incidental expenses, 79-81. Income tax, amounts of, declared irrecoverable, 71-76. Irrecoverable amounts, 70-76. Kerosene, remission of duty on, as only suitable for use in tractors, 70. Remissions and irrecoverable amounts, 70. Repayments of customs and excise duties, extra-statutory, 69. Revenue account, test examination of, 69. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 69-81. Science and Art: Books, purchase of, deduction from grant-in-aid for, 332-333. Chester Beatty collection of paintings, opening of special subhead, 331. Exhibition cases, loan of obsolete, from National Museum, 334-340, page 79, Appendix XII. Grants to periodicals published in Irish and newspapers publishing current news in Irish, amount of, 341-343. Irish, grants to certain periodicals and newspapers using, 341-343. National Museum, loan of obsolete exhibition cases from, 334-340, page 79, Appendix XII. Purchase of books, deduction from grant-in-aid for, 332-333. Subhead, special opened to account for expenditure in connection with Chester Beatty collection of paintings, 331. Secondary Education, page 40 (no question). Secret Service, page 10 (no question). Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Contribution towards costs of administration from National Health Insurance Fund under Social Welfare Act, 1950, 855-856. Salaries, wages and allowances, amount paid out of National Health Insurance Fund, towards costs of administration under Social Welfare Act, 1950, 855-856. Staff vacancies, position regarding, 857-858. State Laboratory: Apparatus and chemical equipment, saving on, 24-25. Stationery and Printing: Binding of registers of births, marriages and deaths in stronger material, 370-372. Debates, Oireachtas, number of copies printed and sale of, 357-367. Oireachtas Debates, printing and sale of, 357-367. Registers of births, deaths and marriages, binding of, 370-372. Stock of typewriters laid in for reserve purposes, 369. Typewriters, subhead under which old machines sold and new ones bought, 368-369. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Annual allowance and lump sum, payment of to officer on removal from office, 36-49, para. 8. Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer related to payments under subhead K, 50-51. Lump sum, retention of, by officer on re-employment in State Service, 36-49, para. 8. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Purchase of law books, 662. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 6 (no question). Technical Assistance: Expenses arising out of technical assistance projects, 65. Counterpart of dollar outlay on technical assistance projects, no issues from during year, 66-68. Technical Instruction, page 41 (no question). Transition Development Fund: Saving in current year, reasons for, 63-64. Transport and Marine Services: Aran Islands, shipping service between Galway and, 421-427, para. 11. Debenture interest, payment to Coras Iompair Eireann, 428. Medals and certificates, overestimation of cost of, 429. Steamer services between Galway and the Aran Islands, 421-427, para. 11. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, page 100 (no question). Universities and Colleges: Supplementary estimate, reasons for amount of, 56-57. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 15 (no question). Wann, Mr. W. E.—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, page 100 (no question). Wireless Broadcasting: Campaign to detect wireless licence defaulters, 195. Daily programmes, reason for reduction in anticipated payments for the composition and arrangement of Irish music, 193-194. Irish music, anticipated expenditure on, not attained, 193-194. Licence defaulters, campaign to detect 195. Witnesses, List of, page xxv. |
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