Committee Reports::Report and Proceedings - Defence Bill, 1951::24 April, 1952::Proceedings of the Joint Committee



Déardaoin, 24ú Aibreán, 1952.

Thursday, 24th April, 1952.

1. Chruinnigh an Coiste ar 3.30 p.m.

2. Comhaltai i Lathair.

Bhí na comhaltaí seo a leanas i láthair:—

An Teachta V. de Valéra (i g Ceannas), an tAire Cosanta, na Teachtaí Ó Braonáin, Mac Artúir, Ó Colla, S. Ó Coileáin, Ó Comhdhain, Hilliard agus Mac Coilín.

3. Breithniu an Bhille.

D’athchrom an Coiste ar an mBille a bhreithniú.

(i) Alt 187.

Leasú tairgthe (An Teachta Ó Comhdhain):

“To delete subsections (1), (2) and (3) and substitute the following:—

‘ (1) A general court-martial shall consist of a president and four other members of equal rank to the president appointed by the convening authority.

(2) Where the person to be tried is an officer the president shall be an officer holding a rank equal to or higher than that of such person.

(3) No officer shall be appointed as president or member of a general court-martial who has less than fifteen years’ service as an officer of the Defence Forces’.”

Leasú, faoi chead, tarraingthe siar.

Alt aontaithe.

(ii) Alt 188 aontaithe.

(iii) Alt 189.

Leasú tairgthe (An Teachta Ó Comhdhain):

“In subsection (2), paragraph (g), page 85, line 8, to insert ‘or otherwise’ before ‘dealt’.”

Leasú, faoi chead, tarraingthe siar.

Alt aontaithe.

(iv) Alt 190 aontaithe.

Breithniú breise ar an mBille curtha ar athló.

4. Athla.

Chuaigh an Coiste ar athló ar 5 p.m. go dtí 4 p.m. Dé Máirt seo chugainn.