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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, page 9 (no question). Agricultural Produce Subsidies: Dairy Produce Account, 674. Food subsidies, 673. Agriculture: Accuracy of estimates and clearness of notes on subheads, 633, 672. Cattle and sheep, levy on slaughter of, 633. Cattle and sheep, special temporary scheme of loans for purchase of, 643-645. Contagious abortion, prevention of, in cattle, 657. County committees of agriculture, grants to, 640. Cowtesting, additional expenditure on, 665. Creamery industry, improvement of the, 646-649, Appendix XII. Dairy Disposals Co., Ltd., balance sheet of, 646-649, Appendix XII. Egg and poultry production, improvement of, 638-639. Farm buildings scheme, 650-651. Fertilisers, surplus receipts from sale of, 670-671. Flour and wheatenmeal subsidies, expenditure on, 661. Gaeltacht, scheme for production of glasshouse crops in, 641-642. Glasshouse crops, scheme for production of, in Gaeltacht, 641-642. Grants to county committees of agriculture, 640. Grange farm, Dunsany, Co. Meath, purchase of, 637. Journal, publication of Department’s, 667-668. Land rehabilitation project, 652-656. Levy on slaughter of cattle and sheep, 633. Lime, spreading of on land in connection with land rehabilitation project, 653. Losses, 662. Milk production, improvement of, 665. Notes on subheads, compliment on full and clear, 633. Potato ensilage, demonstrations in, 666-667. Poultry, blood testing of, 669. Poultry and egg production, improvement of, 638-639. Poultry houses in Gaeltacht areas, termination of scheme for erection of, 640. St. Columba’s College, Rathfarnham, proposed new buildings at, not erected, 664. Slaughter of cattle and sheep, levy on, 633. Subsidies, flour and wheatenmeal, expenditure on, 661. Wheaten meal subsidy, expenditure on, 661. Wheat growers, fertilizer credit vouchers received by, 658-660. Appendices, List of, page 99. Appropriation Accounts (1948-49): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1949-50): Special Subheads opened with the Sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army Pensions: Allowances and gratuities to dependants, increases in, 309-310. Overpayments, recovery of, 311. Voluntary cancellation of pensions, 312-313. Wound and disability pensions, increases in, 309-310. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aer Línte, disposal of amount received by for offices in New York, 744, Appendix XVI. Appropriations in aid, 727. Catering Service at Shannon Airport, inventories of equipment, etc., supplied to, 733-735, para. 10. Constellations, profit on sale of, treated as windfall, 737-749 para. 11. Constructional works, etc., cost of and progress of at airports, 724. Devaluation, effect of, on sale of Constellations, 747-748. Disposal of amount received by Aer Línte for Offices in New York, 744, Appendix XVI. Dublin Airport, loss arising out of management of, 736. Equipment, delay in getting, 756. Lands, expenditure on acquisition of and receipts arising therefrom, 725-732. New York, disposal of amount received by Aer Línte for offices in, 744, Appendix XVI. Receipts at Shannon Airport, 732. Shannon Airport: Inventories of equipment, etc., supplied to catering service, 733-735, para. 10. Letting of buildings and parking apron at, 750-752. Receipts at, 732. Staff, subsidy in respect of transport expenses of, 758-768. Transport subsidy for staff at Shannon Airport, 758-768. Virement, use of, in Vote, 753-755, para. 11. Breathnach, Máire Industry and Commerce—. Fuel Subsidy, 693-695 Breathnach, Micheál: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page 41. Education, Office of the Minister for, 314-316. Primary Education, 317-332. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 349-350. Science and Art, 343-348. Secondary Education, 333-338. Technical Instruction, 339-342. Breathnach, Micheál (An Roinn Airgeadais): Stationery and Printing: Palantype machines, supply of, 621-623. Carr, Mr. J. B. Stationery and Printing, 607-629. Central Statistics Office: Expenditure under vote, small part of total expenditure on Central Statistics Office, 61. Services transferred from Dept. of Industry and Commerce and General Register Office, particulars of certain, 60. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Bequests, progressive increase in number of charitable, 85-86. Funds, increase in, held by Commissioners, 84. Law costs, 83. Children’s Allowances, page 70 (no question). Circuit Court: County registrars, surrender of fees by, 446. High Court, apportionment of salaries of stenographers between, and Circuit Court, 447-451. Sheriffs, retention of fees by, 446. Stenographers, employment of in Central Criminal Court and apportionment of salaries between High Court and Circuit Court, 447-451. Under sheriffs, retention of certain fees by, 446. Civil Service Commission: Savings, distribution of, between the Civil Service Commission and the Local Appointments Commission, 33. Clarke, Mr. P. M.: Defence: Payment from unit funds of Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, 236-245. Garda Síochána: Insurance premiums, centage charge for collection of, 435-439. Coffey, Mr. D.: Public Record Office, page 13. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Art in Ireland, Commission on condition of, 37. Emigration, Commission on, 36, 40. Local Authorities Formulary, Commission on, 38-39. Place Names, functions of Commission on, 35. Youth Unemployment, Committee on, 34. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XVIII. Chairman, election of temporary, 484. Report of, page v. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agriculture: Cattle and sheep, special temporary scheme of loans for the purchase of, 643. Dairy Disposal Co., Ltd., balance sheet of, 646, Appendix XII. Flour and wheatenmeal subsidies, expenditure on, 661. Gaeltacht, scheme for production of glasshouse crops in, 641-642. Losses, 662. Poultry houses in Gaeltacht areas, termination of scheme for erection of, 640. Wheat growers, fertiliser credit vouchers received by, 658-660. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Air services, subsidy in respect of, 737, para. 11. Constructional works, etc., cost of, at airports, 724. Dublin Airport, loss arising out of management of, 736. Shannon Airport: Inventories in respect of equipment, etc., supplied to catering service, 733, para. 10. Letting of buildings and parking apron at, 750. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Audit of accounts of, 783. Local audits not carried out to anticipated extent, 786. Vacancies on staff, 784-786. Defence: Construction of new building and slipway at Haulbowline naval dockyard, 220. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil: Agreements governing occupation of premises used by, 246. Payments from unit funds for damage caused to army mechanical vehicles by negligence of members of, 233, para. 6. Premises purchased for, in Youghal found unsuitable, 247, para. 7. Petrol, high grade, disposal of quantity held for motor torpedo boats, 227. Industry and Commerce: Bord na Móna, operations of, 712. Food subsidies, 680. Fuel subsidy, 684. Industrial Development Authority expenses of, 717-719. Mianraí, Teoranta, advances to, 710-711. Miscellaneous turf production schemes, 709. Rural electrification, repayment of advances for, 716. Local Government: Housing (Amendment) Acts, legal interpretation of ‘agricultural labourer’ in connection with reconstruction grants under 463-469, para. 9. Housing loan charges, contributions towards, 460. Local Authorities (Works) Act, amounts of grants under, 470. Motor Tax account, scrutiny of auditors’ reports on, 474. National Health Insurance: Recoupment of public assistance authorities in respect of payments under Social Welfare (Substitutive Allowances) Order 1948, 590. Fisheries: Compensation to owners of certain nets, difficulties in effecting payment of, 675, 680. Loans, repayment of fishery, 678-679. Sea Fisheries Association, repayments by, 676. Posts and Telegraphs: Losses by default, accident, etc., 516. Post Office Savings Bank Account, 518. Primary Education: Farms and gardens attached t Colleges, accounts of receipts, etc., of, 318. Preparatory Colleges, costs of students in, 317. Prisons: Manufacturing and farm accounts, 440. Public Works and Buildings: Dredging plant, purchase of, 124, para. 5. Science and Art: Books and Manuscripts, increased grant-in-aid for, purchase of, 344. Camera, micro-film, sale of, 343. Stationery and Printing: Contracts for printing, normal procedure in connection with, not followed, 607. Stores, records of, in Government Departments, 614. Shipping Handbook, 1949, covering sanction from Department of Finance for increased cost of printing, 611-612. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Defalcations by former general solicitor for minors, question of undertaking given to Dáil in connection with Supplementary Estimate to deal with, 452-454, para. 8. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Éireann, procedure adopted for grant of subsidy to, 769, para. 12. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 10 (no question). Corish, Mr. R.: Employment and Emergency Schemes, 630-636. Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 81-82. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 446-451. District Court, 444-445. Garda Síochána, 426-439. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 415-425. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 459. Prisons, 440-443. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 452-458. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation: Damage as yet unpaid for, 56. Local authorities bear proportion of expenditure, 59. Saving due mainly to items not maturing in year, 55-56. Vote deals with property only, 57. Defence: Bakers, rate of pay of, 224-225. Barrack maintenance carried out by Department, 281-284. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh Bakery, 222-223. Ballincollig, ownership of military lands in, 304-305. Curragh, ownership of military and other lands on, 306-307. Curragh bakery: Cost of production of bread at, 222-223. Distribution area of bread baked at, 226. Fermoy, ownership of military lands in, 286-303. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil: Agreements governing occupation of premises used by, 246. Payments from unit fund, for damage caused to army mechanical vehicles by negligence of members of, 233-245, para. 6. Premises purchased for, in Youghal found unsuitable, 247-267, para. 7. Haulbowline naval dockyard, construction of new buildings and slipway at, 220-221. Lands, military, ownership of, 285-307. Losses, amount and cause of, 269-270. Meat, cost of production of, at Dublin and Curragh abbatoirs, 222. Mechanical vehicles, army, payments from unit funds by Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil for damage caused to, 233-245, para. 6. Petrol, high grade, disposal of quantity held for use in motor torpedo boats, 227-232. Rabbit trapping, lettings for, 308. Suspense account opened pending investigation of certain irregularities, 268. Transport of troops, amount of, 271. Warlike stores, delivery of, 272-280. Youghal, premises purchased for Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil in, found unsuitable, 247-267, para. 7. District Court: Our Lady’s Home, Henrietta St., commitals to, fewer than anticipated, 444-445. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Page 41 (no question). Dundrum Asylum: Certificate in respect of patient, fee for, entered as extra receipt, 82. Rations for attendants, charges for, 81-82. Education, Office of the Minister for: Radiogram, purchase and use of, 314-315. Repayment by Anti-Partition Conference on account of salary of officer on loan, 316. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Harbour development works, expenditure on, less than estimated, 632-636. Rural employment schemes, expenditure on, in excess of estimate, 631. Schemes, description and cost of, carried out under vote, 630. Supplementary estimate, question as to whether, is necessary where major charges in programme occur, 631-636. European Co-operation: Council of Europe, amounts of contributions to, 216-219. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 8 (no question). External Affairs: Consulate General, New York, burglaries in, 208-211. Fees for consular services in connection with estates of deceased persons, 215. Foreign firms, reports on, 212. Irish News Agency, advance to, 207. Reports on certain foreign firms, 212. “Working with Europe” sales of, 213-214. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Local loans fund: Expenses for management of, charged by a number of Departments, 14-18. Rate of interest on money borrowed for, 19-23. Fisheries: Boats and gear, advances for, 676. Compensation, amounts paid by way of, 675, 680. General development, repayable advances for, 677. Loans, repayment of fishery, 678. Nets, payment of compensation to owners of certain nets, 675, 680. Sea Fisheries’ Association, repayments by, 676-677. Forestry: Education, forestry, reasons for abandonment of course in, 391. Imperial Forestry Bureau, membership contribution to, 392. Repairs to buildings, savings on, due to use of direct labour, 389-390. Gaeltacht Services: Homespuns, disposal of stocks of, 399. Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, grants under, 393. Industrial loan, question of long outstanding, 394-397. Leaden model industry, reasons for discontinuance of, and effect on employment, 400-407, Appendix VIII. Loan, question of long outstanding industrial, 394-397. Searods, demand for and supply of, 408-412. Supplementary Estimate, circumstance in which, was introduced, 413-414. Telephone expenditure, increase in, 398. Garda Síochána: Car park attendants’ licences, fees for, 433-434, 437. Children, escort and conveyance of, to industrial schools, 428. Clothing and equipment, 426. Extra receipts payable to exchequer, 433-439. Hackney cars, increased yield from licences for, 429-430. Insurance premiums, centage charge for collection of, 435-439. Locomotion Expenses, difference between, and Transport and Carriage, 427. Road fund, payments from, 431-432. Transport and Carriage, difference between, and Locomotion Expenses, 427. General Register Office: Certified copies of entries of births, deaths and marriages, receipts from, lower than anticipated, 485. Registrars, superintendent and district, retiring age of and retention of fees by, 486-491. Searches and certified copies of entries of births, deaths and marriages, receipts from, lower than anticipated, 485. General Report: Estimation, accuracy of, 2-5, para. 1 Foreign exchange account, 6. Savings on Estimates, 1-3. Stock and store accounts, 4. Surrender of balances on 1948-49 votes, 5. Government Stocks, Management of: Banks, reason for management of government stocks by, 27. Rate at which payment is made to banks for management of government stocks, 24. Remuneration received by each bank, 25-26. Health: Accuracy of estimates, 514-515. Blood transfusion service, 509-510. Child welfare, increase in grant to voluntary agencies for, 506-507. Children, schools qualifying for medical treatment of, attending, 511-513. Consultative health councils, expenditure on, less than anticipated, 496. Diphtheria immunisation, publicity in connection with, 497-501. Estimate, accuracy of, 514-515. Grants to health authorities, 492, 505, 508. Local taxation account, 514. Medical treatment of children attending, schools qualifying for, 511-513. Mothers, schools for, increase in grant to voluntary agencies for, 506-507. Nutrition, expenses in connection with a survey of human, 503-504. Publicity, newspaper and poster, reasons for reduced expenditure on, 497-501. Staff, provision of additional, 493-494. Survey, expenses in connection with a, of human nutrition, 503-504. Telegrams and telephones, increased expenditure on, 495. Vaccine lymph supply, increase in cost of, 502. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, page 98 (no question). Industry and Commerce: Advances to Mianraí Teoranta, 710-711. Argentine wheat, purchase of, 700-704, 706-708. Bord na Móna, operations of, 712-715. Cement (Amendment) Act, 1938, fees under, 722. Flour and bread subsidy, amount of, 680. Flour subsidies, transfer of to another vote, 723. Food subsidies, 680-683. Fuel subsidy, token estimate for and amounts of losses in respect of, 684-699, 705, Appendix XIII. Industrial Development Authority: Audit of accounts, delay in, 719-720, Appendix XV. Expenses of administration of, 717-718. Industrial Research and Standards, Institute for, grant to, 721. Mianraí, Teoranta: Advances to, 710-711. Interest payable by, 711, Appendix XIV. Oatmeal subsidy, amount of, 680. Rural electrification, repayment of advances for, 716. Sugar subsidy, adjustment of payments in connection with, 680-683. Tea subsidy, amount of, 680. Wheat, Argentine, purchase of, 700-704, 706-708. Irish Tourist Board, page 7 (no question). Justice, Office of the Minister for: Censorship of Publications, cleaning staff in, 415-417, Appendix IX. Cleaning staff in Censorship of Publications Office, 415-417, Appendix IX. Dangerous Drugs Act, fees payable under, 420-421. Documents of identity, fees for, 422-424. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer, payments by stamps under, segregated from payments by cash, 420-425. Irish legal terms advisory committee, question of retrenchment of post of joint secretary to, 418. Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, fees realised under, smaller than estimated, 419. Kennedy, Mr. P.: General Register Office, 485-491. Health, 492-515. Kiely, Mr. Wm. J.: Comptroller and Auditor General, 783-786. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Vacancies on staff, filling of, 459. Lands: Barley, payment of compensation for destruction of field of, 388. Deficiency of income from untenanted land, circumstances in which advance to meet, is made, 375-381. Filing cabinet, damage caused by, 360. Forestry purposes, loss on unoccupied land sold for, 382. Gaeltacht areas, migration schemes from, to Co. Meath, 351-359. Improvement of estates, savings on estimate due mainly to shortage of labour, 361-374, Appendix VII. Intra county migration schemes, 351-356. Labour, savings on improvement of estates due mainly to shortage of, 361-374, Appendix VII. Local Loans Fund, expenses of management in connection with, 383-387. Migration schemes from Gaeltacht areas to Co. Meath, 351-359. Solicitors’ branch, greater activity in, 360. Unoccupied land, loss on, sold for State forestry purposes, 382. Untenanted land, amount of receipts from and payments in respect of, 375-381. Law Charges: Counsel, number of, engaged during year, 51-52. Fees paid to counsel during year, 51-52. Public officials, defence of, 53. Local Loans Fund, expenses of management of, 54. Leydon, Mr. J.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 724-768. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration office, page 98. Industry and Commerce, 680-723, Transport and Marine Services. 769-782. Local Appointments Commission—see Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissions. Local Government: Accuracy of estimates, 483. Agricultural labourer, legal interpretation of, in connection with reconstruction grants under Housing (Amendment) Acts, 463-469, para. 9. Building documentation, conference on, 477-478. Estimates, accuracy of, 483. Houses of certain type built by Letterkenny Urban Council, grants payable in respect of, 462. Housing (Amendment) Acts, legal interpretation of “agricultural labourer” in connection with reconstruction grants under, 463-469, para. 9. Housing (Amendment) Act, 1946, grants under, less than anticipated, 480. Housing loan charges, contributions towards, 460. Horse-drawn traffic, committee on road surfacing in relation to, 479. Inquiries, statutory include inquiries for compulsory acquisition of land for housing, 482. Local Authorities (Works) Act: Amounts of grants under, 470. Divergencies between counties as to type of scheme carried out under, 471-473. Motor tax account, particulars of and of scrutiny of auditors reports on, 474-476. Road surfacing in relation to horse-drawn traffic, committee on, 479. ‘Textbook on Local Government,’ progress with, 481. Transition Development Fund, position of, 461. McElligott, Mr. C. C.: Ordnance Survey, 76-80. Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 12. McElligott, Mr. J. J.: Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, page 9. Central Statistics Office, 60-61. Civil Service Commission, 33. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 34-40. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 10. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation, 55-59. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 8. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 14-23. General Report, 1-6. Government Stocks, Management of, 24-27. Irish Tourist Board, page 7. Law Charges, 51-54. Local Appointments Commission, 33. Miscellaneous Expenses, 45-50. Oireachtas, Houses of the, 7-13. Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation, 58. President’s Establishment, page 2. Rates on Government Property, page 8. Secret Service, page 8. State Laboratory, 28-32. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 41-44. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 4. Universities and Colleges, page 9. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 87-93. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.: Army Pensions, 309-313. Defence, 220-308. Maguire, Mr. W.: Children’s Allowances, page 70. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services, 597-606. National Health Insurance, 590-591. Old Age Pensions, page 69. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, page 70. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 592-596. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, 589. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 83-86. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XVIII. Miscellaneous Expenses: Abbey Theatre, grant in aid to and contribution toward cost of structural alterations in, 45-46. Cultural institutions, list of, paid grants-in-aid, 47. Irish Plate, The, 48-50. National Theatre Society, Ltd., grant-in-aid, to, 45. Royal Irish Academy, amount of grant paid to, 47. Royal Irish Academy of Music, amount of grant paid to, 47. Royal Zoological Society, amount of grant paid to, 47. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services: Blind, welfare of, payments in respect of, 597-600. Footwear for necessitous children, grants towards the supply of, 603-606. Fuel for necessitous families, grants towards supply of, 601-602. Nally, Mr. W. F.: Forestry, 389-392. Gaeltacht Services, 393-414. Lands, 351-388. National Gallery: Half-holiday for employees, 89-90. Insurance of pictures, cost, etc., 91-93. Purchases of pictures, 87-88. Repairs, cleaning, etc., carried out during year, 88. Saturday afternoon, gallery closed on, 89-90. National Health Insurance: Recoupment of public assistance authorities in respect of payments made under Social Welfare (Substitute Allowances) Order, 1948, 590. Nunan, Mr. S.: European Co-operation, 216-219. External Affairs, 207-215. Ó Broin, Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 516-585. Wireless Broadcasting, 586-588. Ó Broin, Seán: Agricultural Produce Subsidies, 673-674. Agriculture, 637-672. Fisheries, 675-680. Ó hEigceartuigh, Diarmuid: Office of Public Works, 94-111. Public Works and Buildings, 112-206. Oireachtas, Houses of the: Inter-Parliamentary activities, 13. Restaurant, control and running of, 8-12. Travelling expenses of Teachtaí, 7. O’Kelly, Mr. P.: Employment and Emergency Schemes: Supplementary estimate, question as to whether necessary where major change of policy occurs, 631-636. Old Age Pensions, page 69 (no question). Ordnance Survey: Maps: Quality of paper used in, 79. Sales of, 80. Saving due to non-purchase of stores, etc., in short supply, which did not affect volume of work, 76-78. Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation: Question of compensation settled in all cases but vote necessary to meet continuing grants in respect of injuries, 58. Posts and Telegraphs: Accuracy of estimate of telephone capital repayments, 579. Accounts, test examination of, 517. Clothing, uniform, manufacture of, 548-549. Compensation allowances under Article 10 of the Treaty, 580-583. Conferences and conventions, international, savings on, 533. Engineering material, purchase of, 570. Factory, post office, products of, and capability of development, 520-526. Losses by default, accident, etc. etc., 516, 553-568. Mails, conveyance of, 541-547. Misappropriation of moneys from savings bank, precautions against, 553-568. Packet services, British and foreign, 544-545. Pensions, increase in certain, 584. Post Office factory, products of and capability of development, 520-526. Post Office savings bank account; test examination of, 518. Post Office savings bank, precautions against misappropriation of money from; 553-568. Rents, total of, paid and circumstances in which full ownership does not vest in State, 534-540, 574-578, 585. Salaries, wages and allowances, savings on, 527-528, 571-573. Savings Bank Account, test examination of, 518. Stamps, manufacture of, 550-552. Store accounts, test examination of, 517. Telegraph service working at a loss, 528-530. Telephone capital repayments, accuracy of estimate of, 579. Travelling expenses, 531-532, 569. Uniform clothing, manufacture of, 548-549. President’s Establishment: page 2 (no question). Primary Education: Bonus, payment of, to parents or guardians of certain pupils in Gaeltacht and breac-Gaeltacht, 327-329. Farms and gardens attached to colleges, accounts of receipts etc., of, 318. Gaeltacht: Delay in payment of bonus to parents or guardians of certain pupils in, 327-329. Holiday scholarships in, 330-332. Holiday scholarships in Gaeltacht, 330-332. Irish, grants to colleges providing courses in, for teachers, 320. Maps, supply of, to schools, 322-324. Preparatory Colleges, costs of students in, 317. Residences, teachers, payments in respect of, 325-326. Rural science equipment, improvement in supply of, 321. Scholarships, holiday, in Gaeltacht, 330-332. School requisites, free grants of, 322-324. Students, costs of, in Preparatory Colleges, 317. Training Colleges, number of teachers being trained in, 319. Prisons: Manufacturing and farm accounts, examination of, 440. Manufacturing department, expenditure on and receipts from less than anticipated, 441-443. Public Record Office, page 13 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Arterial drainage on Brosna, Glyde and Dee, 115. Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, accounts of, 199, Appendix VI. Brosna drainage scheme: Fire in offices, etc., used for, 202. Purchase of store and workshop in connection with, 203-206. Central engineering workshop and stores, provision of site and buildings for, 112-114. Coláisde Móibhi, purchase of gate lodge for, 149-150. Contract, payment received in settlement of breach of, 143-147. Contractors, reasons why bulk of work given to, and not performed by direct labour, 172-178. Dredging plant, purchase of, 124-142, para. 5. Dublin Corporation, refund by, in respect of overpayment for water, 198. Extra receipts payable to Exchequer, 143-147. Farm and garden produce, sale of, 199. Fergus, drainage of river, 195. Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, erection of halls for, 188. Fittings, ex gratia payment to contractor for certain fittings, 200. Garda barracks, building of certain, awaits decision on policy to be pursued by Department of Justice, 166-169. Garda barracks, Mountrath, cause of delay in building of, 160-161. Halls for Fórsa Cosanta Aitiúil, erection of, 188. Haulbowline Dockyard, construction of new jetty at, 186-187. Hire of plant, receipts from, greater than expected, 196. Insurance of State property, etc., carried by State, 201. Machinery and plant, system of depreciation, and costings for each job, 116-123. Mail boat pier, Dún Laoghaire, improvements to, 189-192. Military barracks, expenditure on, 185. Mountrath, cause of delay in building garda barracks at, 160-161. National schools, expenditure on building, enlarging, etc., greater than anticipated, 171. Obsolete stores and materials, method of disposal of, 197. Oireachtas, Houses of the, improvement of entrance to, 151-157. Plant and machinery, system of depreciation, and costings for each job, 116-123. Rathluirc post office, work on postponed, 184. Roscommon jail, ex gratia payment to contractor engaged in demolition of, 162-165. Republic of Ireland, expenditure in connection with inauguration of, 194. Shanganagh Castle, purchase of gate lodge in grounds of, 149-150. Sorting office, Dublin, expenditure on improvements in old and arrangements for erection of new, 181-183. State property, settlement effected in connection with breach of contract for sale of, 143-147. Surplus stores and materials, method of disposal of, 197. Telephone capital funds, payment from in respect of certain office accommodation, 143. Urgent and unforeseen works, tenders normally sought in respect of, 193. Veterinary College, improvements to, 158-159. Victoria, removal and disposal of statue of Queen, 152-157. Washington, Legation in, estimate for purchase of furniture introduced before that for new premises, 148. Watching of dredging plant, 128, 136-138, para. 5. Water, refund by Dublin Corporation in respect of overpayment for, 198. Waterford new Garda barrack, building of, 170. Public Works, Office of: Cork Corporation and Local Loans Fund, 101-102. Dublin Corporation do not borrow from Local Loans Fund, 101. Haulbowline dockyard, rents from, appear as extra receipts payable to Exchequer, 110-111. Insurance of workmen, claim against Company in respect of, 93-96. Local Loans Fund: Fees and expenses of management in respect of, 96-100. Finance, Department of, and control of fund, 107-109. Functions of various Departments in respect of, 103. Housing grants and, 105-106. Local authorities who do not borrow from, 101-102. Works in respect of which borrowing from fund may be sanctioned, 104. Rates on Government Property: page 8 (no question). Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Delay in finishing building of industrial school, 349-350. Report of Committee, page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Commemorative stamps, excess expenditure due to issue of, 68. Cost of supervision of border as compared to ports, 74-75, Appendix V. Driving of car by official driver, summons arising out of, 69-70. Extra statutory repayments of customs and excise duties, 62. Incidental expenses, 69-70. Irrecoverable amounts, 63. Kerosene, remission of duty on, as only suitable for use in tractors, 63-67. Mineral hydrocarbon light oils, difficulty in arriving at technical definition of, 65-67. Remissions and irrecoverable amounts, 63. Repayment of customs and excise duties, extra statutory, 62. Revenue Account, test examination of, 62. Stamps, excess expenditure due to issue of commemorative, 68. Smuggling, extent of over border and through port, 71-73. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 62-75. Science and Art: Books and manuscripts, increased grant-in-aid for purchase of, 344-348. Camera, micro-film, sale of, 343. Secondary Education: Examinations, attendants at, 336. Incremental salary grant, calculation of, 333-335. Books, difficulties and delays in getting, printed, 338. Pension fund, secondary teachers, circumstances in which payments are made to, 337. Secret Service, page 8 (no question). Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, page 70 (no question). State Laboratory: Fees for analyses considerably above estimate, 28-32. Road materials, fees for analysis of, 30-31. Stationery and Printing: Books, etc., purchase and sale of, 624-627, Appendix XI. Contracts for printing, normal procedure in connection with, not followed, 607-610. Debates, Dáil, arrangements for reprinting of, where necessary, 616-618. Electoral and Juries Acts, recovery of proportion of expenses under, from local authorities, 629. Maps, purchase and sale of, 624-627, Appendix XI. Miscellaneous stores, 628. Oireachtas handbook, 619-620. Palantype machines, supply of, 621-623. Printing, normal procedure in connection with contracts for, not followed, 607-610. Sanction, covering from Department of Finance for increased cost of printing Shipping Handbook, 1949, 611-612. Shipping Handbook, covering sanction from Dept. of Finance for increased cost of printing, 611-612. Stationery, increase in cost of, 613. Stores, records of, in Government Departments, 614-615. Typewriters, trading out old, and purchase of new, 628. Superannuation and Retired Allowances: Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1948, arrangement for recoupment of certain expenses from local authorities under, 44. Pensions (Increase) Act, 1950, reasons why special subhead opened for increases under, 41-43, Appendix IV. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Bankruptcy percentages, increase in, 455. Defalcations by a former general solicitor for minors, question of undertaking given to Dáil in connection with Supplementary Estimate to deal with, 452-454, para. 8. Lunacy percentages and fees, limits of amounts of, that can be charged to an estate, 456-458, Appendix X. Undertaking given to Dáil, question of implementation of, in connection with supplementary estimate to deal with defalcations of a general solicitor for minors, 452-454, para. 8. Taoiseach, Department of the, page 4 (no question). Technical Instruction: Accuracy of estimate, 339. Appropriateness of name of vote, 341-342. Irish drama, course in, held, 340. Transport and Marine Services: Córas Iompair Éireann, procedure adopted in granting subsidy to, 769-777, para. 12. Grants to Córas Iompair Éireann, procedure adopted in re, 769-777, para. 12. Losses of Córas Iompair Éireann, period covered by, 776-779. Medals and certificates, designs for, 782. Vacancies in staff, 780-781. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance: Harvest workers, transfer of, 592. Unemployment benefit, amount of, 593-594. Workpeople, advances to, for fares, 595-596. Universities and Colleges, page 9 (no question). Valuation and Boundary Survey, page 12 (no question). Wann, Mr. W. E.—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Whitaker, Mr. T. K.: Aviation and Meteorological Services: Virement, use of, 755. Industry and Commerce: Constellations, profit on sale of, treated as windfall, 737-743. Transport and Marine Services: Grant of subsidy to Córas Iompair Éireann, procedure adopted in relation to, 775. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions: Grants towards the provision of additional cash allowances less than anticipated, 589. Wireless Broadcasting: Radio journal, desirability of a, 586. Licences, radio, 587-588. Witnesses, list of, page xxi. |
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