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INDEX.Paragraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence- Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, page 7 (no question). Agricultural Produce Subsidies: Butter Marketing Committee, payment to in respect of deficiency in trading account, 1013-1015, 1027. Charge to vote at former price of milk, 1005, Appendix XXX. Charge, total to vote, 1004. Cold storage facilities, 1006-1012, 1016-1022. Cold storage of non-creamery butter, 1024-1026, para. 13. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, position of, 1027. Dairy produce subsidies, etc., 1004. Non-creamery butter, cold storage of, 1024-1026, para. 13. Payment to Butter Marketing Committee, 1013. Total charge to vote, 1004. Agriculture: Accounts of Dairy Disposal Company, 936-944, Appendix XXVII. Agricultural schools, grants to private, 894-896, 964. Agricultural schools and farms, sale of produce, etc. of, treated as appropriations in aid, 963. Agricultural societies and shows, sending exhibits to, 983-984. Allotments, distribution of, 992. Appropriations in aid, 993-998. Burnt lime, provision in respect of, 979-982. Cattle and sheep, levy on slaughter of, 960. Cattle and sheep, special temporary scheme of loans for purchase of, 932-933. Cost of operation of Emergency Powers (Tillage) Orders, 951-959, Appendix XXVIII, para. 12. County Committees of Agriculture, grants to, 908-909, 977-982. Cow-testing scheme, 970-971. Creamery industry, improvement of, expenditure on subhead, 934-935. Dairy Disposal Company, accounts of, 936-944, Appendix XXVII. Emergency Powers (Tillage) Orders, cost of operation of, 951-959, 998, Appendix XXVIII, para. 12. Farm buildings scheme, 987-989. Farm improvements Scheme, administration of, 993. Farm produce of agricultural schools, sale of, 963. Fees prescribed under various acts, 994-997, Appendix XXIX. Fertilisers’ subsidies, payments in respect of, 897, 972. Fines incurred by holders of milling licences remitted, 999-1003. Gaeltacht, commercial production of glasshouse crops in, 910-931. Glasshouse crops, production of, in Gaeltacht, 910-931. Grants to County Committees of Agriculture, 908-909, 977-982. Grants to private agricultural schools, 894-896. Hatcheries, fees paid by, 900. Hatcheries, grants to, 902-907. Instructors’ educational tours, 968-969. Levy on slaughter of cattle and sheep, 960. Lime burnt, provision in respect of, 979-982. Lime subsidy scheme, 977-978. Loans and grants for agricultural purposes, 986. Milk powder, development of manufacture of, 985. Milling licences, fines imposed on holders of, remitted, 999-1003. Potatoes, purchase of seals for exported, 990. Potato Reserve Scheme, 945-950. Poultry and egg production improvement of, 898-907, 973-976. Private agricultural schools, grants to, 894-896. Powder, development of manufacture of milk, 985. Scheme for commercial production of glasshouse crops in Gaeltacht areas, 910-931. Scheme of loans for purchase of cattle and sheep, 932-933. Seals, purchase of, for potatoes for export, 990. Shows, sending of exhibits to agricultural, 983-984. Slaughter of cattle and sheep, levy on, 960. Subsidies, payment in respect of fertlisers, 897, 972. Tours, educational, for instructors, 968-969. Travelling expenses, increase in, 961-962. University Colleges, additional grants to, 965-967. Vouchers, not being utilised by wheat growers, 991. Wheat growers, non-utilisation of credit vouchers by, 991. Alleviation of Distress: American Joint Distribution Committee, 49. Expenditure: less than estimated, 54, 55. total, over years, 50. Irish Red Cross, 49. Joint Relief Commission, 49. National Catholic Welfare Conference, Bremen, 49. Statement on destination and results, 51-53. United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees Organisation, 49. Appendices, List of, page 134. Appropriation Accounts (1947-48): Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1948-49): Special Subheads opened with the sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army Pensions: Military Service Pensions, over-deductions from, due to reckoning of certain allowances of members of the Gardaí as pay, 728-731. Recovery of monies paid out due to misinterpretation of legal position, 727. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Aircraft Repair Depot, expenditure in connection with, 878-879. Air services, subsidy in respect of, 862-863. Cable, compensation for damage to at Dublin Airport, 873-875. Appendix XXV. Contractor, ex gratia payment to, 880, Appendix XXVI. Carriage of hydrogen cylinders, cost of, 869. Catering service, profits, etc. of, 872. Concession fees, amount of, 870-871. Concession fees, crediting of, to Suspense Account, 864. Constructional works, etc., cost of and progress of, at airports, 858, 866. Dredger, damage to at Shannon Airport, 873-875, Appendix XXV. Dublin Airport, inventories of equipment purchased from public funds and used in, 859-860, para. 11. Dublin Airport, management of, and profits and losses on, 859, 861. Electricity Supply Board, refunds by following new agreement, 867-868. Hydrogen cylinders, cost of carriage of, 869. Landing fees, amount of, 870-871. Lands, delays in producing evidence of title in the purchase of, 865. Repair Depot, Aircraft, expenditure in connection with, 878-879. Subsidy in respect of air services, 862-863. Suspense Account, crediting of concession fees to, 864. Telephone circuits at Foynes, claim by Dept. of Posts and Telegraphs regarding, 876-877. Traffic at airports, volume of, 870-871. Breathnach, Micheál: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 597. Education, Office of the Minister for 511-537. Primary Education, 538-557. Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 591-596. Science and Art, 573-590. Secondary Education, 558-562. Technical Instruction, 563-572. Breathnach, Micheál (Roinn Airgeadais): Education, Office of the Minister for, —Inspectors, filling of vacancies for, in Dept. of Education, 523-529. Public Works and Buildings— Hospitals Trust Fund, contribution by, for purchase of certain buildings by Dublin Corporation, 140, Appendix VI. Charitable Donations and Bequests: Capital, increase in amount of and total of, under control of commissioners, 215-216. Investments, 217. Vacancy on staff, 218-219. Children’s Allowances, page 130 (no question). Circuit Court: Bankruptcy Fees, procedure re, 644-645. County registrars’ travelling expenses, 639-640. Judges Criers’ travelling expenses, 641. Receipts from bankruptcy proceedings, 644-646. Sheriff, appointment of, for Cork City, 643. Staff reorganisation, 634-638. Stamp receipts appear in Finance Accounts, 646. Travelling expenses subhead includes transport expenses of judges, 642. Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissions: Candidates, reduction in number of, applying, 20. Competitions, deferment of certain, 20. Examinations, saving on, 21. Examiners, saving on, 20. Sub-editor in Broadcasting Service, nugatory expenditure on competition for, 22. Civil Service Remuneration: Total expenditure on the increase in Civil Service pay in 1948-9, 56. Total expenditure in a full year, 57. Coffey, Mr. D.: Public Record Office, page 13. Commissions and Special Inquiries: Irish Manuscripts Commission, appointment and remuneration of Chairman of, 27-32. Medical Education, Committee on, 39-40. Piped Water Supplies, Committee on extension of, 34, 37-38. Place Names Commission, 35. Post-Graduate Medical School, Committee on, 34. Sewerage Sludge, Committee on Disposal of, 33. Youth Unemployment, Commission on, 36, 41. Committee of Public Accounts: Attendance of Members, Appendix XXXIV. Chairman, election of, pages xiv and xxi. Report of, pages v-xiii. Comptroller and Auditor General: Agricultural Produce Subsidies: Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, position of, 1027. Dairy Produce, subsidies etc., 1004. Total charge to vote, 1004. Agriculture: Agricultural schools, grants to private, 894. Cattle and sheep, levy on slaughter of, 960. Cattle and sheep, loans for purchase of, 932. County Committees of Agriculture, grants to, 908. Creamery industry, improvement of, 934. Emergency Powers (Tillage) Orders, receipts and expenses under, 951-957, para. 12. Fertilisers’ subsidies, payments in respect of, 897. Gaeltacht, production of glass-house crops in, 910. Potato reserve scheme, 945. Poultry and egg production, improvement of, 898. Purchase of cattle and sheep, loans for, 932. Slaughter of cattle and sheep, levy on, 960. Army Pensions: Recovery of monies paid out due to misinterpretation of legal position, 727. Military service pensions, over-deductions from, due to reckoning of certain allowances of members of the Gardaí as pay, 728-731. Aviation and Meteorological Services: Air services, subsidy in respect of, 862-863. Concession fees, crediting of, to Suspense Account, 864. Constructional works etc., cost of at airports, 858. Dublin Airport, inventories of equipment not maintained, 859-860, para. 11. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account: Difficulties in staffing office, 1093-1101. Defence: Clothing, deterioration of, while stored at naval depot, 709. Electricity for lighting, etc., in officers’ quarters, 701-703. Meat, cold storage of, at Curragh, 666-668. Recoupment of expenses of equitation teams incurred in connection with abandoned horse show, 659-660. Serge lining for great coats, overpurchase of, 669, para. 10. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Particulars of payment for, and auditing of certain schemes, 380. External Affairs: Interdepartmental services, discrepancies between departments in estimating for, 250-255. Income from abroad of Department of External Affairs, extent to which, meets outlay, 236-240. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Excess expenditure over estimate not noted if less than five per cent, 4. Fisheries: Boats and gear, advances for, 1030. Compensation, payment of, to owners of certain nets, 1028. Fishery loans, repayments of, 1038, para. 14. General development, repayable advances for, 1037. Nets, payment of compensation to owners of certain, 1028. Sea Fisheries Association, growing deficit, 1030-1038, para. 14. Industry and Commerce: Flour and bread subsidy, amount of, 817-818. Fuel subsidy, arrangements with Fuel Importers (Eire), Ltd., for payment of, 824. Interest charges on advances for development of bogs, 845. Mianraí Teoranta, particulars of advances to, 833-835. Milk, maintenance of supply of, during strike of vendors, 814-817. Sugar subsidy, amount of, 821. Turf Production Schemes, Miscellaneous, payments for, 826. Lands: Migration schemes from Gaeltacht areas to Co. Meath, 780. Local Government: Housing, amount of monies expended on grants, etc. on, 732. Reconstruction grants where work had commenced before inspection, 736. Transition Development Fund, account of, 733. National Health Insurance: Fund, period during which payments to, can legally be made, 1051-1052, para. 15. Medical benefits, grant in aid in respect of, 1054-1055, 1057-1058. Substitutive allowances, number and amount of claims received in respect of, 1053, para. 16. Posts and Telegraphs: Post Office Savings Bank Account, 442. Primary Education: Preparatory Colleges, accounts of receipts, etc. of farms attached to, 541. Prisons: Manufacturing and farm accounts, examination of, 619. Public Works, Office of: Insurance of workmen in Office of Public Works, 84-85. Public Works and Buildings: Dublin Corporation, purchase of certain buildings in Phoenix Park by, 141. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions: Payment to Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Fund and Report on, 1047-1050. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 10 (no question). Coyne, Dr. W. J.: Dundrum Asylum, 78-83. Coyne, Mr. T. J.: Circuit Court, 634-646. District Court, 630-633. Garda Síochána, 332-366. Justice, Office of the Minister for, 319-331. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 653-658. Prisons, 619-629. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 647-652. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation: Disappearing service, 47. Defence: Aircraft, purchases of, not as large as estimated, 717. Air raid precautions stores, discrepancies in, 687. Ammunition, replacement of defective, 682. Apprentices trained in Army, recognition of, in Trade Unions, 715. Bandoliers not supplied with replacement ammunition, 682-687. Bread, cost of production of, at Curragh bakery, 666. Civilians, employment of, 714A. Civilian labour, sanction for employment of, in construction work on aerodrome, 661-662. Civilian patients in military hospitals, 725. Clothing, considerable quantities held in stock, 710. Clothing, deterioration of, while stored at naval depot, 709. Cold storage facilities for meat at Curragh, 667-668. Dental workshops, receipts from, 724. Educational courses abroad, 714. Electricity for lighting, etc. in officers’ quarters, 701-703. Equitation teams, recoupment of expenses of, in connection with abandoned horse show, 659-660. Flags provided for use on special occasions, 726. “Fresno,” U.S.S., ceremonial flags lent to, retained as souvenirs, 725-726. General stores, purchases of, not as large as estimated, 717. Greatcoats, overpurchase of serge lining for, 669-681, para. 10. Insurance, payment of, 719-720. Meat, cost of production of, at Curragh and Dublin and provision of cold storage for, at Curragh, 666-668. Mechanical transport, provision of, 716-716A. Motor torpedo boats, disposal of, 689-700. Naval Service, expenditure on, lower than estimate, 718. Railway equipment, purchase of, in connection with constructional work on aerodrome and subsequent use, 662-665, para. 9. Reserve not being called up for training, results of, 721-722. Ribbon for emergency service medals, placing of contract for, 704-708. Serge lining for great coats, overpurchase of, 669-681, para. 10. Stores, condemnation of, when damaged through fair wear and tear, 711-712. Stores, discrepancies in air raid precautions, 687. Stores held by local authorities, question of disposal of, 688. Strength, average, of army, 713. Surplus stores, sale of, 723. Warlike stores, difficulty in purchasing, 717A. District Court: Our Lady’s Home, Henrietta Street, entry to, 630-631. Phraseology in estimate not strictly correct, 632-633. Recognizances to enter Our Lady’s Home, 632-633. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: Supplementary estimate transferred surplus from subhead A to subhead B, 597. Dundrum Asylum: Occupational therapy for male patients, 78-82. Patients who have been cured whose relatives will not take them, 83. Education, Office of the Minister for: Appropriations in aid, 535. Delay between occurrence of vacancies and appointments, 521-529. Duties of inspectors and organisers, difference between, 518. Educational Certificates, applications for, 535. Film projector, cost of, 536-537. Inspections, number of, with reduced staff, 517, 520. Inspectors, vacancies on staff of, 511-517. Irish vocabularies, preparation of, 530-534. Organisers, vacancies on staff of, 511-517. Staff, vacancies on, 511-517. Travelling expenses of inspectors and organisers, 518. Training of inspectorial staff, 526-529. Employment and Emergency Schemes: Administrative expenses, 393-396. Bogs, development work in, 417-419. Contributions by persons interested in schemes, 408-411. Co-ordination with other Departments, 400-403. County Engineers and schemes, 381-383, 398-399. Departments, work carried out by, in connection with schemes, 395, 420. Electoral Divisions and schemes, 390-391. Farm Improvements Scheme, 393-394. Field Drainage Scheme, 393, 397. Grants, basis of, 385-387. Harbour Works, 432. Inspectors, recruitment of, 381, 384, 413. Lime Distribution Scheme, 430-431. Local Authority (Works) Act, 400-403. Review of schemes, 392. Roads, reconditioning of, 404-409, 420-429. Rural Employment Schemes, 414-416. Rural Improvement Scheme, 398, 400-401, Appendix XII. Turf transport, reconditioning of roads used by, 420-429. Unemployment based on special enumeration, 385. Vote constant in amount, 388-389. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 7 (no question). External Affairs: Additional staff, employment of, 221-222. Aer Linte Teo., acquisition of premises from 260-282, para. 8. Architects, examination of buildings purchased abroad by, 256-259. Atlantic Pact, circulation of minister’s speech dealing with, 309-313. Bequests, use of consular service in claiming, 242. Civil service remuneration, 221. Consuls, salaries of, 220. Consul General’s Office, New York, details of acquisition and rent of, 245, 256, 260-282, para. 8. Costs, net of Department, 245-255. Cultural relations with other countries, 231. Defalcations by messenger in Paris Legation, 292. Embassy, purchase of new, in Washington, 256. Entertainment, official, details of, 226-230, Appendix VIII. Exchange compensation, saving in respect of, 234. Extra Exchequer Receipts, 301-305, Appendix VIII. Extra remuneration, 296. Gramophone records and music, distribution of, 308. Handbook of Ireland, Official, 232-233. Incidental expenses, 224. Income from abroad of Dept., extent to which it meets outlay, 236-240. Interdepartmental services, discrepancies between Departmental estimates in amounts estimated for, 250-255. Irish Tourist Association, lease of office space to, 263. Losses, 292, 295. Music, distribution of, by Department, 308. Official Entertainments, details of, 226-230, Appendix VIII. Official Handbook of Ireland, 232-233. Organisation for Economic Co-operation, employment of extra staff for, 222. Propaganda, increased, on uses of consular service, 243-244. Public Works, Office of: Acquisition of new premises for Consulate General, New York, 260-282, para. 8. Pays rents of offices of Department abroad, 247-250. Purchase and renting of premises abroad, 256-259. Recruitment of staff, 293-294, 300. Refugees, intergovernmental committee on, 306-307. Relatives of staff, payment of travelling expenses of, in certain circumstances, 283-287. Representatives abroad, currency used in payment of, 236-240. Salaries, wages and allowances, 220. Speech, circulation of Ministers, dealing with Atlantic Pact, 309-313. Staff, payment of travelling expenses on transfer of, 283-287. Stamps, consular service, loss of, in post, 295. Subordinate staff, recruitment of, abroad, 293-294. Telegrams and telephones, increase in amount spent on, 225, 288-291. Travelling expenses, increase in amount of, 223, 283, 287. Understaffing of offices, 297-300. Vacancies on staff, saving due to, 241. Finance, Office of the Minister for: Actuarial work, extra remuneration to an officer for, 13-14. Civil Service Remuneration Vote, 4-5. Incidental Expenses, 7. Salaries of Civil Servants and the Civil Service Remuneration Vote, 4-5. Securities, purchase and sale of, 10-12. Stockbroker, Government, commission on securities purchased by. 11-12. Telegrams and Telephones, 8-9. Travelling Expenses, 6. Fisheries: Boats and gear, advances for, 1030. Boats revalued at each new loan, 1032. Compensation, payment of, to owners of certain nets, 1028-1029. Deficit of Sea Fisheries Association increasing, 1030-1038, para. 14. General development, repayable advances for, 1037. Guards, payment to, in respect of sea fisheries protection work, 1039. Loans, repayments of fishery, 1038. para. 14. Nets, payment of compensation to owners of certain, 1028-1029. Sea Fisheries Association, deficit of, increasing, 1030-1038, para. 14. Sea fisheries protection, payment in respect of, to Guards, 1039. Forestry: Exhibits at Shows, 787. Fire fighting apparatus in forest centres, 790. Malicious injury to forest properties, 789. Timber, sale of, 788. Gaeltacht Services: Appropriations in aid, provision for credit to Exchequer extra receipts from, 809-812. Carrageen industry, position of, 808. Domestic instruction, difficulty in recruiting workers for, 803. Elly Bay Toy Factory, fire at, 798-801. Exchequer Extra Receipts, provision for credit to, from Appropriations in aid, 809-812. Fire at Elly Bay Toy Factory, 798-801. Homespun industry, markets for, 804. Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, grants under, 791-795, Appendix XIX. Leaden Model Industries, 805-806. Losses due to fire at Elly Bay Toy Factory, 798-801. Reconstruction grants under Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 794. Seaweed and searods, demand for, 807. Travelling Expenses, 802. Garda Síochána: Accident reports, fees for, 361-362. Cars, purchase of new, 341-343. Children, escorting of, to industrial schools, 359. Clothing, 337-340. Depôt workshops, position in, 347-358. Efficiency of depôt workshops, 348-358. Equipment, 337-340. Garda Síochána Reward Fund, 363-366. Industrial schools, conveyance of children to, 359. Locomotion expenses, 335-336. Machine tools, savings on, 342-343. Maintenance and repair of cars, 344. Mechanics, recruitment of, 345-346. Ministers, use of cars by, 336. Motor park attendants’ licences, 360. Pay, increased, 332. Repair of cars, 344. Reward fund, 363-366. Salaries, wages and pay, 332. Transport and carriage, savings on, 341, 344. Travelling expenses, 335-336. Vacancies, 333-334. Garvin, Mr. J.: Local Government, 732-779. General Register Office: Accuracy of estimate, 480-482. Salaries and wages, increase in, 481-482. Government Stocks, Management of, page 4 (no question). Health: Accommodation for nurses, 507. Advertisement by poster, 493-494. Appropriations in aid, 508-510. Bethany Home, 496. Child welfare schools for mothers, voluntary agencies, 496-497, Appendix XIII, Congresses, international and other, expenses in connection with, 484. Consultative councils on tuberculosis, child welfare and cancer, 489-490. Food and Agricultural Organisation, 484. Grants, balances of in respect of previous years, 507A. Information and advice on health, dissemination of, 492. Inquiries, statutory, 487-488. Irish speakers, training of, in hospital nursing and midwifery, 499-507. Local taxation account, receipts from, 508-510. National blood transfusion service, 498. National Health Council, expenses in connection with, 489-491. Nurses, probationer, difficulty in recruiting, 502-505. Nutrition, survey of human, 495. Statutory inquiries, 487-488. Travelling expenses, explanation of saving on, 483. World Health Organisation, 484-486. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office: Extra exchequer receipts, payments made by cash, receivable order and cheque, 892. Industry and Commerce: Advertising and publicity, saving on, 849. Apprenticeship Act, 1931, fees to Vocational Education Committes under, 850-851. Bórd na Móna, operations of, 836-846. Bread subsidy, amount of, 817-819. Flour and bread subsidy, amount of, 817-818. Food subsidies, 853. Fuel, compensation for damage to property caused by storage of, 831-832. Fuel subsidy, amount of, 824. Fuel supplies, 1948-49, 838-839. Hackney vehicles, licensing of, 856. Health embarkation certificates, 852. Indian excise tax on tea, refund of, 820. Margarine, amount of subsidy on, 821. Mianraí Teoranta, particulars of advances to, 833-835. Milk, maintenance of supply of, during vendors’ strike, 814-817. Oatmeal subsidy, necessity for and amount of, 819. Publicity and advertising, saving on, 849. Ration books, completion and issue of, 848. Road Transport Acts, fees under, 855. Robertstown House, recovery of £100 from Grand Canal Co. in respect of, 854, Appendix XXI. Rural electrification, repayment of advances for, 847. Storage of fuel, compensation for damage to property caused by, 831-832. Strike by milk vendors, operation of milk depots during, 814-817. Sugar subsidy, determination of amount of, 821-823. Tea, Indian excise tax on, refund of, 820. Tea subsidy, amount of, 820. Turf cutting, waiver of amount due for excess, 857. Turf production schemes, miscellaneous, authorities involved in and payments for, 826-830, Appendix XXII. Wheatenmeal subsidy, amount of, 819. Irish Tourist Board: Budget submitted by Board, 23. Grant made amounts to expenditure incurred, 23-24. Saving on estimate, reasons for, 25-26. Justice, Office of the Minister for: Bravery Committee, payment of secretary to, 330. Censorship of Publications, 323-324. Civil Service Commission, 320-322. Documents of identity, 325-328. Extra remuneration, 330. Film projector, sale of, 329. Overtime, 322. Salaries, wages and allowances, 319-322. Staff on loan to other Departments, 331. Stateless persons, 325-328. Vacancies on staff, 319-322, 324, Appendix XI. Kennedy, Mr. P.: General Register Office, 480-482. Health, 483-510. Kiely, Mr. Wm. J.: Comptroller and Auditor General’s Account, 1093-1101. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds: Compensation for errors, etc., in the registration of titles, 653-654. Delays, factors which cause, 657-658. Delays, no compensation for, 655. Fees, amount of, collected, 656. Lands: Customs and tolls in respect of fairs in certain towns, 786. Fairs in certain towns, tolls and customs in respect of, 786. Losses, 1948/49 Appropriation Accounts clear up large number of, outstanding, 783-784. Losses, position in Appropriation Accounts of certain, 782. Migration schemes from Gaeltacht areas to Co. Meath, 780. Refund of free grants by allottees of holdings in certain cases, 785. Salaries, wages and allowances, savings on, 781, Appendix XVIII. Tolls and customs in respect of certain fairs, 786. Law Charges: Appropriations in aid, 46. General law expenses, saving in respect of, 45. State solicitors, saving in respect of, 44. Leydon, Mr. J.: Aviation and Meteorological Services, 858-880. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 892-893. Industry and Commerce, 814-857. Repayment of Trade Loans Advances, page 111. Transport and Marine Services, 881-891. Local Appointments Commission—see Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissions. Local Government: Audit of motor tax account, 741-743. Civil Service Clerical Association, salary of officer acting as secretary of, 773-774. Comhairle Leabharlanna, grants to 771. Competitions for designs for housing schemes, 762-770. Compulsory purchase orders, costs of inquiries in relation to, 772. Congresses, attendance at, greater than estimated, 749. Designs for housing schemes, competitions for, 762-770. Dublin, inquiries into main drainage of, 779. Dun Laoghaire sewerage scheme, inquiry into, 777-779. Grants for housing, basis on which made, 734-735. Horse-drawn traffic, Committee on Road Surfacing in relation to, 752-753. Housing (Amendment) Act, 1946, grants under, 755-761. Housing, amount of monies expended on grants, etc., on, 732. Housing schemes, competitions for designs for, 762-770. Inquiries, costs payable by local authorities in relation to, 775-777. International congresses and conferences, attendance at, greater than estimated, 749. Irish Land Act 1909 (Section II), charges under, 754. Motor tax account, particulars of, 741-746. Reconstruction grants where work had commenced before inspection, 736-740. Road surfacing in relation to horse drawn traffic, committee on, 752-753. Salaries, wages and allowances, 747. Town planning and designs for housing schemes, 767-770. Transition Development Fund, account of, 733. Travelling expenses, increase in, 748. Tuberculosis, grants for improved accommodation for persons suffering from, 755-761. Visitors seeking information regarding housing, etc., arrangements for dealing with, 750-751. Wages, 747. Mac an Bháird, Gilbert: Gaeltacht Services, 799-801. McElligott, Mr. C. C.: Ordnance Survey, 75-77. Valuation and Boundary Survey, 72-74. McElligott, Mr. J. J.: Agricultural Grants, Supplementary, page 7. Alleviation of Distress, 49-55. Civil Service Commission, 20-22. Civil Service Remuneration, 56-57. Commissions and Special Inquiries, 27-41. Contingency Fund, Repayments to, page 10. Damage to Property (Neutrality), Compensation, 47. Expenses under the Electoral Act and the Juries Act, page 7. Finance, Office of the Minister for, 4-14. Government Stocks, Management of, page 4. Irish Tourist Board, 23-26. Law Charges, 44-46. Local Appointments Commission, 20-22. Miscellaneous Expenses, 42-43. Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 2. Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation, 48. President’s Establishment, 2. Rates on Government Property, page 7. Secret Service, page 7. State Laboratory, 15-19. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 7. Taoiseach, Department of the, 3. Universities and Colleges, page 8. McGreevy, Mr. T.: National Gallery, 367-379. MacLaughlin, Mr. E. J.: Employment and Emergency schemes, 380-432. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General, P.: Army Pensions, 727-731. Defence, 659-726. Maguire, Mr. W.: Children’s Allowances, page 130. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services, 1078-1092. National Health Insurance, 1051-1061. Old Age Pensions, 1040-1045. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for, 1074-1077. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 1062-1073. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, 1046-1050. Martin, Mr. J. S.: Charitable Donations and Bequests, 215-219. Members of Committee: Attendance of, Appendix XXXIV. Miscellaneous Expenses: Abbey Theatre, structural alteration of, 42-43. Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services: Blind, welfare of the, 1087-1088. Footwear for necessitous children, principles governing grant of, 1091-1092. Fuel to necessitous persons, numbers participating in scheme for supply of, 1089. School meals under Education (Provision of Meals) Acts, 1078-1082. School Meals (Gaeltacht) Acts, number of schools availing of grants under, 1083-1086, Appendix XXXI. Mooney, Mr. J.: Gaeltacht Services— Provision of credit to Exchequer Extra Receipts from Appropriations in aid, 809-812. Nally, Mr. W. F.: Forestry, 787-790. Gaeltacht Services, 791-812. Lands, 780-786. National Gallery: Accommodation in gallery, 373-374. Hours of opening, 376-377. Lane Fund, 369-370. Lighting, 375. Pictures, purchase and repair of, 367-372. Space for pictures, 373-374. Visitors, record of numbers of, 378-379. National Health Insurance: Administration, grant-in-aid in respect of expenses of, 1056. Benefits, grant-in-aid in respect of, 1056. Cash supplements, cesser of payment of, 1051. Fund, period during which payments to, can legally be made, 1051-1052, para. 15. Medical benefits, grants-in-aid in respect of, 1054-1055, 1057-1058. Strike of agents, recoupment of local authorities in respect of payments made during, 1060-1061. Substitutive allowances, amount and number of claims received in respect of, 1053, para. 16. Sums irrecoverable, amount of, 1059. Supplements, grant-in-aid in respect of, 1056. Nunan, Mr. Seán: External Affairs, 220-313. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, 314-318. Ó Broin, Leon: Posts and Telegraphs, 433-479. Wireless Broadcasting, page 59. Ó Broin, Seán: Agricultural Produce Subsidies, 1004-1027. Agriculture, 894-1003. Fisheries, 1028-1039. Ó hEigceartuigh, Diarmuid: Office of Public Works, 84-100. Public Works and Buildings, 101-214. Ó Faoilleacháin, S. B.: Stationery and Printing, 598-618. Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 2 (no question). Old Age Pensions: Allowances in kind, 1041. Cash supplements, cesser of, 1040. Extra statutory grants, reasons for payment of, 1045. Pensions, increase in, 1040. Sums irrecoverable, 1042-1043. Ordnance Survey: Houses, survey of, 77. Map revision, 75-76. Organisation for European Economic Co-operation: Contributions, 314-315. Employment of Irish Nationals, 316-317. Surplus of receipts, 314. Working Capital Fund, 318. Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation: Vote has been discontinued, 48. Posts and Telegraphs: Accounts, test examination of, 441-443. Agency services for other Administration, 446. Air, conveyance of mails by, 449. Contract work, savings on, 458. Engineering trainees, 457. Factory, 443. Incidental expenses, 452. Losses by default, accident, etc., 433, 450, 468-475. Mails, conveyance of, by air, 449. Meteorological staff, 459-461. Misappropriation of cash, 450-451, 468-475. Overtime, 476-477. Repairs to mechanical transport, 443-444. Revenue, 441. Salaries, 445, 456, 459. Salary withheld in cases of default, 468-470. Savings Bank, 442. Stores: Constant contact with Dept. of Finance in purchase of, 435. delays in delivery of goods, 439. losses by default small, 478-479. purchase of wire, 440. reserves held, 436-438. Sub-postmaster, compensation for cancellation of appointment of, 453-455. Telephone capital, relief on salaries, wages, etc., in respect of, 456. Travelling expenses, 447-448. Wages, 445, 456, 459. Wages withheld, in cases of default, 468-470. Wire, purchase of, 440. Wireless licence defaulters, campaign against, 452. Wireless stations at Malin Head and Valentia, 462-467. President’s Establishment: Motor cars, grant for replacement of, 2. Primary Education: Age limit of 60 years, retention of services of women teachers beyond, 545. Boat and van services for transport of children, 550-551. Cleansing of out-offices of schools, grant towards, 554. Farms and gardens attached to colleges, accounts of receipts, etc., of, 541. Heating, etc., of schools, grant towards, 554. Holiday scholarships in Gaeltacht, particulars of scheme for, 555. Irish Colleges, reduction in number of teachers attending, 547, 549. Miscellaneous receipts, 556. Preparatory Colleges, costs of students in, 538-540. Rural science equipment, contract for, 552. St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, nature of grant to, 546. Scholarship examinations entrusted to Department by Co. Councils, etc., 557. School requisites, scarcity of, 553. Students, costs of, in Preparatory Colleges, 538-540. Training colleges and courses through Irish only, 548. Transport of children to school, 550-551. Prisons: Boilers, installation of, at Mountjoy 627. Conveyance of prisoners and young offenders, 623-626. Criminal lunatics, maintenance of and procedure on discharge, 628-629. Installation of boilers at Mountjoy, 627. Manufacturing and farm accounts, examination of, 619. Manufacturing stores, 620-621. Mountjoy, installation of boilers at, 627. Prisoners, conveyance of, 623-626. St. Patrick’s—formerly Borstal Institution—Clonmel, 622. Young offenders, conveyance of, 624-626. Public Record Office, page 13 (no question). Public Works and Buildings: Accounting system for engineering plant and machinery, 157. Aerlinte Eireann Teoranta, 101-130. Ballina post office, provision of new, 203-204. Bourne Vincent Memorial Park, 158-160. Brosna catchment drainage scheme, 146-156. Busts of national leaders, 187. Central engineering workshop, 211. Central heating of Government offices, 197. Clock system, electric, extension of, 187-191. Concert hall, Dublin, 186. Consul General, New York, office of, 101-130, para. 8. Dredging plant, overhaul of, 209-210. Dublin Corporation, purchase of certain buildings in Phoenix Park by, 131, 139-145, Appendix VI. Employment on Brosna drainage scheme, 152. External Affairs, Dept. of, 101-130. para 8. Engineers, mechanical, recruitment of, 210. Engineering workshop, central, 211. External Affairs, Dept. of, 101-130. para. 8. Gardaí, houses for, 161. Glyde and Dee drainage scheme, 51. Hospital, estimate of cost of, with certain number of beds, 143. Houses for Gardaí, 161. Machinery, cost of, based on hire charge basis, 157. Machinery, use of and cost of, on drainage schemes, 153-156. Married Quarters for Defence Forces, provision of, 205-206. Merrion Square, purchase of No. 3, 162-185, 212, Appendix XXIV. Meteorological service, conditions of, 202. Offices, rentals, etc., of abroad, 125, 127-129, Appendix V. Oireachtas, Houses of, accommodation for visitors, 198-200. Pearse, Pádraig, bust of, 187. Phoenix Park boys national school, erection of corrugated iron hut for, 213. Phoenix Park, sale of certain buildings in, to Dublin Corporation, 131, 139-145, Appendix VI. Preparatory college, adaptation of Shanganagh Castle for use as, 131-138. Railings, protective, replacement of, 192. Rentals of foreign service properties, 125, 127-129, Appendix V. Restaurant for staff at Iveagh House, 193-196. Schools, speed up in building of, 201. Shanganagh Castle, purchase and adaptation of, 131-138. Statues, renewal of, at Custom House, 192. Store St., provision of offices for Dept. of Social Welfare, 207-208. Visitors to Houses of Oireachtas, accommodation at entrance gate, 198-200, 214. Public Works, Office of: Engineers resigning to get extra experience, 91-92. Insurance of workmen, 84-85. Local loans fund, 95-100. National Theatre, competition for design for, 94. Salaries, 86-87, 90, Appendix IV. Travelling expenses, 93. Vacancies on staff, 87-90. Wages, 86-87, 90, Appendix IV. Rates on Government Property, page 7 (no question). Reformatory and Industrial Schools: Building and equipment grants, 593. Conveyance expenses, saving on, 592. Cost per head of those detained in industrial schools, 591. Fees for children in industrial schools, 594-596. Parental monies, 594-596. Repayment of Trade Loans Advances, page 111 (no question). Repayments to Contingency Fund, page 10 (no question). Report of Committee, page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the: Cars for frontier patrols, 65-66, 69-71. Cars seized, use of for frontier pattrols, 66, 69-71. Compassionate grounds, remission of duty on, 59-60. Incidental expenses, 68. Income tax side, staffing position on, 62. Irrecoverable duty, 58. Law charges, increase in, 67. Motor cars for frontier patrols, 65-66, 69-71. Remission of duty, 58-60. Rewards, increase in, 67. Staffing position, 61-62. Uniforms, delivery of, 63-64. Rice, Mr. R. P.: Revenue Commissioners, Office of the, 58-71. Science and Art: Candidates, lack of suitable, for award of scholarships, 574-575. Centenary Commemoration of Thomas Davis and the Young Ireland Movement, position of, 582-583. Coláisde na h-Iolscoile, Gaillimh, scholarships for, 576. Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, grant for, reduced by Government decision, 579. Duais-Chiste an Uachtaráin de h-Íde, 573. Estimate accepted by Dáil, reduction of, by Government decision, 579-581. History of the Famine, 577-578. Irish Committee of Historical Sciences, 577. National Film Institute of Ireland, 590, Appendix XV. Swiss posters, purchase of frames for use at exhibition of, 584-588. University scholarships and prizes, award of, 574-575. Virement, question of, 589. Secondary Education: Local taxation (customs and excise) duties, 561-562. Mhic Shuibhne, Ciste Shéamais A., 558. Pensions fund, secondary teachers, 559-560. Secret Service, page 7 (no question). Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for: Poundage on postal orders, 1074. Stamps sales account, unclaimed sums in, paid to exchequer, 1075-1077. State Laboratory: Analysis of road making materials, 16-19. Appropriations in aid, when the subhead is used, 15. Extra receipts for exchequer, when the subhead is used, 15. Road fund work, employment of officer on, 16-19. Stationery and Printing: Acts of Oireachtas, sale of, 603. Advertising, Press, 599-600. Agriculture, Press advertising schemes for, 600. Appropriations in aid for Iris Oifigiúil, Oireachtas debates, acts, etc., 601-603. Debates, Oireachtas, sale of, 602. Handbook, Oireachtas, 606. Iris Oifigiúil, appropriations in aid in respect of, 601. Machinery, office, 615, 617, Appendix, XVII. New Testament, Irish translation of, 604-605. Office supplies and machinery, 615, 617, Appendix XVII. Oireachtas handbook, 606. Overtime, unforeseen, 598. Palantype machines, purchase and use of, 616-617, Appendix XVII. Paper, scarcity of and stocks of, etc., 607-614. Paper mills, Irish, competition between, 610-612. Press advertising, 599-600. Salaries and wages, 598. Stock in hand, value of, 618. Waste paper, collection of, 614. Superannuation and Retired Allowances, page 7 (no question). Supreme Court and High Court of Justice: Fees, collection of in cash in District Probate Registry, Mullingar, 649-652. Fees in all cases now collected by stamps, 652. Law books, purchase of, 647-648. Taoiseach, Department of the: Civil servants, increased remuneration of, provided for in civil service remuneration vote, 3. Technical Instruction: Annual grants to vocational education committees, 563. Church temporalities fund, 572. Examinations, certificates granted as a result of, 564. Fees paid by students in technical schools, 566-570, Appendix XIV. Marriage gratuities, certain, not paid when due, 565. Students, number of, attending secondary schools, 567, 571, Appendix XIV. Superannuation allowances, certain, not paid when due, 565. Transport and Marine Services: Ballybunion, difficulties in connection with removal of sand or seaweed from foreshore at, 891. Beach material, licences for removal of, 887-891. Certificates and medals, issue of, 882. ‘Degaussing’ ships as protection against mines, 883-884. ‘Dun Aengus,’ position in regard to, 885-886. Harbours, grants for, reduced due to improved trade, 881. Medals and certificates, issue of, 882. Mines, protective equipment of ships against, 883-884. Sand, licences for removal of, from foreshore, 887-891. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance: Allowances in kind, 1064. Appropriations in aid, increase in, 1072. Compensation and Losses, 1071. Contributions by County Boroughs and urban area councils under certain Acts, 1072-1073. Fares, advances to workpeople for, 1063. Harvest workers, transfer of, discontinuance of scheme for, 1065-1069. Losses and compensation, 1071. Payments to unemployment fund, savings on, 1062. Register of agricultural and turf workers, special, 1070. Universities and Colleges, page 8 (no question). Valuation and Boundary Survey: Revision work, increase in, 72. Staffing position, 73. Travelling expenses, 72. Wann, Mr. W. E.—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions: Fund, widows’ and orphans’ pension, payment to, 1046-1048. Report on widows’ and orphans’ pension fund, 1049-1050. Wireless Broadcasting, page 59 (no question). Witnesses, list of, page xxiii. |
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