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INDEX.(References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated). Agricultural Produce Subsidies—total charge to Vote, 927; in effect, subsidies are paid only on dairying products, 928; details of Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 929. Agriculture—cost of veterinary research station purchased at Clondalkin, 885; Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations—expenses of membership, 886; operation of fertiliser subsidies scheme, 887-894, 917, Appendix XII; grants to County Committees of Agriculture, 895; recoupment of County Committees of Agriculture expenses in connection with voluntary harvest workers scheme, 896; National Stud Farm, Tully, Co. Kildare—expenditure and receipts, 897-898; Dairy Disposals Company accounts, 899-900, Appendix XIII; operation of scheme for the provision of a reserve potato supply for Dublin, 901-905; cost of operation of Compulsory Tillage Order, 906-910; collection of levies under Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 911-913, 926; experiments at Department’s farms, 915; operation of schemes in relation to training of instructors in horticulture, 916; instruction in connection with special land settlement schemes, 918-919; number of cows entered for testing, 920; non-purchase of certain livestock, 921; only one issue of Department’s journal this year but no intention of cutting issues to one per annum, 922-3; scheme for loans for purchase of poultry equipment now of increasing application, 924; payments in respect of teaching educational subjects at an Agricultural Station, 925. Alleviation of Distress—particulars of disbursements and receipts, 748-750. Almond, Mr. C. S.—victualling of prisons, 25; in general risk of loss or damage to furniture in Government Offices neglible, 266; uniform and kit allowances to temporary Army Officers, 379; Department of Defence bear cost of fisheries protection, 420-420a; publicity campaign for Army recruiting, competitive tenders not invited, 439a, 443, 448. Appendices, List of—page 110. Appropriation Accounts (1945-46)—Comparison of Audited Expenditure and Exchequer issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1946-47)—special subheads opened with sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army—effect of judgment of Supreme Court on pay and allowances of officers in Army Medical Services, 368; cost of bread and meat at Dublin and Curragh, 396-374; surplus of civilian suits provided for demobilised soldiers, 375-377; uniform and kit allowances to temporary officers, 378-379; sale of officers’ uniform articles not required, 380-382; equipment ordered for testing marine engines, later not required owing to change of policy, efforts to cancel contract abortive, sale at low figure may be arranged, 383-391; difficult to estimate deliveries and claims in respect of warlike stores, 392; advance payments, in respect of contracts not filled, recovered, 393-394; arrangements re reserves of medical stores, 395-408; details of stores purchased with three corvettes not yet available, 409-410; repairs effected since delivery of corvettes did not relate to their seaworthiness, 410-416; protection of sea fisheries now function of Department of Defence, 417-420a; delay in accepting tender for barrack alterations, higher tender later accepted and sanctioned, 421-436; payments for damage to premises occupied by military, 437; competitive tenders not invited for advertising in connection with recruiting in order to avoid delay, strict terms of Department of Finance sanction departed from in publication without tender, question of relative merits of different advertising agents’ work also arises, 438-449; payment of grants in respect of persons improperly enlisted in Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil, 450-458; equipment not surrendered by former members of the Local Defence Force written off, rag value only, 459-464; valuation of surplus stores shipped for relief purposes to Europe, 465-470; payments to reservists charged to suspense pending investigation of irregularities, matter still sub judice, 471; stocktaking of stores, where officers in charge have been released, completed, 472-473; statement of losses, stores deficiencies and cash, including total losses during Emergency, 474-475; officers sent abroad on special courses must refund cost to State if they retire within five years, 476-477; savings on stores and travelling subheads arose from demobilisation, 477a-478; excess on subhead due to unexpected delivery of stores on long-term orders, 479-483; further savings arose from non-delivery of stores and saving in pay, Army being below strength, 484-486, Appendix VIII; National Blood Transfusion Council expenses disappearing, 487; saving on barrack maintenance and minor works arose from evacuation of posts and abandonment of works, 488-492, Appendix VIII; greater number of accidents caused excess on compensation sub-head, 493-495; appropriations in aid, heads of receipts, 496-498; charges for use of current for wireless sets in married quarters, 499-506; beast slaughtered and found unfit for human consumption, contractor bears no loss, 508-510; arrangement with owner of a civil aeroplane who sued for return of missing parts, 511-515; effective measures taken to prevent loss of petrol by leakage, 516-517. Army Pensions—refund of pension granted under section 10 of Army Pensions Act, 1932, 518; question of inability, under existing law, to review Military Service Pension awards of doubtful merit, 519-528; no power now exists to refer back to Referee pension awards of doubtful merit, 529-544, Appendix IX; payment of gratuities to nurses who resigned from Army for personal reasons, 545-551; refund by Government employees of short service gratuities paid in respect of service in Defence Forces, 552-555; method of calculating means in assessing certain special Pension allowances, 555a-560; grant of special allowance queried, in view of terms of medical report, 561-563; savings on Pensions subheads mainly due to awards made not being claimed, 564-567; saving on hospital treatment subhead effected by local examination of applicants, 568-571; additional remuneration received by Government employees amounting to £30 or over, must be noted in Appropriation Accounts, 572 Bhreathnach, Máire—grants to teachers who served during strike, 136-138; income from securities, 155-156; expenditure on Dunsink Observatory and headquarters of Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 181; excess on Vote for External Affairs arose from increases in remuneration, 330; Department of Finance not approached in detail regarding charges against catering comptroller’s account at Shannon Airport, 852; contracts re sale of canal barges not enforced, 874. Boland, Mr. F. H.—External Affairs, 328-344; League of Nations, 345-347. Breathnach, Micheál—Office of the Minister for Education, 129; Primary Education, 130-158; Secondary Education, 159-161; Technical Instruction, 162; Science and Art, 163-175; Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 176-179; Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 180-182. Charitable Donations and Bequests—volume of bequests increasing, little tendency to vary objects, 312-314; bequests to hospitals, 315. Children’s Allowances—validity of payments in cases of children not resident with parents questioned, 606-607; difficulty arises from absence of form of legal adoption in this country, 607. Circuit Court—irregularities in claims of a Court stenographer, 45-83, Appendix V. Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissions—saving arose from drop in number of Civil Service candidates, 668-672; appropriations in aid are receipts from local authorities, 673, 677-678; greater expenditure due to increased fees paid examiners, superintendents, attendants, and for hire of halls, 674-676; number of candidates below expectations, 679; fees from stamps shown in Finance Accounts, 680; cost of Commission less than shown in Estimate, fees not being appropriated in aid of Vote, 680-685. Civil Service Remuneration—758. Collins, Mr. J.—Local Government and Public Health, 348-357, 573, 575, 581. Commissions and Special Inquiries—nugatory expenditure by Irish Manuscripts Commission, on “Depositions Concerning the Rebellion, 1641-1660,” publication abandoned owing to editorial difficulties, 693-706. Committee of Public Accounts—Report, page v.; election of Chairman, 1; proceedings confidential until Report published, 128; attendance of members, Appendix XIV. Comptroller and Auditor-General—Suspense Account, Local Security Force, 3; manufacturing and farm accounts of prisons, 16-17; irregularities in claims of a Circuit Court stenographer, 45, 82-83; claims against liquidators of Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Limited, 86; change in accounting procedure re Linen Hall, Dublin, 106-109; system of competitive tendering not yet reverted to by Office of Public Works, 115; expenditure on repairs to leased property, 115, 124; tillage operations at Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, Killarney, and Phœnix Park, 128; arrears of rents and bad or doubtful debts due to Commissioners of Public Works, 128; salaries of teachers in reformatory and industrial schools, and grants in respect of heating, etc., 132; bonus paid in respect of children in Irish-speaking homes, 140; extension of period of pensionable service of married women teachers, 141; variation in income from investments, 156-157; change in arrangement for publication of “Hand-buck des alt Irischen,” 163; custody of pictures and busts acquired in connection with centenary of Thomas Davis and Young Ireland Movement, 164; repair and rebuilding of reformatory and industrial schools, 176; losses arising from vacation by migrants of holdings in Meath Gaeltacht, 183, 190-192; accounting system for sawmill in hands of Land Commission, 194-195; repayable exchequer grants to landlords made under Land Act, 1923, 200; loans under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 1929 to 1939, 221; industrial loan to Galway Granite Company, 225-226, 231; Supplementary Estimate unnecessary to cover relatively small deficit on subhead of Public Works and Buildings Vote, 246; disposal of equipment of emergency cooked food centres, 348-349; test examination of motor tax account, 353-354; decision of Supreme Court on claims for arrears of pay and allowances by officers of Army Medical Services, 368; cost of Army bread and meat at Curragh and Dublin, 369-370; surplus of civilian suits provided for demobilised soldiers, 375; uniform and kit allowances to temporary officers, 378; sale of officers uniform articles not required, 380-381; special equipment ordered for testing marine engines not required, efforts to cancel contract abortive but sale at low figure may be arranged, 383; difficult to estimate delivery and claims in respect of warlike stores, 392; advance payments in respect of contract not filled, recovered, 393; arrangements re reserves of medical stores, 395; details of stores purchased with corvettes not yet available, 409; question whether repairs effected since delivery of corvettes related to their seaworthiness, 410-416; protection of sea fisheries now function of Department of Defence, 417-420; delay in accepting tender for barrack alterations, higher tender later accepted and sanctioned, 421-422; payment of compensation for damage to premises occupied by military, 437; competitive tenders not invited in connection with recruiting advertisements, 438-448; payment of grants in respect of persons improperly enlisted in Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil, 450, 452-454, 458; value of articles of equipment not surrendered by former members of the Local Defence Force, written off, 459; valuation of surplus Army stores shipped to Europe for relief purposes, 465; payments to reservists charged to Suspense Account pending investigation of irregularities, 471; stocktaking of stores, where officers in charge had been released, completed, 473; statement of losses, stores deficiencies and cash, during Emergency, 474; refund of pension, granted under Army Pensions Act, 1932, 518; question of reviewing certain Military Service Pension awards of doubtful merit, 519-528; question of referring back to Referee certain Military Service Pension awards of doubtful merit, 529-530; payment of gratuities to nurses who resigned for personal reasons, from Army Medical Service, 545-547; refund by temporary Government employees of short service gratuities, 552; method of assessing means in calculating special Pension allowances, 555a-558; grant of special allowance queried in view of terms of medical report, 561; validity of payments of Childrens’ Allowances in cases of children not resident with parents queried, 606-607; cases of Local Authorities which have not paid their full contribution to Unemployment Fund, 608; test examination of Revenue Account, 622; repayments of Custom and Excise duties to foreign diplomats, 623; remissions by Revenue Commissioners of duties on compassionate grounds or for equitable reasons, 624; operation of Employment and Emergency Schemes, 626; loan of officers from one Department to another, 657; accounts of Irish Tourist Board audited by Comptroller and Auditor-General, 686; grant-in-aid to Irish Tourist Board, 691-692; Department of Finance could appoint outside auditors, 692; nugatory expenditure by Irish Manuscripts Commission on “Depositions Concerning the Rebellion, 1641-1660”, publication abandoned owing to editorial difficulties, 693-695; extra remuneration paid under Superannuation and Retired Allowances Vote satisfactorily shown, 715; expenditure and receipts under Vote for Alleviation of Distress, 748; details of food subsidies, remission of penalties incurred by flour millers, 763; subsidies on turf and timber fuel, 779; recoupment to local authorities of losses on sale of turf and turf carbonisation experiments, 782; advances to Mianraí Teoranta and postponement of payment of interest thereon, 784; accounting arrangements as between Institute for Industrial Research and Standards and dissolved Industrial Research Council, 787, 793; State property held by Bord na Móna, 794; issues from Central Fund for preliminary bog development, 796; amounts outstanding in respect of bog development, 797; operations of Turf Development Board, Ltd., and Bord na Móna, 794-797; receipts from Bord na Móna in respect of turf charcoal plant taken over from Emergency Research Bureau, 805-807; other miscellaneous fees collected, 808; constructional works at Rineanna, Foynes and Dublin Airports, 821; adjustment of contract price for runways at Dublin Airport, 822; nugatory expenditure on accommodation at an airport, 823; direct labour employed by Department to expedite completion of contracts, 824-825, 827; accounting in respect of hostel at Foynes, 831; accounts of catering service at Shannon Airport not settled pending agreement on charges, 845a-846; amount of subsidy in respect of air services not finally determined, 858a; loss on Dublin Airport not yet determined, 861; landing and accommodation fees at Airports outstanding, 865a; completion of register of lands and buildings under control of Department of Industry and Commerce, 866-867; Veterinary Research station at Clondalkin, 885; subscription to Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and expenses of delegation to meeting at Copenhagen, 886; basis of calculation of cost of fertiliser subsidies, 887, 891-2; grants to County Committees of Agriculture in respect of lime schemes, 895; recoupment to County Committees of Agriculture of cost of rations for voluntary harvest workers, 896; National Stud Farm at Tully, Co. Kildare, 897-898; Dairy Disposal Company accounts, 899; reserve potato supply for Dublin, 901; operation of the Compulsory Tillage Order, 906-907; collection of outstanding levies under Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 911-912; fees received for certain licences issued by Department of Agriculture, 914; charge to Agricultural Produce Subsidies Vote, 927; Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 929; grants to two Boards of Conservators of Fisheries to meet costs of legal proceedings, 930, 932, 934; expenditure on carriage of mails by Córas Iompair Éireann, 941, 943; cash shortages and misappropriations in Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 944; telephone cable sold by Department of Defence, later repurchased by Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 950; stores held by Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 953; test examinations of accounts of postal, telegraph and telephone services, Post Office Savings Bank and Post Office Factory, 954-956. Connolly, Mr. J.—Office of Public Works, 86-114; Public Works and Buildings, 115-128, 246a-273; Haulbowline Dockyard, 274. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation—compensation paid and amounts recovered, 739; recovery made by collection of moneys due here to German nationals, further claims not met up to time of German collapse, 740; almost all claims have been met by the State, 743-745. Deegan, Mr. M.—lands, 183-211; Forestry, 212-220; Gaeltacht Services, 221-246. District Court—payments for care of girls on probation, 31-38; revised pay scales of District Court Clerks, 39-44. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies—saving on Vote due to delay in securing academic staffs, equipment, etc., 180; expenditure on Dunsink Observatory and headquarters of Institute, 181-182. Dundrum Asylum—estimate always close to expenditure, 316-317. Education, Office of the Minister for—129. Employment and Emergency Schemes—scope and administration of, 626, 633a-642; Farm Improvements Scheme, 627-632; accounting procedure, 633; Lime Distribution Scheme, 643-645. External Affairs—excess on Vote attributable to increases in remuneration, 328-330; expenditure on entertainment difficult to estimate, 331-338; saving on cost of representation abroad and travelling expenses of staff, 338a-341; receipts for travel permit and passport stamps appear in Revenue Commissioners accounts, 342-343. Finance, Minister for—Minute on Report dated 10th December, 1947, of Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for—appropriations in aid of Vote accrue mainly from Government sources, 651-652; practice re payment of salaries and allowances of officers on loan, 653-658. Fisheries—grants to two Boards of Conservators, in recoupment of costs of prosecutions where convictions were quashed on appeal, 930-935; no advances made to Sea Fisheries Association, Association financed own requirements 936; registration of certain whale-fishing boats, 937; miscellaneous expenditure, 938; token provision made for possible sale of small boats, 939. Food Allowances—amount recovered in respect of food vouchers issued in excess of title, 618-621, Appendix X. Forestry—savings on operations arose from abnormal weather conditions and supplies difficulties, 212-213; surplus appropriations in aid from sales of timber followed Government request to increase supplies, 214-218; less compensation received for malicious damage than anticipated, 219-220. Furlong, Dr. G. J.—National Gallery, 318-327. Gaeltacht Services—loans granted under Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 1929 to 1939, 221-224; industrial loan to Galway Granite Company, 225-232; savings due to delay in delivery of plant to Kilcar factory, of other materials ordered and to heavy stocks of wool on hands, 233-237; leaden figure industry in Connemara, 238-244; saving on carrageen subhead due to bad season, 245; accounting procedure re receipts from sales of tweed, 246. Garda Síochána—allocation of unexpended Local Security Force district funds, 3-5; strength of Garda Síochána and system of recruiting, 6-7; savings on provision for rent and plain clothes duty allowances, 8-12; purchase of cars by Officers, 13. General Register Office—saving on travelling expenses subhead due to lack of transport facilities, 592; superintendent registrars and registrars offices normally inspected every three years, 593; demand for birth certificates still high, 594. Government Stocks, Management of—see Management of Government Stocks. Haulbowline Dockyard—surplus arose from unanticipated sale of old stores, 274. Health, Office of the Minister for—Department did not get under way before close of financial year, 591. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office—883. Industry and Commerce—amounts and rates of food subsidies paid, 763-774; remission of penalties incurred by certain flour millers, 775-778; turf and timber fuel subsidies, 779-781; recoupment to local authorities of losses sustained on sale of turf otherwise than to Fuel Importers (Éire), Limited, 781-783; advances to Mianraí, Teoranta, and postponement of payment of interest thereon, 784; no prospect as yet of repayment of advances to Mianraí, Teoranta, in respect of acquisition of mineral rights, 785-786; accounting arrangements for Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, 787-793; operations of Turf Development Board, Limited, and Bord na Móna, 794-804; turf charcoal production plant taken over from Emergency Scientific Research Bureau by Bord na Móna, 805; research on turf charcoal production, 806-807; licence and other fees payable under Orders, 808; travelling expenses of Gardaí in connection with Census of Population, 809-810; fees payable to Vocational Education Committees under Apprenticeship Act, 1931, 811-813; contribution towards expenses of the International Labour Organisation (League of Nations), 814; audit of turf accounts of local authorities, 815-816; fees paid for negotiating licences by trade unions less than anticipated, 817; repayment of advances made to Turf Development Board, Limited, and Bord na Móna, for development of bogs, 818-820. Irish Tourist Board—accounts audited by Comptroller and Auditor-General and presented to Oireachtas, 686, 690; surplus on Vote represents non-issued grants, 687; issue of grants follows recommendation of Department of Industry and Commerce, 688-689; payments from the grant-in-aid, 691-692; Department of Finance could appoint outside auditors, 692. Justice, Office of the Minister for—2. Kennedy, Mr. P.—Local Government and Public Health, 358-361, 578-590; Office of the Minister for Health, 591; General Register Office, 592-594. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds—85. Lands—losses arising from vacation by migrants of holdings in Meath Gaeltacht 183-192; expenditure on provision of holdings in Leinster for migrants from congested areas, 193; accounting system of sawmill in hands of Land Commission, 194-196; in general, State replants greater amount of timber than it fells, 197-199; repayable exchequer grants made under Land Act, 1923, 200-201; difficulties in placing building contracts, 203; difference between untenanted lands and unoccupied holdings, 204-206; particulars of various sums written off, 209-211. Law Charges—ex gratia payment of costs to solicitor who had not had his certificate stamped, 735-736. League of Nations—share of assets of League received, accounting arrangements, 345-347. Leydon, Mr. J.—Industry and Commerce, 763-820; Transport and Meteorological Services, 821-874; Marine Service, 875-882; Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 883; Repayment of Trade Loans Advances, 884. Local Appointments Commission—See Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissions. Local Government and Public Health—disposal of equipment of emergency cooked food centres, 348-352; test examination of motor tax account, 353; proceeds of motor vehicle duties, 354, Appendix VII; necessity for attending Provisional International Civil Aviation Congress, 355, 356; report on Survey of Human Nutrition not yet published, 357; grants for miscellaneous services proportionate to expenditure of local authorities, 358-359; other grants prescribed by Statutes, 360-365; operation of school meals scheme, 366-367, 573-577; scheme for training native Irish speakers as hospital nurses, 579-589; proposed handing over of Westmoreland Lock Hospital to Dublin Corporation, 590. McElligott, Mr. C. C.—Valuation and Boundary Survey, 275-276; Ordnance Survey, 277-281. McElligott, Mr. J. J.—Houses of the Oireachtas, 646-650; Office of the Minister for Finance, 651-658; Management of Government Stocks, 659-665; State Laboratory, 666-667; Civil Service Commission, 668-685; Irish Tourist Board, 686-692; Commissions and Special Inquiries, 693-706; Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 707-720; Rates on Government Property, 721-723; Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 724-734; Law Charges, 735-736; Universities and Colleges, 737-738; Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation, 739-745; Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation, 746-747; Alleviation of Distress, 748-750; Transition Development Fund, 751-757; Civil Service Remuneration, 758; Repayments to Contingency Fund, 759. McHenry, Mr. F. T.—irregularities in claims of Court stenographer, writing-off of amounts involved, 77-79. MacLaughlin, Mr. E. J.—Employment and Emergency Schemes, 626-645. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.—Army, 368-517; Army Pensions, 518-572. Maher, Mr. J.—See Comptroller and Auditor-General. Management of Government Stocks—rate of brokerage payments to Banks reasonable and system satisfactory, 659-665. Marine Service—profit on sales of wreck over year, 875-878; assessment of seamen’s claims for pensions and allowances, 878-879; protection of ships against magnetic mines, accounts not finally disposed of, 880; rent of oyster-bed on State owned foreshore, 881-882. Martin, Mr. J. S.—Charitable Donations and Bequests, 312-315. Members of Committee—Attendance of, Appendix XIV. National Gallery—improvement of lighting and installation of air-conditioning plant, 318-322; details of purchases, 323-324; balance of grant-in-aid carried forward to following year, 325-326; need for larger grant-in-aid, 327. National Health Insurance—payments to doctors for certificates, 598-601; variations in fees according to nature of districts, 602-604. Ó Broin, Leon—Posts and Telegraphs, 940-972; Wireless Broadcasting 973-974. Ó Broin, Seán—Agriculture, 885-926; Agricultural Produce Subsidies, 927-929; Fisheries, 930-939. O’Donovan, Mr. D. J.—Local Government and Public Health, 363-367; 574-577; Office of the Minister for Social Welfare, 595-596; Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, 597; National Health Insurance, 598-605; Children’s Allowances, 606-607; Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 608-617; Food Allowances, 618-621. Oireachtas, Houses of the—no request for subsidy this year in respect of Oireachtas Restaurant, 646-650. Ordnance Survey—saving in travelling expenses due to recall of field staff, 277; telephone rentals, 278-279; sales of ordnance maps increasing, 280-281. Personal Injuries (Civilians) Compensation—relates to injuries arising out of bombing and mining incidents, 746; claims against and amounts recovered from German and British Governments, 747. Posts and Telegraphs—increased expenditure on carriage of mails by Córas Iompair Éireann, and in Dublin, 941-943, 960; losses due to cash shortages and misappropriations, and arrangements re recoupment, 944-949; cable sold by the Department of Defence, later purchased by Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 950-952; details of stores held, 953; test examinations of postal, telegraph, telephone service, Post Office Savings Bank and Post Office Factory accounts, 954-956; installation of telephones on regional basis, 957; salary increases, 958; expenditure on salaries, 959; air carriage of mails, no internal services, 961-2; speeding up of delivery of mails in certain areas, 963; improved supply of materials for uniforms, 964; estimate for law charges, 965; improvement in supply position as regards eng neering materials and telephone instruments, 966-967; payments for wayleaves, 968; equipment for civil aviation and meteorological wireless services installed for Department of Industry and Commerce, 969; appropriations in aid, 970; receipts from Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Fund, 971; special payments to certain sub-postmasters, 872. Primary Education—average cost of students in Training Colleges and fees paid, 130; three farms attached to Colleges operated at a loss, 130-131; teachers salaries and grants paid in reformatory and industrial schools recognised as primary, 132; gratuities paid to teachers who remained on duty during strike, 133-139; departmental audit of teachers salaries payments three years in arrears, 133-135; new rates and conditions for payment of bonus to children of Irish speaking homes, 140; extension of period of pensionable service of certain women teachers, 141; no increase in numbers availing of Irish courses for Primary Teachers, 142; decrease in demand for free school books, 145-152; decrease in income from trust fund investments, 153-157; recovery, from Government of Northern Ireland, of overpayment of pension of retired teacher, 158. Prisons—examination of manufacturing and farm accounts, 16-17; aid for discharged prisoners, 18-20; gratuities earned by prisoners, 20-22; value of articles used in prisons, if manufactured therein, debited to prisons, 23-30, Appendix IV. Public Works and Buildings—no prospect yet of reverting to competitive tendering for works, 115, 117-123; excess expenditure due to wages increases, 116; responsibility for maintenance of a leased property, 124-126; tillage operations at Bourn Vincent Memorial Park and Phoenix Park, 128; arrears of rents and bad or doubtful debts, 128; reasons for not introducing a supplementary estimate to cover an excess, 246a; excess on subhead for purchase of buildings, 247-248; unavoidable delays in completion of certain works caused saving, 249-252; operations of Central Furniture Store, checking of stock of furniture on hands, 253-268; improved supply of machines for arterial drainage, 269; position re arterial drainage surveys, 270; growth of tourist trade brought increased appropriations in aid from Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, 271-273. Public Works, Office of—claims against Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Limited, 86-105; accounting procedure re Linen Hall, Dublin, 106-109; penal interest on overdue loan repayments, 111-114. Rates on Government Property—contributions in lieu of rates represent rates normally payable by a private individual, 721. Reformatory and Industrial Schools—rebuilding and repair of reformatory and industrial schools, 176; repair of boys school at Celbridge and rebuilding of girls school at Cavan, 177; sources of appropriations in aid, 178. Repayment of Trade Loans Advances—884. Repayments to Contingency Fund—exact amount of expenses known before the Vote is introduced, 759; account of receipts and payments, 760; refund of overcharge in respect of documents stamped for public Departments, 761. Report of Committee—page V. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the—test examination of Revenue Account, 622; repayments to foreign diplomats of Customs and Excise duties, 623; remission of duties on compassionate grounds or for equitable reasons, 624; loss of petrol through faulty storage installation, 625. Rice, Mr. R. P.—Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 622-625. Roche, Mr. S. A.—Garda Síochána, 3-15; Prisons, 16-30; District Court, 31-44; Circuit Court, 45-84; Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 85. Science and Art—publication of “Handbuck des alt Irischen,” 163; busts and paintings in custody of museums and art galleries, 164; acquisition of works of art for national collection, 165; difficulties in making progress in printing of publications in Irish, 168; grants to colleges providing courses in Irish for persons not teachers, 171-172; Davis Scholarship scheme, 173; erection of Davis memorial in College Green, 174-175. Scroope, Dr. G. W.—Dundrum Asylum, 316-317. Secondary Education—position re printing of Irish text books still serious, 159; number of teachers availing of special courses in Irish decreasing, other facilities available, 160-161. Social Welfare, Office of the Minister for—Votes administered by, 595-596. State Laboratory—recovery from Road Fund and Bord na Móna of part salaries of officers engaged on certain work, 666-667. Stationery and Printing—loss of typewriter, 282-285; repairs done by Stationery Office, 286-287; periodic census of typewriters in use, 288-293; printing expenses under Electoral and Juries Acts, 294; Oireachtas Handbook, 295-298; saving on grant for Irish periodicals due to non-publication of proposed paper, 299; accounting arrangements for sale of ordnance maps, 300-307; reserve stocks of paper not built up owing to increased prices, 308-310; Oireachtas publications not included in statement of stock as value cannot be estimated, 311. Superannuation and Retired Allowances—pensions dealt with under this Vote 707-709; payments made on behalf of British Government recovered, 710-711; payments to exchequer, in respect of pension liability for Civil Servants on loan to State companies or semi-State bodies, 712-713; schedule of extra remuneration in individual cases, 714-715; State pensioners re-employed covered by note on extra remuneration, 716-720. Supplementary Agricultural Grants—payments statutory, and pro rata with local rates, 724-734. Technical Instruction—number of classes in industrial schools eligible for grants for drawing and manual instruction decreasing, 162. Transition Development Fund—fund either spent in full or earmarked, 755-757. Transport and Meteorological Services—constructional work at Rineanna, Foynes and Dublin Airports, 821; adjustment of contract price for runways at Dublin Airport, 822; nugatory expenditure on additional customs and catering accommodation at an airport, 823; direct labour employed by Department to expedite completion of three contracts, 824-829; time and material contracts undesirable, 830; hostel at Foynes, 831-845; Shannon airport catering account not closed pending agreement on charges, 845a-849; electricity charges too high, 850; necessity for proper accommodation at airport, 851-852; catering comptroller is employee of the State, 855-858; losses on operation of Aer Rianta and Aer Lingus, 858a-860; losses on management of Dublin Airport, 861-865; outstanding fees for landing and accommodation at Dublin Airport, 865a; completion of permanent record of lands and buildings under control of Department of Industry and Commerce, 866-867; amount provided for depreciation not utilised because of non-purchase of aircraft, 869-870; position also eased by increased availability of spare parts, Appendix XI; Department’s canal barges now disposed of, 871; contracts re sale of canal barges not enforced, 872-874. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance—disputes with local authorities re amounts for which liable in respect of unemployment assistance, 608-613; cost of printing unemployment insurance stamps charged against Unemployment Fund, 614-615; issue of food vouchers in excess of title, 616-617, Appendix X. Universities and Colleges—increase of annual grants, 737-738. Valuation and Boundary Survey—excess due to increased remuneration, 275-276. Wann, Mr. W. E.—Office of Comptroller and Auditor-General, 975-976. Whelehan, Mr. J. B.—Stationery and Printing, 282-311. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions—annual payment at discretion of Oireachtas, 597. Wireless Broadcasting—Orchestra members provide instruments, save pianos, station provides music scores, 973; income from licence fees, 974. Witnesses—list of, p. xxii. |
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