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INDEX.(References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated.) Agricultural Produce Subsidies—expenditure on subsidies and allowances for Dairy Produce, 671-673; cost of cold storage of butter, 674-678; Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 679. Agriculture—Johnstown Castle Agricultural College, nature of instruction provided, 604-605; subsidy in respect of Avoca pyrites, 606-607; grants to County Committees of Agriculture, 608; National Stud in hands of new company, 609; Dairy Disposals Co., disposal of profits, income tax payments, repayments on account of advance, disposal of ultimate assets, Appendix IX, 610-621; causes of loss on purchase of potatoes designed to avert a shortage in Dublin, 622-632; expenses and receipts of operating the Emergency (Tillage) Orders, number of holdings involved, 633-648; collection of arrears under the Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 649 licences to export rabbits and poultry, to process seed, 650-651; veterinary research and vaccines, 652-658; reduced freights for fertilisers, 659-660; lime applied for but not taken up by farmers, 661; loans for purchase of stallions, bulls, implements, etc., 662; Farm Improvements Scheme, 663-664; black scab, areas affected, preventive measures, compulsory powers of Department, 665-670. Almond, Mr. C. S.—See Finance, Office of the Minister for. Appendices, List of—page 91. Appropriation Accounts (1943-44)—Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1944-45)—Special subheads opened with sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army—Finance sanction for virement applications, 481; fictitious entries in accounts dealing with clothing, etc., 482-503, Report, par. 8; recovery of cost of defective motor cycles supplied indirectly through War Office, 504-515; covering sanction given for purchase of medical stores for emergency purposes, 516; specific sanction given for capital expenditure on stores, 517; contract for milk for Athlone barracks, 518-520; repayment by Fuel Importers (Eire) Ltd., for turf transport, 521; sanction for charging against State hospitalization expenditure concerned with civilian casualties, 522-524; disparity in an order between the number of guns and of touring cars, 525-529; purchase of casings for batteries, 530-533; disposal of reserve petrol stocks, subsequent purchases, 534-540; improved fire prevention precautions in Marine Service, 541; covering sanction sought for expenditure on repairs of a motor boat, 542-543; wiring and repairs of premises shortly afterwards evacuated, 544-547; reasons for non surrender of premises, 548; compensation paid for loss through fire of premises insured by owner, 549-552, Report, par. 9; payment by Tourist Board for work performed by the Army Construction Corps, 553-555; land used as a rifle range, compensation for and purchase of, 556-557; grants-in-aid to Units in respect of active L.D.F. members, careless records, 558; fire at St. Anne’s, payment to a local authority, sanction for payment to a trading firm, 558 A; recovery in respect of barrack service stores from area Army Welfare Funds, 559-560; total losses shown in Account, small amount, 561-563. Army Pensions—allowances to widows of Marine Service personnel who lost their lives in Cork harbour, 564, Report, par. 10. Boland, Mr. F. H.—External Affairs, 368-375; League of Nations, 376-378. Breathnach, Micheál—Office of the Minister for Education, 254; Primary Education, 255-279; Secondary Education, 280-281; Technical Instruction, 282; Science and Art, 283-286; Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 287-303; Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 304-312. Charitable Donations and Bequests—tendency of Fund to increase, 356; reasons for small law costs, 357; solicitors’ bills of costs sometimes delayed, 358. Children’s Allowances—postponement of consideration of cases in which statutory conditions were not fullfiled, 426; employed child, 427, Report, par. 7; alteration of definition of residence qualification, 427-428; proposed amendment of General Regulations regarding date of payment, 429; information concerning false or misleading representations, 430. Circuit Court—defalcations by court messengers engaged in executing decrees, 239-242; payment of summons servers, 243-243 A; amalgamation of offices of under-sheriff and county registrar, 244; sheriff’s fees, calculation on mileage basis, 245-249. Civil Servants’ Increased Pay—omnibus Supplementary Estimate, Appendix X. Civil Service Commission—examination fees, should they be remitted in case of a candidate competing more than once, 18-26, 29; advertisement issued in English, 27-28; panel from which selection boards are constituted, 30. Cleary, Mr. T.—Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 64-75; Old Age Pensions, 76-79. Coffey, Mr. D.—Public Record Office, 463-466. Commissions and Special Inquiries—report of Commission on Youth Unemployment not yet presented, 31; commissions not specifically provided for, 32-33. Committee of Public Accounts—election of chairman, page xii. Comptroller and Auditor General—Oireachtas Restaurant Accounts, 4; appropriations in aid of Vote of the Civil Service Commission, 23; compensation in respect of claims for insurance of workmen, 80-84; procedure adopted in giving contract for building construction at Shannon Airport, 87-89; contract for construction of runways at same place, exceptional procedure, 92-95; payment additional to legal obligation made on equitable grounds, 96; Army occupies a preparatory college, extra charges resulting, 105-107; grazing lettings in the Phoenix Park, 115; preparation of registers of all State property, 142; area of operation of lime schemes, 178; examination of machinery and plant used in prisons, 218; disposal of surplus equipment in a training college, 255-256; supplemental old age pensions payments may be carried into the next financial year, 335-338; contributions from local authorities in Galway and Wexford to harbour authorities, 391; amount to be transferred from the Unemployment Fund in aid of unemployment insurance, etc., fixed, 417; deductions from local Taxation Account of contributions withheld by local authorities, 418; children’s allowances, queries concerning statutory conditions postponed, 426; do., definition of residence qualification, 427; do., information concerning false representations supplied, 430; expenditure charged to Vote for Posts and Telegraphs that should normally be charged to Telephone Capital Account, 443; Finance authority obtained for purchase of Army stores of a capital nature, 517; Army milk contract, 518; payment for transport of turf, 521; hospitalization expenditure under the Army Vote relating to civilian casualties, 522; purchase of casings for batteries, 530-531; purchases of petrol for Army purposes whilst stocks were held, 534; marine Coast Watching Service, fire prevention safeguards, 541; do., covering sanction sought for expenditure on repairs to a motor boat, 542; expenditure on repairs and wiring of premises shortly afterwards evacuated by Army, 544; unavoidable delay in surrendering premises, 548; premises in military occupation damaged by fire and insured by the owner, restricted liability of owners, 549; proposed hiring of land for a rifle range, 555; faulty records in L.D.F. Unit, 558; Finance sanction sought for payments in case of fire at an A.R.P. stores, 558 A; non-completion of land improvement scheme in Co. Meath for Gaeltacht allottees, 565; fees for audits paid to Audit Department are appropriations in aid, 700-701. Connolly, Mr. J.—Office of Public Works, 80-86; Public Works and Buildings, 87-167; Haulbowline Dockyard, 168-169. Cremins, Mr. R. J.—Posts and Telegraphs, 438-455; Wireless Broadcasting, 456-462. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation—Extra Receipts payable to Exchqeuer do not relate to same period as Subhead A, 50-53; net loss on account of damage to property under this Vote, 54; position as regards payment by foreign governments of compensation claims, including the German, 54-58; no legal claims against Allied Governments for property seized from Germans, 59-62; few unpaid claims outstanding, 63. Deegan, Mr. M.—Lands, 565-582; Forestry, 583-590; Gaeltacht Services, 591-602. District Court—speeding up of work in the County Dublin Court, 228-230; pensionability, pay and conditions of service of District Court Clerks, 231-238. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies—financial control, 304; appointments, sanctioned by Minister, not advertised, not made by Appointments Commission, regulation by Statute 305-312. Dundrum Asylum—acreage of the asylum’s farm, 359; size of staff, 360; number of female patients, 361; rotation of duty as between night and day, 362-366; free tobacco and cigarettes. 367. Education, Office of the Minister for—personnel of the Advisory Committee for the preparation of Irish vocabularies, 254. Education, Primary—disposal of surplus equipment in a training college, 255-256; refund to employees of portion of contributions collected from them though not insurable, 257-262; questions arising out of provision of school requisites, 264-275; provision of free school books, 275-279. Education, Secondary—overpayment of increments to a teacher, 280-281. Emergency Scientific Research Bureau—disposal of residual plant and equipment, 49. Employment and Emergency Schemes—heavy administrative expenses of Subheads F., G., H., I., L. and M., 170-175; distribution of lime distinct from that by County Committee of Agriculture, 176-179; rural improvements scheme, percentage granted by the State, fees paid to county engineers, 180-194; rural employment schemes distinguished from minor employment schemes, 195-198; causes of delay in inspecting rural improvement schemes, 199; labour for construction of a mining road supplied by the Army Construction Corps, 200-204; grants for bog roads for private turf producers, 205; expenditure on public roads leading from bogs to towns, 206-207. External Affairs—no basis for claim for losses at the Berlin Legation, 368-370; some losses borne by Office of Public Works, 371; authorship of “Peace and War” 373-374; copies of the Constitution sent to the United States, 375. Finance, Minister for—Minute on Report, dated 29th November, 1945, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for—actuarial services and costs during the year, 9; commission on purchase of securities by the Government stockbroker, 9 A-10; some alcohol factories in production during year, 11; Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933, proposed deductions from Local Taxation Account of sums due by two local authorities, 421; falsification of Army clothing accounts 492-502; claims in connection with defective motor cycles, 508-515. Fisheries—repayments of advances for boats and gear, depending on quantities of fish caught by fishermen, 680-683; no outstanding advances for general development, cost of Donegal lobster pond repaid, 684-686; old fishery loans, though irrecoverable, not written off for present, 687-693; protection of fisheries, duties performed by the Department of Defence and the Gardaí, 694-699. Fitzgerald, Mr. L. M.—See Finance, Office of the Minister for. Food Allowances—classes of persons in receipt of allowances in kind and also disablement benefit, 436-437. Forestry—unexpended balance of grant-in-aid, 583; space left as fire guard, court levies only for malicious burning, 584-585; damage caused by floods operating on bridges built by Forestry Department, 586; tree-tops suitable as fuel alleged destroyed by forestry officials, 587-590. Furlong, Dr. G. J.—National Gallery, 467-480 A. Gaeltacht Services—industrial loan to Galway Granite Company, 591-592; pur chase of dyeing plant, 594; location of toy factories, 595; manufacture and sale of food carrageen, 596-598; demand for Gaeltacht Industries increasing, 599; economic prices and satisfactory wages, 600-602. Gárda Síochána—staff organisation of L.S.F. discontinued, 209-210; transport costs for Gárda duties proper distinguished from costs for escort of Ministers, 211-212; headings under which compensation to Gárdaí is provided, 213-214; sources of income of the Reward Fund, 215-216. Government Stocks, Management of—rate of payment of banks, 12-13. Haulbowline Dockyard—Vote to be amalgamated with that of Public Works and Buildings, 168; dockyard not liable for rates, 169. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.—See Finance, Office of the Minister for. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office—location of international unions, 425. Industry and Commerce—Slieveardagh Coalfield Development Company and Minerals Exploration and Development Company, interest on deferred payments not yet paid, 379-381; total advances to these Companies, 382; payment made under an award of the Mining Board, 383-384; fees under the Minerals Development Act, 1940, 385. Justice, Office of the Minister for—forthcoming completion of rules of High Court and Supreme Court, 208. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds—arrears cleared off, prospects for the future, 251; fees collection not shown as appropriations in aid; their amount, 252-253 A. Lands—Co. Meath Gaeltacht scheme not completed, 565-566; road making arising from land improvement or land division schemes, 565-575; renting of unoccupied houses not feasible, 576-578; labour conditions in building work in hands of contractors, 579-582. League of Nations—League wound up, final distribution of assets, 376-378. Leydon, Mr. J.—Industry and Commerce, 379-386; Transport and Meteorological Services, 386-414; Railway Tribunal, 415; Marine Service, 416; Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 417-424; Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 425; Children’s Allowances, 426-430; Supplies, 431-435; Food Allowances, 436-437. Local Government and Public Health—total amount of grant paid in respect of the year towards supplemental allowances to certain old age and blind pensioners, etc., 322-326; disposal of equipment of emergency cooked food centre, 327-328; tests of motor tax accounts completed, 329-331; subhead J., payment in cases in which application was made within financial year, 332-338; Appendix VI; footwear for necessitous children, difficulties in operating scheme, 339-346; Appendix VII; suggested change in wording of Subhead N.I., 347-348. Mc Ardle, Mr. T. J.—Local Government and Public Health, 322-348; National Health Insurance, 349-355. Mc Elligott, Mr. C. C.—Valuation and Boundary Survey, 318-319; Ordnance Survey, 320. McElligott, Mr. J. J.—Houses of the Oireachtas, 1-7; Department of the Taoiseach, 8; Office of the Minister for Finance, 9-11; Management of Government Stocks, 12-13; State Laboratory, 14-17; Civil Service Commission, 18-30; Commissions and Special Inquiries, 31-33; Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 34-35; Secret Service, 36-38; Miscellaneous Expenses, 39-45; Universities and Colleges, 46-48; Emergency Scientific Research Bureau, 49; Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation, 50-63. Mc Henry, Mr. F. T.—See Finance, Office of the Minister for. MacLaughlin, Mr. E. J.—Employment and Emergency Schemes, 170-207. MacMahon, Lieut.-General P.—Army, 481-563; Army Pensions, 564. Maher, Mr. J.—See Comptroller and Auditor General. Marine Service—Emergency Powers Order governing payments of pensions, etc., being continued, 416. Members of the Committee—Attendance of, Appendix XI. Miscellaneous Expenses—grant-in-aid to Royal Hibernian Academy not taken up, 39, 41-42; cultural institutions enumerated (Subhead D.), 40; cost of rebinding books in King’s Inn Library, 43-45. Murray, Mr. P. S.—See Mc Ardle, Mr. T. J. National Gallery—pictures loaned abroad now returned, 467-468; proposed improvement of lighting effects, 469-474; need for larger grant, 475-478; reserve of undisplayed pictures not first class, 479-480 A. National Health Insurance—actuary, basis of payment of, 349-350; meaning and operation of the Military Forces (International Arrangements) Insurance Fund, 351; recovery of cost of administering the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme, 352-354; surplus due to unclaimed stamps paid annually to Exchequer, 355. O Broin, Mr. Seán—Agriculture, 603-670; Agricultural Produce Subsidies, 671-679; Fisheries, 680-699. O Faoilleacháin, S. B.—Stationery and Printing, 313-317. Oireachtas, Houses of the—mileage rate for travelling expenses, 1; Oireachtas Restaurant, accounts, losses, supervision, service, 2-7. O’ Kelly, Mr. P.—See Finance, Office of the Minister for. Old Age Pensions—fraud, difficulty of fixing percentage, 76-79. Ordnance Survey—increased sale of ordnance maps, 320; Stapleton’s Catechismus and Manuscript, 321. Posts and Telegraphs—variations in subsidy paid to Córas Iompair Eireann for conveyance of mails, 438; Packet service to Holyhead curtailed without reduction of subsidy, 439; discontinuance of sorting of certain postal orders, 440; cost of laying telephone ducts temporarily charged to the Vote instead of to Telephone Capital Account, 441-444; distinction between claims which did not materialize and accounts which did not fall for payment, 445; absorption of material due in great measure to Shannon Airport, 446-449; payment of rates to local authorities for certain wires, 450-452; money orders void after three years, 453; negligible scale of losses by default, etc., 454-455. Prisons—great efficiency in prison machinery and plant not necessary, 218-221; number and per caput cost of maintenance of lunatics in district mental hospitals, 222-225; Appendix V; gratuities to prisoners, 226; shortage of material for the manufacture of post bags, 227. Public Record Office—disposal of records of Quit Rent Office, 463; availability and value of historical documents in the office, 464-466. Public Works and Buildngs—Shannon Airport, variation in normal procedure regarding contract for the extension of terminal building, responsibility of the Department of Industry and Commerce, 87-91, Report par. 2; exceptional procedure in connection with construction of runways at the same airport, 92-95; equitable payment made for work done within a certain contract but not estimated for, 96-104; charges consequent on the transfer to a Dublin training college of the staff and students of the Galway Preparatory College, 105-115, Appendix IV; grazing rents in Phoenix Park, farming, dairying and estate accountancy in connection with Bourne Vincent Memorial Park, 116-141, Appendix IV, Report, par. 3; rents receivable, arrears, compilation of registers, 142-145, Appendix IV, Report, par. 4; survey and disposal of stores at district workshops, 146-147; excess on Maintenance and Supplies, 148-149; machinery for arterial drainage difficult to get from England or America, 150-152; cost of renting of Gárda Barracks as compared with their erection, 153-157, Appendix IV; erection of Government buildings in Kilkenny, 158; arterial drainage survey, 159-164; charges for use of airport, 165-167. Public Works, Office of—liquidation of the Irish Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association, Ltd., 80-86. Railway Tribunal—now wound up, 415. Reformatory and Industrial Schools—varied nature of the inspection of the schools, 288-290; release of the boys to local schools, 291; no arrangements for contact between pupils and the general public, 292-295; supervision of hours and conditions of employment, 296-297; permission for pupils to move otuside school grounds, 298-303; complaints few, 303-303. Report of Committee—page 4. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the—receipts from merchants, etc., for special attendance of officers, 64-66; rewards to preventive staff for detections, 67-74; realizations in respect of seizures and fines, 75. Roche, Mr. S. A.—Office of the Minister for Justice, 208; Gárda Síochána, 209-217; Prisons, 218-227; District Court, 228-238; Circuit Court, 239-249; Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 250; Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 251-253 A. Science and Art—works in Irish remaining unpublished, unsold copies of works published in earlier years, 283, Report, par. 5; purchase of books for National Library, 284-286. Smyth, Mr. W.—Charitable Donations and Bequests, 356-358. Scroope, Dr. G. W.—Dundrum Asylum, 359-367. Secret Service—method of certifying and accounting for moneys out of this Vote 36-37; comparison of expenditure with other years, 38. State Laboratory—honorarium for other services to State Chemist, a full time officer, 14-17. Stationery and Printing—bound voumes and daily issues of Oireachtas Debates, 313-315; peak sales of Ordnance maps, 316-317. Superannuation and Retired Allowances—appropriations in aid under Article 10 of Treaty less than estimated, 34-35. Supplies—transfer of shares in Irish Shipping, Ltd. from Grain Importers (Eire), Ltd. to Minister for Finance, Report, par. 1; payment on account of wheat subsidy, 431; rise or fall of price of imported wheat, 432; experimental cutting of turf by local authorities, 433; fees for turf cutting on lands taken into possession, 435. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice—expenses of Courts included but not salaries of Judges, 250. Taoiseach, Department of the—extra remuneration of an aide-de-camp, 8. Technical Instruction—falling off in amount of grants for practical subjects, 282. Transport and Meteorological Services—increased grant to Aran Islands steamer service, 386-387; grants to harbour authorities, conditions under which made, 388-394; catering services at Shannon Airport now self-supporting, 395-399, Report, par. 6, Appendix VIII; unusual procedure in contract for work at Shannon Airport, penalty clauses, no contributions from aviation companies, 400-408; contribution by British Government towards cost of transatlantic air services, 409; hostel at Foynes used by the companies, 410-413; area of Rineanna airport, 414. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance—basis of calculation of appropriations in aid from the Unemployment Fund to the Vote, 417; proposed deductions from Local Taxation Account of contributions withheld by certain local authorities, 418-422; register of agricultural and turf workers, 423-424. Universities and Colleges—freedom of the universities in internal matters, 46-48. Valuation and Boundary Survey—fees payable under 23 Vic. c. 4., s. 9, 318; revision of valuation at the request of local authorities, 319. Wann, Mr. W. E.—Office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General, 700-701. Wireless Broadcasting—Sponsored programme, basis of charge, selection, etc., 456-458; Hospitals Trust programmes, 459-462. Witnesses—List of, p. xvii. |
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