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INDEX.(References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated.) Agricultural Produce Subsidies—total expenditure on subsidies, operation of the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) fund, 302-306 Report par. 1; unexpected claim for subsidy on seed potatoes, 307-308. Agriculture—payment and refund of subsidy for fertilisers schemes, causes of discrepancy in estimation, the Avoca pyrites, 197-205, Report, par. 6; finances of the County Committees of Agriculture, the cider orchard scheme, deliveries of lime, 206-209; costs incurred by the National Stud Farm, bloodstock transferred to England, restoration and user of the farm, 210-218; subsidy to a creamery for development of milk powder, 219-221; Dairy Disposal Company, change in incidence of administration charge, rationalisation of the creamery industry, extent of transference of creameries, recoupment of state funds, 221-228, Appendix VII; particulars of potato subsidy paid to Dublin and District Potato Committee, 229-235; final statement of costs arising from outbreak of foot and mouth disease, 1941, 236-239; sums paid under guarantee to merchants who assembled seed for spring wheat, quality of seed satisfactory, 240-243; compulsory tillage Orders, increased degree of compliance, exception to their application, nature of inspection, statistics 244-250; collection of levy under the Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 251; exchequer receipts in respect of flax seed imported and sold, 252; payment of expenses of technical and advisory work, 254; expenses of veterinary research work, 255-261; vacancies in private agricultural schools for girls, 262; treatment of sick animals in the Veterinary College, 263-264; educational tours abroad, 265; improved milk production, 266; decrease in number of bulls imported from Scotland, 267-268; transport difficulties limit lime supplies to county committees, 269; turf-burning kilns erected in congested districts, 270-271; agricultural overseer helps new holders in land settlement schemes, 272; agricultural reports, work done by County Instructors and by Gárdaí, 273-280; repair of corn mills and flax scutch mills, 281; loans for purchase of heifers not availed of to large extent, 282-283; greater inspection of potato crops. 284; receipts from sale of dairy bulls, 285; receipts due to allocations by the Cereals Distribution Committee, 286; receipts from Church Temporalities Fund, 287; purchase of a thatch-making machine, 288. Alleviation of Distress—new vote required for unexpended grant to Red Cross Society, 68. Almond, Mr. C. S.—see Finance, office of the Minister for. Appendices, List of—page 100. Appropriation Accounts (1942-1943)—Comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1943-1944)—Special Subheads opened with sanction of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army—sanction by Department of Finance for exercise of virement, 634; discrepancies found on a check of stores, 635-637; surplus steel to be disposed of, 638-639; rationing errors, adjustments, revision of procedure, 640-645, Report, par. 15; unit costs of bread and meat, 646; deficiency found in coa stored on military premises, 647-659; additional costs, due to contractors failing to deliver fuel wood as contracted, written off, 660-661; cost of turf supplied by Limerick County Council to certain military posts, variation in the cost of turf in different counties, 662-667; excess orders incorrectly placed for clothing result in considerable saving to State, 668-670, Report, par. 16; cost of carriage on warlike stores returned to British War Office, 671-673; payments to foreign firms in respect of contracts not completed by them, 676-677; repairs to a boat in charge of the Marine Coast Watching Service, 678-682; agreement for the hire of a dredger found to be defective in operation, 684-700, Report, par. 17; loss due to sinking of a Port Control Examination Launch, 701-704; charges consequent on acquisition from a local authority of premises used as an hospital, 705-729; premises rented for billetting later used for storage, 730-732; rent paid to a local authority not legally entitled, 733-735; compensation owing to misunderstanding regarding area of certain lands near military camp required to be vacated, 736; compensation for damage caused by explosion at a military post, 737-738; test of claims for grants in aid to units of Local Security Force, 739-740; purchase of asbestos cement goods, 741, Report, par. 18; no profit margin in the expenditure of an “essential undertaker,” 742-743, Report, par. 19; extent of loss in fire at St. Anne’s, 744-749; stocktaking discrepancies, 750-751; smaller losses written off than previous year, 752-754; pensions for soldiers who become medically unfit while in the Army, 755-759; kit deficiencies, Report, par. 3. Army Pensions—pensions for Connaught Rangers but not for Casement’s Brigade, 760-762; distressed participants in Easter Week operations, 763-764. Barrack Service Stores Deficiency—reassessment, recovery, write-off, Appendix XII; Report, par. 2. Breathnach, Micheál—Office of the Minister for Education, 453-456; Primary Education, 457-516; Secondary Education, 517-532; Technical Instruction, 533-547; Science and Art, 548-552; Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 553-554. Charitable Donations and Bequests—nature and value of bequests administered by Commissioners, 446-449; source of appropriations in aid, 450; embezzlements small, control of charities, 452. Children’s Allowances—officers of the department have no duty to inform public of their claims to relief in kind from public assistance authorities, 383-393. Circuit Court—incidental expenses, execution of Court Warrants, cost and fees, 115-119, Appendix V; pressure of work in Dublin, lack of accommodation, 120-121. Civil Service Commission—causes of excess of exchequer receipts, 42; causes of greater expenditure on subheads, 43-44. Cleary, Mr. T.—Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 183-193; Old Age Pensions, 194; Compensation Bounties, 195. Coffey, Mr. D.—Public Record Office, 182. Commissions and Special Inquiries—no expenditure on salaries for Committee on Post-Emergency Agricultural Policy, 46; Commissions, etc. not specifically provided for, large saving, 47-49; work of Committee on Hire Purchase finished, 48; reporters not in receipt of extra remuneration, 50-51. Committee of Public Accounts—election of Chairman, p. 1; functions and procedure, p. 1; attendances of members of, Appendix XIII. Compensation Bounties—bounties on tobacco and sugar have ceased, 195. Comptroller and Auditor General—excess on vote for Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 3; Oireachtas Restaurant accounts examined, 19-25; accounts of the Irish Tourist Board examined, 45; qualified certificate given for accounts of Secret Service, 55; accounts of Emergency Scientific Research Bureau satisfactory, 63; satisfactory manufacturing and farm accounts in Prisons Vote, 95; costs of Tribunal of Inquiry into a Co. Cavan fire, 137; faulty inspection of Dublin flats, 138; motor tax accounts, arrears of audit, 163-164; duty remitted as irrecoverable, 186; subsidy on fertilisers schemes 197; grants to County Committees of Agriculture, 206; accounts of the National Stud. 210; subsidy to creamery for the development of milk powder, 219; no expenditure on improvement of the Creamery Industry, 221; details of expenditure resulting in potato subsidies, 229; final charges in respect of outbreak of foot and mouth disease in 1941. 236; payments to merchants in respect of assembly of seed for spring wheat, 240; operations, up to 1944, of the Emergency Powers (Tillage) Orders, 244; diminishing balance of levy on the slaughter of cattle and sheep, 251; exchequer receipts from fiax seed imported and sold, 252: reasons for satisfactory position of repayments by fishermen of advances for boats and gear, 289; advances for general development, 291; total expenditure on subsidies payable on dairy produce, 302; operation of the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 303; New York World Fair, account closed, 319; licence fees for imported sugar, 321; receipts from Great Southern Railways in respect of Drumm Battery development, 322; construction of barges and hire to the Grand Canal Co., 334-335; Shannon Airport bus service, 337; fall in amount of air subsidy, 339; payments to Foynes Harbour Trustees, 345; store accounting at Foynes Airport, 348-350; sanction required for existing practice regarding payments to Vote from Employment Fund, 365; payments by local authorities under Unemployment Assistance Acts, 367; issue of bread against date-stamped vouchers, 374-380; frauds in connection with stamp transactions of Central Savings Committee, 394-395; change in system of supervision of Savings Bank Accounts undesirable, 396; justifiable variations from normal procedure for purchase of stores by Post Office, 405; fall of contract labour in Post Office Factory following fire, 406; checking of gramophone records in custody of broadcasting station, 419; superannuation of an industrial school teacher, 490-493; overpayment of Scheme “B” of Reid Bequest, 494; clarification of rule regarding recognised pupils in secondary schools, 517-522; refund to local authority of portion of pension of a teacher employed by a technical instruction committee, 533; transfer to Minister by Grain Importers (Eire) Ltd. of shares in Shipping Ltd. not in accordance with Statutory Order, 590-594; terms of repayment of sums issued from Grant-in-Aid to Turf Development Board, 622; details in Army Estimate to be resumed, 634, discrepancies in Army store accounts, 635; disposal of steel in Army Stores 638; errors in ration allowances of officers, 640; deficiency in stored coal 647; losses due to default of contractors for fuel wood, 660; cost of turf supplied by Limerick County Council to Army posts, 663; excess orders for Army clothing, 668; materials returned to War Office as unsuitable, 671; repayments of advances made to continental firms for goods not delivered, 676; expenditure on a boat in custody of Marine Coast Watching Service, 678-681; costs consequent on hire of a dredger to be operated by Marine Service, 684; charges consequent on the occupation by an Army Unit of an hospital belonging to a local authority, 705; premises hired for billets and afterwards used as stores, 730; premises rented from local authorities, who were not entitled to receive rents, 733; compensation to a landowner following misunderstanding regarding the areas of land requisitioned by military, 735; compensation following explosion at a military post, 737; tests of claims by L.D.F. units for grant-in-aid payments, 739; asbestos cement goods still required for a specific scheme, 741; no element of profit in expenditure of “essential undertakers,” 742; fire at military stores depot, St. Anne’s 744; store accounting at that depot, 750; compensation in respect of claims for insurance of workmen, 765; recoupment of contractors for increases under Bonus Order, 773; obligations of sureties, 774; supplementary payment for turf bought from a local authority, 783; shrinkage in turf stocks, 784; improvement in position as regards arrears of rent, 786; thefts of furniture, 788; store records of auctioned furniture, 793; legation fire, duplicates received for unvouched expenditure, 842. Connolly, Mr. J.—Office of Public Works, 765-772; Public Works and Buildings, 773-808. Cremins, Mr. R. J.—Posts and Telegraphs, 394-418; Wireless Broadcasting, 419-421. Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation—awards are conditional on reinstatement, 66; amounts are nominally recoverable, 67. Deegan, Mr. M.—Lands, 811-824; Forestry, 825-833; Gaeltacht Industries, 834-841. District Court—pensionability of District Court clerks, 107-111; volume of work in the Dublin Courts, 112-114. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies—procedure in making appointments 555-558; recent works published, 559; the academic staff detailed, 560-562. Duffy, Mr. J. A.—National Health Insurance, 127-128. Dundrum Asylum—disposal of surplus from farm and gardens, 196. Education, Office of the Minister for—operation of the Registration Council 453-456. Education, Primary—basis of grants payable to training colleges, position at St. Patrick’s statistics regarding entrants, 457-465, Appendix IX; preparatory colleges, difficulty in making contacts between students and local Irish speakers, 466-482; exceptional payments of capitation grants owing to emergency conditions, 483-487; salaries and superannuation of lay literary teachers in reformatory and industrial schools, 488-489; unusual features in the superannuation of a teacher in an industrial school, 490-494, Report, par. 13; debit balance in the administration of Reid Bequest (Scheme “B”) 494; recruitment of superintendents for examinations, 495-503; free grant for school requisites restricted scope, 504-505; grant to Irish speaking children of Gaeltacht, 506; free school books for necessitous children, 508-510; increase in the annual cost of superannuation of teachers, 511-516. Education, Secondary—clarification of rules regarding recognised pupils desirable 517-522; appointment of superintendents of examinations, 523-525; causes of savings on pensions, 526-529; appropriations in aid derived from whiskey duties, 530-532. Emergency Scientific Research Bureau—end of its activities, financial settlement, 61-65. Employment and Emergency Schemes—nature of staff of the Office and their appointment, 564-575; basis of allocation of grants for urban unemployment schemes, 576-578; minimum requirements for minor unemployment schemes in electoral divisions, 579-580; production of turf for use in non-turf areas, Report, par. 4. External Affairs—legation fire, vouchers lost, compensation difficulties, 842-845; repatriation of destitute Irish persons abroad, reimbursement for payments, 846-847; recoveries on account of cabling, rent allowance, travelling expenses and advertisements, 848-850; distribution abroad of literature connected with this country, 851-859. Ferguson, Mr. R. C.—Industry and Commerce, 309-333; Transport and Meteorological Services, 334-356; Railway Tribunal, 357; Marine Service, 358-364; Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 365-372; Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 373; Food Allowances, 374-382; Children’s Allowances, 383-393. Finance, Minister of—Minute on Report, dated 26th April, 1945, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for—actuarial services, 28-29; extra receipts by exchequer exceed estimate, 30-33; commission on purchases by government stockbroker, 34-40; losses due to defective inspection of flats by an officer of L.G.D., 159; store accounting at the Shannon Airport, 350; basis of transfer of sums from the Unemployment Fund to appropriations in aid of Vote, 365; further precautionary measures against frauds in the Post Office Savings Bank, 404; grant of a pension to a teacher in an industrial school, 492; coal deficiency at a military store, 652; excess orders for army clothing result in a saving, 670; premises occupied by military for billets but used for stores, 732; losses at stores depot at St. Anne’s, 746. Fisheries—cause of satisfactory state of repayment of advances for boats and gear, 289; advances for general development, 290 arrears of old personally-secured loans, 291-294; no further registration of whalers in this country, 295-299; comparison with pre-war period of quantity of fish caught, 300 appropriation in aid due to letting of sporting rights, 301. Fitzgerald, Mr. L. M.—see Finance, Office of the Minister for. Food Allowances—incorrect dating of bread vouchers, 374-382, report, par. 9. Forestry—only timber suitable for industrial and commercial use planted, 825-828; losses due to fires small, 829-831; staff on loan, 832-833. Furlong, Dr. G. J.—National Gallery, 429-445. Gárda Síochána—supplies of clothing undelivered cause a surplus on the subhead, 83-84; transport and carriage subhead, large saving; purpose of the subhead 85; high cost of turf, 86; compensation is paid not only to Gárdaí, but also the civilians, 87; decline in capitation grants to L.S.F., 88-80; repayments by officers who purchased their cars, 90; services by Gárdaí for which payment is received, 91-92; receipts for loss of services of Gárdaí injured on duty, 94. Gaeltacht Services—industrial loan to Galway Granite Company, 834-836; falling-off in production and purchases of homespuns, 837-838; demand for carrageen in America, 839-841. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.—see Finance, Office of the Minister for. Hurson, Mr. J.—National Health Insurance, 127-128; Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, 129-136; Local Government and Public Health, 137-181. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office—increase in number of applications, 373. Industry and Commerce—Slieveardagh Coalfield Co. and minerals Exploration and Development Co., production, profits, finances, exploration, amalgamation as Mianraí Teoranta, labour problems at Castlecomer, 309-318; New York World Fair, suspense account clear, expenses and receipts, 319-320; adjustment of licence fees on sugar imported by the Sugar Company, 321-322; receipts from the G.S.R. Company in connection with Drumm Battery sales; 323-325; nature of technical equipment, 326; telephone and telegraph charges, 327; requisitions on Slieveardagh Coal Company, 328; work of mineral prospecting below anticipation, 329; mineral prospecting by Ordnance Survey, 330; commercial possibilities of peat waxes, 331; fees for special statistical returns, 332; cost of the Register of Population, 333. Irish Tourist Board—its accounts examined by the Comptroller and Auditor General. Justice, Office of the Minister for—no expenditure in connection with Superior Court Rules Committee, 71; records of names under the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1935, 71-78, Appendix IV; documents of identity for persons without national status, 78-81; method of appropriation of fines imposed by the Special Criminal Court, 82. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds—transcription of memorials done by a typist, 122-126. Lands—favourable progress of migrants in Leinster holdings, 811-815; payments arising from halving annuities, 816-822; vestings of land effected, 823; arrears of annuities of defaulters written off, 824. Law Charges—saving on State Solicitors, 57; costs recovered by Chief State Solicitor, 58. League of Nations—contributions continuing, 860-862. Leydon, Mr. J.—Supplies, 590-633. Local Government and Public Health—costs of Inquiry into Cavan Orphanage fire, 137; losses due to defective inspection of flats, 138-162, Report, par. 5; audit of Motor Tax Account, 163-164; saving on grants for milk for necessitous children, 165-166; activities of schools for mothers, 167-170; supplementary grant for fuel supply, 171-172; increase in grant for assistance in kind to recipients of home assistance, 173; emergency food centres, 174; slow start of scheme for treatment of tuberculosis, 175-177; training of Irish speakers in hospital nursing, year-to-year results, 178-179; combined purchasing scheme for local authorities, 180; refund of grant for supply of fuel, 181. Mc Elligott, Mr. C. C.—Ordnance Survey, 809-810. Mc Elligott, Mr. J. J.—Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 3-7; President’s Establishment, 8-13; Houses of the Oireachtas, 14-26; Department of the Taoiseach, 27; Office of the Minister for Finance, 28-40; State Laboratory, 41; Civil Service Commission, 42-44; Irish Tourist Board, 45; Commissions and Special Inquiries, 46-51; Rates on Government Property, 52; Secret Service, 53-55; Miscellaneous Expenses, 56; Law Charges, 57; Universities and Colleges, 59-60; Emergency Scientific Research Bureau, 61-65; Damage to Property (Neutrality) Compensation, 66-67; Alleviation of Distress, 68; Repayments to the Contingency Fund, 69-70. Mac Laughlin, Mr. E. J.—Employment and Emergency Schemes, 563-589. MacMahon, Lieut.-General P.—Army, 634-759; Army Pensions, 760-764. Maher, Mr. J.—see Comptroller and Auditor General. Marine Service—relief for dependents of distressed seamen, 358-360; protection against magnetic mines, 361; coast communication telephone service, 362-363; basis of fixation of fees for survey and inspection of ships, 364. Members of the Committee, Attendance of—Appendix XIII. Miscellaneous Expenses—reporting of decisions of higher courts of law, 56. Muintir na Tire—loan to Guild for turf production, Appendix X. National Gallery—grants-in-aid may be carried over from year of grant, 429-430; schemes for issue of picture postcards, 431-433; details of pictures, etc. purchased, 434; electric lighting about to be installed, 435; problems arising from a scheme of lectures, 436-438; finances of gallery derived from two sources, 439-440; pictures stored during emergency again on view, 441; record of public attendance, 442-445. National Health Insurance—no actuarial calculation regarding Dr. Dignan’s proposals, 127-128. Ó Faoilleacháin, S. B.—Stationery and Printing, 422-428. Oireachtas, Houses of the—savings due to vacancies, 14; witnesses’ expenses, 15; anticipated meetings of Inter-Parliamentary Union, 16; Oireachtas Restaurant, losses and services, 16-26. Old Age Pensions—extra-statutory payment of out-dated pensions Orders, 194. Ordnance Survey—increased demand for maps, 809-810. Posts and Telegraphs—fraudulent activities of persons employed by the Central Savings Committee, further enquiries into accounts of local associations, 394-395, Report, par. 10; misappropriations in Savings Bank not serious, small percentage of loss in the Post Office as a whole, 396-404; store accounts, variation from ordinary procedure of purchasing supplies, 405; Post Office Factory, effects of fire and short supply of raw material, deficit written off, 406, Report, par. 11; payment of staff of sub-post offices, 407-409; stamping machine, stated to be unsatisfactory, 411-415; commission on repurchase of stamps, 416; courtesy in the Post Office, a public relations officer, 417; commendation of information given in this appropriation account, 418; change in form of Estimate for Departments of, Appendix XI. President’s Establishment—emergency loaning of staff, possible accounting objection, 8-10; provision and upkeep of motor cars, 10-13. Prisons—stores examination satisfactory, 95; cost of coal, 96; Fine Fund among warders, 97-98; contributions to discharged prisoners’ aid societies 99; Borstal institution, trades taught, question of farm and of new buildings, playing pitch, etc. for the Cork institution, 100-105; shortage of material for manufacture of mail bags, 106. Public Record Office—incidental expenses, 182. Public Works and Buildings—recoupment of building contractors for increases in wages on Bonus Order, 773; default of a contractor for erection of a school, obligations of sureties, question of a set-off, 774-782, Report, par. 20; supplementary payment for turf bought from a local authority, 783; loss due to shrinkage in stocks of turf written off, 784-785; arrears of rent, improvement in position, 786-787; thefts of furniture, 788-789; accounting for furniture on loan to other departments, 790-792; store records of furniture following an auction, 793; value of certain materials obtained from Haulbowline Dockyard, 794; claims for compensation of premises commandeered in 1922. 795-796; percentage of the country surveyed for arterial drainage, deficiency of machinery, position of urban areas subject to flooding, 797-805; Bourn Vincent Memorial and Island Bridge Park, 806-808. Public Works, Office of—insurance of workmen, 765-767; account of the Linen Hall, 768; payments for agency services performed for foreign governments 769-772. Railway Tribunal—last appearance of this account, 357. Rates on Government Property—reciprocal arrangements with foreign governments regarding exemptions, 52. Reformatory and Industrial Schools—number of such schools, 553; parental moneys, 554. Repayments to Contingency Fund—grants for triplets, 69-70. Report of Committee—Interim, p. iv.; Final, p. vi. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the—extra-statutory repayments, comparison with previous years, licensing repayments to disappear in future accounts, 183-185; remissions of duty, etc. without statutory authority, persons outside jurisdiction, persons assessed to surtax, 186-188; revenue instruments, 189, increase in awards to preventive staff, 190-191; registration of business names 192-193. Roche, Mr. S. A.—Office of the Minister for Justice, 71-82; Gárda Síochána, 83-94; Prisons, 95-106; District Court, 107-114; Circuit Court, 115-121; Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 122-126. Science and Art—Genealogical Office transferred to Dept. of Education, 548; causes of excess expenditure, on the Handbuch des alt Irischen, 549-550; grant-in-aid to Comhdháil na Gaedhilge spent on organisers, 551-552. Scroope, Dr. G. W.—Dundrum Asylum, 196. Secret Service—large saving on vote, 53; special method of vouching expenditure, 54-55. State Laboratory—check on stock of chemical apparatus, 41. Stationery and Printing—no expenditure on Irish translation of New Testament, 422; forthcoming issue of the Oireachtas Handbook, 423-425; loss on the Handbuch des Alt Irischen, 426-427; commissions on work handled as an agency, 428. Superannuation and Retired Allowances—excess on vote, notwithstanding a supplementary estimate, due to unexpected allowances consequent on abnormal deaths and marriages, 1-7; Interim Report. Supplies—transfer of shares in Irish Shipping Ltd. by Grain Importers (Eire) Ltd. to the Minister not in accordance with statutory order, diminution of subsidy fund involved in the original purchase of shares, 590-599, Report, par. 14; turf, cost per ton to producer and to the State, profit of merchants 600-617; abandonment of scheme for erection of turf-workers’ camps, 617-621; conditions of repayment of sums issued to the Turf Development Board under Subhead K.1, 622; question of fee charge for composite licences, 623-625; salaries of officials on loan from other departments, 626-631; method of acquisition of land, 632. Taoiseach, Department of the—motor car allowance, 27. Technical Instruction—refund to a local authority of portion of a teacher’s pension, new subhead opened, 533-541; grant for drawing and manual instruction in industrial schools, 542-543; appropriation in aid from Church Temporalities Fund, 544-547. Transport and Meteorological Services—construction and hiring of additional canal barges, 334-336; profitable extension of Foynes omnibus service to members of the public, 337-338; diminishing subsidy to air services, number of planes in use, recruitment and experience of pilots, 339-345; Shannon Airport, disposal of receipts, future prospects of Foynes and Rineanna, 346-347; store accounting at Shannon Airport, building accommodation, 348-352, Report, par. 7; equipment provided under Incidental Expenses, 353-355; contribution towards to cost of Transatlantic Air Services, 356, Appendix VIII. Twomey, Mr. D.—Agriculture, 197-301; Agricultural Produce Subsidies, 302-308. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance—basis of calculation of appropriations in aid from the Unemployment Fund to the Vote, 365-366, Report, par 8; adjustments of amounts over contributed by local authorities under Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933, 367; costs of making payment through Associations rather than at exchanges, 368-369; register of agricultural and turf workers, overstatement of labour shortage, 370-372. Universities and Colleges—large supplementary grant to University College, Dublin, 59-60. Walshe, Mr. J. P.—External Affairs, 842-859; League of Nations, 860-862. Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions—duration of statutory provision paid to Investment Account, 129-132; method of operation, 134-135; operation of the Fund, disbursements and audit, 135-136, Appendix VI. Wireless Broadcasting—control and custody of gramophone records, 419, Report, par. 12; increase in the number of broadcasting, hours 420-421. Witnesses—List of, p. xxvii. |
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