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INDEX.(References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated.) Agriculture—excess of expenditure over grant, 1-7, 357-8, and Interim Report, p. V; compensation in connection with outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in relation to increased prices of cattle, 2-7, 467-469; fertilisers scheme, 358-360; utilisation of penalties under the Corn Production Act, 1917, 361-364; purchase of co-operative creamery, 364-370; damage to road during construction of creamery, 371-374; usual return of expenditure in connection with creamery industry, 375-383 and Appendix V; travelling creamery 379-381; Dairy Disposal Company’s accounts, 384-413; storage of butter for winter requirements, 414-436; expenditure on foot-and-mouth disease, 437-443, and Report, par. 8; salvage of carcases, 439-443; collection of levy on slaughtered cattle, 444-448; repayments by former canned beef manufacturer, 449; extra statutory levy on cream, 451-456; refunds of levy on butter for export, 457-463, and Report, par. 9; agricultural versus the other schools, 464-466; straw for feeding, 466; pressed beef trade, 471-472. Almond, Mr. C. S—See Finance, Department of. Appendices, List of—page 93. Appropriation Accounts (1939-1940)—comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1940-1941)—special subheads opened with the consent of the Department of Finance, Appendix III. Army—rise in prices of supplies, 632-634; purchase of timber from the forestry section of the Department of Lands, 634-636, and Report, par. 12; purchase of equipment for contingencies, 637-641; higher cost of equipment undertaken by a public company, 642-652, and Report, par. 13; repair and maintenance of mechanical vehicles, 653-662; advance payment for warlike stores, 653; irregularities connected with a meat contract, 664-678, and Report, par. 14; extra meal for troops, 679-680, 733-734; method of purchasing cattle, 681-689, Appendix VII; inspection of equipment lent to local authorities, 690-691; safe custody of medical stores purchased for first-aid posts of local authorities, 692; purchase of boats for coast-watching service, 693-700; store accounts and pilferage of petrol, 701-705; completion of certain works by Corps of Engineers on a direct labour basis, 705-708; vouching of delivery of stores, 709-710; renting of the R.D.S. premises 711-713, and Report, par. 15; rents for the use of lands, 714-715; insurance of members of the new Force, 716-717; deficiencies in medical stores, 718-724, and Report, par. 16; system of accounting for barrack service stores, 725-727; losses in aircraft, 728-731; economy in the use of petrol, 732; Construction Corps increase, 735; supplies of iron, 736-743. Carey, Mr. W. D.—office of the Revenue Commissioners, 744-758; Old Age Pensions, 759-766; Compensation Bounties, 767-771. Circuit Court—dormant funds for recoupment of embezzlement losses to Government Departments, 64-70; adequacy of payment of temporary clerks collecting land annuities, 71-72. Commissions and Special Inquiries—micro-photographing of valuable documents, 786-787, and Appendix VIII; Commission on Vocational Organisation, 789-790; publication of reports of Commissions, 791-794. Committee—election of Chairman, 1; proceedings of, xxii; attendance of members of, Appendix X. Compensation Bounties—Bounties on sugar, 767-771. Comptroller and Auditor General—outstanding balance in connection with telegraphic verification of births for travel permits, 25; percentages on estates of lunatics under the care of Court, 61-63; Circuit Court dormant funds, 64; extension of period of rebuilding on St. Andrew Street site, 73; increases on contract rates to mail carriers, 86; basis of payment for packet services, 98; precautions where normal procedure in placing Post Office stores’ contracts is departed from, 103-104; reductions in quoted prices where contracts allocated without competition, 106; census of internal mail bags, 111; difficulties about alternative employment for teachers whose schools are closed temporarily, 155; grants for professional courses in science —Dental Hospital, 186; Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies—audit of the account, 208; penal interest on overdue loans may not be written off under the Local Loans Fund Act, 1935 263; premises were inspected before purchase of building for Garda barrack at Tournafulla, 265; irregular occupancy by a tenant of additional premises, 280; cider orchard scheme, 361; purchase of creamery in liquidation, 365; expenditure and receipts arising in connection with foot-and-mouth disease, 437; refund of levies for butter exported, 457; collection of arrears of advances for boats and gear, 473; fishery loans, 475; subsidies on export of dairy produce, 482; discharge of an allotment taken over by Land Commission of amounts outstanding, 505; contract for wire for afforestation, 540; handing back of land over which grazing rights had been claimed, 543; advance to agent for Gaeltarra Eireann goods, 575; question of payment from London company of display experts in connection with New York World Fair, 593; Drumm Battery Co. Ltd. new position, 607; fees for licenses to import sugar, 608; subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta, 613; missing vouchers relating to payments at meteorological offices, 615; applications for unemployment assistance authorised on incorrect information, 627; rise in prices of Army supplies, 632; purchase of equipment for the Army not yet in service, 637; higher costs of equipment undertaken by a public company, 642; verification of expenditure on such equipment, 652; maintenance and repair of mechanical vehicles, 653; advance payment for warlike stores, 663; irregularities connected with a meat contract, 664; inspection of equipment lent to local authorities, 690; safe custody of medical stores for first-aid posts of local authorities, 692; purchase of boats for coast-watching service, 692; compilation of petrol, etc., stores’ account, 701; completion of certain works by Corps of Engineers on a direct labour basis, 705; vouching of delivery of stores, 709; letting to the Army of the R.D.S. premises, 711; rents for the use of lands, 714; insurance of members of the new Force, 716-717; medical stores at the Curragh, 718; sytem of accounting for barrack services’ stores, 725-727; extra statutory repayments of Customs’ duties, 744; installation of machinery for production of stamp rolls, 748-753; subhead lettering, 762-766; Oireachtas Restaurant, 777; repayments to Contingency Fund, 831-832. Connolly, Mr. J.—Office of Public Works, 260-264; Public Works and Buildings, 265-339; Haulbowline Dockyard, 340-344. Contingency Fund, Repayments to—compensation for damage by bombs to agricultural co-operative society, 825-832, and Report, par. 17. Creameries, Purchase of—See Agriculture. Deegan, Mr. M.—Lands, 488-538; Forestry, 539-573; Gaeltacht Services, 574-591. District Court—petrol shortage, 60. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies—additions to the staff, 208-212; qualifications for part-time assistants, 213-214. Dundrum Asylum—transfer of patients, 242-244; present number of patients, 246-248; potentialities of a larger farm, 245, 249-259. Education, Office of the Minister for—preparation of Irish vocabularies, 132-133. Education, Primary—delay in completing repairs of schools, 135-137, and Report, par. 5; attendance of children at school whilst their school was being repaired, 138-151; employment elsewhere of school teachers whilst their school is being repaired, 152-159; model-school fees, 160-168; The Father O’Halloran Memorial Fund, 169-171; refunds by Civil Servants of grants paid for training as National Teachers, 172-177; extension of school meals, 178; free school books, 179-181. Emergency Scientific Research Bureau—availability of services of, 833-836. Employment Schemes—experimental labour camp for youths at Clonsast, 804-810, and Appendix IX; mussel purification plant, 811-812; grants for the improvement of farms, 813-824. Export Subsidies—Cheddar cheese, 483-485; export of seed potatoes, 486-487; cheese and dried milk powder, see Minute of Minister for Finance, Appendix II, and Report, par. 3. External Affairs—provision under subhead B. 5 for Mrs. O’Brien, 237-239. Ferguson, Mr. R. C.—Industry and Commerce, 592-612; Transport and Meteorological Services, 613-616; Marine Service, 617-626; Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 627-631. Finance, Department of—Circuit Court dormant funds, 64-68; alternative arrangements for children whose schools are closed temporarily, 150; grants for professional courses in science now on Universities Vote, 188; ex-gratia payment to contractor where action taken against him for damages to road, 371; Dairy Disposal Company’s headquarters’ expenses, 405; extra statutory levy on cream, 455-456; refunds of levy, 462; application for writing-off of arrears in respect of allotment taken over by Land Commission, 506; advances to agent for Gaeltarra Eireann goods, 582-3; fees for licenses to import sugar, 608-609; purchase of boats for coast-watching service, 693; letting to the Army of the R.D.S. premises, 711-713. Finance, Minister for—Minute on the Report, dated 4th December, 1941, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for—services of an actuary, 783. Fisheries—advances for boats and gear, 473-474; sea fishery loans, 475-481. Forestry—purchase of wire netting normally obtained through the Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 539-542, and Report, par 10; purchase of lands against which grazing, etc., rights were subsequently claimed, 543-553; estimate in the case of large sales of timber, 555; planting trees where timber has been cut, 556-569; compensation for injury to forest properties, 570-573. Furlong, Dr. George J.—National Gallery, 229-236. Gaeltacht Services—Gaeltarra Eireann goods agent, 574-583; Galway Granite Company, 585-590; spinning mill, 591. General Register Office—telegraphic verifications of particulars of birth in connection with travel permits, 25-32. Haulbowline Dockyard—recovery from Insurance Company for loss of plant and gear of the Board, 340-341; completion of submarine watermain, 342-344. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.—See Finance, Department of. Hurson, Mr. J.—National Health Insurance, 8; Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions, 9; Local Government and Public Health, 10-24; General Register Office, 25-32. Industry and Commerce—Trade Promotion Pavilion at New York World Fair, 592-599; capital expenditure on certain bogs, 600-601; sod-collector, 602-604; research in connection with wax and sea-weed, 605-606; Drumm Battery Co. agreements, 607; licenses for import of sugar, 608-609; Kilberry Bog, 610-612. Justice, Office of the Minister for—censorship of publications, 33-40. Lands—restoration of a house destroyed by aerial bombing, 488-491; expenditure in connection with lands in Co. Meath reserved for allottees from the Gaeltacht, 492-494; migrants holdings, 495-499; expenditure on repair of certain embankments, 500-501; division of allotment taken possession of by Land Commission, 502-509; reduction of staff, 510-520; saving owing to difficulty of getting materials and contractors, 521-525; possession of the land before improvements are completed, 526-529; arrears where lands newly allotted, 530-533; exploration of land about to be resumed, 534-538. Law Charges—fees to Counsel, 797-798. League of Nations—contribution towards expense of, 240-241. Leydon, Mr. John—Office of the Minister for Supplies, 345-356. Local Government and Public Health—Road Fund includes fines, 10-14; milk for necessitous children in relation to Dublin Corporation Child Welfare Scheme, 15-22; medical treatment of school children, 23-24; “reconstruction” under Housing Acts, Minute of the Minister for Finance, Appendix II, Report, par. 1. McElligott, Mr. J. J.—President’s Establishment, 772; Houses of the Oireachtas, 773-778; Department of the Taoiseach, 779-782; Office of the Minister for Finance, 783; State Laboratory, 784; Property Losses Compensation, 785; Commissions and Special Inquiries, 786-794; Miscellaneous Expenses, 795-796; Law Charges, 797-798; Universities and Colleges, 799-801; Quit Rent Office, 802-803; Employment Schemes, 804-824; Payment to Contingency Fund, 825-832; Emergency Scientific Research Bureau, 833-836. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.—Army, 632-743. Maher, Mr. J.—See Comptroller and Auditor General. Marine Service—compensation for crews registered in Eire, 617-618; inquiries into shipping casualties, 619; equipment of ships against magnetic mines, 620-623; sales of wreck, 624-626. Members of the Committee, Attendance of—Appendix X. Minute of the Minister for Finance—on the Report, dated 4th December, 1941, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix 11. Miscellaneous Expenses—Grant-in-Aid to the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 795; “ Irish Plate,” 796. Morrissey, Mr. James F.—Public Record Office, 215-219. National Gallery—number of pictures secured, 229-231; safeguarding of pictures, 232-233; lectures in the Gallery, 234-236. Office of Public Works—review of the position in connection with insurance of workmen postponed, 260-262, Minute of Minister for Finance, Appendix II, Report, par. 2; writing off of penal interest on an overdue loan instalment, 263-264. O’Hegarty, Mr. P. S.—Posts and Telegraphs, 73-126; Wireless Broadcasting, 127-131. Oireachtas, Houses of the—Telephone lines, 773-775; Restaurant, 776-778. Old Age Pensions—Pensions Committees, 759-761; subhead lettering, 762-766 O’Neill, Mr. Seosamh—Office of the Minister for Education, 132-133; Primary Education, 134-181; Technical Instruction, 182-190; Science and Art, 191-207; Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 208-214. Posts and Telegraphs—delays on rural trunk calls, 74-80; re-building on St. Andrew Street site, 73-85 and Report, par. 4; conveyance of passengers by mail carrier, 90-97 and Appendix IV; contributions in respect of packet services, 98-99; cable and wireless communication with certain islands off the coast, 101-102; contracts relating to Stores, 103-105; contracts without competition, 106-107; increases on contract prices, 108-109; full check on stocks, 110; stocks of internal mail bags, 111-112; Savings Banks deposits, 115-117; packet services at home, 118; air mails to Foynes, 119-122; manufacture of stamps, 123-124; cross-Channel telegraph cables, 125-126. President’s Establishment—provision for motor-cars, 772. Primary Education—See Education, Primary. Prisons—increase in cost of escort and conveyance of prisoners, 42-45; Borstal Association, 46-57; purchases of materials for manufacture of mail bags, 58-59. Property Losses Compensation—expenses in connection with claims, 785. Public Record Office—microphotographing of records, 215-219. Public Works and Buildings—erection at Tournafulla of new barracks in place of demolished barrack, 265-279 and Report, par. 6; arrears of rent due to Commissioners, 280-281; irregular occupancy by a tenant of additional premises, 280-305 and Report, par. 7; War Memorial Park at Islandbridge, 306-307; repairing damage caused by foreign air-craft, 308; use of Iveagh House grounds, 309-318; contributions towards maintenance of the Barrow drainage, 319-321; removal of workshop at Athy, 324-327; delay in completing repairs to school 328-339 (see also under Education, Primary). Public Works, Office of—See Office of Public Works. Quit Rent Office—tendency to disappear, 802-803. Report, Interim—page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of—extra statutory repayment of Customs duties, 744; non-defective unused tyres, 745-746; installation of machinery for production of rolls of stamps, 748-753; poundage on stamps, 755-756; text-book on Death Duties, 757-758. Roche, Mr. S. A.—Office of the Minister for Justice, 33-40; Prisons, 41-59; District Court, 60; Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 61-63; Circuit Court, 64-72. Science and Art—Irish County Histories, 191-204; grant-in-aid to the Oireachtas festival, 205-207. Scroope, Dr. G. W.—Dundrum Asylum, 242-259. State Laboratory—apparatus and chemical equipment, 784. Stationery and Printing—saving in printing etc. for the Oireachtas, 220-223; printing of register of electors, 225; Irish translations of New Testament, 226; collection of waste paper by Government Departments, 227-228. Supplies, Office of the Minister for—nature of the staff, 345-350; loca le of branches, 351-352; difficulties of telephone communication, 353-356. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice—percentages on the estates of lunatics under the care of the Court, 61-63. Technical Instruction—grants for professional courses in science, 182-188; refund of fees paid for technical instruction in technical schools, 189-190. Transport and Meteorological Services—subsidy to Aer Rianta Teoranta, 613; missing vouchers, 614-616. Twomey, Mr. D.—Agriculture (excess vote), 1-7; Agriculture, 357-472; Fisheries 473-481; Export Subsidies, 482-487. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance—extension of the period over which non-payment of unemployment assistance, 627-92 and Report, par. 11; unemployment fund, 630-631 and Appendix VI. Universities and Colleges—question of funds, 799. Walshe, Mr. J. P.—External Affairs, 237-239; League of Nations, 240-241. Whelehan, Mr. J. B.—Stationery and Printing, 220-228. Wireless Broadcasting—relaying of programmes from other countries, 127-130. Witnesses, List of—page xxvii. |
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