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INDEX.[References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated]. Agriculture,—penalties under former compulsory tillage scheme, 677-680; development of the manufacture of milk powder, 681-682; improvement of the Creamery Industry, 683-684, Appendix XVIII; allowances to creameries in respect of cheese and condensed whole milk, 685-692; profit on importation of seed wheat purchased by importers under guarantee against loss, 693-729, Appendix XIX; advances to merchants under scheme of credit for seed wheat have mostly been repaid, 730-740; recovery of levies under Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 741-744; licences for export of pigs and bacon, 745; refund of advances made prematurely for purchase of co-operative creameries, 746-755, Report 10; large balance accumulated in the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 755-760; question of a leaflet re feeding straw to livestock, 762-765; development of veterinary research, 766-775; labourer’s sons not precluded from obtaining scholarships in agricultural colleges, 776-780; tour by agricultural instructors, 781; curtailment of deliveries of lime, 782-792; Fees for reports on Agricultural Conditions, 793-794; cost of leaflets issued by the Department, 795-800; writing-off of loans for purchase of heifers, 801-803; compensation under the Bovine Tuberculosis Order, 804-805; destructive insects, 806-807; prices above the fixed price set up under the Pigs and Bacon Acts, 808-816; maintenance of the statutory rate of wages; enforcement of the Noxious Weeds Act, 820-825; warble fly scheme, 826-828. Almond, Mr. C. S.—See Finance, Department of. Appendices, List of—page 129. Appropriation Accounts (1938-1939)—comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1939-1940)—special subheads opened with the consent of the Department of Finance, Appendix IV. Army—surplus surrendered very heavy, 1102-1103; strengths of the sections of the Forces not to be divulged on grounds of public policy, 1104-1109, Report, 12; liability for pay of a soldier for a period during which he did not render any service, 1110-1113; quarterly certificates in connection with marriage allowances do not afford adequate protection, 1114-1133, Report, 13; purchase of vehicles, 1134-1140, Report, 14; payments for warlike stores not delivered, 1141-1147; preservation of A.R.P. stores, 1148-1149; supply by the Department of materials to a contractor for official works, 1150-1159, Report, 15; over-payment to reservists in respect of part of year spent on permanent service, 1160-1161; no halls for Volunteer Force are being rented now, 1163-1165; collections of rents from tenanted property at Lough Swilly, etc., 1166-1167; inspections of Stores, 1168-1170; statement of losses, 1171; marriage allowance to officers and N.C.O’s., 1174-1176; check on the use of Army lorries, 1177-1185; marine coast-watching, 1186-1191; contribution to Welfare Funds, 1192-1193; secretaries of Sluaighte no longer employed, 1194; Irish Red Cross Society, 1195-1196. Army Estimate—Public Accounts Committee consents to the non-publication of details of the Estimate for the Army for 1941-42, page 12. Army Pensions—referee, 1197-1198. Carey, Mr. W. D.—Old Age Pensions, Excess Vote, 244-245 and Interim Report; Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 1058-1065; Old Age Pensions, 1066 1068; Compensation Bounties, 1069-1089. Circuit Court.—fees in respect of the execution of Court Orders and Land Commission Warrants, 308-314, Appendix VIII. Commissions and Special Inquiries.—Land Drainage Commission report is in print, 895. Committee, Election of Chairman of—page 1, —, proceedings of, xxii,—attendance of members of, Appendix XXII. Compensation Bounties—bounty on sugar for export, 1069-1072; 1081-1089; payment of bounty on tobacco, 1073-1080. Comptroller and Auditor-General—question of seeking Minister’s decision as to whether an applicant under the 1932 Housing Act was an agricultural labourer, 25-27; making of a new porch not “ reconstruction,” 33-41; grant-in-aid to the National Gallery, 99-101; sums paid ex gratia to contractors, 233; Appropriations in Aid exceeded the estimate in case of Old Age Pensions, Vote, 244, in case of Gaeltacht Services Vote, 246-247; grant of special increments to a primary school teacher without a voucher being issued in accordance with the regulations; 316-327; adoption of check re grants towards costs of free school books for necessitous children, 328-330; payment on account for conveyance of mails, 414; delay in reporting prosecution of postman driver, 419; in exchanging Aldborough House no cost should have been borne by the State, 423-427; censuses of mail bags, 436-441; acceptances of tenders involving departures from general principles, 445; checking of stocks in respect of only one-third of the stores, 446-449; commission to advertising agents in connection with sponsoring of broadcast programmes, 498; charge for staffs for Department of Supplies falls mainly on other Departments, 538; unvouched expenditure in connection with New York World Fair, 555-557; advances to the Turf Development Board, Limited, 580-584; amounts outstanding in respect of Clonsast and Lyracrompane Bogs, 585; accounts of the Turf Development Board, 600, 617-619, 621; instalments from the Great Southern Railways under contract with Drumm Battery Sales, Ltd., 638; coursing club’s action in connection with air port, 645; refund in connection with subsidy for Air Services, 647; receipts from aircraft using base at Foynes, 648; allowances to creameries in respect of cheese and condensed whole milk, 685-692; issue of State money before it was required for purchase of co-operative creameries, 746-755; large balance accumulated in the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Fund, 755-760; special insurance in connection with steam trawlers, 829-835; delay in charging the basis of subsidy on exports of dairy produce, 844-882; Tariff Commission Estimate not moved, 897-902; question of spending on buildings money voted for employment schemes, 920-926; repayable Exchequer advances, 938; failure of certain contractors in carrying -out contracts for erection of dwelling houses, etc., 939-952; cost of six houses and out-offices erected by direct labour exceeds contract price, 953-969; migrants’ and non-migrants’ holdings in Co. Meath, expenditure on various subheads, 970-971; collectible bog rents in arrears, 983-990; charges to suspense account in respect of unoccupied holdings, 999-1011; cost incurred in connection with boat for transport service, 1038-1042; position of industrial loans in connection with Gaeltacht Services, 1045-1049; regulations re consular, etc., fees, 1090-1091; fees for travel permits, 1091-1094; Army surplus surrender, 1102-1103; strengths of the various sections of the Forces, 1104-1109; liability for pay of a soldier for a period during which he did not render any service, 1110-1113; quarterly certificates in connection with marriage allowances do not afford adequate protection, 1114-1133; purchase of vehicles for the Army, 1134-1140; supply by the Department of materials to enable contractor to complete official works, 1150-1159; over payment to reservists in respect of part of year spent on permanent service, 1160-1161; revised regulations meet Committee’s recommendations, 1162; no halls for Volunteer Force are being rented now 1163-1165; inspection of Stores, 1168-1170; statement of losses, 1171; services rendered to Irish Aero Club, Ltd., 1172-1173. Connolly, Mr J.—Office of Public Works, 168-204; Public Works and Buildings, 205-233; Haulbowline Dockyard, 234-244. Creameries, Purchase of—See Agriculture, also Appendix XVIII Deegan, Mr. M.—Gaeltacht Services, Excess Vote, 246-248; Lands, 938-1027; Forestry, 1028-1037; Gaeltacht Services, 1038-1057. District Court—travelling expenses of District Justices in relation to the holding of Courts, 288-298. Dundrum Asylum—curative treatment applied, 103-105; procedure in case of cure, 106-113; management of the farm, 115-129. Education, Primary—granting of special increments to a teacher without a voucher being issued in accordance with the regulations, 316-327, Report, 5; adoption of a check in reference to grants for free school books for necessitous school-children, 328-330; insurance of school buildings against fire, 331-341; grants towards heating, etc., of schools and cleansing of out-offices, 342-358, Appendix IX; falling off in number of pupils qualifying for bonus to parents, etc., of certain pupils in the Gaeltacht, etc., 359, Appendix X. Employment Schemes—question of spending on buildings money voted for employment schemes, 920-926; mussel purification stations, 927-928; Road Fund and Employment Schemes, 929-931. Estimation, Over-.—Substantial improvement in 1940-41, 935-937. Export Subsidies—delay in changing the basis of subsidy on exports of dairy produce, 844-882, Report 11; stealing of fowl for consignment abroad, 884-886; export of seed potatoes, 887-890; subsidy on export of horses during the economic war, 891. External Affairs—the making of regulations fixing diplomatic and consular fees to be charged, 1090-1091; fees for travel permits, 1091-1094; expenditure preliminary to proposed official visit to U.S.A., 1095-1099, Appendix XXI; repatriation of destitute Irish persons, 1100-1101. Feeney, F. J.—See Finance, Department of. Ferguson, Mr. R. C.—Industry and Commerce, 547-643; Transport and Meteorological Services, 644-650; Railway Tribunal, 651; Marine Service, 652-660; Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 661-673; Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, 674-676. Finance, Department of—terms approved by the Department in regard to the reinsurance covenant relating to the Board of Works, 180-190; agreement arrived at with the Department of Education with reference to the furnishing of a general report or a voucher before special increment can be granted to a primary school teacher, 316-327; commission to advertising agents in connection with sponsoring of broadcast programmes, 499-507; special suspense account in connection with repair of certain embankments, 976-982; quarterly certificates in connection with marriage allowances to Army dependents do not afford adequate protection, 1114-1133; payments for warlike stores not delivered, 1150-1159. Finance, Minister for—Minute on the Report, dated 12th December, 1940, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Fisheries—special insurance in connection with steam trawlers, 829-835; position of instalments in connection with advances for boats and gear is improving, 836-838; advances for general development, 839; fishery loans, 840-843. Forestry—acquisition of land grant-in-aid, 1028-1031; explanation of certain savings, 1032-1037. Furlong, Dr. G. J.—National Gallery, 96-102. Gaeltacht Services—excess of expenditure over grant, 246-248 and Interim Report, page V; cost incurred in connection with boat for transport service, 1038-1042; funds of Gaeltacht Housing Branch, 1043-1044; position of industrial loans, 1045-1049; dried seaweed industry, 1050-1054; Toy Industry, excess vote, 1055; Central Marketing Depot general expenses, 1056-1057. Gárda Síochána—repairs to a Gárda car, question of giving allowance for cars, 251-264, Report 4; disposal of motor-boat, 265-267; economy in disinfectant fluid, etc., 268-272, Appendix VI.; non-inclusion of abnormal expenditure in escort, etc., of children to industrial schools in Supplementary Estimate, 273-277; telephone in every Gárda barracks, 278; wireless equipof police cars, 279-280. General Register Office—Appropriations in Aid arising from fees for particulars of birth for travel permits, 18-22. Haulbowline Dockyard—lease of premises to “ Irish Steel,” 234-241; submarine water-main to the island, 242-243. Herlihy, Mr. J.—Valuation and Boundary Survey, 130-149; Ordnance Survey, 150-167. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.—See Finance, Department of. Houses of the Oireachtas—See Oireachtas, Houses of. Hurson, Mr. J.—National Health Insurance, 1-17; General Register Office, 18-22; Local Government and Public Health, 23-89. Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office—its functions, 674-676. Industry and Commerce—increased cost of equipment of the Irish Pavilions at the New York World Fair, 547-554; minor items of unvouched expenditure in connection with same, 555-557; discarding of the original plans for the Irish Pavilion at the Glasgow Exhibition, 560-562; sale of the Pavilion, 563; disposal of articles which were found unsuitable for Irish Pavilion at the New York World Fair, 564-570; gypsum deposits in Carrick-macross-Kingscourt area, 571-575; questions of payment by beneficiaries of State exploration, 573-575; borings at Ballylynan, Laoighis, 576-577, Appendix XVII; Glandore mineral deposits, 578-579; advances to the Turf Development Board, Limited, 580-584; amounts outstanding in respect of Clonsast and Lyracrompane Bogs, 585-619; accounts of the Turf Development Board, 600, 617-619; 621; experiments with the Dolberg machine, 620; disposal of the assets of the Turf Development Board to the Peat Fuel Company, 624-630; Industrial Research Council and the new research body, 631; sea-weed research, 632-636; waiving of balance due by Irish Aero Club, Ltd., 636-637; instalments from Great Southern Railways under contract with Drumm Battery Sales, Ltd., 638-641; International Labour Office, 642; officers’ clothes damaged by fire during official duty, 643. Instruction, Technical—provision of rural science teachers under the Vocational Education Act, 1930, 360-371. Irish Tourist Board—board and staff functions, 932-934. Justice, Office of the Minister for—non-filling of certain posts, 249-250. Lands—repayable Exchequer advances, 938; failure of certain contractors in carrying out contracts for erection of dwellings, etc., 939-952, Appendix XX; cost of erecting houses and out-offices by direct labour exceeds price quoted in rejected tender, 953-969; expenditure on various subheads as between migrants’ and non-migrants’ holdings in Co. Meath, 970-971; apportionment of expenditure on general improvements in respect of migrants’ holdings in certain Leinster counties, 972-975; special suspense account in connection with repair of certain embankments, 976-982; collectible bog rents in arrears, 983-990; disappearance of lockspits where bog plots had been allotted years before but turf was not cut, 991-998; charges to suspense account in respect of unoccupied holdings, 999-1011; non-filling of vacancies in the inspectorate staff, 1012-1014; present functioning of the Land Commission, 1015-1022; costs and expense of solicitor’s branch and incidental expenses, 1025-1027. Law Charges—failure to dispose of motor car which had been an exhibit in a criminal case, 914-919. Leydon, Mr. J.—Office of the Minister for Supplies, 538-546. Local Government and Public Health—payment of officers in connection with the Local Government (Dublin) Tribunal, 23; grant for reconstruction of house in own occupation as an agricultural labourer, Minister’s decision to be sought on, 24-33, Appendix IV and Report 1; grant for reconstruction consisting mainly of building new porch, 33-41, Report 2; Motor Tax Account test, 43-45; vaccine lymph supply, 46-52; inspection of premises abroad from which therapeutic substances are imported, 53; postponement of payment of child welfare grants, 55-58; surrender of part of grant for supply of milk to necessitous school children, 59-70; welfare of the blind, 70-71; treatment of tuberculosis at Pigeon House, 72-79; housing scheme under Housing (Ireland) Act, 1919, decline in building by private enterprise, 82-86; recovery under Seeds and Fertilisers Supply Act, 1933. McCarron, Mr. J. A.—National Health Insurance, 1-17. McElligott, Mr. J. J.—Houses of the Oireachtas, 892-894; Commissions and Special Inquiries, 895; Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 896; Tariff Commission, 897-902; Miscellaneous Expenses, 903-913; Law Charges, 914-919; Employment Schemes, 920-931; Irish Tourist Board, 932-937. MacMahon, Lieut.-General P.—Army, 1102-1196; Army Pensions, 1197-1198. Mag Craith, Mr. S.—See Comptroller and Auditor-General. Maher, Mr. J.—See Comptroller and Auditor-General. Marine Service—Wreck and Salvage services, 652-660. Members of the Committee, Attendance of—Appendix XXII. Minute of the Minister for Finance—on the report, dated 12th December, 1940, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses—grant for structural alterations to the Abbey Theatre, 903-908; grants-in-aid for research, 909-912; “ The Irish Plate,” 913. Morrissey, Mr. J. F.—Public Record Office, 90-95. National Health Insurance—compensation to inspectors for use of rooms in private houses, 2-4; computation of medical benefits (grants-in-aid), 5; reason of supplementary vote under F. 2, 6; utilisation of the District Medical Referee Service, 7-17. National Gallery—unexpended balance of grant not surrendered, 96-101. Office of Public Works—re-insurance of the business of the office of Public Works in respect of insurance of workmen, 168-201, Appendix V, Report 3; drainage of bogs to facilitate turf-cutting, 202-204. O’Hegarty, Mr. P. S.—Posts and Telegraphs, 412-485; Wireless Broadcasting, 486-520. Oireachtas, Houses of—excess of expenditure over amount granted, 892; extended opening of Post Office in Leinster House, 893-894. See also Stationery and Printing. Old Age Pensions—excess of expenditure over grant, 1066, and Interim Report, page v; money paid out as a result of misrepresentation of claims, 1066-1068. O’Neill, Mr. Seosamh—Primary Education, 315-359; Technical Instruction, 360-371; Science and Art, 372-405; Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 406-411. Ordnance Survey—scheme of absorption of military personnel, 150-151; revision of existing maps, 152-154; photographs of the ground from the air, 155-158; extra receipts, 159. Posts and Telegraphs—subsidies for conveyance of mails, 412-414; no alarming increase in losses by default, etc., 415-416; compensation paid following failure to appeal against conviction, 417-422; cost of alternative accommodation to Aldborough House, taken over by the Dublin Corporation, 423-435, Appendix XI, Report 6; control of stocks of mail-bags, 436-443, Report 7; difficulties in working existing contracts and making new contracts, 444-445; restricted check on stores, 446-456, Appendix XII, Report 8; St. Andrew Street site, 458-462; packet services, 463; conveyance of mails by air, 464; telephone service, 465-482, Appendix XIII; Compensation Allowances under Art. 10 of the Treaty, 483-485. Primary Education—See Education, Primary. Prisons—no difficulty in disposing of fibre mats, 282; no special repairs carried out at Cork Prison preparatory to moving the Borstal boys there, 283 ; after-care Committee for Borstal dischargees, 284-287, Appendix VII. Public Accounts Committee, functions of—page 1, questions 10, 16. Public Record Office—excess spent in acquisition of Mr. Groves’ collection, 90—95 Public Works and Buildings—purchase of sports field for the military, 205-207; Legation premises in Madrid, 208-209; St. Enda’s school, 210-211; Kilmastulla drainage scheme, 212-216; Barrow drainage scheme, 217-226; gauge recordings of rivers in connection with drainage, 229-232; ex gratia payments to contractors following upon increased cost of materials due to the war, 233. Public Works, Office of. See Office of Public Works. Railway Tribunal—payment by the amalgamated company under the Railways Act, 1924 towards the working of the, 651. Reformatory and Industrial Schools—detention of children at Summerhill, 406-411. Report, Interim—page v. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the—extra statutory repayment of excise duties on tyres, 1058-1062; remissions under the Revenue Acts, 1063; publicans’ licence duties assessed on incorrect valuations, 1064-1065. Roche, Mr. S. A.—Office of the Minister for Justice, 249-250; Gárda Síochána, 251-280; Prisons, 281-287; District Court, 288-298; Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 299-307; Circuit Court, 308-314. Science and Art—Irish county histories, 372-389; falling-off in scholarships to Gaeltacht students, 390-392; grammar of Old Irish, 393; Irish Historical Society, 394; Clann na hEireann, 395-402; scientific investigation of skeletons excavated at Castleknock, 403-405. Scroope, Dr. G. W.—Dundrum Asylum, 103-129. Stationery and Printing—daily publication of Parliamentary Debates, 521-523, Appendix XVI; register of electors, 524-525; “ Christian Art in Ireland,” 526-527; Irish translation of New Testament, 528-529; Oireachtas Handbook, 528-531; stocks of paper, 532; reprints of Irish texts, 533; sale of old typewriters, 534-536; increased cost of continuing contracts, 537. Superannuation and Retired Allowances—compensation allowances under Art. 10 of Treaty of 1921 is a slowly diminishing charge, 896. Supplies, Office of Minister for—temporary nature of the Department of Supplies 538-546. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice—winding up of the Lunacy Fund, 299-306; compensation to District Probate Registrar, 307. Tariff Commission—Vote 19 not moved, more formal notice to be given in future of a particular Estimate withdrawn, 897-902. Transport and Meteorological Services—compensation following legal action by a coursing club by reason of entry of Minister on a holding acquired in connection with a civil air port, 645-646; contribution towards cost of Transatlantic Air Service, 649-650. Twomey, Mr. D.—Agriculture, 677-828; Fisheries, 829-843; Export Subsidies, 844-891. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance—unemployed person can bring a spokesman with him before the Umpire, 662-663; no railway voucher for the second person, 664-668. Valuation and Boundary Survey—analysis of the Appropriations in Aid, 131-135; revision of valuations of land in case of flooding or coast erosion, 136-139, 142; costs in case of unsuccessful appeals against valuations, 140-141; initiators of revisions of valuation, 143-149; use of Valuation Office map, 160-167. Walshe, Mr. J. P.—External Affairs, 1090-1101. Whelehan, Mr. J. B.—Stationery and Printing, 521-537. Wireless Broadcasting—advertising agencies for sponsoring of programmes, 486-508, Appendix XIV, Report 9; letting of broadcasting time to advertising firms, 509-511; fees for broadcasting plays, etc., 512-516, Appendix XV; interference on Radio Eireann wave-length, 517-520. Witnesses, List of, page xxviii. |
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