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INDEX.[References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated]. Agriculture,—grants to County Committees of Agriculture, 928,—salaries to officers who had lost their positions and were subsequently reinstated, 929-931,—annual details about the sale of creameries by the Dairy Disposals Company, 932-937 and Appendix X—supplies of cold storage butter, 938-939,—purchase and export of butter and eggs, 940-960,—purchase of cattle for canning; compensation to Waterford Canning Factory, 960-970,—products of Roscrea Meat Company, 970a-996,—clearing off claims arising from purchase of beef for distribution to recipients of Unemployment Assistance, etc., 996-1004,—purchase of cattle for export, 1005-1016,—compensation to manufacturers of cattle products, 1017-1024,— repayment of sums advanced to seed merchants, 1025-1026,—collection of levy on slaughter of cattle and sheep, 1027-1028,—provision of a suspense account for purchase and re-sale on home market of butter, 1029-1035, Report, 14,—question of statutory authority for levy on stock of butter, 1035-1040,—levy and export bounty on butter, 1041-1050, Appendix XI,—veterinary research and certain diseases in cattle, 1050-1053, Appendix XII,—the circulation of the Department’s Annual Report, 1054-1055,—attendance of instructors at shows, 1055-1059,— saving on expenditure for improvement of life-stock, 1060-1062,—manufacture of milk powder, 1063-1064,—saving due to decrease in the number of applications for cattle licences, 1065-1069,—administration of the Noxious Weeds Act, 1070-1073. Appropriation Accounts (1936-1937),—comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Almond, Mr. C. S.,—see “ Finance, Department of”. Appendices, List of,—page 138. Army,—regulation of extra allowances payable to soldiers employed as tradesmen in the Army, 540-542, Report, 14,—postponement of retirement of officer with a view to his coming under a pension scheme, 543-549,— ambiguity in reference to marriage allowance, 550-553,—costs of bread and meat at Dublin and at the Curragh, 554-555,—utilisation of part of unsurrendered amount on other services, in connection with clothing and equipment, 556-559,—purchase of belts at cheaper rate than those originally ordered, 560-562,—increase in consumption of electricity, 563-572, Report, 15,—indemnity in case of loss or damage arising from official transport being used for semi-official or unofficial purposes, 573,—the cost of Army laundering relatively to the cost of commercial launderies, 574-575, Report, 16,—experiments in high-speed gas producer plant for mechanical transport, 576-579,—utilisation of halls for Volunteers, 580-583, Report, 17,—money orders issued to Reservists which were fraudulently obtained and negotiated by a soldier clerk of a Reserve regiment, 583-589, Report, 18,—proposed recovery from an Army medical officer of amount wrongly paid to Reserve officer, 590,—resignation of Reserve officers shortly after having been provided with a grant for uniforms and equipment, 591-593,—cycles for Volunteers, 594-597,—difficulty of accounting for issues and stocks of peat used for heating military barracks, 598-604, Report, 19,—difficulty of controlling medical stores, 605-607,—difficulty of controlling articles of clothing and equipment on issue to members of Volunteer units, 608-612, Appendix IX,—statement of losses, 613-614,—mechanical transport defined, 615,—allowances or rations, 616-617,—Army does not insure except in the matter of certain plant and machinery, 618-620,—more meat and bread sold than was estimated, 621-622. Army Pensions,—the responsibility of the Army for a man who becomes incurable, 623-631. Chairman of the Committee,—election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests,—funds, 669-672,—circulation of annual report, 673-675. Circuit Court,—misappropriation by an officer of the under-sheriff’s branch of a Circuit Court office, 36-39,—costs levied on warrants on debtors, 39. Codling, Mr. A. D,—see “ Finance, Department of ”. Commissions and Special Inquiries,—expenditure on preparation of manuscripts in connection with Irish Manuscripts Commission fell short of anticipation, 278-279,—evidence concluded in case of committee of inquiry into marketing of fruit and vegetables, 280. Committee,—election of Chairman of, 1,—proceedings of, xxviii,—attendance of members of, Appendix XIV. Compensation Bounties,—rebate on Customs duty on tobacco in respect of stalks and rejected parts, 658-668. Comptroller and Auditor-General,—Gárda officer paid mileage allowance at full rate without deduction for his having official garage, 1-2,—fixing of State portion of cost of heating Gárda station, 12,—cash allowances in lieu of quarters where it appeared that public quarters were available, 18-19,—difference between the estimated and actual cash receipts accounted for by payments through stamps, 21,—states memorandum had been received accounting for certain outstanding amounts in respect of percentages on the estates of lunatics, 31,—states £1,111 6s. 6d. is the actual amount misappropriated by an officer of the under-sheriff’s branch of a Circuit Court office, 36,—Supplementary Estimate did not include certain gratuities paid in connection with the Tribunal set up to investigate the Pearse St. fire, 49,—agreed method of calculation of the State portion of loan charges under Housing Acts to be used and all payments revised, 64,—question at issue is whether 66⅔ per cent. is only payable when the demolition of slum area has taken place, 65-83,—agrees that where Board of Works are instructed to carry out or make certain expenditure, the propriety of the expenditure is a matter for the Department issuing the instructions, 115-118,—approves of procedure adopted by the Board of Works to make a proper rental, 124,—quotes views of former Commissioner of Public Works on difficulties of keeping a list in each office of the contents of the office, 126,—sets out the circumstances of Court award to contractor whose contract had been determined after failure to complete work by due date, 130,—thinks Commissioners of Public Works could have recovered added cost where second contractor engaged to complete the work of the first, 147,—thinks it necessary that advance of £2,000 before its time to a contractor should be put forward for covering sanction of Department of Finance, 148,—thinks that one could not require a bond for small contract, 157,—danger of preponderance of women teachers in a boys’ school as a justification for avoiding the panel, 183,—an eligible teacher on the panel must, if he gets the opportunity, take position within the diocese, 185,—has asked Mr. O’Neill to get sanction from Department of Finance in three cases, 189,—officers should be reprimanded who failed to supervise payments which were irregular, 193-198,—rules as to teachers of amalgamated schools, 207-212,—tendencies to avoid the panel of teachers, 216,—teacher of over 60 years of age retained and school average not up to recognised number, 221,—has received vouched accounts in respect of all schools under Reid Bequest Scheme except one, 223,—is satisfied that the Department of Education are attempting to meet the views of the Committee as regards publication of Irish text books, 227-228,—in connection with special grant to a vocational education committee, he drew attention that this Committee had a considerable sum to credit, 229,—draws attention to discontinuance in future years of grants payable to certain classes not established or maintained by Vocational Education Committees, 232,— thinks the cost of production of illustrated booklets in Irish cannot be recovered on present price, 239-242,—modernising of antiques in the Museum for a particular purpose, 244,—addition of five years’ service where certificate issued under section 11, Superannuation Act, 1936, 283-284,—correspondence with regard to established service being aggregated with unestablished service for superannuation purposes, 285-315,— arising from note on Law Charges, states he draws attention to any point which he thinks should be brought to the notice of the Dáil, 338,—has received no reply as to whether conditions and terms of repayment of advances to Electrical Battery development have yet been determined, 345,—examination of payments under employment schemes not complete, 367,—Slieveardagh coal scheme has been finished, 402,—savings due to difficulties in placing contract for boring in the Carrickmacross-Kingscourt area, 406,—payments made out of imprest by the then manager of undertaking for the production of industrial alcohol, 410,—suggests direction to bring up the matter of these payments at next year’s Public Accounts Committee, 416-417,—grants in aid to the Turf Development Board not subject in detail to investigation by him, 418,—levy per ton of turf to cover cost of sacks taken over by the Turf Development Board, 430-6,— in view of amounts involved is of opinion that a waiver of repayments of grants in aid to Clonsast and another Bog should not take place without Supplementary Estimate, 440,—ending up of three years’ payments to Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Coy., 509,—compensation in connection with acquisition of lands for civil airports, 512,—test examination of forms of application for unemployment assistance, 526; no decision on the question of legislative proposals as regards receipts from certain local authorities under the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933, 531-533—correlation between the Departments concerned to prevent overlapping of unemployment assistance and widows’ pensions, 533-7,—application in modified form of Defence Force Regulation, No. 36 of 1931 being considered, 540-541,—retention of officer after there was no reasonable hope of the officer being able to resume, 543-547,—ambiguity in reference to marriage allowance in case of wife of soldier maintained in public institution, 550-552,— in connection with clothing and equipment part of unexpended money used to make good expenditure in excess of amount provided for other services, 556-559,—question of supply of electric current to the Army requires examination, 563,—indemnification against loss or damage in the case of Army transport used for semi-official or unofficial purposes, 573,— number of Volunteer halls not being fully utilised, 580,—understands that claims for re-imbursement have been made in case of money orders fraudulently obtained and negotiated, 583,—loss where officers resigned shortly after receipt of allowance for uniforms, etc., 591,—indirect loss through cycles purchased for Volunteers, 595,—the accounting for issues and stocks of peat used for heating military barracks, 598,—no question arises with regard to coal, 602,—the accounting for medical stores, 605,— loss on kits of Volunteer units, 608, Appendix IX—double taxation cases which got the benefit of legislation which had not been passed when the assessment was made, 632-634,—covering sanction not yet obtained in a case where a five-year contract with a telephone subscriber was treated as a three-year contract, 710-712,—regards the Free Grant of £37 in respect of a house already erected on freehold land in possession of the applicant as given in respect of expenditure incurred by the applicant and not as a grant for improvement of an estate, 797,—facts on which Land Commission came to the conclusion that the said applicant’s indebtedness to the bank was due to his having built the house should be supplied to, 802,— sanction obtained for payment of increased prices for iron and steel in connection with Improvement Works, 803,—the bringing under one head of all expenditure under the scheme in Co. Meath for Gaeltacht migrants, 810,—provision of £60,000 in the Estimates to meet payments under sections of the Land Act, 1931; item of the purchase of Leckenagh farm could only have been provided for in the Estimate, 837,—calls attention to the difficulty of the Forestry Department in carrying on their work owing to local grazing rights, 842,—relation between the grants made and the statutory limit imposed by the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 856,—debit in connection with monthly advances to agent for Gaeltarra Eireann goods, 886,—states that the accounts of purchase, storage and export of butter and eggs for year ended 31st March, 1937 have been forwarded to the Department of Finance, 940,—expresses the opinion that it would be outside the purview of this Committee to require information as to where edible products produced by the Roscrea Meat Co. were sent, 986,—states that in determining the number of cattle supplied to meat factories regard had to be paid to the agreement between the Company and the Minister, 1024,— balance of amount due in respect of levy on slaughter of cattle and sheep has been further reduced, 1027,—in connection with purchase and re-sale of butter on the home market the correct procedure would have been to charge a sub-head of the Vote and credit the receipts to Appropriations-in-Aid, 1029,—difficulty of the Auditor was to determine whether authority existed to collect levy on stock of butter on 30th November, 1937, 1035-1039,—sanction was obtained for further expenditure on the “ Fort Ranock,” 1074,—new services under Whale Fisheries Act, 1937, 1076,— thinks Department of Finance might have been consulted when the bounty on exports of non-creamery butter, etc., was suspended on and after 1st December, 1937, and the subsidy under Vote 70 increased, 1097-1102. Connolly, Mr. J.,—Office of Public Works, 101-107,—public works and buildings, 108-170. Creameries, Purchase of,—see under “ Agriculture ”. Dagg, Mr. T. S. C,—see “ Finance, Department of ”. Dáil Eireann External Loans, Repayment of,—transactions must now be regarded as completely closed, 390-394. Deegan, Michael,—lands, 787-841,—forestry, 842-855,—Gaeltacht Services, 856-927. District Court,—fees chargeable by stamps account for the difference between the estimated receipts in cash and the cash actually received, 21-24,—the “ poor-box ” in District Court, 25-26,—the fines estimated correspond exactly with those actually received, 27, Appendix III—proportion of military service pensions added to salary, 28-30. Dundrum Asylum,—modern treatment for mentally defective, 704-707. Education, Primary,—disparity between the licensed and the actual numbers in Training Colleges, 171-176,—increase in boarding cost per head in Preparatory Colleges, 178,—70 per cent. of the pupils pay nothing, 179-180,— avoidance of the panel in appointing teachers, 181-190, Report, 11,— irregular payments to an assistant teacher whose salary fell to be withdrawn owing to fall in average attendance, 190-196,—appointment of a lay assistant teacher as teacher notwithstanding that names of eligible teachers appeared on the panel, 197-202,—appointment of teacher where the average of attendance did not appear to warrant such, 203-207,—application of 1937 Rules as to teachers of amalgamated schools, 207-213,—no power to exclude non-efficient teachers from the panel unless and until recognition withdrawn on educational grounds, 214-215, Report, 11,—question of withdrawing recognition from redundant teacher who declined a vacancy offered to her, 216-218,—retention of teacher over 60 years of age where the average had fallen below that required, 219-221, Report, 12,—accounts under the Reid Bequest Scheme, 223,—regulations re cost of heating schools not in force, 224-226. Education, Secondary,—views of this Committee as regards glossary of words, etc., in Gaeltacht area are being considered, 227-228. Electrical Battery Development,—Conditions and terms of repayment have not yet been determined, 345-355. Employment Schemes,—£100,000 received as a contribution from the Road Fund has been treated as an Exchequer extra receipt, 367-387. Executive Council, Department of the President of,—excess vote due to expenditure arising from Anglo-Irish discussions in London, 271-272, Interim Report. Ex-Governor-General, Grant to,—certificate is that payment has been made 395. Export Bounties and Subsidies,—vote accounted for by Mr. J. J. McElligott, but explanations to be given to the Committee by Mr. D. Twomey, 388,— bounty on export of non-creamery butter, etc., suspended and subsidy increased by the amount of bounty formerly payable from the fund, 1097-1102, Appendix XIII, Report, 26,—export of calf skins, 1103-1111,—payment of bounty to exporter of horses to cover assessment and re-assessment of import duties made by British Customs authorities, 1111-1115. External Affairs,—position of the Embassy in Madrid, 758,—system of collection of Consular fees now satisfactory, 759-760,—Imperial Communications Advisory Committee, 761-764,—increase in passport fees, 765. Finance, Department of,—deduction to be made in respect of payments of full rate mileage allowance to Gárda officer without deduction for his having official garage (Mr. Almond), 5,—question being considered of the use of official transport by Gárda Headquarters officers (Mr. Almond), 8,—a further inspection would appear to be necessary to determine the proportionate cost to be borne by the State of the heating of a centrally heated Gárda station (Mr. Almond), 11-14,—explains the opening of a sub-head in the appropriation account for the payment of gratuities in connection with the Tribunal on the Pearse Street fire (Mr. Codling), 49-63,—Minister’s approval in case of Board of Works contract stipulating for retention by the Commissioners of percentage of each instalment confined to retention of £4,000 for the nine months (Mr. Dagg), 150,—agrees that discretionary power on the part of the Commissioners of Public Works existed in respect of this contract (Mr. Dagg), 151,—endeavour to relate the licensed numbers and the actual numbers in Training Colleges (Mr. Almond), 173, —grants to the Colleges are in two parts (Mr. Almond), 174,—would not have agreed to retention of assistant teacher whose salary fell to be withdrawn owing to fall in average attendance (Mr. Almond), 191,—sum lost could be recovered only from the officers who made the mistake (Mr. Almond), 192,—in reference to special grant made, should have been informed that vocational education committee had balance in hands (Mr. Almond), 230,— discontinuance of grants to certain schools and classes not established or maintained by Vocational Education Committees (Mr. Almond), 237,— utilisation of part of unsurrendered amount on other services, in connection with clothing and equipment (Mr. Almond), 557-559,—prepared to give sanction to purchase of belts at cheaper rate than those originally ordered (Mr. Almond), 562,—repayable Exchequer Advance will shortly cease to appear as a separate account (Mr. Codling), 787,—doubtful about the transaction of Free Grant of £37 in respect of construction of a house being paid to a bank in reduction of debt (Mr. Codling), 797,—the Contracts Committee in relation to contracts where the contractor makes application for additional payments (Mr. Codling), 808,—opening of new sub-head in connection with Leckenagh farm (Mr. Codling), 839-840,—Department has not accepted the £10 offered in settlement of arrears of rent due to Gaeltacht Services (Mr. Dagg), 868,—will permit monthly advances and commission to agents for Gaeltarra Eireann goods to stand until after the World Fair (Mr. Dagg), 889-890,—accounts of purchase, storage and export of eggs laid on the Table of the Dáil (Mr. Codling), 941-944,—accounts of purchase of cattle for export have been laid on the Table of the Dáil (Mr. Codling), 1006,—in case of purchase and re-sale of butter on home market, thinks it would have been better to bring out the transaction by way of gross expenditure and appropriations-in-aid instead of by way of suspense account (Mr. Codling), 1031-1032,—should have been consulted when although the authority given by the Department of Finance was not exceeded the bounties were suspended and subsidies increased on certain exports (Mr. Codling), 1099-1101. Finance, Minister for,—Minute on the Report, dated 16th February, 1939, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Finance, Office of the Minister for,—sum surrendered at end of financial year indicates improvement in the estimating by Departments, 273-277. Fisheries,—additional fishery patrol vessel, 1074-1075,—new services created under the Whale Fisheries Act, 1937, 1076-1077,—advances for boats and gear, 1077-1085,—advances to Sea Fisheries Association in connection with mussel purifying plant, 1086-1091,—fishery loans made prior to See Fisheries Association loans, 1092-1096. Forestry,—payments made for lands for planting but clear possession not given, 842-846,—Department unable to proceed with forestry operations owing to local claims, 847,—sanction secured for assignment of an area less than that contracted for without proportionate reduction in purchase price, 848,—question of damage to trees from ivy, 849-852,—sales of timber, 853-855. Furlong, Dr. George J.,—National Gallery, 769-786. Gaeltacht Services,—statutory limits for grants under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 856-858,—outstanding accounts in respect of Gaeltarra Eireann knitwear, 859-861,—claim for arrears of rent due on portion of a store, 861a-868,—sale of buttons owing to change of fashions, 869-886, Report, 23,—monthly advances to an agent in anticipation of a commission on sale of Gaeltarra Eireann goods, 886-892, Report, 24,—industrial loans, 892-895,—toy industry, 896-904, 921-922,—kelp production, 905-910,— houses under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 911-920,—carrigeen for food and commercial purposes, 923-927. Gárda Síochána,—mileage allowance at full rate paid to an officer without deduction for his having official garage, 1-6,—expenditure incurred in connection with official transport allocated for use by certain Headquarters officers, 7-9, —proportion of cost of heating a station centrally heated to be borne by public funds, 10-15,—strength of the force, 16,—fees for verification of weights and measures, Appendix II, Report, 1. Herlihy, Mr. J.,—Ordnance Survey, 676-695. Hurson, Mr. J.,—Local Government and Public Health, 49-90,—National Health Insurance, 91-100. Industry and Commerce,—Slieveardagh coal scheme has been finished, 402-405, —postponement of boring work in connection with gypsum deposits in Carrickmacross, Kingscourt area, 406-409, 447-449,—production of industrial alcohol; postponement of discussion on payments made by the late managing director out of imprests, 410-417,—grants-in-aid to Turf Development Board, Ltd., 418-429,—levy on turf sold towards repayment of cost of sacks, 430-436,—repayment of advances made in the case of Clonsast and Lyracrompane Bogs, 437-441,—International Labour Office, 442-443,— expenses of delegates attending conferences at the International Labour Office, 444-446,—Gaeltacht products at Industrial Exhibitions abroad, 450-461,—trade mark not a test of the standard of quality apart from the reputation of the owner, 462-481,—question of preserving anonymity of complainant, 481-482,—functions of the Industrial Research Council, 483-495,—penalties for milling of wheat in excess of the authorised quantity, 496,—fees under Cement Act, 1933, 497-498,—question of medical inspection of grain or wheat mills, 499-504,—amount of industrial alcohol produced, 504-508,—contract for erection of the industrial alcohol factories, Appendix II, Report, 4,—expenditure on industrial alcohol, 410-417, Report, 13. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds,—difficulty in replacement of draftsmen, 34-35. Lands,—repayable Exchequer advances account to be wound up, 787-788,— authority of the Department of Finance requested for additional payment required in connection with a contract for thorn quicks, 788-790, Report, 21, —cost of erecting an engine and pump in compensation for removing a weir, sluice, etc, 791-792,—Advance of £80 and Free Grant of £37 in respect of a house erected on freehold land paid to a bank in reduction of the tenant’s loan, 793-803, Report, 22,—additional payments to contractors over and above contract prices; all the tender documents to be issued as one document in future, 803-809,—expenditure under the scheme for lands to allottees from the Gaeltacht, 810-811,—utilisation of sub-head for making advances to enable payments under the Land Act, 1931, to be made pending recoupment by the persons liable therefor, 812-814,—certain payments under Section 11 (7) of the Land Act, 1923, defined, 815,—loss on unoccupied holdings, 816,—advances to provide funds for maintenance of embankments, 817-818,—payments under Section 27 (2) of the Land Act, 1933, defined, 818-835,—loss of £86 18s. on resale and replacement of stock for migrants from the Gaeltacht, 836,—opening of a new sub-head in connection with the item of the purchase of a farm, 837-841. Law Charges,—costs against public officials in the action Lynch v. Fitzgerald and others, 322-341, Appendix VIII. League of Nations,—contribution towards expenses does not include International Labour Office, 766-767. Leydon, Mr. J.,—Industry and Commerce, 402-508,—Transport and Meteorological Services, 510-523,—Marine Service, 524-525,—Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 526-539. Local Government and Public Health,—certain payments connected with Tribunal of Inquiry into Pearse Street fire charged to new sub-head but inadvertently excluded from Supplementary Estimate, 49-63, Appendix IV, Report, 6,—amount of contribution to be made towards the annual loan charges incurred by a local authority under Housing Acts, 64-83, Appendices V and VI, Report, 7,—accounts in connection with supply of beef to persons in receipt of Home Assistance, etc, 85-86,—audit of Motor Tax Accounts, 87-89. McElligott, Mr. J. J,—Oireachtas, 265-270,—Department of the President of the Executive Council, 271-272,—Office of the Minister for Finance, 273-277,—Commissions and Special Inquiries, 278-281,—Personal Injuries Compensation, 282,—Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 283-315,— Secret Service, 316,—Miscellaneous Expenses, 317-319,—Supplementary Agricultural Grants, 320-321,—Law Charges, 322-341,—Universities and Colleges, 342-344,—Electrical Battery Development, 345-355,—Quit Rent Office, 356-366,—Employment Schemes, 367-387,—Export Bounties and Subsidies, 388-389,—Repayment of Dáil Eireann External Loans, 390-394,—Grant to Ex-Governor-General, 395,—Air Transport, 390-401. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.,—Army, 540-622,—Army Pensions, 623-631. Mag Craith, Mr. S.,—see “ Comptroller and Auditor-General ”. Maher, Mr. J.,—see “ Comptroller and Auditor-General ”. McCarron, Mr. John A.,—National Health Insurance, 91-100. Marine Service,—service exclusively concerned with the saving of lives from wrecks, 524-525. Minute of the Minister for Finance,—on the report dated 16th February, 1939, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses,—contribution towards cost of structural alterations in Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 317-319. Morrissey, Mr. J. F.,—Public Record Office, 696-703. National Gallery,—acquisition of pictures, 769-774,—public support of the National Gallery, 774-786. National Health Insurance,—the Department of Local Government and Public Health has made representations to the society with regard to the appointment of local arbitrators, 91-100. O’Brien, Mr. William,—Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 632-642,—Old Age Pensions, 643-657,—Compensation Bounties, 658-668. O Broin, Mr. Seán,—Agriculture, 928-1073,—Fisheries, 1074-1096,—Export Bounties and Subsidies, 1097-1116. O’Hegarty, Mr. P. S.,—Posts and Telegraphs, 708-726,—Wireless Broadcasting, 727-757. Oireachtas,—question of adequacy of telephone accommodation, 265-270. Old Age Pensions,—the position of the Revenue Officers in relation to claims for Old Age Pensions, 643-657. O Néill, Mr. Seosamh,—Primary Education, 171-226,—Secondary Education, 227-228,—Technical Instruction, 229-238,—Science and Art, 239-257,— Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 258-264. Ordnance Survey,—the revision and bringing up-to-date of survey maps; 676-686,—question of an aerial photograph of the area proposed to be covered by the Poulaphouca lake, 687-695. Over-estimation,—Appendix II, Report, 5. Personal Injuries Compensation,—disappearing service, 282. Posts and Telegraphs,—in connection with telephone subscriber, five-year contract treated as if it were a three year contract, 710-712, Report, 20,—special issues of stamps, 714-718,—all-night telephone service, 719-726. Prisons,—cash allowances in lieu of quarters where public quarters appeared to be available, 18-19,—gratuities to prisoners, 20. Public Record Office,—question of publication of a report, 696-703. Public Works and Buildings,—conversion of a carrigeen and kelp station into a toy factory, 108-114,—the expenditure for the rent of the Legation premises in Madrid borne on this Vote is a refund for that amount paid by External Affairs, 115-119,—Barrow Drainage scheme completely finished, 119-121, 167-168,—work of preparing complete rental of all properties in the Commissioners’ administration is proceeding, 122-124,—inventory of all chattels also proceeding, 125-129,—losses due as a result of a contractor having his contract determined by the Commissioners some months after his failure to complete the work by the due date, 130-146, Appendix VII, Report, 8,—added cost where second contractor was called in to complete the work of the first, 147-148, Report, 9,—variation of contract providing for retention by the Commissioners of percentage of each instalment, etc., 148-154, Report, 10,—claim waived for additional cost occasioned by a contractor not carrying out contract, 155-157,—unexpended amounts shown against new work, 158-159,—use of coal, turf and briquettes, 160-165,—Shannon navigation account, 166,—maintenance of St. Enda’s 169-170. Public Works, Office of,—staffing the Architectural Branch, 101,—loans for land improvement, 103-104, 106-107,—Agency services, 105. Quit Rent Office,—quit rents being discharged under the operations of the Land Acts, 356-366. Reformatory and Industrial Schools,—embezzlement of Parental Moneys, 258-262,—average number of children in Summerhill, 263-264. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the,—remission of duty receivable under the Revenue Acts from motives of compassion or equity, 632-634,—duties of preventive officers in relation to books in the personal luggage of persons entering the State, 635-642. Roche, Mr. S. A.,—Gárda Síochána, 1-17,—Prisons, 18-20,—District Court, 21-30,—Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 31-33,—Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 34-35,—Circuit Court, 36-39. Science and Art,—loss on publication of booklets in Irish for children, 239-243,—cost of adaptations to certain Bronze Age specimens, 243-245,— securing for the State antique articles found accidentally, 246-250,—Irish county histories, 251-257. Scroope, Dr. G. W.,—Dundrum Asylum, 704-707. Secret Service,—considerable saving, 316. Smyth, Mr. W.,—Charitable Donations and Bequests, 669-675. Stationery and Printing,—production of volume illustrating early Christian Art in Ireland, 41-45,—Irish Translation of New Testament, 46-47,—Oireachtas Handbook, 48. Superannuation and Retired Allowances,—addition of five years’ service in case of certain officer to whom certificate had been issued under Section 11 of the Superannuation Act, 1936, 283-284, Appendix II, Report, 2,— question of established service being aggregated with unestablished service for superannuation purposes, 285-315,—awards of Compensation under Section 6 of the Superannuation Act, 1909 and Section 7 of the Superannuation Act, 1859, Appendix II, Report, 3. Supplementary Agricultural Grants,—allocated in respect of the number of agricultural employees, 320-321. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice,—outstanding percentages on estates of lunatics, 31,—saving on estimated expense of High Court on Circuit, 33. Technical Instruction,—special grant to a vocational education committee on the basis that the committee was unable to meet certain charges out of its own resources, 229-232,—discontinuance of grants to certain schools and classes, not established or maintained by Vocational Education Committees, 232-238. Transport, Air,—question of transport from Croydon to London, 390-401. Transport and Meteorological Services,—cessation of payments to the London-derry and Lough Swilly Railway Co., 509-511,—acquisition of lands and payments for compensation, 512-517,—transfer of meteorological services and moneys derived from the Rosse fund, 518,—steamer services agreement has been completed, 519,—difficulty of getting trained staff, 519a-522,—equipment has been purchased, 523. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance,—test examination of forms of application for unemployment assistance, 526,—transfer to Minister out of Unemployment Fund, 527-530,—legislative proposals being prepared in connection with receipts from certain local authorities under the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933, 531-533,—writing off of amounts paid in respect of unemployment assistance in cases where pensions awarded under the Widows’ and Orphans’ Act, 1935, 533-539. Universities and Colleges,—grant in aid towards reconstruction of University College, Galway, 342-344. Walshe, Mr. J. P.,—External Affairs, 758-765,—League of Nations, 766-768. Weights and Measures, Fees for verification of,—Report, 1. Wireless Broadcasting,—equipment of Radio Eireann 727-749,—interference from an outside station to be stopped, 750-752,—rehearsals, 753-754,— new premises for Dublin station, 755-757. Witnesses, List of, Appendix XIV. |
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