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INDEX.[References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated]. Agriculture,—rebate on the prices of artificial manure “ordinarily charged to retail merchants,” 909-927,—functions of the Prices Commission in relation to, 926-927,—grants for the provision of lime for agricultural purposes, 928-948,—total Vote expenditure on Creamery Industry, 949 and Appendix XII,—grants for the supplying of artificial manures by a creamery charged to the subhead for improvement of the Creamery Industry, 949-957,—payment of State funds to a bank to release guarantors of a charge on a creamery from liability, 958-964,—cold storage of butter in private and in public stores, 965-970,—accounts relating to the purchase and export of butter and eggs, 971-972,—compensation to Roscrea Meat Factory, 973-975, 994-1003,—claims for beef supplied to recipients of Unemployment Assistance, etc., 976-979,—end of export trade in cattle with Germany, 980-993,—salvage costs of a vessel carrying cattle to Germany, 1004,— repayment of sums advanced to seed merchants, 1005-1007,—seed wheat imported and stained, 1008-1012,—levy under the Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts, 1013,—license tax on butter exported to Belgium, 1014-1035, Report 25,—levy on butter by registered proprietors and butter traders, 1036-1051, 1135, Appendix XIII, Report 26,—question of levy on butter afterwards sent out as ships’ stores, 1052-1053,—Veterinary Research, 1056-1061, 1087-1092,—subscriptions to international research organisations, 1062,—agricultural schools, 1063-1085,—Agricultural College at Glasnevin, 1086,—Universities and veterinary research, 1089-1092,— educational tours for agricultural instructors, 1093,—cheese manufacture, 1094-1102,—reclamation schemes in connection with congested areas, 1103-1104,—grant to I.A.O.S., 1105,—milk-powder, 1106,—loans for the purchase of heifers, 1107,—grant in connection with tubercular beasts destroyed, 1108-1115,—noxious weeds, 1116-1123. Almond, Mr. C. S.,—see “Finance, Department of”. Appendices, List of,—page 149. Appropriation Accounts (1937-1938),—comparison of Audited Expenditure with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of, Appendix I. Appropriation Accounts (1938-1939),—special subheads opened with the consent of the Department of Finance, Appendix IV. Army,—surrender of surplus due to the impossibility of obtaining delivery of requirements before end of financial year, 573-575,—purchase of stores in connection with vacated and handed-over Admiralty property, 576-579, —ex gratia payments in respect of squash courts, etc., 580-581,—purchase of recreational equipment, 582-583, Report, 12,—authentication of claims in case of officers attending military education courses abroad, 584-590, Report, 12,—Army Vote to bear charges arising out of services rendered in connection with establishment of transatlantic airport, etc., 591, Report, 14,—control and time recording of civil employees in the Army, 592-594, Report 15,—contract for hire of lorries for annual training of units, 595-604, —part payment of purchase price of aeroplanes, 605,—repairs to aeroplanes delayed owing to delay in delivery of spare parts, 606-614, Report, 16,—maintenance of horse-drawn equipment not put into service, 614-615, Report, 17,— storage and distribution of A.R.P. equipment, 616-626,—emergency pur chase of sandbags, 627,—regulations being made in relation to medical stores, instructions for control of books for educational purposes, 628-629, Report, 18,—sale of stores found to be unsuitable, 630,—loss of a launch, 631-632,—grazing of military lands, 633-634,—Sluaighte secretaries, 635. Army Pensions,—temporary pensions, 636-652,—pensions under the 1934 Act paid to serving officers in respect of recipients’ emoluments as Army officers, 653,—discharge as medically unfit of ex-members of the Forces re-engaged who were in receipt of pensions appropriate to “long term” service, 654-659 Report, 19,—amendment of scheme to enable gratuities to be paid to next-of-kin of “short-term” soldiers who died on service, 660-662,— question of validity of payment of temporary pension from a date prior to the date of revocation of a final grant, 663-665,—reference to the Attorney-General of question of interpretation of par. in the Army Pension Scheme as to whether the authority given by the Department of Finance can be general or must be particular, 666-669,—hospital treatment and recoupment of Army Vote from the Pensions’ Vote, 670-671,—claims for military service pensions awaiting decision, 672-678. Carey, Mr. W. D.,—Office of the Revenue Commissioners, 1137-1149,—Old Age Pensions, 1150-1153,—compensation bounties, 1154-1159. Chairman of the Committee,—election of, 1. Charitable Donations and Bequests,—travelling expenses in connection with prosecutions, 466,—Embezzlement Charity Fund, 467-469,—law costs, 470-471. Codling, Mr. A. D.,—see “Finance, Department of.” Commissions and Special Inquiries,—Central Savings’ Committee and Post Office Savings’ Bank, 699-700,—Commission on Irish in the Civil Service, 701-704,—functioning of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the marketing of fruit and vegetables, 705-710. Committee,—election of Chairman of, 1,—proceedings of, xxviii,—attendance of members of, Appendix XIV. Compensation Bounties,—bounty on exported unmanufactured home-grown tobacco, 1154-1159, Report, 28. Comptroller and Auditor-General,—requires evidence in connection with contributions to local authorities for loan charges in connection with housing that the higher rate is the proper one to be charged, refers to four houses not demolished, 25,—regards as extraordinary the intercharge of tenants as a result of which the 34 houses were occupied by tenants other than those for whom the houses were designed, 34,—is of opinion that for the purposes of contribution the cost of erecting the shop should be separate from the cost of erecting the other portion of the house, 57,—was advised that the 1931 and 1932 Acts were concerned only with the provision of living accommodation, 58,—must take into account that the shop is probably being let at an economic rent, 59, 69,—tenants displaced from houses ordered to be repaired put into the new houses, 83, 86,—thinks in respect of grants for building, etc., that Department should go further in recovery of grants irregularly made or overpayments made, 90,—gives details of two houses subsequently formed into one in which unsuccessful applications were made to recover the grants, 96-111,—grant for reconstruction of house to son of tenant queried, 136-141,—postponement to the next financial year of payment of fully matured liabilities in respect of insurances of pictures of the National Gallery undergoing repairs, 155,—Department of Education held the view that salary and recognition had properly been withdrawn according to the rules in force at the period in the case of a redundant teacher, 176, 192-193,—liability of the Minister for Education under Part V of the Vocational Education Act, 1930, 210,—no definite reply as to condition in insurance contract providing for reinsurance of business of Commissioners of Public Works, 302-3,—necessary authorisation has now been given to waiving of rent and extra cost in construction of school, 309,—belated explanation as to non-use of messing facilities by Gárdaí on temporary transfer, 372-379,—states he audits “Fine Fund,” 390,—states the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General does not interfere with policy or in administration, 401,—amount realised from garden and farm of Dundrum Asylum, 457,—explains arrangements for taking over by the Post Office at the St. Andrew Street, Dublin, site, 472-479, 514-524,—new subhead in connection with annuities under the Telegraph Acts, 555,—reasons for relatively large surrender in the Vote, 573,—has received certificates covering the stores purchased on the British army handing over, 577-579,—maintenance of squash courts, 580-581,— collection of sum paid for certain recreational equipment and stores, 581-583, —certification of claims of military officers attending military school abroad, 587-589,—charges arising out of services rendered in connection with establishment of transatlantic airport to be borne by the Army Vote, 591,— civil employees in the Army, 592-593,—hirage of lorries for Army manœuvres, 597-603,—advance in connection with purchase of aeroplanes, 605-610,—sandbags to meet military requirements, 627,—accounting for medical stores, 628,—control of books for educational purposes, 629,—loss of a launch in a storm, 631-632,—uniform allowance and daily allowance in relation to amount of pensions under the 1934 Act, 653,—pensions of “short-term” men admitted to “long-term” service, 654-655,—medical examination on re-engagement, 656,—gratuities to next-of-kin of “short-term” soldiers, 660-661,—revocation of final grant and grant of a temporary pension in lieu, 663-665,—general authority of Minister for Finance for payment of gratuities with certain exceptions, 666-669,—usual to address questions on the Export Bounties and Subsidies Vote to the accounting officers of Departments administering, 726,—tenders for Glasgow Exhibition not secured, 736,—call for explanation of sum of £7,963 in connection with the factory for production of industrial alcohol, 771-785,—procedure of the Contracts’ Committee, 835,—fees under the Sugar (Control of Import) Act, 1936, 873,—inventories of stores for Transport and Meteorological Services, 888-889,—cash recoveries of unemployment assistance overpaid, 897,—“prices (of artificial fertilisers) ordinarily charged to retail merchants,” 920,—grants for fertilisers and the development of the Creamery Industry, 952-953,—release from liability through State funds of guarantors of a charge on a creamery, 960,—private and public cold stores for butter, 965,—accounts of purchase and export of butter and eggs, 971,—the like of cattle, 980-981,—license tax on butter exported to Belgium, 1014,— holders of large quantities of butter who had not paid the levy, 1036-1051, 1135,—butter sent out as ships’ stores, 1052-1053,—non-statutory payment of bounty on exported unmanufactured home-grown tobacco, 1154,— recovery of proportionate part of rates payable by allottees under the Land Commission, 1221,—special suspense account in respect of cost of repair of certain embankments, 1227-1229,—question of attendance of manageress during the summer months at an Industrial centre included under Gaeltacht Services, 1251,—time of payments connected with the Toy Industry at Elly Bay, 1254-1255,—accidents connected with the disposal of the kelp crop, 1277. Connolly, Mr. J.,—Office of Public Works, 302-308,—public works and buildings, 309-360,—Haulbowline Dockyard, 361-371. Creameries, Purchase of,—see under “Agriculture”. Dagg, Mr. T. S. C.,—see “Finance, Department of”. Deegan, Mr. M.,—Lands, 1160-1237,—Forestry, 1238-1250,—Gaeltacht Services, 1251-1303. District Court,—stoppage of pension of widow, etc., of a deceased Acting District Court Clerk who had misappropriated sums of money, 399-406. Dundrum Asylum,—management of garden and farm, 456-465. Education, Office of the Minister for,—adoption of standard terms in Irish for history, geography, science, etc., 162-170. Education, Primary,—boarding costs per head in Preparatory Colleges, 171-175, —payment of salary to a redundant teacher following Court decision that his salary had not been lawfully withdrawn, 176-196, Report, 7,—special extensions of service to female teachers who have reached the age of retirement, 197-200,—vouchers for the purpose of showing whether money allocated for heating of schools, etc., is so spent, 201,—teachers’ pensions annual charge, 202-204. Education, Secondary,—sum paid for translation into Irish of part of a work which was not published owing to the executors refusing consent, 205-207, —Court scheme being drawn up in connection with the Erasmus Smith Endowment, 208-209. Employment Schemes,—sale of seed for potato and cereal crops, 724-725. Export Bounties and Subsidies,—Vote accounted for by Mr. McElligott, but explanations to be given by representatives of the Department of Agriculture and of the Department of Industry and Commerce, 726-727,—heads under which bounties paid, 900,—export of dead poultry to England, 1135. External Affairs,—expenditure on official entertainment, 411-417,—expenses of withdrawal of volunteers of Irish nationality from Spain, 418,—assistance of child refugees in Spain, 419-420,—promotion of cultural relations with other countries, 421,—repatriation of destitute Irish persons, 423-427. Feeney, F. J.,—see “Finance, Department of”. Finance, Department of,—did not intervene in the matter of the revised basis of calculation of contributions to annual loan charges of local authorities under Housing Act of 1932, 21-22, 31,—commitment accrued in connection with the National Gallery before the end of the financial year should have been met with a Supplementary Estimate or an excess Vote should have been taken, 157-158,—panel system obviates withdrawal of salary in the case of redundant teacher, 194-195,—urged the Board of Works to dispose of premises purchased for use as a Gárda barracks owing to annual loss arising, 341,—withholding of pension of widow of deceased Acting District Court Clerk who had misappropriated sums of money held to be illegal, 405, 408,—payment of said pension will arise on Superannuation Vote, 406,—releasing of Agricultural Credit Corporation from liability in relation to the St. Andrew Street Post Office site, 501-541,—irregular claims by military officers attending military educational course abroad, 588,—pay of civilians attached to Army units, 594,—hirage of lorries for military manœuvres, 604,—technicality in connection with grant of disability pension where there was requisite service, 657,—amending scheme includes gratuities for next-of-kin of “short-term” soldiers who have died on service, 662,—the Department of Defence had paid gratuities themselves under delegated authority, 667-669,—waiving of tenders for Glasgow Exhibition, 738,—depreciation in alcohol factories would not have arisen until they were handed over by the contractor, 762-772,—waiving by the Department of the requirement that the Secretary of the Department of Industry and Commerce should authorise alteration in works in specification, 788-789,—adjustments on P.C. items, 801-812,—sanction for payments for certain miscellaneous equipment, 829-831,—sum received from the Revenue Commissioners as allowance on spirits used in the making of power methylated spirits, 850-854,—recoupment of outlay on artificial manures charged to the subhead improvement of the Creamery Industry, 951-961,—recurrence of non-statutory payment of bounty on exported unmanufactured home-grown tobacco, 1157-1158. Finance, Office of Minister for,—actuarial investigation on a sort of agency basis, 697-698. Finance, Minister for,—Minute on the Report, dated 29th February, 1940, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Fisheries,—recovery of advances for boats and gear, 1124-1129,—scientific investigation and the elimination of pike, 1132-1133. Forestry,—excess of expenditure over the grant, 1238-1240, Interim Report, iv,— Arbor Day, 1243-1245,—sale of timber by lots or one or two trees, 1246-1250. Furlong, Dr. George J.,—National Gallery, 155-161. Gaeltacht Services,—opening of Industrial centre in 1938 and attendance of Manageress, 1251-1253,—payment of accounts arising from Elly Bay Toy Factory, 1254-1265,—deterioration of wire used for kelp binding, 1266-1274,—grants under Housing Acts, 1275,—rebate due to wet condition of kelp, 1276-1277,—foreign debts in respect of knitwear goods and tweeds, 1278-1287,—industrial loans, 1288-1290,—domestic instruction, 1291-1293,—toy factory not insured, 1294-1295,—gathering of carrageen, 1296-1298,—sphagnum moss, 1299,—development of Irish tweeds, 1300-1301,—piggeries and poultry houses scheme, 1302-1303. Gárda Síochána,—special allowances paid for messing in the case of men on temporary transfer, 372-383, Report, 9,—supervision of hackney carriage drivers, 384,—receipts from sale of stray dogs, 385,—recovery by the State of compensation for Gárdaí injured, 386. General Register Office,—old age pensioners have now no difficulty in getting on the General Register, 11-14. Haulbowline Dockyard,—sale of water at Haulbowline, 361-369,—rates on Haulbowline, 370-371. Hogan, Mr. G. P. S.,—see “Finance, Department of”. Houses of the Oireachtas,—no increased appropriation for salaries and allowances of Teachtaí when the income tax rises, 684-690,—Oireachtas restaurant, 691-695. Hurson, Mr. J.,—National Health Insurance, 1-9,—General Register Office, 11-14,—Local Government and Public Health, 15-154. Industrial Alcohol,—provision for payment of stamp duties and certain initial expenses, 729,—financial relations of the Company with the Exchequer, 729-734, and Appendix IX (see also under “Industry and Commerce”). Industry and Commerce,—Glasgow Exhibition, tenders for Irish Pavilion, 736-739,—sale of samples at Glasgow Exhibition, 740,—New York World Fair, 1939, Irish Pavilions, 741-744,—investigation completed of the gypsum deposits of the Carrickmacross-Kingscourt areas, 745-756,—report on the Slieveardagh deposits completed, 756-757,—explanation of £7,9631’ part of the loss on experimental period of working first industrial alcoho factory, 758-775, Appendix X, Report, 20,—settlement of the claims of Mr. Maas, 775-787, Report, 21,—waiver of obligation to authorise by an alteration order in writing all alterations in the works for the erection of the alcohol distilleries, 788-823, Report, 22,—sanction has been obtained for payments to the contractors for miscellaneous equipment some of which was ordered by the Managing Director on his own responsibility, 824-831,—the lists of contracts placed and purchases made exceeding £25 were not submitted to the Government Contracts’ Committee, 832-838, Report, 23,—contract for supply of molasses plants, 839-844,—sums due by Mr. Maas taken into consideration in arriving at settlement, 845-848,— payment to the Company of £20,000 by the Revenue Commissioners in respect of an allowance on spirits used in the making of power methylated spirits, 849-861,—advances to the Turf Development Board and amounts due for sacks, 862-866,—production of turf at Clonsast and Lyracrompane Bog, 867-871,—Industrial Research Council, 872,—fees for licenses to import sugar, 873-876,—functions of the Minister for Industry and Commerce in relation to the control of prices have been transferred to the Minister for Supplies, 877-878. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds,—delay in the Land Registry in issuing copies of folios and maps, 407-409. Lands,—repayable Exchequer advance for the purpose of financing payments in lieu of rent, 1160-1170,—retention of sums due to contractors to meet contingent defects, 1171-1175,—expenditure in connection with allottees from the Gaeltacht, 1176-1214,—holdings for migrants from congested areas, 1215-1220,—recovery of proportionate part of the rents payable by allottees, 1221-1226,—question of Vote to bear cost of repair of certain embankments, 1227-1229,—losses on unoccupied holdings, 1230-1237,— free grant of £37 in respect of house paid to bank in reduction of loan, query whether Land Commission free grants implicitly limited by late legislation, Report, 1. League of Nations,—contribution to, 428-430. Leydon, Mr. J.—Industry and Commerce, 736-878,—Transport and Meteorological Services, 879-889,—Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 890-899,—export bounties and subsidies, 900,—peat fuel development, 901-908. Local Government and Public Health,—gratuity to Secretary to the Local Government (Dublin) Tribunal, 15-17,—agreed method of calculation of contributions towards loan charges under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932, 18-24,—contribution to annual loan charge at higher rate notwithstanding that four of the houses were not demolished, 25-31,—houses were demolished and persons were removed but some of them not directly into the new houses but into other houses that were vacated by tenants who occupied the new houses, 32-55,—should discrimination be made for the purposes of the higher or lower contribution as between the costs of dwellings and shops, 56-82, and Appendix III,— contribution of 66⅔ per cent. in the case of houses occupied by persons displaced from houses being required by the local authority to be put in a proper state of repair, 83-89, Report, 2,—grants obtained for two houses subsequently converted into one, 90-111, Appendix III, Report, 3,—two grants made to the same person for erection of two houses, 112-135, Appendix III, Report, 4,—grant for reconstruction of house to an agricultural labourer under section 5 (1) (h) of the 1932 Act, 136-144, Report, 5,—issuing of milk powder, 147-151,—training of native Irish speakers in hospital nursing, 152-154. McElligott, Mr. J. J.,—President’s establishment, 679-683,—Houses of the Oireachtas, 684-695,—Department of the Taoiseach, 696,—Office of the Minister for Finance, 697-698,—Commissions and Special Inquiries, 699-710, —superannuation and retired allowances, 711-717,—Tariff Commission, 718,—miscellaneous expenses, 719-721,—Quit Rent Office, 722-723,— employment schemes, 724-725,—export bounties and subsidies, 726-727,— industrial alcohol, 728-734,—repayment to Contigency Fund, 735. McCarron, Mr. J. A.,—National Health Insurance, 1-9. MacMahon, Lieutenant-General P.,—Army, 573-635,—Army pensions, 636-678. Mag Craith, Mr. S.,—see “Comptroller and Auditor-General”. Maher, Mr. J.,—see “Comptroller and Auditor-General”. Minute of the Minister for Finance,—on the report dated, 29th February, 1940, of the Committee of Public Accounts, Appendix II. Miscellaneous Expenses.—contribution towards structural alterations in Abbey Theatre, 719-720,—the “Irish Plate”, 721. Morrissey, Mr. J. F.,—Public Record Office, 410. National Gallery,—premiums for insurance of pictures matured for payment in one financial year were not paid until the following financial year and an excess on the Vote thereby avoided, 155-161, Report, 6. National Health Insurance,—the Actuary merely advises or reports to the Minister on subject on which he is asked to report, 1,—amount of disablement benefit greater than was expected, 2-6,—position of person who becomes entitled to National Health Insurance in Great Britain or Northern Ireland and returns to Ireland during the period of incapacity, 7-9. Office of Public Works,—effects of liquidation of insurance Association on policy of indemnification in respect of Board’s workmen, 302-308. O’Hegarty, Mr. P. S.,—Posts and Telegraphs, 472-558,—wireless broadcasting, 559-572. Oireachtas, Houses of the,—see “Houses of the Oireachtas”. Old Age Pensions,—review of Old Age Pensions being paid, excess Vote, 1150, 1153, 1159, Interim Report, iv. O Muimhneacháin, Seán,—see “Finance, Department of”. O Neill, Mr. Seosamh,—Office of the Minister for Education, 162-170,—Primary Education, 171-204,—Secondary Education, 205-209,—Technical Instruction, 210-246,—Science and Art, 247-275,—Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 276-301. Peat Fuel Development,—advances for peat fuel development from Grant-in-Aid are entirely different from those on the Vote of the Department of Industry and Commerce, 901-903,—question of interest provision in debenture by which advances were secured, 904-908, Appendix XI. Posts and Telegraphs,—Post Office site at St. Andrew Street, Dublin, 472-541, Appendix VII, Report, 10,—losses through shortage, misappropriations, etc., and missing stamps, 542,—annuities under the Telegraph Acts, special authority for new subhead P.P. in connection with annuities under the Telegraph Acts, 543, 555,—acquisition of lands in connection with wireless station of Transatlantic Air Services, 544-545,—transfer of Department’s stores to new premises, 546-547,—control over stores of internal mail bags, 548-550, Report, 11,—maintenance by Railway Companies, 554,— conveyance of mails by rail, 558. President’s Establishment,—travelling expenses of the President and of the Secretary and staff, 679-683. Primary Education,—see “Education, Primary”. Prisons,—Fine Fund explained, 388-390,—gratuities to prisoners, 391,—maintenance of criminal lunatics, 392-396, Appendix VI,—manufacturing department and farms, 397-398. Public Record Office,—report not finally ready, 410. Public Works and Buildings,—waiving of rent and extra cost due to failure of contractor in case of erection of school, 309-311,—consequences of failure of Board’s contractors, 312-315,—disposal of premises purchased for use as a Gárda barracks, 316-349, Appendix V, Report, 8,—claims against British Government for commandeered properties wiped out in view of financial settlement, 350-351,—Linen Hall storage, 352-353,—overhauling of machines connected with arterial drainage, 354-355,—compensation for restoration of a barrack, 356-357, 359-360,—admission to pier and park, 358. Public Works, Office of,—see “Office of Public Works”. Quit Rent Office,—present functions of, 722. Reformatory and Industrial Schools,—transfer of Glencree School to Daingean, 276-285,—Summerhill Place of Detention, 286-297,—question of probation, 298-299,—excess payment to Glencree, 300-301. Repayments to Contingency Fund,—expenses in connection with the installation of the President, 735. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the,—refund of duty in respect of tobacco unfit for manufacture, 1137-1138,—export of duty-paid home-grown unmanufactured tobacco, 1139-1148, Report, 27,—reciprocal income tax arrangement, 1149. Roche, Mr. S. A.,—Gárda Síochána, 372-386,—Prisons, 387-398,—District Court, 399-406,—Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 407-409. Science and Art,—new agreement in connection with preparation of a glossary of words in use in a Gaeltacht area, 247-249,—examination of scrap for interesting objects for Museum purposes, 250-253,—special grants for purchase of exceptional libraries, etc, 254,—no stipulation for completion of Irish County Histories, 255-256,—scholarships for Gaeltacht students not renewed in some cases, 257-258,—Irish Historical Society, 259-262,—Arts and Crafts Exhibitions, 263-264,—photostat service, 267-273,—Irish coracle on permanent loan to a museum, 274-275. Scroope, Dr. G. W.,—Dundrum Asylum, 456-465. Smyth, Mr. W.—Charitable Donations and Bequests, 466-471. Stationery and Printing,—printing of acknowledgment postcards in Irish, 431-437,—saving on printing in connection with both Houses of the Oireachtas, 438-441,—printing, etc., of Irish texts, 442-444,—Irish translation of the New Testament, 445-447,—printing for Public Departments, 448-452,— maps for public service as distinct from Ordnance Survey maps, 453-455. Superannuation and Retired Allowances,—pension to widow of a member of the Gárda Síochána whose death from acute miliary tuberculosis took place on the day after his marriage to her, 711-717. Taoiseach, Department of the,—travelling expenses of Ministers on Government business and of officers of the Department of the Taoiseach borne on this Vote, 696. Technical Instruction,—interference with evening classes in rural science to be investigated, 211-219,—scholarships for training children’s nurses not all awarded on account of difficulty of placing those already trained, 221-222,— trade scholarships, 224-232,—a number of Gaeltacht scholarships for domestic economy not awarded, 233-246. Transport and Meteorological Services,—letting of certain lands acquired for Collinstown Airport, 879-880,—the question of contribution by the local authorities to the Collinstown Airport, 881-887,—inventories of stores held in connection with those Services, 888-889. Twomey, Mr. D.,—Agriculture, 909-1123,—Fisheries, 1124-1133,—Export Bounties and Subsidies, 1134-1135. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance,—decisions of Unemployment Assistance Officers reversed on a review of the facts, co-operation between the latter and Home Assistance Officers, 890-896, Report, 24,— cash recoveries of unemployment assistance overpaid, 897,—legislation passed in connection with calculation of sums due by local authorities, 898-899. Walshe, Mr. J. P.,—External Affairs, 411-427,—League of Nations, 428-430. Whelehan, Mr. J. B.,—Stationery and Printing, 431-455. Wireless Broadcasting,—purchase of two pianos, 559-563, 568, Appendix VIII,— present wave-length, 564-565,—no “spotter” of talent employed, 569-572. Witnesses, List of, xxxiv. |
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