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IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE SPEISIALTA.PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE.Déardaoin, 4adh Mí na Samhna, 1937.Thursday, 4th November, 1937.1. The Committee met at 5.15 p.m. 2. Present: The President of the Executive Council (in the Chair); the Minister for Industry and Commerce; the Minister for Agriculture; the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Deputies Anthony, Costello, Dillon, Fitzgerald-Kenney, Kissane, McGilligan, Moore, Norton, W. O’Brien, J. M. O’Sullivan and Smith. 3. The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed. 4. It was directed that the proposals by the Minister for Industry and Commerce for the election of Senators, and the scheme for the Seanad suggested by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance, be annexed to the Minutes of Proceedings of this day’s meeting. 5. The proposals of the Minister for Industry and Commerce were next considered. A Question was put:— “That the proposals of the Minister for Industry and Commerce be adopted.” A show of hands disclosed, 8 members in favour; and 6 members against. The Committee adjourned at 7.10 p.m. On resuming at 8.15 p.m., the following amendment to the proposals of the Minister for Industry and Commerce was proposed by Deputy McGilligan:— “That the election shall be by a Group of 22, weighted on the basis proposed on page 3 of Deputy McGilligan’s memorandum, none of whom shall be members of the Dáil.” The discussion on the amendment was interrupted for the purpose of ascertaining the view of the Committee on the following Question proposed by Deputy Norton—with a view to assisting the determination of further procedure:— “That the election shall be by a Committee of the Dáil, weighted on the basis proposed.” A request for a show of hands by members in favour of that Question disclosed that it had the support of 2 members only. The discussion on Deputy McGilligan’s amendment was then resumed. A show of hands on that amendment disclosed, 8 members in favour; and 7 members against. Another amendment was proposed by the Minister for Industry and Commerce:— “That the Group be chosen on principles of Proportional Representation, instead of being weighted as provided for in Deputy McGilligan’s amendment.” A show of hands disclosed, 7 members in favour; and 8 members against. A discussion followed on the question of substituting a system of election by vocational registers. It was understood that proposals in this regard would be made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and by Deputy McGilligan (in modification of those contained in his Memorandum), for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee. 6. The following draft Interim Report, brought forward by the Chairman, was read:— The Special Committee, to which the Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Bill, 1937, was committed by Order of the Dáil of 7th October, 1937, finds that it will not be in a position to report back by the date fixed, and, accordingly, requests the Dáil to extend the period to December 1.
The draft Interim Report was agreed to. It was ordered, That the Interim Report be presented to the Dáil on Wednesday, 10th November. 7. The Committee adjourned at 10.10 p.m., until 5 p.m., on Thursday, 11th November, if the Dáil be not sitting on that day; and until 8 p.m., if the Dáil be sitting. (Signed) EAMON DE VALÉRA, Chairman. ANNEX D.Proposals by the Minister for Industry and Commerce for Election of Senators. NOMINATIONS— (1) Any five members of Dáil to have the right to nominate one, but not more than one, candidate for election. Each proposal to be accompanied by a statement of the qualifications of the person nominated. Alternatively, unlimited nominations by members of the Dáil subject to a provision that not more than 22 members so nominated can be elected. (2) A Committee of the Dáil, or a Committee of persons appointed ex-officio by law, or a Committee of non-members appointed by the Dáil, to be set up to discharge the following duties:— (a) Invite applications, from organisations, claiming to be representative of any of the interests mentioned in the Constitution, to be granted the right to make nominations. Determine whether organisations so applying are so representative and should have the right. Decide the number of nominations which may be made by each approved organisation but subject to statutory limitations designed to ensure that the total number of nominations which all such organisations are permitted to make may not be less than “X” or greater than “Y”. (b) Determine to which panel candidates nominated by the Dáil or outside bodies should be allocated, having regard to the qualifications of such candidates. ELECTORATE— (3) Either (a) as in Draft Bill or (b) Members of Dáil only. ELECTIONS— (4) As proposed in Deputy Norton’s scheme. (5) In the event of the total number of candidates nominated for any panel being less than the number to be elected, those nominated to be declared elected and the remaining positions filled by the same procedure as may be decided upon for filling casual vacancies. 4adh Mí na Samhna, 1937. ANNEX E.Suggested Scheme for Senate by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance. (1) The Senate shall be elected by the members of the Dáil on a system of proportional representation, or, alternatively, through a Committee of the House elected by the members of the Dáil on the principles of proportional representation. Preferably the Dáil shall elect directly. (2) The nomination of at least 50 per cent. of the effective nominations shall be by Dáil members, and the remainder by outside bodies or individuals. A Committee set up by the Selection Committee on proportional representation principle will deal with all details as to the nominations, qualifications of outside bodies, etc., and generally the functions previously performed by the Government and such other machinery functions as may prove to be required. The election shall take place from a single panel until all the vocational panels are filled. (3) The limitations set out in the Constitution that a panel shall consist of between 5 and 11, may, if desired, be availed of to allow the proportional representation transferable vote system to operate more effectively. (4) The Senate elected shall consist as to approximately 50 per cent. of its members, of candidates nominated by members of the Dáil. The Senate referred to above in all cases means the 43 elected members. 4adh Mí na Samhna, 1937. |
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