Committee Reports::Special Report - Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Bill, 1937 together with the proceedings of the Special Committee::16 November, 1937::Orders of Reference


7adh Deire Fómhair, 1937.— Orduithe: Go gcuirtear Bille Toghacháin an tSeanaid (Baill Ainmliosta), 1937, chun Coiste Speisialta ar a mbeidh cúig Teachta dhéag;

Go gceaptar na Teachtaí seo leanas chun fónaimh ar an gCoiste:—

The President of the Executive Council; the Minister for Industry and Commerce; the Minister for Agriculture; the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Deputies Anthony, Costello, Dillon, Fitzgerald-Kenney, Kissane, McGilligan, Moore, Norton, W. O’Brien, J. M. O’Sullivan and Smith.

Gur seachtar a bheidh mar quorum don Choiste;

Go gcomórtar an chéad chruinniú den Choiste Déardaoin, an 14adh Deire Fómhair; agus

Go dtugaidh an Coiste a dtuarasgabháil don Dáil fén gCéadaoin, an 10adh Mí na Samhna.

10adh Mí na Samhna, 1937.— Orduithe: An tréimhse chun tuarasgabháil do shíneadh go dtí Dé Céadaoin, an 1adh Mí na Nodlag.