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INDEX.[References are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence, save where stated.] Accounting Officers,—attendance before the Committee, Report, 2. Agriculture,—supplementary estimate taken to regularise former over-payment on a grant-in-aid subhead, 1109,—sale by Dairy Disposals Company of a house to which possession could not be given, sanction given by Finance for payment of damages, 1110,—payment in connection with the winding-up of a co-operative society, 1111,—sum in excess of insurance money paid to rebuild a mill, burnt after being acquired by the Dairy Disposals Company, 1112-1119,—Scheme for the purchase of heifers; amount of contingent liability of the State; sureties in case of one loan written off as irrecoverable, value of system of providing sureties, 1120-1149,—reason for small proportion of sum provided for ounties on home-grown millable wheat paid out during the year; advances to and recoveries from seed merchants, 1150-1153, —payment for beef purchased under Slaughter of Cattle and Sheep Acts; force of statutory orders made under these Acts; a payment made though the meat was not of the required quality, 1153-1181,— extent of State aid in capital and raw material to a factory manufacturing meat meal from old cows, contingent liability on State if the weekly supply of old cows is not maintained, 1182-1202, App. XIV,— Accounts for purchase of cattle for export not yet presented to the Dáil, 1203-1208, Report, 26,—Purchase of Kerry cattle for sale to a meat-canning factory, delay in furnishing accounts, 1209-1217,—misappropriation by a departmental officer of fees received under the Live Stock Breeding Act, 1925, adequacy of the departmental system of administering these fees, 1218-1227,—satisfactory explanation by the Department as to the remission of certain fees payable under the Horse Breeding Act, 1934, 1227-1229,—bacon-curers’ levy on producers unauthorised, being in advance of statutory authority, money paid over to the Department, partial refund to the curers, Memorandum on the subject, 1230-1256. App. XV, Report, 27,—export of eggs to Germany by the Newmarket Dairy Company, accounts to be presented to the Dáil at a later date, 1257-1262,—changes due to the Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) Act, 1935; payment of a bounty to the Newmarket Dairy Company in connection with export of butter to Continent, question whether a statutory order may be departed from, 1263-1295, App. XVI, Report, 28,—Veterinary Research, publication of results, 1295A-1303,—International Research Organisations subscribed to, 1303-1305,—grant to Veterinary College distinct from that for research, 1306-1307,—fiax-growing scheme not under way during the year, 1308,—no money spent on National Stud, 1310-1311, —fees paid to county instructors for agricultural reports, 1312-1313— operations of the Dairy Disposals Board, 1314-1317. Appendix XVII,— no operations under the Oats Purchase Scheme, 1318,—purchase and export of eggs, no charge to the account, 1319-1321,— activities with regard to weeds, 1322-1325,—musk rats disappearing, 1326. Almond, Mr. C. S.,—see under “Finance, Department of.” Army,—promotion of thrift among soldiers by withholding pay; consequent irregularities and dangers of the system; its termination, 1057-1069, Report, 20,—covering sanction of Department of Finance for special leave given to soldiers engaged in transport during a Dublin strike, 1070-1071,—new regulations concerning the duration of treatment in hospitals and sick leave of officers on full pay, 1072, Report, 21,—medical treatment of families of married soldiers; various matters in the Regulations concerning this which require amendment, 1073-1076, Report, 22,—conveyance charges provided under one subhead but paid under another, 1077,—sanction for expenses incurred during Dublin transport strike, 1078,—cost of bread and meat in Dublin and at the Curragh; meat dearer at the latter place, causes of this, 1079-1083,—varying costs of telephone calls by officers in different Areas, 1084,—definition of the word “day” for the purpose of Reservists’ attendance and pay, 1085-1094, Report, 23,— Committee surveying surplus barrack stocks has reported, 1094-1096,— loss due to aeroplane accidents, 1097, Report, 24,—civilian tradesmen attached to units, 1098,—dependents of soldiers receiving treatment in outside hospitals, 1099. Army Pensions,—statutory authority given to the Military Service Registration Board to amend its certificates, 1100-1102,—pension awarded on medical re-examination where previously refused after examination abroad by a doctor not appointed in accordance with Regulation, 1103-1104, Report, 25,—overestimate of the number of military service pensions falling to be paid within the year, 1105,—earning capacity of applicants’ witnesses summoned decides amount of expenses paid when attending for examination, 1106. Caren, Mr. W. D.,—deputises for Mr. W. O’Brien, the Accounting Officer, 910. Chairman of the Committee,—election of, 1,—acting Chairman, 684, 922, 938. Charitable Donations and Bequests,—amount of funds administered, 899,—the Commissioners are independent of the Attorney-General, 900-901,—sources of trust funds, 902-903,—disbursement of interest, 904,—methods of administration, 904-907,—doctrine of cy pres, 908-910. Circuit Court,—Court messenger’s fictitious statements as to mode of travelling and subsistence expenses; actual saving resulting to the State; intentions held to be innocent; Accounting Officer to supply a final memorandum on the case, 259-276, App. IX, Report, 11. Civil Service Commission,—activities of the Department, 731. Connolly, Mr. J.,—Office of Public Works, 1,—Public Works and Buildings, 2-122,—Haulbowline Dockyard, 123-145. Commissions and Special Inquiries,—allowances paid to two members of the Commission on Banking and Currency whereas the estimate had given to understand that their services were voluntary, 701-716,— token Vote exceeded for salaries for Civil Service (Compensation) Board, 717,—gratuities to secretaries to Commission of Inquiry into Civil Service, 718,—Irish Manuscripts Commission, causes of excess expenditure, 719,—extra staff for Interdepartmental Committee on Public Works, 721-722,—Tribunal to enquire into Marketing of Fruit and Vegetables is conducted by the Tariff Commission, 723,—organisation and total expenditure on the Central Savings Committee, 727-730. Comparison of Audited Expenditure,—with Exchequer Issues and General Abstract of Appropriation Accounts (1934-1935), App. I. Comptroller and Auditor-General, The,—Bun Scoil Gaedhlach in Rathmines, nugatory payment to a quantity surveyor, 2,—high cost of repair of a steam dredger, 12,—uneconomic sale of a Gárda barrack at Boston, Co. Clare, 32-38.—Shannon navigation self-supporting, 58,— Co. Kildare drainage case discussed last year, 76,—arterial drainage purchases, accountancy items, 92,—insurance policy on premises taken out by Board of Works, 113-114,—his Department ensures that Finance authority has been given where subheads have been exceeded, 134, 576,—married Gárda recruits in Depôt receiving rent allowances, 156, 166, 173,—Gárda Inspectors’ locomotion expenses, 175-189,— high cost of salvage and repair of a motor-boat of the Gárdaí, 190,— travelling and subsistence expenses of a Circuit Court messenger, 259,—housing loan to Cork Borough in excess of the amount subsidisable, 293,—Motor Tax Account not before the Committee, extra statutory refund made to a former Trade Commissioner, write-off in connection with Co. Wexford burglary, 305,—reassessment of motor vehicles, 310,—repayment of the cost of training by candidate teachers who did not take up the profession of teaching, 358-376,— training colleges, licensed number exceeds attendances, sanction received from Department of Finance, 378-384,—claim not abandoned in respect of student who was dismissed from training, 385-388,— proceedings in claims against ex-Preparatory College students, 394,— pupil teachers who have entered convents, training incomplete, 398-400,—falsification of school records, 404, 412,—Reid Bequest, Inspector’s examination of accounts shows that the terms of the bequest are being observed, 414-417,—Reid Bequest, Scheme “B”, explanation of heavy payments, 418,—half the annuity on teachers’ residences paid, 447,—technical education scholorships, undertakings of guardians completed before awards made, 480,—Tuam Sugar Factory, covering sanction required for an apprenticeship course, 481,—motor engines not purchased through the Post Office, 483-489,—reduced fees for students of Domestic Economy at Irish Training College, 500,— travelling and subsistence expenses of an officer of the National Museum, 502,—purchase of unsold copies of Mitchel’s Jail Journal, 504,—Grant-in-aid subhead excess met from General Vote, 510-511,— married asylum attendants paid allowances in lieu of quarters though not paying any rent outside, functions of the Committee as regards voted monies not spent, 545-572,—accounts of the Government Publications Sale Office, 605-613,—losses by default in the Post Office, 623,— claims abandoned by the Post Office, 633,—civil aviation wireless station controlled by the Post Office, 634,—Chairman of a Commission receives payment for professedly voluntary work, 701-702,— ex gratia payment in respect of property losses made to persons in Northern Ireland, 733-760,—grant of pension to a foreign representative, 762-779,—basis of calculation of resigned female officers’ gratuity, 782,—revised basis of award of Gárda Superintendent’s pension, 783-784,—basis of repayment of advances for Drumm Battery development notified, 807-808,—Gaelic playing-pitch in U.C.C. improved out of the Vote for Relief Schemes, 813,—imprests given to persons not in the public service, 819,—cost of repatriation of destitute nationals not recovered should be written off after authority received from Department of Finance, 822,—nugatory payment to assistant managers of alcohol distilleries, 840,—sanction by Department of Finance for cost of preliminary work on these distilleries on an order afterwards cancelled, 846-849,—levy on turf to recover cost of sacks, 851,—receipts from local authorities under Unemployment Insurance Act, 1933, further legislation contemplated, 880-891,—unemployment benefits paid through associations, 895,—land reclamation work, division of duties between Departments of Lands and Agriculture, 959,—overcharge to the Vote arising from Church Temporalities Fund, 962,—mileage allowances of foresters, 979,— kelp; storage; sale price of stocks referred to Department of Finance for sanction, 1018,—outstanding transaction regarding kelp sale settled, 1030,—vouchers missing in a carrageen transaction, charge admitted to the Vote, 1031,—Gaeltacht housing grants, cases depending on the qualification of the habitual use of Irish in the household, 1032-1041,—irregularities in connection with an Army thrift scheme, faults in the system, 1057-1067,—special leave for Army officers and men for tattoo service sanctioned by Department of Finance, 1070-1071,—Army regulations governing sanitorium treatment under consideration, 1072,—simultaneous provision of marriage allowance and hospital treatment to families of soldiers, question of identification of children difficult, 1073-1076,—charge for conveyance of Reservists, though appropriate to one subhead, appears against another, 1077,—charges in connection with Dublin transport strike sanctioned, 1078,—cost of meat at the Curragh, 1079,—comparison of telephone calls by Area Officers in different areas, 1084,— mobilisation and demobilisation of Reservists, determination of specific day when they take up duties, 1085-1093,—report of Committee examining surplus barrack stocks, 1095,—applicants for an Army pension examined by a medical practitioner abroad who was not duly appointed under regulation, 1103,—his Department also audits the Accounts of the National Health Insurance, 1107. Dagg, Mr. T. S. C.,—see under “Finance,” Department of”. Dáil Eireann External Loans, Repayment of,—service coming to an end, 821. Deegan, Mr. M.,—Lands, 938-978,—Forestry, 979-1101. Dillon, Mr. J. M.,—Chairman of the Committee, Imeachta an Choiste, xxvi, xxxii. District Court,—nature of incidental expenses, 246-247,—delays necessary in filling posts, 248. Dundrum Asylum,—payments of lodging allowances to married attendants in cases where these attendants were freed from rent to Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Trust, 545-572, App. XII, Report, 16,—quotation in the Accounts of letters of sanction by the Department of Finance, 573-577,—therapeutics in the institution, 577-582. Education, Office of the Minister for,—Mr. S. O’Neill nominates Messrs. Morrissey and O’Duffy to appear before the Committee on his behalf, 351,—saving on salaries and allowances, 352,—preparation of technical vocabularies in Irish, 352-357. Education, Primary,—refunds from students of training colleges who have failed to become teachers, interdepartmental negotiations proceeding as to method, difficulty of proceeding against such students on the faulty agreements hitherto in vogue, 358-378, Report, 12,—sanction of Department of Finance obtained where training colleges admit smaller numbers of pupils than those licensed, 378-384,—claim against dismissed student of training college statute-barred, but not abandoned by Department of Finance, 385-394,—preparatory colleges; recovery from students failing to complete course; farm accounts, 394-398,—ex-pupils of these colleges, who have entered convents, required to finish their training, 399-402,—falsification of school records, interdepartmental examination of the situation proceeding; proposed disciplinary measures, 403-413, Report, 13,—examination of the accounts of the Reid Bequest “A” Scheme satisfactory, 414-417, —reason for heavy payment of prizes to students under last-mentioned scheme, 418,—bus and boat services for school children, consideration of various cases, 419-435,—primary duty of heating and cleaning schools is on the manager, State grant for same purpose, 436-446,—conditions governing payment of bonuses to parents of children in Gaeltacht and Breac-Gaeltacht, 448-453,—pension scheme for teachers, 454,—assets of Teachers’ Pensions Fund held intact and shown in Appropriations-in-Aid, 455-458. Education, Secondary,—grants to maintain a laboratory or cookery room in certain schools, 459,—standard in schools mainly teaching Classics, but also some Science, 460-462,—grants for teaching subjects through the medium of Irish in bilingual schools, examination procedure where papers are answered both in Irish and English, 463-474,—uneven sum received as Appropriations-in-Aid in respect of “Whiskey Money” 477-479. Electrical Battery Development,—conditions of repayment of advances not yet determined, 807-812. Export Bounties and Subsidies,—an audit query referable to the Department of Industry and Commerce; bounty on exports of macadam and gravel, 1394-1396, 1441-1444, App. XX,—accounts concerning exports of fish, court proceedings show necessity for improving, 1397-1401,—bounties on pigs fluctuate at discretion of Minister, 1402-1406, App. XVIII,—exports of veal and beef to the Channel Islands, 1407-1410,—exports of butter to the Continent by the Dairy Disposals Board, sum required to fulfil guarantee, 1411-1420, App. XIX,— export of eggs to Spain, 1421-1425,—conditions governing payment of bounty on potatoes to Great Britain; conditions as to grading and sealing bags of potatoes for export, 1426-1437. External Affairs,—repatriation of destitute nationals, undertaking to refund cost, sanction of Department of Finance required for write-off, 822-826,—travelling expenses of representatives abroad, 828,— payment received through the Wireless and Cables Committee, 829. Feeney, Mr. F. J.,—see under “Finance, Department of”. Finance, Department of,—cost of repairs to dredgers (Mr. Dagg), 24-28,— sale of former Gárda Síochána barracks at Boston (Mr. Dagg), 38,— restoration of the Lerr Drainage district, notwithstanding its previous transference to a Board, 69, 73,—large unexpended balance on arterial drainage new works (Mr. Dagg), 87-88,—sporting rights on State property (Mr. Dagg), 102,—Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund, payment of departmental charges, memorandum promised (Mr. Dagg), 107-110, —State insures premises contrary to practice (Mr. Dagg), 115-116,— references to departmental sanctions for virement (Mr. Dagg), 127-135, (Mr. Almond), 574-575,—prosecution of claims against candidates for qualifications as primary teachers, who have abandoned training before qualification (Mr. Almond), 385-393,—sanction given for technical instruction course for apprentices from Tuam (Mr. Almond), 481,—purchase of engines of motor-cars, not through the Post Office, by the Department of Education (Mr. Almond), 489-499,— grant-in-aid subhead exceeded through a misunderstanding between the Stationery Office and the Department of Education (Mr. Almond), 515-519,—Court messenger’s hypothetical accounts (Mr. Feeney), 574, —rent allowances of married attendants in Dundrum Asylum (Mr. Almond), 553-564,—see under “McElligott, Mr. J. J..”. Fisheries,—statement as to loans made to members of the Sea Fisheries Associations; extent of arrears in the payment of instalments, 1331-1345,—statement as to Fishery and Industrial Loans outstanding and remissions made during the period; recoveries still taking place, 1346-1350,—contribution to Council for the study of the sea, 1351,— new destroyer for protection of sea fisheries, 1352-1354,—work in connection with fish hatcheries, 1355-1357,—location of State fisheries, 1358-1359,—grant in aid of the administration of the Sea Fisheries Association, 1360-1365,—grant in aid of the general development of the Association, 1366-1371,—advances to the Association for boats and gear, 1372-1374,—non-export of mussels to Great Britain, its causes, 1375-1379,—bounties paid on fish, 1380-1381,—satisfactory repayment of fishery loans, 1383-1384,—sale of old boats, 1385,—preservation of sporting rights, 1386-1393. Forestry,—fixed rates instead of mileage for foresters constantly using cycles, 979-987,—shortage of foresters, 988,—disposal and conversion of timber, 988-998,—letting of sporting rights in forests, 998,— extermination of vermin and deer, 1000-1005,—reduced plantation of trees by schools during the year, 1007-1008,—forestry land acquired very cheaply, 1009-1011. Furlong, Dr. G. J.,—National Gallery, 920-937. Gaeltacht Services,—delay in starting an industrial centre for lace gloves, 1012-1017,—storage of kelp; covering sanction sought for sale of kelp at a loss; decline in the production of kelp, 1018-1028,—settlement of a trader’s account for kelp, 1029-1030,—vouchers missing for a charge for carrageen, charge admitted, 1031,—Gaeltacht housing, case in which doubt existed as to whether Irish was the habitual language of the household yet grant was made, 1032-1041,—completion of accounts for the kelp and carrageen development schemes, 1042-1043,— industrial loans, arrears due under hire-purchase agreements, 1043-1045,—value of stock at Beggar’s Bush, 1048-1049,—payment of domestic instructress in Connemara, 1053-1054,—repayment of industrial loans, 1056,—payment of wages to rural industry manageress, Accounting Officer’s application to Committee, App. xxi, Report, 1. Gárda Síochána,—married recruits in Depôt contrary to regulation and others in the absence of regulations; question as to whether this regulation was mandatory or advisory decided by passing legislation validating all appointments made; distribution of recruitment appointments over different period of years; recruitment by the Commissioner not by the Department; proposition by the Chairman asking for memorandum by the Commissioner defeated by the Committee on division, 150-175, Report, 8,—locomotion of an Inspector, who used his own car up to the point when the higher mileage rate ceased, and then hired cars; the regulations permitted this practice, 175-190, Report, 9,—salvage and repair expenses of a motor-boat, inaccessible position of boathouse, 190-193, App. VII, Report, 10,—falling off in recruitment, 193-194,—increase in the number of marriages during the year on the estimated number, 195-196,—clothing ordered but not delivered during the year, 196a-199,—increased scale of barrack cleansing, 199,—cost of transport and carriage above estimate, 200,— medical expenses for country stations, Depôt and metropolis, change in system of remuneration, 201-207,—detention of children on remand by a rural court of summary jurisdiction, 208-210,—discharge of an officer partly due to his failure to pay in fees collected by him, 211-212,—realisation of value of disused cars and lorries, 213-215. General Register Office,—Registers are now satisfactory, 348-349. Governor-General’s Establishment,—relationship of the allowance in the Vote for expenses to the sum of £2,000 granted in Executive Powers (Consequential Provisions) Act, 684-686,—payment for telegrams and telephones service, 687-688. Haulbowline Dockyard,—saving on maintenance owing to curtailment of staff, 123-124,—reconstruction of naval jetty, for use by residents and business people, 125-126,—Finance sanction for virement excesses of subheads, quotation of authority not a uniform practice in Appropriation Accounts, 127-135,—extra remuneration of an Inspector of Relief Schemes while engaged on work in connection with the jetty, 135-145,—irrecoverable sum for electric light due by former employee, 145. Herlihy, Mr. J.,—Valuation and Boundary Survey, 583-585,—Ordnance Survey, 586-604. Hurson, Mr. J.,—National Health Insurance, 277-291,—Local Government and Public Health, 292-347. Industry and Commerce,—delay in prosecuting exploration work in the Arigna and Slieve Anierin mining area; report now in the Geological Survey Office does not warrant greater development of the area than at present in hands, 830-832,—payments made for the supply of equipment to five alcohol factories; lump sum paid for the use over a period of years of the Melle process belonging to another company, the whole lifetime of that patent, 833-839,—four Assistant Managers paid after completion of training and prior to taking up their appointments in these factories, 840-845,—covering authority of Department of Finance required for expenditure on work on these factories, on an order subsequently cancelled, 846-848,—Managing Director for these factories appointed before they were built, 848-850,—Turf Development Board’s operations, recovery by levy of cost of sacks, 850-855,—milling licences, 856,—grant paid annually in aid of International Labour Organisation (League of Nations), 857-858,—causes of under-expenditure on the production of industrial alcohol, 859,—remuneration of Chairman of Prices Commission, 860-862,—travelling expenses of the Commission, particulars of, 863-864,—research grants made by the Industrial Research Council, to whom made, procedure adopted in making, 865-870,—no expenditure in aid of research workers, 871,—deadlock in connection with licences under the Mines and Minerals Act, 1931, 872-877. Justice, Office of Minister for,—trial of minor offences six months after occurrence should be in a summary court, 146-147,—licences for dangerous drugs, 148-149. Lands,—Exchequer advance in 1925 to enable payments of interest in lieu of rent to be made, no repayment made during year, matter still being discussed with the Department of Finance, Supplementary Estimate authorised a payment charged against the advances under the Act of 1933, 938-939,—Land Act, 1936, authorised previous reductions of purchase price, about which doubts were entertained, 940,— improvement of estates where part of the lands are vested, interdepartmental discussions, Land Commission seek to safeguard their legal rights, previous discussions in the Public Accounts Committee, further description of the various cases in question, 941-958—reclamation schemes in the Gaeltacht performed by the Department of Agriculture, but preliminary work sometimes performed by the Land Commission, 959-961,—overcharge to Vote in respect of Church Temporalities Fund due to a clerical error; to be regularised in the following year’s accounts; collection of tenant’s contribution by former landlord’s agent, 962-965,—total expenditure to date on the scheme for assistance to migrants, 966,—loss due to compensation, etc., for sale of a parcel of land by the Commissioners which had never been vested in the Commission, 967-968,—cost of upkeep of embankments, improvement works such as rights-of-way, etc., charges against landlord in such cases, 969-975,—provision of funds to maintain embankments, 977,— management of Church property, cash is a book-keeping transaction, 978. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds,—work of reconstructing maps burned in 1922 now completed, 253-257. Law Charges,—increase in the number of actions against public officials, including Civic Guards, 799-801. Leach, Mr. R. J.,—fees collected on pig carcases, 1246-1251. Leydon, Mr. J.,—Industry and Commerce, 830-877,—Transport Services, 878-879,—Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, 880-898. Local Government and Public Health,—Dublin Tribunal expenses, 292,— grants for housing; contribution based on a loan in excess of authority under the 1932 Act in the case of the Cork Borough Council, excess adjusted, 292-302,—Motor Tax Account rendered to the Dáil, not to the Public Accounts Committee, fines under the Road Traffic Act; extra-statutory refund to a former Trade Commissioner; County Wexford burglary, amount written off; favourable results from appointment of officers for reassessing vehicles; the effect as regards tax of fixing creels and sides on lorries, 303-311, App. X,—vaccine lymph, institute in Dublin supplies entire country, no supplies kept in county hospitals; therapeutic substances not prophylactic in question; memorandum on the subject promised, 311-318, App. XI,—Section 11 (2) of Irish Land Act, 1909, relates to payment of annuities for labourers’ cottages, 319-320,—reason for the underexpenditure on milk for necessitous school children, 321-322,—medical treatment of school children, vacancies in positions of county medical officer of health retard the scheme, 323-324,—school meals in Gaeltacht, Vote availed of satisfactorily, 325-330,—difficulty in finding girls in Gaeltacht educated sufficiently to justify training in nursing, 330-336,— inspection of private mental hospitals by the Department’s medical inspector, Chief Justice’s Registrar’s interest in these institutions, 338-347, 350. McCarron, Mr. J.,—National Health Insurance, 277-291. McElligott, Mr. J. J.,—Governor-General’s Establishment, 684-688,— Oireachtas, 689-699,—Office of the Minister for Finance, 700,—Commissions and Special Inquiries, 701-730,—Civil Service Commission, 731,—Property Losses Compensation, 733-761,—Superannuation and Retired Allowances, 762-784,—Miscellaneous Expenses, 785-798,—Law Charges, 799-801,—Universities and Colleges, 802-806,—Electrical Battery Development, 807-812,—Relief Schemes, 813-820,—Repayment of Dáil Eireann External Loans, 821. MacMahon, Lieut.-General P.,—Army, 1057-1099,—Army Pensions, 1100-1106. Mag Craith, Mr. S.,—see under “Comptroller and Auditor-General”. Maher, Mr. J.,—see under “Comptroller and Auditor-General”. Minute of the Minister for Finance,—on the Interim Report, dated 17th June, 1936, and the Final Report, dated 8th July, 1936, of the Committee of Public Accounts, App. II. Miscellaneous Expenses,—grant to the Abbey Theatre, may be spent by them as they please, 785-788,—Saonstát Plate replaces King’s Plate, for the Curragh Race, 789-790,—arbitration on compensation in cases of land compulsorily acquired by Government Bodies, local or central; method of appointment of arbitrator; decision is final, 791-798. Moran, Mr. S.,—Gaeltacht Services, 1012-1056. Morrissey, Mr. J. F.,—Public Record Office, 1328-1330. Morrissey, Mr. T. J.—represents Mr. J. O’Neill, the Accounting Office of the Education Votes, 351,—Office of the Minister for Education, 351-357,—primary education, 358-458. National Gallery,—average daily attendance of visitors, 920-929,—cost of pictures bought in year under review, 930,—increase in Government grant, 931,—revenue from the Lane Fund, 932-933,—revenue at present satisfactory, 934,—precautions adopted in case of the loan of pictures, 935-937. National Health Insurance,—hiring of rooms for hearing appeals, 277-279, —fall in expenditure on benefits as compared with previous year, 280-281,—excess of expenditure due to increase in number of insured persons sent to district medical referees for second medical examination, 282-284,—expenditure on office furniture and equipment made from the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund in accordance with the Act, 285-291. O Broin, Mr. Seán,—deputises for Votes accounted for by Mr. Twomey,— Agriculture, 1108-1326,—Fisheries, 1331-1393,—Export Bounties and Subsidies, 1394-1444. O Brolcháin, Mr. A.,—request to be heard by the Committee, App. XXI, Report, 1. O’Duffy, Mr. F.,—Secondary Education, 459-479,—Technical Instruction, 480-501,—Science and Art, 502-539,—Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 540-544. O’Hegarty, Mr. P. S.,—Posts and Telegraphs, 623-669,—Wireless Broadcasting, 670-683. Oireachtas,—excess on allowance for travelling expenses of Seanadóirí, 689,—savings on the staff due to vacancies and variations in the cost-of-living index figures, 690,—financial position and administration of Oireachtas Restaurant, 691-699. Old Age Pensions,—fixed annual remuneration of clerks of Old Age Pensions Committees, 925. O’Neill, Mr. S.,—represented before the Committee by Mr. T. J. Morrissey and Mr. F. O’Duffy. Ordnance Survey,—work on keeping up to date the maps, on different scales, showing the face of the country with its constant changes; changes in consequence of the Land Acts are only recorded by the Land Commission; new valuations due to this latter cause are visited by the Department’s valuers, who make their own maps of new holdings, 586-592,—list of manuscripts photographed for the Irish Manuscripts Commission, 593-596,—overestimation of appropriations-in-aid from manuscript reproductions, 597-598,—Griffith’s Valuation is the only record giving the names of former occupiers of holdings, 599-604. Overestimation,—Report, 3. Posts and Telegraphs,—courtesy exchange of stamps made by the Department, custody and display of stamps by the Department, 623-632,— wireless station for civil aviation taken over by the Department, will be charged in their Account, 634-636,—effect of the Superannuation Act, 1936, on certain staff questions of the Department, 637-638,— Post Office factory; repair of telegraphic and telephonic apparatus; overhauling and repair of motor transport, only major repairs done in the factory, 640-644,—delay in the telephone service, 645-655,—telephone kiosks desirable at taxi stands, 656-658,—kiosks in provinces, App. XIII, 660-661,—gum for manufacture of stamps delayed by Customs, 662-663,—clothing material for uniforms is of Irish manufacture, 664,—superannuation payments withheld by the British Government, reduction, 665-666,—token payment by British Government following on Wigg-Cochrane case, 667,—payment for British mails from Six Counties passing through Dublin, 668-669. Prisons,—cost of food per head for prisoners tends to increase, 216-217,— clothing stocks used up earlier than expected, 218,—higher price for coal owing to Castlecomer colliery failing to supply, 219-220,— increased expenses of escort and conveyance due to operation of Constitution Amendment (No. 17) Act, 1931, 221-222,—cost of maintenance of infant children of female prisoners, 223-226,—feeble-minded prisoners, who are non-dangerous, go to district mental hospital not to Dundrum, cost borne out of the Vote, 227-233,—reduced gratuities due to reduced number of prisoners, 234-235,—increased demand for products of prisoners’ manufacturing and farming activities, 236,— explanation of the costs and receipts, including estimate of value of articles produced but consumed in prisons, show in various entries in the Appropriation Account for manufacturing department and farms, 237-245. Property Losses Compensation,—claim in Northern Ireland dismissed by the Courts there; rulings by the Department of Finance on various items of the claim and assessments by departmental experts; Ministerial decision to increase award based on personal knowledge of the property, 733-761, Report, 18. Public Record Office,—progress of the work of rebuilding the public records, 1328. Public Works and Buildings,—nugatory payment for bills of quantities in connection with a proposed all-Irish national school, due to urgency claimed for the scheme in the first instance and the subsequent abandonment of the scheme; Department of Finance gives covering sanction, 2-11, Report, 4,—high repair cost of a dredger having regard to its original cost, difficulty of adopting any other procedure than that followed, future procedure outlined; maintenance work of normal nature; Government Contracts Committee controls the repairs of dredgers, memorandum required on the entire subject of dredgers, 12-30, App. III, Report, 5,—position of the Barrow Drainage Scheme up to date, 31,—disposal of Gárda Síochána hut at Boston, Co. Clare, for a small sum comparatively to the cost of its erection, memorandum promised by Accounting Officer, 32-43, App. IV, Report, 6,—saving on subhead for the purchase of sites due to non-purchase of sluagh hall sites and of the reversionary interest in the Dublin Custom House, 44,—postponement of construction of sluagh halls and national schools; collaboration with Department of Education; surrender of considerable sums proves the difficulty of the Office of Public Works in making estimates; inadequate staff, 45-56,—works carried out on the River Shannon, 57-58,—Linen Hall, finance arrangements, 59-61,— drainage maintenance subhead exceeded, Finance sanction, responsibility for schemes after transfer to drainage boards; exercise by the Office of Works of powers given by the 1924 Act in connection with the River Lerr, memorandum on the subject, 61-77, App. V,—large underexpenditure on arterial drainage due to deficiency of effective new works, question of sufficiency of equipment and of technical staffs discussed; financing and sanctioning of schemes that are uneconomic, memorandum explaining delay in developing drainage schemes, 77-90, App. VI, Report, 7,—arterial drainage, purchase of machinery from Barrow Drainage Works, 91-93,—fines as Appropriations-in-Aid, 94-96,—earnings from sporting and fishing rights, disposal of game on State property, 97-104,—Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund, recoupment of expenditure, 105, 110,—fire in Dundalk Employment Exchange, recovery of cost from proceeds of an insurance policy held by the landlord of the premises; method of charging premiums in the Appropriation Account, general relationship of this Department to the principle of insurance, 111-119,—compensation given for genuine errors in a contractor’s estimate, 119-121. Reformatory and Industrial Schools,—Summerhill (Dublin) place of detention, magistrate’s outlook on the establishment, number of boys detained here, 540-544. Relief Schemes,—prior sanction not sought from Department of Finance for the improvement of Gaelic playing grounds in University College, Cork, not being a work of a public nature appropriate to receive help from this Vote, 813-818,—similar sanction not sought for the provision of imprests to persons outside public service conducting archæological works, 819-820. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the,—Mr. W. D. Carey, acting for the Accounting Officer, 910,—powers of remission, when exercised, 912,— interest charged on sums unpaid when due; this is sometimes remitted, 913-915,—remission of duty in respect of a consignment of rice-bran, 916-919, Report, 19,—recovery of law costs, 919-920,—proceeds of customs sales, as given under Appropriations-in-Aid, do not include the amount required to satisfy duty claims, 921-924. Roche, Mr. S. A.,—Office of the Minister for Justice, 146-149,—Gárda Síochána, 150-215,—Prisons, 216-245,—District Court, 246-248,— Supreme Court and High Court of Justice, 249-252,—Land Registry and Registry of Deeds, 253-258,—Circuit Court, 259-276. Science and Art,—travelling and subsistence expenses of an officer of the National Museum while abroad for purposes of study, 502-503,—purchase for sale by the Department of a number of copies of Mitchel’s Jail Journal in Irish, 504-509,—Grant-in-Aid subhead exceeded, Supplementary Estimate not introduced, 510-519,—unspent balances of Grants-in-Aid not spent, 520-522, Report, 15,—production of county histories, progress of the work, cost of each history exclusive of printing, publishing and translation into Irish, 523-532,—quaternary research, meaning of the term, application to Irish bogs, 533-534,— Irish sound film not commercial success, 535-536,—sale of surplus files of old British newspapers, 537-538,—sale of forged gold ornaments, their history, 539. Scroope, Dr. G. W.,—Dundrum Asylum, 545-582. Smyth, Mr. W.,—Charitable Donations and Bequests, 899-910. Stationery and Printing,—rendering of up-to-date accounts of the Government Publications Sale Office; résumé of results in recent accounts; position with reference to fire insurance; staff questions, 605-615,—volume of Early Christian Art in Ireland, cause of delay in publishing, 616,—nature of binding work done on Government publications, 618-621,—comparatively cheap cost of publications in Saorstát, 622,—the Sale Office in origin designed to aflord publicity to Government publications, 622. Superannuation and Retired Allowances,—compulsory retirement of a representative abroad whose efficiency was in question; exceptional award of a pension and lump sum, by way of compensation, though not being statutorily entitled; non-pensionable allowances for fuel and light, taken into account when assessing the pension; re-employment of this officer in the Legation at a reduced salary, 762-781, Report, 17, —readjustment of the gratuity of a female officer who resigned on marriage, originally calculated on a wrong basis, 782,—pension award of suspended Gárda Síochána superintendent, which had been revised to his detriment, further revised in his favour, following advice of the law officers, 783-784. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice,—nature of incidental expenses, 249,—office transferred to Customs and Excise Department, compensation to officer, 250,—extra man required for stenography, 251-252. Technical Instruction,—scholarship awards made before required undertakings were signed by students and guardians, reversal of this procedure, now decided upon, 480,—covering sanction obtained from Department of Finance for a course for apprentices from Tuam Sugar Factory, conducted by the City of Dublin Vocational Committee, 480-483,—purchase of second-hand motor engines direct by Department of Education, without recourse to the Post Office; Government Contracts Committee’s consent given to the transaction, 483-500, Report, 14,— reduced fees paid in certain cases by students of a domestic economy school, 500-501. Transport Services,—subsidy to the Galway Steampship Co., legal difficulty surmounted by legislation, 878-879. Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance,—receipts from local authorities under the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933, doubtful basis for calculation of these, possible recourse to legislation, 880-891, Report, 18,—payments to associations, 892,—fares to workers going to labour exchanges, 893,—administration of benefits to work people by associations, 894-898. Universities and Colleges,—grant to Trinity College under the Land Acts, 802-804,—grants to University Colleges under the Irish Universities Act, 1908, 805-806. Valuation and Boundary Surrey,—work of the Department, 583-584,— fixed annual payment made by local authorities, 585. Walshe, Mr. J. P.,—External Affairs, 822-829. Whelehan, Mr. J. B.,—Stationery and Printing, 605-622. Wireless Broadcasting,—travelling expenses of artistes are inclusive in their fees, 670-674,—quality of reception from the Athlone transmitter, 675-680,—amount of profit on wireless broadcasting, 681-683. |
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