Committee Reports::Report - Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935::02 May, 1935::Orders of Reference



20 March, 1935:—Resolved: That it is expedient that a Joint Committee of both Houses be appointed to consider the Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935, being a Bill entitled an Act to limit the liability of the Stockholders of the Bank of Ireland.

Ordered: That a Message be sent to the Dáil acquainting them accordingly.

27 March, 1935:—Message from the Dáil:—

“Dáil Eireann has passed the following Resolution:—That the Dáil concur with the Seanad in their Resolution communicated to the Dáil the 20th day of March, 1935, that it is expedient that a Joint Committee be appointed to consider the Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935.”

Ordered: That the Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935, be referred to a Joint Committee of both Houses.

Ordered: That a Message be sent to the Dáil acquainting them accordingly.

16 April, 1935:—Senators appointed to serve on the Joint Committee:—Senators Sir Edward Coey Bigger, J. C. Dowdall and T. Johnson.

16 April, 1935:—Chairman appointed to the Joint Committee:— Senator M. Comyn, K. C.



21 March, 1935:—Message from the Seanad—Seanad Eireann has passed the following Resolution in which the concurrence of Dáil Eireann is desired:—

“That it is expedient that a Joint Committee of both Houses be appointed to consider the Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935, being a Bill entitled and Act to limit the liability of the Stockholders of the Bank of Ireland.”

Resolved: That the Dáil concur with the Seanad in their Resolution communicated to the Dáil the 20th day of March, 1935, that it is expedient that a Joint Committee of both Houses be appointed to consider the Bank of Ireland Bill, 1935.

Ordered: That a Message be sent to the Seanad acquainting them accordingly.

12 April, 1935:—Deputies appointed to serve on the Joint Committee:—Deputies G. C. Bennett, A. Haslett and B. Maguire.

1 May, 1935:—Chairman appointed to the Joint Committee:— Senator M. Comyn, K.C.