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CLAR NA FINNEACHTA.INDEX OF EVIDENCE.Mr. Denis Barrett—Late Assistant Commissioner of the Dublin Metropolitan Police and present Chairman of the South County Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 918. General statement, 918-923. Use of Greener method, 938-939. Inspection of slaughterhouses, 943-945. Question of two-mile limit, 964-967, 990-997, 1011-1017. Period for which animals kept without food before slaughter, 968. Young persons, 969-973. “Fatigue,” 986-989. Mr. Samuel Byrne—President, Dublin Victuallers’ Association.—General statement, 170. Method of slaughtering sheep, 171, 199-202, 231, 321-333. Question of two-mile limit, 172-176, 234-240-244. Young persons, 176-177. Control of mechanical stunner, 178-179. Licensing of butchers, 180-183, 249-252. Inspection of slaughterhouses. 185-203. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 187-191, 208-212, 245-248. Captive bolt stunner, 192-194, 224-232. Keeping quality of meat, 195-198. Bill should be operated by sanitary authority 203-207, 220. Control of private slaughterhouses, 213-219. Pigs, 232. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 253-254. “Fatigue,” 255-259. Mr. E. Coogan—Deputy Commissioner of the Gárda Síochána, 1169. Institution of proceedings, 1170-1173, 1187-1190, 1198-1199. Question of two-mile limit, 1175-1176, 1196, 1201-1214, 1238-1242, 1259-1275. Question of “fatigue,” 1177-1178. Procedure on issue of licences, 1179-1183, 1186-1187, 1193-1195. Duties of police, 1184-1186, 1200-1223, 1272-1275. Young persons, 1251-1258. Mr. Patrick Courtney—Chief Slaughterman, Messrs. McDonogh and Co.— In favour of mechanical stunner, 342, 375-378, 389-396, 419-424. Pole axe, 343-344, 307-388, 396. Method of slaughtering sheep, 345-347, 379-381. Pigs. 348-350. Electrical method, 351. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 352-362, 382-384, 398-401. Young persons, 363-365. Control of mechanical killer, 366-367. Licences, 368-369, 402-410. Jewish method of slaughter, 369, 385, 425-434. Inspection of slaughterhouse, 372-373. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 411-416. “Fatigue,” 417-418. Professor J. F. Craig. M.A., M.R.C.V.S., Principal, Veterinary College of Ireland.—General statement. 682. Favours mechanical killer. 688-701. Electrical method, 702-703, 734-735, 754-762. “Fatigue,” 704-706. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 709-713. Pigs, 714. 741-742. Sheep, 717, 736-740. Time of cessation of consciousness, 718-723. Young persons, 724-725, 744-745. Licensing, 726-727. Approves of Bill, 728, Sledge, 729-732. Inspection, 746-747, 750. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 748-749. Control of mechanical killer, 764-766. Mr. P. F. Dolan, M.R.C.V.S., D.V.S.M.—Chief Veterinary Inspector, Dublin Corporation.—General statement, 3. Practice at abattoir, 4, 19, “Fatigue,” 6-7, 65-74, 163-168. Control of mechanical killer, 8-12, 57-58, 107-111, 137-141, 145-148. Favours mechanical stunning, 14-18, 24, 143-144. Electrical method, 14, 59-63, 112-113. Pole axe, 18, 98-99. Sheep, 22, 26-34, 100-106, 337-340. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 35-37, 90-97. Bill should be operated by local authorities not police or humane societies, 38-48, 107-111, 127, 134, 152-162. Favours abolition of private slaughterhouses, 48-56, 92, 334-336. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 75-89. Pigs, 94-97, 135-136. Young persons, 114-121. Licensing, 122-126, 149-152. Inspection of slaughterhouses, 127. Dr. B. B. Ferrar, M.D., F.Z.A., M.R.I.A.—Superintendent of the Royal Zoological Society’s Gardens, Dublin.—Always use humane killer, 808-809. Approves of Bill, 810-811. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 812, 822-839, 844. Young persons, 813-817. Licensing, 817-819. Advantages of mechanical stunner, 840-842. Mr. William Fogarty—A farmer, 435. Method of killing pigs, 436. Cost of mechanical killer a hardship, 438, 482, 488-492, 505. Pole axe, 439-441, 486-488. Experience of mechanical killer, 439. “Fatigue,” 442-444. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 445-447, 460-462. Question of two-mile limit, 448-449, 463-464, 479. Young persons, 450-454. Control of mechanical killer, 455-457. Not in favour of mechanical killer, 458-459. Licences, 465-466, 477, 504. Opposed to Bill, 467. Killing of cattle by farmers, 475, 494-497-503. Professor J. Bronte Gatenby, Ph.D., D.Phil., D.Sc.—Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Dublin University.—General statement, 768. Agrees with Bill, 772. In favour of mechanical stunner, 769. Sheep, 770-771, 786-788. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 773-785, 789. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 790-795, 802-806. Young persons, 796-801. Reverend Dr. I. Herzog, M.A., D.Litt.—Chief Rabbi.—General statement, 858. Approves of section excluding Jewish slaughter from Bill, 860. Amendment suggested to section, 861. Jewish rite essential part of religion, 862-866. Jewish rite forbidden in Switzerland. 867-869. Not customary to call in Christian butcher, 872-873. Shechita method not cruel, 874-889, 906. Admiralty Committee’s report, 875-880. Jewish rite permitted in England, 878. Approves of central slaughterhouse, 891-893. Knife used, 887, 894-895, 914-915. Method of “casting,” 883-886, 889-890. Anæsthetics, 905. Kosher, 909-911. Mohammedan method, 912-913 Mr. J. C. Landy—Manager, Irish Co-operative Meat. Limited.—Prefers sledge to mechanical killer, 515-524, 561-564, 588-597. Method of slaughtering sheep, 520, 599-606, 647-648. Pigs, 521, 575-583. “Fatigue,” 525. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 526-531, 608-612, 657-662. Question of two-mile limit, 522-536, 623-646. Jewish method, 537-541. 626-634. Young persons, 542-547, 584-587, 663-665. Control of mechanical killer. 547-550. Licensing, 551-553, 613-616, 624, 666-667, 677-680. Inspection of slaughterhouses. 554-560, 618-625. Use of cane, 571-574. Electrical method, 598. Feeding of cattle before slaughter, 635-641, 673-676. Mechanical killer, 670. Mr. Alexander McLean, M.R.C.V.S., D.V.H.—City Veterinarian, Belfast.— Head of the Veterinary Department of Belfast Corporation, 1069. General statement, 1071. Institution of proceedings, 1072-1075. Procedure on issue of licences, 1076-1085, 1113-1118. Use of captive bolt: In general, 1086, 1091-1104, 1126, 1127. In case of sheep, 1087-1090, 1107-1112. In case of pigs, 1122-1125. Jewish method of slaughter, 1105, 1106, 1145, 1167. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 1119-1120. Inspection of slaughterhouses, 1123, 1135-1138. “Fatigue,” 1139. Electrical method, 1147-1157. Slaughter in presence of other animals, 1161, 1162. Mr. H. O’Leary, M.R.C.V.S.—Agrees with Bill, 260. Feeding of animals before slaughter, 260. Young persons, 261-268. Bill should be operated by local authority and police, 268-270, 283-290. Captive bolt stunner, 270-271. Slaughter of animals in presence of others, 272, 307, 312. Pole axe, 276-280. Method of slaughtering sheep, 279-282, 291-320. |
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