Committee Reports::Report - National Health Insurance Bill, 1933::22 June, 1933::Report


Tá an Rogha-Choiste tar éis dul tríd an mBille agus tá an Bille, mar do leasuíodh é, á chur thar n-ais chun an tSeanaid.

Isé barúil an Choiste de bharr an bhreithnithe atá déanta acu ná go bhfuil sé riachtanach an Bille um Arachas Sláinte Náisiúnta, 1933 do rith chun go bhféadfaí leanúint de scéim árachais sláinte náisiúnta gan ceataighe mhór i gcúrsaí airgeadais do thárlachtaint.

Do dheallródh sé gurb é is bun leis na príomh-lochtaí atá, do réir na fianaise tugadh, sa chórus atá ann fé láthair ná a dheacra atá sé cúrsaí liaigh-dheimhniúcháin do rialú agus fós gan an dlí atá ann fé láthair do bheith á chóilíonadh. Is deallrathach go bhféadfar, de bharr forálacha an Bhille um Arachas Sláinte Náisiúnta, 1933, feabhsú do dhéanamh maidir leis an dá locht san.

Tá an Rogha-Choiste tar éis na leasú so leanas do chur isteach sa Bhille:—

(1) Alt 22, fo-alt (7). Na focail seo leanas do chur i ndeireadh an fho-ailt:—

“and any amount so repayable may be paid in instalments extending over such period as the Minister may consider reasonable.”

(2) Alt 22. Fo-alt nua do chur i ndeireadh an ailt mar leanas:—

“(10) Where a part-time employee of an approved society at the date of transfer is not offered employment by the Unified Society, and is not entitled to compensation under the foregoing provisions of this section, then, provided that he was so employed by such approved society on the 30th day of June, 1932, he shall be entitled to receive a gratuity from the Unified Society on the basis of one month’s remuneration, excluding expenses, for each completed year of service, calculated on his average monthly remuneration for the year 1932.”


Cathaoirleach an Choiste.

22° Meitheamh, 1933.