OIREACHTAS.TUARASGABHAIL ON gCO-CHOISTE AR BHILLE CUIDEACHTAN ROILIGE GENERALTA BHAILE ATHA CLIATH, 1933.REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE DUBLIN GENERAL CEMETERY COMPANY’S BILL, 1933.1. The Joint Committee was constituted as follows :— Deputy Hogan (Leas-Cheann Comhairle), Chairman ; Deputies Alton, McGuire and Smith ; Senators Miss Browne, Foran and Colonel Moore. 2. The Joint Committee considered the Bill on Thursday, 8th June, 1933. 3. The Joint Committee report that they have examined the Preamble of the Bill and that the allegations therein contained have been proved to their satisfaction, and that they have gone through the Bill and have made amendments thereunto. 4. In considering the Bill the Joint Committee had before them a report on the Bill from the Department of Local Government and Public Health. The manner in which the recommendations of the said Department have been dealt with is shown in the Appendix. (Sighnithe) PATRICK HOGAN. Cathaoirleach an Chó-Choiste. 8adh Meitheamh, 1933. FO-SCRIBHINN.APPENDIX.Setting forth the manner in which the Recommendations contained in the Report of the Department of Local Government and Public Health have been dealt with.