Committee Reports::Report and Proceedings - Sea Fisheries Bill, 1930::02 January, 1931::Proceedings of the Joint Committee



Dé hAoine, 2° Eanair, 1931.

Friday, 2nd January, 1931.

1. Do cruinnigh an Coiste ar 4 p.m.

2. I láthair: Somhairle Brún (i gCeannas); Séamus Dubhdal, Tomás O Fuaráin, Tomás Mac Eoin, Seosamh O Dochartaigh, Mícheál O hAnnluain agus Labhras O Néill.

Do bhí an t-Aire Tailte agus Iascaigh i láthair leis.

3. Do chrom an Coiste ar an mBille do bhreithniú.

(i) Alt 1 aontuithe.

(ii) Alt 2.

Leasú tairgthe (Tomás Mac Eoin):

Sub-section (1). To delete paragraph (c) and to substitute therefor the following words:—

“The Minister may also grant to the Society by way of lease for any period not exceeding ninety-nine years any land situate in Saorstát Eireann which is for the time being vested in the Minister by statute, deed, contract or otherwise.”

Leasú tairgthe siar.

Alt 2 aontuithe.

(iii) Alt 3.

Leasú tairgthe (Tomás Mac Eoin):

To delete the section.

Ceist curtha, agus aontuithe.

(iv) Alt 4 aontuithe.

(v) Alt 5.

Leasú tairgthe (Tomás Mac Eoin):

Sub-section (1). To delete all from the word “and” in line 57 to the end of the sub-section.

Leasú tairgthe siar.

Leasú tairgthe (Tomás Mac Eoin):

Sub-section (2). After the word “fish” in line 10 to insert the words “in Saorstát Eireann.”

Leasú tairgthe siar.

Alt 5 aontuithe.

(vi) Alt 6 go halt 19, go huile, aontuithe.

(vii) Teideal aontuithe.

Bille, mar do leasuíodh, le tuairisciú.

4. Do chuir an Coiste deire le n-a ghnó ar 5.35 p.m.