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IMEACHTA AN CHO-CHOISTE.PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE.Dé Céadaoin, 11adh Baultaine, 1927.Wednesday, 11th May, 1927.1. Do tháinig an Có-Choiste le chéile ar 11 a.m. 2. Bhí na baill seo leanas i láthair:—Somhairle de Brún, Seanadóir, i gCeannas; Tomás Mac Eoin, Mícheál O Tighearnaigh agus Donnchadh O Guaire, Teachtaí; Tomás Beinéid agus Tomás O Fearáin, Seanadóiri. 3. Do thuairiscigh an Cathaoirleach go rabhthas tar éis na Ráitisí dá dtagartar i Rún an Chó-Choiste den 15adh Mí na Nodlag, 1926, d’fháil anois. 4. Do léigheadh Dreacht-Tuarasgabháil, a chuir an Cathaoirleach os cóir an Chó-Choiste, mar an gcéad uair mar leanas:— The Joint Committee appointed “to inquire and report whether the incapacity to be elected to, or to sit as a member of, either House of the Oireachtas imposed as regards certain classes of persons by Sections 51 and 57 of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) should be extended to include any other class or classes of persons, and, if so, to what class or classes should the incapacity extend” report that they have made progress in the matters referred to them; that they have received from the Department of External Affairs statements of the statutory provisions as to incapacity to be elected to or to sit as a member of Parliament of the several nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations, of the United States of America, and of the following European countries:—France, Norway, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia; that they have not taken oral evidence pending the completion of an analysis of the statements referred to; and that it will not be in their power to make a full report in the present session of the Oireachtas. Do thairg Tomás Mac Eoin:— “That the Chairman’s Draft Report be read a second time.” Ceist curtha agus aontuithe. Orduithe, Ar Tuarasgabháil do thíolaca don dá Thigh. 5. Do críochnuíodh obair an Chó-Choiste ar 11.45 a.m. |
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