Committee Reports::Interim Report and Final Report - Home Grown Tobacco Duties::23 March, 1926::Report


The Special Committee appointed to consider whether it is desirable to grant any further remission of Excise Duty to growers of tobacco in the Saorstát, having regard, among other things, to the relative importance of the industry, the amount and nature of employment given by it, any probable development in the demand for tobacco grown and manufactured in the Saorstát, and the effect upon the Revenue of any alteration of the existing Duty, have agreed to the following Interim Report:—

The Special Committee have made progress in the consideration of the matters referred to them, but as it will not be within their power to report by the 23rd March as Ordered, they request the Dáil to extend the time for reporting back to Friday, 26th March.



Chairman of the Committee.

23rd March, 1926.